Stop Funding Abortions:
          Legislatures Decision
  • In United States politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision  that bars the use of federal dollars to fund abortions
  • The  Hyde Amendment is only pertinent to 32 states
  • There are 17 states that do not follow the federal standard
  • Th legislature is not currently working to enforce the Hyde Amendment across the entire country

Abortion: Out of Control

The Hill:

Boehner to press bill to enforceObama’s order on abortion funding”

According to The Hill,  John Boehner, a House Minority Leader, is fighting to encourage Democratic leaders to vote on a bill to bar all federal funding of abortions.
Boehner wishes to “codify the Hyde Amendment so that it applies to all federal funding.”
He, along with other abortion opponents, oppose the health care reform
The National Right to Life Convention (NRLC) named him “Legislature of 2010”
Because of his efforts in the anti-abortion fight, he was appointed the Henry Hyde Award.
John Boehner, already apart of the government,  can help restrict federal funding of abortions nationwide.



  • Pro-life abortion activists are key components in the movement to restrict federal funding of abortion across the America.

  • Anti-abortion picketing and rallies are beneficial in the movement to bar abortion funding.

According to the Family Research Council,
The graph above shows the increasing number of Planned
Parenthood abortions from years 1973-2006. The graph
continues to increase as abortions become more and more
popular in the United States. Why? Because the government
continues to waste federal dollars to abort fetuses. This is not
a sensible way to spend federal dollars, taking into
account the shape our economy is in.

  • The Health Care Reform has been debated and discussed over the years.
  • The Hyde Amendment has been debated, altered and fought to keep in effect for decades.
  • There is no set deadline for my lobbying topic.

COICA Blog #3 - Jeremy Cothran

The Combating Online Infringement and counterfeiting act (COICA) has been heated up in these recent weeks with the bill being reported by committee as of November 18, and also being put under calender by General orders. No. 648.

So far, this year has been bad to stop COICA. It seems by the growing days more politicians and big companies are supporting this bill and are pushing for it to be passed. Support still grows strong for the citizens, there are multiple websites that urge users of the free internet to contact their senator, and request them to vote against the bill.

However, with the little support we do have, it seems the oppositions are double in numbers and power. with the RIAA and Chambers of commerce giving their full support to this bill, It doesn't help that other businesses like Nike and Disney are throwing support to the bill's way. Other then these industries, politicians are also pushing forward to advance this bill into law. Such as Senior Sen. Patrick Leahy [D-VT] and the 18 cosponsors who are for this bill.

What needs to be done is that people, citizens, anyone who uses the internet or who believes in the freedom of speech and press need to contact their state senator's convince the senators that this bill is not wanted and the people do not agree with this bill. In order to stop this bill, we absolutely need senators on our side, we need them so they can vote down on this bill and prevent it from becoming a law.

We, as a people, as well as myself cannot singularly stop this bill, we need to put all our efforts together, and direct the message to our senators that this is not the right thing to do. If we do not stand up, our freedom is at jeopardy.


The next step of this bill is unknown, once again we are at a pause and will have to wait until congress goes through the calender and picks up this bill to discuss.

Blog post 3

We do not have any specific elected officials that support this cause. But their is a ton of public support from people who report it and the SPCA. For every animal in danger, there is a news story on it. The people who are pretty much opposed to this are thous who could care less about a animals life. The was an ACT made for animals it was the AWA (Animal welfare act). We need an official who will listen but also for the SPCA to try hard in the animals defence. The biggest allies we have in this are the SPCA who have been helping animals for a while now. We can coordinate with the SPCA to help us talk to officials so we get animals better treatment. Everyone has the potential to be influenced since this is such a big topic the easiest to influence would be people who are willing to listen or people who are already trying to protect animals from such cruelty.   

No Animal should be treated like this.  

We need to protect animals like this dog from being abused, this is what influence us to notify the public and volunteer to help care and fight from there freedom and their love. These animals want to be love and we want them to love us.
It difficult to volunteer under the age of 18 but we are determine to find a location. There are many locations that people can choose to help like Morris Animal Refugee, SPCA, PAWS, Pet-smart, and some many others. Their are a number of points in which we could try to rally people with us. For example we could  try “writing letters to the editor”. See what we mean is a person could write to a news firm and ask them to help spread the word.They might just put a post in the paper if a person bugs them to death with it they may even us this blog it self. But a person cloud also write straight to the top at the government and they could be nice enough to give what they are writing a chance and actually state it at a meeting. “Phones and Faxes to the top” are basically just like.And are even more alike the letters because their all doing the same thing. They are asking to get to someone who has the power to help them get their point across. Same with an e-mail they have the same point making plan just go straight to the top and evade all the boring parts like the waiting. “Personal visits with the targeted decision maker.” that help because person good straight to the head, state his case, make it convincing, and see what the head person thinks.

Blog post #3

Legislature status in the long run great. Status as of now, eh....not so great.

