Q4_Benchmark_Portfolio_Aaron VanBuren



This portfolio is going to show how I started off and will end as an English 1 student. At the being of the year I was still a 8th grader turning into a 9th grader now I’m a 9th grader turning into a 10th grader. Over this year I have grown in area’s in literature that Ms. Dunn and Ms. Finlay have helped me with. Viewers will get the understanding of how my work over this year has come to many different conclusions with different Benchmarks. One strength that I have is coming up with great idea’s to work on. One weakness I is trying to complete the project to the point of perfection in my mind but on a grading system of exceeding expectations.  If I had the chance to go back and re-do a project it would be the Macbeth Benchmark. The experience with making this portfolio was great because I had a chance to see how I use to write and how I might still might write now. Looking back at work I did in English this year is funny because of silly mistakes like wrong words and misspelling by one letter. The project I’m most proud of is the Macbeth creative project because I was creative was my dancing to say what the characters of Macbeth was saying through dance movements.



For the Q1_Benchmark analysis a character from the story of Macbeth and give quotes that explain your thesis of the character.

Macbeth Benchmark

Thesis Statement – Macbeth at the beginning was a brave, loyal strong warrior but by the end of the story he was a bloodthirsty oppressor.


            In Act 1 scene 2, King Duncan is with the other thanes and his kinsmen talking about how Macbeth has done a great effort.  The great effort was that Macbeth reported after killing the traitor from his kingdom and that his death was cruel.  King Duncan says, “What bloody man is that? He can report, as seemeth by his plight, of the revolt the newest state” (Act 1, Scene 2, lines 1-3).  This quote says that he was a brave and strong

warrior because he killed the traitor.


            In Act 1 scene 2, Macbeth is just getting back from the battle and is explaining how he has exterminated the traitor.  Macbeth says, “Which smoked with bloody execution, liked valor’s minion carved out his passage till he faced the slave; which ne’er shook hands nor bade farewell to him till he unseamed him from the nave to th’chaps and fixed his head upon our battlements” (Act 1, Scene 2, lines 18-22).  This quote also shows how violent he can be but in addition this quote says that he is a warrior as well.


            In Act 1 scene 7, Macbeth is explaining how confused about how he is feeling towards the thoughts about murdering and or being a traitor to King Duncan.  Aside, Macbeth says, “First, as I am his kinsmen and his subject, strong both against the deed; then, as his host, who should against his murderer shut the door, not bear the knife myself” (Act 1, Scene 7, lines 1-28).  In this quote Macbeth fell into a blind darkness of murder before he fell into temptation his loyalty to King Duncan was showing.


            In Act 2 scene 2, Macbeth is back from killing King Duncan.  He’s feeling remorse because he can’t clean his hands of the blood.  Macbeth says, “Will all great Neptune’s ocean washes this blood clean from my hands?” (Act 2, Scene 2, lines 63-65). This is where Macbeth the bloodthirsty oppressor first comes to part but here Macbeth is a remorseful kinsmen and is also freaking out because he felt as if he was an unloyal thane

to King Duncan.


            In Act 2 scene 3, Donalbain and his brother just found out that his father was killed, so him and his brother both decided to leave to stay alive and until the murderer is founded.  Donalbain says “To Ireland I.  Our separated fortune shall keep us both the safer” (Act 2, Scene 3, lines 136-137).  This is important because it shows how everybody is scared of Macbeth because he is so violent that they don’t even know that he killed King Duncan.  Now he can use his power against everybody and use fear as a defense.


            In Act 3 scene 1, Macbeth ability to use fear is call convincing and telling them what they know but in a way to trick them to get them to kill Banquo, which they are the two murderers.  Macbeth says “Both of you know Banquo was your enemy” and “So is he mine, and in such bloody distance that every minute of his being thrusts against my near’st of life; (Act 3, Scene 1, line 114-118).  This is important because Macbeth is showing how he can be a great ruler in his own mind.  Such as he believes that killing is the right way to go to keep power.


            In Act 3 scene 4, Macbeth is talking with the other Lords around the table talk about how Banquo isn’t there.  They are talking and have the time of their life until the ghost of Banquo comes in.  Macbeth says “Banquo, whom we miss.  Would he were here! Enter Ghost of Banquo(Act 3, Scene 4, lines 91-92).  This quote indicates that Macbeth killed Banquo for selfish reasons and that he lost his mind when Banquo entered in the room as a ghost.


            In Act 4 scene 2, the messenger is coming to warn lady Macduff because Macbeth has sent people to kill them.  He says leave and never comes back.  The Messenger says, “I doubt some danger does approach you nearly.  If you will take a homely man’s advice, be not found here” (Act 4, Scene 2, lines 67-69).  This quote says that Macbeth is something less than a warrior because a warrior never hurts the family of the man your looking for.


            In Act 5 scene 5, Macbeth hears screams of women and then he ask Seyton to see what it was and it was that Lady Mac is dead.  Macbeth feels remorse but he has to prepare for battle but he can’t think about her because of all the evil things that he has done even he knows he is going to die in this battle.  Macbeth says, “She should have died hereafter: There would have been a time for such a word” (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 17- 18), “Blow wind, come wrack, At least we’ll die with harness on our back” (Act 5, Scene 5, lines 51-52).  This quote says that Macbeth plan has backfired on him and he thinks this has stressed out his wife.  Also he says that we will die but with his own control.


            In Act 5 scene 8, Macbeth is about to go into battle and is about to die.  He knows he has nothing to live for so he is crazed and is thinking about his dead wife.  Macbeth says, “Why should I play the Roman fool and die on mine own sword?” (Act 5, Scene 8,lines 1-2) and “Hail, King of Scotland!” (Act 5, Scene 8, line 58).  These two quotes say that Macbeth has lost the fight to Macduff and that now Malcolm is king because Macbeth is no longer around.  This can prove that being an evil leader can get you nowhere but death.


Conclusion – After researching in the story of Macbeth, strong feelings have supported my thesis statement.  The paragraphs should explain why these quotes support my thesis statement. “Macbeth at the beginning was a brave, strong warrior, which he was also loyal but by the end of the story he was a bloodthirsty oppressor but this way of life does get you anywhere”.  As you read though the 10 quotes you will see the support of the thesis in all ways little to big problems and that this way of life doesn’t get you anywhere.


For our Q2_Benchmark we had to choose an event that was amazing and or horrible about your and write about it.

The Day A Life Was Almost Taken

            Have you ever seen life pass before your eyes?  One typical Wednesday started off wonderfully.  I had to go to school and plus I was amazed because it was the last day for Thanksgiving break.  That day went on and then my mom came and picked my sister and I up from school.  Although we would always drive on Lincoln Drive, something was different; it either was the car in front of us or the car behind us.

            Three days earlier it was my sister’s birthday we didn’t do anything big because Black Friday was coming up and we would take her shopping.  I believe it was my sister’s 9th or 10th birthday and she got about four to five birthday cakes.  One yellow cake with blue, one pink cake with white, one black cake with purple, and one rainbow cake.  I was sitting there thinking back to my miniature dull cake. My mom was pregnant at the time and I was just being me playing football and basketball.  The next two days went on as they always did.

            After the clocked hit 3:04, then we all knew that it was time to go home and get ready to Eat, Eat, Eat and get Fat.  But for me it was time to split up Thanksgiving with my mother and my father.  I liked spending time with my dad but not slitting up a holiday that is supposed to be spent together.  So we were driving through North Philly trying to get to Lincoln Drive.  Well as we got on Lincoln Drive we turned one corner, then another after that one, then another, then two more and at that moment the light was green turning yellow.  The car in front went through on green, we went through on yellow and the car behind us went through on red.





“Why are you so happy? My mom said.”

“Because we have a Thanksgiving break performance and a party today.  I said.”

“Are you performing? My mom asked.” 

“Yes, mom why do you think I am so happy? I said.” 

“I don’t know, maybe because you are cooking for thanksgiving. My mom said.”

“Oh that’s really funny mom. I said.”  

            After that my mom told my sister and I to go get in the car so we could go to school.  We were on Lincoln Drive driving to North Philadelphia even though I lived in Germantown.  But my mom and stepdad thought we should be more in the area of their work places.  So school started and an hour passed before anything happen; my class and I were like urgggggg, omgggggg and mannnnn, “when is the performance going to start?”  The performances started at 11:00 a.m. and ended at about 1:30 p.m., directly after the performances the school had a big party that ended at 2:45 p.m.  So for the last nineteen minutes of school we had fun, just sitting there playing games, talking and the 5th grade classes decide to have all of our classes together. When that clock hit 3:04 p.m., we ran out of the classroom and ran home.

            As I asked before have you ever seen life pass before your eyes?  Well with ten seconds, I will show you how I have seen life pass before my eyes. 10…. Leaving from school, 9…. Driving to get to Lincoln Drive, 8…. Turning every corner on Lincoln Drive, 7…. Making that yellow light, 6…. The feeling of the car from behind us hit, 5…. The pain in and out of my body, blood from my sisters mouth and the screaming from my sister and I screaming, 4…. My mom’s reaction, 3…. My mom going in to pre-term labor, 2…. The ride in ambulance to the hospital, 1…. Arriving to the hospital and hearing the doctors say my mom may lose my baby sister.

            Earlier, when I said, “something was different, it either was the car in front or the car behind us”, it was the car in back.  The guy who was driving the truck was a little drunk, and alcohol and driving don’t mix.  They both had trucks, which had looked like they were monster trucks, one with the full metal bumper guard.  So the guy in back of us ran the red light and then without trying to stop his car, he hit us from behind and pushed us forward, under the truck in front of us.  The pain from this crash was backbreaking pain.  I was in the back of the van, where the car hit the little trunk and the trunk crashed in to the last row seat where I was and that chair broke in half on my back.  I cried and screamed like the soldiers who are dying in Iraq.  My mom ran from the front of the car to the back to make sure I could move and see if anything was broken.  Next she checked on my sister who had chipped her tooth and was bleeding from her nose and mouth.  But the thing my mom forgot was that she was pregnant, being in a car accident and running right after sends you it to pre-term labor.  If you’re wondering where does the title “The day a life was almost taken” fits in well, when my mom was driving and the car was pushed us up and under the other car, the stirring wheel broke and went down to the bottom of the car, which stop my mom from hitting her stomach and killing my little sister Lola.  While my mom was running around checking on us she called my aunt Nikki.


“Hello. My mom said.”

“Hey girl what you doing. My aunt said.” 

“Hurry up I just got in a car accident. My mom said.” 

“Where are you? My aunt said.” 

“I am on Lincoln Drive with the kids and I think. My mom said.” 

“What do you think? My aunt said.”  

My mom was out cold in the front seat, the ambulance pulled up and took us to the hospital.

            At the hospital is where we found out that my mom almost lost her life and my little sister’s life.  My aunt called our dad and stepdad because my sister and I had to go to our dad’s house, and so my stepdad could stay with my mom.  So for thanksgiving this year, it was suppose to be my moms year with us but we stayed at our dad’s house for a while and then when my mom came out of the hospital we went home.  The mood of the house was like a depressed soap opera.  Thinking of the life I had before the pain in my body.  Times running around without falling because my knee decides to give out or not even being able to play any sports in and out of school because of fear that I may not move again with the wrong moment of my back.

