
​My friend decided to tot me around today to try on prom dresses. I actually got to try one I saw in a magazine and was obsessed with. It was amazing even if it wasn't in the color I wanted. They made me try more but that first one from the magazine was the one i loved. But way to expensive. Must find it some where else now.


today i went bowling with my mother, 2 brothers and sister.
it was fun .... surprisingly.  I was in the middle of cleaning my room when my mom came in the house and said that we were going somewhere . Initially I rolled my eyes. I assumed she was taking us to one of those annoying museums again. However ( :D ) she was taking us somewhere else.  She said SKATING AND BOWLING .

We ended up leaving really late because my dad decided instead of driving us there , he wanted to wash clothes and  because my mom doesn't have a license we had to use septa and our feet .

Before we arrived to our destination we stopped at 7 eleven . And in my opinion WaWa is wayyyy better . I didnt know this at first though . We got in the store and she told us we could get anything we wanted  . I mean to some children this is no big deal , but to me it was . We hardly ever get to get ANYTHING we want.  I got two 11/8 big beef hotdogs ,  a big bag of ruffles, and a arizona icetea.  This was so ideal :)

By the time we arrived the skating place was closed but luckily the bowling alley was still open. The best thing about bowling with my mother is that she pays you for every pin you knock down . Every pin is worth 5 cents ,  every spare is worth 25 cents, and every strike is a 1 dollar. Now it may seem like a little bit , but as the game goes on  I can personally say I feel rich .
I ended up with 4.25  with no strikes and a couple of spares . I also beat my 3 year old sister , 5 year old brother and my 12 year old too.  I was beyond accomplished.

After that , she took my older brother and I to ritas . I ordered vanilla custard on a cone. This day was nice , very beautiful .

But when i came home i had to finish cleaning my room and doing other things that I was interrupted for .  and now my mom is getting on my nerves asking me to take my clothes out for church when she knows ill change my mind in the morning. shes asking me to find bathroom mats while im trying to write this blog . and to top it off i went in the bathroom and she didnt flush . now Im going to reread what I wrote so I can lose the attitude i have with her right now and be grateful for the day I spent with her.

Aerie <3

Today I went to Cherry Hill mall with Eric.  I ended up going to Aerie, which is my absolute most favorite store, ever.  I told myself that I would only spend like, $20.  But that idea completely changed once I walked in to that store.  I rushed to the nearest ATM to take out $40.  So I basically spent my entire paycheck on some wonderful new clothes.  Although I am now broke until next Friday, at least I got some new shirts and undies! :D


Interpretacion de All the Time Everywhere

Gonzalo Infante

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Quién eres tú?


Soy Gonzalo Infante. Tengo once años y soy en el cuarto grado. Yo soy de la patria Chile, y mi familia es muy rico.  Yo tengo pelo rojo y ojos morenos. Nosotros somos de la clase alta. Voy a la escuela de St. Patrick. No tengo muchos amigos. Tengo una familia grande. Vivo con mi mama, mi papa, mi hermana, y mi hermano. Mi valor más importante es mi familia. A mí me encanta mi familia, pero mi madre es la persona más importante a mí. Una mala experiencia que yo tenía, pasaba entre mi mama mi amiga, Silvana. Yo estaba vendiendo indicadores, cuando Silvana fue hasta el coche de mi mama y le cupó en la ventana.  Una de mis vecinos le gritó a Silvana. Después, mi mama trató ayudarle a Silvana, pero Silvana  no la quería. Ello gritaron y lucharon. Yo estaba allí mientras todo pasaba. I mama me llamó, pero yo decidí corre. Mi mejor experiencia pasaba con mi amigo Machuca. Nosotros estábamos a una fiesta y teníamos mucha divertida. No puedo elegir un partido político favorito porque mi familia y mis amigos no están de acuerdo sobre la política. Por eso no sé a quién apoyar, y estar en contra de.

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All the Time Everywhere


Rafael Ferrer

En esta  obra yo no veo muchas cosas. Veo las pies de una persona. También veo una sección que tiene mucho, gente asentado. Hay muchos formas diferentes,  como los cuadrados, los rectángulos, y los círculos. Los colores son una mezcla de brillantes y apagados. Están muchos colores en esta pintura, como rojo, negro, azul, y rosa. El tono de esta pintura es ocupado. Parece ocupado por que hay muchas cosas que aparecen en esta pintura. Hay una persona con zapatos en la obra también. En la pintura yo veo modelos diferente. En el parte fondo veo un tribunal con mucha gente.  Abajo en le obra se ves un mapa. En el zapato, hay una mensaje que dice “Keep Moving.” Pienso que la pintura sobre todos es una mensaje para moverte en la vida.


