The Changes

Eyes closed and sitting. Thoughts about random things started to run in my head. Slowly, I opened my eyes and I squinted at the large mirror, seeing the reflection of the shower curtains and the tiled walls. I blinked a few times to get used to the extra bright light. Then the door opens, my sister comes in to wash her teeth. A message comes out of my mouth to her. It was spoken through a native language in the United States. I didn’t notice it at first when the words spilled out my mouth. But a few minutes later, I started noticing that I was thinking about things and saying things in my head in English as well. I was surprised, but I felt a little bad about myself. A part of who I am and where I come from was starting to become faint. It never came to my mind that I would have this conflict. I feel as if that actually might be one of the main reason why this is happening to me.

For most of my childhood years I’ve lived in India. However, I am Tibetan. My family comes from a country called Tibet. My family and I lived in India surrounded by two unique cultures. My own, the beautiful Tibetan culture and the beautiful Indian culture.

My life in India can’t even be expressed in words now that I think back about it. Surrounded my friends and families all the time, I was always connected to the environment. I had a strong foundation at which I’d learned about my culture. Even though I didn't lived in India, I went to a tibetan school and I wrote, read and spoke Tibetan. There were many Tibetans living in the village where I lived, so I never forgot my language and cultures.

We’ve lived in India for a long time, so we did have certain words which were always said in hindi. Some of the common words that I thought were in Tibetan, were actually in Hindi. An example of it is the word “shoes.” I’ve always thought it was a tibetan word. My parents and all of my friends said it in hindi all time. However, we never really mixed phases of hindi and tibetan together when we were speaking, unless it was on purpose. My whole family spoke fluent hindi but they never mixed the two language. On a regular basis, my family spoke in tibetan when they were at home and when they were talking to a tibetan person. My friends also talked in tibetan, so I was the same as them. I continuously spoke tibetan unless the person I was talking to didn’t understand the language.               

I’ve learned that the day I left India. The day I left half my family, my grandpa, grandma, aunts, cousins, and friends was the day I was a step further from my culture and language. It’s been about six and half years since I’ve came to America. Life here is so different and its crazy how much I’ve changed with it. Its also crazy how much my family has changed with it.

My sister speaks tibetan but she mixes it a lot with english just like me. As for hindi, both of us have difficulty speaking it, but we’re still able to understand. About thirty percent of the time my mom speaks english at home. She can still speak and understand Hindi very well, but she never uses it at home. My dad does not speak much english at home, he mostly always speaks tibetan. On the other hand, my little brother doesn’t speak tibetan at all. Luckily he can still hear and understand it. In addition to not speaking tibetan, he doesn’t speak or understand hindi.

I became distant to my language. I couldn't speak it anywhere because wherever I went, no one spoke tibetan. The only place I could speak it was at home. When I started school in America, I could only speak english if I wanted to communicate with someone. Thankfully, I was taught a little bit of english in India, so I wasn’t entirely clueless. I was able to build my vocabulary daily, I learned idioms, different ways to say things and I learned slang. I watched and listened to other kids speak to each other. It was one of my main ways that my new friends taught me english. Also, I remember my Esol teacher Ms.Kean. She was always cheerful and very supportive to all the students in Esol. She taught me a lot of new words. She taught me how to get through my first school year in America.

School wasn’t the only place where I learned english. My sister, Ngawang, would also teach me things. My little brother, Dzineon, Ngawang, and I would all bring new things from outside. As time passed, we lived with those new little things. They slowly changed us, day by day. Soon, Dzineon couldn’t speak tibetan anymore. When he spoke, he would say it in english and this somehow automatically made me speak back to him in english. So, I started speaking a lot of english at home and so did my sister.

In 2011, after being in America for four years, the tibetan society in Philadelphia decided to start Tibetan Sunday School for kids like my siblings and I. I learned that I had forgotten the most basic tibetan writing and I had forgotten how to read tibetan. So, I went to sunday school every week. Little by little, I started to be able to read and write in Tibetan again. As for hindi, I remember and understand the language by watching bollywood movies.       

“Through lack of practice and not having others who speak it, I’ve lost most of the Pachuco tongue.” This was written in a passage named From Borderlands/La Frontera by Glona Anzaldía. Just like me, others who speaks more than one language and or had spoken more than one language, experiences situations like this. When you don’t speak a language for a long while, you tend to forget how to speak in it or it gets difficult. People don’t take the time to practice the language they know. We’re lazy, we get lazy. But when you have others who speak it around you, you never forget it. You don’t think of it as practice but we think of it as just talking.

Work Cited: Anzaldía, Glona. From Borderlands/La Frontera. “Through lack of practice and not having others who speak it, I’ve lost most of the Pachuco tongue.”  

Spanish Reflection 9

Zack Hersh Quarter 1: Reflection 8 11/4/13

Señorita Manuel

Fin de una era: Blockbuster cerrará sus puertas

Blockbuster, una cadena de tiendas que vende y alquila peliculas, cerrara sus puertas, empezando en dos mil catorce. La compañía que posee la cadena de Blockbuster, DirecTv, finalmente dio. El gerente de DirecTv, Joseph Clayton, anunció en miércoles que ellos van a cerrar Blockbuster, porque mientras a una era fue muy popular, lo no puede competir con piratería de video y compañías muy grandes que estan muy popular como Netflix y Hulu.

   Blockbuster solo no está haciendo suficiente dinero para quedar y competir. Antes de la era digital, Blockbuster fue muy exitoso y popular, pero con la tecnología de hoy, no es posible para quedar. En dos mil once, la compania empresa quebró. Clayton dijo que “No es una decisión fácil, pero la demanda de los consumidores se dirige claramente a la distribución digital del entretenimiento audiovisual". Este es triste. Mientras no visitaba Blockbuster con frecuencia en mi vida, siempre he respetado y gustaria lo.

Pero la verdad es no tiendas de peliculas va a seguir en el negocio mucho mas. No hay demanda alta para tangible videos y peliculas cuando podemos conseguirlos y verlos digitalmente. Este fue inevitable mientras nuestra tecnología progresó tan rápidamente. Blockbuster fue bueno, pero su vez ha pasado.