            After the car accident I had to go to rehab to rebuild the strength of my knees and back.  For years and years I can still fill the pain in my knee and back, it feels like fire and unstopping bleeding.  My sister had to get a plastic tooth place on top of her chipped tooth and she had to go to rehab also.  After her tooth was replaced, she found out that she can’t eat different types of food and shouldn’t try to run as fast as she use to. My mom couldn’t rebuild her body from the car accident because she was still pregnant.  For my mom it took her longer to recover from her pregnancy, for females who weren’t in a car accident.  Even today we all have pains in our body. 

            But life for me has changed; I reflect back to the times where there was fun no pain and a lot of gain for me.  But now there is more pain then gain and a lot of things I used to be able to do I can’t do any more.  The good thing about this story is that the value of family and life itself is priceless. This was the telling off “The Day A Life Was Almost Taken”.




For the Q3_Benchmark we had to pick a character from the story of Macbeth and compare them to another from the movie of “Where art thou brother” or another character from a movie and or book.


50 Cent v. Odysseus


            History might actually have had a chance to repeat itself.  In many we can connect the present day to the older historical days.  For the first comparison the story of “The Odyssey” to the movie “Get Rich or Die Tryin”.  Although 50 cent and Odysseus are from different places and different time periods, they deal with similar problems as a rapper/drug dealer and a warrior/king.


            Coming from the streets of New York (NY) seeing drug dealers on each corner, pit bull terriers and Rottweiler’s, cops and homeless people to a stoned kingdom in Ithaca with blacksmiths selling swords, lions and tigers, soldiers and baggers.  The thesis is proven right because NY to Ithaca have many ways to sell and buy but also have pets of different species.  But in NY you die in honor if you die by getting killed by a stray bullet or just getting shot but in Ithaca you can die as a soldier would or you would die in war but for both if you do a crime you get the death sentence or prison time.


Quote v. Quote

             “Get rich or Die tryin” is the name of the movie but also the quote of the movie.  The quote means live life to the fullest and make something of it or die while trying to live it. This was the sitting point to the movie because it started off with the death of 50 cent.  Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story of that man skilled in all ways of contending, the wanderer, harried for years on end, after he plundered the stronghold on the proud height of Troy” (Book 1, lines 1-3).  To me this quote means that he saw his falls but he had to strive on for his shipmates and make it back to Ithaca alive to become king again.


50 cent vs. Prison and Odysseus vs. War

            Since 50 cent was a drug dealer he got arrested for the containment of drugs.  He want to prison for six months and he was at war because somebody tried to kill him and the security gave him a razor blade to kill himself.  But as being a great leader he started to write on the wall his little rhymes and in no time everybody knew his raps in prison.  Also his girlfriend at the time was by his side in every way and she was pregnant with his son.  Although Odysseus did not go to jail but went to war in another country.  He fought for his kingdom and his men (Book 3, lines 340-6).  But Odysseus had a long way before getting to go home.  Every time he got closer to being home something happen and even though Odysseus was gone for twenty years Penelope stayed loyal to her husband.  Odysseus and his men were on the boat right across from Ithaca but his men opened up the bag fall of air.  This bag was opened and pushed them back to other country.  In the movie with 50 cent his bag was filled with money.  His crew pulled a job robbing a Korean shop and somebody from his crew shot him and killed him.


The coming back

            When 50 cent got shot he die but he came back to life.  The doctors started to work on him and after they were done his mouth was wired shut, his rapping put on hold and him being a drug dealer was finished for good.  Months passed by at time and his mouth to wired.  Him not even trying to rap or do anything with his life but when his wife said, “I’m leaving and taking our baby” he got up and unwired his mouth and started to rap.  Before Odysseus could get back to Ithaca he was pushed back to another country where he stayed another year at because he had a woman who loved him a lot.  When he was told that his men were sick, tired and wanted to go home to be with their families, to which Odysseus responded like okay with a feeling of “yes we do needed to get back, just wait a little longer” (Book 18, lines 443-51).


            Although 50 cent and Odysseus are from different places and different time periods, they deal with similar problems as a rapper/drug dealer and a warrior/king.  In this paper it should of have hit the three main points I was aiming for.  Point one is the Quote v. Quote, which showed the comparison between the titled of the 50 cent movie and the first lines of “The Odyssey”.  The second point is 50 cent vs. Prison and Odysseus vs. War this is where the comparison and differences of the main characters of the movie and book.  The third point is the comeback for both of the characters and how they fell down but got right back up.  In all, this is how history has had a chance to repeat itself.


For our Independent Reading we have to read a book with then 150 pages and talk about how we liked the book, any interesting things, what we learned and a summary of the book.

One of Us

 The title of the story is One of us written by Anne Schraff.  This book falls into a series of stories written for the Urban Underground book series, some known stories are ……….


·      When a hero Dies

·      Secrets in the Shadows

·      Until we meet again

·      Be very much Afraid

·      Someone to Love Me

·      Lost and Found

·      If you Really Loved Me

·      One of Us


Other research found out about Anne Schraff and the Book.


            Anne Schraff wrote books and books about everyday life.  The stories speak about how different stages of time in life.  Her books were never turned into movies but a lot of people asked her to make movies of her books.  Also the book I read is in the Urban Underground series which isn’t the only series she has done, another series is the Bluford series, which is her earlier series.  Well I couldn’t find any records of awards won by Anne Schraff but that means her books are.


            One of Us was about a kid name Derrick who lived in a neighborhood like Philadelphia, corner stores on every corner and violence.  Derrick and has family was struggling with money, so Derrick got a job at the 99¢ store.  When he closed up one night he witnessed a murder in which put him in a situation where it was life or death.  Derrick went to Tubman High School where B.J Brady went.  B.J Brady shot and killed Rafe WexFord who was a high school/college track star.  Derrick was told to keep quiet or him and his mom, dad, sister and brothers would die.  So Derrick wanted to say something but was like I can’t and then a girl started to like Derrick so it was even harder not to tell anyone.  But at the end of the story B.J Brady dies and they had an argument about who would ever go to his funeral and people stepped up and went to his funerals.  The main characters are Derrick, Wes and B.J Brady.  Derrick was the witness of the story and the story was about him.  Wes was the owner of the 99¢ store, which he talked to Derrick about life.  B.J Brady was the murderer and the person Derrick was scared of.  The conflicted was the murder that was witness, the threat that was said to Derrick and the reaction to the threat and the murder.  So the kind would be “person vs. person, person vs. society and person vs. self”.  My favorite character is Derrick because he is scared of what would happen and even through that he found a girl and close friend and learned a life lesson.  Also Derrick grew as a character, something like a weak leader to a strong leader by leading the people in his life to the right path.  In the story Derrick went from getting a job for his family to getting people to come to the funeral of a kid who lost his ways in the street of violence and that nobody cared for.  Readers should take amazement from this story but also things happen unexpectedly.


            I could relate to Derrick and his friend because when everybody thought that B.J Brady deserved nothing but his ashes being thrown in the trash.  I can relate because I had to see the good from the bad in a person. But they respected him as the kid they knew before his drugs and violent life came a long.  I have never had actually been in a part of life to say that I have felt what Derrick felt or I haven’t had to do anything Derrick had to do.


 My view on this book is that it is a good book.  One weakness is that this book isn’t for people who wouldn’t like murder and a life of a struggling kid going through a hard time.  One strength is that you will come away looking at life differently or how unexpected things are.  I wouldn’t change anything in the book because it tells a story of a young man who was just at the wrong but right place at the wrong time. 


            I would say if you are interested into life in different points of views this book is for you.  If you are into moments of shocking and spine chilling in your body this is a book for you.  Also even if your somebody who doesn’t like books like this one, then the Anne Schraff series is for you because she changes everything with reading in her series.  So if your bored or just need a book to read pick up an Anne Schraff book series.


For my optional piece I chose is my Me Magazine from the beginning of the year and this Me Magazine is all about me, Who I am as a person but also who I want to be.


Me Mag
Here are some journals from the year…

Why Do We Write?

I believe we write so that we can better our skill of writing to express ourselves. If we write down what teachers say we can study for test and or just have the knowledge to share if needed. Also some people may learn better and faster because they learn by seeing.


How Important Is It To Fit In?

To me it’s not important to fit in because I rather be myself then someone I’m not and if I don’t fit in I won’t care. But since me being myself I do fit in because I dance, rap and I’m sociable. And when I don’t try to fit in there is always one person that is a he or she has something interesting about them that I am interested in. 


Has Anyone Ever Exceeded Your Expectations?

A lot of people exceed expectations upon me because the way I look and the way I act. But the reason is because I am big in appearance so some may say he can handle this load or he can carry this and that. Also I acted will around people with first impressions so I am not shocked with the way they come off to me.


If You Really Knew Me…

You would know that I don’t always smile and I’m not always happy. I go through stuff all the time from small to big. Growing up I saw stuff that a child should not have seen. I heard stuff and been around stuff where I could have lose my life. Seeing my parents struggle with different things made me think about if I will ever have to go through that, and things and people who hurt my family, so behind to smile, dancing and rapping there is some angriness inside.

Chest Pains

My chest hurts. 
The doctor said it was... some long word for irritated muscle in my chest. 
It's pretty painful. 
He gave me medicine for it, though.
My chest still hurts. 
The doctor said it was acid reflux disease and that the acids in my stomach come up and cause heart burn. 
It's pretty painful. 
He gave me medicine for it, though. 
My chest still hurts. 
The doctor diagnosed me with an anxiety disorder and said that i feel sharp pains when I'm anxious. 
It's extremely painful. 
He gave me medicine for it, though. 
Sometimes I mistake my chest pain for a heart pain. 
A heart attack or a heart break or something. 
It's just always heavy. 
Always painful. 
Wish he could prescribe me medicine for life. 

WashTub Bass

​My original idea, standup bass, was changed to a washtub bass. Which is a bucket with a hole in the middle and a knotted string, tied to a broom handle that is to be rested on the edge of the bucket and used as a fulcrum (I think thats what it is?). The sound is produced by plucking the string, which is tight, then the vibration from the string produce waves which are transferred into the bucket. You can change the pitch by moving the broom handle, the closer to the hole the more bass and the farther from the hole the higher pitch. I am already done building, I used a bucket, string, and a broom handle. How can we determine which angles play certain notes?

Four Top Journal Entries #2

  In the future I want ti be a cardiologist for a career but I also want to be more then that . I want to be married and have a child when I am in my thirty.I want to do that so I can spoil him but also at the time show him that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and also the many morals life has taught me. In my twenties I would like to live life to the fullest and enjoy my time. But while I am having fun i will be doing that while I am in college on vacation but for now I am studying hard. Like my dad always says," Work hard now and have fun later". So i guess for that what I will do.

