Tyree's Play


- Young Liberian girl around 16 years old.
- Pirate Dirty around 45 years old.
- Pirate 1
- Pirate 2

Act 1, Scene 1


A child in Liberia can only live

[Black girl, long hair, hazel eyes, wealthy family]

look at at my family, and i am grate full. we live in a poverty
stricken land, and yet my parents have struggled to make a life for me
and my sisters. the few virtues we have such as an a nock off mp3
player a tv and a small amount of power each day, my parents surprised
me once, they wanted to take my sister and i on a boat trip, the sea
was cold and barren, the unsettling feeling of dark chill came over me.
they attacked the boat, sinister screams fulled the cabin space. they
broke into my room, and kicked the bed room door my sister and i were
sharing, they paused at me, when they saw me. they were pirates, their
faces dirty almost diseased looking, my father ran to us but their were
too many, i watched my father being beaten to death, and my mother
rapped while those bastards just watched and took turns, …......after
they were done they slit her throat …....and threw my mom.... and dad.
over board they turned to me and my sister and i. with a sinister look
on their face. (we can get a good price on the both of them, one man
said snarling). they were going to make us slaves, he referred to our
looks....we were going to be sex slaves. they grabbed us, licking and
screaming, we got down the then a whisper, a man fell. it was a gun the
pirates fought some men and died.


Act 1, Scene 2


[Dirty modern day pirate, light skinned, face blackened with dirt, dirty but untethered cloths.
2 person scene, little rich girl 16 years, ball Gounod(white) very dirty and torn, dirty and slightly bloody face.]

[same girl from 1st scene]

Braga family, i am Nadav, for
years you have oppressed my people, feeding off their need for
supplies. They work like dogs(spits on ground) children grow ill as
they cry and weep for their mothers warmth, as they lay down on the
floor alone with rats nibbling at their feet, while their mothers and
fathers bleed from the tips of their fingers making all you wealthy and
fat as you eat lean meat and share scraps...you,make clams of money and
freedom but at a cost imposable for them to see, we have seen your
“elegant” Lea oblivious to our pain prance about like a princess on the
backs of my people unknowingly leaching off of our
tournament......(eyes began to water) My son Leo, approached her once
stunned by her beauty....he wrote me once before telling he loved her
and they were going to run away together far from this place.....when
that day came she pretended like she had no idea who he was, one of
your Gard's beat him, my son was only 15, and he wheppted for her as
they were dragged apart.....he fought them....Six men of incredible
size threw him to the ground and beat him half to death. they told
stories how your men pounded his body into the ground, then whipped him
with barbed wire chains...two men held him at his knees then a third
took a shot gun to the back of his head....before the trigger was
pulled his sister ran to his aid, getting there just in time to see her
brother’s brains meet her face, they say you could hear the horror of
her shriek from ships out at sea....So now we are here, the power has
shifted...we what you have out-casted and called pirates now have your
precious jewel your untouched being...if you want her back to your arms
safe you will meet my demands. Otherwise we will send every piece of
her back to you in oil drumbs so you can see the that we will not
hesitate to kill anyone who cross our paths. you have one day to


Act 1, Scene 3

Poems of a Pirate

[Poem from a song, pause before each line and show emotion]

I see the children in the rain like the rain before the pain,
I see the love i see the hate i see this world that we can make,
I see the life i see the sky give it all to see you fly,
Yes we wave this flag of hatred but your the ones who made it,
Watch the beauty of all our lives passing right before my eyes,
I hear the hate in all your words..all your words to make us hate,
We get sick o so sick we never wanted all this,
Medication for the kids with no reason to live,
So we march to the drum as the damned as we come,
Watch it burn in the sun we are numb.

Act 1, Scene 4

Poems of a Pirate

[Poem from a song, pause before each line and show emotion]

As we walk among these shadows in these streets these fields of battle,
taken up we wear the medal raise your hands with burning candles,
hear us whisper in the dark in the rain u see the spark,
feel the beatings of our hearts, Fielding hope as we depart,
all together walk alone against all we have ever known,
All we ever really wanted was a place to call our home,
you take all we are, the innocence of our hearts,
made to kneel before the alter as you tear us apart,
So we march to the drum as the damned as we come,
watch it burn in the sun we are young.

Act 1, Scene 5

freezing in here, where the fuck are they taking me? it so damp in here
i can see black mold growing between the floor boards. It smells so bad
i want to puke(makes the stink/throw up face) if i do it will just sit
in here with me, making me sicker. i have no shoes to bare the weight
of this cold, the black mold between my toes feels disgusting. I cant
take this!.....(breath of relief) My sister, i hope she is ok.


The Rising By: Keiasha Lumpkins

Marcela: Main character, who lives in Rio De Janeiro and wants to be a singer in America
Maria: Marcela’s mother
Matheus: Marcela’s anoying little brother
Apartment man: Neighbor in the families new apartment
Lena: Maria’s friend

(Background): A young girl name Marcela. She is lives in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, with her mother Maria-Antonia, her little sister, Margareth, and her little brother, Matheus, who is named after their father. She lived in Rio De Janeiro all her life. She is of Brazilian and African-American Decent. She considered Afro- Brazilian. Living in Rio De Janeiro and not having a lot, her mother struggles to make a better life for her three children. It is really Dangerous in Rio De Janeiro. Many shootings and drug trades happened especially where Marcela lives. She live in the Favelas (Slums) Marcela has a gift. She has a wonderful voice, but her mother doesn’t approve of her wanting to be a singer. Marcela belives if she gets to be a singer, her mother and her siblings will have a better life. They move to America, where Marcela tries out for this Competition called “Got What it takes?” But before they get there, they have to get throught living in Rio De Jeneiro. She ends up winning the Contest, and her family lives changed for the better.

Act 1: Scene 1

As I heard yelling from my cracked opened door, I peeked out of it and seen her, the silence in our room, only thing i could hear is her asking for a “few more days”. I was only 6,  and I knew something wasn’t right. Only time when she asked for “a few more days” is the man came with his clipboard, his black pen, and his pliers. Will he really do it this time? That thought always came through my head when he came. I always was afraid of it happening every time. As I heard her plead, and scream and yell “please I have three kids, they can’t sleep with out light, we won’t be able to see anything. Please for my kids!” I could hear how she felt in her voice. Her tears falling down her face, with my tears following right after. The only thing he could say was, “I’m only doing my job.” I heard that about a million times. I knew my little brother and sister wanted to see what was going on. The three of us looked out the door, aware that something was wrong. The only thing we can do is sit there and watch him walking towards the door, she constantly held on to him and tried to take his pliers out his hand. I knew that this time, was for real. He was going to do it. He walked out the door as my mom yells through it. “Please!................Please!.” I can see her crying, on her knees praying to God, as my little brother and sister, and I watched her in the darkness of the room. That was 2 years ago.

Act 1: Scene 2

Its so early in the morning. I hate getting up and cleaning the house.(Marcela puts on her one pair of shoes) But I do this for mama, she gets up so early for work, she really doesn’t have time to clean, or cook anything, So i make sure mama work is done, But let me go make sure she is ok. I know that she is really tired. I’m glad that they gave her a day off because she has been working non stop. I am surprise she got a day off today. This waking up 3 hours earlier than I usually do for school is too much. Why do my school have to be 1 hour away from my house? And on top of that I have to walk there! Well its safer than catching a cab, train, or bus. I wouldn’t want to get car jacked, blown up on the train, or a stick up on the bus by some dumb idiot. Let me go cook for my little Margereth and Matheus. I am sure my mama is going to want something on her stomach, haven’t seen her eat that much lately either. (After Marcela clothes is on, and book bag is set, she walks in the kitchen and makes some oatmeal, that usually last the whole day) Finally done. Well I am going to go check on Margereth, and Matheus, and Mama, just to make sure they are sound asleep. (Peaks through three rooms) Time for me to leave. Let me hurry so no one will see me walking outside, and try to attack me like they almost tried last week. (She exits while throwing her book bag over her shoulders).

Act 1: Scene 3

(Marcela mother, Maria, is at work, and is talking to her friend (Lena) that works at her Job with her. She works at a factory making and sewing clothes. They are on their 6 minute lunch break and her mother is talking to Lena about what she should do about her living style because she can’t keep on living like this).

