Bullying-Blog #3

Hi, it’s me again, Lisa. This will be the last blog that I will be posting on bullying. In this project, there is a total of three blog posts. The first one is an informational post that had detailed one my issue, which is bullying. Also this post explains why I chose bullying as my topic. The second blog post was more about my opinions. Finally this blog post is a blog for change because now we are done with giving details about our specific issue but now we are planning to make a difference.

Like I mentioned in my last blog post, I will be announcing the results I found from my own survey. Out of twenty nine people who answered my survey, all of them believed that bullying was wrong. One of the questions asked, What do you think is the worst type of bullying.” The top answers for this question were physical, verbal, and cyber. Also a majority of the people thought that bullying affects people emotionally more than anything else. Another thing that I mentioned in the previous blog post was that there were some people who did not take things seriously.

There are many things that other people have done in the past. For example, there are several websites that allow you to sign a petition to show that you support anti-bullying. There is another website that allows you to make donations or volunteer at different events. If you feel strongly about this issue then you should donate if you want to but you should at least sign the petitions to show your support. I think that these are great ways to get more people informed but there would have to be lots of organization because bullying happens all over.

Another big part of this project is to raise awareness about our issues on our own. Something that I am planning to do to raise awareness is to print out quotes and sayings from other people about bullying and putting them up all over my school. By doing this, when students walk by, they can read it and it would make people have more awareness on my topic. I am not the only one with bullying as my topic. Some of my classmates who have the same topic as I do, also made posters and put them around the school. Since there are many posters and signs up on bullying, it would get more people to be informed. Also these blogs that I posted can also make more people attentive.

Along with raising awareness, we have to create a piece of original content. This means that we can make a video, poster and anything else that is original. For this part, I made a video with quotes and saying from normal people to celebrities. The purpose of using quotes is to show that other people about this issue.

I would like to thank all the people who helped me in my video and was will willing to be included in my video. I would also like to thank my teacher for helping and giving me feedbacks.
One person can make a difference, and that person could be you. Thank you for reading all my blogs.

Click here for my bibliography.
This is my piece of original content, which is a movie.
Click here and here to watch other videos on bullying.

Blog Post 3 Post 4 change

This last blog post is giving information on if there is awareness being done on our issue and give opinions on ways to change.


There are not many organizations that are raising awareness on unemployment. Although President Barack Obama’s budget plan is supposed to give states a way to gather more insurance taxes from businesses to provide the unemployment-insurance program.

      The unemployment insurance program is a joint federal-state program. The federal unemployment insurance tax rate of 6.2% on the new, larger base would be lowered so that the U.S. would be taking in more credit than it does under the system they use now.

There is also an organization called The Unemployment Help Center. It is a “private organization committed to helping unemployed Americans to find what services and programs suitable for them.  They say if your unemployed your in a good spot for exploring your educational opportunities, new health insurance options, new debt consolidation and mortgage assistance, among other things.” On this website there will be a form to fill out that will connect you with proper providers to search for opportunities for you. They say that it is not an application for unemployment insurance. After you fill out the form they will give you a link for your unemployment insurance office.


Even Philadelphia has unemployment project called the Philadelphia Unemployment Project. It has been around since 1975, it has put together the poor and unemployed to fight for economic justice, bringing distinct groups to bring out huge changes that help millions of unemployed people. They help people win unemployment cases, get healthcare, save their houses and a coach that will help them search for a job. This organization is located

·       112 N. Broad Street, 11th Floor

·       Philadelphia, PA 19102.



In conclusion there are a lot of organizations for people who are unemployed.  I feel these organizations will be really helpful to a lot of people. These organizations show that unemployed and working people can be a compelling voice in fighting for economic justice for the city, state and nation. I want to raise awareness by giving out brochures to the teens about unemployment so they can get a job now and be ready for the future.

Go here for my bibliography.

Go here for more information.               

Go here for information on youth programs. 


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This a picture of one of the youth unemployment programs
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This is a picture of the group of people in the Philadelphia Unemployment Program.
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These are pictures of people protesting against unemployment.
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This is a picture of one of the participants in the youth employment program.
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Here pictures of the brochure i made for information on youth employment programs.
teen unemployment brochure
This is the brochure i made for teens.

