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William Potts Capstone
Paine's Park - Team 3
Element Block Print: Lanthanum
Research: We had to research our element, then create a print that had something to do with our element. Upon finding that vacuum tubes contained lanthanum, I decided to have my print be of a vacuum tube.
Collaboration: We collaborated with our classmates when printing. We shared ink and tools.
Presentation: The prints will be hung up in the halls. We are also posting a picture of them here on the blog.
Reflection: We are reflecting on the prints here on SLATE.
Vanadium print (August Polite)
I researched a little bit about my element (vanadium) and its properties. The most interesting thing I found was an image of a small bit of vanadium in a strange circular interlacing pattern, which was the inspiration for my print.
I did some minor research on the topic, learning about the purpose and uses of vanadium. I eventually just settled with the image I had found before, since vanadium's practical uses were not that interesting.
I helped my friends decide on their final designs, learning about their element, while they gave me input on my design.
I tried to make my design look as nice as possible while keeping it simple. I lost a large part of the aesthetic in the printing process, underestimating how difficult it would be to convey shading on the linoleum.
I am fairly happy with the end result I obtained, however in the future (since I now have a better understanding of the medium) I will try to take a more reasonable approach.
Element based Linoleum Stamp
Inquiry - For this project
the first thing that we had to think about is what our element means to our culture or history. We had to
think about its various uses and which we wanted to display in our final
Research – The point of this project was to discover
more about the element given to us and display our new knowledge in a creative
and unique way. To ensure that we had done research on our element there was
one guideline, we had to have three different original and distinctive pieces.
My element was Iodine which is currently used mainly in medicine as a
sterilizer, but since this project required me to look outside the box I had to
find its other uses and since it was not used in as many different things today
I had to do more research on its history and its uses in the past. My final
Ideas were an old fashioned camera because they used to be used in prints and
kelp, which is the main source of iodine.
Collaboration – Besides just sharing working
utensils and space collaboration was a pretty big aspect of this project. A
good example of this for me is how I was having difficulty getting my prints to
turn out the way I thought they should so I found someone who had finished with
three perfect, neat copies and asked them to help me and give me tips so that I
could do others. I think that there is much to be learned from our peers even
in an individual art project or any project in that matter. Whether this be
simply sharing space and materials or asking for someone’s opinion which helps
see your work through a different lens and have a more complete final product.
I think that not using the input of your peers is just throwing aside one of
the most useful tools to creating a project to the best of your ability.
Presentation – The way that we displayed our
knowledge and research on our element was through the final print of the stamp
that we created. This is what we have been designing and preparing for the past
month as well as our last assignment for the ninth grade art elective.
Reflection- This reflection has
gotten me to think about all that I have learned during the process of
completing this progress both about my element, art, and in general. I have
taken a lot from this project and have put a lot of effort into my final piece
and am glad to have made the choices I made with design and how I displayed the
Paine's Park - Team 5
Humanities Final Portfolio 2013
There comes a point in everyone’s life where they are forced to remember things. Whether they be for good or for bad. This is that time for me. It is time for me to think back on everything we have done and evaluate upon that. Its time for me to focus on work that may have been good, or the ones that I completely rocked.
This year for me has been one full of ups and downs. Some of those worse than others. I’ve struggled with staying focused as well as completing tasks on time. But when I did hand in those assignments, they were magic. “Growing up there has been (and still is) something that clearly divides our family. It is not the color of our hair or whether or we share the same eye color. A speech barrier has affected more than half of my family.” Read more of my Language Autobiography here.
There have been times this year when I did not believe that I could go on any longer and there was no way that I would be able to finish out the year strong but I had to do it. Mr. Block began to assign more work that I could relate to and that made it a little less difficult to fail at. “There will always be things that one does that someone else hates, but that is the give and take with life. You never know what you are going to get, so you deal with it, no matter whatever hand you are dealt. Its a game of give and take, and there is more giving than taking, but hey! That’s what life is.. A bunch of uncertainty.” I look back on these words and realize you cannot change what you have done, however you have the power to adjust the course for the future. In the past year, I have learned that in these two subjects and just about the world in general. You can only change yourself... You can’t change the world. Read more from my Letter Assignment here.