Palabras: 203

EFE. "Latino News and Opinion." Fin De Una Era: Blockbuster Cerrará Sus Puertas - . Al Dia, 06 Nov. 2013. Web. 08 Nov. 2013. <>.

Spanish Q2 Journal #1

Cómics en Spain


de todos modos - anyway

interés - interest

Por lo que he oído  - from what ive heard

mezclar - mix

poesía - poetry

alabanza - praise

anadir - to add (v)

pulido - polished

demasiado - too much

la semana pasada el escritor Miguelanxo Prado ganó una premmio para su cómic “Ardalén”. No lo lee, pero quisiera leerlo después de estaba mirando ese artículo. Me gusta leyendo cómics, pero no he comprando un libro en casi un año. Cuando fui joven, y estaba en escuela primaria, yo y mis amigos estábamos yendo al tiendo de cómics y compré muchos libros, incluso spider man(araña hombre) , the walking dead (los muertos caminandos), y the spirit (el espíritu). Me gusta todos de esos libros, pero no he leyendo esos en un tiempo largo.  De todos modos, pienso que eso cómic de señor Prado va a ser un cosa buena para mi interés en el mundo de cómics. Despues de leyendo sobre “Arladén”, quizás voy a leerlo. Aparentemente su trabajo he sido sobre mágica y sueños. Por lo que he oído Prado mezcla ficción y emoción en una manera de poesía, recibió alabanza de personas similar que Steven Spielberg y otras personas famosas con muchos premios de cómics. El mejor parte de sus trabajos estan su arte, añade mucho amor a cada ilustración y le usa muchos estilos y utensilios para un producto final mucho interesante y pulido. Quizás sabes que estoy mejorando mi dibujar porque cuando estoy más viejo quiero a trabajar en una empresa como cartoon network o si no allí, alguna donde puedo trabajar con arte o música. Cartoon Network esta mas interesante a yo porque, aprenderé a animar en mi ILP en drexel.  Necesito a practica, y tengo más a aprender.

Tuve un poco problemo cuando estaba escribiendo eso reflexion, estaba trabajando cuando de repente realice que he sido usando google translate demasiado. Me gusta que escribir en espanol pero no se si estoy escribiendo más bien. Si puedes corregir los errores en mi escritura, lo sería más útil. Gracias


Speaking Dilemma

Osman Bangura       10/25/13

Speaking Dilemma

How you de multiple the variables?’’

‘’Hahaha, that’s not how you say it!’’

‘’Na the way how I speak amm.’’

 It was the start of 9th grade and we were having one of our first stream of lessons in math of the school year that involved variables, two-step equations and etc. This was the year I turned 15, but the only difference/new thing here in this year was that I decided to speak in my West African dialect, which is called Krio, for the first half of the entire quarter of the school year. This language is a mixture of a French and African language. I did this to become more fluent in my language in attempts to connect more with the indigenous side of my culture. Although people did not appreciate or like the thought of me speaking in a foreign dialect, I simply did not care.

 I didn’t always sound like this. Originally I always spoke in an english dialect every place I went, even around family members who were full-blood Africans. I was ridiculed by family members and people of my country whom I knew, because of my inability to speak my country’s native dialect fluently. Even when we were asked to share a parcel of our culture in an history project, I didn’t have much to emphasize on about my culture because I knew so little of who I really was. These experience brought me to becoming more critical of myself when it came to language and the way I would communicate with others.

 There were major influences that urged me to begin to speak in Krio; most notably my mother and a devoid feeling of identity brought this urge. I had to eventually find some way to break away from this devoid feeling, so I diverted to speaking my native language to gain a better sense of my culture. One time in the house my mother and I were arguing over me not getting homework done or any of my chores and she decided to speak in Krio so rapidly that I could hardly understand.

 For example, she started off as ‘’Waten yu de do na yah? You de fail because yu fashion fashion this game.’’ I responded in english with a startled expresson, ‘’What do you mean?’’’ She then responded without hesitation and a quick tone, ‘’Na make the reason yu de comot from de school with all these ziro ziro grade!’’ She turned in dismal and marched upstairs while I stared into space, with disbelief. Her accent was heavy and she talked fast, which made it very difficult to comprehend with what she said. However, I found it strange that I had any difficulty with comprehending her dialect whatsoever, because I was born in the same country as her; this was a rude awakening for me.

  This was the event that sparked off my search for an identity as an adolescent. It occurred to me after this event, that how could I possibly be deemed as an African male if I had no capability to even speak in my native language? And I also realized if anyone ever asked me to talk in my African dialect, what would my response be if I had no basic knowledge as to how? I would not only be embarassed but I would be looked at differently socially. It was bad enough as it is not being able to speak in my dialect, but in classes full of ridiculing americans and a few africans I would have any bolster from people of my country in classes at school. They would not accept me if I couldn’t simply communicate with them in my language.

 For example, in American Tongues, people were often criticized for having a different way of speech. If someone speaks in a different foreign dialect they would be laughed at or teased in some form of way. I was going through the same dilemma in my 9th grade classes at my old school, some people saw my language as amusing because of the way I expressed my accent(though I hardly had one, which contributed to the laughter). When I first began generating of the idea of speaking in that dialect for the first half of the entire first quarter, I seen it as ridiculous because I knew it would be socially unacceptable in a predominantly American school. But eventually I cared less and less as time went on, and got into the habit of doing so which produced some stunning results.

 Eventually, I stopped doing this all together in classes as soon as I realized that I was able to now fully comprehend and fluently speak in my native dialect. It was altogether a lot to go through socially because I had a hard time making friends, but people began accepting me for who I was because they respected me for my efforts on wanting to get intimate with my original culture.  Although I dropped this regimen and stopped speaking this way in school, I still continued this habit at home and around family members.  