(Maria and Lena talk and walk while walking to the table to eat their lunch) Ah Lena i don’t know what to do anymore. (pulls out her bowl of oatmeal the same one that Marcela made that morning). Don’t tell Marcela this, but everyday I look at her face, and I see how she feels. I know she wants to cry inside, but she has to stay strong for Mathues, and Margereth. I don’t want none of my children growing up, and then having kids, and living in the same condition as we are living now. I hate seeing my little girl with her head down, looking like this is her fault. I know she feels like that. I hate seeing all my children like that. I remember when I told their dad that i was pregnant with Margereth. I shouldn’t have told him that, or atleast I should have pretended like I didn’t know I was pregnant. Don’t get me wrong I love my ilttle “menina”. Her curious but is always getting into something. But i knew there dad,  He just couldn’t keep having kids. He said it was too much to take care of three kids. He had a plan for Mathues and Marcela and I. But when Margereth came along he said that he just couldn’t keep putting what he wanted to do on hold everytime a “New Trouble” comes along. Then he left right after she was born. (She takes a scoop of oatmeal and looks at it) You know, Marcela made this oatmeal. She makes it every morning for Matheus, and Margereth. Well at least I think she does. I know she has to get up about 3 hours early every morning. She is a little “mim”. (Starts to tear up) I can’t let her be that though. I want her to be a better me. I know that Marcela has a gift, I just hope that it is a gift that is worth it and wont give her no down falls. “Deus me ajude” (Lena pats Maria back and tells her encouraging words) I have to stay strong for my “criancas”. Where we are living, is not a good place for them. What will I for school when the younger two can go to school, what will I do when Marcela wants to go to “college”. I don’t know, but what ever the answer is, i pray to Dues that it will come fast. (Bell Rings for lunch time over).

Act 1: Scene 4

(Marcela is at school, and she is sitting in class. They had to write about themselves and what they wanted to do in their life, but forgets all about it because she had to cook for her little brother and sister. Her teacher tells her to stands up and do it earlier. Marcela goes to one of the good schools, in the richer, and better places in Rio De Jeneiro.  She doesn’t have alot of things like the other kids, she tends to get picked on. In this scene you will see Marcela talking about what she wants to do, and see how the kids react to it).

(Kids walk in the class room and sits down with there written papers on there desk)
I do not have my paper. (stands up with her head down) I don’t have my paper. (Kids laugh) I forgot all about it. I had alot of other things to do. (Teacher tells Marcela to do her recite it orally). Hi, my name is Marcela Scott. My last name comes from my dad who is black. He is from America. He left my mother and my little siblings after my sister was born. My mother works at a factory, and I have a little brother and sister, Margareth and Matheus. I live on the other side of Rio De Jeneiro. I walk to school everyday. I share a room with my little brother and sister. Our home is really small. My mother never has time to cook, clean, or even get us dress so I do all of those things. I get up early every morning. About 3 hours than I usually do (the kids and teacher yawns). When I get older, I want to be a famous singer (the kids and teacher chuckle) a-and see all the wonderful things the world has. I want people to sing my songs. I have so many American magazines, books, and on the radio I here them sing. When I was little before my dad left us, he said that he wants to go back to America. He told me that America has a place called “Hollywood”. (she moves away from her desk and walks to the front) Some where, people go to get there dreams crushed or made. Soon I want to go to “Hollywood”. It sounds so wonderful. I am sure it is paradise. America, America, come take me with you. I want make myself proud, especially my mama. Sometimes i don’t think that she wants me to be a singer. I heard her one day saying that “these “singers” go to the top and they just fall like that” but i am not going to fall at all. I am going to the top. I will get to America soon. (Pauses and look around) Thats is my life, and what I want to do when I get older. (Goes to her seat, and the kids laugh and make smart comments). I’m so glad today is friday.

Act 1: Scene 5

Marcele little sister ask Marcele to do her hair, and comb it. They are sitting in their room and Margareth is talking to Marcela.

(Margareth walks in the room and ask Marcela to comb her hair like she always do) Cela can you comb my hair please? (Marcela looks at her) Please Cela? Yay! Cela I like when you comb my hair. Its like when I was a baby I remember you would rub my hair when I was little and would hum some song. Can you hum that song Cela? (Marcela starts to hum a song). Yea that song. That song made me fall asleep all the time. OUCH! Cela that hurt. (Margereth rubs her head) Marcela when I get older I want to live in America. I heard you reading something about America. It was like a wonderland. When I live in America I want to sing and hum like you Cela. (Margereth starts to yawn) Then I could meet ummm Barney. I seen him on t... (Margereth falls alseep and Marcela takes her to bed)

Marcela just came home after a horrible day at school. She always being talked about from the kids at the school. Especially Lina, who is one of the prettiest, meanest girls in the school. She always talks about Marcela.

(Marcela runs in her room on the bed, crying) “ Why do they tease me? They have no idea what the hell I go through, or come from. Why me? Its not fair. I’m not the same as all the other kids. They all have everything. There hair is done a certain way, all their shoes are different everyday! (she sniffs and wipes her eyes) Then there’s me. The girl who hair has the same style, the same shoes, and the same backpack. All them kids got to be rich or something. But why they have all the riches, and things they want. They aren’t nice at all. And Lina. She is so beautiful, she has to be rich, or have a lot of money. I have no room to compete with that. She was right, I am nothing but a girl who has nothing but a pretty face. (She kicks off her shoes)

Act 1: Sence 6

Matheus run in the kitchen from Marcela. He broke her necklace. He wasn’t suppose to be in he room. He runs into the kitchen from her room and falls on all these papers.

Leave my alone Cela! Mami! Mami! Cela tryna hit me! (Matheus falls into papers) What are these? Words? I seen these shapes before. I think they are called music notes. (Matheus starts to hum the words) I like this song. It sounds like I heard it before. Where have I heard this?

Act 1: Scene 7

Marcela is walking down in the market area of the Rio De Jeniro. She is humming the same song. This time she is humming it a little louder. She sees these shoes that she always wanted. She know that she can’t afford them but admires them from out the glass.

Those shoes. I wish I could have them. (She pushes her face toward the glass) If only I could get them shoes. No one would tease me and people would think that I am rich. Especially when I go to school the kids will not tease me or nothing. If people just knew how my life was, they would understand and leave me alone. (she moves away from the glass window and looks at her shoes) When I go to America I am going to have them shoes because I am going to be a singer, and everyone will know me in America and here in Rio De Janeiro. This dangerous place where people are always going to get hurt. Nothing good comes out of this place but guns a violence. I at least want to be someone that comes from this bad place where people from here cab be proud and love where they come from. (starts to hum and walk down the street) My mom never wants me to sing. I know that she doesn’t but I believe that it will pay off. She seen all those singers that made it on TV and everyone loves them. She must think people wont like me. Everyone isn’t going to like you but you have to accept that. I think I am going to tell her that that’s what I want to do. (walks off , eventually off the stage)

Act 1: Scene 8

Marcela mom Job is moving from her home. She works at a factory that makes chips. She really likes to desing clothes. In Rio De Jinero, she made alot of her old friends, and family clothes. She doesn’t know what to do now. She is praying to God now after she got home from work.

Ohkay God, what did I do. Sometimes i do not know what to do. It gets harder and harder.  I do not no what to do. I have no work, no money, and maybe no home. My kids need some clothes, food, and shoes. I do the right thing, yes I do God. I know how hard this is for me, but what about Marecela, she is 15, and seen more tears then anyone. And my younger kids, my two babies, I do not want them to keep growing up and seeing this. I think the best thing to do is to move kac to Rio De Janeiro God. It may not be the best, but anyone can get work down there God. Just show me the way, the right way, because to me, Rio De Jeneiro is the way. How can my job move to America? Whats good up there?....(she pauses for a minute sniffs, and looks up) Amen.

Act 1: Scene 9

Marcela is packing her stuff up because he mom Job is moving to America. She is sad but is happy at the same time because she always wanted to go to America. Now she can shine and sing.

(Light on Marcela as she starts humming the same song just a little louder for the whole scene for 45 seconds) Light goes dim

Act 1: Scene 10

Marcela is walking to her new building where she lives at in America and starts actually singing the song she always used to hum in Rio De Janerio. When a man hears her singing in the stair way.

