Hugo Chavez cómica

En la foto, Hugo Chávez está ayudando a Venezuela, pero no muy suavemente. Yo me gusta la cómica porque Chavez está no suave, él es muy energica, y él no tiene una idea lo que es ser cuidadoso. Chavez está muy audaz, y que lo hara él usar un hoz y el martillo. 


Unconditional Love...

What does Unconditional Love mean to you? Unconditional love is love that never stops and regardless of what happens, bad or good you will love this person until death. What if you never saw this person again? How would you feel? 
​Through the interviews I learned that everyone has their own definition of strength and how they feel about how their understanding might change if a love one or a close one dies. Through my interview of myself I spoke about how strength is physical, spiritual and mental and they can change over who that person is. When my grandfather passed away I cried so I thought I wasn't physical strong but I just had to try and remember all the good times. My mother talked about how strength is physical, spiritual and mental and how her life has changed but she feels that my grandfather is in a better place and she remembers how he was her first person she could trust in. When Joe talked about his understanding of strength and how death affects him but it doesn't affect him as much. Not unless he is really close to the person. The crossing boundaries of this podcast is that when love for a person is conflicted with death, your understanding of strength will change because of the Unconditional Love you have for that person! R.I.P. Poppop  

Owning A Business

​I interviewed my parents about running their own businesses, and how they got to where they are today. I interviewed my dad about selling a new organic fertilizer to farmers all over the country. I also interviewed my mom who is an artist who has owned her own business for a long time. I found out lots of information about the struggles and the best parts to running a business. 
Crossing boundaries to me is challenging the status quo or typical social norms. My parents demonstrate challenging the status quo by having jobs that are not by any means normal, not doing a job that they feel will pay them the most money, and by putting a lot at risk having those jobs. Some could argue that they're challenging it by loving their job because many people throughout the world hate their jobs. The interview experience was very smooth. My parents gave terrific answers to my questions and it was helpful. I learned about the steps both of them took towards where they are today. With this project at first I was really nervous because I had never used Garage Band or any other type of audio editing software. I personally hating using garage band, but thought I learned a new valuable skill. It frustrated me deeply at first with editing because I was so uncertain and very unorganized. I think that we could've used a one class tutorial on how to use Garage Band because it took me awhile to adjust.

I was only like 10 mins late...

Having relationship problems??? Well guess what your not alone listen   to a story with two,anonymous guest who hav ask me not to  revealed their names.Hope you enjoy listing to this podcast!!
My Song 3
I had fun doing this project over all. it was weird a times because i like never talk to people about their problems. This was all new to me. the shared they relationships Had have their ups and down.Also by doing this project  i alos learned a lot about relationship that will help me when i get much older

"How do we know who Passes" by Tyler Creighton

​I always wondered how many people can pass as something there not, by there color or features. Maybe from where hey grew up or ever there accents. Does this effect there life, maybe there families life.this is an interview about race and how it can be played with and looked at in many different ways.

From this project I learned that people cross boundaries  in many different ways. They cross racial boundaries, relation, language, appearance,stereo types and many other ones also.While doing this project I discovered that someone in my family was dark enough to pass for indian and I was actually surprised. Crossing boundaries doesn't necessarily mean running across a boundary. It can mean different things.It could mean doing something other than your family or being with people that don't speak the same boundary as you, or even becoming a different religion than what you grew up as.There are sometimes benefits and some times costs for becoming this. For example my grab uncle changed his race to a full indian because he passed as one.He benefited from this because he became apart of a good family and learned a lot about a new culture. But he also lost the rights to see his old and when he did he couldn't be related to them in any type of way because we are russian, and other ethnicities and he was not that anymore.While I was doing interviews I learned that when you asked people question they usually talk a lot. An interview is very hard to edit because you can't pause it. 

During my interview there was a lot of unexpected errors. There was many pauses and my grandmother ended up talking very LOUD. I couldn't make this lower because the rest of it would have been. I had to do a lot of cutting so the interview could flow through with out anyone being able to tell she coughed a lot. Although I did this I got pretty good comments. Other than what I know that she was talking loud they told me my music towards the end was a bit loud also and it was covering the ending of the interview. I did that purposely because it was another person but they almost repeated what someone said before. I agree with them but overall I think my final project was pretty good.  