Overall these experiences helped me to see past the social aspect of it, but the personal aspect as well. With making this plan to speak in my dialect for the first half of the quarter I gradually redeemed myself because I spoke in this dialect always around family members; when we had family occasions or meet ups I wouldn’t face exclusion which boosted my self confidence greatly. This helped me understand my identity and who I really was: Osman Bangura a strong-willed individual from West Africa. Reflecting back, my life is not as confusing as it was nearly a year ago now; therefore, I have no social obstacles because I know who I am and which type of people to associate with. I feel animated about all of this now, and I can even have a laugh now and then about how silly my struggle was to overcome but it was worth all of the effort.

Sources:  (For editing purposes)

Reflection #8

Chris Tran

Srta. Manuel

Los 76ers registro es 3-0:

Este artículo se trata de los 76ers. Los 76ers es un equipo de baloncesto de filadelfia. En esto temporada, los 76ers tenían un registro de 3-0 porque ellos ganaron de juegos contra los equipo fantástico. Por ejemplo Los Heats con Lebron o Los Bulls con D-Rose. Este equipos es el mejor de NBA y los 76ers el equipo peor tuve gente piensan este los 76ers es un equipo fantástico y tenía novatos gusta Michael Carter-Williams. Michael hizo bueno este temporada, promedio un 19.8 puntos y 7.6 asiste. Un promedio perfecto por un novato a NBA. Los 76ers es un equipo bueno en la temporada los 76ers va a impuso mucho juego. Yo pienso el equipo de los 76ers es un equipo fantastico. Michael Carter-Williams y sus equipo van a impulso de división. Obtenía un impuso contra los equipo mejor, yo pienso Los 76ers pueden impuso el división. El vocabulario que yo aprendí en el artículo es encestador. Encestador es un persona quien hizo los puntos mejor.  Yo encontrado la palabra en esta sentencia en el artículo. Carlos Boozer fue el mejor encestador de los Bulls con 22 puntos y 10 rebotes, seguido de Luol Deng, con 20 unidades.” (Fox Deportes)

Word Count: 202

Work Cited:

"Los 76ers Siguen Imparables E Invictos." Fox Deportes. Fox Deportes, 3 Nov. 2013. Web. 8 Nov. 2013. <>.

Artículo respuesta #1

Betty Louis Q2

Senorita Manuel

Apuñalan a una mujer embarazada mientras hacía "FaceTime" con su esposo
Este artículo es sobre un hombre quien apuñalada brutalmente una mujer embarazada en la cara y el vientre mientras ella hablaba en “FaceTime” con su marido. El artículo dice que el hombre apuñalada brutalmente la mujer embarazada porque su marido debía dinero por la reparación de vehículos. El nombre de el criminal es Corey Bernard Moss y el tiene diecinueve años. Ahora él es en el Centro de Detención Penal del Condado de El Paso por intento de asesinato y se le fijó una fianza de 60,000 dólares. Me sentí mal cuando yo leí este artículo. ¿Por que apuñalada brutalmente una mujer con niño? ¿Quién podría hacer algo así? Un persona con no corazón. Fue él que enojado? O fue él que loco?  Afortunadamente, el artículo dijo que la mujer se encuentra en estado crítico en el Centro Médico Universitario y su hijo, aún en el vientre, está en buenas condiciones. Si el bebé murió yo lloraría. Me encanta niños! Yo espero el marido aprendió su lección. Vida no es un juego. La mujer no deberían tener que sufrir para qué su marido hizo. Yo espero el bebé nace con no problemas y la vida de la familia es normal otra vez.

Word count: 203

"Apuñalan a Una Mujer Embarazada Mientras Hacía "FaceTime" Con Su Esposo." CNN En Espaol Ultimas Noticias De Estados Unidos Latinoamrica Y El Mundo Opinin Y Videos RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2013. <>.

The Innocent Man Review

Some books you read can be good or not good and sometimes you would judge it by its cover saying “its going to be bad” or “not even going to read it”. That was my first impression of “The Innocent Man” but I began to read it and I changed my mind on my opinion about the book. I like about the story about how injustice in a small town in Oklahoma was changed by one murder and how one person statement can change a case.

The book tells the story of Ron Williams and how this affected him and how bad injustice can get. The story starts with a very brutal and disgusting murder of a girl that had made a small peaceful town where people everywhere knew each other was turn into fear, anger and rage, as the town was wondering about who could have done the murder and what the outcomes could happen to the townspeople if the killer is not caught.

This book is mostly about how the investigation went down, how the police made few mistakes and what they did wrong.  Ron Williams, a former minor league baseball player from the Oakland Athletics and famous in the town is one of the suspects in the investigation. He had been seen at the bar where the woman was at hours before she was found dead and he also had a drinking problem. So that made him very interesting to the police because of that.

He was tried for murder but had trouble being tried.  He and his friend were found guilty of murder and both were given their death penalty. Ron Williams story is a different one than you think he was a star in his town before the murder he was a baseball star and got drafted by the Oakland Athletes and firsted started in Class-A and also played in Major League Baseball but never made his dream of being an all-star player or winning a world series. This book is show more on how the american justice system can make mistakes and how it affects people. also when reading the book I felt what America could have done with this murder case and how it changes one persons life and the people around them.

The case was done by the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) to solve the case they were pressured to solve the case so they even used very little evidence to back up the case that never was part of Ron being guilty. there was very little to go on so they went on any lead they got to the case and they got very little from the leads only that it talked about Ron Williams and his friend. The case was filled with corruption and injustice and was tried unfairly and found an innocent man of murder.

The book had a few tricks in the pages its was a little hard to understand what was going on sometimes and sometimes it was not described well but still it showed how good the book is with photos of the trail and a lot of things. I thought that putting photos into a book helps to support describe about what the writer is trying to say. Also it is very describing about what's going on and about the scene, feel and smell. If you're a person who like very describing writing and visual photos in books then this is the book for you.

I read the book and I liked how they took this story about Ron and showed what happened and the injustice that happened. This book really shows how justice can be taken too far with no fair trial not enough evidence to back up the case or a witness to see the crime take place or DNA samples or blood samples. Even though the evidence was very week they were able to covent him of murder in the first degreg and sentenced to death and the thought what the OSBI could have done wrong did they convicted an innocent man. The book has very done a good job at getting the readers attention and keeps them interested in the book and keeping balance for both.

