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Q2 Media Fluency
I have given my slide the title of "Just Taking My Time" because that is exactly what i do with my life. I don't rush things, I never do things all at once. The tortoise is a strong representation of my life.
I bled the picture to make it seem as it was coming onto to the slide from offstage.
The tortoise was a visual aid for my slide.
There is also lots of empty space so the audience can focus on just the words and the picture.
The bolded and contrasted "TIME" is so the audience can focus on that one word and know it is important because it stands out.
From this project I have learned presentation zen. I have always seen billboards and slides with good eye-catching designs. I have never known the proper names for the effects until now. I have learned about “bleeding” and “kerning”. I learned about the basic fundamental knowledge of slide design. Color contrast, boldness, and font is something I improved in. I feel that knowing more about the slide design will help me with presentations in my other classes.
HOLA! Qu Pasa?
Querida Rosibel,
Con cariño,
Adam Feliciano
¡Aquí está mi escuela!
Yo estaba allí, pero no en el video. ¡jajaja!
Facebook: Adam Phaze Feliciano
Twitter: @ADAMs_applee
¡Hola! Naivy
¿Qué más?
Mi nombre es Emmañuel. Tengo quince años. Soy arficano - americano. Vivo en Filadelfia. Se conoce como “La Ciudad de Armor Fraternal.” ¿Qúe tal? ¿De donde eres tú? ¿Qúe tiempo hace hoy en
Maracaibo, Venezuela? Me gusta escuchar música, practiacr deportes, y
ir de compras. Me gusta Kobe Bryant y él es basante deportista. No me gusta nada leer, estudiar, y trabajar. ¿Y a ti? ¿Qúe te gusta hacer en Maracaibo? Soy muy cómico y bobo, sin embargo soy inteligente. También
soy muy delgado y lindo. ¿Y tú?
¿Cómo eres tú? Bueno, me voy porque tengo que ir al baño. Responde cuando puedas. ¡Hasta mañana!
Con cariño,
Am I a Man or a Coward?
Am I a Man or a Coward?
I’m so happy we got out of school early; I had a fun time today. The only bad part of the day was that I have to attend my ILP. It’s all the way on spring garden and broad St. It starts soon so I had to hurry up and get there. I walked to the trolley and I took it to 15th street. After I arrived at 15th street I had to wait for the train. As I was waiting I notice about seven boys that were near me. I didn’t think anything of it the time; I just kept on playing the games on my phone. When the train came I walked on and sat in the first seat I saw. The boys that I saw at the train station walked on the train towards the far back. After waiting on the train for 3 minutes, I got up because my stop was next. Then all of a sudden the seven boys walked up next to me and surrounded me on the train. Two of them had their fist balled up. He looked like he was going to punch me but before he could the doors opened and I quickly walked out. I went up all the stairs until I was finally above ground. For a quick second I thought I lost them, but sadly, that wasn’t the case at all.
Why are those boys running towards me? Did I do something to anger them? Should I run away? I wish someone could answer my questions but unfortunately there is no one to answer them. I increased my speed and pretended like I didn’t see them, hoping they will stop running and not mess with me. But I couldn’t be more wrong, the gang of boys just ran faster towards me with balled up fist. I knew now I only had once choice, which is to run. I ran across the street, trying to dodge cars and avoid getting killed or very badly injured. I’m ducking under tree branches, jumping over fire hydrant, and hopping over gates. I never got so tried in my life. But I couldn’t help but think that I was acting like a “bitch” by running away from those boys. I started to feel like a coward or a punk because I didn’t stand my ground and fight those boys for whatever they wanted. I always called my self a man but can I still say that after what I’m doing now? A lot of men that I know would never run away from other people the way I did. Maybe I should stop running catch my breath for a little and try to flight all of them, I mean that what a man would do right? A true man wouldn’t like other people implant for into them, causing him to run. If I were a real man like I think I am, I would just flight with pride and if I lose at lease I lose being a man instead of a “pussy”. I started to slow down as I thought about it some more. Should I be a safe coward or be an injured man with pride?
¡Hola, Rafael Sandrea!
¡Hola! Me nombre es Bailey Britton. Tengo catorce años. Soy de Filadelfia. Me cumple es el enero veinte siete. ¿E tú? Soy muy boba, muy habladora, y muy deportista. ¿É tú? Me gusta bailar, cocinar, y pasar un rato con amigos. No me gusta nada leer, correr, y estudiar. Tengo rubia. Soy más o menos dibujar. Bueno, me voy porque tengo que ir estudia y comer.
