Meeghan Kersten



        A veces, yo

tímido, bastante y loco

Nunca he izuierda los Esrados Unidos

Hasta que el invierno passado cuando fui a Australia

Me gusta comer, domir y leer. No me

Gusta hacer la tera y cantar

Y soy…….


Poema - Sashoya Dougan

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Animales ere muy bonito

Me eNcanta la serpiente,

ser muy tímido pero muy Inteligente

Serpientes ere por lo general tranquilo,

sin eMbargo son peligroso a veces

Serpientes encAntas comer y dormir

Son magnífico nadadores parcialmente porque son deLgado

AnimaleS ere impresionante

The Golden Dream

(Lays down) I lay here with a bunch of others. I don’t have much memory of what happened before, it was all just a blur I seemed to just appear here. I always wondered what it was like outside of this place. It’s the same thing every day I sit here with a bunch of golden others like me. No mother or father, we just wait here to be taken away by someone to adopt me. I get up in the morning when the big lights turn on and realize that someone is missing everyday.

When did this happen? I was here the whole time. My home seems to be getting smaller for some reason, but wait is this really my home. If it was where are my parents? As days and months pass I realize that more and more are leaving me. After a while I would lose memory of what happened in the past, as if I start a new slate every few months. Either someone forgets me or I forget them. The only thing I seem to remember is the words...

“I want that one”

Those words just flow through my head every time I realize there’s another one of us missing. Why am I still here? It’s not too bad here, I get fed once a day but everyone else eats before I get the chance to. As they grow I still stay small and weak or weaker than the others.. It’s always the big ones that get adopted before anyone else.

“Give me the big one”

Whats wrong with me? Are my fins not big enough or am I just too little to be desired? I know what to do. It’s time for me to be the alpha fish, float like a puffer and sting like a ray. Here comes the strange person with our dinner, he’s dropping our food in I have to swim through everyone like a torpedo. I start rushing through the crowd of these hungry fish waiting for thee food to come... three, two one!

(Eats food very quickly then lays down)

Ugh I’m so full I can’t do this every day, I need some air.


Wait that’s it! If I jump out of the water when someone comes to adopt one of us, I will definitely stand out, and I would have to be adopted, why didn’t I think of this before! I should probably practice before anyone comes.

(jumps up and down)

Oh my god here comes someone now, this is my time to shine, I must do it now so I get adopted. It would be great to have someone care for me, and feed me and only me, not anyone else… that would be the golden life. I would have what I’ve been searching for, and it might just happen.

(Jumps up once)

As a man points down at me with an amazed look on his face as he saw me jump in and out of the water, the big green bed that will finally take me home lifts me up quickly, in this moment I know that I will surely be living the golden dream.

Monologue Recording-nick

Aysha Siddiquee

Soy Aysha.

       A veces, soy
deportista y adventurera.

De vez en cuando, me encanta ir de compras,

       pasar tiempo con amigos y ir al cine. 
 No soy ni timida 
            ni aburrida.

              Yo Soy...

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Screenshot 2015-11-23 at 7.00.13 PM

Correr Poema

Me gusta correr.
Soy seria sobre correr, perezosa a veces,
pero soy lo general trabajadora.
Soy fea después correr,
¡Qué terrible!
Correr me hace poderosa y fuerte.
¡Sí sí sí!
Me nombre es Lauren,
¡Me encanta correr!

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(Slams down pencil) I’ve been working on this stupid worksheet for a hour! It’s so pointless! When will knowing a bisecting angle ever be needed in life! School is so dumb they spend hours teaching us topics that we will never need. Why don’t they teach us how to do taxes! That’s actually important. Like if I don’t do my taxes I can get arrested, if I don’t do my homework I will just get like a C! Getting a C is still passing though! Homework makes no sense. When will teachers realize that the more work they give us, the more work they have. Then when they are stressed from grading things they let it out on us.

Okay, I won't lie,up until 7th grade, homework was useful. Adding and subtracting is needed in the real world, but when will I ever have to know the Pythagorean theorem. Then teachers are like “It helps reinforce what we learned in class” It really doesn’t! I forget everything the moment I leave the class, then when I get home I just look at the sheet in confusion.

