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Doniesha Hinson; Naima DeBrest; Kaitlyn Petroski-Rimmer; Sean Johnson
Proyecto E1 U1-Maciej Pokora, Israt Jahan, Leila Lorenze, Jowon Dorbor
Proyecto E1 U1 David, Turbo, Leah, Ayala
Proyecto E1 U1: Lauren Nicolella, Afi Koffi, Olivia Musselman, Eli Zimmerman
In class we learned how to say the alphabet, this came in handy when Eli and Afi crossed paths with a troll that was not satisfied until one of them recited it back correctly, to then be able to successfully go over to the other side.
We learned how to properly use tu and usted. This skill is utilized when Lauren and Olivia intend on discussing something with their teacher and Lauren uses the incorrect term while speaking to Afi but is then corrected.
Learning the days of the week proved to be an important skill when the date of a quiz is unknown. We demonstrated the concept of the days of the week in a classroom environment so the students were aware of the event coming up, and also being able to correctly state the day of the week.
proyecto E1 U1 Ariana, Dayanna, Jack, and Aden
Spanish E1U1:Lucien Hearn, Kyianna Thomas, Tylier Driscroll, Meeghan Kersten
proyecto E1 U1 Ahmed, Christina, and Shamus
Situation #1: Qué Tiempo Hace?
Ahmed is wearing a coat because to him the weather is very cold. While on the other hand Christina thinks the weather is very hot. So they start yelling at each other because of their opinions of the weather and Shamus comes and tells Ahmed and Christina to stop yelling at each other because everyone has a different opinion on the weather.
Situation #2: Tu v. Ud. & Dias de la semana
Christina is the teacher who will be giving Shamus a test where she will be reading off the Dias de la semana, and he will be writing them. They end the conversation, using the preguntas basicas.
Situation #3: Alfabeto/ Pronunciation
The student (Christina) walks into the classroom. Her tutor,(Ahmed) welcomes her, and asks her what she has been having trouble with, to which she replies, “the alphabet.”Ahmed goes over the alphabet, and Christina says she understands now.
Situation #4: Preguntas Basicas
Shamus and Christina run into each other in the hallway. They then being to have a basic conversation in Spanish.