I was inspired to keep writing and to keep sharing my writing with the world. I wanted the world to know how proud I was to be apart of a class where I had the freedom to write whatever I pleased. When I pleased. One of the journal entries this year was titled “Never shall I forget.” in which you could write about anything. I at the time had been thinking about my relationship since the topic on hand that week was relationships within countries and relationships between people and objects. I remember writing this great poem about my relationship and it went a little something like this. “Never shall I forget the day he held me in his arms, For I did not want to let go. Never shall I forget the late night phone calls, The ones that were had so that he would be the last voice I heard before bed. Never shall I forget how much I love him. Never shall I forget the person I gave my heart to. For all these things worth remembering, I never shall forget. Never shall I forget the day I saw him. I fell in love instantly and I knew we were meant to be. Never shall I forget the day I got the courage to talk to him. He liked me too. Never shall I forget the day he asked me to be his. Never shall I forget our first kiss by the backstairs. Never shall I forget the butterflies I get everytime I hear his name. Never shall I forget the day he said I love you... because I love him too.”
At that point, my knack for writing became something that could no longer be tamed. We were learning more about different writing styles and we were getting prompts to write about and the benchmarks challenged my every being. My favorite project from the year had to be my monologues about the Keystone Pipeline build. I wrote the monologues and was more than ecstatic to show everyone. Here is a little excerpt “What brings you here today? My land? You want my land? Why? No! You can’t have it! I won’t let you! (Angrily Speaking) I can’t believe you thought you could come in my house and take my land! This is mine! I bought it and I refuse to sign it over to you. TransCanada? Who are they? Why do they feel the need to take what isn’t theirs? (Pause) A pipeline? From Canada all the way to Texas? Why the hell do they need all that oil anyway! Go dig somewhere else! I dont care how beneficial it is to the company, the other states, or anyone else for that matter. I worked my whole life for this land and I’m not going to throw it away for a project that will be gone in five years after all of the oil dries up! (Pause, looking to her left) Calm Down? Me calm down? At a time like this? I’m sorry Mr. Jameson, not to sound rude, but thats not going to happen. There is more to the land then just a place to be. My children were born and raised here, my grandchild born in this very house. There is an emotional connection involved in this house and there is no amount of money that can change the way I feel about this.” Read the full monologues here.
There are so many more pieces of work that I am proud of from this year and that can demonstrate to the fullest but would not nearly have enough time to write about all my experiences with each one. So below I put a list together of a few of most pride worthy work for you to enjoy. Feel free to go through the links and read whatever you would like! I hope you enjoy my writing.
Element Print - Technetium
The project really reflected five of Science Leadership’s core values. Inquiry was used, because we needed to ask questions. Without asking, we wouldn’t know any information about our element, and therefore, we wouldn’t know what to put on our print. The information and images we used were condensed into a single or few things that represented the element. The next core value that was used is research. We needed to research a lot about our element before creating a print. You can’t do a project on something if you know nothing about it. Collaboration was used when we talked to eachother about what we can use to represent our element. I found myself asking people what they were doing, and how they were going to pull it off. I also found other people asking me about my project. Presentation will be used through this blog post, along with showing Ms. Hull our creations. The prints we created will be displayed, and people can scroll through the abundance of blog posts to see how everyone decided to represent their element. After working hard for weeks doing sketches, cutting the linoleum, and finally printing, we’re going to be using reflection on the Science Leadership Academy blog for art class. Through this blog post, everyone can see our beautiful work! It’s also a chance to talk about the experience that we had.
Overall, I really enjoyed the project, and I think it was so much fun. In the beginning, I was sort of bored because all we were doing was sketches, but after we started actually cutting the linoleum, it was really entertaining. It was also a whole lot of fun playing with colors on the prints. I learned a lot about how to put the colors in stripes, and to make good multicolor prints with three colors.
Below is a photograph of one of the prints I did. It's temporary, and I may replace it with another print's photo, because they were on the drying rack. I used purple and red together on the one print. Unfortunately, the "43" didn't print all the way on the top left.