Overall I think the book the book is very good but some places in there are confusing but I would recommend this to people who like stories that target american justice system and what the effects can do of injustice to a person.

Reflection #7: “Orlando Bloom y Miranda Kerr se separan”

Audrey Pham


Melanie Manuel

Word Count: 201

Orlando Bloom y Miranda Kerr se separan”

Miranda Kerr es superestrella famosa modela desde australia. Kerr trabaja para Victoria’s Secret compañía y otro modela los compañías, las revistas y sesión de fotos para diseñador de la moda. Ella tuvo poco los novios en el pasado excepto con Orlando Bloom. Orlando Bloom es muy muy  superestrello famoso actor en Hollywood. Él es en mundo famoso el cines. Bloom es popular para su famoso actúa habilidad. Guapo Orlando Bloom y Miranda Kerr tuvieron parearon para tres años y se casaron para tres años tambien. La paraje tuvieron un bebé, Flynn. Flynn estuvo nacido dos años hace. Tristemente, la paraje anunciaron ellos están se divorcian después tres años de matrimonio. Elegí este artículo porque me gusta Miranda Kerr. Yo pienso ella es muy guapa. Y no puedo creer Miranda Kerr y Orlando Bloom es se divorciaron.. Yo pensé ellos estaban feliz juntos. Mi opinión es yo jamás quero obtener se divorcian porque mis hijos estar triste. Yo quiero casar alguien yo no lamento porque vida es vivo y amar es raro. Divorciarse es terrible y triste. Yo no quiero la basura mucho dinero para una boda y separa con ello. Aprendo voy a casar un chico me encanta con no lamentas.

"Orlando Bloom Y Miranda Kerr Se Separan." CNN En Espaol Ultimas Noticias De Estados Unidos Latinoamrica Y El Mundo Opinin Y Videos RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Nov. 2013.

Reflection #8

Un estudio demuestra que la depresión puede causar disablility. La depresión es una enfermedad mental que causa tristeza en las personas. La depresión afecta a todo tipo de personas, pero la mayoría de las personas durante sus años de trabajo. Los estudios muestran que más mujeres tienen depresión, y los hombres tienen menos depresión. La depresión hace que la gente esté cansado, no dormir lo suficiente, tener dolores de cabeza y otros malestares o dolores. Los signos de la depresión también son más dramáticos en las mujeres debido al hecho de que las mujeres tienden a ser más emocional.

Reflection #7

El Mona Lisa por Leonardo de Vinci es una famosa pintura. Un hospital en Italia muestra la pintura sin pelo. Ellos están mostrando su sin cabello para aumentar la conciencia del cáncer. Las personas con cáncer que normalmente pierden su cabello. El hospital se siga usando esta imagen hasta el año 2014. Es popular en las redes sociales, en los carteles, y otros lugares en línea. Esta imagen es de toda Italia. También están utilizando otras pinturas famosas. Ellos son la eliminación de todo el vello de otras piezas de arte italiano. Dado que Italia es famosa por su arte, esta campaña es especially poderosa en la sensibilización para el tratamiento del cáncer y la investigación todas throughout Italia.  

Code-Switching in Society

In today’s society people and their social groups are widely identified by language. There are many parts to a type of language, and some are easier to identify than others. There are different pronunciations throughout the world, and even just throughout certain countries. There is a also a difference in the actual language spoken throughout certain social groups across the world, these specific words or phrases can only typically be identified by the group or multiple groups that created the term along with many of the local groups that interact with them. These terms are called slang and are an integral part of the different dialects throughout the world. Today there is a term called code-switching. Code-switching is when a person changes how they speak based on who they are around. Code-switching is becoming more and more common and has an influence on communities everywhere. People use it to feel more comfortable throughout different societies in their lives, and they use it to stay connected to all of these parties at once.

Today code-switching has become very popular. It is an integral part of society, because it pertains to so many different people in society. To understand code-switching, it is important to understand language and the role that it plays in society today. Language is something that connects people to their groups of friends, and their communities. There are many parts of language, and these parts can be used to identify a person, who they are, and where they are from. The pronunciation of speech is an important part, and also is possibly the most distinguishing part of language. Different pronunciations can be found because of your location (Philadelphia; Boston; Texas; etc.), or your background (Black; White; Jewish; etc.). Another factor in understanding speech, is dialect. This can also differ based on location or background. A component of dialect is slang. Slang is when different communities and social groups create or change the meaning of certain words. These words can seem well known to the group of origin, but to someone across the country or even across the state, can make no sense at all. In the documentary “American Tongues”, language is analyzed to better determine what types of language are spoken where, and what kind of Slang exists in these places. Throughout the documentary it becomes evident that some people truly have no idea of the definitions of certain words created by certain groups. Code-switching is when someone changes their language based on who they are with, typically to fit in better with that group.

There are many reasons why people code-switch. People switch their pronunciations of words and their dialects around to better fit in with a certain group. An example of this would be if someone is at work and needs to talk professionally around their co-workers, but later after work when they meet up with their friends, they change their speech. In this situation the person may change their grammar so that it less professional. Another reason a person might code-switch is not for themselves or their personal security at all. There are times when people code-switch to make the people that they are with feel more comfortable about being around them. For example a person would typically change their language when around children so as not to scare them, and also so as not to teach them bad or vulgar language.

Since code-switching is becoming more and more of a popular thing to do in today’s society, it is being incorporated into many parts of our society. This is because code-switching is becoming more and more practical. While many people in society today agree that it is a beneficial idea, many disagree. Jacomine Nortier of Multilingual Living writes, “People who switch back and forth from one language to the other are considered careless, thoughtless, clumsy, not interested or disrespectful towards their languages”. (http://www.multilingualliving. com/2011/05/19/codeswitching-much-more-than-careless-mixing-multilingual-bilingual-know-rules/). While this may be true in certain circumstances, it is important to understand that people do not necessarily switch languages because they are being careless. They may have a very good reason to switch their language around. This is because people respond better to what is familiar. One man who understands this is current president of the United States, Barack Obama. Back in January of 2009, president elect Barack Obama went to get lunch at Ben’s Chili Bowl. Ben’s Chili Bowl, is a famous restaurant in a historically black neighborhood. After paying for his food, the cashier asked the President if he would like his change, to which he replied “Nah, we straight”. Even a man famous for his politically correct speech and grammar, the same man who was trusted enough to be given power over our entire country, understands the importance of code-switching and making people feel comfortable around you.