En esta pintura me recuerde de una memoria que tenía con mi amigo Machuca cuando fui a la casa de él. Los niños jugaban con palillos. Machuca vivía en un lugar en una diferente que mi. Las casas eran como cabañas y no eran grandes. Pero yo no le juzgaba a él. Entiendo que no toda gente tiene dinero como mi familia. Cuando nosotros fuimos a su casa, su mama estaba en la cocina. Ella hizo té para nosotros. Pienso que la pintura representa la vida. Pienso esto por que un parte de esta pintura se parece pobre, y el otro parte parece rico. Pienso que la obra revela la mensaje que simple necesitásemos moveremos en la vida. También creo que la mensaje es para mover se adelante porque en la obra los zapatos dicen “Keep Moving.”

             Creo que la pintura le da a gente la mensaje “Keep Moving” por que el nobre de la pintura es “All the Time Everywhere.”  El nombre y la mensaje son relacionados. Puedo hacer una concesión entre la mensaje de la pintura y mi vida. Necesito mover me delante de las situaciones malas en mi vida. Cuando yo veo esta pintura me siento la esperanza para el futuro. Pero, por un lado me siento deprimido por que de la muerte de mi amiga Silvana.  Aunque yo sé que ella está en una mejor lugar.


             Estoy con la mensaje de la artista porque es una valuable mensaje para gente. También por que dice mover pasante en la vida. Quiero que es una bien mensaje que gente demen tener en la vida.

Uncommon Romance Part 3

Two days later, he buzzed her over the intercom.  They took the subway to a restaurant that he had been visiting since his childhood.  La Caridad means charity in Spanish, but the food was delicious. The small dining room was filled with families and college students, all laughing and enjoying their Cuban-Chinese meals.  She decided he would have to take Batia there for next week's girl's night.  

As the conversation deepened, she realized how different they were.  

"So what about your family.  They must be liberal enough, if you're on a date with a black guy."

"Actually, I grew up in the suburbs, in Jersey.  And I'm not planning on telling them quite yet.  

"Oh. Well, if anything, I'm pretty good with secrets.  My parents never knew that I dropped out of the Seventh Day Adventist HBCU that they sent me to." He laughed.  "Any rebellious nature in there?" He nodded at her.

"No, not really.  I mean, there was a time when I didn't want to go back to college-I didn't have any friends; it was horrible.  I took the bus all the way home (it was a 6 hour bus ride, which I had never taken before) alone, without even telling them I was coming.  I even crossed the 6 lane highway to get to my street- but they convinced me that it would work out and eventually I met some great people."

"Wow, so a Jewish girl, who likes adventure," he said. "This could work."  

I hope you're right, she thought, as she took a sip of her Diet Coke.  

Uncommon Romance Part 2

She was one the phone when he knocked on her wall a few weeks later. She looked up, surprised to see him standing in the doorway of her cubicle.   

"Oh, um, can I call you back, Pierre? Someone just walked in.  Ok, I will. Right.  Thanks. Bye."  Her eyes narrowed. "How did you-"

"I just asked. There aren't too many women working in this department."

"Of course." She felt the blooding flooding her cheeks.  She was attracted to him and he was well aware.

"I would love to take you to dinner, when you have some free time. I know a great place that's right around here." He waited for her response.

"Sure.  I mean, yes.  That would be great." She made a mental note to work on her nervousness in the meantime.    

Way to go, Justice Department.

This was the view from inside the prison. This was my jail cell. Well not mine, I guess - I was rather small and my roommate technically claimed it as his. Not many people know this about me, but last summer I was in jail for about a month and a half for allegedly killing a prostitute I picked up after an especially lonely night. However, I was able to spew some legal BS about the constitution and they let me off the hook. 
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photo (20)

Dark Skinned v. Light Skinned

Nate had a chip on his shoulder that was big enough to feed Cambodia. The things is, he never could fit into light skinned girls quotas. His sneakers never fit and his knees needed a lot of lotion. All this before he even knew the significance of a comb. His immigrant parent made him feel as though he was a step kid. His dark skinned didn't allow him to fit in with the light skins. The way he saw it, the lighter their skin, they better that they're life was. So he did what any kid in position would do, he resented them as they resented him. When he happened to find a light skin girl that was interested in him, he cheated on her. Her name was Chantel. Nate was just 17 at the time. He'd figure that he should hurt he because she would evidently hurt him along with all the other women with light skinned features. Never would he let a light skinned girl hurt him. That whys he stroked first because the first cut is deep. 