Element Print - Technetium
The project really reflected five of Science Leadership’s core values. Inquiry was used, because we needed to ask questions. Without asking, we wouldn’t know any information about our element, and therefore, we wouldn’t know what to put on our print. The information and images we used were condensed into a single or few things that represented the element. The next core value that was used is research. We needed to research a lot about our element before creating a print. You can’t do a project on something if you know nothing about it. Collaboration was used when we talked to eachother about what we can use to represent our element. I found myself asking people what they were doing, and how they were going to pull it off. I also found other people asking me about my project. Presentation will be used through this blog post, along with showing Ms. Hull our creations. The prints we created will be displayed, and people can scroll through the abundance of blog posts to see how everyone decided to represent their element. After working hard for weeks doing sketches, cutting the linoleum, and finally printing, we’re going to be using reflection on the Science Leadership Academy blog for art class. Through this blog post, everyone can see our beautiful work! It’s also a chance to talk about the experience that we had.
Overall, I really enjoyed the project, and I think it was so much fun. In the beginning, I was sort of bored because all we were doing was sketches, but after we started actually cutting the linoleum, it was really entertaining. It was also a whole lot of fun playing with colors on the prints. I learned a lot about how to put the colors in stripes, and to make good multicolor prints with three colors.
Paine's Park - Team 2
Humanities Final Portfolio 2013
While attending Mr Blocks History and English class it opened my eyes to many issues in the world such as “How does society affect the world?” we did many assignments that challenged me and made me look at different topics in other ways that i would have ever thought of without the help of Mr Block. If you think about it for a little you will immediately start thinking about human actions but i'm also talking about how media and people we see as famous and athletic affect us.
“In my opinion sports are such a big deal in this country because the american people don't have anything else to do and it is a way to control the american population for example they make the american society think that if they don't have a muscular body that they are not appealing to females.”
Many americans nowadays go crazy when missed calls are made during a game when its not even that big of a deal and i've heard of stories of people not eating or losing thousands of dollars due to their team losing. Americans become too addictive it's like gambling people just keep going back and spending money on useless stuff.
Click here“I believe that industrialization has brought more than good because it made a lot of of small businesses go out of business and the factories would pollute the rivers so the environment was affected and also the product quality went down for example before a shoe makes would make only like one pair of shoes a day specifically made for one person but now factories made hundreds a day due to a higher population and demand.”
Society influenced clothing in huge way, before you would walk into a shop and order a pair of shoes personalized to you. Now a days you walk into a store and you find hundreds of the same shoe at a cheaper price than a pair of personalized ones to worse quality fabrics and they are not made the want you want them they can sometimes take short cuts due to demand.
Click here“Many americans are are against illegal aliens coming over and taking american jobs. But the americans don't want to do those jobs, they just use the illegal aliens and once they are not needed anymore they deport them and say that they are destroying the country and all they bring is violence and use the country. But they actually have built this country up they pick the fruits and vegetables for the food producer and they do many low paying jobs that the american people would never do without them this country would fall apart and will not be able to grow. (Op-Ed)
Society sees illegal aliens as the enemy and when the economy had a downfall one of the first ones to be blamed for not there being enough jobs where the illegal aliens but if the americans would think straight and not just assume stuff they would see that the jobs illegal aliens do are the worse and toughest jobs that also pay the lowest wage. So if an american were to work the job an illegal alien does they would have to complain and call the police because they would see how unjust the jobs are.
Click here“When she met Teacake in the story she was a woman that was not that strong and she had some power because she owned land and had a store but her ex husband prohibited her from doing many things such as she was not able to play checkers but when teacake came into her life he swept her off her feet and made her feel equal. He let her play checkers and they went on a romantic picnic like she did when she was with her first boyfriend. Teacake filled in what was missing in her life and when she killed him because she had to, she cherished those moments and it seemed like she did not regret being with him (Final thoughts on their eyes were watching god)”
While reading “Their Eyes Were Watching God” I noticed the inequality, society influenced in how women are not seen is that women are not equal. A huge example of how women are not seen as equal is like when a female Basketball player from Oregon named Brittney Griner wanted to play in the NBA but a lot of people said no because she would get pushed around and would only get hurt. She was not even given a chance all she was told was that she was a female so that made her “ineligible to play”. Another example of how women are seen as less than men and only as like a sex object is the lingerie football league, they are dressed in lingerie and usually the spectators are men and all they do is harass them.