Four Top Journal Entries #1

Im lost 

Im lost with out feeling your BLANK

Im lost with you near me 

Lost is the feeling I have when we split

Lost because I missing you 

Lost because I am not with you

Lost like a piece of cake missing from a bakery

Lost like a trans-pass left behind on the way to school

Lost because the BLANK that was their no longer is

Lost with out your BLANK because that was the fountain of my happiness 

Now all that is left is a big empty shell missing a soul

If your wondering what the BLANK is look in your heart and you will know what I am talking about


English Portfolio!!!!!!!!:)

     Throughout the year in Red English I have progressed very much through many pieces of writing.  In my following portfolio lies all my work I have accomplished in the 9th grade. I feel that my works in my portfolio really show who I am as a person. My writing pieces can show the audience what I am like outside of school or kinds of books I enjoy reading. My writing can also tell the readers what I have learned in the 9th grade English class and what I have analyzed from the books I have read with my 9th grade English class.

                  Throughout the year I have recognized my many strengths and weaknesses.  Some of my strengths is that I can really analyzing a book after I am done reading it with my class. I can understand many aspects of the book, which allows me to complete a really great benchmark project.  I can make many connections to the book with other texts, world events, or connections with myself. Even though I have much strength as an English student, I also have many weaknesses. I like everyone else make a lot of simple and easy grammar mistakes. I sometimes have trouble noticing that I have a word spelled wrong when I am proof reading my work. I also have a lot of trouble with tenses, and realizing if I am writing a story in past, present, or future tense. I think that as I grow to become a even better student of English I really want to focus on these weaknesses and also search for other weaknesses that I have and improve those too.

                  I have had a great experience doing his portfolio through out the year. I remember the feeling I had each time I completed a piece of writing. I felt really accomplished and happy.  Before I had the feeling of accomplishment, I also had difficulties with my writing. I usually have weaknesses on concluding my essays. However I also had lots help with these situations. I was always able to rely on my classmates to revise my writing and give me good feedback. If there was a time when I felt that I didn’t receive great feedback from a classmate I went to Lit Lab and I was able to improve my writing there.

                  Out of all my works on writing in my portfolio my favorite was definitely the Odysseus and Harry Potter comparison. I remember I had a lot of fun writing this essay since I really enjoyed reading Harry Potter. When I realized that I wanted to compare Harry with Odysseus I felt that I had a perfect idea in front of me. As I started to work on the essay and complete it I knew that I did a great job and that my grade would not displease me. I felt extremely confident and that is why this writing in my portfolio was my favorite.

My very first project in 9th grade English was the Macbeth character analysis which focused on quotes by Lady Macbeth and how she started of in the book strong and ended up weak.


Lady Macbeth 10 Quotes

Lady Macbeth started of in the book cold hearted, confident, greedy, and powerful person but changed to a weak and remorseful human being.

In Act 1, scene 5, Macbeth has just sent a letter to Lady Macbeth saying that he has been promoted, and is now Thane of Cawdor.  He also tells her about his encounter with the three witches and he will become king. Lady Macbeth is elated to hear this news. She is happy to know that Macbeth has been promoted and will become king but she doubts that he has the strength of killing Duncan in him, to become king. In her soliloquy she says to herself “Yet do I fear nature It is too full o’ th’ milk of human kindness” (Line 15-16 Pg. 16 ACT l.5) Lady Macbeth is saying that she thinks Macbeth has too much kindness in him and is too weak to kill King Duncan. She is saying this to herself, she believes that he is not capable of finding his way to becoming king by himself. She in trying to convince herself that she will not let Macbeth’s weakness to stop them from becoming king and queen. At this point in the play Lady Macbeth is really selfish, and greedy, but she is not aware of how much her greed will increase.

In Act 1, scene 5, Lady Macbeth just got news that Macbeth is now Thane of Cawdor and will soon become king. She gets news that Macbeth is going to come home and that King Duncan is also coming over to stay for the night. She deeply wants Macbeth to become king as soon as possible, it has suddenly become her obsession. But she thinks that Macbeth is to soft to do the job, she feels that she is more capable. In her soliloquy she says “Come to my women breasts and take my milk for gall” (Line 46-47 Pg. 17 ACT l.5) In this quote Lady Mac is saying to take out all means of kindness from her and replace it with coldness. She is trying to make herself more strong and stonyhearted in order to harden Macbeth as well. Lady Macbeth’s is progressing at becoming greedier.

In Act 1, scene 5, Lady Mac continues her soliloquy, she so badly wants Macbeth to succeed at becoming king. Lady Mac puts all her worries behind her and her number one priority is to get Macbeth to become king. She does not want to take any risks that will put her in danger of not reaching her goal. As she continues her soliloquy she says “Come you spirits that tend to my mortal thoughts, unsex me here,” (Line 39-40 Pg. 17 ACT l.5) This quote means that she wants to do the job her self and kill Duncan herself and play the role of the male in the house. She knows that Macbeth has a lot of loyalty and respect for Duncan and killing him will be a huge decision to make. Lady Macbeth wants to be the man in the family so she can go ahead and complete the task without thinking twice like Macbeth. Lady Macbeth is still acting cold hearted.

In Act 1, scene 5, Lady Macbeth still continues her soliloquy filling it with more cruelty by each word. She is loosing respect for her self as she becomes less humane by the minute. The only thing that remains in her world is Macbeth being King. She continues to say in her soliloquy “Make thick my blood; Stop up th’ access and passage to remorse,” (Line 42-43 Pg. 17 ACT l.5) In this quote in the same soliloquy Lady Macbeth is saying that she does not want to regret anything she is about to do. She feels that if she feels remorse that will make her weak. Lady Macbeth at this point in the book is determined to reach her goal and will loose self respect to reach her goal.

In Act 1, scene 5, Lady Macbeth is now trying to set an example of herself to the king. She and Macbeth are welcoming the king to their home. Lady Macbeth is going to tell Macbeth her plan for Macbeth to be king. Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth “Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it,” (Line 64-65 Pg. 18 ACT l.5) She says hear to play a show for Duncan, making him think that the couple are happy that he is at their home. Lady Macbeth wants Duncan to think that everything is all right when his death is awaiting him. Lady Macbeth now is already planning ahead but she has idea what the outcome will be like once Macbeth is king.

In Act 1, scene 7, Lady Macbeth is now trying to persuade Macbeth to kill Duncan. She is going through a plan that will successfully kill Duncan and Macbeth will not be suspected. Macbeth is absolutely afraid of doing anything. Even though he wants to become king he is scared of killing Duncan. She says “Was the hope drunk wherein you dressed yourself? Hath it sleeped since?”(Line 35-36 Pg. 22 ACT l.7) Lady Macbeth thinks Macbeth is acting stupid and insults him, calling him a coward and unworthy of being her husband. She uses her sexuality a lot in this part of the book. Macbeth gets mad at Lady Macbeth but continues to do what she wants. Lady Macbeth uses his weakness to get what she wants.

In Act 2, scene 8, Lady Macbeth is now trying to convince Macbeth that he did the right the thing by killing Duncan, but he is feeling like he is betraying Duncan because he is really loyal to Duncan and he was satisfied with being The Thane Of Cawdor. Lady Macbeth then says “A foolish thought to say a sorry sight.” (Line 24 Pg. 28 ACT ll.8) This is saying that Macbeth says he shouldn’t have killed, but Lady Macbeth says that killing Duncan was their plan all along. Why would they not want to kill the king? Lady Macbeth is happy that Duncan is dead, she thinks everything is perfect. They have successfully killed Duncan without being suspected since the guards get the blame. Lady Macbeth now feels even more confident that she is doing the right thing but she still isn’t aware of her mistakes.

            In Act 2, scene 2, Duncan is now dead, and Macbeth is king. Everything is going fine. Macbeth has made plans to kill Banquo but Lady Macbeth is unaware of that. There have been some changes in Lady Macbeth now. She is starting to feel weak. Macbeth talks about about Banquo and his son Fleance. Lady Macbeth says  “What to be done?” (Line 46 Pg. 47 ACT ll.2) Lady Macbeth says asks Macbeth what he has done when she says this quote. Macbeth still hasn’t told Lady Macbeth making it a surprise for her. Lady Macbeth does not want anymore killings. She is afraid there secrets will come out. At this point of the book Lady Macbeth is staring to shift. She is loosing some of her boldness.

In Act 5, scene 1, Lady Macbeth is now sick. She is going insane and is being kept under the eye of a servant and a doctor on Macbeth’s orders. She is starting to sleepwalk. She is so afraid of her truth coming out that she sees what she has done in her sleep. She is talking about what she has done without knowing that there are witnesses like the servant and the doctor. She says “Out, damned spot! Out I say!” (Line 35 Pg. 84 Acts V.1) She is rubbing her hands together seeing the blood of King Duncan on her hand. She desperately wants the blood to come off. She feels remorse and the remorse is driving her to insanity. She is now fully aware of her mistakes.

In Act 5, sence 1, Lady Macbeth is continuing to struggle. She doesn’t want anyone to see the blood on her hands. She doesn’t know that she is imagining the blood. She is still sleepwalking when all the drama is occuring. Lady Macbeth then says something that stuns the audience ”Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him?” (Lines 38-40 Pg. 84 Act V.1) Lady Macbeth absolutely regrets killing Duncan. She wants all proof of the killing to disappear. Meanwhile the doctor and the servant overhear her saying this. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth’s secret has now been exposed. Of course since Lady Macbeth is asleep she is unaware of this. Soon enough her insanity leads her to suicide.

Through this timeline of ten quotes Lady Macbeth starts of confident and full of boldness but ends up in insanity. She thinks that she is making the correct decision but is not aware of her consequences. Lady Macbeth’s true colors start to come out as she goes into insanity. In this book Lady Macbeth plays a really strong character that starts to fall.


In the second quarter of 9th grade English I read the book Freedom Writer's with my class and wrote my own vignette/short story incorporated with figurative language.


Uh-Oh! I Broke My Fast! 

            “Wake UP! Stupid child! Time is running out! HURRY!”(OPENER and DIALOGUE) Mom shouted at my sleeping face almost dragging me out of bed. I started to get used to waking up at 4:00 am instead of 12:00 pm. It was summer, but also the last day of Ramadan, and everyone in my family was going crazy (MAGIC THREE). Slowly taking my time I got out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. I splashed water into my face, I don’t really know many times I had splashed water into my eyes for them to finally stay open. I walked out the bathroom, still taking my time, like an old lady does when she gets out of a public bathroom, and there are others waiting to go (MAGIC THREE and SIMILIE). All the lights in the house were turned on and it was really bugging my eyes, I mean I thought we were suppose to save energy here (HUMOR). As I walked into the kitchen I smelled the cinnamon and mint from chicken curry in the air. I sat down next to my dad on the kitchen table and started stuffing myself with rice and delicious chicken curry. My mom looked back from washing the dishes and said, in her unusually stern voice, “hurry up you have about four minutes to finish eating.” (DIALOGUE) I gasped, munched, and gulped down my food fast (MAGIC THREE and HUMOR). I hardly tasted anything I ate. During Ramadan Muslims wake-up at sunset to eat and start off a day of fasting. As soon as the sun is set, there is no more eating, and fasting has started (MAGIC THREE).