Many states across the nation are having internal battles to legalize medicinal marijuana. Since those who tend to support medicinal marijuana are fairly liberal and those whom oppose it are fairly conservative, we start to see lots of controversy in the states that tend to not vote the same way in each election; among those states is Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is abnormal if anything when it comes to democrat vs republican. Making up for a large portion of Pennsylvania’s population is Philadelphia. In the city of Philadelphia, over 80% of residents tend to vote democrat (liberal). Once you travel outside of Philadelphia, you start to see the republican numbers skyrocket. If all of Pennsylvania were like Philadelphia, then there would be no controversy around medicinal marijuana in this state.

What is the status of this issue at the legislature?

There are two main bills pending in the house and the senate that are fighting to approve medicinal marijuana; House bill 1393, and Senate bill 1350. Both bills basically state the same thing, they want medicinal marijuana to be approved. The reasons for this vary from the amount of money it would save to boost our economy, to the number of lives it could help and potentially save from terminal illnesses. The house bill was referred to the Health and Human Services departmenton April 30th, 2009. The senate bill was referred to the Public Health and Welfare department on may 4th, 2010.

Who is essential to the outcome?

Representative Mark B. Cohen is the democratic majority caucus chairman, he is largely backing this bill, along with senator Daylin Leach, the democratic legislator. A group called L.I.E.V.E. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, they are all ex-policemen/women or currently employed policemen/women whom get a first hand look at what banning marijuana does to our society. The biggest obstacle/opponent we have to get around is the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), the ones who have the power to allow these bills to pass.
A link for almost all you need to know:

Blog post #1

What is Medicinal Marijuana?

Medicinal marijuana is a topic that isn’t touched upon enough in our country. For many of Americas citizens, marijuana is a word that makes them jump. The ignorance around the so called “drug” makes many think it has some horrible effects on people who use it. When in truth, the side effects are hunger and sleepiness. Medicinal marijuana if used in the right cases can have dramatic positive affects in the process of fighting and curing certain deceases. According to Live Strong, a cause group that raises millions each year to help cure cancerous diseases, medicinal marijuana has uses such as, pain relief, decreased nausea, muscle relaxation, to treat glaucoma, and having an increased appetite. (

Why is This Important to me?

To be honest, I’ve had my own encounters with marijuana, and I can say from a personal stand point that nothing bad happened to me. I didn’t become addicted,  I didn’t grow into a couch potato, it didn’t affect any of my relationships, etc. Many of the arguments against using medicinal marijuana are because of their fears of all of this happening. On sites such as, they say things like, “Heavy marijuana use impairs young people's ability to concentrate and retain information.” this is true, however when used moderately for medical purposes, these kinds of side affects rarely occur.

When I was seven years old, my mother died. She died from a mixture of scleraderma and lupus; one of the main contributors to why it got worse and worse was the fact that she rarely ate. She was given pills by doctors to try to arouse her appetite, but she would refuse to eat. If medicinal marijuana could have been used in cases such as this; it could have a great impact on many lives.

Who supports medicinal marijuana?

On the east coast, medicinal marijuana has three main supporters; senator Daylin Leach(district 17), senator Lawrence M. Farnese Jr. (district 1), and senator Jim Ferlo (district 38). Each of the three are liberal politicians and senator Daylin Leach sits on the Public Health & Welfare committee where the bill that would allow the use of medical marijuana was recently sent.

“act providing for the medical use of marijuana; and repealing provisions of law that prohibit and penalize marijuana use.”-

DREAM Act Blog #3 Caroline AbdulBaki

   Harry-Reid2Harry Reid

   The DREAM Act has been an incredibly huge topic discussed through the news for the past 3 years but has recently risen to its strongest and yet weakest year. Many people are starting to become aware of the DREAM Act because it helps many students to receive a higher education and also due to the fact that many students are getting involved with helping to get this legislation passed in order to become law!

    This has been a good and bad year for this legislation, though many universities and people are supporting this legislation, it was shut down in the Senate on September 21, 2010. The bill was attached to a defense bill making it harder for Republicans to shut it, but a filibuster held by the Republicans senators and one Democrat shut it down. When reintroduced in March 26, 2009 it had 134 official cosponsors but after the filibuster in September it was left with 2 cosponsors, we need to convince the Republicans and Democrats in the Senate and House that this legislation is extremely important. dream-act-now-1

   Many universities that have supported the DREAM Act such as University of Pennsylvania, UC Berkley, University of Florida, Harvard University and many others. Universities help give this legislation good media and image because these are some of the top Universities that support a cause which helps students who they know deserve the right to learn the same as everyone else. Supporting the DREAM Act shows that they care about and spend an extreme amount of time with these children.

   Public supports that give this bad media attention are groups who want to stop immigration and enforce security on our borders such as the ALIPAC group and Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR). These groups do not support legislation similar to the DREAM Act or any legislation that help immigrations because they believe that illegal immigrants are law breakers and that the law should be followed and they should be punished.

     Republicans are the major opponents of this legislation they have as much power as the people who support this bill which are the Democrats. Republicans. Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.) said that they would cosponsor the bill as well as Sen. Robert Bennett (R-Utah), hinting that he is most likely going to vote for the DREAM Act when it is presented as a standalone bill. Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) Florida GOP Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Diaz-Balart, all said that they would vote for the DREAM Act during its presentation during the lame duck session.

