
I finally got my prom dress today and i love it alot. I can't wait to wear it it's gonna be awesome. now all there is left is to get the shoes and alterations and i'll be done. I am so excited for prom. I worked today after a while of not being on the schedule but it felt like i've always been there and i never left, it also made me remember how much pain my legs gave me after i'm done working. maybe i should quite that job so my legs don't cry out in pain when i'm walking back home ya know.? 

A Day In The Life.. Bolivia


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When i was 12, I went to school and then I went to my babysitter's house and did homework and went out and later on I would fight with my mom and go to sleep. I never had to work or do anything, everything I ever needed was handed to me even if everyone else had to work really hard for it. Plus, there are labor laws and in the city it's a little difficult to have your own garden, though my neighbors form Albania tried. I don't know what I really expected from Bolivia, but I don't think that this was it. I even anticipated having to chip in to help the family out, but a child that goes right home to work when they have homework and have to study, that was something I didn't expect. How do you even do well in school when you have so much to do? And there are really, really high drop out rates which isn't good for anyone. And in 40 years they'll probably still be where they were when they were 12, only they won't be going to school and they'll be supporting they're families.

Urinary Track Infection

Today, I found out my dog has a severe urinary track infection -- one of  the worst the vet has ever seen, and based on her white blood cells, she's had it for a while. She has been peeing in the house for days, and instead of finding a solution, we have been punishing her. I feel just horrible. 

What's worse, her medication cost $315.00. I might have to rethink not having a job this summer..


Last week, I drove to King of Prussia to shop for my prom dress.  I had gone a few months ago with my boyfriend, and after 4 1/2 hours of walking, we had found nothing. However, the moment my mom and I walked into Lord and Taylor, I found the perfect dress.  We browsed the rest of the store, picking up seven other dresses in the process, but in no way did they compare.  At the register, my mom put an imaginary microphone to my mouth and said, "Tell me I'm the best shopping companion ever!". She is. 

How nice

Today was awfully pleasant. I woke up and knocked out some homework. Once my mom got up I asked her if she wanted to go for run and see a matinee. It was the perfect day for a matinee as well as a run. She said yes, however that changed. Instead she said it was too nice out to stay inside and that we should take the dog for a walk, play frisbee, and then run to south street, so that's what we did. Once we got to south street we browsed around going in and out of stores. We then walked back to our house and on our way got some fresh meat and vegetables from Amish people. They're really nice. Anyways, that was my day so far. Hope tonight goes well too.

Looking Back

About a year ago, I was filling out a million applications a day, trying to get a job.  I didn't care who hired me; I was just desperate for something.

While working in the lit lab one afternoon, I got a call from Sue, the assistant store director at Acme.  She told me that she reviewed my online application and would like to schedule an interview.  I was ecstatic.

A week later, I met with the store director of the Andorra Acme.  Right from the start, I knew that Joe liked me after we started talking about music and Paramore.  He told me that I was just the person he was looking for and hired me right then and there.

Once I began working, I made sure to put in 100% of my effort every single day.  I followed the "GOT" values, which are the essential customer satisfaction rules: Greet, Offer, and Thank anyone who walks into the store.  I was praised many times for my wonderful service.

Yesterday I had a meeting with Sue to discuss the changes that Supervalu and Acme had in store for the upcoming months.

Then she told me that the company, not her and Joe, had decided to lay me off.

I took the paper she handed me that basically said my hire date and official end date of May 7th.

I ran to the bathroom and fell apart.  How could this happen?  I worked so hard to do my best and to make every Acme customer feel welcome.  I exceeded expectations as an Acme associate and planned on staying with that company for a long time.

As I was leaving, Sue said "Trust me.  You're one of the ones I want to keep." 

I found out that Mike Rice, another grocery employee, was also laid off.  He and I have been friends since I began working there.  Although he acted like he wasn't as upset as me, I could tell he was hurting just as bad.

I have made so many great friends working at Acme.  The joking and playing around made the work experience extremely fun. There were times when I actually wanted to go to work early  because I knew that I would have such a great time working alongside those particular people.  My job became enjoyable, which is ideal for anyone who has to work such long shifts like I did.

I have come to realize that although I am devastated at Acme's decision, I have gained so much experience working there.  I now have the ability to take that experience and reference and use it to find another job in the future.