I code-switch, on a daily basis. I can even remember when it began. After my first summer at overnight camp, when my language began its transformation from a younger language to a more teenage language, I had started using more words that I had not used in the past. Some of these words were more vulgar than accepted today in public on a regular basis. So, my first experience with code-switching was hiding my newfound language from my parents and teachers. Now I have many different ways of speaking. I speak different ways with my parents; teachers; boss; school friends; school acquaintances; outside of school friends; boy friends; girl friends; strangers; and many more. My language, as with most kids my age, changes at least a little bit with almost everyone I talk to. The comfort level with that person changes. It does not matter whether I am the one that is uncomfortable or they are, but language is something that is meant to be manipulated for the best communication possible.

Furthermore, I believe that code-switching is a fundamental and even vital component of the human language. There are both social and professional benefits to changing the way in which you speak based on who you are speaking with. This is why code-switching is becoming more common throughout the world. It is important for people to feel comfortable throughout all of the different groups in their lives, and code-switching is they a way to stay connected to all of these groups at once.

Works Cited

Alvarez, Louis, and Andrew Kolker. "POV - PBS American Tongues." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

Dem, Gene. "How Code-Switching Explains The World." NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

Nortier, Jacomine. "Code-switching Is Much More than Careless Mixing: Multilinguals Know the Rules!" Multilingual Living RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

Thompson, Matt. "Five Reasons Why People Code-Switch." NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

Greta Haskell Short Story

“I don't want to move! This is so stupid I don't care what you say, I’m staying here with my friends. I'm almost eighteen I can take care of myself!” I don't like yelling at my parents, but this is an exception. They want me to move to Denmark. Sure, Denmark is pretty and I guess it would be fun for like, tourists but I don't want to move there! Permanently. I don't speak Danish. Or German. Or anything close. I'm a seventeen year old white girl. I speak english and spoiled brat on occasion. Now is one of those times.

I don't want to sound spoiled but I just can't go there. I have plans for college, I have friends, I have a boyfriend, I just got my drivers license and a car. There's just too much here for me to leave. I can't just pack up my life and bring everything with me.

The worst thing about moving is that my parents speak Dutch but never bothered to teach me when I was little because they thought “It would never be useful”. Well guess what? They were wrong. Now i'm going to be the only one in this stupid country who can't speak their language and everyone is going to laugh at me.

After a long, worthless fight with mom and dad, I didn’t get my way. I was moving to Denmark and they didn't care what I said. They tried to compromise with me as much as they could but nothing can make me feel better. “We’ll move your car by boat! We’ll homeschool you!” But I don't want any of that. I want to be a normal teenager, in America.

After a month of saying goodbye to my friends and a couple of failed Dutch lessons, it's time to get on the plane for Denmark. After a ten hour flight we finally arrived. The minute we stepped out of the plane I felt out of place. The airport employees were greeting me in their weird language that I didn’t understand. Even my parents started babbling in Dutch. I felt like the smallest person in the world.

It was like a totally different world. There was different fashion, different smells, and obviously, the different language. “Mom, I’m really hungry.” I tried to tell my mom but she wasn't listening, she was too busy soaking up all the amazing sights. “Mom!” I yelled louder.

“Oh, sorry sweetie. I didn't hear you the first time. What did you need?” she said. I could tell she was not too enthusiastic though.

‘“I’m hungry.” I was annoyed but I just wanted to get some food in my stomach.

“Oh lets go to that hot dog cart over there!” my mom always talked about how good the hotdogs in Denmark are so good. I guess it can’t be any worse than an american one. Mom and dad had to order for me because I obviously couldn’t read the menu. I felt like a three year old. I was so oblivious to what was going on around me. I couldn’t understand anyone, speak to anyone or get any of my points across. I really felt like an idiot.

In america I could have ordered whatever I wanted. I would have no trouble at all. I didn't even like what mom and dad got me. It was gross so I just gave it to dad. We got into a taxi to take us to our new house. I didn't even know what it looked like yet.

We pulled up in front of a little row house. It was cute I guess but I want to go back home. I just can't imagine myself living here. As soon as college comes, I'm going home. The rest of the night consisted of me unpacking and not talking to my parents. Who, by the way, still sounded like weirdos speaking in Dutch. I was so used to being home and seeing tourists and not understanding what they're saying. Now I was the one out of place.

I stayed at the house, it's not home, for a couple of days but on Monday I was enrolled in the closest Danish high school. I am definitely not excited. Danish school is different than american school, we get there earlier and leave earlier. I still had a little bit of jet lag so waking up at 5:30 was not an easy task. I always wake up an hour earlier than i have to leave so that I can get ready. The school was really close so I just walked a couple of blocks and I was there just on time. I went to the office and they didn't speak very good english so they just wrote down the room number i had to go to on a piece of paper.

When I got to the room everything was strange. I felt like the ugly duckling in the room. I found a seat in the back corner and sat there alone. When I looked around no one was talking they were just reading their books. they all looked like weirdos to me. None of them were wearing makeup or cute outfits. Like, does appearance mean anything to them here? I had all my makeup and stuff on, I looked so out of place.

The teacher finally came in and acknowledged me so I guess he knew I was here. He pointed at me and everyone looked while he started speaking in Danish. Introducing me I guess. But here comes the worst part. When he introduced me he said my name like “Kahreen”. “It’s Karen.” I didn't have the patience for this. But I don't think he understood me because he still said “Kahreen”. Whatever I can't speak Danish so I’ll just fail all of my classes and become an american loser who lives in Denmark with her parents for the rest of her life.