Communists In Vietnam: Post for Change

   The things that are done currently to raise awareness to my topic is a petition posted the official website of the White House. They put up a petition asking President Obama to help them find a solution to this problem. So far they have 150,000 signatures. There is also a video on YouTube that shows one of Viet Khang’s song asking the people who are watching the video to donate money. To an organization that is set up to help Viet Khang get out of jail. There is also a movement called the Viet Khang Movement. This movement is a organizations that matters in global, political, human rights,religious freedom and social equality. This group so far has set up two events. These two events are meetings where hundreds of Viet-American delegates come to protest against the administration and also to deliver their petition to the administration. The second event is about to present their concerns over the problem of human rights violation and also press release of Viet Khang and other prisoners that are put into jail for expressing their opinion.
   ​What should change about Vietnam is that the government should give the people democracy. They should give the citizens freedom in what they want to do or not to do, instead of letting the country crumble because the citizens and the government won’t cooperate. Also the citizens will continue to protest and go against the government's decision for the country. The ways I’m proposing for change is that I’m going to make a petition to sent to President Obama stating that he should send help over to Vietnam to help those prisoners get their freedom and go back to their family. The petition will also propose to the President that he should help Vietnam turn into a democratic country. This petition sends a good explanation of why he should help the country turn into a democratic country.  To give the people a chance to choose who they want to run for president or to choose the option of whenever or not the country should sell themselves to China or not. Here is the link to the petition and please sign it because your signatures counts.
If you want to start your own petition for your own cause here is the website to do so.

This is my original content:
The bibliography for the entire project. Here is the link for the bibliography.

Blog post 3 on Food

Here it is, the final blog post on the issue of America’s food problems so far I have addressed some of the key controversial points of the issue. You can see the previous blog post here and the one before that one here.


What have I done to make a change? None so far, however I am going to present to 125 people about my issue and propose a way to change how America eats. I will have pictures and possibly a video of the event soon.


Though, how should people change what products they are selling at the store? There are a few things that you can do to change what food you find in the market. For one, don’t buy anything with high fructose corn syrup in it. If you buy drinks with high fructose corn syrup in them, you are just supporting the people who use it. You as a person can make a much bigger difference than you might think.


Also, try to buy organic foods too. Who really needs all that processed (bad word beginning with an s) anyway? Trader Joe's is a great example, most if not all of their products are organic and do not contain harmful chemicals that are used to sterilize the food more efficiently.


But what about the meat problem?  Think about becoming a vegetarian. Plants need a lot less energy plants take a lot less energy to grow than meat does. You can get protein from other sources than meat, like beans. If you don’t buy met, then you are not supporting the meat packing industry which will require less animals to be slaughtered.


All of these solutions not only provide ways to better your health, but also show that it is the consumer who judges what products are for sale. You can make a difference in what and How America eats. You are what you eat, and if you ask me. Americans can eat better.

picture from: www.iwastesomuchtime.com

bibliography here.

Animal Adoption Post for Change

   Animal adoption is something that any pet owner or lover should do. Even if you can’t own a pet you can still go to your local animal shelter and get a job or volunteer, or donate money. (to learn more about donating click here. When you volunteer you can be a dog walker, someone that cleans after the animals, and other things. (to learn more about volunteering click here 


  My family has about 10 rescued cats. The cats we have/had were all strays. Most of them came out of our back yard, we stared feeding them then we just decided to keep them. It something that my family has done for a long time. So when we even consider getting a pet we always think about saving one rather than buying one. Sadly some of the cats we take in get sick and have to be put down, we know that there is always another we can save.


  If you ever consider get a pet you should think about how you can get a pet and save a life. Just go to your local animal shelter, or there web site and see if they have what your looking for. Even if they don’t have what your looking for you should try giving another type of animal a chance. These animals are just looking for a family that will take care of them. They aren’t picky.


   My plan to get people to help is to just get the word out. I have recently posted posters around my school asking people to get involved. The smallest steps can make a big affect. Even if people just know not to buy pets and adopt that all they need. My plan out of these three blogs was too make sure they know that animals need a loving home, and they can be the ones to give it.


In order to see the positive change in this issues I can visit here to see how many animals have been saved. Right now Philadelphia Animals shelter is in 45th place out of 50. I hope to see an increase because the shelter with the most animals saved win 100,000 dollars.  


