It's only hair...right?

Snip Snip Snip. I watched small curly pieces of my hair fall onto the smock. Normally when Ms. Pat, my hair dresser, cut my hair I do not worry, but today was a different story. See, I had already only had about 1 inch of hair to begin with, so this time was extremely scary. Conveniently, she faces the chair away from the mirror, so i have no idea what I am in store for when I turn around.​ Snip Snip Snip *pause to get bigger scissors* "You got to be kidding me" I though. Snip Snip. This goes on for another 10 mins. When she turns me around *silence* I have no hair. Ok, that's an exaggeration, but it's very close to it. I couldn't believe she would main me like this. I have trusted this women for years, and then she does this. As she messes with it, she says in her thick Trinidadian accent, "I looks real good. We gon grow it natural and then for prom we fix it up...ok?"
"Ok" I replied. Not Ok! I  was completely devastated. I went into the small bathroom and tried to convince myself that life in prison is not worth a couple inches of hair.
After I paid her and left, I got into my mom's car and let it all out. "I'M BALD!"
"No, you're not" she says.
"Do you see this...?" I replied as I looked at her long thick locks that I immediately  became jealous of.
"It looks cute, plus it's only hair" At that moment all my whining and complaining stopped. She was completely right (which is a rare thing), it's only hair. This had been my mantra for the past couple of months since I cut my hair. I guess I forgot it when I realized I had no 'hair' to say 'it's only' to.
When I got home I spent about 30 minutes in the mirror, trying to make it 'work' for me. After awhile a gave up, cause once again I realized it's only hair.

Late Night Text

Harrison: Hey
Me: What? You woke me up
Harrison: Is my wallet at your house
Me: I don't know
Harrison: Can you check?
Me: ugh fine.
Me: I don't see it
Harrison: Can you check outside?
Me: Not there
Harrison: Check under the couch
Harrison: oh nvm. It was in my coat pocket. LOL

First story slam

Today was our english classes first ever story slam. In the beginning when Chase became to call names, everyone looked around as if people forgot what today was.

"Pick a number 1-30!" He shouted.

For a second I was nervous because I thought we had to prepare something but after the first person went up and read their story. It was relaxed through out the rest of the story slam and was very comfortable. Stories told from your heart dont need preparation but just memory and everything else is for show. I was eagerly waiting after the first person went to hear my name be called because now I wanted to do it. I never usually get nervous but for a second I was worried that everyone had a story prepared and it was going to be exactly five minutes and official. I noticed that everyone was in the same boat I was in which was better for me to get out of that nervous stage, like when you first try something new. but it seems like ill have to wait until next Tuesday to get another chance to say my story...

Daily Story: Feb. 16

Every summer my youth group goes down to Jenny's Creek, West Virginia to run a kid's camp for a week. I'm convinced that Jenny's Creek is like nowhere else. First off, it's incredibly beautiful. It's this valley with huge mountains everywhere you look, covered in trees. You can see the stars at night- me and my friends would lay out on the grass every night for hours, just staring at them. 

The first year I went, I couldn't believe somebody could actually live somewhere they could see that every single day of their lives. Here's a picture, to prove it. :] I wish I had a picture of the stars, but sadly enough it seems that stars are near impossible to get a picture of :/
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Jenny's Creek blew me away. But all that... nature and green stuff... is just normal down there. Also normal is living in a trailer. Everybody does. Some trailers are nicer than others, with added-on porches and whatnot but that's basically the level of poverty there. Some of the kids don't really have shoes... the rich ones have cable TV. The kids are super tough too. The stuff they have to handle every day... it's crazy. 

I remember this one time when one of the adults, Steve, was driving a van around all the little backroads to pick up some kids for the camp. He gets to the first house and stops for a 10 year old boy and his little sister. The sister's on their porch all scared and the brother's out in front of their house with this huge gun. It's practically bigger than him and he's shooting it at the ground. Then he puts the gun back in the house and the two kids run over to the van. The boy says with a grin, "Hey Steve wanna see the yellowback I just killed?"