(Marcela is walking up the steps and singing her song, and the man hears her) You have a beautiful voice Ms. You should try out for this talent show. You win 10,000 and get a chance to get on TV and perform in a bunch of crowds. Do you understand what I am saying? (Marcela nods her head and the man gives her this card) You must go to this place right here. They will give you a number and you have to wait until your turn. It is going to be broadcast all on Tv. Everyone is going to be watching in America. Please make sure your mom signs this paper. You have a beautiful voice and I think people will enjoy your singin. (The man leaves)

Act 1: Scene 11:

Marcela tells her mom about the singing contest but her mom will not approve.

No! You will not sing. What will singing get you? No where! I came hear to work and that is it! No one makes it as this “Singer” you are here to go to school get your education. If I hear of this singing situation again that will be it. You can not go to this thing. Now please help me with the bags. I have to do a lot and get up in the morning for work and you have to take your little brother and sisters to school. Go get washed and go to bed. Throw this paper in the trash. (Marcela waits for her mom to leave to sign the paper on her own)

Act 12: Scene 12

The next day Marcela mom finds the note that Marcela wrote to her in the morning about her going to the singing concert.

(Marcela mom looks at the note and reads it) Mami I am sorry. You have to know that this is what I want to do. Please don’t be mad. I am going to be a singer and everyone in America is going to love me. You must know that I want you to be here to see me. I wrote the Address on the bottom on this paper. They are going to help me become famous. I love you mom.

Act 13: Scene 13

(Marcela mom goes to the singing concert and watches Marcela sing. While Marcela wears the shoes she saw that she always wanted.)

Salvador Dali

“Every morning upon awakening, I experience a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dalí, and I ask myself, wonderstruck, what prodigious thing will he do today, this Salvador Dalí.”


-Salvador Dalí, 1953



            Nothing quite so well defines Salvador Dalí as himself. By that, I mean that Dalí always was and always indefinable. Salvador Dalí is world renowned for his fantastic, perplexing surrealist paintings and art. The image of Persistance of Memory is something that, though not by name, everyone can recognize. His style and key elements (watches, elephants, eggs, ants, etc.) are recognizable by his frighteningly realistic surrealism. His public image: the pointy, waxed mustache and large crinkly eyes are all too familiar. Andy Warhol cites Dalí as one of the great inspirations for Pop Art culture. His art work also stretched beyond his painting into film, costume and fashion, lithography, sculpture, and drawings, to name a few. In his 84 years of existence he seems to have spread to every corner of modernity and art culture possible. Based on the reputation and commendation of his artwork he seems like a god of canvas. However, throughout his life he was met and fought opposition as well as raised more than a fair share of concern and displeasure.

            Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí I Doménech was born 11 May 1904 and would leave to his eighties. His birthplace of Figueres, Catalonia, Spain was the home of not only his childhood but also his first public exhibition, museum and death. He was always supported by his mother, who passed away when he was sixteen from breast cancer, and encouraged by her to pursue art. He was sent to a drawing school in 1916. After three years, at the age of fifteen, he had his first public exhibition. But it was his mother’s death that most impacted his childhood. He was completely devastated.

            The next year he moved away to Madrid where he attended Academia de San Fernando. This was the place where the endlessly talented and egotistical Salvador Dalí would emerge. Even when he arrived he was already an object of attention because of his odd style of dressing as though he were from the 1800s and his friends Pepin Bello, Luis Buñuel, and Frederico Garcia Lorca. This would be the point to introduce the idea of Dalí’s sexuality. Though he had many women  as well as a steady wife, he was notorious for sexual advances on nearly anyone, to his ultimate denial. This is present in his college years where many people speculate that he and Lorca had a much more romantic relationship than simply platonic.

However, even those things were not the most important. It was his work that was most lucrative for his popularity. In his early years at Academia de San Fernando he experimented in Cubism and drew much attention from his peers and teachers. He covered a wide range of styles in the 1920’s. In his work you can often ::Desktop:images.jpegsee hints of his classical influence from Raphael, Vermeer, Velázquez, and others as well as his classic and avant-garde stlye. His talent was undeniable and even Dalí recognized that he was much more talented than many of his peers. But when it came time for final exams Dalí made a comment, the exacts of which are still disputed, that he was more qualified than any of the men whom would judge his work. This got him expelled. It was at this point in his life when Dalí would adapt his signature feature – the curly, handlebar mustache.

Dalí’s style was always original. But for the years after his time in Academia de San Fernando he became increasingly more eccentric in his attire. In 1936 he gave a lecture at the London International Surrealist Exhibition while wearing a deep-sea diving suit that needed to be unscrewed when he began gasping for breath. In 1934 he and his wife attended a Halloween party dressed as the Lindbergh baby and it’s kidnapper. Dalí was most comfortable in the spot light and was nearly as famous for his outrageous actions and feats and the way he pushed boundaries as he was for his artwork.

In an ultimate act of surrealism, Dalí partnered with his friend from college, Luis Buñuel, to create a seventeen minute film entitled Un Chien Andalou. The film is a strange picture which opens with a man taking a razor to a woman’s eyeball. He and Buñuel contributed on the script but Dalí claims that he did a large amount of shooting as well. It was around this time that Dalí met his, then married, future wife, Gala. She was a Russian immigrant who was ten years older than he was but she admired his work greatly, particularly after his hailed exhibitions and, what critics called, “paranoiac-critical method”.  Dalí often boasted of their affair since she was married to Paul Éluard when he met her. In his book The Secret Life of Salvador Dalí he details a romantic affair for years before their marriage and her ultimate split with Éluard in 1934.

Through the 1920s and 1930s Dalí produced what historians consider to be some of his best work. It was in 1931 that his most famous and iconic painting, Persistence of Memory, was completed. It is the easiest to use in description of his constant use of imagery. Common symbols that Dalí used were clocks which he linked with Einstien’s theory of relativity. He also used eggs to symbolize love and hope because of it’s connection with the female anatomy. Eggs appear in many of his works, namely The Great Masturbator and Enigma of Desire.  What is interesting about his symbolism, particularly with Persistence of Memory, is that it evidently changes as his social and political opinions change.  As a boom in quantum mechanics and scientific ideas came about in the late fifties, Dalí changed right along with it. His The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory is often analyzed as his ::Desktop:The_Persistence_of_Memory_Salvador_Dali.jpgchange from being focused on dreams and human thought and representation to a focus of science and theories. "In the Surrealist period, I wanted to create the iconography of the interior world and the world of the marvelous, of my father Freud. Today, the exterior world and that of physics has transcended the one of psychology. My father today is Dr. Heisenberg." The symbolism in much of his later work can also be connected to his growing interest in Christianity. Often times the two coincided and images like Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) were created from his devotion to Christ and his love of the hypercube.

::Desktop:dali_2.jpgAfter Dalí’s marriage to Gala he met an art dealer in New York who opened his first exhibition in America. He was an immediate hit. At the same time, Dalí’s largest patron in Europe was Edward James of London. He was a wealthy business man who took a shining to Dalí’s work and collaborated with him on the iconic surrealist object Lobster Telephone and Mae West Lips Sofa. During these few years in the early 1930’s Dalí’s once formidable presence in the Surrealist group was become shaky. It’s leading surrealist, André Brenton, felt that Dalí’s decision to remain ambiguous about his political views were causing him to support the “Hitlerian phenomenon”. Though he adamantly denied, he was put on trial and removed from the surrealist group. André Brenton for the years to come would criticize and hash Dalí, nicknaming him “Avida Dollars” (a phonetic spelling of the French avide á dollars meaning eager for dollars, conveniently also an anagram for Salvador Dalí). Many surrealist also felt that his work was become less about art itself and more about money and fame. There was also a tendency to talk about Salvador Dalí in the past tense, as though he had died. As the world rolled into the 40’s the harsh commentary from nationwide surrealist groups continued and didn’t stop until even after his death.

It was in 1938 that Salvador Dalí met Sigmund Freud whom he instantly idolized. He centred much of his work around human mentality and dream sequences so for him, meeting Freud was like meeting the Wizard of Oz. Another thing about symbolism – when Dalí walked into Freud’s house there was a snail on the front gate. In many paintings afterward snails can be found to represent the head, or the mind.

