My Home Network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. -So I have Xfinity Comcast, so I have a coax cord and that is connected to a modem router. And then it is connected with all of my devices. And you can see it on the picture.

reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. -I learned that there are different routers and different ISP have different cords. On OMG that it can be a lot to have a app, like he had to start all over a couple time, so he can have a better app.

what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? -So I have Xfinity Comcast and the cord is a coax cord and it is connected to my modem router.

My Home Network

1. ​Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.
In my house the following devices use my family's wifi: 3 desktop computers, 4 laptops, 4 smart phones, 1 iPod, 1 Amazon Echo, and 1 Roku stick.

2. Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? If not write about what you learned.
I learned that the internet you use in your home is not as direct as I had thought. It has to travel from a far away land all the way to your modem, and then it is distributed to all the devices connected to that modem. I think that's really interesting.

3. What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?
Just be aware of where your internet comes from and be in control of your home network.

Ortiz home network

1.)  The things that are connected to my network, are three iphones, an ipad, a PS4 and PS3, my laptop, my moms laptop, and a printer. They are all connected wirelessly. 
2.) The things that i learned about home networks were that the wire that connects to the modem impacts the speed.Also that the internet and wifi are two different things. 
3.)That the internet and wifi are two different things because most people think they're the same thing. 

Orlando network 2

My land area network name is verizon fios. I have a modem and a router togther in one box. Which gives my android phone wifi. My moms Iphone is connected to the wifi box which is the fios modem/ router to charge and gives her wifi. also i have an external wire which is connected to my amazon box which is also connected by an extension cord for my laptop. Also my xbox is connected to the extension cord which also has tv because my amazon box. The amazon box is also connected to my tv so i dont how to get fios tv with the wifi and spend more money. Finally my xbox is connected to my laptop so all my data and software goes to the laptop.

My Home Network

How I explained all my local area network or how all the devices on the internet connection is first all the internet materials are in my house. Next, the modem/router is plug in the wire. Then, the modem’s wire is plug in the optical network terminal box where it makes the internet, tv channels, and the movies from the tv works. Last, the modem’s lights will flash green which means it works now so we get the internet username and password from the modem to connect it to our phones like my iphone 5s, two laptops, my mom’s tablet, iphone 6s plus, a tv, my little brother’s laptop, iphone 5, my older sister’s iphone 6s plus, and my grandma’s tv.

What I learned something new is that the white verizon box I’ve seen for 3 years was actually called the optical network terminal and it’s actually the main and important network that makes the internet, tv channels, and the free movies from the tv works.

What I would tell about the other people having the ISP or the home network is that the verizon fios is the fast internet and it’s cheaper than the old internet I used to have.

Andrews Home Network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.
        My L.A.N. is all my devices connected to a fios router, which is connected by a fiber optic cord then goes to the world wide web.

reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned.
       What I learned was that the stuff you receive or send goes through an exploratory amount of distance and ect. to go to my computer or the receivers.

what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?
     I would tell them it takes a lot of money. Also that you have to buy fios because they have fiber optic cables which means it goes the speed of light almost.

My Home Network

This is my home network chart. The internet comes from the Cloud through Fiber Optic wires into my family's router in our dining room. From the router comes my home's WiFi, LYBCJ. That WiFI is connected to all of the devices in my family; my father's tablet and phone, my mother's tablet, my phone, my grandparents' iPad, and our desktop tower. The tower connects to our desktop computer, and two printers, by USB cords. I didn't have an "OMG moment", but I did learn a lot more in-depth about the way the internet works and gets to my devices. I didn't realize how much work it actually takes. If I were advising someone else, I'd tell them to choose a network with fiber optics, because I learned that it moves the fastest of all of the types of wires.

My Home Network

My L.A.N is verizon for all my devices . I learned that finding things about your network can be tricky and hard to understand, but once you take a look at it a few times, it’ll make sense. I had to two OMG moments, one was when I found out how much it coast per month to have verizon services. My second OMG was when I realized how many devices I have in my house.

My Home Network

  • There’re many devices connected to my internet connection , they are all the 4 phones used in my family , then there’re 2 other pads , and they’re 2 laptops connected . There is an extended wire directly connecting the internet down stairs to my brother’s Xbox and also his gaming computer.

  • You use wifi and the internet every day all the time , most people know where it’s coming from, although there’re many people that don’t know where it is coming from . So I encourage you to learn about where all that is coming from.

My Home Network

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

  1. All the devices on my L.A.N are two iphones. two lg’s, one samsung phone , one dell laptop and a tv
  2. Something interesting I learned while looking at my network was that my service provider used copper rather then using light like verizon uses
  3. What I would tell other that they needed to know about their ISP\ Home network is to look at your provider and see if you are really getting all you need and not just a rip off.

tech diagram

explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. All of our devices are connected to a Comcast coax wire.

reflect on what you learn ed about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned. I couldn’t believe that some website can automatically access your information.

what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network? If you want faster internet, you should get a network with fiboroptics.