Paine's Park Video - Team 1
These young scientists like to break it on down!
Paine's Park Video - Team 4
Paine's Park Video - Team 7
Hoy, para la mayoría, somos libres. En una manera, aqui en los EEUU, somos más libres de unos otros porque sabemos nuestros derechos, y el gobierno Americano no violaría ellos. Hay gente que no son tan afortunado y la película Romero es sobre unos de estos gente. Romero, una cura que tiene una pasión para la gente, dedica su vida a ayuda ellos en todas las maneras posibles. Su historia es cante en este película, y con la historia una pintura más grande esta pintada.
Este cuarto, aprendemos sobre los Derechos Humanos. Aprendemos sobre nuestros derechos, y los mismos derechos que no son concedan a otros. Durante la película Romero pantallas muchos derechos, apoyan y de otra manera. Todo de este es para nosotros a apreciar nuestros derechos y las libertades que tenemos en este país. En grupos vemos películas sobre lugares diferentes y la historia con los derechos humanos, y en Romero hay mucho para discutir.
Hay muchas derechas que no fueron apoyen en la película. Uno de los derechos es el decimotercero, el derecho a viajar afuera y adentro de su propio país. El ejemplo mejor en este película es en el principio, cuando un multitud de gente fue van a votar. A un punto en sus viajes, la policía parar la gente en la carretera. La policía dice que fue criminales en la carretera, y no fue seguro para ellos a continuar. Cuando Romero preguntas donde los criminales están, la policía usen sus armas, y disparar a la autobús que la gente fue en. En realidad, no fue cualquier criminales en la calle. La policía no quiere la gente a votar.
Entonces con un maniobra la policía violada tres derechos. El decimotercero (el derecho a viajar), El XXI (el derecho a votar), y el séptimo (el derecho a tratamiento igual dentro de la ley). La policía de El Salvador fue muy corrupto en la favor de los ricos. Todo de la poder fue en los manos de los ricos que compraron el gobierno. Cuando Alguien tiene más poder de la mejoridad, y el uses esto poder para la mal, es más de un violación de la ley, es una violación de naturaleza humana.
En el final he aprendido que estoy muy afortunado. No pienso sobre otros en otros países y las problemas que ellos puede tener. Este proyecto ha habido mis ojos, y ahora, estoy muy consciente de el mundo alrededor de yo.
Bio-Chem Video
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Element Block Print: Antimony (51)
Inquiry - Wr had to inquire about our elements in order to do this project. We had to think about what the element is, what it does, and why it is important and valuable. We also had to inquire when we did not know how to do something, and where left to figure it out. These where healthy challenges to take, and I am so happy that I attend a school where I am not just told things, but have to experience them, and learn from what I experience wether it is good or bad.
Research - In order to make these block prints, we had to do research on our element so that we could come up with our own design.
Collaboration - We had to collaborate with others on this project in order to print our designs. We had to work with others and share the space, ink and brayers that where used to print out the designs on our linoleum block.
Presentation - In order to make our prints look professional e had to mount them. This if a form of presentation, because you are making your work look official and presentable.Reflection - Writing about the work we have done, and relating it to the five core values of SLA (i.e. what I am doing right now) is the best way to reflect o what we have done. I find myself being able to see how every project we do related to the core values, and that is the exact reason of SLA having core values.
Journal 32
It has led to a lot of good but also a lot of harm. For instance, it's good because it created a lot of jobs for thousands of people, but it harms people because it has made the economy better. But its created indentured servitude.
Journal 19
History journal 19 what is your universe of obligation?
My universe of obligation is my family and I
Then my education.
A job. friends then fun time.
