Animal Cruelty- Blog Post #3

         To introduce my blog post #3 is to tell you that there will be a change. A change that means something to a lot of people. Change is neccessary for animal cruelty if you have seen or heard about it. The nuts and bolts that need to be changed is that people are going to have to stop doing cruel things to animals. They don’t have voices, so we have to speak for them to stop cruelting them. They don’t deserve it.

To draw out what has been done to raise awareness to stop animal cruelty, The Humane Society of the United States has been very active in campaigning for animals. They prevent abuses such as dogfighting and cockfighting. Other awareness organizations are PAWS, which is a foster program to adopt animals in Philadelphia and the ASPCA which helps prevent cruelty in Philadelphia that’s happening to them. It ties in to the other organizations that helped stop animal abuse and animal cruelty because it is like a shelter and a foster home for these helpless animals.

My opinions on ways to change is first get the whole school involved. Then the the principal will set out the word on animal cruelty to his family and friends and students will do the same. Everybody will have a chance to help them. Once this happens, the cruelty must stop immediately!!! There’s no ifs ands or buts. Without animals and pets here, what other way can people entertain themselves if they didn’t have anything else to do. Lets not forget, these animals have feelings just like humans.

I will do this by showing a presentation on animal cruelty to my advisory and have a bake sale then when the school has a chance, we will then donate it to one of these organizations and we will all take part in volunteering to help them help these animals.This will someday improve our society and the animals society. Another way I can raise awareness by making videos of pictures of it with text and put it on the SLA site, make a big poster of it to raise the awareness or just make small posters and put it all around the school. Someday, the world will know that there will a change and its going to start with them.

To make these changes happen, we will work together. People will notice these changes and notice that it is wrong. When they see these signs around school and hear the messages that have been said people might think its annoying, but its not. It’s for a good cause. Once these animals have the help that they need, they will be happy and will be able to survive with life. Give these animals a chance. This change hasn’t happened yet, but it will happen and it will occur.

The original content I can make to illustrate how a positive change is occurring is that more people or all people will go to their local vet place or local shelter and everybody will help these animals. People will help these animals no matter what it takes. People will love them, take care of them and treat them with respect as if they had their own child. People will look at how these animals lived and feel sorry for them because they can’t take it any more. Their hearts will be broken just like ours. Continuing on my original content, is that I will make posters in order for people to show their love and how I love animals. Both animal testing  and animal cruelty is wrong.

Click Here if you want to see a video of how animal cruelty should be stopped

Click Here if you will like to donate to the ASPCA.

To sum up my last to blogs would be if these animals will be helped and if there will will be any more public awareness  to save these animals for my first blog post and for my second blog post was about my opinions and latest research on Animal Cruelty. Now  for the third blog post was about how I was going to make a change.  

         What I did to make change was that I created posters. I created posters to give a good message that cruelty should stop and committing these animals to die. What is still left for me to do is to find out if this awareness works or not. I hope this awareness will work. If it doesn’t, it wouldn’t be good for them or for us. I just can’t stop thinking and I know you can’t either stop thinking that more of these animals are going to die.

To explain my original content of the project, its obviously posters. The posters say people need to make a donation and stop animal cruelty. When you look at them, they almost make you want to cry and help save the day. Even the people reading this post should spread this word out and not only me. Save these animals today!!!

I will like to thank Ms. Dunn, for helping me get through this project. I will also like to thank her again because she helped me get through this whole project myself and always gave me feedback. I will like to thank Emma for also checking my work from the beginning when we first had began the project. I will also like to thank myself from Ms. Dunn’s help and Emma’s, because I finally achieved the projects goals. They are the best teacher and student assistant teachers ever!!! To close out this blog, is if you see animal cruelty happening don’t let it happen again. Make it end or take it to the court to get it handled. REMEMBER, STOP ANIMAL  CRUELTY!!!

click here for my bibliography

Click Here to watch this video on animal cruelty.
Poster for Animal Cruelty #1- Dunn
Poster for Animal Cruelty #1- Dunn
​Here is a picture of my original content!!! 

