Six Six Word Sentences!

1. Her eyes wandering, his love misplaced.

2. His father's sweater but his mistakes.

3. Painted ceiling blue, hid from sky.

4. "Please excuse my dust"*. Cremation messy.

5. Painted ceiling blue, forgot the sky.

6. Painted ceiling blue, cursed the sky.

*Originally said by the seminal Ms. Dorothy Parker. (She is just darling...)

5 Picture Story....Fire

            She always wondered where her life may lead as a young girl never knowing  what she wanted was right in front of her. As time went on she became intent on never fully knowing what her future had to offer and she accepted that. She accepted that she was ordinary a little less the average and bleak like her tan bedroom walls, she was fine with that. As others came into them she did not but remained the little girl sitting on the swing alone. All throughout middle school she was always the one sitting alone passing the time with literature because to her that was her friend her escape those grand Arthurs understood.  The Mark Twains and people of that nature comprehended what she went through understood that a simple girl like her felt the world pass her on. When high school presented itself in her life she walked the high school hallways as a ghost to timid to share her voice and too shy for anyone to acknowledge her. There she became friends with Maya Angelou and the Emily Dickinson’s of the world. Though the authors may of changed she didn’t just advanced her reading material. Still after so long she pondered of her purpose in the world never fully ok with the not living she now didn’t accept that she waited on the sidelines of life. She hated that she had no friends but authors with exceptional lives with power/money and most of all notoriety.   As she grew more and more unhappy she banished those thoughts not knowing who she was but bitter wasn’t one of them allowing her to see a little about whom the girl was. She laughed that still at the age of teenager she still saw herself as a girl not yet a teenager but a little girl. She accepted everything day after day she walked around and day after day she sat alone in the class while peers joked around and teachers called on students oblivious to the fact of her existence. She accepted it and she learned that her day will come and when it dose she would no longer sit one the sideline but, it will be her turn to live. No longer would she ponder the unknown but be ready to grab her life by the horns and live. One week her life would be forevermore changed and never the same this week would be her defining moment. This week was the game where nothing else mattered the few second on the clock where she had to make the shoot win or loose black or white no in-between. That week she became an official women always the late bloomer but she slowly but surely came into her self centimeter by centimeter. She was still the timid little girl who didn't share her voice but she walked a little bolder with her head slightly upright. A day after her new found strength the next defining moment would take place her call her purpose would present herself. First of all to understand this you would have to know she was very observant quiet but very intuitive in her surroundings. In the middle of the day she sat in class while others joked and were to busy with there lives she sat with her book. As she read she smelled something funny a scent of hotness. Not familiar at first with it she left the book open and wondered in the halls to see what it was. A few flights up she saw what that the smell was a fire which grew in size. She rushed to her class & yelled on the way there while no one paying her no mind. She rushed in the room in a frenzy trying to get everyone to safety but no one even noticed in a quick thought she pulled the fire alarm making everyone gather there belonging to the designated exit.  When she saw them moving out she followed them while everyone consumed with there own lives she heard a yell for help making her turn around to help once again. Someone was locked in the elevator thinking it was a false alarm with aghast of inner strength this became her defining moment the point where she came into herself. She knew what her future was but to help and save a life in a calm voice she reassured her fellow peer and began pressing the emergency exit and with luck it opened but then closed. Uable to keep it opened herself she ran and got the fire extinguisher and pressed the button once more making it open but instead of closing again jammed the extinguisher in the opening setting the peer free. Now the smoke filled her lungs and her surroundings with that last of hope fail to the ground and knew she accepted no none knew her or acknowledged her because she saved a life and her purpose was fulfilled.  As she closed her eyes she fail into a deep sleep that she would never leave. In the upcoming days there was talk about the student who saved there lives and wondered why they haven’t known her.  


Im currently in my SAT class; with Don Marcos. The students are now doing an art project based on famous artists from spanish speaking countries. They are making an art gallery and mounting their art and their artists' art on different colored art paper. Don Marcos has a calculator out, doing something on his computer while he gives me a few minutes to finish this English post. Today is the last school dance (for seniors at least) and I will not be attending. I have never been to a dance here at school. It's really never been my thing. Partying is not my thing actually.I love being to myself. I have to go pick up my phone after school. I thought I lost it; i mean I did but I'm getting it back. Apparently I left it on the trolly on my way to school. The woman who found it called my friend ( i guess he was the last person I called or texted) and made him pay her $50 to return it. SMH! whatever happened to a good deed? O well, I'm grateful.


There once lived three special horses atop a very high cliff in Northern California. But these were not your run-of-the-mill-carriage-pulling-neigh-neigh-whinny-snicker-clippity-clop horses. No, these horses were so much more. These horses... had a destiny.