After a couple of days of hell at my new Danish school I couldn't do it anymore. I felt so alone I couldn't communicate with anyone, my parents spoke in Danish, the people in school spoke in Danish and my friends from home were in a different timezone than me. I had no friends and no one to talk to. Home wasn't even comforting since my parents didn't even seem american anymore. I felt like an exchange student instead of their daughter. I gave up trying to be a rebel and started to take lessons on speaking Danish.

After a couple lessons with my tutor, Koenraad, I was getting a little better. He was pretty nice and kind of cute so I guess the lessons aren't that bad. I guess once I get better I’ll feel more at home in Denmark. I guess spoiled brat wasn't working out for me, so I have to replace it with something else.

Short Story from TJay

It had always been that way for as long as I could remember. Until that day the U Haul truck was outside of our house which it had then set in my head that this was actually happening. I let my backpack hang from one shoulder in disbelief. My dad came to the door carrying moms’ dresser along with four other movers. “Ray! Ray! … Ray!” I had started day dreaming until I heard my friend calling me from his next door window. “Hey David”  I said looking down as I sighed. “What’s going on ; I didn’t know you were moving” he said. I thought to myself while he was talking about how different this move to Filthadelphia might be. I had been there once for a Flyers game when we went to the East Coast two years ago. It was over run with drunk people with strange accents and there were tons of Italians more than I had ever seen. “Ray! Ray! … Ray!” David said. “Hey man are you alright” he said , no my life is over I thought I just nodded and said I was okay.

Ten days later we took the long flight to our new home. Our stuff was sent to Philly ahead of us so it’d be there when we arrived. The whole flight I just sat there as my parents sat there watching movies under a blanket on their laptops. I took like four naps on that flight, the stewardess came by three times and offered some  us some pretzels and peanuts I just said no until she came back with cranberry juice I drank that. I dozed off again; when I woke up we were making our final descent into Killadelphia. I pulled the blanket over my eyes when we landed I wasn’t ready to be there yet. I left behind all my friends and even this girl I liked she said we could never be together because I wore sweater vests. *fasten seat belt sign goes off* we were officially in our new home.

We caught a cab to West Philly, the most I ever heard about this part of Philly was from Will Smith on re-runs of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The cab driver was telling my dad about everything there was to see on our way to our new home. We pulled up and I went into the vacant house our things were in thepod out front they had just been delivered. They were row homes, they looked like George Washington’s house very old. I walked in I heard voices out back so I went on the deck. There were two thuggish looking kids out there one was on the balcony and one was in the driveway below. Their accents were weird.

“Yo Tyrel!, wassup cous?” Yo bro I screamed back from my balcony as I spit on to the concrete down below. “We on the block today?” Rick screamed back while still walking. “ Yeah dawg we out here.”  

The two guys names were Tyrell and Rick they didn’t see me peeking out the sliding door. The one kid spit on to the driveway below and he was blasting some rap music out of his back pocket, his pants were sagging they looked like real scum to me nothing like my friends back home.

 “Yo Tyrell who’s that moving in next door?”  “Probably some old head who’s probably gonna try to take over the block again.” I’m bout to slide over there to my steps to see what’s popping said Tyrell”  Tyrell and Rick sat on Tyrell's front steps watching as Ray and Ray’s parents carried in leftover boxes.

Tyrell and Rick looked over at Ray and laughed at him as they said “sweater vest”

Ray just glanced up and carried the box in the house.

Later that evening he went back out front to watch everything that was going on in his new neighborhood.

I swear I hate it here and all the people imagine when school starts.

The two “new neighbors “ emerge from the next door house and pull their marijuana and lit it. They offered Ray some but he kindly said no.


They laughed and whispered to each other.

“Oh you looked like you don’t want no smoke” said Tyrell - in urban Philadelphia this would mean Ray doesn’t want any conflict.

“I have no idea what that means bro but I’m new here so could you just umm how do I say this so you could understand.. just you know , chill?” said Ray.

*laughter from the tandem breaks the silence of the quite street*

“Where are you from dawg?” said Rick to Ray.

“West Side” said Ray

“West Side of what cous?!” said Tyrell in an annoyed tone

“Of Long Beach” said Ray

“Yeah well be more specific next time youngboul” said Rick

“What on earth is a youngboul?” said Ray

How do I say this so you can understand, umm a scrub” said Tyrell

Tyrell and Rick both laughed simultaneously again and said Squad.

In Philadelphia squad is something said in urban communities normally at the end of sentences by two or more people who are friends most commonly used after a punch line in a joke between them.

Ray removes himself and goes into the house where his mom is sitting on the couch he storms up the steps she asks how he likes his new friends. He replies back saying that they are not his friends.

The next morning through the wall Ray hears more of that loud rap music he bangs on the wall and the music doesn’t stop.

The music even sounds like a foreign language to me. All I hear is obscenities I miss Long Beach where it was nice outside I didn’t hear sirens all night. I went to turn on the news and all I saw was murder it was so different even the news people had accents. In the next few weeks I had my first cheesesteak and water-ice. Pronounced wooder-ice here. I even became cooler as they say with Rick and Tyrell. I even gave their music a shot. They didn’t like my pop music too much but theyheld me down. Which in Philly meant they watched after me to make sure I was okay.

I will say that I prejudged this whole city as a whole and especially their accents which I still despise. Philadelphia has been good to me thus far. I’m chilling.

What a Philly Accent Means To Me

Jamie Turner

Philly Accents

     A Philly accent is an accent you earn.  

I grew up in Philadelphia and have always been told how distinctive our accents are.  The rest of the world says “water” while we say “wooter”. We also say our “Os” from the back of our throat.  We have many other different accents on different letters and words but that is not the point.  My point is that in order to really have an accent you must earn it.

For some odd reason I have heard people I know don’t have a Philly accent try to fake one and it has really been annoying me lately.  