Shades doesn't matter

From a dark skinned girl, to a light skinned boy. Shades doesn't matter because its the heart that makes the lover. Girl you so beautiful. You could be honey brown, caramel, coffee brown, dark skinned, pecan, or even licorice. It doesn't matter girl, your so beautiful.

Food Class

So today I sat in on Mr. Chase's food class, and I really loved it. It reminded me a lot of the Food course we took in Science in Society. It made me think about a lot, and once again I seriously thought about becoming a vegetarian. In the end though beef one, as always. Anyway, Ms. Thompson's husband is very interesting and is pretty passionate about his life style choice. As of now, becoming a Vegetarian or Vegan is impossible, but in the future there is a great possibility that I will. I feel as though when I am older I will have more control over what I have in my house making it it easier for me. But for now, it's totally out of the question.

Criminal Minds

Almost every episode of Criminal Minds begins and ends with a quote...

"Before you go and criticize the younger generation, just remember who raised them" —Unknown Author

"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." -Joseph Conrad

"The healthy man does not torture others. Generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers."-Carl Jung

"A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses. It is an idea that possesses the mind."-Robert Oxton Bolton

" I respect faith, but doubt is what gets you an education" -Wilson Mizner

"It's not so important who starts the game, but who finishes it."-John Wooden


the bus never came
i was running late to school
i got meatball sauce on my shirt
my v- neck was basically a v-boob because my  uncomfortable shirt exposed everything today
i overheard two teachers talking about me, 
i thought i dropped a class and never went for 2 months , guess what? i have the class and a whole bunch of make up work including a benchmark that i have no clue about
im sleepy but i have work , and when i dont get sleep i get dark circles around my eyes
i still have to make dinner , i still have to get some rest, i still have to clean my room , do my work and go to bed early enough to make it to Saturday detention .

fml in so many words.

Uncommon Romance part 2

She did, in fact, see him shortly after.  Once again, the copier had broken down (it was clearly time to buy a new one).  She was on the phone when he knocked on her wall.  Her eyes darted to him, surprised that he knew what cubicle she lived in.  

"Wow, uh, can I call you back, Pierre? Someone just walked in.  Thanks. Ok, I will.  Bye." She took a deep breath. "How did.."

"I just asked," he replied. "There aren't too many women in this department."

"Right.  Of course." She could feel the blood rush to her face.  She was attracted to him and he knew it.  

"I'd love to take you out." He smiled as his eyes oozed confidence.  

"Ok" was all she could muster.  

I'm not sad, I'm not happy, I'm just *sigh*

Have you ever had one of those days where your not happy but you aren't sad your just ok? Well, today was that day for me. Nothing great happened and nothing pissed me off. I felt "eh". I know that's not word but that's the only way I can describe it. But there are always moments unexpected moments to be exact that take you out of that funk. From a cute baby looking at you in awe to having a good laugh in drama class. So today was *sigh* day but I know where to go to let that *sigh* dissipate at least for a little while. :)

Fall Into Place

I watched myself walk through the past,

I looked down every road and path.

And I lost some hope along the way.

But everything fell into place.

I dreamt I was running far ahead,

Escaping an unfamiliar space,

Giving myself some time to breathe,

And everything fell into place.

I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.

I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.

So very far from the ordinary,

Nothing less than extraordinary,

I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.


I built up a wall around my soul,

Kept out all of the demons I don’t know.

Confided in only just a face.

But everything fell into place.


I gave up all my pain and fear,

Followed the signs that lead me here.

And when I woke up once again,

Everything fell into place.


I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.

I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.

So very far from the ordinary,

Nothing less than extraordinary,

I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.


I have all I could ever want now.

I have all I could ever imagine now.

Four years fade so fast,

But in the end,

It’s all worth it.


I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.

I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.

So very far from the ordinary,

Nothing less than extraordinary,

I am not who you think I am,

I am more than that, more than that.


Skulls and Vessles

The still life drawings were just like the others just having to keep looking at the object. Then draw what you see not with your memory. But I didn't get why we had to draw see through still life's. They were easy to do the I think I did pretty okay. Then Alexis helped me with giving the drawing definitions to make mt last drawing look more defined.