::Desktop:300px-Dali_Crucifixion_hypercube.jpgThe 1940’s marked a changing point for the whole world. When World War II went into full swing Dalí and Gala moved to the United States. There he began to shift his work into other medium. He created a few other movie projects, one of which was in collaboration with Roy E Disney on a film called Destino. He also began in 1941 a set of jewels. Many of them were complex, moving pieces that are laden with rubies, crystals, diamonds and the like. He also began working with some Americans on photography, the most famous project being his work with Phillippe Halsman, Dali Automicus.

It was also in the early forties that Dalí re-founded himself in Christianity.  He had been born and raised Christian but after he fled WWII in Europe his work took a turn for the religious. He, himself, also became devoutly religious and is said to have had an exorcism performed on himself in 1947. Ironically, he also became fascinated with science and math. His work between the forties and fifties all tends to incorporate some sort of mathematical notation or symbolism as well as religious imagery. The surrealists at this point began to say that his work was getting repetitive and pointless. Many historians also claim that after Dalí moved to America his quality decreased.  His actual work became commercial: things like logos, commercials, an autobiography, and a novel).

After WWII was most definitely over Dalí returned to Catalina where he lived until his death. Though his work became “repetitive” during this period it was no less icon or virtuously composed. Pieces like Christ of Saint John on the Cross show his unyielding talent. His Christian imagery was, however, almost completely limited to his paintings, which seemed to have declined in his later years because of his interest in alternative media. After the later forties the reputation of Dalí’s work seemed to have completely crumbled in historians mind. A main reason for this was that during the eighties and nineties a large number of forgeries were created. Another factor was that some people claim that Dalí’s guardians while he was on his deathbed forced him to sign blank canvases that would later be painted and sold as originals.

Before Dalí died he constructed the Dalí Theatre and Museum in Figueres, his hometown. It was there that he stayed when his health finally began to topple. There are speculations that he had been poisoned in a drug-laden cocktail in multiple doses by his wife Gala. By the age of only 76 he was showing symptoms of Parkinson’s and he was confined to his bed. He completed his final drawing for King Juan Carlos after he changed Dalí’s official title. That was in 1983, 6 years before he died on 23 January, 1989 in Figueres.

His lasting impression followed him beyond the grave. In 2002 there was a scandal where the owners of the right to Dalí’s name made Google remove a logo based on his works. In 2005 the Philadelphia Museum of Art had a Salvador Dalí exhibition which was so successful that it’s dates were extended for nearly a month and it was and currently is the museums highest grossing exhibition.

Regardless of the strange, self-aggrandizing, obscure nature that encompassed Salvador Dalí, his talent and craftsman ship is undeniable. His artwork lives in almost every continent and through every decade. He has been an icon and an inspiration to numerous art generations. His long-lasting legacy will be a presence and an irrefutably interesting story that will travel far into the future of art and art history.

