Asking/telling time.

Have you ever wanted to know what time it was saying it in Spanish? I have wanted to know. Asking the time and telling the time is an easy way of saying it in Spanish. It isn’t really hard at all. In this lesson I will teach you how to ask and tell time in Spanish so that you will know how to answer, or ask the question, what time it is in Spanish.

You could ask what time it is in three ways.

What time is it?

1.  ¿You say Queue Hoar es?                                You pronounce it like this:     K   Or`a     es

2. ¿You say Que Hora son?                             You pronounce it like this:     K    Ora      son

3. ¿You say Que Hora tiene?                          You pronounce it like this:      K Ora   ty   iene

When you want to say o clock you must say

1. Es la una                                                   You pronounce it like this:           S   La una

When you say a full sentence with a number you must have in the front:

Son las:        For example       Son Las dos (2)          2:00

                                                      Son las tres (3)           3:00

                                                      Son las cuatro (4)      4:00

When you say 15 in time, you must say

1.  Y cuatro      For example        Dos y cuatro         2:15

                                                           Tres y cuatro        3:15

                                                           Diez y cuatro        10:15

When you say 30 in time you must say

1.   Y media      For example       Dos y media           2:30

                                                           Tres y media        3:30

                                                           Diez y media         10:30

When you say 45 in time you must say

1. Meno’s cuatro      For example       Ocho meno’s cuatro        8:45

                                                                     Cinco meno’s cuatro       5:45

                                                                     Nueve meno’s cuatro      9:45

Reminder:  Number’s of minutes before an hour is always said meno’s in Spanish.


Jake wanted to know what time it was so that he wouldn’t miss his train so he went to a Spanish-speaking woman to ask the time. Jake asked the women

Jake:        Disculpe (Excuse me)

Women:      Si (Yes)

Jake:        ¿Que Hora es?   (What is the time)?

Women:    Son las ocho y cuatro  (It’s 8:15)

Jake:        Bueno Vale, Muchas Gracias.  (Ok, Thanks’ a lot)

Women:   De nada, Que le vaya bien!!!  (Your welcome, have a good one.)

Jake:       Y Tu    (And You)

Describing weather conditions, seasons.

Learning how to describe the weather outside is a very easy thing. Today in Philadelphia it is cloudy. In order to describe the weather you need to know how to say the conditions of the weather. Here is a list on how to say the different forms of weather.

1. To say sunny, you must say sol.           It is pronounced soooool.

2. To say hot, you must say calor.            When you pronounce it you role your tongue.   

3. To say cold, you must say Frio.             It is pronounced Frrrrriiiio.

4. To say cool, you must say fresco.        It is pronounced Frrrrressco.

5. To say windy, you must say viento.    It is pronounced Viieento.

In general when you see an R in espanol you must role your tongue.

Explanation In Real Life (Scenario)

This is Bill and he is in his house and he wants’ to know what the weather is going to be in Malaysia. His friend who is Hispanic talks in Spanish. Bill decides to pick up the phone and call his friend Jobe. He calls Jobe.

Jobe:      Hola (hello).

Bill:        Hola, Tingo una pregunta (I have a question)?

Jobe :     What is it? You ask in espanol.

Bill:       Que Tiempo hace hoy en Malaysia? (What is the weather like in Malaysia)?

Jobe:      Hase viento (It’s windy)

Bill:        Bueno Vale (ok) Mil Gracia’s (thanks’ a million)

Jobe:      Hasta lluego (See ya later) Adido’s (Bye)

Bill         Hasta lluego  (See ya later) Adido’s (Bye)

Months, Dates.

What's the date? Does this question sound familiar? This is a common question we all ask at one point. Well, when you need to know, ask someone, "¿Cual es la fecha de hoy?" That's how you ask for the date. Someone will then reply with, "Hoy es el (#) de (mes)." This means, "It's the (#) of (month)." You would then know the date. How about months? Do you know the months? Let's go over it.