 To see my two other blog post click #1 #2 

 To learn more ways to get involved click here. 
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English, Pro Choice

             In my last two posts you have learned the issues at hand and how important it is for women to have their civil rights. They should be aloud to do what they want with their bodies. This includes having options of abortion, contraception, and health care services that will support these things. Now that you have read my last two-blog post, this is my post for change. It becomes difficult to change people’s decisions about abortion, but we can change someone’s view on rights for women. The problem is people don’t know about what is happening they don’t know the laws that are trying to be passed by the government. So the first thing to do is get the word out! Let people know the issue at hand, send emails, tweet about it and update your Facebook statuses.


            Next, the main organization that is taking the hit with most of these laws being passed is Planned Parenthood. They are an organization that helps so many people and without them many young girls will be having teenage pregnancies, and many who are less fortunate will run out of options with contraception. So go on their website, and read their take action page. This is your opportunity, to sign petitions, find out about rally’s that issues that you want to get involved with, and even have the option to volunteer at Planned Parenthood. For these past two things that you can change they aren’t very difficult but it’s not always the big things you do but the small things that everyone do that make a difference. 


            At my school, Science Leadership Academy (SLA) the issue of abortion is a difficult issue to talk about. Because everyone comes from different backgrounds there are many different opinions on the topic. Only 63% of the SLA students I interviewed thought it should be legal. However 98% of the students supported the use of contraception. So in order to not force my opinions on people I have come up with a way to make the issue of abortion one that has to be less talked about. As teenagers these are the years where sex comes up more and more. However the topic of contraception is one that for many is a topic that they shy away from. But people need to know the facts and where they can get them. So in my school I am going to be putting pan flits from Planned Parenthood in the nurse’s office. 93% of the students said that it was okay with them to have these in the nurse’s office, and that it would be helpful for kids to learn about that.



            In order to raise even more awareness I am also making a twitter page with information about the issues, events, and ways that everyday people can help. I want people to know what is happening this means getting congresswomen and men to follow me and other organizations to look into the issues. There is still so much more that can be done, but these are all steps in the right direction. So for my original content part 2, besides the video on my 2nd blog post I have created a twitter page. This way only people who care about the issue can go look at it and spread the word about the issue. Go check out my twitter and follow me @ProChoiceProPPL, to find out more information on the topic and the issue of women’s rights.

            I would just like to thank everyone who helped me through this entire process. My mom Alison Sprague, my teacher Alexa Dunn, the entire Science Leadership community for their support, as well as Planned Parenthood who is going to provide the pan flits and who’s website is one I continuously looked to for facts. Most importantly thank you to all the readers because we can become the change and help women keep their rights.


Change for the Troops

Well, President Obama has been giving speeches about the transition supposed to happen. Since, this is such a hot topic, it has already been out to the public for many years now. Since the new treaty has been signed, there has been more buzz about this topic then there already was.

I personally believe that because of the death of Osama Bin Laden, this leaves me to the idea that if the Al Queda has no leader, can’t the Afghan soldiers fight the remaining Al Queda and Taliban on their own? I feel we should bring the troops home before 2014, not after.

To bring awareness to my topic I have emailed and posted on Facebook about a petition that they can sign and it will be sent to Congress.

I propose to search and search for organizations farther dedicated to bringing the troops home as soon as possible. Maybe there is even organizations that allow donations of money to specifically be sent to men and women over seas to provide better Medicare, food, and other important supplies.

I have made a video and a survey asking about people opinions, as well as to talk about the war's outcomes other related topics and the change starting to occur. People's responses to my survey were all similar, most people said the war was pointless and we need to stop killing and bring the troops home before 2014. 

 In conclusion, my change is to try and bring the troops in Afghanistan home before 2014. In my blog 1 I talked about the war and gave some facts about it. In my blog 2, i discussed some new events that occurred since my first blog. Through the 11 years we have been in Afghanistan we have lost many men and women, but gained many achievements. A year ago, the leader of the Al Qaeda was finally killed under the command of President Barack Obama. Obama has promised to bring the troops home, this was one of his biggest promises in his run for office in 2008. It’s 2012 now and finally he is keeping his promise. He has signed a security plan with the president of Afghanistan to transition our troops to a support team so we can begin to bring them back to America. Through these many years we’ve seen great achievements thanks to President Obama. So far, for my change, I’ve posted petitions on social networks so people can help me make the change, especially because this change is something bigger then one person could do. I also made a video about the war to raise awareness about it. All that’s left is to finish the video and release it. 