With that said, I am starting my McDonald's job next weekend.  It just so happens that McDonald's is in the same shopping center as Acme.  Guess who is going to be visiting Acme every so often?


T-Henry Q4 art

This was an interesting and frustrating quarter for me. We had to make a how-to sculpture,   and draw something repeatedly, which didn't turn out as well I wanted it to be.  We had to find a how-to sculpture and make it. I decided to make a jet out of k'nex pieces after seeing a how to on the internet. I liked this the most out of the things we did for the last quarter.  We also had to take a lot of pictures and then edit them using some form of picture editor like and app or photoshop.  We were required to replicate a famous piece of art.  The easy part was sketching, I felt confident that everything was somewhat accurate.  When It came time to add details, I started to realize that color pencil may not have been the best choice.  I chose to draw the Scream.  Drawing a bike is something that I have never tried to do before in an art class.  The line drawing seemed simple enough, but a lot of detail was needed for a final product that looked good.  The smaller drawings I did were okay, but when I had to do it on a larger scale it came out horrible.  I tried drawing it over several times, but just decided to finish  because it didn't get much better.  Drawing in negative space is something that I've never done at all, which may have been why I had trouble drawing the bike in negative space.

This is my Work:

Why me?

As I sat on the AC boardwalk talking to a friend and holding the leash of a dog I'd just met, an object fell through my peripheral vision. I looked down and saw a small white rod resting on my grey leggings. I flicked it. It stuck to my finger. I looked above me, past the wooden canopy, to see a small bird on the electrical wire.  Great. 

Diamante ;)

Si me fui a Venezuela, yo iría a la Plaza de Altamira. Me gusta el agua y la vista del templo. Me gustaría tomar fotos, leer libros, y comer comida con los venezolanos. Me gusta los árboles y el agua.

Negative Space

 In between, anywhere you can see through and if its not the object. Imagine that an object has a background green, and the object is brown. Color in all the
spots you see green at. For my cut out picture, I see negative space to get the shape of the tree,
its a different style of art. For tree cut out, I knew the white was negative space, and dark if the actual tree.
In the stool drawing we drew what we seen and how the stools look for the regular drawing. Fro the negative space stool there was green paper behind it, and we just drew the green paper. It easier to see the negative space, in the drawing with color.
Its great for artist to see negative space because you can draw the picture in a total different view, maybe different from another art. Negative space provides variety, and different way of artistry.
Seeing negative space, does enhance drawings it give it variety and makes the
picture mysterious.

"This Bi-polar Love Affair Just Ain't Where it's at for me Anymore.."

This morning you smiled at me and all I felt was your warmth.
This afternoon you looked down at me with sad eyes and I felt your pain.
This evening you glared in my general direction and I felt your coldness.

Yesterday you held me close for a few infinite minutes and touched my forehead with your gentle lips.
Today you looked through me, turned away and kept walking in the opposite direction.
And who knows what tomorrow will bring.

You change in an instant, it never takes even a word. My very being make you run between happiness, sadness, anger and so many things in between. And eventually you'll come back to me in happiness and walk away in anger all over again. And I'll still accept you willingly and watch you leave with tears in my eyes and then I will straighten my back and keep walking through life as best I can as the cycle repeats itself over and over.

28/4/11 Tarea

Si me fui a Venezuela, me gustaría ir a la ciudad Caracas. Me gustaría que esta porque Caracas es la capital y la ciudad más grande. La ciudad tiene muchos puntos de interés y, si es posible, me gustaría ver a todos. También me gustaría comer la comida culturales.

E1 Ahorita / Tarea 29/04/11

Ahorita: Cierto o Falso. No publiques tus respuestas. Escribe en una hoja de papel o en un "stickie."

1.     Para hacer (make) una unsalada necesitas lechuga, tomates y helado.

2.     Para hacer una hamburguesa necesitas pan y leche.

3.     Desayunamos a las 3 de la tarde.

4.     Cenamos a las 7 de la mañana.

5.     Almorzamos a las 12 de la tarde.

6.     Son bebidas: café, té, agua, leche, jugo.

7.     Son frutas: manzana, fresa, cereza.

8.     Son vegetales: lechuga, bistec, zanahoria.

9.     Son postres: el flan, el helado, el biscocho.

10.  Se comen las papas fritas con azucar.

11.  Inca Kola es un refresco peruano.

Tarea: Estudia Quizlet.

Prueba # 2 - lunes