1. enero : January

2. febrero : February

3. marzo : March

4. abril : April

5. mayo : May

6. junio : June

7. julio : July

8. agosto : August

9. septiembre : September

10. octubre : October

11. noviembe : November

12. deciembre : December

You are trying to do a worksheet. But you can't even get to the first problem since you can't fill in the date box. You wonder for a good minute and finally ask your friend.You ask, "¿Cual es la fecha de hoy?" Your friend then replies, "Hoy es el( #) de (mes)."Now you know the date. Your worksheet is based on months. You partner up with your friend to say the months.

Days of the week.

Wouldn't you want to know what day it is? You should. It's important to know what day it is. You can ask someone what the day is by asking, "¿Que dia es hoy?" Let's go through the days shall we?

1. lunes : Monday

2. martes : Tuesday

3. miercoles : Wednesday

4. jueves : Thursday

5. viernes : Friday

6. sabado : Saturday

7. domingo : Sunday

*Days in espanol are not capitalized. Also, in espanol, Monday comes first instead of Sunday.

You arrive at school. You wonder what today is so you can figure out your schedule. You ask your friend what today is. You say, "Que dia es hoy?" Your friend replies with "viernes." Know you know it's Friday. And that you forgot to study for the quiz. ¡Ay, Dios Mio!

Basic conversation questions.

"Como te llamas?" You might not understand this. I just asked for your name. You would have to say, "Me llamo (your name)." There are also other ways to say this. You could use "Yo soy (your name)." or "Mi nombre es (your name)." You could then ask how they're doing. You would say, "¿Que tal?," ¿Como va,?"or "¿Como estas?" You would then either hear the reply of "Muy Bien!" which means "very well", "Mas o menos." which means 'alright", or "Mal/Terrible." which means 'awful." After you have finished talking, you can say "Mucho Gusto" which means "Nice to meet you." Or you can say "Un placer." which means "It's a pleasure." Their reply would be "Igualmente" which means "Likewise."

Let's say you're in a new country. You want to make a new friend since you don't have any in that country. Basic conversation can get you far. You can ask someone their name by asking "Como te llamas?" They would then tell you their name and ask for yours. Tell them your name by saying, "Me llamo (your name)." or ""Mi nombre es (your name)."After you guys are finished talking, you can say, "Mucho gusto." This shows your appreciation of meeting him/her. They would then say "Igualmente" which means likewise. You just made a new friend.

Greetings, How Are you?, Goodbyes.

We'll break things up so we won't confuse you. Greetings consist of words such as "¡Hola!", "¡Buenos Dias!", "¡Buenas Tardes!", and "¡Buenas Noches!." "¡Hola!" means "hello!." You would normally say this to greet someone in a day to day basis. There are also "¡Buenos Dias!" which means "good morning", "¡Buenas Tardes" which means "good evening", and "¡Buenas Noches!" which means "good night." Now for "How are you?" The simplest way to say this is "¿Como estás?" You would usually say this to your friends. You could also say "¿Como está?" if you're speaking to an adult. For "Goodbyes," the most universal saying is "¡Adios!" This just simply means "bye!" Some other versions of "Bye" can be "¡Hasta Luego!" which means "See you later!" And ¡Hasta Pronto!" which means "See you soon!"

When people see each other, they usually greet each other. Whether it's an "¡Hola!" or a "¡Buenos Dias!" When people greet each other, they usually tend to ask how they (to each other) are. They usually ask "¿Como Estas?" or "¿Qué Tal?" After they have chatted, they will need to go. And this is where "Goodbyes" come in. Just simply say an "¡Adios! or ¡Hasta Luego!"

Greetings, By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

   Hi in this explanation you will learn how to greet someone, ask them how they are doing, and say goodbye.  For this it is very important to remember the different way's that you say hi, for you to understand how to ask someone how they are, and how to say goodbye in different ways.

     For saying hi there are a few different forms.  In the morning you say buenos dias(Bwe-nos De-as), in the afternoon you say buenos tardes(Bwe-nos tar-des), and in the evening you say buenos noches(Bwe-nos no-che).  If you forget these then hola(Ola) works anytime of the day, but remember that the h is silent.