My bibliography
Please watch the video below. Thank you.

Post For Change

  This is my post for change for Animal Cruelty. Since I deeply care about this subject I wanted to do something to put the word out there.  In my last two blogs I explained serious cases of animal cruelty and types of animal cruelty. I explained how abuse was not the only kind of abuse and that neglect was a serious from of abuse as well. What I did for my change is that I made a video/commercial to put the word out that there are animals that need help. My video is for animals in the SPCA who needs to be adopted. My video explains that you can help by adopting or donating which could easily save the lives of these animals in need. My plan was to show not only put this video on the SLA (ScienceLeadershipAcademy) home page but, to show it to my advisory to further spread the word on Animal Abuse.

I just wanted to say that you can make a difference in animal lives and that if you see abuse don’ t be scared to report it because that’s why animals are abused.

Blog Post 2

Blog Post 1


-I wanted to thank my friend Haji for giving me the idea of talking about the Aspca and my student teacher Emma that helped me figure out an idea for my original content (video).


Give a Hand in Helping Patients to get Personalized Medicine

​This is the final blog for my "You and the World" project and give students the opportunity to think about issues in the world and find a solution to the problem. The topic of my project is about Genetic Testing seek to find a solution to solve one of its disadvantages. 

Video Descriptions:
The video below is a public awareness video that allows people to help patients who are not able to afford personalized medicine. All $294,000 of it. Unfortunately, I can not find a reliable or a suitable organization to make such donation possible. But I bet that this issue will resonate in your mind and somewhere in the future personalized are price friendly and can be afforded by all civilians.

Message: If you ever encounter victims that was chained by their diseases, stretch our your hand and help them. 
​This is some of the contents that I wrote in my website. It sums up all of the disadvantages and the advantages to use genetic tests on personalized medicine and information about ones' self. Take you stance and spread your opinions!
Seeks Change
My Blogs

The completion of this project would not have been as great if Alaina Silverman does not gave me important comments about my blogs. I want to acknowledge my mother, Xiao Chen who gave me a lot of ideas for my public awareness video and all of the participants who volunteer to support the cause of this movement. Thanks for all viewers of my blogs and spread my message to support patients who have trouble to afford personalized medicine.  

For my Bibliography click here
For my survey click here
Go to my first and second blog for more details. 

Q4 Blog Post

​During the fourth quarter I really went all out on my stuff. I dabbed into a bit of "anime," some abstract paintings using water color paint, and even made some rings using copper wire and gems. I feel as though I really don't know what I like and so that is why i went about doing a bunch of different forms of art this quarter. 

For my first piece of art, i created a picture of Gohan who is from the show dragon ball z. The show was a big part of my childhood and so i wanted to draw something from it considering it was something that i liked a lot. I put a lot of effort into it and i think the final product came out to look really nice. 

For my second piece of work, I created a picture of yet another character from the tv show, only this time it was a different person. It was a bigger scale picture so it took longer to draw in terms of there being more space to cover, however there wasn't as much detail put into this piece compared to the other. 

For my third piece of work, I created pieces of water color paintings that were abstract. It took a lot of concentration and focus. I had to really think about the movements of the brush before i started. Like, what was I going to make the picture look like? How big? What kind of feel will there be behind it? It was pretty challenging but I came out with 3 pieces that I am proud of. 

I also completed other pieces that i didn't submit for grading. Such as the rings that were made out of copper wire with gems. 

Pieces of art will be uploaded tonight**

last try

1.    Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner:

- SharedTalk; Miki

What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?

He is my old friend, one of the people that I talked to on sharedtalk before. I know enough about him, such as how he learned English, and it was really through sharedtalk which is a fun fact, but also, he asked me to help him out a bit with a problem, and I did, but all I have from that conversation is a small ss, because interned decided to turn off for a bit.

2.    /How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?

Again, he learned English on Sharedtalk, which is awesome, and really fits my goal of learning how others learn English.

3.    What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on?

I think that the best thing that I did was helping him out, which really felt nice, but as for my goals, figuring out that Ecuadorian people speak English and call white guys Gringo!!!!!


What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)rc

I think I improved a lot overall, so I would say that our conversation was on a pretty high level.