    All of the Democrats are essential to the outcome of the bill because if they are all on board with the act they will be then be able to convince the Republicans to get on board as well. Democrats have to support a bill started by their own and so do the Republicans in order for them to succeed.  If Republicans such as John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) won’t vote for the bill we need as many Democrats as possible.

    Groups that are good to communicate with in order to help us are lobbyist groups such as Peaceful Tomorrows who have already lobbied for the DREAM Act the day it was not passed in the Senate.Contacting many students from different universities who are lobbying for it is another great way to get out that this bill becoming a law is very important.


Lobbying blog post #3

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, chairman of the House Subcommittee on Immigration, is supporter this decision to somehow take care of these “anchor babies”. Right now many take this as a negative issue because it’s separating a child from their parents or others say that they had to struggle to even sneak in, so they should stay. Then there is also good media attention from news station saying how much these babies cost just to be born in America, and tax payers’ are responsible to pay for this bill that the hospital has for giving birth to the child. During my research, I haven’t ran into any people against this law that has power, but some people I found a while back, were professors at universities that said something like, “there is a solution, we just have to make one.” Even all the research about how much we are wasting on giving birth to “anchor babies”, there hasn’t been a policy put out, but the thing is, I don’t think a policy would really reinforce this to make it work. 

Rep. Steve King plays a big role in this because he is part of the house in some way. He can get his subcommittee to agree with this and then convince the committee to pass it on and show the legislative branch how much money we are spending on “anchor babies”

People who might care to hear about this subject are U.S. taxpayers, which is about everyone living in the States. Many people don't know that a hospital wastes about $30,000 to deliver a child and that hospital bill is paid from money from the taxpayers. If they knew that their money is going to children that technically are not supposed to be here, they might have a change of mind.

There is no time frame as of now, but I am hoping to contact a representative that agrees with my thinking to talk about where is most of the money from tax payers is going to.

Repeal DADT: Blog Post #3

Attempts have been made to revise DADT, the homophobic law enacted under Bill Clinton to keep gays out of the military.  In May 2010, an amendment was passed in the House of Representatives, however it lacked the necessary 60 votes to get the bill passed in the senate.

Also, attempts to pass DADT are becoming increasingly more difficult. Prior to the recent election 90% of democrats were in favor of the repeal, versus 97% of republicans, and since the election has drastically shifted the power to republicans, it can only damage the odds of getting it approved. Therefore it is a fair assumption that the window of opportunity is quickly closing.

Despite the general public being largely in favor of an amendment to the bill, Republicans have decided to vote along party lines.


The pentagon has recently issued a study regarding the current amendment. It has concluded that lifting a ban that prevents gays from serving in the military would result in “minimal and isolated incidents to the risk to the current war efforts.” The pentagon requested that the survey, which was given to more than 400,000 active troupes, address the issue of a repeal potentially hindering the military’s ability to fight. More than 70% of the respondents to the survey suggested the results to the move would be either positive or nonexistent – thus eliminating the only legitimate argument of withholding the ban.

Gay rights activists have begun a campaign around ten different states to aid the process of the DADT amendment. The Human Rights Campaign and Servicemembers Legal Defense Network. Joe Solmonese, President of HRC, recently said in a statement: “As we approach the waning days of this congressional session, we must continue to demand immediate action on critical legislation.”

Repeal DADT: Blog Post #2

Chaka Fattah  is currently the representative for Pennsylvania’s second district, which includes sections of the city of Philadelphia.
Congressman Fattah has a long history of voting in favor of issues regarding gay rights.
This act was designed with the intent to make it an unlawful employment practice to discriminate against an individual on the basis of actual or perceived sexual orientation,
  • He voted no for on constitutionally defining marriage as one-man-one-woman.

The proposed amendment to the constitution stated that "Marriage in the US shall consist only of the union of a man and a woman. Neither this Constitution, nor the constitution of any State, shall be construed to require that marriage or the legal incidents thereof be conferred upon any union other than the union of a man and a woman."
Therefore, it was no surprise when he voted in favor of abolishing the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy. His response to the issue was: “the worldwide injunction issued today by Judge Virginia Phillips to stop enforcement of the ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ policy concerning gay and lesbian members of our military is welcome and long overdue.”

The greater opposition of this blatantly homophobic bill is John McCain.
In 2006 he spoke to a group of Iowa state university students and said "The day that the leadership of the military comes to me and says, 'Senator, we ought to change the policy,' then I think we ought to consider seriously changing it."
However, since losing the election to Barack Obama, McCain has been the president’s biggest critic, so it was no surprise when his stance on the issue changed when Obama announced his current push to repeal the bill.

"At this moment of immense hardship for our armed services, we should not be seeking to overturn the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy," he said bluntly, before describing it as "imperfect but effective."

