The process included brainstorming, outlining, writing, reviewing, re-writing, and just putting it all together. Screenshots, throw in some music and wa-lah. My benchmark.
Using a variety of words was probably my strong point. I took things from the beginning of the school and added them to this benchmark.
Maybe, adding a voiceover would have done me some good.
I learned more about the tenses because I had to apply them to real life.
1. My project is a short book with a sentence at the bottom that relates to me, and a picture dealing with the sentence.
2. I completed the project by writing up and printing up each sentence and pasting them into the book, and then finding a picture dealing with the sentence(s).
Something I did well, is writing the sentences, so that they make sense.
If I could do it again, I would give myself more time because I felt that I rushed it a little bit.
I learned how to use each type of conjugation all at one time.
For my benchmark I made a imovie, which i use many pictures & i did a voice over & music.
What did you learn from doing this project? (skills, life lessons, words etc)? I learn that in spanish you need to choose certain words so your grammar doesn't seem funny.
How do you feel about your final product? I feel like i could have improve.
If you could do your project all over again, what would you do differently/the same? If I were able to do it again I would have manage my time.
Did you enjoy this project? Why or why not? Yes, because it was fun looking back when i was little.
I feel as though I worked hard on this project, making the pictures and putting it all together. The process was good and I had all the check points done on time.
If I was to do this again I would change the format and add more baby pictures and ones from today. Also, I would Add more description in the whole thing.
The project was very diverse you had the option to make a children's story either that you created or one that was based on questions about your past and future at first i tried the one based on my life but i found out that that was harder and it bored me so i took a differnt approach and made up a story that my lilttle cousin liked and this is what i came up with the hard part about the project was managing my time
For my project I made an imovie. In this imovie i included pictures of my in the past, present and hopes for future. These pictures go to music and also have some voiceovers to keep the flow going.
2. Reflection:
What was the process of completing your project? For this project I did the web maps and then got all the pictures together. I added in all the words on the slides with music and then voiced over select parts.
What did you do especially well? I think what I wrote was really good and I think my spanish speaking was good to! I feel very improved over the year.
What would you change if you could do it again? I wouldn't do a movie, I think I would make a book or something different.
What did you learn by doing this project? I got really good at writing in spanish and making paragraphs.
Negative space is the space around and between the subject of a image.
I found it by looking at the things that were only the orange paper in the background to help me in my stool drawing. For my cutout, I had some trouble because I wasn't sure what I wanted to be my negative and what I wanted to be my positive. But I later found it by cutting out the background of the owl. Seeing things in negative space helps artist because then it can help with seeing shapes better in different types of art styles. And different shapes in art.
Seeing in negative space does enhance drawings because then not only are you focused on the object in the picture, but the space around it as well can help you on the basic outline shapes. Even so, it's very hard to master that type of art style because your so used to the object instead of the space.
2.) I like the fact that my project is about me. To complement this, I love telling stories about the experiences that I have encountered throughout my lifetime.
3.) If I were to redo the project, I would have spent more time working on it. This would have resulted in me feeling more comfortable about it during the last few days.
Completing the project wasn't extremely hard. The really hard past was kind of planning things out and figuring out what I want to do for the project. I think that I put my movie together pretty well. Like choosing the right videos and pictures. If I could do this project over again, I would probably practice my vocabulary more often so that way I would be able to talk on my voiceover better. Also I would have gotten clips of more things. By doing this project I learned how to apply future,present, and past tense and how to relate it to my life.
I chose to do a biographical children's book, which sort've tells the story of my life up to now and into the future.
*My project required me to depend heavily on the charts we made, and then subsequently look relentlessly for illustrations that will match the story perfect. Then, I placed or altered the text to the illustrations.
*One thing I like about this project are the illustrations. I'm think they all look great and really help with the story.
*One thing I would change is extending the story, or making a fictional story, opposed to simply telling the story of my life.
*One thing I learned in doing this project is how to try to create an interesting story.