Globalization Quarter 4 BM

For this quarters benchmark is was sort of tough to do because I didn't really know what to take pictures of as well as the topic I wanted to do. But then as I walked around the city I say a lot of governmental issues at hand so I thought I should talk about them. My favorite image is the construction image because that is something I think is so dumb that the government is doing right now. I feel like it could be avoided and changed in so many ways. I feel like the evidence is relavent Philadelphia because these things are happening here and right now a lot of people are looking at us because a lot s happening in our tri-state area. 
lauf bm

The Post for Change (Blog Post #3)

This is Slavery

A Story, A Life

 People wonder what can "we" do to stop or change Human Trafficking? Like I said before there are main types of Human Trafficking such as Sex Trafficking and the Labor Trafficking. Both of these are horrible, but what will put an end to this? Humans (Victims) are tricking into thinking that they will finally be able to go to America or where that wish to go but are made into slaves that are forced to work way below the minimum wage. Also yes, it does happen in other places besides the United States. It happens mainly in Eurasia and according to research it does not have a high rate of happening in the US but that does not mean that it does not happen at all.

Hope, they take their hope and twist it. The Slave Traders take the Victims “Hope” of supporting their family, actually getting out of their home and twist into a promise that will never come true. The Slave Traders say “If you come with me I’ll take you to “blank” and all you need to do is work for me for a while.” That “while” will never end and the Victims and never meet their dreams. Their dreams will never come true, they will continue to work unless someone helps them. But how can that person help if they do not know where to help. The victims cannot call out for help because they are trapped, trapped as a slave in a foreign country. “They are largely silent, they have no voice, no hope, that’s the impact.”  

Here is a story that one of my fathers suggested to me, it talks about prostitution in Spain. Have you ever wondered where Human Trafficking Victims come from?

What could stop this or who? For example if this was happening in Pennsylvania, who could stop it? Many may think the president but President Obama can’t do anything. It is actually the local officials, such as Police. The problem is getting the police to actually get up and do something. Right now Police are lazy some are not. If the police investigated more into Human, Sex and Labor Trafficking, they could find a Slave Trading Route or a building where it takes place.

Now to make the Police in other countries to get up and do something. The President whether it is a he or she could definitely affect the Police and get them to do something. But maybe it is a problem with the Police, the Policemen or Policewomen could not be willing or wanting to help. No matter how hard people may try, it is almost impossible to stop men and women from having or thinking about coitus.

The Time to Act is Now, People of The World End This Crisis!


Philadelphia Murder Rate- Part 3: CHANGE TIME

            The, “Post for Change”! If you have followed along in my first and second posts, you should know that I have been discussing a topic that is very dear to my heart, and that I feel very passionately about; the murder rate in Philadelphia. This is an increasingly ongoing problem, and I have been working on my own way to try and change this, more of on a smaller scale though. My entire blog has been leading up to this, where I explain to you how I have figured out how to create my own personal post for change.


            Throughout the past 3 or so weeks, I have been researching, and talking to as many people as I can to try and learn as much as I can about the violence in Philadelphia, as well as one of the main ways that violence can be reduced. After evaluating everything, I have realized that one of the most effective ways to reduce violence is to enforce an effective neighborhood watch. This has been shown to reduce the amount of door-to-door violence, which would result in a significantly lower murder rate in Philadelphia. Even though this is the most effective way, due to my lack of resources, as well as age, I did not think it would be very realistic for me to attempt to set up neighborhood watches in Philadelphia. So I decided to make more awareness about the Philadelphia murder rate. I believe that awareness may result in people having a reality check, and understanding everything that has and continues to happen in Philadelphia.


            In order to create this awareness, I have created a piece of original content that I have also posted onto my Tumblr, Facebook, as well as my Twitter in order to increase the amount of people that are informed of this problem. My original content piece consists of a video of a montage of photos that shows you the sadness that comes with violence, especially murder. This video also has a piece of background music that not only is also a piece of original content, but also fits perfectly with the video. The talented Ronald Harper; who is doing a blog of his own if you would like to check it out; has composed this rap, and is performed by me.