Repeal DADT: Blog Post #1

In 1992, officer Allen Schindler was stomped to death by a shipmate for being openly gay in the military. This was later used as a means of justifying the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell Law - with claims of protecting the well being of homosexuals. However, this blatantly homophobic law has been embraced by the military as a way of recruiting straight officers, who would have otherwise been deterred by the awkwardness of boarding with an openly gay man. Since the policy was put in place in 1993, over 12,500 troops have been discharged due to their sexual orientation. The Government Accountability Office reported that it has cost $95.4 million for recruiting and $95.1 million for training replacements for the 9,488 troops discharged from 1994 through 2003. This law has been used as a tool to reject the very people it was made to protect, and it is costing the government money to train the replacement troops that it could have otherwise used to bolster the military.

This issue has been widely debated, especially within the past few months, with John McCain being the leading advocate. When asked about the repeal on DADT, Senator McCain backs the current policy. "This successful policy has been in effect for over 15 years, and it is well understood and predominantly supported by our military at all levels," McCain said “At a time when our Armed Forces are fighting and sacrificing on the battlefield, now is not the time to abandon the policy."

This bill has unfortunately been made into another example of a left vs. right wing issue. When asked about the repeal of the bill, Senator Susan Collins was quoted saying “It’s the right thing to do. I think it’s only fair, but I cannot vote to proceed to this bill under a situation that’s going to shut down the debate and preclude Republican amendments. That too, is not fair.” This is what politics in the United States has come to entail – a type of science where politicians tread a thin line between what is right, and what will get them reelected.

Accused of being a political ploy with the November elections coming up, President Obama has made this his main priority. Obama claimed he delayed acting on the repeal because with two wars he did not want anything to distract him from his health care fight. Although there is no constitutional right to serve in the military, President Obama made it clear that DADT would not impose on our first amendment right. “We find unity in our incredible diversity, drawing on the promise enshrined in our Constitution: the notion that we are all created equal, that no matter who you are or what you look like, if you abide by the law you should be protected by it.”

There has been several attempts to change the bill, however the pending legislation has increased within the past couple of months. The Military Readiness Enhancement Act of 2010 is a bill that seeks to establish a tradition of nondiscrimination regarding sexual orientation in the Armed Forces, by repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. This bill would also authorize the reappointment of otherwise qualified individuals previously discharged on the basis of their sexual orientation

Although this bill was made with the intent of helping homosexuals, it has served as a of homophobic legislation, that has lead to the dismissal to thousands of qualified soldiers. My partner and I are lobbying for the repeal of DADT because not only is it not fair, but it will make our military stronger, and allow us to allocate funds elsewhere to help bolster the military. Our goal is to bring more publicity to this already heated debate in hopes of more people acknowledging the need to repeal this widely contested bill. There is plenty of already pending legislation that we hope to bring recognition too.


Sadly no one indicated support for my issue. There isn’t much media attention on my issue. A policy hasn’t written to addressing my issue but there are similar issues that had been address in other cities such as Washington. “Metro Police say they plan to deploy more officers this weekend after a fight among dozens of youth in the transit system led to three arrests.” I want to deploy more officers to prevent these incidents happening in Philadelphia. I think I need to work with an elected official to write a policy for my issue.
The essential members that can contribute to my issue would be the police department and the mayor of Philadelphia, Michael Nutter.
There was a report citing several studies making the case for more uniformed officers in the city of Philadelphia released by ACLU deputy director Jennifer Shaw. “Using 250 officers and targeting 60 violent crime locations, the Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment prevented 50 violent crimes during the summer of 2009.” I could use this report as a helper to present my issue to the right hands in my favor to show that my issue has a realistic solution.


From my previous blog post, I mentioned that the S.167 - COPS Improvements Act of 2009 bill is related to my lobbying topic. Senator Herbert Kohl is the sponsor of the bill. He is a Democrat from Wisconsin serving his 4th term. Kohl is one of the United States’ wealthiest politicians, owning his own family business.

Someone in my city that represent me is Mayor Michael Nutter. He is Philadelphia's third black mayor. Nutter was a councilman of the city's 4th Council District, that included the neighborhoods of Wynnefield, Overbrook, Roxborough, Manayunk, East Falls and parts of North Philadelphia, West Philadelphia, and my area, West Mount Airy.

Mayor Nutter shares the same interest as I do. I want to have the city of Philadelphia safe place. He supports having Philadelphia declare a "Crime Emergency" in certain areas of Philadelphia. This involved stationing more officers in needed areas of Philadelphia, limit the ability to gather on public sidewalks, impose a curfew for all residents, and limit the ability to travel in certain areas.


I am lobbying for more police officers to be dispatched around public transportation, schools and around urban areas. On my way to and from school I travel a good distance and I really don’t see police officers in the area. My motivation for investigating and influencing public policy is to see crime decreased and safety increase. I’m sure that victims of crime, parents that want safety for their children, supervisors of recreation centers and teachers at school who care about their students would support my lobbying idea. An opponent to my lobbying idea would be who ever is in charge of the city finances. I don’t think the city would support me.

The S.167 - COPS Improvements Act of 2009 is a bill related to my lobbying topic. Its a “bill to amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to enhance the COPS ON THE BEAT grant program, and for other purposes.” This law does support my lobbying topic. I want to have more police patrolling the city, especially around public transportation. The law that mentions, "to increase the number of officers deployed in community-oriented policing" is perfect.

