ILP March Reflection

​What went well at my ILP at Project Space is that I am learning to create maps for our project and hopefully we can get a mentor in coding soon. What I am really looking forward to is getting closer to the end project and seeing the virtual reality fully function and if we use the new oculus rift. What stands out is that the Beeber kids are more present in our meetings. What I think is important is teaching the public about space in this format as it is really engaging and can teach kids easily.

March ILP update March Polson

I have done many of same things in March as I did in February.  That is basically working on my cigar box juggling routine in preporation for performance at shows.  More specifically the Philly Folk festival.  I have also done some puppetry work which was a lot of acrobatics as well because it was a thing called pepo and pepe and basicly you are in a suit where your hands are the feet of a guy and your feet are the other feet of the other person and it looks like they are dancing and it is very cool.  I am looking forward to Philly folk fest very much I go every year and it's a lot of fun.  People sing on the main stage but the give and take perform on a smaller stage close to the big stage.  All the performers get free food so if this year I become a performer I will get free food!!


lp is going great. My Ilp is at my old school, Alliance for progress charter school and what I do there is just help the teachers with the kindergarten class during their gym class and I help the teacher grade papers and when its time to go home. Im looking forward to working in that field someday and just for now seeing how things go. Nothing major has happened so far.  


I have now been working at my ILP for almost the whole year, and it has been going really well. Over the past few months, I have been pulling kids out of the classroom, helping them one on one, grading papers, helping with dismissal, practicing my Spanish in the classroom and led a lesson/discussion in class. Going to ICS, my middle and elementary school every week has really helped me realize what I want to do for a career, which is working with kids and to advocate for them and their education. Along with that, I am really enjoying speaking in Spanish a lot more, and it has helped me remember a lot of it, and become as fluent as I was a few years ago. I am looking forward to continue what I have been doing, and to continue working in and out of the classroom, while improving my Spanish. 


I have an ILP at ACE architecture. So far it is going pretty great. At my intership we are working on a park in south philly with architects that work for the city. Also, we are making template designs of the park with the other students.


My ILP this year has been a pleasure to attend, I have learned a lot of new things about music production and how to use new tools for recording and mixing music. I have also learned a lot about interacting with other people in a professional work space, which will help me a lot in the future with interacting with others at work and being able to collaborate. One other thing that I have learned is how to work on my own in a professional environment, and not depend on others as much as I have to at school. I have been happy at my ILP and hope to learn more about music production in the days to come.

My ILP Semester 2

For my ILP i mentor a 3rd grade girl  at Powell elementary school. I enjoy being a mentor because you can see the change in the person you mentor. Over the 6 month period I have been mentoring  this young lady I have seen a very large change in her behavior and how she interacts with me and her peers. 


My ILP at Major League Ultimate is over and it was fun, until the end. Towards the end they did not give me any work to do and I was no longer engaged in what I was doing so I quit. I switched to the Jewish Exponent which is the jewish magazine in Philadelphia. It is fun and so far I have only been introduced to everything but I am sure that I will have a lot of work to do there in the future.

ILP Drexel

I finished taking a college class at Drexel University this part March. It was a course that I had been apart of from January and it went extremely well. I finished the course with a higher than expected grade and even got a recommendation for further studies by the professor. It was not a relatively difficult class and it was definitely one that I would recommend to other Drexel Prospects.  For an ILP that I thought would eat up a lot of time, I was able to mange both SLA and it quite well in my opinion.


My ILP experience has really been great so far. I feel like I'm learning what it's actually like to be a teacher, and how to interact with a class. I feel more responsible because I have to be a role model for the younger children to look up to, and they ask me questions about high school, and what to expect. I feel really useful in preparing them for high school, and also I am re-learning middle school social studies, so that's good.

ILP Reflection

I have enjoyed my time at Dress for Success. Unfortunately, seeing as it is a non-profit organization, it has been announced that Dress for Success will be closing because it could not get funded. I met a lot of really great people and expanded upon my experience in administration. 


What I learned about the Coil Plus Company

Coil Plus is a company that buys steel coils and cuts the steel for each customer’s specifications. Some customers used the sheets of steel to make refrigerators, dishwashers, or other products. I took a tour of the plant and got to know what went on in there, and additionally sat with one person from each department to get to know what their day to day looks like and to see how they contribute to the company.

Tour of Warehouse: In the warehouse I learned how they cut and slit the steel to prepare for the customers. The steel coils that they sell way tons so it is very dangerous out there so the workers have to take great precaution when operating. They wear helmets, thick boots, and goggles at all times.There is a huge machine that unravel a big roll of steel coil and cuts into various sized slices and places them on a skid. The material handler then straps the steel down to get it ready for the forklift to pick it up.

Customer Service: The customer service department deal with the customers, hence the name. They get calls from customers complaining at times and have to hear out the problem and then find a solution for that problem. To be in this department, I feel like you definitely have to be a good listener, and also not have a hot temper because you have to deal with upset people day to day.

Purchasing: I spoke to someone in purchasing and what they do is they go out to the mills and decide a price with the managers for a certain amount of coil and they buy it for the company.

Traffic: The people who work in this department schedule pickups of the steel that is going to go out to the customers. They also receive raw material from the mills/where the coils come from. Lastly, they negotiate prices with the trucking companies for how much it is going to charge to ship the coils.

Accounting: The accounting department pays the bills and collects payment from customers for the company. They also create financial statements, forecasts and budgets.