Here is my final bibliography link!



Testing on animals, Post #3

Hello readers! My name is Amy Farrell and this is my third post on the topic of testing on animals. If you wish to read  my first 2 posts, click here for post 1 and here for post 2. In post 1, I gave an overview of what animal testing is all about, and included an informative video on the topic. In post 2, it was more about my opinion and other research I have found. In this post, this is my plan for change. This is the last part of the project, so this will be my last blog post.  

The final question we all have is:

What can we do to help?

There are many things you as a reader can do to help. First, view this list of companies that do test on animals (Below) , and make sure you do NOT buy their products. Here is an easy way to find brands that do and do not test on animals.  If enough people boycott companies that use animals for testing, they will run out of business OR decide to change their testing methods. 

Here is a petition that you can sign that says you will not buy products from companies that test on animals. After signing this, a letter is sent to one of the companies saying you are boycotting their products. 


My Plan / Original Content 

I sent an email with this link to the freshman class at Science Leadership Academy. So far, I’ve gotten over 40+ people to sign it. By sending this link to people, it will spread awareness. Also, after you sign the form, it asks you to send it to a friend. By sending it to a friend, more and more people will be aware of this happening. Even after this project is done, I still plan on using products that do not test on animals, and I will continue spreading awareness. 


I’d like to thank Mrs Dunn, Emma Hersh, Max Amar-Olkus, and RubyJane Anderson for helping me complete these 3 posts. 

If you want to do more, you could contact the companies by yourself and tell them why you aren’t going to buy their products. If many people do this, they will realize they need to change. Here is a list of companies that still test on animals. It may be shocking to see some of your favorite brands listed, but it is the truth. As I stated earlier, you can contact these companies yourself and tell them what you think about this. Change always starts with one person, and that person could be you.

Also, if you wish to join PETA’S Action Team to help animals, click here for more information. 

If you wish to see my bibliography, click here.

Who wouldn't want to see more animals being healthy and happy? 

Social Networking: Positive or Negative #3

​   From my first and second blog post, I’ve certainly done a lot of work and personal research. For one, I made a survey and posted it on all of my social networking accounts to have people fill it out. As a result, 110 people filled it out (thank you if you were one of those people!).

            From my survey, I found lots of interesting information. When I was finishing up making it, I decided that I needed one last question. While I was trying to figure out what this one would be, I had a thought; I wonder how many people typically would remember a friends birthday if it weren’t for a facebook reminder? Pleased with myself for thinking of this question, I quickly typed it in, thinking that most people would respond with “Yes, of course I would remember a friend’s birthday!” Instead, my results spoke very differently. Turns out that 60% of people would not remember. To me, that is incredibly shocking. Because of that fact, I’m contemplating changing my birthday on facebook to a false date so a bunch of people wish me a happy birthday and then I get to laugh at them.

            From my survey, I also found the average time that people spend on social networking sites per day. The largest amount was that somebody said was 16 hours in total, which is astounding. The least was no time at all, and that was obviously from someone who didn’t have any social networking accounts. I tallied and found the average of my results, and created this chart:

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I was also interested to see what social networking sites were the most popular, and so I made a question on my survey that the person could check all of the social networking sites that they have. From that information, I tallied the number of people who had each site and then divided it by the total number of people who answered my survey and made it into a percent, and then made this pie chart:
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From my survey, I also found interesting small facts about the use of social networking. For example, I found out that 86% of people said that they were able to get in contact with someone whom they normally would not have been able to. Also, 42 people said that they have posted things on social networking sites that they regret. From those, 39 were teenagers. Lastly, 55% of people say that they have witnessed bullying on social networking sites.