Blood by the River: the love of my father

Written by Madeline Walls Characters Daneila: an ex soldier Alfonso Reyes: a commander of a rebel army Eduardo: father of Daniela Miguel: a Colombian child soldier Diego: a member of the Colombia army Maria: mother of Miguel Antonio: a future solider Anna: a eight year old lost because war and greed Love (Man standing over a young girl who is cooking a meal) Daneila Hola papa Como estas Eduardo: How am I! Look at you; you are nothing but an unloved puta. Not even your little brother loves you anymore. Why are you still here you should just leave before you cause any more damage. I thought I loved you once but I was blinded by my love for your mother. Your nothing like her, she would never be such a little spoiled bitch. That’s right that is what I think, hell what I know about you. You’re a bitch, a dumb angry bitch that needs to get out of this house now. You don’t know how to love that’s why your mother died. You’re nothing, to common to be considered worthy of living in my house. Your dead to me so get out. I am no longer your father and I will never love you. Daneila (Defeated) But papa I love you. What did I do wrong I’m so sorry. (Eduard slaps his daughter in the face) Eduardo You don’t love me. You cant love, you never have your heartless, worthless, just trash. I said to leave so you better go before my hand rises again and you wish you had died with your mother. (Daniela runs off scene ends) A chance (A young girl sits on the stage with torn cloths and dirt everywhere. her face wears adult struggles and it looks as the all the weight of the world are weighing down on her.) Daniela: Sir please can you spare just a little. Please sir I just want to eat tonight please... Oh hello sir please can you spare anything I really.... What you want me to come live with you but where... Look sir please don’t hurt me I don’t understand want you want from me. If it’s my body sir I can’t give it to you. I don’t you to hurt me... Yes sir I do love my country. I love it cause it is my home sir. But what does that have to do with this... You would give me food cloths and a bed. All I have to join your group... So I can show my love to my country and have a home. What will I have to do... I have to fight for the rebel army... I promised my mom that I never would. That would hurt her so much I just don’t know... You really think it would make her proud... Well okay I guess I’ll try it. Fear (A Colombian soldier stares his children captors in the eyes pleading for his life.) Diego: Please son look at me look I’m a person just like you. You can set me free you don’t have to listen to them. I can help you I can bring you all home to your mothers I can... You know I have a mother too who loves me we can all go home to our mothers together. Me, you, your friends here we can shot them and run. Run right back to our lives we don’t have to stay here anymore. You don’t have to shot me... What no please don’t point that at me please don’t do this? I’m sure your a very smart boy which means you know this is a bad idea that you should not be acting “click”... I just wanted to make my family proud I only joined this army to make my father proud. I don’t want to take away from you I don’t want to put you down I’m so sorry I’m so sorry please I... I'm a person, I'm a person no please don’t, don’t pull that trigger. Look at my eyes look at my eyes look at me please. Look at the light that shines inside of me. Do you really want to end that light? Do you really want to lose your soul “click”... You say your fighting for freedom and to make people have better lives. But look at 3the damage this has caused. All the families who now don’t have homes the young innocent boys like your self who are on the streets begging and then have to come and fight for What put them there? You being here is helping put more boys on the street and out of school. You could get out you know. You could go to school... Look around at the men your friends have killed I know you want money I'm sorry but why. I didn’t want to hurt people like you I was brought into this. Look I know we could all just go to our homes and be happy... What do you mean I didn’t kill your family I'm sorry that their dead but I didn’t kill them. I'm sure someone can take care of you just give me a chance to try. I'm just a pawn in this just like you. I'm just their pawn don't shot me don’t shot me... I don’t want to die please. Please. (He watches as the finger moves onto the trigger) God please forgive m... “Click” Grief: (There’s a fourteen year old boy center stage staring at a pair of shoes that he can't stop scrubbing while tears run down his face. a child soldier who just made his first kill. he is in torn clothing and has blood on his hands.) Miguel: I scrub! I scrub these blood stained shoes. The pain! The pain these hands of caused. I hope! I hope that tonight I have ended my last life. I wonder! What my mother would think. What would she say about her little boy, her baby, her Miguel? What would she think of all the awful things he has done, I have done I cry! I cry for my childhood the one that I lost hungry on the streets. My soul! My soul is it lost was it lost when I pulled that trigger, when the light left his eye. Blood! Will this blood ever leave these shoes, will the stains on my eyes that follow me everywhere one day free me. Do I want to fight is this my chose. I want to think that it is. I was told I was going to make my country proud. I was going to make my mother proud to call me her son but I don’t think anyone should ever be proud of me ever again after this I am such a horrible person. I killed him! I killed him! Lost! So lost could this all really be my 14th birthday. Here I sit, here I stay, Longing for the days I played. I’ve tried to scrub the blood away. When will every thing be okay? Chosen (A man standing in front of a crowd of children he looks proud and proper.) Alfonso Reyes: (A kind and proud voice) I’m so proud of all that we have accomplished in our fight, but we so far still to go. You all of you are the future of this army this united brotherhood against this sad excuse of a government. We will take them done and we will rise to power. When we gained our independence against Spain. I am not going to say this fight is not going to be hard I’m Saying you are strong. You make me proud, so proud that smart brave soldiers have joined this fight for a nation. This fight for power, for freedom as a people. (Voice gains anger and strength) I am proud so proud but I need to be prouder you just coming here is not enough this is your first day of training and you must work hard to prove your love for our country. (Voice rises in fury) I have people come into this fight and prove that they are nothing but weak cowards. Are you going to disappoint your self, your family, hell your whole fucking country. I am telling you that now you’re in and I’m glad that I got such a strong group, but I will not be disappoint again. The weak will be ended. Now go get your training started show me your strength. (Crowd starts to clear a few children straggle behind) (Voice lowers and becomes calmer) Hey you boy what’s your name. (Points to a young boy in a light blue t-shirt) Antonio (Suturing) Me I am Antonio sir (A boy stands in front of a tall man whose face is stern.) Alfonso Reyes: Yes you (Now a smile made is face inviting) Antonio! That’s a nice name it means your worthy of praise. I want you to prove that you deserve that praise. You want know something interesting son. You remind me of another boy that came through this camp. He was a little bit older then you, but that face lord knows you have his face. I have never told this to anyone before but that boy Miguel and his friend Danelia they were the best soldiers I had ever seen. Or so I thought because you see they both let me down more then you could ever understand. You see it was two years ago now since the last time they truly served me what had happened that day proved to tested the bonds and minds between all the members of my elite group. But god they were machines. See at first they were spies, our little humming birds. See because who would doubt an injured child who wouldn’t take them in and at least give them a drop of food. Or even less complicated then that. Who would stop a conversation because a child was around? Who even cares what they think who are they going to tell. Now that's the thing they’ll tell me. They were the best of the best raked in so much information that it shocked even me. Then we one day they captured a few prisoners and got as much information as we could. I ordered them to put them down. One by one the birdies put them down the gun looked natural in Danelia's hand she was at peace with it. Her trigger was pulled back with no thought at all and bam he was dead. She was the perfect soldier I had so much pride. But then Miguel when I looked at him I knew he wasn't as strong as I gave him credit for. He was shaking letting the man talk to him. He pulled the trigger it was sloppy. I chalked it up to his first kill but he changed and it was random to because it was days after. All he seemed to do was wine and wine. A disappointment he failed me. He failed. The others in the group the true soldiers started to get nervous so something had to Be done. Then they found him in the river. Problem solved. I thought I really thought those bastards could get back to the fight but with out the boy the girl was weak spineless brat and she ran. Two others went with her. We were never able to catch them I thought I had soldiers. I think I have a solider in you. Antonio I will not be disappointed again you understand. Never again. Stuck (An interview a teenage girl who was in the rebel army. they are sitting at a table there’s a woman recording what the girl says. she’s in jeans and a t-shirt) Daniela: (Talking with attitude. face pure business) Why, you ask me why we killed those people. You ask why we joined this army. Why did we leave our homes? You asked us why left our families… Ha what family are you talking about the one that's dead or the one who got rid of me. And a home didn't have that for years, I lived on the streets, I lived alone. I had no money for food so I begged and I begged and then one day begged him... (A sarcastic smirk which now matches her attitude.) What who did I beg? Well I think you know the answer to that, but you want me to answer you now, want me to say his name. Fine his name was Alfonso Reyes who was the commander of our group. He found me and made me an offer food shelter family and all I had to do was join him in the fight. Back then I didn’t know how much I would regret my decision. But my family was a missed placed family, my mom had died and my dad got remarried and couldn't afford to take of me so at least I would eat and sleep in a bed again. I was 12 when I was sent away to training I didn’t know what to... What was Alfonso like well he wasn't that bad until after Anna... look it doesn't matter what Alfonso was like it doesn’t matter what he was like before or after anything. It doesn’t change where we were or what we were doing. (Anger fills her faces and fades fast) All you need to about Anna was she was his daughter. I’m not talking about this move on now! Did I always hate it? No I’m not going to say that I never liked it. (Pride on her face shine through her voice) It was nice feeling like I was useful like I had something that I could do, something I could change. We could fight against the Colombian government for our freedom. The fight for freedom weighed heavy on all our minds to have a free country would feel like a victory... When did feeling change? Well it wasn’t until after training when we left the camp and went to actually join this fight. (Smile fades business look reappears.) I was in a group with a boy who became my closest friend ever he was a great boy. (A single tear falls, and all evidence of it then fades.) His name was Miguel, we enjoyed each others company until that day... (Panic takes over.) Do I have to tell you what happened? You promised me when you took me away from there I would never have to go back. And that is what your doing now... (She takes a minute to regain herself.) Fine, we were all happy until the day we captured those men and killed them. Me and the others in our group were fine afterwards really shaken up but fine. Miguel on the other hand, well in broke him he wasn’t the same after that... How so? (Her voice breaks) That’s hard to say because as an adult you wouldn’t have known anything was wrong. But me as his friend, his sister, I knew, (Face now sad and lost.) First he started to spend as much time alone as possible. He stopped talking to me. He cried at night. He thought no one could hear but those cries they hurt. Days later he started eating less and less and his crying came more. (Silence takes her for a minute.) (Deep breath.) Others now started to notice and the commanders were getting mad. A week after that we found him in the river... (Tears falling from her face) What happened? (Anger now comes with tears.) You really want to know huh? Truth is so do I. he was floating in the river a bullet through his head a gun in his hand. And I still don’t know why he didn’t jut talk to me. Why didn’t he just talk to…. (The sobbing overcame her) (Crying ends her wall rises back up) Life in Columbia was hell. When developing minds foundation came in to pull us out it was like well I don’t know. It wasn’t happy it wasn’t sad it was just um... No I don’t need to talk to you, I don’t need to let any thing out. I don’t need to listen to anyone any more, I don t need anyone. (Starts shaking muttering.) I’m free. I’m free. I don’t need. I don’t... (Wall shattered eyes red and cold.) (Emotionless.) Thanks for getting me out of there but I’m done talking to you. Now can I go back to my room? Regret (There is a man on his knees next to a mattress on the ground he looks as if he has given up.) Eduardo: lord please hear my prays. Please God forgive me for all I have done. Forgive me for what I have let happen to my family, my children, my poor little girl. God Why. Why must you make it so hard on all of us down here? I once tried to follow all your rules and live by your way but you did nothing but pound us down so that we couldn’t even find our way up again. When you took away my wife after having that war move us from our home. You took away all I had of my past life except my son who I fear will never be the man I want. At least you have given me my new wife she has much learning to do but have given a new son and will soon give me more. My heavenly father I have heard words that say my sweet Daniela has joined the war that has destroyed our lives. That she started to fight for them. Of course we all want change but why do it this way. I remember the day her mother died and she looked up at me and told me she would never forgive them for what they have done. She said that taking away their home and their food killed her mama. But now thinking about it who was she talking about. It hurts to know she is out there right now hurting people. She is taking people away from their families. But I guess that’s my fault it’s my fault for kicking her out of my house for telling her live on the streets for food. But what was I supposed to do. My new wife hated her. I didn’t want to lose my wife and we couldn’t feed every one. But still they’re having our children fight for them. Why must are children fight our battles. Why must families suffer this much. Danelia each day I think of you my daughter and I hope god carries you my love and keeps you safe. I am so sorry that I wasn’t there for you. Lord hear my prays amen Longing (A girl sits a bed in a room filled with children she is dressed simply but her cloths are in great condition) Daniela: Miguel I miss you more then you could ever know. I sit in this room filled with so many other kids like us and I pray one of the faces that stare back at me will be you. But Miguel they never are and they never will be. People keep asking me if I regret joining the army. I never know what to say to them because if I had never joined the army I would have never gotten you. You were the first person I truly loved and who truly loved me since my mother died. Do you remember Miguel what you always said to me at night when I missed her. Do you remember want it meant to me? You would say: “Sweet sweet Daniela god smiles at the sound of your name. When you cry god cries. So no more tears my love.” We were always there for each other, always. You promised you would never leave me like my father did that you would always me there. Why did you lie to me? You’re a liar like him. Remember Miguel the all the times we would go on missions together. Remember what fun we would always together how you would fall asleep on my lap singing your mothers song. You really wanted to make her proud, but you know if you didn’t make he proud you made me proud. I was proud ever day for knowing you for teaching me how to be loved again. What doesn’t make sense to me is the last thing you ever said to me. For months now I’ve been trying to figure it out. What were you trying to say to me that night before you... before you... Look Miguel I need a sign to know what to say what to think. When I left this is what I thought you wanted but was it the opposite. Today I decided I’m going to write your mother I’m going to tell her how proud of you she should be. Maybe that will let me know what to do next. Look Miguel I need you to understand that I would have you know what I still would do any thing for you. You leaving me hurt more then you will ever know because you can’t know. Sometimes I can’t even understand your dead, I felt like what you said that night was hope. Why would you say that to me if you weren’t going to say alive with me? Why would you promise that we were leaving together if we would never see each other again? You promised we would live together in America you said we would be together forever. Why did this happen. Sorrow (A woman sits in a small room with a couch and stove she’s holding a letter hands shaking tears rolling down her face.) Maria: I don’t understand. I can’t understand why any one would send this cruel joke to me. When I went to Church this morning and I received this letter I was happy and hopeful that I would hear from my son again. But then I read this. This is a load of shit. My son couldn’t be dead he would never join the army he went with his father to find work or school. He went to find a better life not to die. He couldn't be dead that's ridiculous this is a lie. It has to be a lie. Wait I’ll read it again maybe I read it wrong I must of read this wrong Dear Maria It’s been two and a half years since you have last seen you husband and son. I don’t want to be the one to tell you this but I know some one has to. You need to know not to wait for them to come back. I can’t speak for your husband but I know what Miguel thought of you. He would sing your song every night. He told me that he did it all for you so I need you not to be mad you have to not be had. Well here it is Miguel joined the army it was two months after his father got sick and well shut his eyes for the last time. I didn't know Miguel back then so I wasn’t there but I had heard the story many times. That’s how I know your name that was the last thing he said. He had the fever for a month and couldn't fight it anymore. Miguel said it was the hardest day of his life. As his father shut his eyes for the last time the only thing Miguel could see was the face of you and your daughters. That’s why Miguel decided to do it, he knew that now more then ever the family would need the money to survive. He really loved you, all of you so much. Daneila: I'm Daneila (The light shines onto Danelia that sits in the corner of the stage reading her words) I meant your son on our first day of training and we became best friends. He was an amazing soldier smart, strong, and brave. He died my hero, and he should be yours too. The day before he died he said something to me about you that was beautiful. Its been 6 months now since that day so I can’t tell you exactly what he said, but it was proof of his love for you. I need you to be strong now. Be strong for your two brave men that died loving you. Don’t let this destroy you, keep fighting for your family like they did. In this envelope I sent you Miguel's necklace and the money I brought from Columbia. I hope it will help your family and I hope you actually get this. I sent this to the church Miguel said you went to and pray you still go. Danelia and Maria: (In unison) With my all my heart Daneila Guilt (Alfonzo is sleeping inside his a head a whole seem is unfolding) Alfonso: (a little girl is running ahead of him in the woods she fade behind the mist) Anna where are you Anna come back to daddy don't go to far away. CRASH! Anna! Baby are you okay why won’t you answer me I love you come back. (His walk breaks into a frantic sprint into the woods after her) Daddy didn't mean to lose you he loves you he’s so sorry (he approaches a river bank where he sees the outline of two young children.) Anna who’s that with you sweetie. Can you come over here daddy doesn't want u near the water. Its dangerous I don't want you to... to... Get hurt... Miguel? What are you doing here look at me I'm talking to you. You disrespectful peace of shit. Oh sorry Anna daddy didn't mean to say such mean words daddy has just been a little cranky since you... You... Hey wait where are you taking her? Anna get away from him come back over here come with daddy please. Not again I wont let this happen again get away from there. The river isn't safe it has never been safe I shouldn't have let you go down there Anna I'm sorry I shouldn't have let them shot you. I shouldn’t have followed him that night I shouldn't have the same thing to his father that they did to me the night they took you. But war is war. War is for the strong willed not those faint of heart. That’s what my father said your grandfather. The night the killed you Anna I swore the government would be stopped and would pay for taking my Anna. But they didn't take you; a monster like me took you. A monster like me looked at a child and pulled the trigger. I'm sorry Anna I'm sorry Miguel, I'm so sorry I'm so... (He wakes up picks up the gun next to his bed. lights fade. a prayer is heard. a gun shot ends the scene) The end (An eight-year-old girl sits center stage she looks pale large bags under her eyes she is playing with a doll. She is wearing all white her clothes are torn. She is a ghostly image. Speaks to the audience) Anna: (Child like) Well hello there have you come to play. No, no don’t answer I know that your not here for that. No one ever comes to play with me. You want to know what happen to all of them don’t you, well I could tell you but then you would leave me all alone again. I’m always alone! “Sigh” well I guess I could tell you I mean you came all this way and mommy said to never be rude to your guests. I’ll start with my name I’m Anna. I am well I was eight. Ten years ago when I was only a baby my daddy became a commander in the rebel army of Columbia. Those he commanded were children. MY father loved his job and he was a great daddy even though he couldn't be home often. He always sent great gifts and letters my mommy would he to me. Yes I know my daddy hurt people but, people aren’t perfect and he thought he was doing what was right for him, his family, and his people. Three and a half years ago many daddy got a new group of children to lead. In this group were to children that he loved enough to write about to me. He said the girl was named Danelia and beautiful like me then there was a boy Miguel that was strong and brave like a night that from my favorite fairy tales. I used to dream about these to running through Fields together chasing bad guys and saving the day. Daddy made a lot of people angry but unlike the other men he worked with he was never cruel to the children he commanded. Well at least he wasn't until the men came to our home. Two and a half years a month past my eighth birthday three angry men with guns broke down the door to my home. They shot my uncles, suffocated my grandparents and beat my mommy until she didn’t open her eyes anymore. Then they found me I will not say what happened cause I only kinda know but what I do remember was standing by the river and seeing my floating in it the men were standing around watching me float there. I tried to speak to those cruel men and tell then to get me out but they could not hear my voice, they could not feel my hands, they could not see my eyes. When my daddy got the news he wasn’t the same, after that for the next year all he did was yell at and harass those who were under him the only ones he didn’t make shake when he enter the room was the knight and his princess. They were so shiny and great I followed them on each mission and watched as even through his sadness and anger he was proud of those two. Then my daddy had a new kind of mission for his little humming birds, that mission was to end a life. I saw the princess’ face was emotionless bare as she pulled back the trigger she was unshaken by the loss of life. The knight pointed the gun at the man his face was lost hands trembling he took longer heard the man’s name Diego. When he pulled the trigger he almost fell over blood was everywhere he was shaking my daddy wasn’t happy he was disappointed in Miguel kept saying how he was failing him. A week later my daddy heard he was trying to run away. And daddy was so angry and betrayed he went down to the river after Miguel one night and made the brave knight float like I did. After that the knight joined me and together me watched the lonely princess run away without her knight. The knight and I watched both the princess and daddy for year go through ups and downs… mostly downs. Six months ago we sent my daddy a message he’s gone now. He didn’t join me I live in the land of the children lost by war. The princess has a new home now. She lives in America with a happy looking family. The princess isn’t happy without her knight but writes to his mother every knight. I live in the land of kids lost by war. Will your children join me?