James Thomas ILP-Photography

   My ILP, so far, has actually helped me a lot in regards to photography. I learned about the F-stop, or aperture, the shutter speed, and the ISO. I have also gained experience by taking pictures with some of their cameras and going with them to pictures at weddings and such. Thanks to them, I know more than I would have about Photography.

Mohammed ILP Update - 3/28/16

I really enjoy the class I am taking. We're only a couple months in and I feel like everyone is family. I am learning new things like conjugating verb and verb tenses. Also, I am looking forward to next class, we are sharing ideas in class. We brainstorm a lot of new ideas and collaborate with each other and strengthen each other. I really enjoy this activity because it gives everyone a chance to say what's on their mind and we all learn from each other. What stands out to me is the sense of family in the class. Everyone is really close. I rely on my peers like we've been friends for years. The teachers are very encouraging and really want you to succeed and help you along the way. Which I think is very important for a child who is striving to learn and grow. 


So ILP has been fun?
I've missed a few days for doctors and stuff, but the time I've been there has been great.
We have this nice lady sit with us during the day. Her name is Rachel, and she's a preschool teacher in college. She's doing a course to get a higher degree in teaching, and we get to help her every week by giving her info and stuff about us! I did an interview for her​, and set her a piece of my writing for an assignment she had to do. 
We've started getting Comic Con ready for May, too! We sent out the advisory memo a few weeks back, and have started planning art booths and panels!! It's been all very exciting!

Jahan’s Poem

Israt Jahan

Soy yo completa

El hijo de padres inmigrantes

Producto de Bangladesh, mi primera casa

Soy de Filadelfia, mi segunda casa

Los dos son mis casas

Yo emigro.  

Yo canto con la pasión

Bailo con el coraje

Hablo  con bondad

Alzo en alto mi vuelo

Yo veo una familia feliz

Yo saboreo la dulzura del pastel de mi madre

Huelo la comida deliciosa

Yo bailo y canto

Toco suave mi gato y perro

Somos productos de Bangladeshi

Somos Bengali

Hablamos Bangla

La lengua de mangos y arroz

No somos americanos. Vivimos en America

Somos bangladeshi

Somos diferentes

Somos Completos

Israt's song #2

E1 U5 mí la vida

Spanish project (1)

Cuatro generación amarecono

Cuatro generación en filadelfia

Filadelfia está en mi sangre

escuela publica nunca supe

Soy completa

Mi casa es yo

Soy completa

el pasatiempo es yo

madre amarilla olor room

de pasta y salsa en los cocina

con el sonido del padre viendo fútbol

Soy completa

Mi casa es yo

Soy completa

el pasatiempo es yo

el deporte es mi vida y último disco volador 

es mala y el fútbol es bueno mi deporte es 

larga y jugar juegos de mí es , 

pero no todo de mí

Soy completa

Mi casa es yo

Soy completa

el pasatiempo es yo

mamá y papá ocupado trabajando y momento con 
ellos son como momentos es  
Como el ave que emigra

Que Soy Hoy - Taylor Green E1U5


Yo soy Taylor Kaylen Green

Soy yo producto de norte y oeste Filadelfia

Mi familia es grande

Con mucho hermanos, primos, tías y tíos

Veo los colores de mis abuela casa

Oigo la voz de mis primas cantan

Toco el pelo de mi perro

Saboreo el pastel de mi hermana

Huelo mis abuela pollo

Escribo poemas con pasión

Pero mi amor las políticas

Leo con conciencia

Conectado a la naturaleza

Necesito mis amigos y familia

Somos productos Americano

Y vivimos en Amèrica

Y hablamos inglés

Pero nuestras raíces están en África

No tenemos mucho

Pero nosotros tenemos
Taylor's song

E1 U5 Dos Latos

Andrew Rodebaugh

Soy yo

Hijo de las Américas,

La madre de mi mamá es de Italia,

Y yo soy orgulloso de esto,

Soy producto de América.

Yo veo mi familia,

Saboreo la comida de Italia,

Pero yo oigo inglés.

Juego juegos de América,

Como la comida de los dos,

Encuentro mi cierto lato,

Yo valgo los dos.

Somos productos de América y Italia,

Dos lados,

Somos de Filadelfia,

Hablamos inglés.

Soy hijo de las Américas y yo hablo inglés,

Pero siento como yo soy más Italia.

¿Yo no sé por qué?

Made with SoundTrap and beat by SoundTrap.

I am aware of the Sound Reduction

Dos Latos (1)

E1 U5 (Mi Perspectiva)

Me llamo Meymey Seng,

Mi familia es de inmigrantes,

Producto de Camboya,

Solo quiero caminar con mi identidad,

Vengo desde muy lejos,

Cansados de estar corriendo.

Veo Americano y Camboyano,

Oigo música e instrumentos.

Saboreo alimentos tradicionales, picantes, dulces, y agrios.

Siento familia y felicidad.

Huelo la naturaleza.

Corro a Angkor Wat,

Mirando a frutas exóticas.

Descansando por el puesto de sol,

Rezando en el templo.

Somos productos de Camboya y China,

Hablamos khmer y teochew e inglés,

La lengua del coraje y del trabajo y la lucha,

Somos Americanos. Somos Camboyanos,

Tenemos comunidad,

Mi familia y yo estamos en la encrucijada,


Somos completos.

mseng's song
The background song is "Angel Beats- Ichiban no Takaramono (piano) by Life Raito". I do not own the song.