Feeling as fat as a pig (SIMILIE and HUMOR), I went back up the stairs to pray. Before I started prayer, I took a shower. Everyday after eating in the morning at sunset I would take a shower to start off my day of fasting. After I showered, I fetched my praying mat from my messy closet and laid it out facing towards Mecca, the direction in which Muslims all around the world pray (MAGIC THREE). I started to pray, clearing my mind of all thoughts and only focusing on prayer. I recited parts from the Quran in whispers, and thanked god for a pleasant month of Ramadan. I closed the prayer. After I finished prayer, I went back to bed and I fell asleep almost instantly. 

            Today’s tiring day went by like the autumn winds (SIMILIE). I didn’t even get to sleep until my usual 12:00 pm. My family went through preparation after preparation getting ready for tomorrow’s Eid (Eid was the celebration for the end of Ramadan, where Muslims spend time with family and friends eating and having fun together.) But until Eid I had to make sure everything was in tip-top shape.

 Finally only three more hours until sunset and I could finally eat! But in order for time to pass by, I had to do chores. The only breaks I was able to take were for prayer.  Cleaning up the house is a pain in the eye in my case. I would rather try out for the part of a clown in the circus (HUMOR). After cleaning the house from head to toe my mom ordered me to go grocery shopping. Going grocery shopping wasn’t so bad as long as I could be sneaky and buy a bag of chips while I was at it (HUMOR). Finding the main ingredients for traditional Bangladesh food wasn’t hard. Mostly it was rice and a bunch of spices for the seasoning. After coming home with my hands full of groceries I collapsed on to the coach, picking up a glass of water from the table, and taking a big gulp (MAGIC THREE). All of a sudden my eyes went open in shock (HYPERBOLE). It wasn’t time to break my fast yet.

I was more scared than I have ever been before. I put the glass back on the table as if it was a poisonous snake (SIMILIE and HUMOR). I didn’t even want to look at it anymore. I quickly averted my eyes across the room and saw my mom standing with a small grin on her face.

“Why are you smiling?! I just broke my fast and it wasn’t time to eat yet!”(DIALOGUE) I said in a shaky and horrified voice. My mom just shook her head, smiled and walked away (MAGIC THREE). I ran back to her. “What do I do??”(DIALOGUE) I asked sounding like I just ran 10 miles (SIMILIE).

“Nothing, just go on like you haven’t done anything. As long you didn’t drink water on purpose it doesn’t make a big difference,” (DIALOGUE) she said conscientiously (VOCABULARY). I gave a huge sigh of relief. I felt like a great amount of weight had just been lifted from my back (SIMILIE). I had always thought that fasting meant not eating. Not eating until a given time. From my mothers words I was proven wrong. I hadn’t meant to drink that glass of water. It was an accident and that is what counts. I should have known better than to panic and just step over mistakes that aren’t a big deal. At least I know now not to worry about this kind of a situation in the future.

            It was time to eat. I ate like never before. Today’s meal was just the same as any other. My plate was filled with all sorts of foods.  Dates (a special fruit that are usually a tradition to eat during Ramadan meals.) Lentils (a high-protein grain that is dried and then soaked and cooked before eating) and of course chicken curry (MAGIC THREE and IMAGARY). Nothing had changed. I didn’t feel any different than I did when I fasted yesterday or the day before. It was just a normal last day of Ramadan. I felt accomplished. I also felt sad that Ramadan was over but I also looked forward to next year’s Ramadan and the year after that. Tomorrow would be Eid and there would be no more fasting and I would be starting off the new month after Ramadan with a great start.


When reading the Odyssey I focused on greek characters that weren't really mentioned in the book as much. For my Myth Project I did research on Hera; goddess of Marriage.

In the third quarter of English 9 after reading the Odyssey I did a compare and contrast essay on Harry Potter and Odysseus.


The Odyssey vs. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

There are hundreds of stories about people always doing the impossible and accomplishing the most incredible tasks. Some people may say it’s Hercules or Achilles while others think the true hero is Sherlock Holmes. However Harry Potter and the Great King Odysseus are also true heroes. On the contrary Harry and Odysseus may be very alike on the outside, but on the inside the two characters are a thousand miles different; Odysseus is prideful and shallow whereas Harry is selfless, and caring.

            In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry and his two best friends are on the search for horcrux’s (objects that will destroy Lord Voldemort an all time evil sorcerer) that could be anywhere in the world. In the beginning of the book Harry pleads to Ron and Hermione not to come to the trip with him due to the fact that there are many dangers involved. Saying this it is clear that Harry really cares for his two best friends and would rather have him be put in the hands of danger than them. Odysseus is merely the exact opposite. In book 12 Odysseus and his men have to make their way through the Scylla, a horrible female sea monster. Circe of course warns Odysseus about the dangers up ahead and it’s Odysseus’s job to make sure he and his men are going to be okay. Instead of telling his men about the horror onward he says “friends, we’re hardly strangers at meeting danger- and this danger is no worse than what we faced when Cyclops penned us up in his vaulted cave with crushing force! But even from there my courage. My presence of my mind and the tactics saved us all” (Book 12, lines 226-230). Saying this Odysseus thought he would be able to calm down the crewmen from

 panicking. This shows that Odysseus really doesn’t care about how his men are feeling. All he wants is their cooperation so he can make it through Scylla and go on with telling his amazing stories in the future. In both of these situations it comes to the matter of what is really important: friends and crew by one’s side or pride and glory.

            In many ways Harry and Odysseus have proven to be different but they also have characteristics that make them slightly alike.  In Chapter 12 of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Harry, Ron, and Hermione are captured by Death Eater and brought over to Malfoy Manor. Hermione is tortured brutally while Harry and Ron are locked away in an underground cellar. When almost all hopes of survival are lost for Hermione, Harry and Ron find ways to escape the cellar out of fury and anger together saving Hermione. While reading his chapter it was obvious that Harry wasn’t going to give up and let everything go down the drain. In a similar situation in The Odyssey in Book 9 “The One-Eyed Giant’s Cave” Odysseus and his men are all locked inside of a cave full of sheep and the only way of getting out is if the Cyclops itself lets them out which in unlikely to happen. In thought of panic Odysseus thinks, “what was the best way out? how could I find escape from death for my crew, myself as well? My wits kept weaving, weaving cunning schemes- life at stake, monstrous death staring us in the face-” (Book 9 Line 470-473). Under heavy pressure Odysseus and his men come up with a plan to hide themselves under the sheep that the Cyclops tremendously cared for. Hiding under the sheep’s wool they were able to leave the cave. In this chapter Odysseus proves that he is intelligent and is determined to escape dangers. Both Harry and Odysseus are determined to fight their way through till the end. Even though Odysseus’s journey lasted for twenty years and Harry’s only lasted for one, they both pushed their way till the very end.

Harry and Odysseus both complete their legendary journeys they still have not embraced peace and freedom. After Harry has hunted down all the horcrux’s he reaches Hogwarts finally to find the last with his two best friends, Ron and Hermione with him. Of course he is still not left alone and finds himself at war with Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Odysseus is in a similar situation. After finally coming home to Ithaca with out his men who have died during the journey, he learns that he has to face a hundred and forty suitors. “How on earth can two men fight so many and so strong? These suitors are not just ten or twenty, they’re far more-” (Book 16 Line 275-276).  Odysseus, his son and two other loyal servants come together to fight the empty suitors, just like Harry, Ron, and Hermione have to fight the many Death Eaters with the help of Hogwarts teachers, The Order Of the Phoenix (A organization of wizards who want Voldemort defeated) and qualified students. With the help of all the people who remained loyal to Harry rather than Voldemort, Hogwarts was able to overthrow Voldemort just like Odysseus and his little crew vanished every last of the suitors.

            Odysseus and Harry have proven to be both alike and also very different. But they have proven more than just that. Harry has proven to be caring and selfless, and Odysseus has proven to be prideful. Harry really cares for his two friends trying to keep them out of danger and this enabled the three friends to come home to Hogwarts unharmed. Odysseus of course returned to Ithaca empty handed without his crew since they died when trying to make it through Charybdis. In conclusion Harry and Odysseus are more different than alike since Harry’s selfless and caring personality led him and his friends to come home safely and Odysseus’s prideful character caused him to come home alone without anyone by his side.

 CREATIVE PIECE: Macbeth Poster

After reading Macbeth I did a creative piece on Lady Macbeth that has quotes from her changing from the beginning to the end of the book.
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During the first semester of 9th grade I read the Marked and the following text is a my book review on Marked.

Independent Book Review


            I have chosen the book Marked book one from the series House Of The Night by P.C. and Kristen Cast who have a mother are mother and daughter relationship, writing The House Of The Night series together. The two authors published the book Marked in 2007. The book takes place in a boarding school called the House of the Night in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The entire series of the house of the Night was on the New York Times Best Sellers list for 63 weeks straight. The series has sold in 39 countries and over ten million copies have been sold. Marked has also been translated in German and reached #1 on the Der Spiegel (a German Weekly Magazine). The House Of The Night is a series with a total of 12 books. So far eight books have been published and fans are breathless to read more.


            The protagonist in Marked is a 16-year-old teenage girl named Zoey who gets marked to become a vampyre. Zoey has no idea what to do about being marked and is now a fledging (vampyre in the process). Her human friends and her parents don’t want any relations with her. The only person Zoey can rely on is her beloved Grandma. After Grandma’s help, Zoey arrives at the House of the Night (Vampyre school). Zoey feels more at home then she has ever been. She makes many new friends Stevie Rae, Damien, Shaunee, and Erin. Zoey thinks of her mentor Neferet the High Preistess, as her own mother and Zoey feels loved. As the story goes on Zoey learns what it is like to become a fledging, she takes classes with teenagers just like her and she is familiar with the atmosphere.

As everything goes on smoothly Zoey even has a new boyfriend Erik the hottest guy at school, but also a friendly fledging who helps Zoey through out her problems. Soon enough Zoey encounters problems with Aphrodite. The antagonist in the story. Aphrodite is a stuck up bully of the school who wants to be the next High Priestess and Zoey and her new friends are now determined to make things right about Aphrodite. Zoey schemes to reveal Aphrodite’s evilness to Neferet. On a very special day Aphrodite has planned a ritual to thank all the Vampyre spirits and the goddess’s above. Zoey and her friends feel like this is the perfect time to reveal Aphrodite to Neferet.

Aphrodite feels as though she is perfect and can go through the ritual flawlessly. Unfortunately she makes mistakes during the ritual because of her clumsiness and spoils the ritual. Aphrodite feels that Zoey is the one to blame and acts disrespectfully towards Zoey only to find out that Neferet is witnessing the situation. Under Neferet’s command Zoey replaces Aphrodite and trains to become the next High Preistess. She along with her friends returns to the school from the ritual happily.