 If you don't know what a yellowback is... its a snake. A really bad one. They told us about these snakes as a way to make sure we were so scared we'd stay out of the creek. And this ten-year-old kid just shot it dead and went off to kids camp. Another normal summer day...

Dear Diary.

*Clicks Pen*


Dear Diary,

Only you know the true feelings of my heart and my mind.
Only you listen without judgment and leave me with a blank answer everytime.
You know everything about me.
So once again, I ask you.
Hear Me Out.

*Starts Writing. . . . . .*

I just need a break from everything.
I don't like this feeling, everybody trying to control my life.
I just want to live it.

I just wanna sleep, yea sleep will make everything better.

What is my purpose in life?!
Going through this active coma striving for greatness and we are all going to the same place.
You know some days, I just want everything to be over.
I keep imagining walking out on a red light, or getting stuck in between a crossfire.
I have dreams about dying.
This is not right, I shouldn't feel this way at all.
Something is wrong.
There are many days when I just want to cry all night, into the day, back into the night.

I just wanna sleep, yea sleep will make everything better.

No One understands and it just gets worst.
This is not a suicide flash or anything like that, I'm ok,
It's just really hard for me right now.

I just wanna sleep, yea sleep will make everything better.

These days are being pushed together, mushed up.
And I feel like an outsider to everything.
Watching the world past me by and I can't do but so much.

I just wanna sleep, yea sleep will make everything better.

I am confused all of the time,
The emotions inside me are definitely shooting off flares.
I am NEVER happy.

I just wanna sleep, yea sleep will make everything better.

*" Yo, Morgan, you good?"*
*crumbles paper*
*Smile, " Yea, Im good"*

From where you are.

​If you get a chance, listen to this song.

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you
Yeah, I miss you
So far away from where you are
Standing underneath the stars
And I wish you were here

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things I never thought that they’d mean everything to me
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here

I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
{ From: }
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here

I miss the years that were erased
I miss the way the sunshine would light up your face
I miss all the little things
I never thought that they’d mean everything to me
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here

So far away from where you are
These miles have torn us worlds apart
And I miss you
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here

Looking Up


Looking Up

Things are looking up, oh finally.

I thought I'd never see the day when you'd smile at me.
We always pull through
when we try,
I'm always wrong but
you're never right.
you're never right.

Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this.
It's not a dream anymore...
It's not a dream anymore...
It’s worth fighting for.

Could have given up so easily.
I was a few cheap shots away from the end of me.
Taken for granted,
most everything,
that I would have died for,
Just yesterday,
Just yesterday.

Honestly, can you believe we crossed the world while it's asleep?
I'd never trade it in, cuz I've always wanted this.
It's not a dream anymore...
It's not a dream anymore...
It’s worth fighting for.

God knows the world doesn’t need another band,
But what a waste it would’ve been.
I can't believe we almost hung it up.
We're just getting started.

Super Sammy Sam por: Amaris Romero

Amaris Romero
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El Extrajero Solitario por Kai Farrell

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El Super Taco! por Thomas Nicolella

Paginas de Libro y vídeo (abajo) :

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Incident Z chapter2sec3 2/15/11

12 survivors now, all split up, 6 resting and 6 on patrol. I was their leader, and I had no idea how long we could survive. I was scared and grossed out. Ally and ant were good friends. It still felt unreal to me. “you feel that unreal feeling too?” Nicole chimed into my thoughts as we walked the empty and eerily quite back parts of the store.