any place but here.

​I wish I could go back in time and change a few things. Fuck forgetting the past. You can't just "forget", that's not even human nature. I mean come on, it still exists, it's still real, cause you feel it.

I stayed home today to catch up on some work. To be honest, I could really care less about school, prom & graduation. I just want to get away, and be any place but here. Not here as in Philadelphia or even my room. Just.. out of my mind, out of me. I think that's why I travel so much.

But even in my travels my minds still stuck in the past. I myself, won't allow myself to get away and it's not even my fault. Are you following? Like when I went to Africa, I still thought about home & past experiences- 1000 miles away. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help it.

I just wish I had a grip, a grip on something. Everything about life is too causal now. Sex, conversation, relationships, mind control. Everything is not what it use to be. Everybody can have anything. And that shouldn't be. Nothing is sacred. Females are too loose, males just take, take, take.

I hope I don't sound crazy, because I'm not. I just want to get out of my mind. 

Toy Soldiers


Mrs. Mustang Jonathon’s mother 

Craig Jury member

Reporter Reporter for the NY Times

Mrs.Okar Radhi’s mother 

Jonathon Mustang Military officer

Radhi Okar Child in the Sierra Leone military

Mr.Krooks Radhi’s Lawyer

Woman Jury member 


 Mother of the recently killed white officer spoke to her therapist of ten years. Mother is an older Catholic woman. She is lying in chair crying and sobbing.