My Home Network

How does it work?

A few weeks ago I needed to discover how internet gets to my home for an assignment. So, naturally, I started outside, and looked at the different wires that go into my house. The wire that I found brings internet to our house is called a CoAxel wire. It comes into the house from the back, along with a power wire and a few other lines. The CoAxel brings internet into the house through the garage, then goes through the basement and connects to them modem and router. The modem and router are what distribute internet to all of my family’s devices. They’re connected to a TV, Two IPhones, and a few computers.

What did you learn?

I knew that internet comes to my house through a wire, but I didn’t know that there were different kinds of wires. There are two different types; Fiber Optics, and CoAxel. CoAxel, which is what I have, basically brings internet and radio signals through a wire. Fiber optics is much faster, and it’s because it brings internet to the house using light.

What should people know about having an ISP?

Everyone should know how much they’re paying per month, and exactly what they’re paying for. That means people should know how their internet works, so they don’t get ripped off.

My Home Network

This is my home network. Every device I have is connected to my network. The devices that are connected to my network are, my phone, parents phone, Ipad, video game, TV, printer, my laptop, and my dad’s laptop. These are all the devices that are connected to my network. All the devices work by WIFI connection. Our provider is Verizon. We have a combination router. The cord we have is Ethernet cord. Lastly we pay $35 a month.

I didn’t have an OMG moment learning about my network because I already knew from beforehand.

What I would tell other people is that it’s very important to know how your network works. You never might know when there will be a problem in your network.

My Home Network

Explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection.

-My modem router with the ISP being comcast. Connected to HOME-0E0F-2.4 is more of the mobile devices. I have my PS3, my mothers Android phone, My brother and my IPhone 6’s. Connected to HOME-0E0F-5 is the two mackbooks in my home.

Reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if now write about what you learned.

-I was already knowledgeable about ISP’s, Routers and things like that, it was fun to find out more about the WWW and looking deeper into what was going on behind the scenes.

What would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

-I would tell them that they need to know, like what a L.A.N is and the devices connected to your Wifi. Also the cost of your internet because that is important in knowledge.

My Home Network

  • All the devices that uses our internet are computers and phones. then there are our tablets, Apple TV, and gaming consoles.
  • I didn’t really have an OMG moment when researching on this topic, but I guess I learned more on how my internet works (like how it is distributed).
  • I would tell other people that it will be very expensive and should be wise on what they do on the internet.

My Home Network

The devices on my internet connection are: my iPhone and chromebook, my sister’s iPhone and chromebook, an iPhone an Macbook, an iPhone, our Wii, a Sony Blu-Ray player, our HP printer, and a chromecast.

When learning about networks, I did know a lot of what I learned already, such as knowing that the black wire in my kitchen brings internet into my house. But, I also learned something new, that my network is run through Fiber Optics, which uses light to make the network run “faster”. But in reality, it doesn’t run that fast, and my devices still run really slow on wifi. This is most likely because there are so many devices connected.

I would tell other people that when having a Home Network, they need to know how the internet gets into their house, what their ISP (Internet Service Provider) is charging them, in case it is too much, and how many devices are connected wifi, because that might slow the whole network down.

Enjoy my Home Network Chart!

My Home Network

As you can see in my network web, there are 13 devices on my home network. I have 4 laptops, 2 desktops, 3 cell phones, two ipads, an xbox and an apple tv. All of these things in my L.A.N. While I was creating my web I learned that internet doesn’t just appear in my house it goes through a long process to get there. When ever there were wifi shortages in my home I thought it was my isp slipping up but now I know that its difficult to get super fast internet into my house and that there is a good reason if its not as fast as usual. I learned a lot from doing this project and here’s some advice I would give others about their isp or home network. Its really important to know where your internet comes from and how much you are paying per month because a lot of times isp’s rip you off. Its also important to keep track of how fast your internet actually is and how fast your isp said it should be, another way you can get ripped off. The last thing I would tell people is to be patient with your wifi because it takes lots of time and effort to get a network you are happy with.

My Home Network

During this time in Tech, we were ask to explain our home network. I have a Modem/Router that is connected to the World Wide Web(WWW) by a ISP Fiber Optic. I get my wifi from Verizon, which goes to the Modem/Router. Every device is connected to that wifi, except for my printer, which is connected to the Modem/Router by a printer cord. What I learn out of this is that the network is more connected than I thought. Just looking from my own network told me that we really are connected more ways than we can think of. My advice to people, is to do your research when picking a service provider. They can play you real dirty.

My Home Network

My network is Verizon. I have three tablets, one is Windows and the other two are androids. I have two computers, one is PC and the other is Windows. I have one DELL laptop. Lastly, I have five cellular devices, two are LG phones, and the other three are iPhones. I didn’t know anything about networks until I had this class. I learned that everything is connected to a network no matter what device you use. I don’t recall having a OMG moment. I would tell other people to be careful with what you do online because anyone can access your ISP/Home network and find out all the little things you do.