Joseph Tartaglia "Podcast"

My Granddad's hard But charmed life and stories that he told me about getting by, He crossed a lot of boundaries ass a kid, and some as an adult.there is a bunch of life lessons and what you should and shouldn't do situations



The experience of doing interview, well in my podcast I interviewed my grandfather, twice. Once like earlier in the year, and the other time last week, there are two different interviews that I did some of them are old ones and most of them are ones from last week, I though in the old ones because some of them had a lot to do about crossing boundaries. Like stealing shoes, or stealing anything for that matter, I thing the main part or the crossing boundaries part is mostly about stealing things to survive, in the 1940s.


Editing was a lot easier then what I thought it would be, because the music I chose just went perfectly with the interview itself.


My weakness was about the volume itself, like the music was too loud while the voice was too low. Nothing I can’t fix though.


I agree with the comments my peers gave me because they are right, and honest about their feedback. Also they tell what, and what not to edit and they like most of the editing anyway.


Beatles: Something (instrumental), The Ballad Of John And Yoko, Piggies Instrumental, Money (Thats What I Want)

Victor Sylvester: I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams (Quickstep)

Bing Crosby: I've Got a Pocketful of Dreams

In The Style Of Dawn: Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Ole Oak Tree (Karaoke)

Conker live and reloaded: War

Scott Joplin: The Entertainer

Sound effects by RingTicklers Ringtone 

Greatness from small beginnings

In the united states, there are many students and teenagers that are trying to become big in the music bus sinus but are faced with challenges and problems that force them to cross boundaries. In this interview, i'll be interviewing Roberto, Aaron, Victoria, Franklin and Sterling from Science Leadership.

Why be the same? - Shannon Powers

​ Why would you need to be the same as your family? Haven't you ever wanted to do something apart from them? Why don't you listen to my pod cast and hear what some other teens think of such things. 


  I learned a lot from my pod cast inter views. Mainly that I'm not the only person who had trouble changing religion within my family. I tried once and wound up converting back to Catholic faith. My two best friends also switched religions within their families and succeeded in doing so. I learned that even though they might be disappointed you can still be you and change religion in your family. Even if they don't agree and may hit on in the head with a wooden spoon in the end it could be worth it. Also there are more then one ways to learn about a religion not just by the book your parents may give you. 


What a Hairy Day by Tamatha Lancaster

Have you ever seen people walking with their hair looking good and shiny? Have you wondered why and how they get their hair that way? There's many reasons why they care about hair so much. And this is your chance to find out why from two people.

English Project-Interview

To cross a boundary means that you do something that is over the top. It’s when you do something that goes against what you expect. Some examples of crossing boundaries are that you could break that one rule that your parents told you not or you where once that annoying loud person then all of a sudden got quiet and shy. Crossing boundaries can affect any and everybody. If you do something that people don’t expect you to do then it can affect the way they think of you. It can destroy relationships or bring people closer together.

            When I first heard of the project I was happy because I couldn’t wait to interview people but when I actually did it, it was kind of difficult. It was hard trying to find the right time for the person to be interviewed and sometimes they wouldn’t actually give me a lot to work with so I had to ask more and more questions so I could get a story. Then I finally decided that the topic I was doing wasn’t going anywhere so I went with another topic. This topic helped me learn more things about my friends because it was about something that they loved, their hair. I found out why they loved it so much and why. It turned out that it had to do something with their pass and their parents. After I was done with these interviews I found out that I didn’t really know my friends then I expected. When I got my second topic, my strength was that I was able to keep my interviewee talking and giving more background information to their story.

