Q3 Art Reflection

  • a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?  (keeping the rubric in mind. 20pts. - back wall, 20pts. side wall, 20pts. ceiling, 20pts. floor, 20pts. table/chair = 100pts.
I think I accomplished the ceiling very well and the perspective of the things I'm my drawing. I tried tried to get everything to connect to my vanish point so that it all looked correct.
  • b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
In my drawing, I would change my table and stool because I think they could be neater. I also wish I could add more detail so that it looked more realistic.
  • c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
A drawing i thought was success was one that had many table and stool. They were really well drawn, also the windows they drew had a lot of detail (in the glass).
  • d. What did you learn about one point perspective?
 I learned that it's important because to have a successful and correct-looking drawing, you need to follow the rules of making sure you have a vanishing point and following up lines to meet that point so objects in your room (for example) look symmetrical and proportional.

Q3 Reflection & Directions Class

A. I feel like I accomplished my goal of just getting it done. I'm not the best artist but I'm really proud of what I got in the end. 
B. I would probably work on it at home because I feel like if I did it would be better.
C. I think Isaiah's paper is very good. He really got the details in the room like the way the blinds are all bundled up at the top. Everything look very neat.
D. I learned that one point perspective is very hard because their are a lot of ways to see things but drawing from one point you can only draw what you see. Plus, I can't hold a ruler straight.

Q3 Art Reflection

1.a I feel like I accomplished a little bit of the drawing. I managed to finish the ceiling and the side walls of the drawing. However, I did not finish the objects on the sidewalls or the doors and sinks. So, overall I only did a little bit of the drawing and I could've done more. 
b. If I could redo this project, I would first be more responsible and not lose my white paper. Because I lost my white paper I was behind and embarrassed about my responsibility. I would then be more focused when drawing so that I could accomplish more of it. I would then change how I drew my ceiling tiles and make them more even and proportioned. I would then redraw and do my tables.
c. A drawing on the wall that was successful was Jaszmine's. I really like how everything was even and the tiles were on point. I was able to see the side walls perfectly and everything was nicely structured. I also like how the paper is clean and has barely any erase marks. She also has perfectly even windows and tables. 
d. I learned that one point perspective is one of the easiest things to do, if you have the right vanishing point and orthangonals. I also learned that one point perspective make art more alive and seem even more real. 

Q3 Art Reflection

For the final drawing, I've done better than my other drawings. Most of my other drawings I either didn't finish or just didn't do, but this one I completed what I needed to do. For this project, if I had more time or just re-do it, I would focus on working instead of socializing. The drawing I found that was successful was right above mine. It clearly displayed the window size, the tiles on the roof, and there are no stray marks around the paper. All of the pieces of the drawings follow the vanishing point of the drawing. For one-point perspective, I learned that every drawing must have a vanishing point. I learned the meaning of the word orthogonal, and learned new vocabulary in the process of learning how to draw using one point perspective. 

Q3 Art Reflection

a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?  
No, I do not feel accomplished at all- this is not my area of expertise at all. However, I did something okay but I do not have the technical term for it. Oops.
b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
I figured out too late how to do the window- I would do it right the next time. Also I would stay in the art room at lunch one more time to fill in some more details.
c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
Kate's drawing is successful. It is the wall by the sink, and it is drawn with clear lines. It looks clean, and it doesn't look like she hesitated. Mine is incredibly sloppy.
d. What did you learn about one point perspective?
We do not see in it at all and drawing windows with it can be difficult if you base it on real life. It is more challenging than it looks.

Q3 Art Reflection

1. I feel like I accomplished at least 80 points on my project. I did not do the side walls or the floor.
2. I would pay attention more to the directions that were given. I would also focus on the detail more.
3. Eleanor's is really successful. She drew the floor tiles and the things on the side wall. It's sucessful because she had the time to draw more than I have.
4. I learned that for one point perspective, you really have to focus on the detail. You have to draw what you see, not what is easiet to draw. If you do not draw what you see, then it will not come out as realistic. 

Q3 Art Reflection

I feel like i did a good job trying to accomplish what i needed to do. My back wall 15 because of no windows. The side walls are good because they have window but the door wasnt so good so like a 19. The ceiling deserve a 20 because i tried my best on that and i followed the rules. The others i aint have. Work on it more. One drawling i seen looked like they took their time on it and looked just like the example we used. I learned that the orthagonals were very important.


Q3 Art Reflection

What I feel most accomplished with my drawing in my own honesty was my ceiling. Although it's not 100% completed, what I do know, is that I tried hard to complete it while trying to do other things. What I'd wish is that i would like to have more time to do this, but at least I put effort into it. A drawing I find successful was the drawing that was colored the most, I don't know who the artist is, but it looked like the artist had put a lot of effort into it and colored it accurately to the real room and added a lot of details. What I learned about one point perspective is concentrating, without concentrating, it would be more complicated and hard to do.