    When asking how someone is you can say a few things.  You can say ¿Que tal?(K-Tall), or ¿Como esta(s) (Ud)?(Ko-mo es-tas), or even ¿Como va?(Ko-mo va).  Que tal is a more general form of this and can be used in every situation, but it is always a good idea to say ¿Como esta(s) (ud)?.

Responding to this question is as simple as saying how you feel.  For ex. "¿Como estas?" "Muy bien."  This means i'm good.  Another thing to say is "Muy mal."(m-ui m-al) which means i'm terrible.  The other things that you can say are:  Estoy...

1) Bien(byen)-Good

2) Infeirmo(in-fer-ie-mo)-Sick

3) Cansado(can-sado)-Tired

4) Emocionado(Emo-cio-nado)- Excited

5) Mas o Menos(Mas oh men-os)- Allright

    Saying goodbye is like sying hi and asking how are you in the way that you can say it many ways.  You can say adios(Ad-ios) (bye), hasta luego (asta Lu-e-go) (see you soon), or hasta mañana(asta Ma-ny-na) (see you tomorow). These are all exceptable and if you say one of these people will understand you.

    When a person walks up to you they say,"Hola,¿Como esta?  It is polite to respond by saying,"Mas o menos, gracias."

Tu vs. Ud., By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

  Tu vs. Ud. is a simple concept.  Tu is something you say to someone that you are of equal age to or you are older then them. It is used the informal form of a word.  Ud. (Usted) is something that you would say to someone you respect.  It is the formal version.  For spanish words their are a lot of different situations that require these different forms. For example:  Asking how an old man is doing,"¿Como esta ud?", and asking how a child is doing,"¿Como estas tu?"

Real life application:

An old man walks up to you and asks you "¿como estás tu?" and you answer "muy bien y usted." He says "muy bien gracias."

Courtesy Phrases, By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

Courtesy phrases are simply saying please, thank you and excuse me.  To say please in spanish say,"Por favor."(Por Fav-or). To say thank you in spanish is,"Gracias,"(Grac-ias).  There are a few ways to say excuse me in spanish, one is,"Perdón."(Per-don) which yo say when you bump into someone, another is,"Disculpe."(Dis-cul-pe) which you say to get someones attention, and the third way is to say,"Con permiso."(Con per-mi-so) which you say when saying excuse me. These are the courtesy phrases.


Weather Conditions, seasons. By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

    Describing weather conditions is a important part of your spanish education.  When describing weather patterns it is good to remember two things.  You can either say,"Hace....."(A-ce) which you would use when saying,"It is hot.", or,"Esta......"(esta) which you would use when saying,"It is raining."

    These are the words that you would use after saying hace:

1) Frio(f-rio) cold

2) Calor(cal-or) hot

3) Sol(s-ol) warm

4) Viento (v-i-e-ntio) windy

5) Fresco(fres-co) cool

   When using esta you would say:

1) lloviendo(y-ov-i-e-ndo) raining

2) nevando(ne-va-n-do) snowing

3) nublado(nu-bla-do) cloudy

   When asking for the weather you can ask,"Que tiempo hace hoy."(k te-ie-mpo a-ce oy) which means how is the weather today.  If you replace hoy with mañana(m-a-ny-a-na) you are asking for the weather tomorrow.

    When asking for the temparture you say,"¿Cual es la temparatura?"(cual es la temp-ar-a-tur-a).  Responding to this you say,"Es el ____grados."(es el ____gr-ad-os).

    Say your asking your mom what the weather is like so you know how to dress.  You ask her,"¿Que tiempo hace hoy?".  She responds by saying," Hace muy calor."

Time la Hora, By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

    Asking for the time is important in every language.  Imagine that your on a cruise and your ship is going to leave in 1 hour.  You are in a spanish speaking country and you need to ask what time it is so your ship wouldn't leave without you.  That's when asking what time it is would be involuntarily important.