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Change for Illiteracy

For two blog posts I have talked about the problem. Illiteracy. However, this time, I am talking about the solution. What we can do to make this problem disappear. As my teacher calls it, this is the "Post for Change."

After my previous blog post I decided to email a woman I know named Monica Carnesi.  She is an author and illustrator who works at the Free Library of Philadelphia. I gained contact with her from a mutual friend named Marion, who also works at the free library. As I was emailing both of them I got some new information.

There is another program that helps with this problem of illiteracy. It's called R.E.A.D.  This program helps mostly with children who are struggling to learn these skills. They have trained dogs come in to sit with these children. The children the read out loud to the dogs. The purpose of this exercise is to give the children the confidence they need to read aloud as well as the practice to do it well.

I believe that change starts from the newest parts. In my case, the youngest generation. I found that kids are the ones most likely to change this pattern. That to stop the problem we have to stop it early on.

To help with this I went to a building called the Friends Welcome Center. The night before I had called the director of a part of this building called FCCC, (Friends Child Care Center). She invited me to come in one day after school and read to some of the younger kids. While I was there I could tell that the kids were excited about the book. They would point things out in the pictures, and shout out what they thought would happen next. It made me smile, to see all these kids so excited about books.

It's wonderful, and extremely easy to help the next generation to get excited about reading. If it's simply reading to a younger sibling or cousin. Or going as complicated as I did and going out to a preschool to join into story time. Everything helps.
To view my first blog post click here
To view my second bog post click here
To view my bibliography click here

The Pro-Choice Movement's Involvement in Politics: Part 3

This is the third and final segment of the three part blogging project my class was given for our final project of the year. In my first post I introduced my topic and gave information about it so that even those who know nothing about it could have an understanding of what I researched. The purpose of my second blog post was for me to express my opinion openly and in detail. 

This post is being called “the post for change” because we were assigned to create a piece of original content geared towards informing people about your topic and possibly changing their point of view at the same time. 

I decided that the best way for me to raise awareness was to make a video. In the video I interview four seniors at my school who are all 18 and registered to vote. I chose that demographic because the Pro-Choice movement’s involvement in this upcoming election could be a large deciding factor for them. I plan on showing kids that have just registered to vote this video to inform them about the candidates they will be voting for. Young people around the world are holding protests to fight for their rights.


I think this method of eliciting change is good. I think protesting for the causes you care for is an important part of democracy. Some people in the occupy protest were attempting to raise awareness of the Pro-Choice movement but in my opinion the protests were too unorganized and there wasn’t a clear enough ideal system to make a huge difference in our country. 

This topic is strongly rooted in opinion and theological beliefs but I believe that the government should not take away a person’s right to choose what to do with their body. If you think about it, our government has taken a long time to grant minorities their rights. It’s the land of the free yet freedom still hasn’t been legalized. Thank you.        

Here are my sources.          

Breast Cancer

This keynote is on Breast Cancer and the various treatments used to maintain and or cure it. It was created as my 10% time final project which was self-chosen due to my personal relationship with breast cancer. I aim to inform my audience on exactly what breast cancer is, how to look for it, and the process after finding out one has breast cancer.
Breast Cancer 10% time

Advance Art Q4 Lancaster

Week 1 Abstract Emotion

I didn’t know what abstract emotion was until the week that we were supposed to do it. I’ve heard of the word abstract before this but I’ve never really knew what it meant. So this week would be my week of learning something knew. I found out that this project wasn’t so bad that I thought it was going to be.

The only hard part that I had with this project was deciding what to do. I wasn’t sure what to do so I looked at some examples. I then decided to do a picture of a face with mixed emotions through and around it. I made the face faded so it wouldn’t look like one. The colors I choose to do were red, purple, yellow, black, and blue. Red represented anger, purple represented pain, I made yellow into a lighting bolt that went with anger, black represented death, and blue represented sad. After that I smudged the colors together so it would blend.

abstract emotion_Lancaster
abstract emotion_Lancaster
​Week 2 Abstract Motion

I wasn’t sure how to do abstract motion because I never did it before. I wasn’t sure how it would turn out but after doing them, I found out it wasn’t that hard. I decided to do multiple pictures so I can get better at it. I did a drawing that was blue and it looks like the colors are moving like water. Another one is with many colors looking like it’s moving fast. Then there’s one that has colors smudged in together. I was proud of my work because I got a lot of work done then I expected and they turned out nice. And if I was to do this again I would make them more creative then the ones I made before.

