Over the summer...

The purpose of this video is to teach Noah and other how to congregate verbs into the past tense. After watching this video you should be able to have the knowledge of how to congregate verbs into past tense and use it as a helpful guide. The video shows an example of a real life situation where congregation happens and then gives a more detailed explanation in English so that the viewer (Noah) is able to understand. We are really proud of the Keynote because it is clear and easy to understand. If we had more time we would of recorded more.
Does this video help you any in understanding how to congregate?

Spanish Video


The purpose of this project is to teach Noah, a friend of Srta. G.'s, how to speak Spanish using different verb tenses such as the present tense and preterite tense. After watching our tutorial, Noah should be able to greet people and speak in the correct tenses.

The only questions I have for Noah are...
  • Do you like Spain so far?
  • Do you think our video helped you at all?
  • How is it being emerged in Spanish and not know any of it, does it make it easier to pick up on?

Senior English: The Scarlet Letter, Juno, and Easy A

While studying The Scarlet Letter, Juno, and Easy A, our Sexuality and Society in Literature class examined the thematic connections between the three "texts" and crafted creative projects (accompanied by written self-reflections) that sought to capture a major theme from the works. 

Senior Brett Chapman chose to focus on the idea of an individual feeling ostracized by the larger society based on choices she/he made.  He states, "For my thematic project, I chose to focus on social outcasts and use a teen lens. Fabricating t-shirts, each with a different message, I explored choices some teens make that lead us to judge and isolate them. Thus, each t-shirt is an expression of an outcast in the 21st century.  The following pictures are of teenagers who have volunteered their time to participate in this photo shoot. The statements printed on the shirts do not display factual information of the models." The T-shirts and photos are displayed on the third floor outside of Room 303. http://teachertube.com/members/viewVideo.php?video_id=203282&title=Brett_Chapman_I_Am_Video

Senior Beth Knibbe chose to write an original song with lyrics to explore the themes of intellect vs. passion and love deeply rooted in true emotions. In her self-reflection, she expresses "I tried to start writing some lyrics [for my project] but I was coming up with nothing. I decided to think of some places in The Scarlet Letter where I saw these themes most prominently. The first part was the scene in the forest where Hester is watching Dimmesdale walk along the path before she approaches him. This got the ball rolling for me." Inspired by the text, Beth composed a listless guitar melody to match Dimmesdale's state of mind.  The rest is up to you to relfect on.  Download her song and take a listen for yourself.

The Only One

No Child Left Behind Act

Benchmark #1: The Story of H.R. 810 (The Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005)

For our first quarter benchmark in American Government, we were tasked with telling the story of one bill's journey to becoming a law.  I chose to research the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act of 2005, which sought to overturn President Bush's 2001 policy, which halted federal funding for stem cell research on new embryos.  The story contained a few twists and the journey was influenced by many outside parties.  

Below is the link to my comic book.  Once it opens, simply click the thumbnail to view the entire book. 

H.R. 810: The Story of a Controversial Bill's Fall from Grace:

Q1 Benchmark: S.3804 Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeit act

​Reorganization and Pictures to be uploaded momentarily!

Text removed due to giant scrolling wall of text, Click the link for the benchmark!

->Click here for Benhmark<-

Q1 benchmark: H.R. 17

​In this benchmark, I chose to talk about H.R. 17 which would allow the American people to protect themselves in an event of a robbery and/or break-in in their home or business. Below, you will see my presentation on what this bill is, who started it, who supports it, and a personal note on what I think about it.

Brewing Controversy: An (illustrated) legal history of the Volstead Act

Click the thumbnail to view an illustrated history of the Volstead Act.

Works Cited

BILL COMPLETED FOR ENFORCEMENT OF PROHIBITION. 27 Jun. 1919. The New York Times. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

Mendelson, Richard. From demon to darling: a legal history of wine in America. 2009. Google Books. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

Moore, Mark, and Dean R. Gerstein. Alcohol and public policy: beyond the shadow of prohibition.  20 Oct. 1981. Google Books. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

PLAN STRICT ACTION ON DRY BILL HERE. 29 Oct. 1919. The New York Times. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

PROHIBITION ACT PROBABLY HELD UP UNTIL JULY 7. 28 Jun. 1919. The New York TImes. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

"The Prohibition Era." historicpatterson.com. Historic Patterson, New York, n.d Web. 9 Nov. 2010.