Lobbying Post #3

 What is the status of your issue at the legislature? Is this a "good" year?

There is no local legislators currently working on doing something about the FDA, but I found someone in Arkansas who is working on the issue. It was Congressman Mike Ross. Alaska state legislators have asked the US Food & Drug Administration to withhold its approval of Aquabounty's application to bring a genetically modified salmon to market. (October 7th, 2010)

Who is essential to the outcome?

The people who are essential to the outcome are the people who are working to fix and/or change certain things involving the FDA. As of now, there aren't any local legislators working on the issue I'm working on, which is stopping the FDA from changing food names. If their were people working on this, then those would be the people who were essential to the outcome.

Who else is working on this? Can you coordinate?

Me and Alex McGrorty are working on this topic together. No one in local government is working on our topic, so it would be fairly difficult to work or talk to someone who is doing something involving our topic.

Who can you influence?

I can influence the people who aren't aware of the name changing issue. Since their aren't many people aware of this issue, it would be easy to inform and influence them to help, or consider helping.

What is the time frame?

Since there is no one local working on this topic, there wouldn't be a time frame on it, so my time for this could be long.


Lobbying Post #3: Test Optional

As of the year 2010, I believe that that the topic, Standardized Testing, is having a some-what good year. It seems as though many people have been informed about the non-educational practices of standardized testing.


October 11, 2010: James S. LiebmanAccording to this Columbia Law School professor, New York City has come up with a new idea on how to evaluate schools based on their student’s knowledge at the end of the year. Instead of focusing on “a single, arbitrary line” it looks at the process of each student across the whole scale.October 12, 2010: Monty NeillAccording to the interim executive director of FairTest, “Parents, children and taxpayers would be far better served if politicians understood the well-documented limitations of standardized exams rather than continuing to pursue misguided high-stakes testing policies that undermine real learning.”


What is it?

- The National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest) is working to end the “misuses and flaws of standardized testing” and to make sure that the assessment of students, teachers, and schools is fair and benefits the education.

  • The Assessment Reform Network, aims to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among teachers, parents, education reform and civil rights organizations seeking to improve student assessment practices in their communities.
  • Creating a new framework for assessment through dissemination of Principles and Indicators for Student Assessment Systems
  • Uncovering the bias, misuses and coach ability of the SAT, ACT and similar college entrance exams
  • Stopping the misuses of SAT/ACT scores to determine eligibility for college financial aid such as National Collegiate Athletic Association's initial eligibility rules (Propositions 48 and 16) and the National Merit Scholarship Competition
  • Promoting test score-optional policies for college admissions
  • Attacking the false notions that test scores equal merit

2010 College Bound Seniors Average SAT Scores

The Higher Ups:

Joe Biden

"A child is more then a test score. So how can you expect our students to build a new economy if all they are doing is filling out bubbles? How can you expect them to think critically if all we are doing is testing their ability to memorize things?"

- Joe Biden


According to Joe Biden,

“We know what we need to do, and its not No Child Left Behind. We have to stop focusing on test scores, a child is more than a test score.”

At the NEA (National Education Association) Convention, Biden spoke on Standardized Testing and Education in general. He believes that many things should be changed, such as:

  • Class sizes
  • Teacher Salary
  • No Child Left Behind
  • Focus on Test Scores
  • Availability to an Education
Barack Obama

“Creativity has been drained from classrooms, as too many teachers are forced to teach to fill-in-the-bubble tests...It just can’t dominate the curriculum to an extent where we are pushing aside those things that will actually allow children to improve and accurately assess the quality of the teaching that is taking place in the classroom.”

-Barack Obama

Obama doesn’t support the No Child Left Behind Law because he believes that it’s all talk but no action. The No Child Left Behind Law “leaves the money behind”. It takes away the creativity and the individuality of students and their teachers.

Obama states that teachers should be able to teach instead of spending majority of the year preparing students to fill out bubbles on a test. Instead of just standard testing on Math, Reading, and Writing he will fund states to apply a broader variety of assessments such as:

  • using technology
  • conducting research
  • engaging in scientific investigations
  • solving problems
  • presenting
  • defending their ideas.

Who Does This Problem Most Relate To?


The link above is a video of four high school students performing poetry about standardized testing. In it they state how standardized testing has conformed the minds of students and that it doesn’t educate you on “the things we need to know to live.”

I believe that students feel more singled out by standardized test than anyone else because they are the ones who are taking them and these tests “determine” their future. However, some colleges and universities are becoming test optional.

Upcoming Meetings on Education:

The Compact meets on the first Thursday of every month to share perspectives on reform initiatives in the Philadelphia schools, and to support policies and strategies that hold the best promise for improving the culture and outcomes of local schools.