For our last quarter we were suppose to create a piece of art work out of things you find and can use for different things. Things like duct tape, newspaper, etc. but I decided to use plastic bottles, bottle caps and cardboard. The thing that I created was a stool, because it was different. This stool isn't for sitting but just for show the legs are made out of plastic bottles and the seat is made out of cardboard and bottle caps. I did this because in all honesty I didn't know what to do but then I was sitting on a stool and a friend suggested I make it so I became in agreement with her and did it. I came with the idea of bottles because I didn't think it was common for people to use them but common for people to use. And I didn't want to throw the caps away so I just decided to use them. And then we were to draw a picture of a bike 3 different ways. A regular pencil drawing, a shadow drawing, and a no space drawing. This was a very difficult task because I don't think I am a good artist so I doubt my self a lot but I think my pictures came out better then expected. I drew the regular one first and then shaded the darker parts and the light dark parts. After that I drew all over it and made it seem as though the bike was the only thing showing. I feel like this was one of my best quarters this year because I feel as though I really accomplished what I needed to and got that I shouldn't try and look for the perfection the flaws that I improved on over the year.
Los huevos grande. Pero los huevos no tiene vida interior,
tiene muerte.
Recuerdo los explosiones, el chillado del bombas.
Hombres no son para volar, y madres no deben sobrevivir sus
Pero Yo recuerdo.
Poema #2:
Hola Papa. Tengo Miedo.
Anoche los aviones llegaron.
Hay un sirena, y mucho gritar. Y luego, los explosiones. Despues
de los explosions, no escuché mucho gritar. No escuché nada. Pero poco y poco,
los sonidos volven.
Adios Papa, te quiero.
Poema #3:
Hoy dia los escuelas cerrada. Soy muy emocionado porque
quiero jugar fútball con mis amigos, pero mama hizo en casa por pasa tiempo con
la familia. Estoy triste, quiero jugar fútball. Mama dice hay Guerra en el
norte. Quiero ver los soldados y los armas, pero mama no quiero me vi la
Poema #4:
Hola mi amor.
Espero que tu y los niños estan bien.
Estoy vivo, pero no bien. No estoy mal porque soy vivo, pero
no es un vive bueno.
Mi rifle se ha convertido un parte de mi vida como mi vieja
Oigo el otro soldados lucha. Ellos lucha por cosas
differentes. Por libre, por sus familias, por sus vidas. No se que yo lucha
por, pero no parada hasta el Guerra se terminado.
Adios mi amor
Poema #5:
Estoy escribiendo por dice que sentia bien.
Estoy en el fuerza aérea.
Volo con cuatro otros personas en un bombardero.
Hoy nosotros bombardeado un ciudad principale.
Exito sentia bien, pero sentia mala a el tiempo mismo.
Yo mato muchos personas, y no se nada de ellos.
No tiene un razon por matar ellos.
Ellos no ataca me. Son solo personas en el lugar mal a un
tiempo mal.
Sentia horrible
Mama, quiero estar en casa.
Poema #6:
Hoy dia vi muchos aviones con mi luz de búsqueada.
Los rayos fervorosamente perisiguiendo los aviones
El metal brilliante con el sol durante los noches mas oscuro
Solo se eclipso de los parpadea de los armas de antiaérea
En un instantanea, el avion caída del cielo, y los luz de
búsqueada elegir un nuevo avion
Poema #7:
Proteger los personas de este cidudad.
En un tiempo muy mal los peronsas vi a tu por orientacion
Por ayuda, por todo.
Misericidioso Dios, por favor repuesto el ciudad de
Me han guiado el ciudad en sus manos, ahora por favor
guardar nosotros.
This final product is a simulation of the road of my life. In the process of constructing this project i came across many things i enjoyed doing. i believe this was a well constructed project that opens up the varieties of ideas we can do. i enjoyed creating the characters and going over the key points of my life. in opposition of things being fun i cam e across many difficulties. the project was time consuming according to the format of which i chose. the characters took a while to create but the product was successful. if i were to redo the product i would put actual pictures of myself in the project instead of using characters.
For my quarter number four benchmark I did a keynote and converted it to a quicktime movie. My project was about me and what was like in the past and present day. My project also has my plan for the next 15 years.