​Week 3 Abstract 

I didn’t make a big deal out of this week because it was just abstract and I have did artwork that had to do with abstract in the last two weeks. So this week projects would be easier than the others. Then I decided to do multiple drawings.

There was two big drawing that I did, one with spirals and the other with curve lines. With these I made them with charcoal and with different colors, then faded it out to make it more abstract. Another one was with different colors that went in different directions.

​Week 4 Close Up Drawings

    With this week I decided drawing four close up pictures. I decided to do this because it makes you get every little detail in an object and it makes a person make more detailed drawings. And with every detail of something, you can make your drawing look realistic.

            There was one drawing that I spent almost all of my time on this week and it was a close up drawing of my laptop. With this drawing I got every detail of the computer even the windows that was open on the screen. The rest of my time went to the three birds I drew, which are the blue jay, the sparrow, and the cardinal. I decided to draw these birds because I feel as thought they are cute and I like looking at them fly around and look for food.

            Throughout this week, the hardest drawing that I did was the computer because it was difficult trying to get the correct number of keys on the computer and trying the laptop to look the right way. The easiest drawing was the cardinal because it didn’t that much detail as all the other ones did.

​Week 5 Close Up Drawings Pt 2

    For this week I decided to do some more close-up drawings because I feel as though I can still do better with drawing objects up close. There are also some things that I drew that were landscape and one I did electronically.

            I drew three pictures close-up and they are a bird and a mask. The last picture I drew was of a cup of cider with a bottle of sparkling cider and cherries next to it. With this picture I drew a table and two chairs in the background so it wouldn’t look like the cup, bottle, and cherries were floating in mid air. With the bird, I decided to draw it from the previous week when I few a couple of birds before. When I was drawing it, I wanted to draw a bird that I’ve never seen before. I decided to draw the mask because I didn’t know what else to draw and also that’s my favorite mask. There was a picture that I drew with pyramids and I got this idea when I was looking at TV and someone was talking about Egypt. Then I thought it would be cool to draw somewhere in Egypt so I looked up some pyramids and decided to do pyramids. And lastly, I wanted to make a make something that looked like a poster so I took a couple of my aunt prom pictures and made a poster out of them but first I made all the pictures look black and white.

            At the beginning of this week I had artist block, which is when you can’t find and don’t know what to draw. But to get over this, I asked a few of my friends to give me ideas that I could do and this is how I got what I did this week.

black-face bird
black-face bird
​Week 6 Landscape

    I was a little nervous about doing landscape at first but then I just decided to o it anyway because I wanted to get better at it. I wasn’t sure what type of landscape I wanted to do so I decided to get some ideas from Google.

            I decided to do two landscape drawings because one of them took a lot of time to do. The first one I drew was one that looked like a grass field with a pond in the middle and mountains in the back. Another drawing was a ocean with a city in the background while water is splashing onto rocks.


Uyen N. Donna S. Semaj S. (Algeria election May 26, 2012)

As a group we split up and attempted to google, facebook, twitter and find out different websites that will get the connection so we can speak with an Algerian citizen. We finally came across a website called Students of The World  where we were able to find a student of our age and is from Algeria. This site helped us to get in contact with these teenagers. We started to email the first person, his name is Sofiane an 19 years old from Algeria. However, since Sofiane is not a political person he claimed. We did not successfully get the information that we need from him along with the interview that we wanted to do. But we did successfully get in contact with a couple of students from the Students of The World program.

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We emailed a few students from the Students of The World program and didn’t get much success. We talked to them about our project and what we were doing. We then emailed the information and links to them and never received a response. The students that we emailed ranged between the ages of 17 and 19. They weren’t very up to date with the election and politics in the country but they tried (for a while) to help us as best as they could.
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Summary of the Election/Country Politics

The Algerian election took place on May 10, 2012. The National Liberation Front, which has been Algeria’s ruling party for half a century, won over 220 votes and the other party only received 68. Clearly, the NLFs won by a landslide and the other party didn’t do too hot. On May 26, 2012, there was a protest against the election claiming that the votes were rigged to automatically give the ruling party the majority of the votes.