Mrs. Mustang: You don’t understand! That child killed em he’s the devil, I’m telling you that Nigger child killed my sweet baby Jonathon! My husband died in the military. Ya know that? Of course you did, course you did. My husband … that damn bastard, good for nothing drunk. When he got back from the war he drank his weight in beer, sat back while I raised our son and one day he just up and left us. He left me... now John. John left me. Oh lord what am I ‘posed ta do now! 


[The mother pulls a tissue from the therapist’s desk and begins to tab away tears. She then sits back down still sobbing slightly.]

Mrs. Mustang: The report said the children there all look about uh …around… nine or ten years old. Can you believe that? Ten years old, fighting a war that has nothing to do with them. They aren’t innocent. Jonathon was innocent. That bastard deserves to die. They all deserve to have their lives taken from them. They haveta pay for what they took from me. They have too…

[Looks away slowly and out of the window]

[Looks back furiously]

Mrs. Mustang: The hell I’m gonna calm down [say’s mockingly similar to the therapist], Mr. Limens! You sit there with your notebook and pen and get paid to do what? Tell people to calm down! I refuse to just sit back and take this. I want the death penalty when we go to trial. I want my baby to have peace of mind knowing he

Mrs. Mustang: Oh, I am so sorry!  I’ve got to answer this.

Man preparing to go to court he is apart of the jury.

[Brushing his teeth in the mirror]

Craig: Yes your honor we the jury have come to a verdict. We find the defendant, Radhi Okar, guilty of first degree murder and sentence him to deat...
No no no no. It just isn’t right it doesn’t even sound right. A ten year old child sentenced to death. He had been promised a better life than in poverty but naive as he must seem that child made a choice I wouldn’t even dream of. All these children in poverty in Sierra Leone and when someone gives them a choice we prosecute them for it. 


What am I saying? The other members of the jury would never listen to me. Made of mostly racist men anyway. Damn bastards. I fucking hate this trial. 1.10.11

[Continues brushing teeth then spits, fixes his tie and turns off the bathroom light]

Craig: I’m not ready for this. 


Reporter telling his co-worker about the Okar/ Mustang case before it is made public. Is in cubicle. He is sitting. The story has moved nation wide so the trial is being held in New York instead of Mississippi.

Reporter: So, there’s this kid right? And the kid killed uhm the Lieutenant, Jonathon Mustang, right? But see this guy he jus’ came back a year ago to receive some medal or something but anyway the child was taken into custody after some soldiers picked em up after the shooting in Sierra Leone.


Reporter: Yea, … yea … yea. Ya I know that alright? You really think if I could get an interview with him I’d be talking to your slacker ass right now?

[Swings arm in frustration knocks hot coffee on to self]

Reporter: Damn it! Ah, hot. Damn. *wipes*Crap these are new.


Reporter is now furious talking in a loud dramatic manner while still dabbing away at the coffee stain casually and subconsciously.

Reporter: What’da’ya mean what’s the problem? The problem is the damn FBI has him in custody but you know how that works. All the questions never get one damn answer and all of a sudden poof the story’s gone. No kid no story cause ya know anyone with an ounce of tie to the government don’t have a comment for shit. [Pause]

Reporter: *Huff* Can somebody get me some paper towels damn it!

Mother of Radhi Okar. She is speaking to a man that wants to take Radhi to join the Sierra Leone military. Mother is a widow who’s husband died in the cross fire of war.

Mrs.Okar: Wa da ya mean you want ta take Radhi! What gud he gon’ do you out there! All you men seem ta do is give a gun to a baby and tell him ta fi-ya at da white man. Ah know men like you.

[Points finger in man’s face and then is hit]

Mrs.Okar: You bastard.  


Mrs.Okar: O, mah baby. Radhi, my baby. I’m fine don’t you worry bout mama. She gonna be alright.

[Man grabs Radhi by the arm and begins to drag him from the small shabby hut.]

Mrs.Okar: No! No! No! Don take em. Please! I beg you! He is my only son! I will do whateva you want!

[Grabs leg of man and looks up at man with tears in her eyes]

Mrs. Okar: I will be your woman. Take me! Leave my son!

[Sobs and crying]

Mrs. Okar: I’m sorry Radhi.
Uprising in Sierra Leone. Men from the United States have been called in to take control of the situation. In Sierra Leone, before Jonathon’s death.
Jonathon: We gotta move, move, move! Wait! Solider you better get down they’re firing like animals! What have ya lost your mind!

[Pew pew pew]

Jonathon: Okay, so this is what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna take the hut. We need someone to distract them while I sneak up from behind and take out the guard with the machine gun. And then you gotta…


Jonathon: Ah! Holy fuck! My arm!

[Clutching left arm filled with glass shards. Wound is only skin deep not fatal but painful and takes a deep breath]

Jonathon: I’m okay. I’m okay.

[Tone lowers to become very sentimental]

Jonathon: Boys, it got real dangerous real fast. We lost our comrades, communications with base are severed and the war zone out there left us no way to retreat. I feel as though I have failed you. As your lieutenant I made a sworn promise to bring you home safely or at least intact. Ha. I never thought I’d make it this far so fast.

[Makes a thoughtful grin]

Jonathon: Back then I never thought I’d be in charge of men like you by my thirties while I still got so much to learn. Everyone here has honored my living by fighting beside me today and for all these years. I’m forever grateful.

[Smiles then releases arm and puts both hands back onto gun, clutching it. Puts a determined face on]

Jonathon: So, do me this one last favor would ya’? Give it your all and avenge these people who’ve been slain by the war lords do not let them get away with it. We must put it to an end, for good. If you won’t do it for me, do it for them. So lets go men, no time to waste. Get into position. Aim for the truck over there and, you, point your laser right there, on the gas tank. Everyone else, follow me and fire on my command. Ready? Let’s Go!

[Runs out from behind the concrete pillar that was shielding them and begins their assault]

Jonathon: Now! Fire! Fire! Go go go! Come on men, we gotta surround the hut. You go that way I’ll cover this side.

[Runs behind the hut and continues shooting]

Jonathon: Hold your fire, Hold your fire! There’s a child, a young boy! Don’t shoot!

[Walks towards Radhi cautiously and squints]

Jonathon: What’s that ya got there? Is that … a gun?

Radhi is sitting in an FBI interrogation room sobbing and scared. Two FBI men are interrogating him harshly about the killing of Jonathon Mustang. He has an African accent.

Radhi: Huh? … Uhm. Ah don know. Ah don know his name... The man who uh took me? Pa pa pa pa pa please. Please. Please stop... 


[Begins crying solemnly] 

[White interrogator walks in and the door slams itself shut behind him] 

[Radhi slightly jumps in his chair. He is frantic, wide eyed]

Radhi: Huh. Who is dat? What’s he doin here? Let me go leave me alone. Let me out, let me go. 


Radhi: Why are you asking all dees questions? Dat man said I need a lawyer or somefin and I'm not loud to talk to you. 


[Sobs and sniffles]

Radhi: Ya, Ah remember dat. Ah wus scared, Kojana told me dat if … 


Radhi: He’s da man who took me from my mama he told me to take da gun and grab on it if a white man came near me. He said it would stop dem from taking me away from mah mama. He said if ah took da gun dat my mama would be happy and mah papa would come home. 

Radhi: Ah don’t know who dat man was or what happened to em. Do ya know where my mama?
Ah miss her.

Lawyer of Radhi is having a casual coffee break with a colleague at Starbucks. He is currently in New York City before his flight out the Mississippi for the trial.

Mr. Krooks: How much was that? 

Mr. Krooks: Oh uh … three. . Four. Here you go. 

[Drops a coin on the floor and bends down to get it.]

Mr. Krooks: Oops, ha ha. Here ya go. 

[Turns around to walk out of the Starbucks with colleague]

[Its winter in New York City and they are walking around the city looking for a non-crowded lunch cart]  

Mr. Krooks: Yea, so I leave for my flight tomorrow. Haven’t met the kid yet but I have a bad feeling bout this case. Things I’ve heard make it seem like I got a hard defense ahead of me. Evidence is dead on and I’m gonna try for a plea bargain. Which is a little hard considering it’s not on my turf. I’m gonna be surrounded by racists so I’ve got my work cut out for me with a black client. This kids mom raised up quite a buzz with a media with all those protest hippies and stuff she somehow managed to pull off enough money to pay for a city lawyer like me. I’m not the best or anything but I try, work my ass off for my paycheck. 


