La Entrivista by Mara Deoliveira
(It's not really 6 min)
Life, yes life, everyone at some point or even everyday goes through some obstacle that blocks their path. I had to go through several everyday.
You ask for my name? It's Hector, always Hector. Not some fancy name like Hector D. Johnson, it's just Hector. I constantly remind myself of who I am, my name, my birthday, and why I continue to not give up.
I have been through so many places and probably another is going to add itself to that list. I have been through 7 hospitals, 3 RTFs, Residential Treatment Faculties for those who do not know, 4 foster homes and it just keeps growing. I have only myself to rely on and nobody else. It's really been hard for me to trust anyone because either I never see that person again or they betray me. I just can't TRUST anyone. When I went to a new RTF, I immediately got into a fight and the “staff” who were “supposed” to break it up, did not. They just stood there and laughed and smiled like it was a comedy show. How could I trust adults, when I'm just entertainment for them?
They just put all these boys together and what did they expect? That it was going to be a Happy ever after? Hell no, it was just Chaos, there was fighting wherever you looked. I said that there are only boys and I never saw a girl in a RTF. I wonder where they kept them? I hope it was better than THIS.
When I was first thrown into a hospital, I thought, “Is this where I spend half my life in this room with bars on windows?” It felt like prison. It WAS prison. You couldn't even have shoe laces, belts or anything that can be used to kill yourself. I wasn't gonna do that.
The foster homes weren't much better. They were prisons too: house rules. The owners said, “You can't do this and You can't do that!”. There were classic rules like, “You need to eat your veggies first.” and “You need to eat everything on your plate before you can have more.”
You're probably wondering why I keep track of where I have been. It's the only way that I can trace my life back to my parent. Yes I left my parent at a very young age. That parent was my mother and I will never see her again because I cannot contact her. My mother has blonde hair and a wonderful smile and I will never see her smile again. My father told me, I'll see you again in three weeks and I never saw him again. I pushed him out of my mind because he betrayed me. All I can do is to continue to live and get through these difficulties and break through. I hope that one day I will see my mother again, healthy and happy. But I know one thing, that I won't see her anytime soon because I am moving again to another place.
*Residential Treatment Faculties
Here he comes again. He is drunk and I’m scared. This happens every other night he will have a bad day at work come home and lose his mind in the bottle. Why did Mom have to leave us, ever since then the brown bottle is his best friend.
Mom left cause she found a new family, I guess I wasn’t good enough for her. She birthed me, she told me she loved me every night so why didn’t she stay. Her and Daddy never had problems; they seemed in love. Now I’m stuck with a man that doesn’t understand what love is anymore. You broke him, you destroyed all his feelings. Did you every think that leaving us would have such an effect
“ Come over here” My dad says in his drunk voice. “ What?” I say calmly.
I know what he wants, he wants me to do something for him. Probably wants me to make him something to eat, and if I say no he is going to beat me, if I don’t make his food right he is going to beat me.
Maybe I should just run away and leave this place. I’m not loved here I’m not wanted. I'm just his servant. I'm his pillow he comes to me when he is too far down in the brown bottle and has anger he needs to get out. The anger about how his job gives him too many hours and not enough pay. How he will never find anyone that will love him as much as Mom did when they first got together. By why take your anger out on me, what did I ever do. You say that Mom and you never had problems till I was born. Maybe but I never wanted to bring problems, I wanted my parents to stay together forever. That is what their vows said. Mom promised to stay together with us forever. She said that we were the perfect family. I guess she lied she didn’t love me enough. I wasn’t enough to keep her happy.
Sometimes I just want to fall asleep and never wake up. Maybe then I will be able to escape this place that I call home.
Ughh I can’t believe this. I am in a hole!! just waiting for the night to pass. Huh, why did the world have to end on a Tuesday? I mean come on, they could have ended it on a thursday AFTER my promotion at bank of America! At least I’m lucky to be alive. After that ridiculously crazy attack. They destroyed everything. I don’t even know how many people survived. I know I did. But how many people do I know are still alive?
The weirdest part, they seemed to have wiped out all technology. My phone doesn’t seem to be working- AHH its out of power Damn it! (throws the phone away) Okay okay just calm down get a grip now. Everything’s going to be okay. Now how am I going to survive? I know I can get wood from the trees and get a few axes and swords. all I have to do is build a strong house and I’m safe. Of course there is the issue of farming. I can build extensions. Hey! I can build whatever I want! I can build the biggest most luxurious buildings ever created! All I need to do is survive. This new world, with zombies crawling everywhere deserves a good name. But what? It has to me positive. Making things is positive and I know I’m going to be doing a lot of digging. Something like Makedig or Minecreate, Crafttunnel. Hmm, Minecraft? Yes, yes thats it! Minecraft. and I shall continue to survive. Well well what do you know? The sun is back and the zombies are burning up. Time to get out there and punch some wood. (starts to go outside) AHH CREEPER!! (runs back to the house) Well that settles it. I’m building my house UNDERground.