Favorite Character:

            My favorite character is Stevie Rae. Even though she doesn’t take a huge role in the book like Zoey or Aphrodite she is always supporting Zoey. In the book she is looking forward to becoming Zoey’s friend and wants Zoey’s trust. She understands what Zoey is feeling like; coming to a new place totally different from a world she is used to. Zoey is able to tell Stevie Rae anything knowing that Stevie Rae won’t reveal anything to anyone. Stevie Rae is a comfort to Zoey. Another reason why I Stevie Rae is my favorite character is because she reminds me a lot of my best friend whom I can talk to about anything, I trust her to keep my thoughts to herself just Like Zoey can trust Stevie Rae.

I think that readers should take away a lot of simple lessons that the book teaches. Readers should take a way lessons about friendship, and how to reveal someone's true identity when they aren't thinking along the correct lines like Aphrodite.

Personal Experiences:

            I’ve never been through any of the situations Zoey has since in the real world Vampyres don’t exist, but I have felt some of the things the characters did. Zoey has always loved her mother till she remarried. After Zoey’s mom remarried she has fallen under the grip of John Heffer, now Zoey’s dad. Zoey felt as though she was being separated from her mother. I feel this when I always see my brother or sister with my mom. I feel as though I never get to spend any time with my mom just like Zoey feels like she doesn’t recognize her mom anymore. Another way I can relate to the characters in the book is Zoey and her relationship with her grandma. Zoey always runs to grandma when there is trouble. I feel like I am the same when it comes to my grandma and me. When I am in trouble and I don’t have the courage to go to my parents I can always rely on my grandma to help me out just like Zoey can count on her grandma.

My Opinion:

            I really liked the book; overall I thought it was pretty good and I can’t wait to read the next books of the series. I want to know more about Zoey and her adventures with her friends. I think one of the main strengths of the book is the way P.C and Kristen Cast made up Zoey’s character. Zoey is really strong and when she feels weak she is given support from her friends. I thought that was a really important thing of the book that I really liked. Another thing about the book I liked is Zoey and her relationships with others. I liked the way in which the authors evened out the protagonist vs. antagonists. I think one of the weaknesses of the book was probably the ending. I think it could have been written a lot better. If I were to rewrite the book I would mainly focus on that. The ending of the book happened really rapidly and was hard to understand what was going on. If the authors slowed down the pace of the events in the end of the book it would be greater.

Book Recommendations:

            I would definitely recommend this book to people who are on the look for a good page turning read. I think I would mostly prefer teenagers to read this book since it is a book that can teach lessons about coming of age, romance and friendship. I don’t think this is a good book for adults because there is a lot of drama in the book and I find it that teenagers would enjoy reading the book more.

The following are my top four journals that I have written during my 9th grade English classes.

1) Why do we write? What's the point? (11-23-2010)
      I write so I can empty my mind of all thoughts. i write so I can think things through. I tend to be the type of person who writes when she/he has really strong emotions. I think writing calms me down at times. As I write my thoughts on to paper I feel like they are exiting my mind and are entering into the paper. I usually write this way on my own without a teacher or a parent telling me to. When I am told to write by teachers it is whole new idea. In school we write to analyze a book we just read or to get down ideas about a new experiment we're gonna do in science. Writing in school helps your ideas travel to a teacher or a classmate. It lets someone know what you are thinking.

2) Think about the Future. (12-2-2010)
     My future and I are scattered all over the place. At times I only think about what's gonna happen tomorrow. I feel like there is so much I want to do in the future, so many things I have in my mind that many times I lose track of them and I just let them hop all over my life timeline. Sometimes I think about what my life will be like when i go to college or when I graduate. I also think about my ideal career or what jobs I am going to be applying to. Some of my future goals have a plan for me to follow but many of goals don't have a plan for me to follow and as the future goes on I want to make that plan.

3) Winter Break! (1-4-2011)
     Break was ah-ma-zzzz-ing! I spent most of my time at my cousins house, so basically dinner everyday was delicious since my grandmom is the # 1 chef in my heart. I don't celebrate Christmas but I was still able to have fun and spend time with my family. I stayed up most of the nights watching movies with my little cousins. I found out that my sleeping schedule was turned upside down and that I slept during the day mostly. My best part about break was New Years Eve and fireworks! I thought it was going to be boring lie every year but it turned out pretty cool. I thought I would be on facebook waiting for the clock to tick 12 so i can make a new status. But I wasn't able to do that. My uncle asked if we wanted to see fireworks so we all jumbled into the little car. It was 17 minutes till midnight when we were in the car and we arrived just on time to see the fireworks by the time we reached Penn's Landing.

4) What is an adult? (1-25-2011)
      I think that a adult is someone who is responsible and knows how to handle tricky situations very smoothly. I don't think that adult has to be someone who is school smart or is at a certain age. A adult is someone who is mature regarding other factors. An adult is someone who can give one help or advice, a person who one can look up to.

Portfolio (Reflection)

As a 9th grader work was a little hard to me because i wasn't organize with most of my work and it made things even more crazy but i always try my best.The things i need to work on the mostly  was just organizing work so i could find it easy and when i needed it was there.when it came to my creative it was the only thing that was my strengths that i think helped my out. After making this Portfolio it made realized i still have a lot of things to work but it also showed how i improved in my work today. Out of all the work i did the one i liked the most was my Macbth creative because it really fun make a comic and showed how creative my work can be.

Journal Prompts

Introduction: we did Journal Prompts all year about different

Topics here are the four I picked.

Journal Prompts

What is a “hero”? How would you define it?

To me a hero is like a person who do thing to help people out and save the world. To me that is a hero




Reflection on Winter Break

Winter break was ok it was not the best. I wish I could have done more I played games all day long. It was boring playing by my 3self. But my mom made an awesome dinner.


What makes someone an adult?

Or me its when you gained enough experience of how the world works. When you become a responsible, mature, open minded and considerate human being. It has little to do with age. In fact, the whole age debate is based on our assumption when an individual will generally become an adult. This numerical figure differs in cultures around the world. But you can't put an age on it.




How important is it to fit in?

Well fitting in for me is nothing I don’t care if people like the way I act or not am going to just was I. but I can’t say the same for other to them is important. They want all people


Intro: This is my entry for Lady Macbeths Changes

Lady Macbeth

Laura De Jesus


Thesis: In the beginning Lady Macbeth was strong, persuading woman who would do anything to get what she wanted, but that all changes in the end when her guilty conscious gets the best of her.


In Act 1 Scene 5 in the play of Macbeth, Macbeth has just arrived home from war; he had an encounter with weird sisters the witches. They said to him that  he would be the new Thane of Cawdor, and King. When he told Lady Macbeth, this is when she hatches her plan to kill the King. Lady Macbeth says to her husband, “ Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under it” (Act 1 scene 5 lines 64-65). What she is saying is that, be the innocent person, but be the evil underneath it. Lady Macbeth is thinking to herself, while talking to her husband that her plan might just work in time. She is hoping that her persuading ways would get her what she feels she needs.                                            


After Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had their “talk”, he begins to think to himself, whether he should do the requested deed or not. A few moments into thinking Lady Macbeth enters and says “Art thou afeard to be the same thine own act and valor as thou art in desire?” (Act 1, scene 7, lines 39-41). Lady Macbeth is trying to say are you afraid to be the same man you once were, or the man you wish to be? She believes that Macbeth thinks he will act different after the deed is done. Putting her strong foot forward, she is not letting her plan go away to fast. She needs to think of more ways to persuade him.


Act 2 scene 2, Lady Macbeth hears weird noises and begins to grow suspicion of what is going on. With confusion she starts to think what could it be, she left the daggers in plain sight so there should be no problem. Macbeth enters, Lady Macbeth “Alack, I am afraid they have awaked and tis’ not done, th’ attempt and not the deed”. (Line 8-10). What she means is that she is nervous with all the noise going on if he did the deed or not. She can’t deal with the anxiety.


With two bloody daggers Macbeth has announced that he has killed the king. He also states that they may not be all dead. She takes matters into her own hands and finish what he started. “My hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white”, (Act 2 Scene 2, lines 67-68) Lady Macbeth says with a panic in her voice She feels like she just did the worse thing possible. The worse thoughts are flowing through her head. The fact that she helped with the murder is eating up at her. She thought that’s what she always wanted but maybe she was wrong.Lady Macbeth is preparing for the gathering, dealing with the fact that she just murdered


In Act 3 scene 4, the dinner is in action, every one is there but Banquo, no one knows where or what happened to him. When he was ready to get his seat he table, he realized he had seen Banquos ghost sitting in his chair. An outrage begins, Lady Macbeth confronts him and says “This is the very painting of your fear, this is the air drawn dagger which you said led to Duncan.”(lines 62-64) She means, that he needs to get it together there are guest that are present, so behave your self and act like a man. She maybe thinks that he will show that they did something wrong or had a part to play and blow their cover.


The suitors, Macbeth, the house has become worried that Lady Macbeth is going completely insane, they don’t know what she is capable of. The doctor is called in, is asked to help. The Gentlewoman says to the doctor, It is an accustomed action with her to seem thus washing her hands. I have known her to continue for an quarter of an hour”. (Lines 27-30) The gentle woman is completely clueless about what to do with Lady Macbeth, so she calls in reinforcements. Lady Macbeth is getting to the point where her guiltiness, is taking over life.


In Act 5 scene 1, Lady Macbeth is going around the house sleep walking, and spilling the facts. The doctor and gentlewoman have just found out that Macbeth is the one to blame for the death of the King, and she helped. Washing her hands Lady Macbeth says,” Here's the smell of blood still. All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand”. (Lines 50-52). She believes that the blood from the daggers will forever be on her hands, never get off. Her thoughts are making her go crazy, no one can help. The changes that are going through her body are horrible.


In this stage of the play, the doctor is trying everything in his power to help her, nothing has worked. “This disease is beyond my practice. Yet, I have known those, which have walked in their sleep who died holily in their beds”, Doctor says. (Act 5 scene 1 lines 58-60). He believes that she will never be the same, she may just be at her last few breaths/days. Lady Macbeth can no longer take this, from being strong she went completely weak.


In Act 5 scene 8, Macbeth has heard that Lady Macbeth has passed away. He doesn’t pay much attention, he is worried about the fight he has headed. Little does he know that Malcolm and Macduff have planned to kill him. After Macduff has killed Macbeth, Malcolm has become the king and announces “Of this dead butcher and his friend like queen, who as tis thought, by self and violent hands took her life”. He is telling everyone that Lady Macbeth has committed suicide. Lady Macbeth was once a persuading and strong woman who let her conscious get the best of her.


 Basically Lady Macbeth is a woman who was thought to be of strong courage and bravery, but in the end wasn’t. The quotes above, the story relate to us today in many ways. Shakespeare is telling us that no matter how much  you want something you shouldn’t harm others. Killing gets you no where in life, and could also lead to your own death or a horrible life ahead of you.