[Chris says something] 

Mr. Krooks: Ha ha. No, Chris, I don’t think he’s innocent but that’s not what this job is about. It’s about getting enough money to support my wife and kids before she leaves me and takes them with her. I can’t afford ta do another pro-bono, ‘specially not with this kid. The occupation calls for a defense and that’s what I’m gonna do, defend.


[Chris says something]

Mr. Krooks: My son? My son would never KILL a man. That’s ridiculous, Chris. 

[Says in a mocking tone]

Mr. Krooks: Imagine that though, “We find Patrick Krooks guilty of first degree murder.” Ha ha, little, can’t throw a football, even at the age of 12, Patrick. Ya really think he’d ever be in this situation?


[Chris says something]

Mr. Krooks: *sigh* Ya but guess you’re right a little bit. Way too young for the death sentence. Aw! C’mon, Chris! I always swore up and down on my mother’s grave I’d never make my job personal! That’s how I survive doing what I do, knowing what I know. No, child, man, woman is ever innocent if they give me a call and I know that all too well but like I said it’s my job to turn a blind eye to it all and defend a guilty man. 


Mr.Krooks: Ha ha, but yea on a lighter note look over there, that one doesn’t have too much of a line and our breaks almost over anyway. 

[Mr.Krooks glances at his watch]

Mr.Krooks: Phew, It’s already 2:30. C’mon my treat.


During the trial Mrs. Mustang is brought to the stand as part of the prosecution and begins her heartwarming story. She has her hand on the bible and is being sworn in.
She is standing. 

Mrs. Mustang: I swear. 

[Sits down]

Mrs. Mustang: Well, lets see... the night Jonathon was killed I was … hmm, watching Wheel of Fortune and having a nice lunch with a few girlfriends that I’ve known for years. I met them in church bout... 8 years ago. We’d always watch a bit of television and I’d make small sandwiches. We all knew what it was like to lose a husband or a son to the service. Marcie Jefferson lost her husband a few years back. I remember how she fell apart. It was so tragic. And did you know that...


[Mood changes to depressed] 

Mrs. Mustang: Oh right right, forgive me. I got the phone call later that night. 

[Takes a deep breath]  

Mrs. Mustang: He was gone. I was angry and hurt and I couldn’t believe mah baby boy...


Mrs. Mustang: I’m sorry so sorry … just one minute? 


[Dabbing her eyes looking up trying to hold back tears] 

[Deep breath]

Mrs. Mustang: Phew okay, I apologize. It’s just so hard for me. Every night I go into his room and smell his pillows and hold his baseball glove to my heart. 

[Closes eyes and imagines holding the glove to her chest] 

[Opens eyes and becomes angry]

Mrs. Mustang: That young man right there took him away from me my pride and joy. He should be executed. 


[Face changes to a defeated look] 

Mrs. Mustang: That’s what I would’ve truly believed a couple months ago. A strong catholic woman lost her path in the Lord Almighty and Jesus Christ. But …

[Eyes widen and she is choking back tears behind a remembering smile]

Mrs. Mustang: He came to me. Last night in my dreams, he came to me with his beautiful face. 


Mrs. Mustang: No no no no no. Jonathon. HE came to me. Told me to forgive. I woke up in tears shaking. He reminded me of my faith. I want nothing more than my baby boy to rest in peace and last night he came to me and showed me what it meant to be in peace. I will never forget what kind of monster killed my son but I HAVE forgiven this child he does not know. 


[She says quietly]

Mrs. Mustang: Is that all? Can I get down now?

[Gets up and walks back to the defense side and sobs in the arms of her friend Marcie]

Craig (jury member) is going into deliberation with the other jury members. He is anxious and fidgety fiddling with his hands once and a while.

Craig: Ladies and gentleman. Please. Settle down. We heard many sides to this trial and we have a tough decision to make and with the information given we gotta make an honest choice for the child. 


[A bunch of mumbled voices in the background]

[Voice changes to confident and disapproving]

Craig: People! Are you honestly gonna even take a second thought of execution. I mean, maybe it’s something out of the ordinary for you people to do but there is such thing as mercy and rehabilitation. You people wanna pass yourselves off as “ pure Catholics” but where is it in the bible to kill a child cause of color or cause of something someone else told him to do? I’m not gonna sit here and listen to this bickering and back and forth talk of kill or life sentence. Are you seriously forgetting how old he is? Ten. 

[Points to a man] 

Craig: You, you have kids right? What if this young boy was your kid? 


[Tone gets furious]

Craig: Doesn’t matter if he’s purple! He has rights or are you forgetting that? Gonna brainwash your kids to think like that too? No one else matters if you’re white? 


[Tone becomes sad and he looks down]

Craig: I had a daughter. She passed away in a car crash last year. Her mother was driving. A drunk driver swerved on the road hit them dead on. We had just gotten a divorce. I went to church every day blamed myself blamed that drunk driver. He didn’t deserve to live. But he did. And I hated him for it. Some catholic I was. I lost myself in revenge and pay back and only end up hurting myself. 


Craig: A chance for forgiveness. A chance for this boy to change and learn and grow.  That’s all I’m asking. 


Woman from the jury announces the verdict for Radhi Okar and the final hearing.

Woman: Yes, your honor. We the jury finds Radhi Okar guilty of first degree murder. We the jury also finds Radhi Okar not guilty of all other arms charges. We sentence him to 10 years in juvenile confinement with no chance of bail or probation. He must also see a therapist a regular basis. We the jury would also like to give our condolences to both mothers. They each loss a son to the fight in Sierra Leone.

Worst Birthday Party Ever

I was in third grade at my best friend's birthday party. I had never been too into ice skating. Being from Philly, hockey is one of the least popular sports in the city. Nevertheless I was excited to try ice skating. For the first half of ice skating I mainly stayed on the wall, or walking on my skates to create the illusion that i was actually skating. Then, my friend who had been ice skating several times before wanted to help me out. I grabbed her hand and she skated along with me attached. 

It was time for lunch, but with my newfound confidence from skating I was eager to get back out there. I wolfed down my Pizza and watched as the zambini cleaned the ice to perfection. After getting back out, I wanted to test out my new skills. I ventured from the wall and began skating. However, I quickly found myself off balance and face down in the ice. 

Now for this next part, I have no clue exactly how it happened, but someone ran over my lip with their skate. There was blood all over the freshly polished ice, and they had to rush me to the hospital, where I got several stitches. The recovery time took a couple weeks for them to dissolve. Worst birthday party ever.

Bottled Up

I really have a lot of interesting things to say, but I really don’t say them. I keep a lot of things in for a reason that I don’t know. Maybe I think that what I have to say is stupid sometimes. I don’t know. When I get to college I know that I definitely have to be more outspoken, especially if I want to go to a school as big as PSU Main.

Heat v. Sixers

So in the first round of the NBA playoffs which starts this weekend, my Miami Heat will be taking on the Philadelphia 76ers in a seven game series. I haven’t been a true Sixers fan since 2002, and I’ve been a Heat fan since 2003. People ask me who I’m rooting for like they don’t know already. #Teamheat! I will never go against my favorite basketball player ever, Dwyane Wade! Lets go Heat!


3rd Quarter Art

​For our 3rd quarter art class we were given a different art project each week, consisting of projects surrounding our hands,still life,self-portraits, and an individual art piece that we chose ourselves. I feel as thought I did exceptionally well with this and was able to complete the projects in a timely manner that allowed me time to edit them and add things to them where needed, but I also feel as though I could have done better when it came to getting the pieces and parts ie. structuring and timing of the overall piece better because at times I was lazy in finishing a piece because of being tired or just getting frustrated with my picture at the time. I really like the pictures that I completed because I feel as though overall they show how I grew as a artist over the course of 3 quarters so far and from that my 4th quarter will reflect an even better artist. The different things that I completed 

17-22 8x11” pencil drawing - your hand 

24-28 8x11” pencil drawing - self portrait 
31-4 24x36” charcoal drawing - self portrait
 drawing - clear bottle 
CHARCOAL drawing - clear bottle 
IMG-20110413-00082 (1)
IMG-20110413-00082 (1)