There were many people watching the Algerian national assembly elections on election day to see if they would go ahead and have another term with the ruling party or if something would change. The results were not at all surprising.

Algeria, which is the only country in North Africa was left without bother by the “Arab Spring” revolts, but some say that if the country doesn’t loosen up with the power, they might not be able to go another year without the revolts.
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Though we did not successfully interviewed Algerian students about the election on May 10, 2012. But we had a chance to communicate with some of these students and learned a little about each and everyone of them. We also had a chance to do some research and learn more about the 2012 election that went on in Algerian.

However, it was not an easy process to get in contact with the students from Students of The World program. There were a number of students that did not want to contact us back because of personal reason and or was not aware of what we asked them to do. It was really challenging to find students that we can communicate with and ask for a favor. Also, since the election date were being moved from April 17 to May 10, many students from Algeria did not get a chance to figured some of the issues that happened in their country during the election time period. One of the most challenging task was to communicate with students from a different country and is under a different government system as the United State because we do not know what to expect on the outcomes.

English journal 35- “I wish I could...”

I wish I could move to Florida and leave Philly. If I were to live in Florida, I could be tan all the time and wear shorts and go swimming everyday. I wish I could make everyday summer. I would be happy all the time. I wish I could sing well because there’s times when I just want to belt out but I want it sound well. I wish I was rich so that way I could buy anything and everything I wanted and never have to worry about running out of money. I wish I could meet any famous person I wanted and be friends with them. I wish I could bring my great grandma back to life. I wish I could bring back all my family from the dead especially the ones who I was to young to realize who they were when I was little and just have one more conversation with them. I wish I could eat everything and never have to worry about calories!

English journal 33 -Take an old quote and write about it.

“This past summer my friend”


This past summer my friend Briana and I have become really close. I consider her my little sister because we’re only months apart! We practically live over each others houses we go back and forth every weekend and she comes over my house every Wednesday, in the winter. In the summer it’s a whole different story its sleepovers every night, beach everyday and boardwalk every night together. If her mom is going back to Philly she stays with me. The funny thing is no matter how much time we spend together we never get annoyed with each other. All we do is laugh until we cry and our stomachs hurt. I can tell her anything and it goes for her too. We never will judge each other no matter what the situation is. She will always give me the best advice does not matter what the topic is. If I were to call her at three o'clock in the morning she would talk me through what ever I was going through. I would be so lost without her. She knows everything about me and I know everything about her. She’s not my best friend, she’s part of my family. 

History journal 47 Ghadi- One quote that I agree with.

One quote that I really agreed with was about how he is better at doing everything when he has feelings under control. This immediately made me think of every single time I get angry and start screaming. I do get mad at the most pointless things and I should learn to brush them off and not let the little things bug me. But even though that’s really hard to do I need to take Ghadi’s advice and not get so angry because more things will get solved when you can talk them out like human beings and not like animals. Also when I shout there’s so many feelings going through my body I find myself stuttering and then I cant even get my point out. Not only do I stutter but also when I walk away from the person sometimes I’m really shaky and I cry. Thinking about this all right now I realize how dumb it is to become so heated and it’s a waste of energy. Life is to short to be anything but happy.

The Change Begins Now

Hey everyone it’s Raekwon again and I’m bring you my final blog post called post for change. Thanks for reading my blog posts and I hope they touched you in someway or form. If you are ready my post for the 1st time I will summarize my last two blog posts but here are the links to them 1 and 2 if you missed them. Ok so my first post was info on my topic Government Spending on Prisoners vs. Students. Some things I covered were the spending and alternatives we could do to prevent how much the Gov. spends on prisoners costing taxpayers more money. I talked on the statistics and other graphs on the topic. In my second post I talked about my opinion on how I feel about the spending.

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I also touched on some info I find on private prisons. I talked about my ideas and how I think we can fix this problem that is going on. All right now that that is out the way, I want to talk about this post for change. I’m going to tell you what I’ve done to make something happen. So far I’ve asked some adults if they could address the town hall when they have those meetings and bring this topic up or if they could talk to government officials for me. What’s left to do is see if change will happen. If they consider making a change then that’s a huge step forward that they even considered the idea. 