            I didn’t really know how to use GarageBand, this would be my first time using it. So I had to go to one of my friends for help. When I was editing my work, I found out that it took time and a lot of work because you had to make sure that there was no background noise and that the volume of the people wasn’t to low or too loud. I didn’t expect that the editing part of the project would be so long, I’d say that it took me hours to get it all right. Then I didn’t want to just have people talking so I tried to find a song that went with my story and something that wasn’t too hype. One of my weaknesses during this part of the project was actually trying to find out what should stay and what should go. To me everything was good but it was too long so I had to cut some things out and keep the important part. My strengths were that, after I found out how to work GarageBand, it was really easy for me to edit and add things to my podcast.

            The feedback that I got from my peers was helpful because they were saying that there were parts where you couldn’t hear the person so I had to make it louder. If I have not gotten any feedback from my peers I would’ve gotten a low grade on my podcast. Also getting feed back from my peers tell me my strengths and weaknesses so I would know what I can improve next time I do a project.


Stereotypes_Jaccar Garcia

Written Preview

Through out this interview I will discuss  with some people the ways that stereotyping experiences can benefit for the most, they will give their stories and then with some questions will go into depth with their opinion. Being called a terrorist based on looks, mexican also based on look, and being looked down upon because of language. 


Language, looks, personality, are all example of boundaries that people cross. When people cross boundaries it means that they did something in a type of manner that bothered someone else or effected other things. For example people cross boundaries towards earth when they throw trash on the floor, or people also cross boundaries when they stereotype. During the process of interviewing people and the project itself i realized how many possible barriers there are in life. How language can effect the way people see and treat you and how looks determine what you can possibly be. Most people make these mistakes because they stereotype a lot. For Rosmery Hunt she has a story that a lot of foreign people have. Which is being treated differently because a person has an accent that differentiates them from everyone else . For Zayd Alsardary and Jermel Langely people often decided to call them something they're not based on looks. I also learned that these types of experiences in life could sometimes work for the better. When boundaries are crossed towards people they at first seem to have trouble dealing with it but then seem to  learn from it and sometimes find a way to get through it. 

Juan's Podcast

This interview talks about single mothers having to raise there kids on there own.S So they deeply talk about it and express there feelings.


- Crossing the boundaries can be good or bad at the same time depending on what you are planning to doing. If you are crossing the boundary to become happy or something that you always wanted to be, then it has a good impact on your life. It shows that you went far and beyond to succeed in life and make it somewhere where people said you wouldn't. But if you are crossing the boundary the wrong way then it can effect your life as a total piece. If you do something wrong it can lead to death, jail, or even death of the ones you love the most. Therefore no matter how you look at boundaries once you crossed them, you might not know what is going to happen after you do.

- I learned a lot bout myself but not only that i also learned a lot bout my family members, somethings that i would of never knew and looking at there thoughts from a perspective that we barely see on a daily basis. Other i found out how it feels to be a single mother even though I'm not a women or girl but the sense that they were talking touched me in a way where i felt how they felt .

- Nothing was unexpected it was pretty easy just learned a couple things to do on the garage band which was fun larding bout.

- I agree with them they said it was a pretty good interview and that i was on topic throughout the whole thing, everyone has a whole opinion of there own so i really can't agree and disagree because it isn't right or wrong.

- My strengths were to be able to med with  the music and also being able to put everything together. Weakness was to be able to get everyone at the same place so i can be able to interview them all to get it all done. But i worked passed that and got it done on time.

Social Networking is a Powerful Thing.

Social Networking is a powerful thing. We use it on a daily basis to communicate and many of us aren't very as appreciative as we should be about it. For this assignment, I interviewed my dad and his take on what he feels about social networking and what it was like to grow up without it. He speaks of his take on as to what they considered social networking and how things that seemed yet so futuristic are being used today. The positives of social networking and negatives are discussed on how it affects society and how people portraying themselves is important as a whole.

Here's My Project:

 Crossing boundaries is portrayed in two ways throughout my project. Personally I crossed boundaries with being different from the typical teen who has Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, Skype, ect. Since I don't have one it showed how it really could effect me by just not having one less thing because people look at this for jobs and educational purposes. Being so that I knew that affects of how people portray themselves is important through social networking, it was a large impact on my decision of not having any social networks. Social networking of course is a wonderful thing, but it has its ups and downs. Having a father that was on a social network who gave me about my future, could possibly have affected my decision as well since many teens probably don't have talks about social networking with their parents. 

