
  • What surprised you most about this information?
    I was surprised that the reason were obvious and somewhat hard to find information about.
  •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
    It seemed obvious that a lot of this was because of wars and revolutions around the world
  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
    I think that the immigration trend will rise but not as similar to the past decades because of the current economy. Immigration will still occur because many people want a better a life for them and their children.
  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
    We decided that it was best to have a google presentation so that we could all work on it together
  • What parts of group work were challenging?
    Everyone works at a different pace, Personally I like to finish early. It wasn't challenging but It would've been nicer if we finished sooner
  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
    I would try to make it nicer and try to find more information

    Click here for our presentation

Ananda Knight project Reflection

project Link -->

On thing I learned that was interesting to me was how the amount of immigrants would go back and forth raising and dropping. I always thought that the immigrants stayed in America after settling in.
Some obvious things were when I noticed times in history when America went through different struggles were the same times when the immigrants began to leave. 
I think that in the next two decades more immigrants may come to America but i dont think that many will be leaving. America continues to offer more and many problems are on the verge of being solved.
We decided to make our presentation the way it is because we wanted it to be interesting, eye-catching, and straight to the point.
The first challenge was really understanding the project, then we all had to decide on a way in which we would present out information.

American Immigration

Group: Jess, DeShawn, Antonio



I think my initial surprise was looking at the two different sets of data that was presented to me in the beginning of this project. It was fascinating to see the profession of the population built on immigration and there was such a dip in immigration, yet the population of the country was gradually increasing. But, I think the reasons why the population progressed and immigration had it's moments of nadir, it can be explained. Woman had large amounts of children, families increased, and the amount of the current residence balanced out with those who immigrated.

I think the population will always gradually rise. Even if Mitt Romney goes into office this next term. I think the turmoil in other countries will attract even more people who want to bask in US freedom. But, I think the US will be one of the most well off countries in the next two decades.

With that Prezi template, we wanted to show there was strife getting to the end of the journey. And that's the "X" marks the spot. Going any where, there's always an adventure no matter how small, and immigrating is a big task.

The things my group has trouble with would be putting the amount of information that we had acquired tactfully in our presentation.

Overall, for next time, I'd consider having a more organized way my group put our information together. 

Immigration Visualization Creighton

With your blogpost, include your reflection related to:
  • What surprised you most about this information?
    What surprised me most about this information was that what we thought pushed immigrants away weren't just poverty and there economic situations. It could be because they miss there family or they dont feel safe it can be something so simple as they just dont feel like being were they are anymore. 

  •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
    Some things that were obvious were about explaining this data set was  most of there pushes were the same. Another thing that was relatively obvious about this data set was the places most immigrants were coming from and why they were staying here. 

  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
    Over the next two decades I can see that more and more people will be coming to the U.S and the reasons they will be leaving there country will not change much but it will become worst over time. I feel like the pulls will decrease over the next two decades for the U.S. because just as there poverty increases and there economic system is disintegrating ours are also. 

  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
    We did our presentation on dipity because we wanted to visualize what was going on in our decade while reading about it. This will create a mental image for you and  will also help you with picturing what was going on in this time and how things looked. 
  • What parts of group work were challenging?
    I feel like the only thing that was difficult about this project was finding something new about each different place and take something from it and make it a push or a pull. 

  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
    I Would read more about each decade just to be able to learn more in dept about what was happening other then immigration because this could have an affect on the pushes and pulls in the U.S as well as every where else. 


Immigration Visualization Project

Dakota Foster
Daniel Tuveson
Diamond Blenman

Click here for our presentation.

What surprised you most about this information?

The thing that surprised me the most was the drop-offs. I thought the drop-offs were just because people just stopped coming, but it was cause America didn't want certain people to come. I think that is rude and that we should allow everybody to come. Especially, if there is a war going on in their homeland.

What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?

Something that seemed obvious is that a lot of people wanted to come to America. A lot of people thought America was better than where they lived. 

Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

I think that people would still want to move her for some jobs. But, right now the economy is not so good and I don't think people will be coming here at time soon. 

Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.

My group thought the best way to do it was on a timeline, but we couldn't get it work. So, we thought the second best way was a graph because it could show the trends.

What parts of group work were challenging?