Bailey Britton Q3 Art Portfolio

This quarter I explored mostly basic shapes. The hardest piece of art work for me to create was the self portrait because I've always had trouble drawing people's faces. We focused on basic shapes for the last three assignments and I thought it was going to be harder than it actually was. I really liked this quarter of art because we didn't have to do too much detail and we could just focus on making it the best artwork that we could.

Q3 Art Reflection

I am really proud of my final drawing. I struggled with the ceiling tiles and I think that through all of my hardships, they turned out nicely. I learned that one point perspective is literally drawing things how you see them. If I were to do this project over again, I would probably have done more tables and chairs. I honestly think that Sydnye's final drawing was amazing. It's really widespread and extremely detailed. I like that.

Q3 Art Reflection

a. I feel like accomplished my ceiling, side wall, windows, and tables and chairs. My floor was a bit of a wreck but I tried.
b. If I could change my project I would change how much detail I put into it.
c.One picture had nicely done decals, it looked so pretty. There was designs on the ceiling which made it very creative.
d. I learned how to make things look very 3d and make it look clean.

Q3 Art Reflection

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I feel like I'd accomplish finally understanding how to use orthagonal lines. I would add more details if I'd did this project again. I personally think that Cindy had the most sucessful drawing because it was neat, very acurate, and it looked like she actually took her time with it. What I maninly learned about the one point perpective is how to use it properly. For example, making verticle, horizontal, and orthagonal lines with the point in the middle of the paper.

Art Q3 Reflection

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In art this quarter, I was very proud of my skills and how I reflected them in the final drawing. I drew the walls, windows, doors, floor, and even a table and chairs. All in all I think I did well drawing the art room and making it look realistic with the one point perspective. If I could do this project again I would make the lines darker and more precise. I would also add more detail to the drawing itself. I think Emily's drawing was successful because it was clean, had dark lines, and contained the orthagonal, horizontal, and vertical lines that were required. I learned that one-point perspective is NOT easy, but it is required when making realistic art and architecture. 

Q3 Art Reflection

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I feel like I accomplished a lot with my drawing. I make the ceiling, floor, back wall, windows, and a table and chair. I attempted to draw everything required. I would change this project by being given more instruction. I am one that works better with more guidance, but this project did help me to work more independently and work through any issues I came across myself. One drawing I found successful was one where the tables fit really nicely in the spacing of the room drawn. The sizing of all objects in the room seemed to be correct which made the overall drawing work. I learned a lot about one point perspective through this project. I learned how important orthogonal lines are and how they make the perspectives look accurate which completes the entire picture.

Q3 Art Reflection

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a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?  (keeping the rubric in mind. 20pts. - back wall, 20pts. side wall, 20pts. ceiling, 20pts. floor, 20pts. table/chair = 100pts.
  • I feel like I accomplished most of the requirements in the rubric. But, I am not content with my chairs and table. Also, I didn't draw the line on one side of my door straight.  
b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
  • If I could do this project again, I would have to make sure that my lines are straight especially in my door and walls because it is noticeable when you look at it from a far distance. 
c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
  • The drawing that I think is successful is the bottom one on the side wall beside the mosaic face drawing because the size of her walls, door, ceiling, floor, and furniture are so proportioned that the room looks very proportioned as well. Her drawing is also very easy to look at because everything is just very neat and well drawn.
d. What did you learn about one point perspective?
  • I learned a lot of things about one point perspective but the main thing that I learned is that as long as you lead your lines to the vanishing point on the horizon line and if you do it correctly, your drawing will look very realistic.

Q3 Art Reflection

I think I was successful in at least accomplishing a good view of one point perspective. I didn't finish, considering I don't have side walls or anything finished on the floor. 
I would probably work harder, and try to actually finish if I could redo the entire project. I'd also draw lighter, and take my time in making sure everything is straight and neat. I just want it to look better. 
I think the only colourful one was really successful- they even made theirs colourful and everything is neat and nice and pretty. The one point perspective looks nice overall. 
 I learned that one point perspective is used a lot in design of floor plans, and just like- making areas of space for things to happen.

"Q3 Art Reflection"

I feel like I have accomplished my work and the most important parts into my drawing such as the ceiling and the rectangle I drew. I also feel like that I can see my artwork in a different perspective now then before, when I use the vanishing point too. It looks a lot better then before. If I would change this project again then I would change the way the ceiling looks, make it more detailed as well same as the door, and the window. I really like Sam's artwork because it is really detailed on how you look at it from a distance, you can see everything like in reality at his drawing and the windows are really detailed and have the same exact portrait then in the classroom right now. It's successful because of the way it looks it's like so modest and based especially the tables and chairs. The way it looks, 

Q3 Art Reflection

The things I accomplished was mostly floors and ceilings. I feel like those were the two things that I did the best on, and I learned the most about. If I could change something, or do anything differently, it's most likely that I would make a more detailed back wall. I didn't finish that wall, and I think that I could have made it much better if I had gotten it done. A drawing I think was very successful was successful because had very good perspective. It also had details on each wall, even if that wall wasn't finished. The back windows were well drawn, since they didn't look as thin as paper, but they also were thinner than the rest of the wall. What I learned about one point perspective was how to make shapes have perspective with the use of orthogonal lines.