I wrote a poem for this quarters spanish benchmark describing my life goals and past experiences. I had difficulties trying to use my basic knowledge of poetry and incorporating my spanish knowledge as well I had to really utilize my resources around me. I enjoyed this project I got to remember the good parts about my life that has happened and what to look forward to in the future.
Below is the poem I submitted on paper for my final Spanish two Benchmark!
padres contaron un cuento de la lluvia u8de la noche en que nacî,
05 de septiembre fue la segunda vez que ocurrio un tsunami le tocó el útero en
nací con ángeles,
quiero devolver el favor a los cielos
maestro de educación especial en mi descripción genética, la bendición de tener
un corazón suficientemente grande para los componentes para ayudar a la gente.
Quiero ir a la
universidad después de la secundaria para
ampliar mi propósito
quiero tres ninos
dia yo me despierto abriendo mis ojos a la realidad
For my Q4 Benchmark I made a story book. I think that this really reflected me in a lot of ways. Number 1, its about me. Number 2, I think that the story book reflected me in the way it was set up. It's really colorful, and pictorial. I think that it's interesting because I wrote it in 3rd person, and then at the end, you find out that it's me, even though its BY me. What was bad was the fact that there are no REAL pictures... and its sad... :( What I would change would be the fact that I would add real pictures of me. (My mommy has all the pictures ]:)
For my benchmark, i decided to create a wiki space. The process in completing this process went smoothly. I created the three parts and then creating the wiki was pretty easy. I didn't have any pictures of my past, that went with what i was talking about, so I just got the pictures off of google. I think my ability to answer the essental questions was what i did best. If i could do this again, i'd like to try doing it on paper. Maybe i'd be able to use my creative artistic side. Something that i learned by doing this project is that i really change my mind a lot. I don't know what i want in life, but i am sure it will come to me soon enough.
This is the story of a boy who desires to be a fancy dancer. His father, a righteous protector of the law, wants the child to grow up the same way. The boy runs away and involves himself with a very charismatic drug lord with the power of hypnotism, who promises to let him be a fancy dancer. Along the way, he develops a relationship with a box of drugs.
A Watered Down Tomorrow was originally meant to be a parody of film noir. This, along the way, was discarded in favor of still making the movie look like an old film, but it stopped trying to have any sort of roots in film noir or any other sort of cinematic style. The film does not utilize the camera angles, lighting, and many of the themes that made film noir what it was, but it is still a story of crime, drugs, a hard-boiled detective, and fancy dancing.
For my project, I created an iMovie with a slideshow of images. There are slides that include words and relate to my photos.
In the process of this benchmark, I enjoyed looking through all the pictures in the past and it was very fun. It brought back a lot of memories one wouldn't really remember at random moments. Some struggles I went through were scanning the pictures. My scanner wasn't connected to my laptop, so I couldn't really use it. What I had to use was a camera. I attempted using Photo Booth, but that was a fail. So, I resorted to using my camera on my phone - which would explain some of the horrible quality. Next time, if I were to re-do this project, I would find a working scanner and use that for better pictures.
My project is a comic that includes a page about my past, a page about me currently and a page about my future. Originally, it was meant to be done in comic life since it is a program I enjoy using and had ideas for but due to the breaking of my laptop, I ended up drawing it by hand. My project incorporates past, present and future tense verbs as well as some of the vocabulary we have learned in Spanish 2 this year. I'm very glad I ended up drawing my comic as it gave me room to be a lot more creative. However, if I had to do it again, I would spend more time on the Spanish portion of the project as well as learn how to draw.
For my project i made a keynote of what i was like when i was younger to how i am now and up till the future. I made the keynote as if i were going to present it. This is a simple kind of format. I hope you enjoy.
For my project if i were to change anything it would have to be the way that i did it. I would use a different program or make a story or something like that. During the project i struggled the most with getting pictures for my project.With my project the best part of it i think is the way that i set it up.
I made a poem that represents me as a person and what im going to be when I grow up! I think what I could have done differently is that it doesn't really sound like a poem when translated into english. I think what I did well was I met All the requirements.
what is your project? my project is a book. what do you like about it? i got to do my own thing on it and do what ever i wanted to do with it. what would you do differently? nothing really because i really liked this project and everything thing about it.