I think it was just trying to find data for specific years.

What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I would try to get the timeline to work better. 

Reflection Push/Pull


With your blogpost, include your reflection related to:

  • What surprised you most about this information?

I was surprised that the historical events that happened cause immigrants to either come here or go away.

  •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data 
  • set?

That there were going to be a lot of pull's because people explain America as a place of Freedom and Diversity, saying it would allow more jobs and stuff.

  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

I think that because of the economic tax cuts that would bring them close but at the same time prices rise so the I believe that it would stay at a steady rate until a new president is picked.

  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.

We chose to use the timeline feature and a keynote feature.

  • What parts of group work were challenging?

There were not that many challenging parts except uploading our information online.

  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I would just get more research on my push and pull's

Jessica Maiorano


Reflection: What surprised me the most about this information and project was that the information was so hard to find there is not many sources to find for each year. A lot of the reasons for immigration are the same. Our group decided to do prezi because we knew that it is fun to work with and the background that we found was like and going through the presentation it makes you feel like you are going around the map. For the years I had to research I think if I did this project over I would find more information and details that I could not find before. It was challenging because we had laptop issues so we had to work with 8\it and it was hard to find information and a picture to go with it. 

Immigration Visualization Project

​Lexus Forman
Daniel Varnis 
Danielle Little 
Steven Webb

What surprised you most about this information?

What surprised me most about this information is the amount of people who actually immigrated to the United States in the mid 1800’s. I find it interesting that people found our country as an escape from their problems and hardships that were taking place at home.

 What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set? What is quite obvious about this data set is that the American Population seemed to increase at a steady pace even though the amount of immigrants varied throughout the years.

Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades. I predict that in the next two decades, the amount of immigrants will not come in abundance like they did in the mid 1800’s because the United States are making it harder for immigrants to be able to come citizens of the United States, or even get a visa.

Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information. We decide to use keynote because we thought it would be much easier to present our information on an presentation tool. We also felt that the information would be better interpreted in an organized state.

What parts of group work were challenging? One part of the group work that I found challenging was finding specific events for one decade in particular because I found that the amount of immigrants came for the same reason for a couple of decades.

What would you do differently if you had this project to do over? i would spend more time on it in class and not get too distracted because when I got home it wasn’t as easy to ask questions that I needed to know about the project over the computer. It is also better to work on this project as a group in person because some group members might find it hard to comprehend some things while doing it at home.

Immigration visualization project Creighton

With your blogpost, include your reflection related to:
  • What surprised you most about this information?
    What surprised me most about this information was that what we thought pushed immigrants away weren't just poverty and there economic situations. It could be because they miss there family or they dont feel safe it can be something so simple as they just dont feel like being were they are anymore. 

  •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
    Some things that were obvious were about explaining this data set was  most of there pushes were the same. Another thing that was relatively obvious about this data set was the places most immigrants were coming from and why they were staying here. 

  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
    Over the next two decades I can see that more and more people will be coming to the U.S and the reasons they will be leaving there country will not change much but it will become worst over time. I feel like the pulls will decrease over the next two decades for the U.S. because just as there poverty increases and there economic system is disintegrating ours are also. 

  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
    We did our presentation on dipity because we wanted to visualize what was going on in our decade while reading about it. This will create a mental image for you and  will also help you with picturing what was going on in this time and how things looked. 
  • What parts of group work were challenging?
    I feel like the only thing that was difficult about this project was finding something new about each different place and take something from it and make it a push or a pull. 

  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
    I Would read more about each decade just to be able to learn more in dept about what was happening other then immigration because this could have an affect on the pushes and pulls in the U.S as well as every where else. 


Immigration Visualization Project

Kenny Le
Group Members: Sarena Shuman, Merrick Saunders

Keynote Presentation (Links to dipity and Doc).


What surprised you most about this information?

The information that surprised me the most was how the U.S were welcoming immigrants from other countries, but the U.S ended up having fights and wars with other countries too. The Chinese immigration surprised me too, because I didn't learn much about Asian countries coming to the United States. 

What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?

The obvious factors were the United States problems. It is clear that immigration declined in the United States worse times, and immigration rose when the U.S were going through good times. 

Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the U.S presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

The U.S will bring in more immigrants, because immigrants want to have a better life. Immigrants come to the United States to be free and have a better life. They want to have an education and have job. They want to start a family, and have their children getting an education and having a good job. The U.S is for them to start over on a good note.

Describe on how you made a decision to visually represent the information.

We chose to do a timeline, because it was visually appealing and easy to read. We thought it was easy for the viewers to understand the information.

What parts of the group were challenging?

The challenging part is Dipity not working fast enough. It didn't respond well, it was very slow. It held us back, because we had our work done awhile ago, but dipity won't respond and it kept changing our dates to 1969. 

What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I would make sure Dipity or any other program I use for the project is stabled and working properly.

US Immigration

The Project was sent via email

group members Me, Alisha Clark, & Jasmin Hussain

  • Nothing really surprised me about the information other than the fact that I kept finding things about Mexico.

  • The obvious part of the data was that all of the immigrants came over to the US because of better living conditions.

  • Looking at the trend and the data It cannot predict how many immigrants we will have in the next two years however the population will continue to grow.

  • We knew that it had to be a graph that showed change over time and multiple sets of data so the line graph didn't work out because it was all over the place so we went with a double bar graph. 

  • Nothing was challenging for me working with this group.

  • I wouldn't do anything differently the project turned out fine. 

US Immigration Visual Project

  • With your blogpost, include your reflection related to:

    • What surprised you most about this information?
      That everything has a reason and you can tell according to historic events. 
    •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
      The reasons why the number of immigrants increased and decreased. After a big historic event occurred, immigrants were either taken in or declined. An example, is when the Holocaust came to an end, the number of immigrants increased majorly. After wars, there was a decrease of acceptance. 
    • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
      I think in the next two decades, there will be a decrease in immigrants. I think there will be another war. But, a huge war that includes multiple countries, making it another World War. The US will be completely shut down for immigrants and make the process even harder. Plus, people's thoughts on America will change. 
    • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
      I thought of graphs and many pictures because visual is always the way to go on presentation with teenagers. Everyone likes pretty pictures. They will pay attention. 
    • What parts of group work were challenging?
      Nothing, because everyone stayed focus and communicated. We all communicated through emails and everyone stayed ontop of their assigned decades, which was excellent. 
    • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
    • Nothing really because I love the outcome of our project. To me, we did great as a team. Everyone did their best and we all agreed. There wasn't fighting or lateness. 

      (Project was emailed )

The Push and Pulls of Immigration

​We decided the best way to represet the push and pulls of immigration was to take sort of like a snapshot of the decade as clos as we could to the summary's we came up with. We thought that the pictures could best show what the decades tone was. Was it dark or light. For the most part nothing in the groups was challenging at all. We collaborated as a team and got the work done the most productive way we could. The group life was good. If I could do this project all over again I most likely would have had more authentic photo's not just things that we found on the internet. I think authenticity would have been better visually for the project.Click HERE to view or presnetation

Immigration Review

What surprised you most about this information?

What I thought surprised me about the information was that people actually were going through hard times that couldn't be fixed so easily. I didn't expect for Britain to eve go through a bad farming season that even the food they had would 't be enough to last until things got better.  

 What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
I thought that it was pretty obvious that more immigrants came over  during the California gold rush because getting to america was cheap and they'd be able to get easy money from the California gold rush. To me it was a win win situation.  

Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.

To me I think that in the next two years more people from china would be coming here. The reason I think this is because since the Apple iphone5 and stuff came out more Chinese people will be working in sweatshops making them at least wanting to come here to get out of their previous life overworking for less than minimum wage. Maybe people from Libya will come here too due to their current issue.   

What parts of group work were challenging?

Um, I guess nothing because everything was on a google doc and we could see everyone's work and how far they were with the notes and time period. 

What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I think I would put in more years into the project so each person could have an equal amount of years instead of one or two people having to do more because it's a bit unfair... Well at least to me. :/

Click Here To view My groups Presentation. 