I’m tired of this stress. I'm only fourteen but I have so much work to do. I have to get good grades, do my chores, have a social life, go to church and actually have time for myself. Everyday is a playlist that is on repeat, maybe once in awhile a new song is added that changes the playlist a little. (Sigh) But other then that it’s always the same thing over and over. I'm just tired of this. The worse part is that you think I don’t do anything. You always say; “All you have to do is go to school, and you don’t even get good grades” It’s just never good enough. No matter what I do it’s not good enough. Every grade I get, takes hours of work and pushing myself. Just because I got a C doesn’t mean I didn't try. Maybe I fought for that C and that was the best I could do. But you don't care you only care about the product. But the agonizing hours of work that were put into the product is what matters. But you don’t see that. You didn’t see when I was taking the test hoping that every answer I wrote was right. No all you see is the red ink that represents every mistake that was made.

I’m tired of the stress. I'm only fourteen but I have so much going on in my life. I have to make you happy, my friends happy, it seems like my sole purpose of being on the earth is to make everyone happy. And in the process of making everyone happy I forget to make myself happy. I forget that if I’m not happy then I can’t make you happy or my friends happy. I forget that if I’m not happy then my daily playlist becomes a daily annoyance that torments my soul every second of every cursed day until the moment when everything stops. But you don't care about any of this, you only care about the product.

The Product By Opoku Recorded By Sam

SELFIES- Aysha Siddiquee

I decided to put the stuff that I did on my slide since these are the things that I wrote about in my me magazine. As well as how they describe me very well and what I´m interested in. As well as what others know me for if they´re close to me. As well as how it´s a pretty relevant thing in our society right now, the majority of the people know what it is. I also put a small part of my me magazine on the slide that stood out the most in my story in the me magazine and or what the basic overall summary of the stories in my me magazine are.
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Screenshot 2015-11-23 at 6.28.42 PM


Adrianna- A 16 year old princess struggling with her feelings about being a princess. She wants to experience life as an “average girl”, who does not have princess duties and can choose her own destiny.

No Leslie, I’m not lucky to be a princess! I want something more. I want  to feel free and independent. To not have maids around me all the time. to be able to do my own hair sometimes, to unfold my hands, relax my muscles from all the fake smiling, to not have a wardrobe picked out for me, to not be reprimanded for getting dirty or being unladylike, to sometimes take off my tiara and turn up without constantly having someone watching my every move to make sure I’m am not facing any harm, to wear sneakers and sweats for once in my life!

I know  I would be like every average girl, but… that's what I want. I wish.. I was like every normal girl. My future and destiny have already been chosen for me. Who says I wanted to be queen for the rest of my life? When I’m twenty one, I will have to rule the entire country. Maybe I wanted to be a doctor. Or something else in my life. Do you not understand that when I have daughters of my own, their future will also already be planned out? They TOO will have to be queen and that is not fair!

Yes, it is nice to be royalty sometimes. There are some advantages, but there are many more disadvantages than advantages. I don’t have to constantly work and make decisions, because I am not the queen YET. I can take a walk whenever I want, without having to ask anyone because there is so much security. I also can always help people struggling with my proceeds I receive. That makes me happy, and that is an advantage.  However, there is always  the constant thought and stress that comes with the thought of soon being a queen. That often scares me. When I was a girl, being a princess was the best thing in the world to me. I was every little girl’s dream. A princess. I didn’t have to wish I could meet a princess, I WAS one. that I’m older,  I want to learn for myself. When I’m queen, I am going to make a new law. Once the princess is sixteen years of age, she will be able to choose her own hairstyles, wardrobe, and will also have to learn things for herself. I feel like if my maids were to leave me for a week, I would be a wreck. I wouldn’t know how to do anything for myself! That isn’t a very dear thought.

Yes that's true! I would have you my dear best friend to teach me things. But.. I wouldn’t know how to do simple things for myself. I have never had to wash dishes, iron my own clothes, clean a bathroom, mop a dirty floor, or make up my own bed. I don’t even know what the first step to ironing is besides plugging up the machine. Every morning my clothes have already been prepared for me. And.. to my dismay...the hairstyle I shall be wearing for that day.

Yes Leslie I know but, sometimes I want to know what  it feels like to do things for once in my life like every normal girl out there.

No, it wouldn’t ruin the purpose of being a princess! It would at least keep the maids away more often. Life in the castle, makes me feel so dependent. The point of being a princess is to learn responsibility and to continue to rule the royal throne after her mother,  the queen. It is also to find the right king to help her rule the throne in grace and valor. It is also to be free and, independent, while at the same time being ladylike and prim. Ughh.. that's the thing.. I don’t feel free and independent even though that's what I’m supposed to do.  

There is no time to be free, I told you the maids are always around and my mother is constantly nagging me with etiquette lessons. I need a break. I am only sixteen! Twenty one is a long ways off. You witness it yourself when you stay at the castle! The constant curtsying and asking if I’m okay. Sometimes I want to hide, but it would cause an uproar. Then there would be disappointment on my part and no independence.