    You can ask what time it is three ways.  You can say,"¿Que hora son?"(k ora s-on),"¿Que hora es?"(k ora es), or "¿Que hora tiene?"(k ora t-ie-nes).  Que hora es is the most commonly used one of these three.

    In order to answer these questions you would say,"Son las ____."(s-on las___) which is used for everything above 1 o'clock.  In order to say 1o'clock you would say,"Es la una."  In order  to say times that don't exactly fall upon the hour you add on,"y ____."(eee).  To say something is at a certain time you say,"A la ___."(ah la)  There are easier ways to say certain times, though, are quarto for 15, and media for thirty.  You can also say,"Menos (Any number over 45)."(men-os).

    Say a friend comes up to you and asks you what time you get out of school by saying," Cuando nos vamos de la squela."(quand-oh nos vam-os de la sque-la)  You say," A la tres de quarto." in response.

Months and Dates, By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

    Maybe your taking a test in spanish, and you need to write the date in spanish.  Then this lesson will be pretty useful.  When asking for the date you say,"¿Cual es la fecha de hoy?"(Cu-al es la fe-cha de oy).  The proper response is,"Hoy es el (Date) de (Month)."  For the date you just say the number of the date. Fro ex. 10=dies. For the month you say one of the following:

1) Enero(en-er-oh)-January

2) Febrero(feb-rer-oh)-February

3) Marzo(mar-zo)-March

4) Abril(ab-ril)-April

5) Mayo(my-oh)-May

6) Junio(hune-io)-June

7) Julio(hul-io)-July

8) Agosto(ag-ohs-t-oh)-August

9) Septiembre(sep-tiem-bre)-Septiembre

10) Octubre(oh-ctub-re)-October

11) Noviembre(nov-iemb-re)-November

12) Deciembre(desi-iembre)-December

    You are in school and you are taking a test.  You need to ask your friend who only speaks spanish what the date is.  You say,"¿Cual es la fecha de hoy?".   Your friend then says,"Hot es el diese ocho de septiembre.

Dias de la semana, By Willie Willson and Matthew Hamilton

Monday-lunes (lu-nes)

Tuesday- martes (mart-es)

Wednesday- miércoles (mier-coles)

Thursday- jueves(hue-ves)

Friday- viernes (vier-nes)

Saturday- sábado (sab-ado)

Sunday- domingo (dom-ingo)

In order to ask what day today is say ¿Qué día es hoy? (K- dia-es-oy)

In order to answer what is today is say hoy día es _________. (oy-dia-es)

The days of the week in Spanish are not capitalized.

Real life application:

Your friend walks up to you and asks you what day today is by saying "¿Qué día es hoy?" He answers "hoy día es jueves."

Espanol Unidad 1: Habla Ud. Espanol ?

This is a blog that was made by Ellen, Dakota, and Nick. This Blog helps those who want to learn Spanish and also reflects on what we have learned in the past weeks of school! GO ROCKETS!

Edad - Age

Wanna know someone's age or when their birthday is? Or to say happy birthday to them? Well, this is the post you should be looking at! We will teach you!

Asking someone's age:
¿Cuántos años tiene(Usted)? - How old are you? (formal)
¿Cuántos años tienes(tú)? -  How old are you? (informal)
Answering this question:
Tengo ___#___ años. - I am ___#___ years. 

Asking when someone's birthday is:
¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños? - When is your birthday? (formal)
¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? - When is your birthday? (informal)
Answering this question:
Es el _#_ de __mesa__. - It is _#_ of __month__. 
¡Feliz cumpleaños! - Happy birthday!

Real-life application:
You meet someone new and you want to know how old they are. Then, you want to know when their birthday is, so you can say happy birthday to them. 
  Asking a person your age:
Person 1: ¡Hola! ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?
Person 2: Tengo quince (15) años.
Person 1: ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? 
Person 2: Hoy. (today) 
Person 1: ¡Feliz cumpleaños!
  Asking a person older than you:
Person 1: ¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños?
Person 2: Tengo es ochcenta y cinco (85) años. 
Person 1: ¿Cuándo es su cumpleaños?
Person 2: Es el doce de junio. 