During this interview process I learned more about my father's take on social networking. Previously, I knew that my father was on a social network and thought it was a wonderful thing, but I never knew that he grew up in the time of the Dick Tracy Era. Nor did I know about the Grape Vine and what that was until he explained it. It was interesting to know that Facebook was going on the stock market, considering that I would have never expected it. It was very interesting, but also helpful to have a parent's view on social networking that wasn't necessarily for or against social networking. 

In the beginning of my project, recording my intro was live, so it wasn't much rehearsed. It was shocking to see how much you could learn about multiple persons in less than 5 minutes. With editing my project, I had to edit out a lot of "ums" and moments were Jackie and myself were mean to each other. Although, I felt it was necessary to leave the thing like "Daaaamn" from our reactions because they were what we really felt.
 I learned that social networking makes you an easy victim of judgement.

 Through peer editing, Some of the comments I agreed with whiles others I didn't. I changed the kind of music I used in the beginning and balanced it out as I was told to. Although, I didn't agree with taking out the music as a whole, but I did make it less distracting. I thought the music brought the project together as a whole to engage the audience, especially considering that my dad talked for most of the time. My strength, but weakness at the same time was editing because it was difficult and took up a lot of time with the project. It was difficult to chose certain parts because I felt like everything was pretty important, so I decided to just take some key components and edit out things that weren't as detailed as others. 

My Uncle's travels

I interview my Uncle and ask how he feels his job has affected his personal life, with his family and with his friends.  

Q3 English Benchmark
Crossing boundaries can have a lot of different effects some good some bad, however the goods usually seem to outweigh the bads, my uncle talks about how if he were to do everything over again he would do the same way.  For him the boundaries that were crossed geographically were much more positive than they could have been negative.  A personal experience that I had with was when I went to costa rica in seventh grade and there was so much nervousness and other negative feelings that had to do with the trip but in the end the positives really outweighed the negatives of the trip.


Many people have dreams when they are little. Farfetched dreams that are soon washed away in the tide of life. However sometimes people see their dreams come true. In this podcast we will hear the story of someone who saw their dreams come true... My mom I'm Khari Evans stay tuned.
mom's interview 2


Editing and producing my product for me was a learning experience. At first I thought that it would be an easy project and could be done quickly. I got my interview done quickly and had a ok sound quantity. However after listening to Ira glass of this American life I thought otherwise. One line that stuck-out for me is when Ira was talking about killing (cutting) the interview was the most important thing to do in a podcast. When listening to his show you can see how cutting helps a podcast become better. Listen to podcast last year helped with what not to do. When I was interview my mom I learn a lot of stuff that I didn’t know before and because that I might have went off topic. These are the things I cut while editing. Editing for me before this topic was just to fix mistake, but in podcasts the editing is over of a way to control the flow in a story. One thing I would like to do next time is interview more people and ask better questions. I don’t think that I drew the interviewers in as well as I could. All and all I liked the project.


My mom I feel was a great interviewee however she was sleepy when I did it and that was not the best time to interview her. For this fat I think that sound quality might have suffered. My mom’s room however was a good place to record. Thinking back another person add to the interview would have probably made it better. I had planed out having another person in the first place but found that I could not meet with that person. I also want to interview people in the school for that would have been fun foe everyone.      

Love Struck!

​This podcast is like a teenage reality show. It's discusses about how teenagers lower their standards in relationships. Both they were disrespected, and they stayed in the relationship. Maybe they were fed up with the person they were in the relationship, and it was not what they expected. Teenagers have long lists of the dream girl or guy they want. This list is called standards; lets see what type of standards these teenagers have.
Enlgish Podcast



Crossing boundaries could mean several of things. Depends on how you cross your boundaries. But what I learned from my project is that the over all definition is basically stepping out of your comfort zone or normal routine. It sometimes can be a good thing, and sometimes bad. Plenty of people cross their boundaries with money. Many over spend on their budget, and try to live a life that they can’t afford. That’s stepping out of their boundaries. Just like in my podcast, all three of the teenagers I interviewed stepped out of their boundaries, due to relationships. They had standards set on how they want their love life to be and why. But they couldn’t find someone to live up to those standards. It was interesting because while creating this video, I realized that us teenagers want a love life that can come later.