Immigration visualization project

With your blogpost, include your reflection related to:
  • What surprised you most about this information?
    America today makes it seem like were getting invade by mexican immigrants and there are plenty of movies that say the same thing, but there aren't movies that talk about all of the other many immigrants that come from other countries. 
  •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
    I think that it obvious that when the increase of population happened a little bit more then it averagely did it was most likely because of one of the many incidents that happened over the years.
  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
    It gonna be the same for the same years america has been steadily increasing. 
  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
    We thought that it would be better if we all worked on a format that we all are used to using.
  • What parts of group work were challenging?
    My last year i couldn't find any information.
  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
    I would pick different year to do.

US Immigration 1830-2000

Daniel Varnis (ME)
Danielle Little
Lexus Forman
Steven Webb

Click HERE to view our groups Keynote Presentation on US Immigration from 1830-2000.

With your blogpost, include your reflection related to:What surprised you most about this information?
The one thing that mostly surprised me about this information was that a majority of the immigration was caused by things that happened outside of the US. So there were more negative things out of the US, than positive things in the US causing people to migrate here.

What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?

The one thing that seemed most obvious about this data is that a majority of the immigrants decided to move out of there "homeland" because living situations weren't as fit as the US.

Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

For the next two decades, I predict that the the immigration rates will most definitely rise dramatically, since it's been doing that for the past 50 years. They will also rise, because it seems like there are many bad events going on in other parts of the world (i.e. Middle East/Western World), that would give the immigrants to option and decision to move from there to the US.

Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
The way that I formatted mine in the presentation is, the top shows the decade. Then under it, there is the number of immigrants, then how much they increased or decreased. Under that there is the "Push Factor", and some side-notes that go along, making it reasonable. I chose this layout, because at first, you see how immigration rates differ year to year, then under it will give a better understanding of why the immigration rate was changing the it was.

What parts of group work were challenging?
The most challenging part about group work is trying to stay in contact with each group member, trying to ensure the fact they complete the part that they were assigned. Collaboration is key in projects like this one.
What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
To be completely honest, there is nothing I would do different if I did this project over. It seems like everything I did met the expectations I set for the final result.


The thing that really surprised me while I was finding information for this project was the fact that a lot of immigrants that came were protestants and the catholics were very upset about them coming to the United States. The Catholics thought that the immigrants were going to over power the Pope for some reason because the immigrants came in large numbers. To me the obvious thing was the fact that the immigrants were coming to the United States in large numbers. It was obvious that sense millions of immigrants were coming to the United States that the population would increase. The government didn't really think that when they established the rights for immigrants to migrate to the United States. Therefore they shouldn't complain. Knowing that they've established new laws due to the over population of the United States, for the future I believe that the government will do what ever they can to put an end to immigration. I decided to present this information by including a lot of factual information on immigration and also providing a lot of visual pictures to better illustrate whats going on in those time periods sense this is a time line. The most challenging things that happened while working in a group was making sure that everyone stayed on topic and that everyone was on task. We had to also make sure that everyone submitted something at a certain time. It was challenging to sometimes do the work because some of the group members already had something to do for other classes. Time management was very difficult. If I were to do this project next time I would include more useful information and I would have better graphic so that people would understand my timeline much better.

Immigration Visualization Project

Link to our project:

  • What surprised you most about this information?
    The thing that surprised me the most was the fact that not all immigrants come to the United States because of the economic situation in the immigrant's countries. There are other factors such as health care, wars, etc. 

  •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
    That the immigration rates have gone up and down throughout history.

  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
    I think if till rise even more. Even though I really wish this didn't happen, it's gonna happen. The economic situation in the immigrant's countries is getting worse and worse, and this will force them to move. 

  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
    We thought was a really nice website to represent our information. It looks really nice and it was really easy to work with. 

  • What parts of group work were challenging?
    Doing the research. It was kind of hard to find factors for every decade. 

  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
    I would pick another website and do more research. 

Immigration Visualization Project

Here is the project. 

  • What surprised you most about this information?

That fact that even though there was so much stuff going on many people were still coming to the U.S. even with the fact that there were race wars going on.

  • What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?

That fact that when the depression started less and less people were coming to America seemed quite obvious because people want to go somewhere where they can make money and better their lives.

  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

I feel as though over the next two decades immigration will go up. With the changes to be made by President Obama's next term (hopefully) with the new rights for all more people should want to come to America so that they can express themselves and their love. Plus we are starting to be an on upturn for the economy so that should pull people in as well.

  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.