Recently I was at a family event with my mom’s side of the family.  One of my cousins started talking in a Philly/ Italian accent literally in the middle of a sentence.  Since I am close with my family I knew that my cousin had not just magically developed an accent.  But this story does go along side with my argument that People take pride in a Philadelphian accent.   My cousin obviously wanted to have a Philadelphian accent so people would notice that he has strong roots in Philadelphia.  I think it is quite strange that my cousin tried to do this but it is understandable.

You can’t just wake up one day and say “You know what, I want to have a philly accent this morning and maybe a New York accent a little later.  You either are born with a specific accent or you develop one from being in that area or around people with that accent for a long time.  In order to even say you have an accent you have to just say words how you would say and pronounce words however you feel comfortable saying them.

To earn an accent is to learn what is like to be from or represent your city, neighborhood, or country.  I think anyone who has developed any type of accent should be proud of it.  I think Philadelphia accents represent people who are hard workers.  People with a Philly accent come from city filled with places and things that helped make this country what it is today.  In my opinion I believe a lot of people imagine that growing up in the city is cooler or maybe people think you are a strong person because I know many suburban people think that Philadelphia is a horrible place where you can’t even get out of your car to get into your house.  Yes there are certain place in the city of Brotherly Love that some may feel uncomfortable walking around in the public and things of that nature, but there are neighborhoods like that all over the country.  Anyway having a noticeable characteristic that clearly shows that you have been living in the city makes mislead people from rural or suburban areas think you are tougher or maybe more mature in a sense because of growing up in the city.

Though I feel comfortable in my city some people may not and that could because of a Philadelphia accent.  Someone who is not familiar with the area could hear someone with a Philadelphian dialect speak and think “What a trashy accent.”  A lot of people nowadays have the tendency to judge others as soon as they see that person.  People hear or see something that they aren’t used to seeing or have never heard wherever they are from and automatically decide that they would not  want to associate themselves with those things.  I think that is really a shame because most if not all people I know who live in the city of Philadelphia love it.  There is a vast majority of different cultures, people, places to see. and many more likeable details.  I feel as though everybody or everything deserves a chance before it is shut down.  So to any people who have never been to Philadelphia or any other urban area for that matter, you should really give the people and the community a chance.

Now while I have been doing this project I have been wondering “Where and how was our accent developed?’  There is no way to tell how or when an accent was developed.  But I can tell you that from farther research Philadelphians have a similar accent to New York and places like Reading, Pa. Baltimore, Md. and Wilmington, De.  These dialects are referred to as “The Mid- Atlantic Dialect”.  It would only make sense that these places are very close to each other compared to other places in the country or even the world.  My theory is that European immigrants brought their home dialects to America and they got all mixed- matched together.  All of the place I listed are also on the East Coast.  Another thing to note about the East Coast is where the majority of our Country’s pioneers came from.  I think that also explains why there is no particular West Coast dialect or accent.  These accents were thrown into a melting pot and made into their own individual accent.  That is what makes them what they are today.  

So these are some things that I think make up our city’s accent.  These are just

my views on all of these topics unless something is proven or a fact.  I love my city

and I love the people in my city.  One thing I love so much about Philadelphia is that

we have one of the strongest accents in the country.  In my opinion your city hasn’t

truly established itself until it has it’s own accent.  That is why most if not all suburban

areas have no accent.  I strongly believe that our community plays a big role on how

our accent and our community are looked at by others.  You must take pride in who

you are and how you have gotten to be this person through outer influences around

you.  So this sums up why I think you should represent your city with pride and


"The Philly Accent." YouTube. YouTube, 23 Jan. 2011. Web. 01 Nov. 2013.

Loviglio, Joann. "The Big Story." The Big Story. N.p., 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013.

Q1 Benchmark : Code Switching

The role of the individual in systems is to understand their surrounding how to act accordingly.

The definition of code switching according to is “ the alternate use of two or more languages or varieties of language, especially within the same discourse“ Code switching is when you change the way you talk based on the atmosphere of people around you. Code switching can be done by anyone without you even knowing. When you introduce yourself to someone the first thing you look at is how they address themselves or how they present themselves to you. For some people code switching is a social thing. Meaning they feel obligated to do so without being judged  based or misunderstood.

Saturday mornings I take a STEM - Program called Urban Youth Naval Engine Program. This is a 22 week program for students from grade 9 -12, encouraging students to pursue a career in the science, technology, engineering and or mathematics field. Within my 22 weeks of attending this program, I met a person by the name of Mr. Chuck. He looked liked a normal man, about 5’7½’’, mid 50’s. He was a laid back, cool guy. When he introduced his self he said “ Hey what’s up my name is Chuck Williams! “ No big fancy title just plain old Mr.Chuck. As he began to talk he told the class about his childhood. He would talk he would use the words “ yo” and “yea”, informal language.

Informal language can be described as abbreviated language,  such as “slang”. Your informal language is spoken around the people you know and are comfortable with. At  times when you code switch you  catch yourself doing it without even knowing it because you are a custom too it. For example when you talk to your friends you greet each other with a “hey”, “wassup” or even “yo”. When you ask for something you “say pass me the...“ or “get me this and that.” Its like you’re asking for something but you’re not really asking, you’re telling.

The definition of language according to is “ a body of words and the systems for their use common to people who are of the same community or nation, the same geographical area, or the same cultural tradition.” Language is a form of communication. No matter where you are around the world, there will always be a language you have to adapt to. When you are born one of the first things you are taught is a language. Whether it is formal language or informal language.

Formal language is proper english.  You tend to speak formal language when you are talking to someone of high power, like a teacher or principal.  When you are in school you tend to be accustom to using formal language. Your formal language is a form of politeness. Words such as “please” and “thank you” would be an example.

While listening to Mr. Chuck, he then formally introduced himself as Dr. Charles “Chuck” Williams. Ph.D. I was highly surprised because of how he presented his self. This man dressed with jean shorts, a hoodie, and a fitted hat cocked to the side would be a doctor. He told his how he struggled being in a single parent home.

Is code switching good or bad ?