Los Meses de Año y La Fecha - The Months of the Year and the Date

In this post, we will teach the months of the year, how to say them, how to ask for the date, and how to write the date in español.

Los Meses de Año:
  when writing the months in español, they are always lowercased. 
enero - january
febrero - february
marzo - march
abril - april
mayo - may
junio - june
julio - july
agosto - august
septiembre -  september
octubre - october
noviembre - november
diciembre - december

La Fecha:
¿Cuál es la fecha? - What is the date?
¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? - What is today's date?
when answering these questions you would say:
Es el _#_ de _mesa_ -  It is _#_ of _month_

Real-life application:
When you want to know what the date is, so you are write it down. 

Person 1: ¿Cuál es la fecha?/¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
Person 2: Es el 25 de mayo.

Los Numeros y Numero de Teléfono - Numbers and Telephone Numbers

In this post, we will teach you the numbers, the differences when writing numbers, how to ask for somebody's telephone number, and everything else needed to know about numbers.

Los Nmeros
 1 - 5 is only one word.
uno - one
dos - two
tres - three
cuatro - four
cinco - five
seis - six
siete - seven
ocho - eight
nueve - nine
 11 - 15 has 'ce' at the end
once - eleven
doce - twelve
trece - thirteen
catorce - fourteen
quince - fifteen
 16 - 19 starts with 'dieci' and the number.
dieciseis - sixteen
diecisiete - seventeen
dieciocho - eighteen
diecinueve - ninteen
20 - 100 
viente - twenty When writing 20's, it is vienti + number, as one word.
Then, it when writing the rest of the numbers it is 'start y number'. For example, treinta y uno means thirty one. 
treinta - thirty
cuarenta - forty
cincuenta - fifty
sesenta - sixty
setenta - seventy
ochcenta - eighty 
noventa - ninety 
When writing the number for 100, it is 'ciento+number'. For example. 'cientouno' means 101.
cien - one hundred
And 1,000 is 'mil'. 

Número de Teléfono
 This is how to ask for someone's phone number:
¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono? - What is your phone number? 'tu' makes is informal. 
¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? - What is your phone number? 'su' makes it formal. 
 This is how you answer when someone's asks you, for your number: 
Es el ___/___/_____ - It is ___/___/____
Then, you can reply by saying: 
Te llamo pronto - I'll call you soon. 
Te llamo luego - I'll call you later. 

Real-life application
When you meet somebody and you want to talk to them more so, you ask for their telephone number. 
Person 1: ¿Cuál es tu número de teléfono?
Person 2: Es el dos uno cinco (215)/ tres cuatro seis (346)/ diez dos uno(1021)

Person 1: ¿Cuál es su número de teléfono? 
Person 2: Es el trece cinco(135)/catorce cinco(145)/quince vientinueve(1529)

Name : Nombre

In this post, you will learn about names and how to ask for it. Learning names is a good thing to learn because, after all, mostly everybody you talk to asks you what your name is.

¿Cómo te llamas (tú)? - Informal = What's your name?
¿Cómo se llama (Ud.) - Formal = What's your name?

There are three different ways to say - My name is - however, the literal translation is Mi nombre es_____.

Me llamo______. = My name is_____.
Yo soy_____. = My name is_____.
Mi nombre es_____. (literal translation) = My name is_____.

Some things to say after you ask someone's name:
Un placer - It's a pleasure
Mucho gusto - Nice to meet you.
Encantado (male) - Charmed
Encantada (female) - Charmed
Igualmente - Likewise
El gusto es mío - Likewise

Real Life Application:
Working in a Restaurant

Formal VS. Informal - Tú VS. Usted (Ud.)
Both tú and Usted mean "you". However, we use tú when talking to a FRIEND and is probably around the same age as you.
We use Usted - abbreviated Ud. - when we are talking to and OLDER person or an ADULT. Using the formal version you are showing respect to whom you are speaking to.