            The most controversial question on my survey was “Have you found that you can express yourself better on social networking sites than you can in real life?” One of the best points that I saw was that when you’re behind a computer screen, you can think about how you want to articulate your thoughts and once you start typing words, you can always delete them if you haven’t posted them yet. Whereas in person, once the words are out of your mouth, you can’t take them back. However, a wonderful point that one of the responders posted was that “nothing on the web is ever personal or private, once it’s out there everyone can see it.” (here is an interesting article about that)

I even saw directly contradicting statements. One person answered “Yeah, because a lot of people are scared to say stuff to a person in real life so instead of confronting them in person, they will do it online.” After reading this, I was thinking about the wisdom of posting something online that you wouldn’t normally say when, as stated above, nothing is personal or private once it is posted. Ironically, someone directly stated against this saying, “No, because I believe that whatever you say on a social media site should be something you would say in real life.”

            One of the most interesting answers that I received, however, was this: “Better? No, definitely not. More carefully crafted? Sure. Those are different though.” Another one that can be discussed is when someone said “No. Social networking can sometimes remove the ‘human touch’ that is present in verbal communication.” Related to the concept of missing the “humanness” of a face-to-face conversation, one person answered “No, it’s difficult to communicate without using the non-verbals like body language, facial expression and tone of voice.”

Well, it’s time to make change. Throughout this entire process, I’ve been wondering what it’d be like to do a week without any sorts of social networking. And so, I decided to put this plan into action. Five of my friends and I (I tried to recruit more people, but my friends weren’t to keen on going an entire WEEK without facebook or twitter) started yesterday and are doing a week (May 28-June 4) free of these sites! Every day, we’re filling out a four question survey that I created which asks simple questions such as “How are you doing without social networking today?” and “Are you less distracted than you normally would be?” Results from this experiment will be posted next week.

            And so, the main question comes back: Is social networking good or bad? Through this project, I have become enraptured by both opinions, good and bad. I have heard excellent reasons for each of them, and I have certainly learned more about the topic itself. However, I only focused on a portion of the internet: social networking. With all information online, the use of google rather than textbooks, and the majority of communication happening on the internet, where is our generation headed? And once we become completely immersed in a technological life, will be able to get back out?

 Will we want to?

Here is my bibliography.

Supporting the LGBT_ Blog post #3

This is my last and final blog post of the You and The World Project, this also includes the post for change. Which is when you choose something unique in order to demonstrate/ show awareness about your topic For more information on my previous blog posts, please click here
Some things that have been done to support the LGBT community would be things such as clubs, programs, petitions, and even organizations that people begin on their own. When positive changes like these are occurring then they result in bringing awareness to the LGBT community as well as their constitutional and civil rights. Also, even well known people like President Barack Obama have brought full attention to issues that branch out from my topic. Afterwards, this can be the result of informing everyone in the U.S as well as world-wide. 

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To support the LGBT you don't have to be gay, all you need to do is be yourself and that will do. The LGBT community want respect and that can easily be earned because they are humans and have rights like we do too.

In my opinion I think that these ways are an amazing and inspirational way to make a change in this world. These are just some of the small things in life that can actually begin to form a huge difference. Things like clubs and programs are ways in which everyone can get involved in. This can even begin in places like schools, a great opportunity to let voices of students be heard and make CHANGE. 

Change is just a word, but... once someone comes and proves it, the whole world sees it. 
If your interested in learning more about my issue, check out this website.


Something I plan on doing to make change would be to create a slide show in order to raise even more awareness about my issue, more like informing others, especially the ones who are bias and don't know much about my issue in general. Adding on this, I felt like this still wasn't enough. In order for me to make change and feel good about it, I would have to go beyond my comfort zone, and so I did!!! That's why in less then a week or so I will be in front of an audience speaking about my issue! This will be taking place in my middle school, but I must admit this is really nerve racking! Along with this speech I will also be presenting something more visual to these middle schoolers and that is the presentation I mentioned above. 

To view this presentation, take a look below; 

For more resources, check out the bibliography!


Mrs. Dunn
Julia Boyer -Student Assitant Teacher 
Classmates - For reviewing my blog(s).

Mali Election Project – Jeff Kessler, Emma Hersh, and Julia Boyer

This semester in Globalization, the class was divided into groups, each of which was given a country. Jeff, Emma, and Julia selected Mali in the Saharan region of Africa. The goal was to assemble a collection of student recorded election interviews documenting Mali’s election process. To achieve this goal, each member of the group selected a role that would make him/her responsible for a specific form of contact to Mali. Jeff was responsible for utilizing his abundance of followers on twitter. Julia used her charm via email to reach schools in Mali. Emma used her connections with the BuildOn global community service organization to network with a school in Mali.