The first horse was named Job. Job was an admittedly clumsy horse, always tangling his hooves and inhaling flies (yes, this was due to clumsiness). In fact, Job was more than clumsy; he was out of his mind. Like how I made that jump? Yep, Job was sick in the head.  Off his rocker. Not all there. Nuts. Bamboozled. On crack. Well, maybe not on crack. Job tried every day to impress the ladyhorses, but he would inevitably trip over a crack in the ground or inhale a fly and scare them away forever.

The second horse was named Buster. (Yes, I know what you're thinking. Just like Arthur's cheeky rabbit friend.) Buster was a gentleman if there ever was one. He would always clack his hooves politely at horses he passed in the street, and he would always be seen with a shiny mane and, of course, his trusty monocle. Buster owned and managed several successful businesses and, unofficially, one night club.

I never did catch the third horse's real name. I knew him only as Colonel Tom. When I tell you that this horse had a mustache, I mean this horse had a mustache. I mean, seriously. This horse had a mustache! Right above his nose. It was possibly the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I never did catch how he managed to grow that mustache. Huh. Anyway, Colonel Tom never talked much. When he did, it was usually in the form of strung-together profanities aimed at someone named "Annabelle." Probably his sister. Horses are largely familial creatures.


Hey everybody,
We are FISIKS or Franklin Institute Stewards In Knowledge Sharing. We are a club dedicated to posting and delivering information about ongoing and upcoming events at The Franklin Institute. So please look forward to future posts by us about The Franklin Institute's events and updates from us. Thanks and have a wonderful day!!!!!!

A Common Mistake

Perfection, a misconception – ends in rejection.


True Blood

I was always curious about what this show was about. So, I'm scrolling through the on DEMAND at my fathers house and I see the 2nd and 3rd season on there so I decided to check it out. I was watching True Blood for the next two weeks. I would walk downstairs and my dad would try to talk to me and I'd just start screaming. I was literally traumatized from the 2nd season. It was like watching a horror flick and mixed with the nudity of American Pie. In my head, I'm thinking, Narcissa you are crazy for looking at this, what were you thinking. My mind was so messed up, that i couldn't sleep with out having a picture of the monsters and blood that went on in the show. I had to stop looking at the show for about 3 month before I got the strength to look at any horror flick.

Robot Story

Carla woke up to a frantic mother, throwing clothes into an over sized suitcase, in a rush. Her hands were covered in blood and her clothes were shredded.

"Mom, whats wrong?"
 No answer
" MOM!"

Her mother never stopped throwing things around, she went from room to room slamming doors and bringing out everything she could carry. Carla jumped out her bed and followed closely behind her mother wondering what was going on. Carla's mom just kept going around, silently crying with arm fulls of clothes.
"Mom, whats going on!" Carla screamed.
"Go get your brother up, hurry right now, right now," her mother shouted back, pushing her out the bedroom door. On her way into her brothers room she felt her self stepping in something wet and cold. She looked down and the bottom of her feet were covered in blood. She followed the trail of blood with her eyes and saw her father lying in the pool of blood next to a crushed sharp metal object. She ran to him trying to feel for a pulse like she saw in the movies.

"He's already dead," her mom said from a dark corner. She was balled up outside the bedroom door, wailing now.

 Suddenly the TV's blank screen turned into colored bars followed by a ear piercing sound, which made them cover their ears.


This is not a test.

"Over the years, Researchers  and____ have found many traces of robotic life forms all around American that have been inactive for centuries. But from last nights earthquake that destroyed most of the East Coast, and from this morning's quake that ruptured on the West Coast has stirred these life forms and made them active and dangerous. I repeat active and dangerous!  There has been an immediate evacuation of the United States! Time is running out, get to your nearest airport and leave right now!

 "End transmission"

 Both Carla and her mother looked at each other in a frightful stare.

Escape from the fire

I was stuck, trapped the temperature was rising and i was stumbling.I slammed against a stall door in the bathroom. How'd i get here? i didn't even remember being here.i shook it off and saw that the room had a foggy kind of look too it. i looked out the window and it was fogged up also that's when it hit me.The building was on fire. 

I ran out the bathroom and saw the building dying internally. fire flared from the double doors, beckoning me to join them in their dance. I coughed and hacked  i ran down the hall.Things from the science lab started to explode loudly.The noises sounded like they were groaning and dying scaring me. I needed an exit anything to help me escaped. i ran down the back stairwell but the fire had already spread here too. it blocked me from the next flight of steps which were my ticket out.i climbed on to the railing i took a breath and closed my eyes jumping. I landed on the steps but not without a price.I heard something snap and pain flashed up to my thigh i fell over crying out.I opened my eyes and I saw the red door. the fire creeped down the steps as if it had known this would happen to me. the ceiling started to cave and i reached out my hands dragging myself to the rest of the steps. I can't die here, i just couldn't. I could see the light from outside outlining the door. the clock was ticking and the fire was now at the end of the flight of steps i just threw myself over.the ceiling started to break more and the fire smirked at me 

"Get up"
I inhaled and became light headed. 
" Get up!"
my eyes closed and time seemed to slow 

"GET UP!" 

i scrambled and wince from the pain in my leg  and ran down the steps slamming the door open with my forearm.I ran across the bricked street and fell. I made it. I then started to laugh and then looked behind myself to see the building be consumed.