Friday, December 3, 2010; 8:00 AM–10:00 AM

Thursday, January 6, 2011; 8:00 AM–10:00 AM

Thursday, February 3, 2011; 8:00 AM–10:00 AM

Thursday, March 3, 2011; 8:00 AM–10:00 AM

Thursday, April 7, 2011; 8:00 AM–10:00 AM

Thursday, May 5, 2011; 8:00 AM–10:00 AM

Thursday, June 2, 2011; 8:00 AM–10:00 AM


Lobbying Blog #2: Yes or No

Kimberly BushOctober 22, 2010Joe Biden"A child is more then a test score. So how can you expect our students to build a new economy if all they are doing is filling out bubbles? How can you expect them to think critically if all we are doing is testing their ability to memorize things?"

- Joe Biden


According to Joe Biden,

“We know what we need to do, and its not No Child Left Behind. We have to stop focusing on test scores, a child is more than a test score.”

At the NEA (National Education Association) Convention, Biden spoke on Standardized Testing and Education in general. He believes that many things should be changed, such as:

  • Class sizes
  • Teacher Salary
  • No Child Left Behind
  • Focus on Test Scores
  • Availability to an Education
Barack Obama“Creativity has been drained from classrooms, as too many teachers are forced to teach to fill-in-the-bubble tests...It just can’t dominate the curriculum to an extent where we are pushing aside those things that will actually allow children to improve and accurately assess the quality of the teaching that is taking place in the classroom.”

-Barack Obama

Obama doesn’t support the No Child Left Behind Law because he believes that it’s all talk but no action. The No Child Left Behind Law “leaves the money behind”. It takes away the creativity and the individuality of students and their teachers. Obama states that teachers should be able to teach instead of spending majority of the year preparing students to fill out bubbles on a test. Instead of just standard testing on Math, Reading, and Writing he will fund states to apply a broader variety of assessments such as:
  • using technology
  • conducting research
  • engaging in scientific investigations
  • solving problems
  • presenting
  • defending their ideas.
Chaka FattahFattah, when asked if he supported standardized testing, gave two perspectives. He believed that tests were needed to “analyze how students were doing in relation to other students,” however, he also believes that, “students should not be merely taught to pass examinations or given tests prematurely before they have been taught the information.”

According to Chaka Fattah, the No Child Left Behind Law is, “intellectually dishonest because it holds children accountable for test scores when their schools lack resources.”

My Views:

I guess you could say that I agree with those who believe that standardized testing is needed in schools. However, it should not be heavily weighed as a resource to test a student’s intelligence. How can you measure someone’s mind and abilities through a test? You can’t because memorizing and learning are two different things. There’s a distinction between understanding and remembering what you are told. You can be told one thing but this doesn’t mean that you actually understand the meaning behind that thing. Being a Senior in high school, I have a biased view against the Scholastic Aptitude Test because my GPA shows a higher degree of learning than the scores on that test. To get into a college, you should not be based off of how many bubbles you’ve filled out correctly but by the actual grades you get in high school.  Either way, there needs to be a change on how we assess the future of our world.

If we don’t change today, than what will we learn tomorrow?


Lobbying Post #1: Standardized Testing

Kimberly Bush
October 6, 2010
Science Leadership Academy

I’m lobbying against any federal financial aid giving college that’s using Standardized Testing as criteria for admissions.

All throughout my childhood I’ve been told that I am a smart young woman who is capable of many things. However, it was brought to my attention that when taking tests, my intelligence wouldn’t really reveal itself on this piece of paper. Looking into it, I realized that in reality tests can’t be accountable for every young adults smartness because there are those who aren’t good at test taking, one of them being me. This is the main reason on why I wanted to go to Science Leadership Academy. After hearing about this project based school, I felt as though they understood that there are those who are very intellectual and therefore found a way to surface their creativity. As a Senior, I’m looking back at all the projects I did and wondering if I could have shown this type of creativity and individual uniqueness through tests. The answer would be no. However, now I’m trying to get prepared for college which involves finding the colleges, visiting them, and determining if my SAT scores are high enough for any of them. Not only are the SATs one of the things that can determine if you get the education you want but it also causes a lot of unnecessary stress that builds up until you’re done the whole college application process. This whole process made me wonder what SATs are really about and whether they determined how bright a person is based on the answers to a multiple choice question and their view on a topic. To me, a person can be very insightful and wise even if a test says otherwise because they may have different views and different knowledge that we have never been introduced to.

    The main supporters of my lobbying topic would probably be high school students, parents of those high school students, and those who took the SATs and didn’t get a good enough test score to get into their desired college. Those who probably would not support my lobbying topic would be the colleges with high expectations (i.e. Ivy League Colleges...), those who have very strong test taking skills, and possibly educators.      There is not any type of bill or legislation on my topic that I know of. If there was one to be made, I would like to see what both sides of the topic would propose for the benefit of our youth today. However, I would want to get the opinions of actual high school students too, to see their point of view on this topic. I feel as though you can’t really make a bill without actual concrete evidence. Therefore, if I were in charge of choosing whether or not financial aid giving colleges should use Standardized Testing as criteria for admissions, I would bring together high school students from all around the world with different views and have a big discussion about it. After gathering up data from that event, I would bring together different Representatives from colleges ranging from Ivy League Schools to Community Colleges and have the same discussion with them. Based on the information gathered and the points given I would from there conclude on whether or not Standardized Testing is a good way to represent the intellectual being of a student.