Tumulty, Joseph. Woodrow Wilson as I know him. 1921. Google Books. Web. 9 Nov. 2010.


Benchmark: Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007

For my benchmark I researched the Animal Fighting Prohibition Enforcement Act of 2007 law. In order to tell the story of how this Act became a law I used a website named Xtimeline in order to create a visual time line. On there you can also look at the event list and read about each individual event that took place over time. You can see the time line section here while you can see the event list here. Also under each event you can see some of the resources I pulled from to craft my project.

<iframe height='390' width='928' marginwidth='0' marginheight='0'scrolling='no' frameborder='0' src='http://www.xtimeline.com/timeline/Animal-Fighting-Prohibition-Enforcement-Act-of-2007/embed/928/390'></iframe>

Voting Polls Interview

Me: 1. What motivated you to vote?

Ms. Boykin: My grand daughter goes to Temple and told me Joe Sestak was personally handing out flyers. That showed dedication I had to go vote.

Me: 2.  Do you vote every election?

Ms. Boykin: I vote at every Presidential Election.

Me: Do you know why we vote on Tuesday's ?

Ms. Boykin: Yes! Because they assume I don't have anything else to do. Just kidding, I remember asking my dad why, and I think he said something like way back , people went downtown all the time on Tuesdays to go to the markets. It was the most busy day so they kept it on Tuesdays, to keep a strong vote turnout.

Me: Where do you encounter the most campaigning ads?

Ms. Boykin: On Tv and on my dag' gon porch!

Me: Did you learn about voting in school?

Ms. Boykin:Nope!

Me: Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or do you deliberate in the booth?

Ms. Boykin: Most of the time I know because I mainly go vote during Presidential Elections.

Me: Thank you so much for your time Ms.Boykin.

Ms. Boykin: No problem.

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2010-11-02 11.18.11
2010-11-02 11.19.02
2010-11-02 11.19.02
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2010-11-02 11.26.27_Philadelphia_Pennsylvania_US

Christine/Thea/Natalie Language barrier

Nuestro grupo creó un podcast que explicaba la experiencia Latina Americana en los E.E.U.U.  Usamos partes de las historias de tres mujeres latinas, quienes migraron a los EEUU: Yolanda García, de "Como las muchachas Garcías perdieron sus acentos", Negi, de "Cuando era Puertorriqueña", y la madre de Natalie. Es es un cuenta de progreso y éxito.

Aqui está. :)

Que lo disfrutes. 

Un Verano en Espana (Justin, Sasha, Ryan, Catherine)

*The purpose of this project was to TEACH NOAH SPANISH!
*For this project, we wanted Noah to be able to: 

(1)...say where and when he's been to places. 
(2) be both informative and entertaining in speech.

These were are goals as well, but we also wanted to be able to:

(3) create a video that clearly explains the past preterite tense in a clear way.

*We decided these goals because we believe that they include all of SLA's core values, and that they are the key fundamentals to the unit.
*And for our questions to Noah? 

Why did you choose to move to Spain without knowing Spanish? 
Did you enjoy our video? 
Which video have you seen that was the most informative?

Emma, Luna, and Franky

Introducíon:  Cada persona en nuestro grupo leyó un libro que se trata de la experiencia latina en los Estados Unidos. Pensábamos, como un grupo, en los temas de estos tres libros, Cuando Era Puertorriqueña, Esperanza Renace, y De Como las Muchachas Garcia Perdieron el Acento. Dimos cuenta que un tema grande en todos los libros es el cambio de identidad. Entonces buscábamos ejemplos de eso.  En cada libro, una personaje se muda a nuevo lugar y pierda algo que tenía. Conectábamos el idea a la experiencia de la madre de Emma Connell, quien vivió en el Ecuador por un año. En el podcast, contamos las historias en el forma de diarios.

Spanish Diaries