            “you read my mind?” I asked her. She smiled and nodded. We kept walking then we turned around and walked the other way, and then we repeated. I didn’t look at her as we walked; I was not even paying attention to really where I was. I could not get ants image out of my head. His dead body after I had shot him. i did not even notice when she moved in front of me or when she put her arms around me. I just stopped and responded unconsciously by hugging her back, still not there in my head. Then she got out of the long hug, that I myself could not say how long it was, I was still not there. She looked me in the eyes, and after what felt like forever I forced myself to look back. It was then I realized how pretty her eyes were, I scanned her face, her long black hair. She right then and there took my mind off of it all. I forgot about everything and we just moved together. The kiss was the first real kiss I had, and it felt weird but good at the same time. I don’t know how long it lasted. I can’t even go back to explain how it felt. It was indescribably good. During this my mind raced and I came to a conclusion alarmingly fast. I did in fact love Nicole, but just as I thought about that my mind went back to Julia. Afterward we continued to hug each other. My mind was now even more jumbled then before. I didn’t care about the fact that we were trapped in the middle of a zombie apocalypse with no escape because by now the store is probably completely surrounded, or how eventually we would run out of food. My teenage brain was now focused on girls. This was more then the normal teenage lust though, there were two girls that I knew I was in love with, and another that I was still unsure about but something was definitely there

            just then a moan came from behind me and I quickly broke the hug and stopped thinking about the girls to face the new threat. There in the hall that we were supposed to watch was a zombie. I raised my gun without much thought and shot a round off, a hit, a kill, 7 rounds left. “Shit, we let our guard down” I looked over at Nicole who was armed with a golf club.  She looked to be confused

            “how. where the hell did he come form?”

            “that is the direction of the stairs to the roof accesses, no one checked the roof.” We both looked at each other and then ran towards the stairs. “text Chris tell him we may need backup”  I turned the corner to see 5 more zombies all very close and approaching fast I raised my gun and fired away, BLAM BLAM BLAM BLAM, right away four zombies dropped but I did not stop shooting BLAM. At that point my aim was off from the kick back and I missed BLAM I missed again. I stopped myself from missing again. I took aim again and shot, the last round struck the last zombie in the neck, the pistol locked back. I was out and the zombie continued walking towards me. I stepped back behind Nicole who swung and knocked the zombie back. I moved out of the way as she proceeded to beat the zombie to death. In the down time I got a clip and loaded the gun. 15 shots in the gun now, and 2 more clips left.

            “come on” Nicole said as she was done beating the zombie “we need to clear that roof before it gets worse”  she ran ahead, and I was quick to follow. I wanted to tell her to wait, I had the gun, let me go first. I was scared that she might think I was being too protective though. She got to the bottom of the steps and two more zombies were on the stairs. She charged them with no fear and beat them down smashing their heads in with her club.  I secretly admired the fact that she kicked ass, but I was still worried about her well being. She ran up the steps and I yelled after her to wait but she kept going, until she disappeared into the bright sunny opening that lead to the roof.

Quien Robo La Dulce?

​Quien Robo La Dulce?
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If I had known

​Today I return to school after being out for a while. My mother & I had a deadline to find a place. So last week we were stressing out trying to find a place. No worries. A place has been found. That's not the story I was going to tell though, today was Story Slam day in Chase's story telling course. I had completely forgotten about it. First of all I walked into class slightly late. Lucky for me they hadn't begun the slam so I didn't interrupt any one's story or anything of that nature. When I walked in Chase said "Hello" & I took a seat in one of the open chairs near Kelly. I took a second to observe the room and listen to what Chase was telling the class. I quickly remember what the date was, it was Tue. Story Slam is always on Tue. Ironically the theme was " if I had known then". I was a nervous wreck most of the slam hoping that I wasn't chosen, because I had no story to tell. Boy I tell you " if I had known then" well before then that I should of had one prepared I would of been far more relaxed. 

Wi-Fi Fustration!

So I had the greatest intention to right another story about the theme "If I would have known". I just finished writing a pretty great story about my old job and all my wonderful memories. Then as soon as I went to post it my wifi SHUT OFF!
ARE YOU SERIOUS? I lost everything :(
I really hate wifi!