Bailey Britton
¿Qué Más Alex Garcia?
Soy de Mississippi pero vivo en Filadelphia. Yo vivo con mi mamá y mi hermana Bahar. Mi papá vives en Mississippi.
Tengo una hermana. Se llama Bahar. ¡Mi encanta mi hermana! ¡Bahar es muy inteligente y bonita!
Q2 Media Fluency
After my slide presentation, I realized that I had too many pictures too close to each other in which it didn't look organized. In addition to this, I also realized that since this presentation was about me, I should have name in bold and enlarged. Then my first name was the most important to me so it should be unique. Therefore I had the letters in different fonts. Other than that, everything else was okay.
Melanie Harrington Q2 Media Fluency
Micah Getz Q2 Media Fluency
I used:
- Rule of thirds
- Make type big
- Visual theme
- Color schemes
- Keep it simple, a point from this web site.
Q2 Media Fluency
Amy Chen Q2 Media Fluency
As you can see, in my slide you see a check sign or a nike side
the reason why I put this in the middle is because it lead you to the path
when you look at the slide
you see the arrow that point to the top
well, when you look at my slide and follow the arrow
you see the football, baseball and the basketball
its like a circle so when you follow the circle
it lead you to my favorite position that i play in these sports
as you can see in baseball my favorite part is catching the ball
and in basketball my favorite part is shooting the ball
and in football my favorite part is catching the ball
another reason why i put the nike sign is because
nike is a brand with all sports stuff
and when it come to sport
i always go to nike and shop
so not does it just describe my favorite sport
but also describe my favorite brand
I chose this picture because it defines what i like the most in this world... gymnastics. it doesn't have a lot of words so its short and simple. The quote is my favorite quote becuase its exactly how i feel.
My and I
Alexis Dean Q2 Media Fluency
Alex Held's Slide
- few words
- big letters
- pictures
- things that appeal to the viewer
- eye-catching material
When I started designing my slide, I wanted to create something that personified who I was and what makes me up- what I do and see almost every day of my life. I wanted to make something original that told who I was without writing a paragraph about myself. I used many of the helpful tips on the Presentation zen website to guide me in creating a productive slide. I used the 7x7 rule to limit the words I have on my slide. It states to have no more than seven words on my slide. I wanted to keep it short and to the point just like the "glance media." I also incorporated the "rule of thirds" into my slide by using both images and text to lure the eye into the slide. Again, using the tips, I utilized the "blank space" and "one slide, on point" rules to the best of my abilities. I left blank space because those are the things in my life that I do cherish, some more than those that I put on my slide, but I know deep down that they do mean more to me and do not necessarily need to be displayed. I also just wanted to get my point across and not say much at all.
On my revised slide I added a black fill to the blank spaces with colors that did not fit in with the rest of the slide as I was commented on during my presentation.
Kenny Nguyen Q2 Media Fluency
Alyssa Winner : Q2
- not using many words
- a lot of pictures
- no cartoon pictures
- didn't use effects
- used colors that fit well together
- the font fits the slide well
- no music or videos
and the one from class
Me Slide and Script
jian zhang Q2 Media Fluency
Lobbying Blog #3
American Government
Blog Post #3 Lobbying: Street Clean Up
The status of legislature pertaining my
lobbying topic is not necessarily well this year. As for the people in council
that supports the lobbying topic, there has not been much done and said that
supports the issue that apparently is at hand. Honestly, if contacted possibly
that would change because there even is a Committee on Streets & Services
that hold Chair, Vice Chair, and Members that are dedicated to help support the
streets of Philadelphia and also try hard to prevent an unsanitary environment.
The opponents that may thwart the succession of my lobbying topic would of
course be the people of Philadelphia. Sadly, they may be the biggest opponents
that I have although, if more legislation such as founded before (
the City of Philadelphia and their Philadelphians would be more submissive to
keeping their city cleaner.
the skateboarders in this issue would be the people of the Committee on Streets
& Services. (
Closer to me would be of course be the Vice Chair (Maria D. Quiñones-Sánchez).
She is the councilwoman of the 7th district in which I do reside in. She indeed
would be someone that I would and need to move that would be a decision maker.