This article states many key factors and details on why Standardized Testing isn’t an effective way on judging the smartness of a student. The writer gives his opinion and backs up his statements with evidence from the actual test itself and those who judge the tests as well.

Here are a few things that he stated in his article:
  • “Rather than learning anything of consequence, students are taught how to beat the test.”
  • “The essays written on these tests are frequently not scored by educators, but by temp workers, who are paid minimum wage, and who generally spend no more than two minutes on each exam.  According to one former scorer, "There were times I'd be reading a paper every ten seconds.  I know this sounds very bizarre, but you could put a number on these things without actually reading the paper." Furthermore, the scorer added that he and his coworkers were offered a "two hundred dollar bonus that kicked in after eight thousand papers."’
  • “Quoting Roger Farr, a professor of education at Indiana University, "I don't think there's any way to build a multiple-choice question that allows students to show what they can do with what they know."’
These are just a few examples in this text that sheds light on the flaws of Standardized Testing.     In conclusion, as a high school senior, I view Standardized Testing as unnecessary and a defective way to represent the intelligence of our youth. Hopefully, later on, this topic will be brought to the attention of those higher up who will realize that there needs to be a change on how we assess our youth. These faulty assessments should not be the criteria that colleges base the future of this world on.


lobbying post #2

Sunday, October 24, 2010


        So, part two of the lobbying project has come up. This time, I researched about specific legislators and/or bills that are involved with my topic. I spent a lot of time searching for bills that had been passed or are in the works, and came up empty. Well, except for the National Drug and Alcohol Addiction Recovery month. So I decided to direct my research towards specific places that have holistic recovery programs and the people who run them.


        The first organization that I found is called the Public Health Management Corporation, or PHMC and, mainly through their affiliate organization, The Bridge, runs many recovery centers in the philadelphia area. The people who run these centers would be good contact points for me to find out what the needs of these programs are, and what the government can do to help promote the growth of these centers and the creation of new ones.


        Another organization I can contact is the Whosoever Gospel Mission in Philadelphia. This is a religious organization, so they don’t recieve federal or state funding, but it would be interesting to think about what the government can do to help out all recovery centers, for example, tax breaks. It’s something to think about.

Creative Freedom in the Classroom: Blog 3

Arlene Ackerman’s Imagine 2014 district improvement plan aims to “[revise] language arts, math, science, and social studies curricula to be more integrated, rigorous and relevant in preparing students for college and careers in the 21st century.” This past year, the district identified new literacy and math programs, and plans to institute new English and Math curriculums for 2010.
I haven’t been able to find the details of these new curriculums. A powerpoint presented to the School Reform Commission outlining the goals of Imagine 2014 lists raising test scores and increasing the number of “predicative assessments” as goals for 2011. A focus on test scores means that teachers have to spend more time teaching to the test and less time teaching creatively to the interests of their students. “Predicative assessments”, I believe, is just another term for more testing.
It’s clear that Arlene Ackerman holds the most power regarding my issue, but I think Larry Farnese has the power to approach her. He certainly is involved in getting education funding for the state.

Creative Freedom in the Classroom: Blog 2

In my district (the first senatorial district), senator Larry Farnese is most involved in education reform. He’s on the state senate education committee, and he’s working with State representative Curtis Thomas to establish five new technical and vocational schools in the next five years. He is also partly responsible for increasing education funding by 250 million dollars.
Larry Farnese is a democrat and advocate of public education. His grandfather served on the Philadelphia school board. He’s sponsored programs on behalf of the Sister Cities Young Artist Program at the Moore College of Art and Design, as well as Italica Arts and Education. He attended Villanova University for undergraduate school and Temple University for Law school.
I think Farnese will take interest in my cause. He’s clearly invested in public education, and he cares about art programs, which suggests that he values learning as an end to itself. (Maybe that’s wishful thinking, but it’s possible.) He’s also is willing to spend money on education.
My district representative is Babette Josephs is an advocate for public school, and for charter schools in particular. She strongly opposes giving tax money to religious schools. She’s voted for special education funding, and is strongly in favor of the public school system.

Violence In Philadelphia

Pending Legislation On Violence

The state supreme court ruled on Philadelphia's gun ordinances on June 11, 2010.
These laws basically state:

• The city is allowed to force its citizens to report a lost or stolen gun within 24 hours.
• Police are allowed to seize guns from those “considered to pose a risk to themselves or others.”
• Those subject to a protection-from-abuse order may not own a firearm within the city.
• Need to purchase more than one gun a month then you can.

Things seem to be on hold with the law. Dwight Evans lost his title holding the positiong  of chairman of the Appropriations Committee, which he held for almost 20 years. Dwight evans has had a succesful outcome with his projects such as support are the Pennsylvania Convention Center, the creation of the Ogontz Avenue Revitalization Corp. in West Oak Lane, shaping how Pennsylvania’s share of the stimulus package was spent, school reform, education funding and creating the Fresh Food Financing Initiative. With someone taking his title, it seems like all his work will be put on hold or won't be acknowledged.