Leslie, I know I need to learn early but just a day or even a week of independence. So that I can see how life would be as any average girl. To be fairly honest with you. Any girl can be a princess. There’s really nothing magical about it. There’s just maids, smiling, constant leg crossing, and the life of luxury. I need a break! Being independent would not only make me more reliant on myself but it would teach me how to choose my own destiny and that is my wish to choose my own destiny and my own path.

Being a princess does not necessarily allow me to do that. But you're right it is a magical experience one that should be cherished even when my role changes to queen. From now on, my satisfaction will come with knowing that I am a  vessel of royalty. I believe that any girl could be a princess. Even if I was a normal girl, I could still be a princess. It would just take a little magic and belief in my heart!

I am grateful to be a princess and I am too grateful for you Leslie, my dear best friend. Who helped me see that being princess is not at all as it seems. Independence and freedom starts with me!


Poema - Matt Reed

                                                                              Soy Mateo 
                                                       Tengo catorce año
                                                   Soy insano y confundido 
                                             Me encanta escribir y Odio domir
                                                   No Soy poderoso ni rico
                                                           Soy Mateo 
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Screenshot 2015-11-23 at 6.47.12 PM

Ashley De La Cruz-Media Fluency

​I chose to not put as many words, so I decided to fill my slide with pictures instead. The text that I did included was not very difficult to read, because I think that I made the words large enough. I used up all of the space, so that there weren't any blanks. I was born in Los Angeles, California on October 10, 2000. I love to play softball and I also love to visit Mexico. I love and care for all of my family and friends. I am loving, shy, kind, and athletic. I’m also respectful, determined, and hardworking. I also enjoy taking pictures.

Autobiografía Poema: Leah Bradstreet


Me nombre es Leah

Hija, hermana, amiga

Me gusta escribir, nadar, leer

Me encanta el sábado y dormir.

No me gusta nada frutas y trabajador

Soy difícil, simpática, creativa, artística

Mi cumpleaños es el veinte de Octubre

Tengo quince años

Soy de Filadelfia

Soy Leah

-Leah Bradstreet

[uploading images unavailable]

Spanish poem, Shamus Keough

    Me fascina Videojuegos

   mI cumpleaños es el 5 de noviembre

soy de FilaDelfia

me gusta corrEr

  me gusta cOmer

   soy trabaJador

            soy nUnca serio

     soy súpEr bobo

Me gusta pasar tiempo con amiGos

     soy súper altO

           Me llamo Shamus Keough

My Lover

(Sad Mood)

I was being used, yelled at, and even shut down. It wasn't a fair relationship. He would touch me and somehow control me. He would touch me in places I didn't want to be touched because I was not “acting right”. I did so much for him. Although it looked like he had total control over our relationship. Everything he demanded I would do for him. I would sign him in once he gets home, he would tell me to go to certain places for him and I would respond peacefully and obey his orders. I feel like he just used me for what I had, he used me for my unique internal and physical havings. Sometimes he  leave me alone in the dark, locked up in a room. I couldn't physically clean myself, someone else had to clean me. This was his job but he never did it.

“What did I do?!”

“Why are you cursing at me?!”

Then he would tell his friends to get online so he can play and talk with them using me.

(Happy Mood)

He's been a struggle in our relationship....but at the same time I loved him. He was my everything, he was my lover and my world. He spends quality time with me. I love the late night talks and activities we do. He loves to play with me at night and during the day. I remember when he played with me all day long, It was the best day ever. He used to buy brand new games every month to play with me. Although he did abuse me, he always made up for it. He was the only person in my life that has ever been like this to me. I loved watching him sleep, he sleeps in the cutest way ever. He curls up in a ball and snores like a pig. Although... that was the only person I seen sleep.

(Sad mood)

Wifi also was in the room where I lived. She was my enemy. She would try to make me glitch in order for my boyfriend to abuse me and get mad at me for it. She would shut herself down so I won't function as well, this is where my bf abuses me. Recently, my bf haven't been paying any mind to me. His mother and I did not have a good relationship. His mother would get angry at him for spending time with me. I wonder why, maybe If I was a another system, would she have not gotten as mad? I believe his mother was a big factor in separating our relationship. Oh...and he goes to this school thing where he is away for 8 hours. Those 8 hours are the worst. He locks me up, and I just have to wait until he comes back. Recently he has joined this new school, I think he moved up in something, but he was very nervous. When he comes home now he's just writing on paper and reading books constantly. He’ll play with me for a little, maybe for 30 minutes or an hour. I don’t know what has gotten into him. He's been bringing in girls, and spends more time with them than me. I remember when he was 4 ft and now he's almost 6 ft. I wonder where did I go wrong. I’ve also noticed that he has been spending a lot more time with this bitch Iphone. What’s the reason for our separation? If I was another system maybe he would love me more. I still can’t stand the fact that he shut me down forever and left me to dust.