            It was fun to interview people my age that can relate to me. I could hear where they were coming from and I knew exactly how they felt when they were conversing about their story. I know we all have these specifics standards, but I realized we don’t really know exactly what we like. In the interview the teenagers had very high standards, then afterwards said they changed their standards. But the not so fun part was the editing part of the podcast. I found it hard to combine all three interviews. Then picking music and the volume of what level I want my music to be at. It took me longer to edit than to interview the teenagers. But the editing paid off, because my peers said I did a great job with everything including the editing. I agree with them, I got rid of any background noises or anything the person I was interviewing said that wasn’t helping my podcast. I went in doing this podcast with an open creative mind. One strength in my podcast is how I interviewed several teenagers and then combined them, to make it more interesting. One weakness is that my questions could have been more detailed and rich. This podcast project was interesting and very fun to do.

"Best of Both Worlds" by Henry Poeng

There are so many things we take for granted everyday. From  the value of a dollar, the instant access to the internet, and all these little things. This podcast is about my brother, Jimmie Poeng's experience. There was no such thing as wasting in his vocabulary. Everything was precious, and everything he had was a need and not a want. Join us as he tells his story from the beginning to today.
Interview, English qrt3 Benchmark, Henry Poeng


Honestly, I was really nervous going into this project. Why? I will never know, but it was a great experience. Just sitting there thinking of ideas on how to start, end, and just keep it interesting. That was fun. The best part was listening to past projects and seeing how each one was different from the next. I got this idea and thought, “Well since they’re all so different, why not make mine normal?” So that’s exactly what I did, and I think it did it pretty well. Just a straight forward interview plus background music. This came complete with question and answer. But with strengths come weaknesses, which I feel I had plenty of. During the interview, I had some problems coming up with questions because as a new one came up, it got knocked down. This continued to the point where I couldn’t even think. Also, I think that I jumped around too much with different subjects, and that it affected the quality of my project. Too many last minute changes and not enough peer edits. But overall, I am pretty proud with my work. Then again, anyone would be proud of their work if they spent three hours editing everything. Also, another strength that I feel my project and the interview has, is that it conveys a great message. A message that I feel everyone should listen to, and that they should take the heart. I only wanted to do this specific subject because I wanted people to realize that they have it good. I know I do. 

Journey to America by Michael Roth

How many of you have moved homes, or even towns? All of you have at least changed schools. Now imagine not just leaving behind your school, but everything you know. Journeying far in search of opportunities, and into a new and unfamiliar land, where everything is different.
The Journey to America

When doing this project, I learned a lot about my great grandfather, more than I thought there was to know, when it came to this story. I also learned a bit about myself. I learned that I should really plan ahead when I'm doing a large project, to make sure that I'm not up late the night before it's due tediously and expertly editing together around six tracks of pre-recorded information. I learned that when my mother says "this sort of thing always takes longer than you think it will," she is right. I also learned that when she is right, she doesn't stop telling me about just how right she is. I learned that my grandmother knows a lot about her father, and is ready to tell me about him if ever I ask. I have also learned that certain situations may push somebody far enough that they do things that they originally didn't think they could do. People aren't always what they seem to be. If you saw a picture of my great grandfather at the age of 90, you would certainly not think that he had accomplished so much at such a young age. Next time I see an elderly person, I'll wonder what surprising story they have in their past. Maybe they stowed away on a ship, maybe they escaped a tiger in the woods. There's really no way of knowing without asking. The whole story makes me wonder what I would do if I was forced into a similar situation. What would I be capable of?

Jamie Sets Fire to the Rain.