Tú = You                              Usted(Ud.) = You
Informal                                        Formal

Real-life application
When you are asking someone...How are you? (¿Cómo estas?)

Person 1: ¿Cómo estás (tú)? -- Informal (Use when asking a FRIEND how they are doing.)
                    ¿Cómo estás (Ud.)? -- Formal (Use when asking your PARENTS and/or an OLDER person how they are doing.)

Person 2: Más o menos -- (Alright)
                 ¿Y tú? -- Informal (And You?)
                 ¿Y Usted? -- Formal (And You?)

Person 1: Bien, gracias. -- (Well, thanks)

Common Topics and Saludos/Greetings

^ Saying that can be said at anytime of the day! ^

Meeting somebody can be AWESOME! Here are some ways to greet someone in Spanish!There are multiple things you can say when meeting a new person, like how are you doing or good morning. Here are some phrases:

¡Hola! - Hello! (This can be said at anytime of the day)
¡Buenos dias! - Good Morning!
¡Buenas tardes! - Good Afternoon!
¡Buenas noches! - Good Evening / Good Night!

Then, you can start the conversation with:
All of these mean 'How are you?':
  • ¿Qúe Tal?
  • ¿Cómo Va?
  • ¿Cómo estás?(tú - informal)
  • ¿Cómo esta? (Usted - formal)
Answer to these questions:
  • Muy Bien, gracias. - (Very) Well, Thank you.
  • Mas o menos - Alright
  • (Muy) Mal / Terrible(ter-ree-bre) - (Very) Bad / Terrible 
Then you could ask the other person how they are doing by saying:
  •  ¿Y tú? - And you? (informal)
  • ¿Y Usted? - And you? (formal)
You could also say in reply to their answer:
  • ¡Ay, ay, ay! - Oh no!
  • ¡ Qúe bien! - Oh, good!
When using some of these greetings, you have to be formal and informal. For example,: 
  • ¿Cómo estás?(tú - informal)
  • ¿Cómo esta? (Usted - formal)
Using Usted(Ud.) to an adult is formal. When talking to a person your age or younger then you, you use tú.

Real Life Application:
The Video will be cut into two parts. One will have a child formally speaking to an adult in a formal way. The other part will have a teenager speaking to another teenager in Spanish and they will use informal terms.

Part One: Formal:
Kid: ¿Cómo esta?
Adult: Muy Bien, gracias. ¿Y tú?
Kid: ¡ Qúe bien!

La Estaciones - Seasons

For this post, it will show you how to identify, write, and learn the different seasons en español. It will also teach you how to identify the correct way on writing the seasons too.

You could apply this to real life situations when:

  • talking about the weather
  • sensing a change in season
  • asking about the months and seasons
  • pronouncing them

el invierno - 
la primavera - spring 
el verano - summer
el otoño - fall/autumn

How to pronounce all four seasons:
el invierno - winter : l - in-ver-no
la primavera - spring : la - pree-ma-vee-ear-ra
el verano - summer : l - ver-raan-no
el otoño - fall/autumn : l - on-ton-nee-o

Real Life Application:
P1: *acting like the season's temperature*
P2: el invierno?

Los Días de la Semana - Days of the Week

    This post will teach you about saying the days of the week and how to ask what day is it in spanish. This post also has helpful hints and strategies on how to write it and how to correctly say it.

     This is an important topic to learn because:
            - It is a part of the date
            - Talked about topic in a conversation.

- Los días de la semana means the days of the week.

- ¿Qué día es hoy? - What day is today? 

- Days of the week:

  • lunes - Monday 
  • martes - Tuesday
  • miércoles - Wednesday
  • jueves - Thursday
  • viernes - Friday
  • sábado - Saturday
  • domingo - Sunday
- How to pronounce the days of the Week:
  • lunes : lune-es
  • martes : mart-tes
  • miércoles : meer-ree-cole-les
  • jueves : hweeh-ves
  • viernes : vee-ear-ness
  • sábado : sa-baa-doe
  • domingo : doe-ming-goe

- When writing the says of the week, they always should start with lowercase letter and on the calendar, the week starts with lunes. 