My lover



(Rosa opens up a yearbook)

Oh, I remember this night like it was just yesterday. My older sister had done my makeup and we had gone shopping a month before . I had to be prepared, you know - find the perfect dress beforehand. Many people waited a day before prom to go shopping, but that sounded like a bad idea to me. What if I couldn’t find a nice dress? There’s a picture of me in here somewhere with my group of friends…

(Flips the page)

Ah. Here it is. I felt like a real life princess in this dress. Of course it was in my favorite shade of blue. Speaking of that dress, Christina, didn’t you wear it before to the dance? Look at my hair, I had gotten it curled and styled into a fancy bun at a nearby salon. I saw that exact hairstyle in a magazine… Hmm, I can’t remember the name, but the lady showcasing it looked gorgeous.  All of my friends thought it would suit me.


This is Josephine, she was my best friend since middle school. Oh, here’s Leanne, she was the first friend I made in High School! The guy next to her is her younger brother Joe, and his girlfriend, Stacy. Oh wow, this is Kendall, she was crowned prom queen, and her boyfriend, Mark.

...Aiden. The one next to Mark is Aiden. I could never forget this boy’s face. I fell in love with Aiden freshman year of High School. People would say, ‘you’re too young to feel love’, but love has no barriers - you just feel it, and you know what it is and that it’s there. Even when you never see them, there’s always going to be a place for them in your heart. Have you ever been in love, Christina? Being in love isn’t the same feeling as liking someone, it’s way more than that. It was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. Heartbreak, happiness, tears, and laughs.

Aiden and I dated from freshmen year to junior year. We broke up in the beginning of junior year. It was for stupid reasons, honestly. Petty things like rumors, and other girls. I could never understand why people pushed their way into other people’s relationships, you know? We stopped being friends for a while, after we broke up, but since we had so many mutual friends, it was hard not to see each other everywhere. Maybe if I hadn’t seen him all the time, it would have been easier to let go.

Yes, I have moved on, but I do still care for him.

Aiden had cancer, Christina. He had kept it a secret for a long time, until his doctor told him how many months he had left to live. Two months. It was two months. There was nothing I could do. Aiden didn’t seem too upset, which was surprising. Maybe he was trying to make the best out of his two months. I wish I could have done something about it, but it wasn’t in my hands. It wasn’t in anybodys hands. He had to go.

God always takes the good ones.

poema de yo

​Soy de filadelfia, con mi familia pero vivo en Putero Rico.
Mi cUmpleaños es el once de noviembre.
Me Encanta cocinar y ir al cine
Tengo un papá fueRte
Tengo una mamá valienta
Me gusta hablar pOr telefono

No soy tRanquila 
No soy timIda
Soy Chévere
Mi vecinO es un hombre

Esta Soy Yo!

                                                            Soy Jowon.

                                                           bastante soy

                                                        deportista y seria.

                                de costumbre, me encanta pasar tiempo con amigos,

                                             mandar mensajes, y surfear la red

                                                        No soy ni extrana

                                                              ni artistica

                                                               Yo soy. . . 


Gregory Tasik - Poema

Yo soy Gregory Tasik

                                                      Tengo catoRce años

                                          Soy de Australia pEro vivo en Filadelfia

        Soy inteliGente

                                 Soy un poco timídO

                                          No me gusta correR

                        Me encanta escuchar música Y practicar deportes

Me gusta pasar Tiempo con amigos

                                         A veces me gusta nAdar

    Los fines de Semana, me gusta ir a la iglesia

           MI cumpleaños es el 16 de marzo

                                       Yo soy Gregory TasiK

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Screenshot 2015-11-23 at 5.32.28 PM

Positive Poem- Justin Stewart

                                                                      Hola! Soy Justin
                                                           Me encanta practicar deportes
                                                           No me gusta hacer cantar
                                                                 Tengo catorce anos
                                                                 Soy de Filadelphia
                                                         Mi cumpleanos es el veintitres de mayo
                                                                     Muy Guapo!
                                                                          Ni feo