Independent Reading Book

​Introduction: my Independent Reading Book we had to do mine is on a book called Flight #116 is down


            Independent Reading Book


Introduction: The book I am reading is could Flight #116 is down and its by Caroline B. Cooney. Now this book did not win any awards or was not in the new your selling times. But it was going to be a movie but it never came out.




So like the story is about a plane unexpectedly crashing

A girl named head backyard. She takes action and call  

Emergency and phone for help. First to arrive is Patrick.

Throughout the story each character tells their story

About how they disastrous night about how they

Survived or died as time passed more help came to their

Rescue. Heidi learns that importance of the golden of

Life. In the end no one died every one survived but carly

The island people were not the friendly to each other. So

To stay alive they had to put their different aside and

Work together.

The main characters are Heidi a 16 year old girls who lives 

In dove house, and then there is tuck and Daniel two

Brothers trying to make their father wedding where

Again. Then their dariernne a spoiled and sophisticated

Girl who is cute. Next is carly a young teenager who is

Trying to run away from her old gang. Last is teddide a

Little girl coming home from her grandparents to her parents.


My personal experiences: no I don’t think I ever had experiences like this because one I been on a plan but it never crash but the only part I could relate to is when I had to work with people I didn’t like. Overtime we over came our differences and got it done.



My opinion: the book was ok in my opinion, it could have been better. The one thing I liked about the book was it was on a island and I like book about survivle.the one thing I didn’t like was most of the book was un real and could not happen in



I recommendation: well I don’t really don’t who to recommend but the only thing I can think of is for people who like drama books.

Macbeth creative

​Introduction: Now this is the Macbeth creative  one of my favorite because I used comic life to make it and its was fun. In the comic its all about the same events in the book Macbeth but I used video game characters to act it out. It  my short version of Macbeth.

Macbeth Creative Comic

Memoir Vignette

Intro: This is my life experience


The Day My Life Changed . . .


            Last year my life changed forever. It was during the summer, around the beginning of school. I went to visit my boyfriend not knowing what would happen minutes later. I arrived there at normal time, twelve noon. We did the usual met up, hug, and talk. As we were to his house, I could tell that today would not be the same. His attitude was more happier and more mischievous. Also there was a change in route, we were just walking through alleyways which was abnormal. My heart was beating like a drum but I kept quiet. We finally arrived reached his house, I was no longer comfortable in his presence but as usual I kept quiet to see what was to happen.

While the movie was playing we were just sitting there, talking, and laughing like old times. Nothing out of the ordinary, but then he began to touch me more then the normal. The feeling of uncomfortabliness came rushing back for the second time but once again I ignored it. I thought going along with it would make it better but it didn’t actually made it worse. After about two minutes I pushed him off, I kept getting further and further. Honestly, that was the dumbest thing I could have done, he groped me and threw me on the ground. Before I hit the ground I hit the glass circular table headfirst. That didn’t stop him; it actually made him smile and chuckle.

Once, I was on the ground, half way unconscious there was absolutely nothing for me to do but kick. While the beating started, I was crying like a baby without milk. After unsuccessful attempts of getting him off me, he went to my face, but busted it up terribly. That was just the beginning through, the worse hasn’t started yet. After all the blood and tears the harassment began. He began to feel up my shirt and tried to unzip my pants. Because I was barely able to walk there wasn’t much I could to get him off me. He was just there on top of me feeling all over me nothing I could do at that moment I just wanted to die. I started to think the worse things ever, but the biggest thing was “rape”. His smile that shone like the sun scared me instead of bringing me joy. As the tears were rolling down I realized that I shouldn’t let some boy take my precious gift from me, with all my force and might I tried to kick him. After a few attempts I finally got him off of me.

I ran to the door fast as lightning. I made it out the door to Godfrey but he caught up to me and pushed me into the street, almost getting myself hit by a car. People just walking by saying or doing nothing.  The only option I had left was to fight him, so I did just that. He beat me down once again, but one kick to his “private area”, he was done. While he was lying on the ground, I tried to get up as fast as I could, but the fact that I was barely able to walk made it difficult. After like three minutes I finally got up, and sprinted to the nearest pay phone and called my best friend. She came to my rescue.

To this day my mother doesn’t know what happened to me that day, I am afraid to tell her due to my past ways. She might not believe me and think that is what I wanted just to get attention. So I decided to keep it between him and I. I never regretted anything more than this but there is nothing I can do now. September 13 2010 will always be remembered.


Compare & Contrast

Intro: This is the Odyssey compare and contrast paragraph.

Laura De Jesus

English Benchmark

March 11,2011

            Odysseus is the main character from the book the Odyssey. Everett is the main character from the movie O’ Brother Where Art Thou. While Everett and Odysseus both make it home to their families, the way they handled their adventure is what makes them different. Everett and Odysseus will face some hard battles and choices in the meantime of making home but in the end of the story it makes them stronger and better men. This adventure is life changing.

            Everett and Odysseus show some signs of similarities. Everett makes it home to his family with the two people he came and left with Delmar and Pete, his best friends. But it doesn’t end up as well as it seemed in the beginning. On the other hand Odysseus has lost all his partners and friends due to his selfish ways and disregard. Odysseus and Everett are both fathers, but neither of them is worthy enough to be good at being a father until their final return home. Also, Everett and Odysseus have issues with commands, they do what they think is best for them and don’t worry about their companions or any one else.

            Everett and Odysseus have two main differences one of them is there work ethic. Everett is an ex-convict who escaped from jail with Delmar and Pete, his two companions. While on the other hand Odysseus is the King, and has to go to war and fight.What if his great father/ came from the unknown world and drove these men/ like dead leaves through the place" Book 1, lines 145-7. (Athena goes and tells the suitors to leave before Odysseus returns, but during the time she was daydreaming so Telemachus says this.)  But little did he know that the war would take ten years, plus the ten extra years he added on due to his ways. The way that Everett and Odysseus handle the work and the way they get home is what makes them different. Odysseus gives into much temptation, which leads to several affairs and unfaithfulness. While Everett is lead into them but doesn't give in, the main he wants to get home to his wife and children. In the end Odysseus isn’t so truthful to his wife about the affairs and his ways. "Go down at once and tell the lady Penelope/ that I am back from Pylos safe and sound" Book 16, lines 151-2 (He tells Eumaius.) This is telling Penelope his wife that he is finally home and has arrived for good.


            Although Everett and Odysseus both had companions on their trip, Odysseus wasn't the best captain/leader in the world. He was selfish and only cared about himself and what made him happy.  "Hearts of oak, did you go down/ alive into the homes of death? One visit/ finishes all men but yourselves, twice mortal!" Book 12, lines 25-7 (This is the point in time when Odysseus is only thinking of himself and what he wants and needs). He didn't care about what his team wanted or needed, as long as he was happy then everything would be okay. He was a self-centered man. While, Everett also started off that way that is not how he ended up. (In part of the movie he thought his appearance and hair were the most important parts of life.) After a few adventures he changed his ways, and instead of it being all about what he wanted he took into consideration what they needed. His appearance didn’t matter, as much to him anymore, there were more things to worry about. Although, he did have his moments, he still came out the bigger man.

            Both Everett and Odysseus learned a lot in their adventures. Although they faced difficulties returning to their families in the end it was for the best. The difficulties that they faced like returning home and realizing who are they are made them a better person. Everett and Odysseus learned that a lot during their adventure but the main thing that they learned was the fact that appearance shouldn’t matter as much as their family.


Independent Reading

Intro: This is my first Independent Reading Project.

Laura De Jesus

January 18, 2011

Title – Go Ask Alice


Go Ask Alice is a New York Times 3 Million Best Seller. This story is FULL of drama and suspense! Every word in this book has a reason of being placed on the page. Alice is a desperate girl on the chase of drugs. Alice was a young girl who did not belong in any group, she was just there. Her father got a job promotion and she moved to a smaller town but still suffered through the same problems. Until she meet this girl at a boutique named Chris. Little did she know what she was about get herself into, Chris was a year older then Alice. They more they began to hang out the closer they became; Alice got hired at the same place as Chris. It seemed to be a great idea at the time, but when they began to hang out outside of the work place that’s everything started to change. One night Alice joined Chris in an all girls night, this was the day Alice changed forever. She tried drug for the first time. She started off with acid; she was high to the max by the first shot! This became a daily routine for the two of them; they took it up to shooting, then pot. She was at the point where she couldn’t go a day without getting high. Alice began to experiment sex with drugs, she lost it to a random guy at a party. After returning to her grandmothers house she back to her normal self again, but once Chris appeared again she was worse then ever! They saved all their earnings from working long hours to run away and get high 24/7. Chris had a friend in California so they decided to move there for a bit and look for work. A few weeks pass by and they begin to realize the jobs they found weren’t cutting their needs to get high. Starving and quitting their jobs, Chris found a job with a young lady not that much older then her. She was ALSO addicted to drugs. Due to this fact it made it difficult for them to work together. Alice was also hired, the three went to parties everyday after work to get high with the “rich folks”. Almost year goes by they think its time to go home for Christmas. After two days they finally made it home in time for Christmas, they were sober about six months. Thinking that they would never return to drugs again, that was not the case at all. Chris began to a date a college boy, and set up Alice with his friend. The facts that Alice was fifteen and Chris was sixteen made their relationships illegal, so they kept the drugs and sex a secret. This was going on for almost a year. Come to find out their “boyfriends” were each other’s boyfriends! After Alice seen this she went running away again. At this point she was seventeen nothing was stopping her. She would give blowjobs; have sex with females and males just to get a fix. She joined all different groups of addicts till she meet a young girl only fourteen on the run just like her. Alice had one more chance for help, she accepted it. It didn’t work for that long, she overdosed and dies.

Favorite Actor: Alice

Why? Because she was real and always something new.

            I would recommend this book to anyone, it is an amazing book. The suspense makes you want to never stop reading. I think it should be a required book for all the ninth graders in public schools. The book teaches us to never escape from the hard times in life but accept them as they are and move on with life. I can relate to the characters in the story in a certain way. I think the book teaches youths and adults that peer pressure can harm you for the rest of your life.


Intro: Four of my journal entries.


Journal Entries

Why Do We Write?

            Why do we write? Well me personally I write because it is my way to get away. I write because people can’t judge me because they can’t see me. Also, I write because I can express myself in different ways, I am a very shy person I don’t say what I feel aloud, so I write them on paper and feel like a weight has been lifted of my shoulder. Why do we write? People write to tell us their stories and experiences without words.


If You Really Knew Me…

            If you really knew me you would know that I am afraid of heights. If you really knew me you would know that I have a trust problem and am very afraid to express myself. If you really knew me you would know I feel like I have no one to go to. If you really me you would know that I have many issues, and am afraid to get judged. If you really knew me you would know that I cry a lot over things that maybe I shouldn’t care about. If you really knew me you would know that I blame myself for my brother’s death. If you really knew me I feel like I make people get out of my life, for the wrong reasons. If you really knew me you would know that I feel unloved and unappreciated in my own house. If you really knew you would know that it’s taking a lot in me to write this about myself.


