Riley chobert

Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho is undeniably one of the greatest horror films of all time. Hitchcock, the cast, the cinematographers, and everyone else involved in the making of this movie nailed their job. However, whoever created the cover for this movie did not produce the same level of work as their colleagues. I have created a cover that the feel and story of the movie far more than the completely unrepresentative original cover.

Firstly, my cover is suitable for a brooding psychological thriller a movie like Hitchcock’s Psycho is deserving of, and suitable renames the film. My cover displays the 2 primary characters in their most decisive moments in order to show the movie’s intensity. Marion during her murder, and Norman during his Hitchcock stare, which is the point in which he reaches peak insanity. Secondly, the new title Lunatic captures Norman’s character much better than Psycho ever could. Norman is absolutely insane, and the term Lunatic captures that. Norman has no grasp on reality, the term psychopath implies that he is merely unhinged, which is a huge understatement. Overall, my cover advertises the vehemence of Psycho and renames the film to encapsulate Norman’s character much better.

Additionally, Psycho’s cover looks more like one of an action movie than a great horror film. The cover is filled with color, and fonts resembling James Bond and Jason Bourne movies. The designer should have chosen a darker color palette to reflect the atmosphere of the movie. The cover should have also used either a more serious font or a more horror-themed font. These two details would let viewers know that the movie they are about to watch is a dark psychological thriller, with little to no cheer or happiness. Because of these poor decisions, new viewers are likely to go in thinking that the movie is beloved for the wrong reasons. If the designer made decisions in tune with mine viewers would go in knowing what to expect.

To conclude, my cover and name for Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho are far superior to the original, as it reflects the dark nature of the film and lets viewers know what they should expect going into the film far better than the original cover. The choice of imagery in my cover displays the dark intense spirit of the film through the climactic images of the characters. The color palette and fonts found in my coverlet viewers know what type of movie Psycho is, whereas the original cover may lead viewers to believe it is a less serious movie. Overall, my cover is a much greater representation of Psycho than the original.

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