Upstanding citizen? Sort of..

As I walked down the street today, a man stopped me. 

"Excuse me, could you call an ambulance for me? I feel like I'm going to pass out."
"You feel like you're going to pass out? Um, sure.."

I must have sounded ridiculous repeating his words in question form, but it took me by surprise and I didn't know what else to say. 

After I placed the 911 call, I asked him if he was ok and if I could leave.

"Yes, you can go. Thank you."
"No problem."

About twenty minutes later, the dispatcher called me back.

"Did you call about the man at 20th and Locust?"
"Yes, but I left."
"Oh, I'll let them know."

The more I thought about it, the more I wondered if I should have stayed. 

Starting Anew

Yesterday was my last day at Acme.  It was a sad day but now I'm actually kinda relieved.

No more pushing millions of carts.  No more leaking trash bags.  No more rotten fruit.  No more spills in isle 11.  No more shop-backs.  I'm officially DONE!

I told them that I'd come visit because I know that I'm most likely going to be in that store constantly.  After all, I want to keep in touch for when they do call me back.  And they have to call back the layoffs first before they hire anyone new so I know they'll call me eventually.

I start my orientation at McDonald's today! 

I'm ecstatic.

Picher, Oklahoma Lead Contamination

a. What went well?

Many things went well in the infographics assignment. My group excelled and worked together very well. Everyone was assigned a role of research and a certain part and they all completed it on time and throughly. All the information was placed on a google doc for revision and then placed into the infographic. We were on time and finished everything nicely. We also found a great amount of research that helped us in the long run.

b. What did not?

Nothing really.

c. What would you do differently next time?

Maybe take a different approach at the infographic and maybe change the actual topic of the infographic.

d. Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics.

Be Concise
Be Visual
Be Smarter
Be Transparent
Be Different
Be Accurate
Be Attractive
Be Varied
Be Gracious
Be Creative

We excelled in all the areas but the concise area because we were a bit off in the beginning based on the information. We did not know there was a pages doc we needed to put the infographic on. Everything else we pretty much excelled in. We were very concise and based the infographic on the one idea, not going on into different thoughts and ideas scattered around. We were very visual and we kept everything in line from words to pictures, conveying the ideas very nicely from words to pictures. We were smarter and the reader does not have to look too hard to understand and convey the meaning of the whole infographic. It has numbers and things that convey lots of meaning. We were a bit transparent, but that could have increased. We were also very different and changed up the plain style to a eye-catching visualization style. We remembered to use geometry and visualize differences using area. We added alot of attractiveness in the infographic; lots of pictures that go along with the text and make the visualization much nicer to look at. We added sources and "More and more information". We were also varied and pretty creative with the visualization overall. In conclusion, I believe we did a pretty good job.

To view the infographic below in a larger format, click on it.


Lead Contamination Infographic Alsardary, Chhin, Mawson
Lead Contamination Infographic Alsardary, Chhin, Mawson

What I did

Last night I got an hour of sleep.
- I slept for 6 hours this morning due to my one hour of sleep the night before
- Got a phone call to go shopping
- Went to the mall
- Got an energy drink
- Got a dress
- Went to work
- Worked for only 5 hours
- Debated on paying for a cab ride home but then decided it was nice out enough to walk 20 minutes to my house from work
- Arrived at my house
- Was greeted by roommate
- Showered
- Currently watching a movie

I hate my job

My job always makes my legs and feet hurt and i'm standing for four hours straight and when i'm cleaning the dining room i'm always tempted to sit down or i sit down and don't realize until i'm seated that i'm sitting. seriously i need a new job but you know atleast they make some good mac cheese and today was'nt a total lost I got to see my mentor play live in a park and she was fantastic she's officially my Idol and role model. 

Love Canal Disaster

To view the infographic, go to

a.  What went well?
Our research went very well.

b.  What did not?
The communication among group members was not very good, so there were times when we weren't sure what the other two were doing.

c.  What would you do differently next time?
Make sure that we were all communicating and on the same page.

d.  Specifically comment on the 10 tips for effective infographics--which areas did you excel in?  Which were not so well represented?  Why do you think some elements of design were easier or harder to include in the end product?
We definitely excelled at being concise and varied, because the disaster was well summarized and the poster was not repetitive or monotonous.  The poster was also pretty attractive, and the information was definitely accurate.  However, I don't think it was very original or creative.  Visually, it didn't flow very well.  It was hard to make the poster stand out visually, because there few good, powerful images relating to the disaster.  It also wasn't particularly "smart," since we didn't really include much solid numerical data, and I wouldn't say it was transparent or gracious, because we didn't cite our sources.