How Important Is It To Fit In?

            Does it matter to fit in? I don’t think that it matters that much, I mean it depends on who you are and how easy you give into peer pressure. Personally I see no reason to fit in with the rest of the world. We are all different for reasons, if we were meant to be the same look alike, dress alike, and act alike we would have been born that way. The style and world changes everyday so often, it would be like changing who you are whenever someone comes out with a new sneaker or new perfume. It is pointless, just be yourself 101% of the time, and your better off.


Has Anyone Ever Exceeded Your Expectations?

No not that I can remember. Only reason is because I don’t expect much from anyone anymore, whatever they do or give me is what it is. Life has taught me a lot and that is one of the main ones, don’t expect much, you’ll usually get the unexpected. “Expect the Unexpected.” 


Laura De Jesus

            Me, well as a ninth grade I feel as though I changed a lot throughout the year. My previous work is a sow case of how much progress I went through.  When I first entered Mrs. Dunn’s class I couldn’t tell the difference between compound and complex sentences, now it comes naturally. My form of writing has changed a lot, due to the help from the teachers and students in Mrs. Dunn’s English 1 Class.


            My main strengths in English are that I can speak my mind through my writing and not be afraid to express myself. Also, my vocabulary it has become much better and to the standards of a ninth grader. My weaknesses are that I have trouble making sense when I write paragraphs and stories. It’s hard for me to remember what I typed and how I typed it. But it’s getting better it should be better as we speak. I would love to get better at my parts of speech.


            My experiences on working on this portfolio were hard, and fun at the same time. Finding all my work and editing it was the hardest part because I don’t like to look back and edit. Also, the uploading it, it took a while but I got it to work on the second try. I had a decent time going back through all my work; it reminded me of all the work I did in the beginning and how much I changed.


            My favorite piece in my portfolio is my Me Magazine, because that was my first project that I actually cared about and took time to do. It brought back memories of the eighth grade. And how much fun I had.

Macbeth character analysis

In this quarter, I created a thing called "character analysis" on the amazing main character of the wonderful story/play "Macbeth". I picked the play part act by act and scene by scene and listed as well as wrote about the changes that the mighty Macbeth have gone through.

 Aidan Rios

November 2, 2010




Thesis: Macbeth starts out as a loyal and trustful friend/ warrior. But, through out the story he slowly begins to become evil and almost everyone grows in to fear and hate’s him.



Macbeth and Banquet just finish a battle and just wetness a brief moment from the witches. The witches began talking to them saying that one day Macbeth shall become king and there must be something done first in order for Macbeth to become king. With that being said, the witches begin talking about what just have happen. Then, Macbeth says, “let us speak our free hearts each to other” –act 1 scene 4 line 144 page 13- I think this is said because they don’t want to keep any secrets from each other since they are friends they should both be aware of what’s going on and should know anything that happens. So I think that’s why they say “let us speak our free hearts to each other,” stating not to keep anything from each other.


Next is that they came back from the news that the winches gave them and Macbeth began talking to lady Macbeth and at the same time, king Duncan paid a visit and they began talking. Then, king Duncan shows how grateful he is to Macbeth for winning the battle that they had, but Macbeth wants nothing in return. His loyalty and service is enough for him. The quote  “the service and the loyalty I owe in doing it pays itself your highness’ part is to receive our duties” Act 1 scene 4 lines 22 through 24 page 14- is then said. Why is that Macbeth is a great man and is just focusing on the fighting and wants nothing to be given to him for his work. He just wants the king’s loyalty and trust and that’s why I think that Macbeth says this quote…



The king and Macbeth talked for a while but then lady Macbeth grabbed his hand and they had a little conversation about the situation and then Macbeth talked to king Duncan about how his wife needed some time alone. He says “the hearing of my wife with your approach; so humbly take my leave” Act 1 scene 4 lines 47 through 48 page 15- I think that Macbeth respectfully told king Duncan that they needed to be alone so he told him the quote.


It is nighttime close to midnight and everyone is asleep in the house of Macbeth. He begins talking to him self-saying that he just want this to be over with and done. He is planning to kill king Duncan but is a bit scared to do so cause there are so many things that can happen once this is done. He says “If it were done when ‘tis done, then ‘there well it were done quickly” Act 1 scene 7 line 1 page 20- I think why Macbeth wants this to just be done with is because he can’t take the pressure of the deed anymore. He wants to just get it over with so lady Macbeth can stop nagging him to do something. Plus. He probably wants to be king and forget about this once it’s done.


They are all at a party celebrating Macbeth becoming king but Macbeth is not acting him. He is acting a bit crazy and regretful about what he has done.

Then lady Macbeth has a private conversation with him to try and finger out what’s wrong with him. Then, Lady Macbeth then says was the hope drunk when you dressed yourself?” Act 1 scene 7 lines 35 thought 36 page 22- Lady Macbeth is a bit surprise that Macbeth is acting in such a manner. She though that he would be happy and have forgetting about what he did. So she is insulting him cause she cannot believe how he is acting.



Macbeth is awake and thinking about what he is about to do. He sees a floating dagger and begins to talk to himself and tryst to grab a hold of it but cannot grab the dagger. So he begins talking out loud about the crim. The quote is “Is this a dagger, which I see before me, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch

I think that he is being paranoid about the crime and just want it to be done and forgotten about but just cannot stop thinking of it so he begins to think about it a lot and see things.


Macbeth comes running to lady Macbeth covered in blood and daggers in hand. Lady Macbeth gets scared as Macbeth

q is scared and covered in blood.  As they talk about the deed, lady Macbeth takes the daggers and takes them back to the scene to frame the gourds. The line is “I have done the deed. Didst you not hear the noise” (act 2 scene 2 line 14 page 27) I think why this is that Macbeth wanted lady Macbeth to know so she could stop nagging him about killing ducan. So, I think that that’s why Macbeth told his wife about what he has done.



Macbeth is now king but has become a bit of a jerk. He has so much power but he just wants more and more and more. So, a servant comes to him to tell him that he saw trees moving to the castle. But Macbeth thinks his lying and threatens him but still investigates. The quote that the servant says is “stones have been known to move and speak” ( act 3 scene 4 line 126 page 55) I think that since Macbeth is powerful he doesn’t really think nothings a threat to him so he just thinks its nothing. When the old Macbeth would have checked it out with extreme caution. Unlike the king Macbeth. Witch he really doesn’t care that much.


Macbeth and his men are at war with enemy thanes, Malcolm and Mac duff. As Macbeth kills a solder he begins to talk to him self, as he is a bit angry and upset. He has so many things going thought his mind and that’s when he just says the quote “my soul is too much charged with blood and thane already” (act 5 scene 8 lines 5 thought 6 page 95) I think that Macbeth is only focus on the battle and not the death of his wife or the danger that his men/people are in. he is filled with so much angry that he just wants to kill…



Macbeth just finishes killing a soldier and talks to himself. Then all of a sudden, Mac duff shows up behind him and tells him to turn and fight. After they fight they begin to talk about Malcolm becoming king. Macbeth then says the quote “I will not yield, to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet.” (Act 5 scene 8 lines 27 through 29 page 96)I think that Macbeth rather dies then witness the crowning of Malcolm. He knows that he is going to die and Malcolm is going to be king no matter what happens. So, Macbeth just wants to fight until he can no longer fight. But he will not be alive to see Malcolm become king.

Memoir Vignette

Now, during this quarter i had to create a memoir vignette on one of the greatest moments that i had during my life time and talk about it in a very detailed vignette. So, below is the story.

 The best day of my life.

Ring ring…… ring ring…. Ring ring…


“Who is this? “

 “Get up, its time…”


-Sigh- I remember this as if it happen yesterday… It was December 22, 2009 12:32 pm eastern standard time in the afternoon. I was sleeping in my twin size bed under my dark green sheets and lying on my soft and cozy dark green matching pillow. My brother was sleeping on the floor like a passed out drunk, the room was dark and cold. The phone kept ringing and ringing. My brother and me got really annoyed. I threw my pillow at the phone and it fell, sadly it didn’t shut up. So I get up in anger and picked up the phone like how a Rican is when he’s hungry and there is no food to feed himself (trust me, that get us really angry): humor. I picked up the phone and yelled, “Who in the world is this!!! It’s 12:33 in the afternoon yet you call what can possibly be so important that you must call! Who got shot? Who’s bleeding gallons and gallons of blood? What the hell! Are you this damn mentally challenge!” I breathe and waited for the caller to respond and…. All of a sudden you hear death it self, an angry Puerto Rican lady on the phone talking louder than the Phillies game was when they won the world series: simile and cursing more than a sailor metaphor in Spanish. “Look, calm down alright it’s your mother, shut up and get dress. I’ll be there in 20 minutes so hurry up or you’ll starve” So, I sigh and hung up. Next thing you know, the phone rings again to her screaming, “why didn’t you say good-bye!” I said good-bye and hung up like a gentlemen from the 1970’s. –Humor and simile-


I went to wake up my brother lazy self and he hits me. I called him some bad things and leave. So, I brush my teeth and got dressed and fix my amazing and sexy hair. I took like 40 hours fixing my hair making it exactly how I wanted it. Shining it and making it as awesome as hair can be. I walked down stairs and sat on the sofa and realized “oh god wait, if mom ever caught me sitting on her sixty thousand dollar sofa she would run me over with the car in repeated attempts” humor- I sat on the floor and waited like a good boy. I looked at the clock and it read “1:20pm standard eastern time” I turn on the 52 inc Sony high definition black TV and watched a beautiful and touching Spanish soap opera. Next thing you know “1:45pm standard eastern time” note 20 minutes had gone by. I got up and walked over to the kitchen and there was nothing there just like my stomach. I walked back in anger and waited. Next thing you know, it’s “2:10pm standard eastern time” I got my dark gray t-mobile gravity t touch screen phone and unlocked it opening up the contact list looking for my mother’s number and dialed the number in anger. I waited and waited for her to pick up and she doesn’t. I sigh and walk outside to get the mail. But I forgot that the door was locked. So I got the mail and try to open the door. Sadly, it’s locked. I knock and I knock and I knock so my brother would hear me but he’s still asleep. So I walked around the back and see if the doors open and nope, it’s locked.  I get so angry and threw the mail. I realize that those are the bills and if my mom found out that they were on the floor getting wet and dirty she would kill me… so I quickly picked them up and clean them up and hold them with care and waited hoping my mom gets me. I tried to open the window and success! It opens. I get in like a thief getting inside that store down the street at night simile. And there, my brother is there with a deadly broom and his face filled with anger for waking him up. My heart freezes, hoping he doesn’t hit me with it. He hits me with it.. I tell him “dude, its me calm down calm down” he says “that’s for waking me up stupid!” he leaves and I sit on the floor. I tell myself “what a jerk” then.