When you are in a professional setting, you code switch. When you apply for a job you have to go to a interview so they can evaluate you in person. When you introduce yourself as any individual, you say “Hello my name is..”, you wouldn’t say “Wassup my name is ..”. Your goal is to set a good impression on the person who is interviewing you so you show that you are qualified for the job. By a person code switching there are able to change their way of language to have effect one person. Code switching is not a bad thing, because you’re goal is to leave abbreviate impression about your self.

The average teenager I would say code switches like I do. Text message “language” is almost code switching. You abbreviate formal words to make them short and easy to understand.  The way we speak to our friends will never be the way we speak to our parents. If we did it, it would be to a certain point but never go overboard with the way we lead into a conversation.

What is the relationship between language and power?

The relationship between language and power is strong. You could know every language in the word and have to power. You could have all the power and only know one language. The objective is to have your voice be heard and understood through many of languages. It is ideal to learn more than one language in life. Throughout Pennsylvania every high schooler in the Philadelphia School District has to take a mandatory two years of spanish. I think this is encouraged because as you grow older and mature you begin to meet new people from all over. The key lesson that is being too here is communication. As long as you can communicate with someone in some shape or form that is the power to your language between one another.  

What might the language you use say about yourself ?

The language I use would say about me is that I code switch when needed. A conversation between a friend and I would be informal because we are kids we see each other as a equal level of authority. We value each other the same because we are equal. However  if I were to be texting my mom it would be in a different mind state because she is of higher authority than I am. I believe I code switch because in general the way you talk is how people will identify you. If you ever go into a line up room when you under arrest, you are identified by appearance and voice.

In conclusion to this personal essay I would agree that every person sometime in there life has code switched before. You will never know you do so unless someone is telling you that you did it or you have someone record you.

Work Cited

Quarter 1 Benchmark- Adowa Mohamed

Arabic or “Arabic”

My friends and I came into our fourth grade class and we couldn’t help but notice a new kid. I asked my friend if she knew who the new kid was but she was just as clueless as I was.

“I dare you to go up to her and say hi,” said one of my friends while laughing.

So I walk up to the girl,  said hi and introduced myself, but she sat at her desk with a blank look and finally responded in Arabic saying, “Ante ba tihikee arabi?” (Do you speak Arabic?)  

At that moment I responded saying, “Ayi, salam.” (Yeah, Hi.)

She asked me what my name was and where I was from, then told me her name was Abeer and she moved here from Iraq. I then went back to my friend, after this little exchange.

“So what did she say?” she asked all excitedly.

I translated the conversation to my friend that was exchanged between me and Abeer. I felt so eager and proud of myself for being able to talk to someone who only spoke Arabic, then being able to translate to my friend.

Eventually, my 4th grade teacher ended up sitting me next to Abeer to help her with her English but I started to notice that her Arabic wasn’t the same as mine. I mean I understood her but the way she worded her sentences and the words she used were different. It felt as though I wasn’t making sense to her. Sometimes I would find myself asking her to repeat things over and over, trying my best to grasp the familiar words I understood. Then one day we got into an argument and she told me that she doesn’t even understand me half the time and that I spoke some other type of Arabic. This was not the first time I came to the realization that not all Arabic I knew, was the same as everybody else’s Arabic.

I felt really bad and it had me thinking in frustration, it took me some time to realize that the type of Arabic she was speaking wasn’t the type of Arabic as I was familiar to. The way she combined words when she spoke and how the words were pronounced with a strong thick accent. After a couple of weeks I went home and asked my mom what kind of arabic we spoke. She told me that all Arabic was the same, but I still didn’t get it. Was the type of Arabic i’ve been speaking all my life fake? My dad came home from work and I paid close attention to how he spoke Arabic. It was no different than how I was speaking to Abeer. I remember asking him why my Arabic sounded so weird. He would tell me that it was no different from his but the dialect. Every Arab country has a different dialect. Yemeni people talk different than people from Iraq or Sudan would.

I remember going to Arabic school since I was three years old. I’ve been to eight different Arabic schools over my lifetime. One day I came to school and I had a bit of a cold and one of my teachers noticed and asked,

“Ya bintee ante ayana?” (Sweetheart are you sick?)

I was a bit startled by what she asked because I thought the teacher said, “iryan,” which means naked because I’ve never heard of the word “ayan” so I quickly responded saying

“La.” (No.)

Then shaking my head in disbelief and shock.

At the end of the day my teacher was talking to my mom telling her how I was doing in class, then mentioned that I might have a little cold. When we got in the car to go home I told my mom, “Hakee moo alima sal atnee lo ana iryana.” (My teacher asked me if I was naked.) I was a bit confused so she explained that my teacher thought I was coming down with a little cold  and that she didn’t ask if I was “iryna” but if I was “ayana” which meant sick in the Sudanese Arabic dialect. Ever since, I started to notice the different types of words that people around me would use compared to the ones I used. Little things like pronunciation and words that have different meanings in different cultures.

As the oldest child my mom relied on me a lot when it came to translating because my dad would be at work for most of the day. Everywhere she went, I went. I would be that little girl who would stand by my mom translating and explaining every word that was said to her. I was her mini personal translator. I remember once when I was around the age of ten, I went to the hospital and had badly injured my arm after being pushed in a soccer game. My mom’s english was slowly improving over time but her accent was a bit of a problem because it was pretty thick and broken. Then when it came time to give your information and answer questions, it took awhile for the nurses to gather the information needed, but they later on found a translator. Me. It’s these little scenarios that got me thinking about how much language was important in society. Without it, going about daily tasks in our everyday lives would become a bit more challenging.

There are different scenarios and situations where dialects are found and can cause some confusions like in “All American Tongues,” the people in the movie all spoke english but each and every person had some sort of different dialect and pronunciation. Some of the accents were so deep that it was a bit of a struggle to understand what the person was saying. Our brains play a role in this by catching different speech patterns we're familiar to at a young age. For me that meant learning different dialects over time because as a child I was accustomed to one type of Arabic. Slowly over time I began to recognize them more and more.  In the Arabic language there are many many different types of dialects, just like the English language, and every other language out there. Today I can fluently speak and understand almost every type of dialect the arabic language has to offer.