5 picture story Alex's Escape

The primitive robot clicked and whirred as it went through it routines. It's a bit amazing how a class actually managed to build an antonymous system to run most of the actions in the school. It managed the clocks and actually kept them on time as well as throwing any alarms at the hint of danger. odd though despite the awards its won and the numerous safety tests it went through something was wrong. the system was clicking more sporadically then normal, slower, less  then what would be considered good. 

When Alex woke up this morning he went through the normal routines and headed off to school. about halfway through the day is when something he would never forget happened. The fire alarms started flashing and the noise was deafening. As Alex exited his classroom random parts of the hallway started collapsing in fire. Alex ducked into a stairwell and started to decent but as he got farther down he found the fire blocked one of the final sets of stairs. Alex took a deep breathe stepped over the edge and paused. The jump was risky, he knew this. Alex wasn't the most coordinated of kids and he had never done anything like this before, hell he tripped walking down the hallway normally. Unfortunately Alex didn't have to make much of a decision. Fire began racing down the stairs behind him and Alex decided it was now or never. He jumped and for a moment he saw his life flash before his eyes before he hit the stairs hard and rolled down, Alex's world went black. 

When he woke up a girl he had never met before was dragging him away from the stairs. As he gazed around dizzily he saw a sign he thought he would never see, an exit sign! Alex alerted the girl that he was okay and she helped him to his feet, he stumbled for a second but the girl caught him and they ran out of the building. In the aftermath of the fire it was learned that a student who had a lot of money and didn't get into the school based on wealth alone sabotaged the alarm system and started the fires on multiple floors. He was caught and after a lengthy and expensive trial he was tried as an adult and got life in prison for the pain suffering destruction he caused. many students were injured in the chaos and a few other students did not make it out. Alex and the girl eventually grew to be good friends and then something more the friends. Events such as this cause a unique relationship type to grow, they were friends forged in fire.

5 pictures- short story

Once upon a time there was a queen. She was due to have a baby soon and was very worried that her child would not be happy as a prince or princess. When she was younger, she had despised her title and longed for a normal childhood. She wanted a way for her son or daughter to have a choice as to what life they would have. It just wasn't fair for someone to have their whole life planned out for them the moment they were born.

The queen decided to leave the castle and go to a quiet place in the woods where there was a stream. This place had a cottage that had been built many years ago. She brought with her another woman, her best friend, to help her. The plan was for the woman to raise the young princess or prince away from all the pressures of the castle. The queen would spend as much time at the cottage as she could and the child would have everything she had wished for- the right to play, to cry, to sing and laugh and not be forced into a life someone else had set up.

The day finally came for the baby to be born. It was a baby girl, the kingdom's only princess. She grew up to have thick blonde hair that she would tie up into braids to keep out of her face. The queen named her Anna. The little girl was often sad because she couldn't understand why her mother had to leave so much but she was very, very happy whenever they could be together. Her nana, who did live at the cottage all the time, taught her such wonderful things like how to be a lady, to have good manners, but also taught her to read and about all the different kinds of wildlife in the forest.

One day, the queen came back to the cottage after a whole week. It was the Anna's 16th birthday and they were so excited. They had a party and Nana made the Anna a beautiful new dress. The queen gave her a single rose petal. Anna was confused, and asked her what it was. The time had come for her to be told who she really was. The queen said that the petal was from a rose in the Royal Rose Garden. Anna was so excited. She had heard about the castle from other girls in the village nearby but she had never visited. Then the queen explained everything to her. She said where she went when she left the cottage, that she had to help rule the kingdom. She told Anna that she was a queen, and that she had a father who was a king. She explained why she was raised in the forest, and asked for her forgiveness for keeping such a secret from her. Anna cried.

She ran to her room and locked herself away. The queen and her best friend were so worried. Could they have made the wrong choice? The queen had never intended to hurt her daughter. She just wanted a better life for her. Finally, Anna came downstairs. She was still crying a little, but she had made her choice. She ran to her mother and as they hugged, she told her she wanted to know her Daddy. And they all lived happily ever after in the castle, a family who loved each other and loved their people. Anna grew up to be the best queen there had been in two centuries. Her combined understanding of the hardships of peasant life and the ways to serve as a royal made her a kind and understanding ruler. Her people loved her, and she made her little corner of the world a better place. The End.