Q3 Art Reflection

​A. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?  (keeping the rubric in mind. 20pts. - back wall, 20pts. side wall, 20pts. ceiling, 20pts. floor, 20pts. table/chair = 100pts.
  • I got the back wall, the side walls, ceiling (didn't get to draw anything on the tiles, though), floor, and three tables and chairs each. They are all present, but their "artistic quality" could be questioned.
B. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
  • I would try my best to draw the actual features of it. Just the drawing that are on the wall and the tiles.
C. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
  • I like the drawing that is colored in on the wall. Although it's not as proportional, the colors still make it pretty vibrant
D. What did you learn about one point perspective?
  • It's really difficult to handle. I can't stand it. But now I love it. It's something that i've adapted to and now I can make any picture look realistic with it.

Q3 Art Reflection

  • What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?  (keeping the rubric in mind. 20pts. - back wall, 20pts. side wall, 20pts. ceiling, 20pts. floor, 20pts. table/chair = 100pts.
I feel like I accomplished most of the requirements but am unsatisfied with my chair and back windows. Also, I didn't draw a door which I feel is essential in a room.
  • What would you change or do differently if you could do this project again?
I would have wanted to use my time more efficiently so I would have the opportunity to fulfill all of the requirements to my satisfaction. Maybe I could have created a schedule for me to organize my time because we were given a good amount of time, there was just a lot to do.
  • Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
I thought a drawing on the far left side of the room is successful. The artist's stool is well defined but crooked. The artist justifies them-self by saying, "The stool I was modeling my drawing after was crooked." I appreciate the artist's dedication to draw what they see, even if it looks odd.
  • What did you learn about one point perspective?
I learned that the diagonal lines from your vantage point to the edge of your shape are called orthogonals. I learned how to create a 3D shape in 1 point perspective! I enjoyed drawing my initials and then making them 3D with orthogonals and vertical lines.

Q3 Art Reflection // Chernowski

  • a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?  (keeping the rubric in mind. 20pts. - back wall, 20pts. side wall, 20pts. ceiling, 20pts. floor, 20pts. table/chair = 100pts.
I feel like I accomplished everything on my final drawing that was on the rubric. However I think I could have made my walls more eye catching by adding more details such as the paintings and the clocks, little things essentially.

  • b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
If I did this project again I would not necessarily change things on a large scale, but instead focus on the details. For example I would add the things on the walls and would erase the unnecessary lines and make my final lines darker.

  • c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
One drawing I found successful was the one on the far left of the room. It contained all the necessary requirements, and I liked where the table was placed. The artist decided to put the table not exactly in the middle, but slightly to the right. They also put the stool to the left of the table. This brings out my artistic knowledge and I start thinking that they placed the table and stool that way to catch the viewer's eyes. One thing I learned in my 8th grade Art Class last year was placement significance, so I liked that I could connect my past knowledge with this piece. 

  • d. What did you learn about one point perspective?
I took lessons about one point perspective before, but I still learned new things. I learned that the lines that connect to the view point were called Orthogonals. I also learned how to, in a sense, graduate from doing a flat perspective drawing in a room. I learned how to make doors, windows, and frankly anything pop out in a more 3D fashion. 

Q3 Art Reflection

  • a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?  (keeping the rubric in mind. 20pts. - back wall, 20pts. side wall, 20pts. ceiling, 20pts. floor, 20pts. table/chair = 100pts.
The most that I accomplished/finished would be one side wall the ceiling back wall and part of a table and chairs. I could not complete another side wall, which was disappointment. I feel the best work was my table and back wall.
  • b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
I would work faster considering how far I got but I think everything else looks good. I bet part of my drawing is crooked and that is something I definitely need to work on, but that is minor compared to other parts.
  • c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
Right below and a bit to the left of Ms. Hull's mural thingy, a beautiful drawing caught my eye. Everything in the drawing is expertly done, two walls were made, the room looks professional. All that really makes a successfuldrawing as it fulfilled all parts in a tasteful manner.
  • d. What did you learn about one point perspective?
Orthogonals, lots of them. Also remember everything is parallel or perpendicular in space so just keep that in mind. If you have a one point, focus on that point and if one line is crooked the whole drawing could be thrown off. 

Q3 Art Reflection

  • a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?  
  • After finishing the final drawing, I feel like a accomplish something that I could have not done when I first attended this class. I understand how to draw the perspective now in 3d correctly instead of 2d.

  • b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
  • If I could do this project again, I would add more details such as more tables and chairs and color it.

  • c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
  • I believe the drawing Sam did was successful because it is well drawn with neat lines and all the line meets the vanishing point. It has lines that are light and some shading that make the picture smoothing and nice to look. 

  • d. What did you learn about one point perspective?
  • I learned that one point perspective is fun and that if you want it to look right, you need a vanishing point and you have to use your eyes to make sure the line are straight and parallel to the line across.