Listen here please (: 

Jamie Murphy has a very interesting family, and I’m not just talking about their personalities. Her father gave Jamie’s mother the greatest dream in the world, a child. He was just supposed to be the sperm donor, which is normal for these kinds of situations. But Jamie, being the unique person as she is, also has a unique family situation.


While I was doing this project, I thought this was going to be easy and I would get it done and out of the way. I was totally wrong. When you interview someone, especially for a project, you have to have almost three times the length of interview before actually putting it all together. You need to edit things out, add things in, and make it all work. It was also hard finding time that you and the interviewee could meet. She has this and I can’t do it now because I have this, and it was just so hard to get it together.

            When you cross a boundary, you face a lot of different things. It is possible that you can lose friends and be judged if people do not approve of whatever boundary you are crossing. You can also be praised for how you stand out. In this case, Jamie has two loving parents that would do anything for her, when statistics show that she was only supposed to have one parent.

While I was editing this podcast, I realized that I had to be very careful with how you phrase the questions that you ask, because after I asked a question, Jamie would answer it in a way that didn’t make sense for my podcast. She would go on about a story that was not relevant to what I was asking. I had to ask her different questions in order to direct her in the direction that I wanted her to go in.

My strengths for this project were definitely editing, and asking questions to get Jamie to go in a certain direction. This was easy for me because Jamie and I are very close and I know how her brain works. She knew that if I asked a question that pertains to something, she knew how to answer it. However; I did have many weaknesses in the project. I did not really look at the time with this project. I kind of put it off, but once I got going, I really nailed it I think.

Who Can I Trust ?

Growing up isn't easy and sometimes neither is making friends. Knowing who is real and who is not, lets you know who is trustworthy. Coming into a new environment with new people comes easy for some to make friends but for others it takes time. This podcast is about my friend Imani and how she feels about trusting family and friends.


Who Can I Trust Podcast_

Crossing boundaries can be for the better and for the worse but in this case it was for better. Doing this interview I learned a lot, like how worst of enemies can become the best of friends and sometimes it can be hard to trust your own family.

When doing the interview it flowed really well and I got everything done in one take. After the first question she felt more comfortable and the conversation got more interesting even making me want to hear more. Editing wasn’t really a problem either, I cut out weird endings and added intro and outro music. Hearing her stories also made me see her personality for a different point of view instead of asking as a friend, I asked her as a curious person. Sometimes someone’s life wasn’t always what it is now and things from their past effected their life today.

The feedback my peers gave me was very helpful and influence a better idea in what to say in my intro. I agree with a lot they said and over all they said I did a well-done job in my draft. Over all I think I did a good job, I’m happy with my final product. 

On your Own By: Goldie Robins

​I interviewed my sister and two of her friends. They are currently on a gap year program called, Nativ in Israel. They are sharing experiences of where they are currently from where they were in the beginning of the program. They are somewhere they weren't originally suppose to go, so seeing what they are doing and how it is different from the places they lived, like Florida, Philadelphia, and West Chester PA. Enjoy! :)
Kfar Interview Julian Steph and Leah

I honestly thought when this project was give, "oh, this is easy!". I got my interviews done on time. I had everything, and I was not behind once during this process. It was the fact of editing it. This is about a 18-19 minute piece, I am still editing parts out but I just find it hard...and time consuming! I thought getting the interviews were easy and my interview is well done with sound, talking about what boundaries they are crossing and the differences they are going through. I learned a lot about what was happening and what my sister and her friends were doing across the Country. I actually got something out of it by learning that she was sick, yet still having lots of fun! It was a fun interview and I was very happy I could end up getting it done, because I thought it would be just an idea and not actually happen. By having such an amazing interview, it is hard to edit and have a final product. I only want to cut so much, but it is hard because I NEED to!  Nothing has been unexpected to me during this benchmark process and so far I thought it has actually gone pretty well. When reading peer revisions, I do agree with a lot of what they are saying. I know I had to edit things out because of it being to long and I was planning to add music just did not do it yet. I had good positive feedback and that was what I was hoping to get. I just hope I don't decide to cut out the wrong question or information. I liked this project and I thought it was done well. I just wish there was more time to do it. 