Anything extra isn’t an obligation it’s just like fun time.Humanities Find Portfolio 2013
Do you remember that first time you did something outside of your comfort zone? That time when you probably thought, “What am I doing here”? Or that time when you thought, “Hey, that wasn’t that bad’? Ever had those feelings, well if you did than you and I already have something in common.
At first I never knew stepping out of my comfort zone would make me feel like a new person. It allows me to have more exposure to the world around me and understand everything much better. It also made me feel really accomplished. This year in Mr. Blocks English and History class I have crossed many comfort zones. Those comfort zones have created originality, which has pushed me beyond my personal boundaries. Also by challenging myself, I am bettering myself.
I remember writing a description of an artwork. I was told to look at a piece of artwork and describe every detail of it. I picked a picture of Radha and Krishna; I had no idea where to start, but I had to start somewhere. Now that I look back at my work I realize that I could have given the artwork a totally different meaning and that I should have been more creative. But I didn’t do that I just described it the way I saw it. That was the first step to writing my descriptive essay, in the essay I described things much better. “I looked as the sweats from his hair slowly moved down his forehead, to his cheeks and then one by one dripped down to the carpet floor,” in this slowed down the action and used more detail.
A while after that we learned about how much language can really affect your everyday life. I wrote a language autobiography describing how different languages, I know, play a key role in who I am. Doing this allowed me to create something original with the way I speak. It allowed me to take three different languages I speak and turn them into one amazing piece of writing. “Language has such a big role in my life, how knowing three different languages has it advantages and disadvantages.” By writing about how language impacts my life it pushed my personal boundaries to make me more comfortable.
We read many books in both English and History from that I created a Prezi about how reading has changed my life. At first Prezi was very complicated for me, it was a new website that I was not familiar with. But I challenged myself to step out of my comfort zone and create something original. In the Prezi I wrote “Reading is an advantage for me. Reading takes me to places I have never been before.” By doing new things it made me realize that I am capable of doing more then things I‘m use to doing in my everyday life.
There are also other assignments that made me take the next step. Creating a museum exhibit gave me a huge change to be really creative. And doing everyday journal entries also helped me step out of my comfortable zone. Two majors one that really connect to me are English Journal 8 and History Journal 4. The last assignment that I believe has really given me the opportunity to push my limits is the the Hidden City assignment. I never thought I would be taking a normal alleyway and create it into an artwork.
Humanities Final Portfolio 2013
In looking for ways to change the world, I became incredibly interested in social justice. Being both a woman and a person of color, I was particularly interested in feminism and anti-racism. My views on both of these things have changed dramatically since the beginning of the year, and this is evident in my work. Take the first thing I ever wrote for English as an example. In this piece, I talk about a classmate telling me that I talk “white”. I go on to say
“Apparently intelligence is a white trait. I was offended, as a black person, because that was one of the most racist things that I had ever heard in my life. She wasn’t the only black person to say something like this to me, I’ve heard it countless times from countless people”
Looking back on this piece, I laugh at how naive I was. My classmate was simply pointing out the cultural differences between me and other black people, and I chose to interpret it as her being racist. The change in my views is evident in my Language Autobiography. In this paper, I write about the same incident:
“This isn’t what she (my classmate) meant. I know that now. She was referring to my language. I don’t speak in Ebonics, Black Vernacular, African American English, or anything of the sort. But, probably due to some internalized racism, I associated speaking in Ebonics with being dumb, and (indirectly) I associated being black with being dumb.”
It’s really interesting to look back on these two pieces because they illustrate my transformation.
I’ve also changed my views on feminism and what it means to me to be a feminist. In January, we did our Lit Lens project. In this project, we had to choose a “lens” through which we would view the novel we were reading (Their Eyes Were Watching God), and re-enact a scene. My partner and I chose the feminist lens, and we decided to take a more parodic approach. In my reflection, I talk about what feminism means to me.