While the election was going to take place in late April, an unexpected obstacle interfered. A military coup seized power and the election was thwarted! The school that Julia was in contact with disassembled but no one was in danger. The country is still uncommunicative with the global community and assumably still under militant control.

Broadcasted Communication Documentation:

The Change

​Hey everyone!
For a while I've been putting up information about bullying. If you didn't get to read the click here for Blog1 and click here for Blog 2.

  Here is my bullying video hope you like it. :)
Also if you want to know where i got my information for here is my bibliography.

My change is to let people know about what they are doing to people. I believe that I will let people know by going to some classes in SLA like Mrs. Dunn Class and telling people about bullying. I think a lot of people don’t think about what they are saying to people. Maybe if I tell them to think about what they say, then they might stop bullying people so much. That how I will make a change.

I found out a lot about bullying by doing this project. I found out that a lot of people that had been bullied or seen people get bullied start to bully other people. This help me understand why bullying was a big and everyone needed to know about this. That’s why I made a video about bullying. I only thing I ask is to please stop and think about what you are saying to people and doing to people. 

Natalie Sanchez and Ashley Etheredge's voting project: Armenia

In globalization, we were assigned a project that required us to make connections with someone from a foreign country and have them conduct "voting day" interviews on their country's election day and share their findings with us. In the past year, Ms. Laufenberg had already assigned us to conduct voter interviews in our districts, but now it was time to branch out. The objective of this project was to 1.) learn how to make global connections via internet social sites and more importantly, 2.) to learn how the voting process and opinions towards the same differs in different countries other than the United States. The country that Ashley and I picked was Armenia. The hardest part of this project was making connections with people halfway around the world. We tried to contact a Philadelphia local of Armenian decent, Lavan,  who could possibly connect us with his family members or friends in our voting project country, but he could not get back to us. We also tried emailing many Armenian-American institutions in the country, like The Yerevan International school of Armenia, the American University of Armenia, and European regional academy of Armenia, among others, but we did not receive a reply. It was only until we messaged Ms. Karen Abalyan, an employee of the communications department of the Eastern Diocese of the Armenian Church of America in New York that we actually got a hint of communication flowing, but in the end, this did not fall through. After this, Reverend Hakob Gevorgyan of holy trinity church recommended Greg Bilazarian as a good contact point. We emailed Greg several times and found that he was very helpful; he was even going to find a student to conduct the interview for us, but we could not get a reply from Mr. Bilazarian after the Armenian voting day (May 6, 2012). After a couple of weeks of hearing nothing back from our contact, we sent him an email  to follow up with his progress. It wasn't until we ran into an online article about the Armenian voting day that we found out that  there was a voting protest in Yerevan, Armenia in support for Ter-Petrosian because of suspicions of flawed voting. The protest became a violent demonstration that might have proved dangerous for the students that were going to do the interviews. Ashley and I assumed that this was the reason that Mr. Bilazarian was not able to send us a reply. In conclusion, we ended up not receive a reply from our contact, but learned the how bad Armenia's political system is at the present. 

check out this link to view our presentation.

Election Country: Slovakia

To go to the youtube video that we received from the country, click here.

As for the process of going through all of this and doing the assignment, it was a rough one. At first, it took so long to actually get started. We tried to find different numbers, different people we could talk to, and even schools but we saw that it was landing us nowhere. We were not sure what to do. We went to Ms. Laufenberg and told her the situation, and she gave us an idea to get into contact with a british international school. We decided to give it a shot. We went to the website and found some emails, then we emailed each one stating what we needed and hopefully they could give us a response.

Finally, we received a response, but not only one, but two or three. Some people immediately offered to help us with the project. Even the people who could not do it gave us emails to other people and students that would be willing to help. With the extra push of Ms. Laufenberg, we were able to get the whole process running.