Promises of Prom

The podcast you are about to watch is about prom. To most proms are seen as a ceremony that only takes place during your high schools years. The podcast talks about prom from three different people. One who didn’t go to prom, one who did, and who will one day go to prom
Promises of Prom 1



During this project I learnt many new things and skills. I leaned that garage band is a awesome application that can be useful for more projects. While editing it was hard to know when to stop so for future reference I know that in order for your final product not to sound so chopped up, you have to spend more time editing then interviewing. What was unexpected was that I could turn my garage band work into iTunes songs. That helped me understand better because I deal with music files a lot. Also the project taught me that crossing boundaries doesn’t just mean to cross boundaries that decide the world. When I heard some of the other projects one was about hair. While others were about race, so the range of boundaries that people could cross was a wide one. From this project I think crossing boundaries means to go past the normal’s of society and try to stay there. By doing this it can cause the person much pain or discrimination from peers but the effects can lead to a new social normal for society. It would cost the person many things for example, it could cost a person their job or family support but to reap the benefits of it can be beneficial for everybody. If a person were to not move from their seats when told because they are colored, they are setting new criteria that not everybody has to move. That person crossed the boundaries of race. From doing this project I learnt that not everything is important as I thought. If you don’t go to something it doesn’t mean you will not live your life or that the world will destroy itself. Even though from the project I also learned that I will be attending my prom because I cannot have the thought that something happened and I wasn’t there. Learning that I realized I’m nosier than I thought. All around this project was fun and new because I never used garage band before.



Work can be Hard

In this interview I'll be talking to my grandpop about his job. He worked there for 37 years but recently retired. I'm interviewing about how was it working at a job that long, what type of things he keep across. And since he was working there for so long, what type of people did he come across, so here's our interview.

Crossing boundaries means that you may upset others because they don't necessarily agree with what you're doing. They feel as though you're doing something that you're not supposed to be doing. They feel as though that you shouldn't be at the level you're at because of your race, the way you look, or the way you act. There always going to be people who feel as though you're stepping into the wrong territory.

While doing this podcast I learned so many things, things that I never even think was important turned out to be very important. I knew that my grandpop working at his job for those many years that he came across some problems even though when he used to come home he wouldn't really complain about it. I also knew that some of the people working at his job had racism because it was only a few blacks working there. While I was interviewing my grand pop I started to feel bad about not wanting to listen to him, like my grandma was the always the one talking about how she grew up and the people she had to deal with. Like if would want for my grandpop to tell me how he feels. So after doing this interview I will start to ask my grandpop about how he feels.

I think what my peers told me really helped because I like taking advice. I think getting advice from others is a really good thing because they pick up on things that you didn't notice. And sometimes it can be bad getting advice from your peers because they might not give you anything at all. I felt like I did really good with getting my interview done but not with the editing. The editing is like the hardest thing for me to do.

My Song 2

Growing To A Teen

​I pick out 3 different people depending on the part of Philadelphia they live in and interviewed them on there school life. I basically asked question of how school is and if they had any problems, what was their way of overcoming it.

Crossing boundaries means to create something new. It doesn’t mean to become a president but it means that you are going through a phase that was hard and you were successful with it. Crossing boundaries could be a good thing or a bad thing it all depends on what you are trying to do. It’s like working hard for something you want. Interview people and cutting them was hard. Each person said things that meant a lot but it had to be cut out . I learned that just because we all live in different parts of the city it doesn’t mean that we didn’t experience the same thing. I can say out of the 3 people I had interview I had at least a story to relate with each person I interviewed. When Mike said, “Do not procrastinate” I should of listened to him. I started my podcast on Sunday and I didn’t finish it until around 4 am. But I feel as if it was worth it because I feel proud of what I had done. When i read my feedback, it made me happy, because i had positive notes. But just like any other things i new it was missing something so all i did was just lower the music so people wouldn't get distracted by it, but they will get entertained. My strengths was editing the whole podcast but my weakness was trying to find things to cut out of the interview, because everything said was really good but i cant keep all of it.

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