Intro: In technology we learned we learned how to make good slides., but i thought i was doing a good job at it. However when i was reading the website i learned that i was doing it the wrong way and the readers would get either bored or not pay attention to me because i had everything that i was going to say on my slides
Script: Before we did this project I kind of taught my self how to make power point presentation. but now that i did a little research on it, now I know that i don't need to use full sentences on my slides. Now I know that most of those words are not necessary and I just need a few of them to let the reader know some of the information but also my attention. I also learned that that I need to leave the background of the slide a very light color to add contrast to it. Those are the things that I learned from this project. I also learned more about myself because i had to look for things that i liked.
Intro: In technology we learned we learned how to make good slides., but i thought i was doing a good job at it. However when i was reading the website i learned that i was doing it the wrong way and the readers would get either bored or not pay attention to me because i had everything that i was going to say on my slides
Script: Before we did this project I kind of taught my self how to make power point presentation. but now that i did a little research on it, now I know that i don't need to use full sentences on my slides. Now I know that most of those words are not necessary and I just need a few of them to let the reader know some of the information but also my attention. I also learned that that I need to leave the background of the slide a very light color to add contrast to it. Those are the things that I learned from this project. I also learned more about myself because i had to look for things that i liked.
After getting my slide critiqued by a few classmates, I decided to completely redo it. In my first slide some of the pictures involved my goals. That’ why in my new slide my theme was “Reach for the Stars.” I decided to do a starry background that had different tones to compliment my words. I also choose to match some of the tones of the background to the colors of words. I didn’t want to overcrowd my slide with pictures so I decided not to put any in my slide.
I chose to use elements of Walt Disney World in my slide because it is one of the most joyful memories I have. I chose the castle of WDW because it is a main icon of the parks. I also chose one of Walt Disney’s quotes that reflect me as a person. I included my name faded into the background. I chose the castle to bleed off of the bottom of the page because you know it’s there, I just didn’t have to show it. I made the text big and a sans-serif face - both easy for the eyes and to read. The text is matching in color scheme to the image. I have the main image and main text contrasting the background also. I placed the castle strategically on the bottom so you would look at it and my faded name, then following the castle’s tower look up at the quote, looking at the larger text first and then the slightly smaller text and the smallest text.
There are many reasons I made this slide about me this way. The first thing I did on this slide was the back ground. I decided to use contrasting hot and cold colors between the back ground and the words. As I went along, I decided that I didn’t just want a solid back ground so I made it seem like a checkerboard with a really pale blue color. Then I figured out what to do with my name. I contrasted the cool pale blue with a hot orange color that really dominates the rest of the slide. My name is also a lot bigger than everything else so attention is drawn to it first while the rest of the words are smaller and not as hot colors so they do not get the attention first. I put the values in order of importance, darker and bigger for the more important and smaller and lighter for less important. I also left some empty space so the slide did not seem as cluttered and to help balance out the slide in order to provide a clearer message and more elegant slide. There is also a font with no serif in order to make the slide seem younger and a bit more fun and captivating to the eye. Everything in this slide is even and straight which adds a sense of organization. A lot of things like colors and things that I value influenced the way I made this slide such as my favorite colors.
That was the slide I made and why I chose each and every little detail down to even the serifs. While I was making this slide, I learned a lot like what serif is and how to not have my slides too cluttered but with enough information to be eye-catching. I will get the feedback for my slide soon and you should expect to see a new and improved slide soon!
I chose to do my slide this way because it reflects how I am and what I enjoy to do. I love to play Ice Hockey, go skiing, go boating, listen to music, and collect sneakers. The balance of black and white keeps it simple, the pictures make it POP to the eye. The color of the pictures draw attention, but to over power that; I put the Text right below the pictures so you don't loose your self in the images. There is a good repetition with pattern’s in the area of text and it keeps it looking good and balanced out. The shape of the pictures naturally draw attention. It may be crowded, but the excitement of the pictures make up for that. Thank You for looking at my PDF.
I had a lot of fun doing this assignment and learned more about how to create slides.
My name is michael. This slide is made the way it is because ithis is my personality. Most of the things I do are based on what i know people will do. It also reflects my humor. i am verry “look, its nothing!” kind of person. this slide is who I am and thats why it looks the way it does.