Others Working on this

The law is still pending. Much hasn't changed since June.This is an article that is an overview of what is going on with the pending law.There are several elected officials working on this issue, such as Mayor Nutter, Dwight Evans, Donna Reed Miller, Walter M. Phillips Jr, Babette Josephs and many more. This is one of the first laws I have ever seen with almost every official coming to an agreement. Considering this there aren't people opposing this law.

     Who can you influence?

Can you help me find a job? Can you get me an internship?' " This shows that children and or teens are the main target for influence. They are the ones who are pressed to get jobs and internships. If they understand that supporting Dwigh, joseph, Miller, and the others who are working to stop gun violence could help then get jobs and internships, I am sure they would be all for it.

                                                Key Date

December 2, 2010
“We will suffer,” said Council Majority Leader Marian Tasco. “It is truly a sad time for Philadelphians to lose their strongest voice,” she said, pointing out work Evans had done to bring money for grocery stores, museums, arts and recreation to the city. There will be a meeting on December 2, 2010, this meeting isn't completely on the Law about violence, but the conditions Philadelphia is in now that we have " lost our strongest voice. This meeting will be used to discuss issues tax increases, no union contracts and health care spending emergencies. There hasn't been anything that happened with the gun laws since June 11, 2010. 2010 was a good year for this law. It made a lot of progress in the beginning of the year but towards the end nothing productive has been done. Hopefully after the scheduled meeting on December 2 the gun law will get back on the right track.

Creative Freedom in the Classroom: Blog 1

I’m advocating for a flexible curriculum that gives teachers more creative freedom in the classroom. Currently, teachers are hindered by a restrictive curriculum that directs not only the content of each class, but how the content should be taught. Teachers aren’t able to tailor their classes to the individual needs and interests of their students, and they aren’t able to experiment with teaching methods. I’ve heard stories about dozens of teachers who would be willing to teach at public schools if only they could teach without the guiding hand of the school district. Instead, they go to private schools.
In public school, teachers often receive “Routine Cards” that dictate the details of each lesson. Students are frequently given standardized Benchmark tests designed to make sure that teachers remain on track.

Violence In Philadelphia

Dwight Evans

Evans stated that “legislators should move beyond boundary lines and party labels to take action on gun control.”

    It is not hidden that violence is on the rise in Philadelphia. Many people notice it, and do nothing about it. One person who is fighting to change the increasing numbers of murders/ attacks in Philadelphia is Dwight Evans. Dwight Evans is a Pennsylvania State Representative. He runs the 203rd district which is in in Northwest Philadelphia. Dwight Evans entered the Pennsylvania House of Representatives  in 1980.  Since he has held the position, Dwight Evan has several goals for improving the safety and lifestyles for members of our community and always worked to support them. While holding the position as the PA State Rep, Dwight Evans has been successful in creating legislations for increasing job opportunities and economic development, improving education opportunities and conditions, and working to reduce violence  in the City Of Philadelphia.

    He focuses on reaching out to children and discussing violence and violence prevention. He has conducted several presentations to Philadelphia students about violence. Unlike many politicians that just discuss the issues to other politicians he speaks to the people being effected by the issue and gives them useful information on the issue.

    Dwight Evans strategies for reducing violence are similar to mine. We both grew up in Philadelphia, so we know what it is like to be surrounding by violence. We both want to focus on children. If children learn about other ways to solve issues without violence it will be reduced. Providing children with education and activities will allow them to stay occupied. Without an education there is a low chance in becoming successful because with no education, there will be no jobs and with no jobs comes along poverty and at the end of the chain poverty leads to violence.


Summarizes Dwights intentions as a State Rep and for his district.

                                                People Against Dwight Evans

"This month, all gun owners in Pennsylvania need to stand up and be heard. Anti-gun legislators, led by Representative Dwight Evans (D-Philadelphia), are pushing new gun control measures in Harrisburg. Pointing to data from a recent Democratic Party funded poll that indicates suburban residents are concerned about gun violence, Evans stated that “legislators should move beyond boundary lines and party labels to take action on gun control.” Gun-control legislation has been dead on arrival in Harrisburg for more than a decade, because the balance of the General Assembly supports the rights of gun owners. However, if Representative Evans and his supporters are successful this could change overnight. With your help, we can again stop this from happening. Pennsylvania gun owners have two important dates to remember:

September 25th - Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing: Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Stewart Greenleaf (R-12) schedules final hearing in Harrisburg - On Sept. 25, the Senate Judiciary Committee will be holding a final hearing to receive testimony relating to urban violence. The hearing will be held 10:00 a.m., in Room 8E-B of the East Wing. During the past several months, the committee has heard testimony from public officials and anti-gun zealots insisting on new gun control legislation to combat urban crime. This will be the final opportunity for NRA members to voice their discontent regarding the lack of enforcement and prosecution of federal and state firearm laws which has fueled violent crime over the past year. If you’re planning on testifying or need additional information, contact Gregg Warner of Sen. Greenleaf's office, (717) 787-6599 or "

This is a website posted by the Pennsylvania Firearm Owners Association