We picked images that would be bright and draw you. We wanted something that would show the main point of those decades but could stand on its own if it had to to tell a story.

  • What parts of group work were challenging?

Really nothing was challenging with my group. We worked really well together and gathered a lot of good information so there was nothing really challenging or hard.

  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I think I would find more push and pull factors for places outside of America. So I would find people who came here and where they where from and do the push and pull factors of that place and then compare it to America.

Immigration Visualization Project

Here is our project!


·       What surprised you most about this information?

Out of our whole project, what surprised me the most was how much of an impact the wars had on the different countries that were feuding. During WWI and WWII we saw the population increase for the United States and decrease for the other countries. Also, when the government put in their acts and laws to remove illegal immigrants, the population stayed very high. To me, I thought that there were two possible things that did and did not happen: The government did not take all of the illegal immigrants out so it did not have a big affect on our population or our country does not have as much illegal immigrants as we think. From the start of the 1940's to 2000, we see the immigrant population increase because the call for workers rose dramatically.

·        What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?

During the times there were wars that the U.S was apart of, we see that there is an increase due to the need of workers. We also see that in 1871-1921, there is an unsteady change in the immigration population. This is because there are a lot of push and pull factors in different parts of the world such as protests wars, jobs, and economic or crop growth/value.

·       Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.

In the next two decades, the immigration population will continue to grow in a steady rate from where is it right now due to the need for cheap labor, workers with out rights, and educational factors. Also, the United States offers a lot of things for their citizens and tries to protect them.

·       Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.

I anted to present my project in a presentation format because I knew that my group and I eventually had to present it. I chose to place the information in a list form and explain each push and pull factor as the presentation went it. In the beginning of our presentation, there is a push and pull factor chart that our presentation is based on. In all, I think that my group showed our information cleanly and I feel that we can explain everything clearly.

·       What parts of group work were challenging?

The part of the group work that was most challenging was adding the final touches to our project. For example, as in pictures, citations, and all of the other touched that comes with finalizing our project. Another thing that was challenging was getting all of the work together and typing it up.

·       What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?

I would change up the format and add more pictures to the presentation. Also, I would want to add more presentation. Overall, this was a fun project.


Immigration Project.


  • What surprised you most about this information?
    What surprised me was that when WWII was going on, many people left America, even when there was no war in our country.
  •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set?
    Something that was very obvious about this information was that many immigrants came to America in the 1800's because of all of the job opportunities. 
  • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades.
    I feel as though many people will immigrate to America because of the technology enhancements, but it could also go the opposite way due to the lack of jobs, and our economic slump.
  • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information.
    We chose to use flyers because we thought it would give America a way to almost tell people when they are welcome and when they aren't. This is caused by different reasons, but for the most part America as a country has the last word.
  • What parts of group work were challenging?
    One hard part was group collaboration because we had a few days in class to work on this and for one of those days it was me by myself because my partners were absent. 
  • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
    If I could do this over, I would take the time to really look at every decade and every nationality that came to and from America.

    ​Our Project.

    • What surprised you most about this information? Not much surprised me about it because I like to study about the past and I knew about the grate depression and I knew the effects of it.
    •  What seemed quite obvious about explaining this data set? That there was a rapide decrees in U.S. immigrations. 
    • Looking at the overall trend and incorporating what you know about the US presently, predict and defend the immigration trend for the next two decades. I think in the next two decades there will be another decrees and then a even't bigger increase.
    • Describe how you made a decision on how to visually represent the information. We basically chose three parts in the graph and grouped them together then we would just represent them as one part each.
    • What parts of group work were challenging? The arrant any problems when your group is good and the only challenges would be if a member wasn't there like how I was out on Tuesday 
    • What would you do differently if you had this project to do over?
      If I need to do this project over I would look up more sites to get better information. 

    Science Teacher Gamal Sherif Recognized By Temple U.

    SLA science teacher was recognized by Temple University in their most recent issue of Educator Magazine. In the feature story, "The Science of Teaching Science... and Everything Else," Mr. Sherif's innovative, progressive teaching style is highlighted as a model for educators everywhere. Read the entire article and see cameo photos and quotes from many SLA students from the Class of 2015!

    Congrats, Mr. Sherif!