   There was one specific person we were in contact with whose name was Ms. Legg. She is a history teacher in the British International school, and she was the first to really give us anything. We stayed in contact with her, and though sometimes it took a long time for her to respond, she gave us what we needed, which was an interview of people on the voting process in Slovakia. Another person that really helped us alot was the principal of the school. He sent out to many people my message and through that, we got into contact with two different students. Both emailed us, but only one persisted, and his name was Juraj. He helped us out of the blue by sending a script of an interview, and that was a great addon to our project. To see that script that he sent us on the interviewing on their election process, click here.

In conclusion, we finally got into contact with people in Slovakia and were successful at receiving more information on the voting process in Slovakia by actual people there. It is very surprising and enlightening at the same time to think that we actually got into contact with someone on a completely other side of the globe. It just shows how technology is going far. To see some evidence of the process, look at the pictures below. We would like to thank Ms. Laufenberg for really giving us that push because without it we would not have gotten that far into the project.

Journal Entry #41

You never really understand what we went through till you see it. You never heard our pain, heard our cries. Theres nothing we could do, to change the past, only the future. The one thing you can do is be a friend. Someone to cry on, someone to love, someone to listen, someone to share the pain with. But you will never understand our pain. 

Unconventional Teacher Fundraising

For this project we worked to tell the untold story of unconventional teacher fund rasing in Philadelphia. From microgrant dinners to parent initiated car washes, people invested in education in Philly and doing a lot to continue financing the school district. We found this to be an extremely important story due to the recent deficit throughout the city's school district which has students, parents, politicians, and beauracrats throughout the entire area worried about the future of Philadelphia public education. Initiatives like the ones outlined in this article are prime examples of the level of effort needed by the members of our community in order to counter-act this crisis. Reporting on this issue has been an educational exploration for me, who is soon to go off to college and will have my own personal credit and debt that I will have to deal with in the years to come. In addition, I hope that reporting on this will allow students younger than me to better understand the specifics of what is going on around them and why, while still seeing an example of people that can help.  

To read to the full story click here!

Election Project - Shelby Harcher and Jason Davis

For this project, Jason and I had to contact a person or class in Palestine and get them to give us firsthand information on how their voting system works. When first given this project, it was difficult to find a way to not only contact someone in Palestine but to get them to do a project for you. Jason and I took a long time researching schools in Palestine and researching the region itself. Once we found a few high schools in Palestine, we emailed them explaining the project that was assigned to us and told them to contact us if they were interested in being apart of it. We never heard back from the schools we tried to contact, and we didn't know what else to do. We thought about finding a way to get in touch with someone from Palestine on Twitter, but it ended up being harder than we thought. We asked around school to see if anyone had any connections to someone in Palestine who would be able to help us, but that didn't work either. 

If we were to do this project again, we would post information about the project on more social networking sites besides Twitter and contacting schools directly through email. This way the information is out there and not only can people from Palestine see it, but also other people who might be able to help us get in contact with someone from Palestine. Another hard thing was the election didn't have a set date, even when it was close to May, the month when the election was to take place. Jason and I could have took more initiative with our emails as well and dug deeper into research to find more than 3 schools to email about the project. 
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Journal Entry #44

I do and I don't love you, isn't that happiness? I carved our names into a tree, isn't that love and art? Or maybe I should write a card and say I love you. And then say I don't. Then will you be happy? I cry and say I love you, then I smile and say I don't. What will that be? What if I get a card and say I love you a 100 ways, then get a dozen roses, then ring the bell of your door, go on one knee, open a box and say I love you. Will you say yes? 

Serbia ~ Election Country

Serbian Election Country
We went to multiple websites and couldn’t find much. Originally a peer of ours claimed that there was someone at her international school from Serbia and that we could interview her but unfortunately we waited about a month before we asked her if she could get in contact with her Serbian friend. Our friend made a mistake and sadly there was no one from her school that’s Serbian. We then started to look online for international schools in America for kids and there were several schools that had programs specifically for Serbian students. We tried to get in contact with the school through email but we never received a response. We started looking for other schools but during the moment in, which we were searching a friend of ours told us to look for penpals because that’s how they got in contact with people in their country. We then looked up penpals in Serbia and a list of emails popped up. We emailed several students from over there but only one replied and we took our chance. She is a 19 or 20 year old we believe and she is actually majoring in Economy. We had a small conversation with her at first before we asked her. Afterwards we asked her if she could help us and she did she got a interview with someone who was about to vote. It was interesting because she didn’t have a problem with doing it, she easily got the interview for us. There was only one problem with the interview her English isn’t that well so she tried to translate into English.