“The dictionary defines feminism as “the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.” I couldn’t have said this better myself (which is why I used the dictionary)”
This is something I don’t agree with anymore. I believe that feminism is about the women , and only her. If we continue to look at women in relation to men, then we will continue to be oppressed. I wrote about this a lot on my journals, which can be found here and here
This year I’ve really changed a lot. If I were to summarize my personal growth into one general understanding, it would be that everyone is part of a larger group, and that it is important to function keeping not only yourself in mind, but the group as well.Humanities Final Portfolio 2013
Throughout the year I did many projects in both my history and English class that went over very diverse topics. From making plays history to making monologues in english, I can say that this experience was worth the work. It gave me many opportunities that most people in regular high schools might not get because they have a regular curriculum. I learned many interesting things that will most likely give me an upper edge in the future.
I was never really a fan of english nor history. I always thought they both were boring and still today I find myself losing interest from time to time. However there were a few things that caught my attention throughout the year. For example one of topics that we went over that helped me stay focused was language evolves in a person. To me this means that over time your writing develops into a style of your own.
One of the many lessons that I did that is a good example of this general understanding was when we had to make our own poems. The process helped us all develop our own type of poems with their own “flow” or style. My best poem I did during that lesson was a rift poem about music.
We've fallen into a place where there is only music
A place where music arouses all of the 5 senses
You see the rhythm flow in and out of each beat
The notes crawl on your skin for your body is the measure
Each lyric has its own scent that guides you through the song
Each genre has its own taste
The spicy sensation of salsa
or the beefy taste of a bass in funk
and what you hear is a mere product of all the senses combined
Here everyone's heart beats on its own time signature
Here no one is the same only a part of the same thing
its said god made us in his own image
but in this place music is the only image
After I wrote this poem we had to analyze a famous poets poems. My poet was Allen Ginsberg and one of the poems I went over was “An Asphodel”. While I didn’t understand all of the poem I understood the important parts and was able to tell what the poem was about. The poem is in the link here.
There are different ways that language evolves in a person, especially when that person has an accent. I was able to show this when I wrote a language autobiography about the differences between west coast and east coast accents. I could relate to this well because I lived on the west coast for 7 years and developed a slight accent myself. The essay was mostly about how different accents have very different first impressions.
“Even if I had an accent I wouldn’t know what it would be useful for. In the video we watched about American accents the woman had to change her southern accent because where she lived it made her seem uneducated in the business world. However, on the contrary there was a man with a heavy Boston accent that helped him woo the ladies and intimidate other people that seemed to be a threat. This shows that just by talking people have already judged what type of person you are, how smart you are and what your capabilities are.”
However, making your own style of writing isn’t the only way to show that you’re evolving. Another way you can do this is by making a style for another person or an inanimate object. We did this when we made monologues for the Keystone pipeline. The project required us to become a person or thing that was a part of the Keystone pipeline debate. I wrote from the perspective of the tar sands talking to a worker digging the sands.
“What do i give off? Are you seriously asking me that? I mean I knew you humans were dumb, but I didn’t know you were that dumb jeez. It’s like talking to a plank of wood. Why are you working here if you don’t know what I'm going to give off, but if you haven’t heard, I am dirtier than any oil you humans have dug up. I’m guessing tar didn’t stick out to you?”
Element Project- Print Making
I wanted to know what my element did. Then I needed to know how to put it into a print.
Research -
I researched what the numeric number my element has, then what it was used for. After that I learned a little bit about how to print.
Collaboration -
For collaboration I helped out my classmates with their prints and they helped me with mine. As well as that we all collaborated to clean the room after every class.
Presentation -
This is my presentation. I matted them and that allowed the print to have contrast.
For my reflection I wrote two sentences about each of the core values and how I incorporated them into my print making. Over all it was a fun learning experience.
Element Print
The first step to completing this project was by asking questions. I asked what was cobalt, what color was it, and how is it used.
To answer my questions, I had to do research. I researched my element, cobalt, and its uses.
I had to work with others to promptly complete this assignment. I asked my classmates for help and I also helped my classmates.
First, I presented my print by posting it on the blog. My project will also be hanging on a wall in the school.
Although I thought my design was creative, I could have used a different color besides blue. I also could have used a different background color that would compliment my print better.