First day

Today was my first day of work. I walked in at 10:26, not entirely sure of what to expect. I immediately began chopping fruits and didn't stop for over an hour. In total, I cut 10 pints of strawberries and 10 kiwis.  Then the manager showed me how to use the cash register-very simple, until someone handed me a credit card. I figured it out eventually. The hardest part is definitely going to be learning all of these Italian words. I can't wait for Monday (hopefully by then I'll be able to distinguish between dolce mandorla and niccociola)! 

A day in the life of....(Germany)

​A day in the life of....

1. how does this life compare that that of yours when you were 12?

Its a pretty big difference. I normally woke up at the same time and ate breakfast. I did have a uniform to wear to school every day. My school started at the same time, but ended much later, at 3:00. While hanging out with friends was an option after school, I normally went home, completed my homework(which is a small amount in comparison to a German child's), then hung out with my friends. Lunch, eaten in school, was small. Dinner was usually my largest meal of the day. 

2. What was most surprising about your findings?

The shortness of the school day. It is only 4-4.5 hours each day. Its a total alien idea to me, and sounds insufficient, until you factor in the hours of homework they have as well. 

3. What parts were expected?

Waking up, eating breakfast, going to school, ect. Basically everything but the shortness of their school day.

 What do you think that 12yo's life will be like when they are 40?

That depends on what school they went to. If it was a Gymnasium, then They would probably be university educated, and working a well paying job. They would likely be in the Upper class, have a family, and have their own kids going to a Gymnasium.

If they went to a Hauptschule, then they would be working a low paying, low-skilled job, like a toll booth operator. They would be lower class, and still have a family, with their children going to a Hauptshule themselves.

If they went to a Realschule, they would be working a skilled job, like carpenter or salesperson. They would be considered middle-class, and have a family. Their children are likely to be going to a Realschule themselves.


A day in the life (Jordan)

​A day in Jordan


My life and there life is quite different. I don't have to worry about having to worry about having to struggle for getting my food or even being able to go to school each day. I have always been able to attend school and some of these kids don't have that privilege. It would bother me that i had to go out every day as a kid working extremely hard to get food, and than coming home and having to cook or eat a meal with what ever i could find. Plus they are always being checked for diseases so that would affect me to always thinking i could potentially have a disease of some sort.     

Great Pacific Garbage Patch


a. What went well? 

i think that me and my group members did a fine job of working together and collabrating. i like how we were real on point with meeting the dead line for things. everyone completed their part just as they were supposed to. we also all had fun learning about the garbage patch. 

b. What did not? the only thing that i didn't like was we waited 

till like that last three or four days till it was due to get started so we were working harder than we needed to and if we would have stared when it was given then we would have not had that feeling but we did get it completed and sill did a good job so we were happy about that.  

c. What would you do differently next time?

we would just start on time that way were not rushing and stressing. 

Hospital Files

90 minutes in a tube that I had no room to lift my head in. Loud disturbing noises. Luckily I'm not claustrophobic. But I am overly anxious. 

Of Dreams And The Middle Aged Count Kind Enough To Explain Them

I was told that if you dream of blood, you will have good luck but if you dream of losing a tooth, then a death, be it yours or someone elses', will occur somewhat soon. I dreamed I grew mustache and decided to spend the rest of my days blowing up trains. (The trains I chose to destroy were made of balloons and met their demise at the end of a toothpick I whittled* using wood from the peg leg of a flamboyant pirate. He sang as I whittled. I miss him in my conscious state.) I do not know what this dreams means but I kept all my teeth.

* Fun Fact: To widdle is to urinate. I discovered this after misspelling whittle.  I hoped you enjoyed it.

Q4 Art Pieces

One of the assignment that we had to do was to create a sculpture. I chose ​to make a duct tape wallet. At first, I thought it was hard but, it really wasn't. The materials that I used were duct tape,a ruler, a heavy book, and a highlighter. [It doesn't matter what type of pen you have] One of the problems I had making this wallet was the measurements. For an example, the cutting wasn't straight so as the duct tape decreases, the less of a chance I can actually put money in there. For future reference, I would measure it a quarter of a inch more than it should be so if I make any mistakes, it's easy to fix. Overall, this took me about an hour. So it wasn't as hard as I thought. 
The next assignment that we had to do was to edit pictures in Photoshop. I'm pretty good at Photshop but not as much as I want to be. In these pictures, all I did was change the color levels, color balance, curves, focus on one part of the picture, etc. I didn't have a hard time doing this because it was just me playing around with the application and trying to create a better contrast picture. 

Original art piece by: ______
A duplicate art piece by me. It was difficult for me to draw and paint this at first but as soon I started to get the rhythm, I was able to do it smoothly. The reason why I chose this art piece is because it drew my attention. I decided to paint the side of the house red because I didn't think you could see the white, but it turns out that you could. So I couldn't change it back to white. My colors in my drawing are a lot lighter than the original because I didn't have those dark water colors. All in all, it was kind of hard to draw this piece because you had to get the right measurements in order for it to look proportional. 
Bike Drawing: It's unfinished.