The issue that I do have with the city, I believe is not necessarily a
controversial topic. I think it is reasonably fair and agreeable. I do not
think I would have many or even at all any allies.
peer of mine that would definitely be someone I could possibly coordinate in
this issue would be a dear friend of mines names Rashaun WIlliams.( He is one of the founders of Phresh Philadelphia. Phresh Philadelphia is a non-profit
organizations which is developed and motivated behind three very important goals;
Community Development, Community Clean-Up, and Community Empowerment. Rashaun
is someone as well that I do know that is passionate about the similar issues
at hand in Philadelphia.
I can
and in dire need to influence the people of PHILADELPHIA. With that, some
things that I should do is go to the city council meetings and go right to them
and get suggestions on what I could possibly do to help with the public
contribution of Philadelphia, cleaning wise. Hopefully that may spark some
ideas with legislation and help move people in authority engage on my lobbying
topic. As of currently there are a City Council Meeting that can be attended on
December 7th at 10:00 am that is the meeting of the Whole Council. (
There are not any specific time frames, although I know personally I
will get some information that I gather and present it thus forth at the
meeting of the whole council at their next meeting.
Liza Cohen Quarter 2 Media Fluency
I made the changes to my new slide based on learning from my other classmates presentations. I learned to make my slide as simple, clean, and understanding as possible. My slide was already clean and simple to begin with, but nothing is ever perfect. So, I decided to revise my slide just a little bit more. I took out one of my pictures, because it just wasn’t necessary. I changed the color of my background because just because white goes with everything, doesn’t mean its that attractive. I changed the background to orange because its an appealing color and it stands out. I decided to even delete another picture, because the colors of the picture just weren’t clashing with my background. I enlarged the last picture I had and deleted my name and title. This give my slide a fresh and appealing look. In conclusion, this is how I improved my slide and now it looks great!
Waleed Abdalati, NASA Chief Scientist, visits SLA
Lobbying Blog 3: Safe Chemicals Act
On the 17th of November, there was a hearing about the bill. I was able to find the video of the hearing online. Lautenberg opened with remarks about the bill's history. He explained that he'd talked to Republicans about making the bill bipartisan, and talked to Chemical Industry companies about their suggestions, too. He also said that most of the Democrats on the Committee for Environment and Public Works have become cosponsors of the legislation. There are 12 cosponsors in total. In fact, OpenCongress does not list any organizations currently opposing the bill! Despite all this, major chemical companies are not in full support of the bill. In the November 17th hearing, American Chemistry Council President and CEO Cal Dooley talked about his problems with the Safe Chemicals Act. He said that the bill "remains very similar to the bill which was introduced in 2010, which we consider unworkable." Most of his problems with the bill hinged on the tough standards for data and regulation, many of which would be difficult for the EPA and chemical industries to meet. However, he seemed to be willing to work with Lautenberg and other senators to make the bill more workable.
Although there are twelve senators cosponsoring the legislation, none of those senators are from Pennsylvania. I can write to Bob Casey and ask him to cosponsor the bill, or at least to pledge his support. I could also write to Pat Toomey, but I am doubtful that he will support the legislation. I recently saw an advertisement of his that was paid for by the petroleum industry. I was not able to find the ad online, but did find an article about the American Petroleum Institute's advertisements for Toomey and various other candidates. This makes me think that Pat Toomey cares more about big companies and industries than environmental or citizen health. I can still write to him, and explain my position.
When I first started to research the Safe Chemicals Act, I found the website Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families. This site is an effort to pass legislation like the Safe Chemicals Act, and they have a sign-up for interested citizens. I already gave them my email, so I will be receiving updates on the bill's progress and opportunities to help. I also can write a letter to my Senators through their website. The website even has their own celebrity: Jessica Alba is working to push the Safe Chemicals Act through Congress!
One of the features on their website allows visitors to send a message to senators Casey and Toomey. I have not decided whether to send the senators a message through the website, or whether to send them one on my own. Either way, I will certainly be adding my voice to the many who call for the Safe Chemicals Act to be passed.I was not able to find any upcoming dates for meetings, committee hearings, deadlines, or anything like that. However, during the November 17th hearing, Senator Lautenberg said that he would be calling for a vote in the Senate soon. Because of this, I need to act now! At the moment, the only person I can influence in particular is Senator Bob Casey, by asking him to cosponsor the bill. I think that, with enough pressure from Pennsylvanians, Casey would support the bill. Pat Toomey, on the other hand, will probably not. I can still send him a message, to show my beliefs.