I hear the car’s beep and I slowly walk out in pain. I open the door of the blue Honda civic mugen si is waiting outside. I open the door and get in to a screaming woman. “What toke you so long I waited like a minute for you to get in boy, damn!” I sigh and respond to “sorry mom” we drove off and she turns up the music like a million volume bars: hyperbolae up almost blowing my eardrums. Next thing you know. Were at the store that only gods go to “BEST BUY!!!” I get all happy like a kid is when he or she is eating a jumbo ice cream cone. I jump up and down on my seat as I say “mom mom mom mom what cha going to get me huh mom huh” she hits me in the back of the head and tells me to get out… I’m still happy and run inside and look around. She tells me to look around. I look around and like 20 mins later my mom comes and says the water that brought tears to my eyes. “Aidan, get a ps3 box and a cheap game and at that moment. My heart stops and I fell to the floor on my knees. She tells me to get up and stop embarrassing her so I ran to the game section and there. There lies the system of the gods. The sexiest console ever to touch by man. I spend like 60 hours trying to pick out the perfect and best looking box. Hyperbolae I picked up the Sony entertainment play station 3 box and music of the gods begins to play in my head, as I see nothing but happiness and joy. I carry the 60-pound box and once again I spend like 40 hours trying to pick out a game hyperbolae. I then picked out the best game ever to be created, yes, im talking about METAL GEAR SOLID 4 GUNS OF THE PATRIOTS TACTICAL ESPIONOGE ACTION FOR PS3 ONLY BLUE RAY HIGH DEFINATION GAME PLAY tears of joy fall down my cheek and I happily and carefully pick up the game as if it was a trillion dollars. I walk up to my mom almost crying and she pays for the things at the check out counter.



Even though it’s heavy, I carry them by myself to the Honda civic si mugen and hop in. My mom looks happy and so am I. I tell her “thanks mom I love you” she tells me “stop kissing up Aidan” and I smile and look away. Just as I though it couldn’t get any better. We get to burger king and I can get what ever I want. I kiss my mothers cheek and she smacks me. I get a large number 6 with a large DR. Pepper and large fries. As I get the food I reach for a fir and my mom says “boy, touch the fir and I’ll kill you (she hates people eating in her car) So I wait almost close to a heart attack. We get home and I run faster than the flash to my room. I open up the box of the ps3 and I get happy in so many ways. I hook up the system and I have tears of joy and my heart races of how sexy the game is. I pop in mgs4 and I get ready to have my heart and head exploded by the beauty. I wait and wait and bam!!!!!!! There was the legendary hero solid snake smoking a cigarette all-awesome and what not. I wait for the game to load and I play the first mission. The controller is just so sexy and smooth and black and soft and the game is perfect and the sounds, graphics everything is godly amazing. I wasn’t that happen since the time I got my ps2. So, as I play the game im just so happy and I say to my self “is this what heaven feels like?”  I continue to play for the rest of the day and at exactly 4am I got knocked out holding my ps3 controller in my hands. So I think that that’s about it about me and the day that I got my ps3 and mgs4 copy.  So as you can obviously see you should know that my realization is that you can never know how a day will turn out to be. So thank you for your time and thank you for reading. ^,..,^



The creator of this amazing story is Aidan Rios. From red stream on January 10, 2011 11:20pm

Quarter 1 Benchmark macbeth character analysis

​Introduction: this is  my macbeth character analysis and all this  how I talk about how Macbeth started off being a good guy then turning into a bad guy. Also I had to use quotes in the book to show it.

Zakee Jones   Macbeth



                  Theses: Macbeth start off being a noble warrior to a blood lust killer who will do anything to say in power.



Quote 1 in Line 1 Act 1.7

Macbeth was like hero to his people and got promoted. But his wife thought he should get more


So Macbeth is talking to himself in his soliloquy he is alone in a room conversing about if he


kill Duncan. He think over and over to him arguing in his head and with this thoughts about


what would be good about killing Duncan and what will be the terrible if he did it. When


Macbeth says line 1 act 1.7 if were done “tis done, then ‘twere well it were done quickly


what he means is if I got to kill Duncan to become king I got to do it quick or people might


get suspicious of me. At this point Macbeth is going through a catcher evaluation   change


and is now starting to have mix feeling. He thinking will kill Duncan to get more power then his proposition.



In Act 1.7,line 12 Macbeth is still in his soliloquy talking whets right


and whets wrong. Hess not really sure yet but whatever design he make is going to have an


effect on him, Macbeth say evenhanded justice commends th’ ingredient of our poisoned


chalice to our own lips. What this means is Macbeth is saying that even if I kill him and


become king the guilt in the end of it all will come back to him. Or he will kill and get caught


he might get killed himself and it will be for nothing.



Quote 3 in act 1.7 line 6 .so Macbeth is thinking im not going to kill Duncan because I have


everying I need a porosation, which means we will be making more money. But lady


Macbeth starts to get upset because if they become come king they will have even more


power. She start to question his man hood and Macbeth say I dare do all that amy become a


man who dare to more is none. And what this means is im all ready a man if any one goose


that far they are not a man



Quote 4 act 2.1 line  45  so in this seen   Macbeth is ready you kill Duncan he is trying to get


his focus has handed made up his mined but suddenly he see a dagger in front of him. He


douse in know if he is going crazy or not but this what Macbeth say mine eyes are made


fools o’ the’ other senses or else worth all the sleep what douse this mean? Is his eyes



playing trick no the other senses I think I must rest.



Quote 5: act v.5 line 9  in this part Macbeth have just about killed everyone that became a


threat to his power. His entire servant is scared of him so he hears that the forest is coming


to his Castile and he is ready to fight. At the end he knows his power is coming to the end.


He says I have almost forgot the taste of fear. Which means I Alost forgot what fear feels

like. Will he do that much to stay in power?





Quote 6 act v.5 line 17


Macbeth so he gets new that his wife is dead they don’t say how but I guess that’s up to you.


So he says she should have died hereafter: there would have been a time for such a word. So


what he saying is he not pushing it a side but he cant let this news get him down his about to


go into war their would have been a better time to tell him this. He can’t let this be


conscience while he in war or it could mess up his focus.




            Quote 7 In the end of act 3 scene 1, Macbeth is talk to his little people that kills people for Macbeth. Macbeth at this point is forcing the murderers to find and kill banquo a soon as possible before he gets in Macbeth way.  According to act 3 scene 1 lines 140-143 Macbeth states “I’ll call upon you straight. Abide within. It is concluded. Banquo, thy soul’s flight, If it finds heaven, must find it out tonight” to the murderers. This quote means that Macbeth does not know if banquo will be going to heaven or not but he does not care he just wants Banquo dead.  As you can see now Macbeth has hit his Blood thirsty mean killer part of him. Now all he want to do is kill and kill to do anything to keep the crown ad to keep his secret of the death of King Duncan.





Quote 8 Analyze Act 2 scenes 2, after the death of king Duncan Macbeth and lady Macbeth is talking to each other . Macbeth is saying that he will not sleep any more.  the quote in act 2 scene 2 lines  40-43  “Sleep that knits up the revealed sleave of care, the death of each days life, sore labors bath, balm of hurt minds, great nature’s second course, chief nourishes is life’s feast”.  This is a quote saying what he did when he was sleeping but from the context he will not sleep anymore and no more of this will ever happen. But Lady Macbeth is making him go to sleep. As you can see Macbeth is going a little big insane after killing King Duncan.

Quote 9 In Act 2 scene 2, lady Macbeth and Macbeth is still talking to each other after king Duncan’s death.  Macbeth is saying that he will never sleep again and he had just got done killing Duncan. After seeing himself kill king Duncan he is feeling guilty and Lady Macbeth is forcing him to not.

Quote 10 In act 3 scene 1, Macbeth is getting better after the death of Macbeth but he has sent people out to kill Banqou know. Macbeth, lady Macbeth and the warriors will now meet to have diner with each other. Macbeth states  in act 3 scene 1 lines 63-64 “Thence to be wrenched with an unlineal hand, No son of mine succeeding”. By this quote Macbeth means that Banquo will die and his  son of his will be king. Macbeth is trying to keep the crown and is willing to kill any one that steps in front of his way. He does not care who it is because Macbeth will kill who ever it is. now Macbeth is showing his colors that he is becoming   turning to be a blood thirsty killer.




The Odyssey compare & contrast

In this time period, i had to compare the odyssey to another person or movie or story and compare and contrast.  So, i picked odysseus and king leonadis format the movie 300. I think i did really good at finding their likes and dislikes and how they both change though out the story/movie.



In this paper, I’ll be comparing the loyalty level between Odysseus from the Odyssey and King Leonidas from the movie 300. The reason why I picked these two charters is because they take the same journey and somewhat similar paths. So, in the following paragraphs I’ll be explaining and talking about their similarities and the different levels (ideas) of loyalty.


Odysseus from the odyssey seems like a very greedy for glory warrior and loves to be in the limelight a lot and for his name to be heard by all and many. For an example, in book 9 of the book he is on this ship with his crew and they stopped at a island. They go into a cave in where they meet a Cyclopes. They have a fierce battle but in time, Odysseus and his men blinds the giant and manage to leave the island on their ship. But, loud mouth Odysseus screams and yells at the giant getting his attention. The giant then throws a huge rock at them just barley missing them. A quite from the story to support this is "Odysseus shouts taunts at Polyphemus who hurls a hilltop in his direction. The Greeks race away and urge Odysseus not to incite the giant, but Odysseus doesn't listen and tells the Cyclops his name." - book 9 - So, as you can see he loves for people to hear his name and know what he has done. So, that was one reason of the lack of loyalty he has because he didn't listen to his men and continue to start trouble.


Another reason is When Odysseus sleeps with both Calypso and Circe even though he has a wife. That is a real lack of loyalty because he is a married man but he goes around sleeping with other women and never telling Penelope that he did. I don’t know about you but to me that sounds like a jerk to me is he is going to lie to his wife and sleep with random women. A quite from the story is "Odysseus soon becomes Circe’s lover, and he and his men live with her in luxury for a year. When his men finally persuade him to continue the journey" -book 10-. So, as you can clearly see, if it weren’t for Odysseus men telling him to leave he would have stayed for a longer period of time with Circe. So, this man just completely lacks loyalty.


Moving on to King Leonidas from the amazing movie 300. This man has a lot of pride and loyalty, but he makes a few mistakes on his journey and his a bit of glory greedy as Odysseus is. For an example, When the king and his Spartan army is fighting the beast with sword hands, He has a hard time fighting it, But then kills it and rips off his head showing it to every one so people can know he killed it. Witch is a lot like what Odysseus did with the Cyclops.


Another greedy moment is when he meets up with his long time friend and his army. They both talk about each other army but then Leonidas yells and rubs in his face that he has 300 of the strongest, loyalty and respect men sprat has to give. Then the conversation drops and he smiles staying proud that he won that orally fight.


A reason of un loyalty is in the beginning of the movie when tree witches confront him and try to seduce him witch for a minute worked but he then becomes stronger and fights them off leaving angrily.


So, basically both men went through the same journey and somewhat same encounters and both faced the same problem. Only difference is that King Leonidas made more reasonable choices as for Odysseus just wanted the choice that would make him famous and heard by many.