1. What made you come out and vote ? What motivated you?
2. What would you like to see change in the political system?
3. How regularly do you vote? Do you always vote?
4. Are you always positive about who you’re going to vote for?
5. What impact do you think your vote will have on the election?
6. What campaigns have you come across? Which campaigning ad have you come across the most? radio,TV, Magazine, Other

1. A desire for progress and changes that are necessary for Serbia so it can be strong and powerful country.
2. Firstly I would like that every citizen is equally respected and honored no matter what is its sex and material status. Equality between women and men is necessary in every jobs. Structure of national parliament should be changed too, and young people should be there, ones who will fight for benefits for everyone, not just for those who are in parliament.
3. I'm trying to stand by my citizen duty and always vote if I can.
4. No. Because our parties doesn't have clearly defined goal, from campaign to campaign they change their stands which casts doubt on their determination for changes.
5. Probably not so big influence, but if everyone would think that one vote doesn't mean nothing then elections would be unnecessary.
6.Last few months politicians are everywhere, so I'm informed from every possible side about every party and their goals.

The email interview
By: Amaris Romero & Johnathan Neris

International Elections - Burma/Myanmar

Our process started with research into organizations that could give us incite into the upcoming elections. With general relations with Burma not being too great, we were limited to educational and aid institutions. These were not too hard to find due to the abundance of these as a result of poor conditions. We chose a couple of organizations and looked into who we could contact within them. We looked into directors, teacher, aid workers and anyone else who had an e-mail attached to their title. We sent out e-mail to these people accounting for the chance that people wouldn't cooperate we sent out quite a lot.

​E-mail conversations can be found here.

Once we began to receive replies we started to recognize a lack of initiative. We did get some sources that people would send us and a couple people directed us to other people. This may have been a result several problems: the insecurity of elections could have been intimidated, the elections weren't guaranteed and voters could have been discouraged, and people could have also questioned the affect our reporting and interest could have had from high school students across the world.

Journal Entry #21

"Honey! Why are you so scared!? Eat all that food, I don't want any leftovers" Said Aunt Cheryl  
The macaroni and cheese was so cheesy, lifting the pasta off my plate was like bring heaven into my mouth. Hearing the blade of the knife. The ding of the oven timer. Tv blasting black friday sales. Nieces and nephews begging for the toys on tv. "Aunt Danni can we have some ice cream?" they screamed. The sound of the cars pulling up in the drive way and doorbells ringing. The sound of thanksgiving to my ears. 

A Class Period with Las Cazuelas

I cannot describe Friday afternoon in enough adjectives that will actually explain the experience I had...but I shall attempt. Las Cazuelas is a delicious Mexican restaurant located in the heart of Northern Liberties. Instead of my Spanish 1 class going to the restaurant...they came to us...with food. Can life get any better? The food was beyond what my tastebuds could imagine. There were flavors mixed together that I had never tried. I also learned a lot about the culture of Mexico and the food as well. Below you can find some of the DELECTABLE I had tried. Enjoy! 
Nombre de plato: Tacos dorados
Opinión: Me encanta porque el pollo era sabroso. ¡Es mi favorito!
Unos ingredientes: pollo y tortillas (Con queso también es muy bien)
Comentarios: Lo recomiendo porque es simple perfecto.
Nombre de plato: Arroz con frijoles.
Opinión: ¡Me gusta! El arroz es excelente.
Ingredientes: Arroz, maíz, frijoles 
Comentarios: ¡Lo recomiendo a todos personas!
Nombre de plato: Sopes de Maíz
Opinión: ¡Me gusta! La tortilla era muy suave y calído. ¡Muy delicioso! 
Unos ingredientes: Maíz, frijoles (y queso es optional)
Comentarios: Son muy típico en Mexíco. ¡Lo recomiendo a todos!
Nombre de plato: Pollo Cazuelas
Opinión: ¡Me gusta!  ¡ El mejor pollo!