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 Now we were suppose to make our own piece of original content which I chose on make to make a poster with prisoners and students on it telling people to make the choice on who they would rather support which I’m hoping people support kids who could create a better future for us and help the economy. I also made little cards with facts on it about the topic to help raise awareness. Now I would like to take this time to acknowledge everyone that helped me in this process, which includes the following people: Mrs. Dunn, Julia Boyer, My Dad, My Mom and Science Leadership Academy school.


This is my Bibliography


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STDs Or STIs: The New Crisis Of Today's Teens Blog Post #3

Hello people of earth!!! My name is Betty and this is my last blog post on STDs Or STIs (if you prefer). If you click here you’ll see my first blog post on this issue which talks about why I’m discussing and interested in this topic and some information on it. If you click here you’ll see my second blog post on this which is mainly about more new information that I found out about this topic and graphics that show you more about the risks of it.

  But even with all of this the one question that most certainly needs to be answered is What has been done about with and What can we do today to make it better? 

From what I know to raise the awareness of this issue in each school in Philadelphia there is the health class that teaches the  about the causes and effects of STD, HIVs, and AIDs and it is mostly required that every student in the current school must take this class. But as I have researched about this and lately it says in this article that was posted this year on April 16 that lately schools have made little progress in teaching students about these issues. Which I am very disappointed in. I have just recently learned that April was STD awareness month. It says that it was made to call to the attention of young teens about the impact that STDs or STIs can have on you and there are some people that campaigning to raise the knowing knowledge of STDs and the importance of having safe sex

In making a stand and a change I made a collage and two poems that I will print out and post around my school and as my teachers politely if I can hang it up in their rooms. The collage are for the ones that are more images that speaks to them and the poem is for the poem who feel that words are what has more impact and power and will actually read it.

I would like to acknowledge my close friend Yourcenar Destin with the collage and for reviewing my poems.

For more Information on my resources please click here.


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In these pictures the term Y.O.L.O is a youth slang word in a song by an artist named Drake referring to the saying "You Only Live Once". As you can see within the picture many teens take it the wrong way and end up making a big mistake that can change their life forever.
Please excuse the language within this for it doesn't matter what really matters is the meat and message behind it.
I made collage to reach out an explain the impact STDs can have on a young persons life thought pictures for people who are more about visuals than words.
​Here is two poems. The first poem is what you can easily turn into a song if you like. It tells about the effects and STD can have too. The second one goes into more of a deep emotional term in which STDs take.
Its Called ...

"That one night"

that one night

who knew it could bring such a fright

at the time it felt so nice , so fun

now i have rashes all over my buns  

STD aint got nothing on me , 

STI I have to say goodbye , 

because it happened to my ex

I surly wont be the next

so you say wanna live YOLO  , 

the next place you'll go is a doctors office for herpes oooo 

I hope you take this seriously 

because STDs are a pernicious mystery

Be careful of who your dealing with

for it is like taking the risk of tipping off a cliff

before you get yourself into a mess , 

go to the doctors office and take an STD test 

"It was just for fun"

It was just for fun
nothing wrong
at least that was what i thought
he said he loved me and that i could trust him not matter what
am i Believed him
so Slowly i fell
i fell
down hard
so deep into a pit of darkness
I was so blinded by his sweet words of empty nothingness
i didn't pay attention to where i was falling too
After it was done
After we had sex
I convinced myself it was alright
everything was fine
I used a condom
or so I thought
Something in me told me it was wrong
but i didn't listen
But  just in case i went out
and bought a pregnancy test
And to my failure i was with child
i went to the doctor to see what i could do
and because of my stupidity
I also carried an STD
And because of me
My Baby
Will Have to Suffer with me

I buried my head in my face

Silently crying
 “Oh Lord Save Me”



Luna's Math Help

When students search for math help on google, they can only search by the topic they want help with. Content varies widely, and students have to waste time trying to find types of content that work for the way they learn best. For my capstone, I wanted to design a website that would make this process easier. At first, I considered making content myself, or crowd-sourcing the creation of new content – all organized by learning style as well as by topic. I realized, however, that I could be far more effective by organizing the math help content that already exists online. I designed the site and learned how to write code so that I could build the site. I began the process of indexing content from a variety of math help websites, such as Khan Academy and Purplemath. Although I do not have a polished and fully functional website to turn in for my capstone, I will continue to work on the site over the summer and possibly the next few years. I believe that my capstone could turn into a useful and popular site for any and all math students.

Take a look at the site here!