Unos ingredientes: pollo y salsa

Comentarios: Son muy típico en Mexíco. ¡Lo recomiendo a todos!
Nombre de plato: Tres leches (el postre)
Opinión: ¡Me gustaaaaaaaaaaa! Total es mi favorito. 
Ingredientes: Leche y harina
Comentarios: Lo recomiendo. ¡Es muy dulce! ¡Mejor postre!
So overall, I had a fantastic time! Thank you Las Cazuelas for taking the time out of your busy schedule and come to Science Leadership Academy and enlightening me and my class about your food and culture. I had a blast!

Q4 Artist Statement

​This quarter was my favorite quarter. I got to do anything I wanted to do. I felt really free this quarter. This quarter we had to do a lot of abstract, like emotion, motion and regular abstract. We also had to do close ups of the Mutter Museum garden, the Rodin Museum landscape and a Rodin Museum close up. I chose to do a grass landscape of the Rodin Museum, a close up of a leaf, and a part of the Mutter Museum. I also did a lot of abstract, I did abstract like every week.

When I first did abstract I did it wrong. I didn't realize that abstract had to be shapes, colors and lines. When I did the abstract emotion I took different pictures and cropped parts of them out. Then I but them together. That wasn't abstract! From that day on I started doing abstract right. My abstract motion is the swirls, the blocks are supposed to be looking like they are moving, and I did another drawing with swirls. My abstract drawings are underneath those pictures. After those pictures I have my close up pictures. I don't really like my close up picture of the Mutter Museum, that's the picture with the bush of plants. It didn't come out the way I wanted it to. 

I really liked this quarter because I finally got to express myself the way I wanted to. I didn't try to make my art look like everybody else. My art can't look like everybody else because I'm not as good of a artist as them. I needed to become my own person and that's exactly what I did. I think my art shows how artistic I can be. It shows the true me unlike the other quarters where I tried to be like others. 
motion 1
motion 1
motion 2
motion 2
abstract 1
abstract 1
abstract 2
abstract 2
abstract 3
abstract 3
abstract 4
abstract 4
abstract 5
abstract 5
abstract 7
abstract 7
close up
close up
close up 1
close up 1
close up 2
close up 2

Las Cazuelas: Español Clase

[En inglés] Hello everyone. Today we had a Spanish buffet that had to do with our last benchmark. I tried some foods and beverages that I never had before and they were delicious. Below are images and descriptions of some of the things I had.
​Nombre del plato: Taco de pollo
Opinión: Es terrible porque necesita más flavor.
Unos Ingredientes: Pollo y pan
Comentarios: No me gusta el taco de pollo.

​Nombre del plato: Chuleta de cerdo
Opinión: Yo que tenía antes de.
Unos Ingredientes: Chuleta y un poco salsa.
Comentarios: Es muy bueno.

Nombre del plato: Puré de frijoles.
Opinión: Me gusta el plato de comdia.
Unos Ingredientes: Mas frijoles 
Comentarios: Frijoles es muy bueno con el arroz.
​Nombre del plato: Arroz Amarillo
Opinión: La comida es muy bueno. 
Unos Ingredientes: Arroz y maíz
Comentarios: Yo como arroz a veces en la casa.

Blog # 5 Rugeiatu Bah

      • What did you learn from them? The different you would congruent the way of saying things. 

      • What did you learn about yourself?

  • What were you surprised about? I was surprised how nice he was, and how he took his time telling me all the little things, step by step.

  • What are you proud of? I'm proud that I was able to find someone who is willing to help and understood what they wee teaching me.

  • What will you improve on for next time?  Timing, I wish I knew like everything to say the way I wanted to say them In Spanish also he helped me understand it and I helped him understood English. 