- When you want to ask what day a certain day is you would say: ¿Qué día de la semana es (the date). And then, you would reply: Es (the day it is)

Real Life Application:
*holding up a day of the week sign*
P1: ¿Qué día es hoy?
P2: Es __(says what on the sign)__.
(We will do that seven times, for 7 days of the week)

Asking / Telling The Time In Español

In this post, we will be teaching readers how to ask for the time and tell the time in Spanish.
How to ask for the time:
¿Qué hora es?
¿Qué hora son?

How to reply:
- Es la una. - It's one o' clock.
- Son las (dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez, once, doce) - It's (two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve) 'o clock.
- ...y cuarto - :15 (the reason for why they say this is because 15 is a quarter of 60) 
- ...y media - :30 
- ...menos ________. - Number of minutes before the hour
                           EXAMPLE: Son las dos menos cuarto - 2:45 (minus 15 minutes)
- Y (eee) goes before the number of minutes. It's like the word 'and' 

In the real life application video, my partners will ask what time it is and we will each reply. If you are having trouble with saying numbers then there will be a post on numbers coming out soon.

Basic Conversation Questions Translated into English to Spanish

Down below you will notice two charts: The first translates simple questions from english to spanish. The second chart show how to answer that question translated form spanish to english.

Screen shot 2010-11-03 at 7.14.18 AM
Screen shot 2010-11-03 at 7.14.18 AM
Screen shot 2010-11-03 at 7.14.36 AM
Screen shot 2010-11-03 at 7.14.36 AM

Down below you will find in video that will help you clearly understand how to have an basic conversation in spanish. If you get lost just try to follow the chart as the video goes along:

Weather: know before you go

The first thing you need to know is the words.



(bastante) frío

(mayormente/parcialmente) nublado

(bastante) calor


(bastante) sol


(bastante) viento


El Tiempo

Qué tiempo hace?

What’s the weather like?





Está lloviendo. / llueve.

It’s raining. / It rains.

Está nevando. / Nieva.

It’s snowing. / It snows.

Está nublado

It’s cloudy.


El invierno

La primavera

El otoño

El verano

Learn the days of the week in Espanol

Down below the charts will help you understand the days of the week and how to ask questions about the week in Español.

Screen shot 2010-11-01 at 10.24.46 AM
Screen shot 2010-11-01 at 10.24.46 AM
Here's an example of the Spanish Calendar:
Screen shot 2010-11-01 at 10.26.23 AM
Screen shot 2010-11-01 at 10.26.23 AM

Down below is video that we help you better understand how to say the days of the week:

Time to Learn Spanish

10= diez
20 = veinte
30 = treinta
40= cuarenta
50= Cincuenta
1= uno
11= once
Veinte + 1
Treinta y + 1
Cuarenta y + 1
Cincuenta y + 1
2= dos
12= doce
Veinte + 2
Treinta y + 2
Cuarenta y + 2
Cincuenta y + 2
3= tres
13= trece
Veinte + 3
Treinta y + 3
Cuarenta y + 3
Cincuenta y + 3
4= cuatro
14= catorce
Viente + 4
Treinta y + 4
Cuarenta y + 4
Cincuenta y + 4
5= cinco
15= quince
Viente + 5
Treinta y + 5
Cuarenta y + 5
Cincuenta y + 6
6= seis
deci + 6
Viente + 6
Treinta y + 6
Cuarenta y + 6
Cincuenta y + 7
7= siete
deci + 7
Viente + 7
Treinta y + 7
Cuarenta y + 7
Cincuenta y + 8
8= ocho
deci + 8
Viente + 8
Treinta y + 8
Cuarenta y + 8
Cincuenta y + 8
9= nueve
deci + 9
Viente + 9
Treinta y + 9
Cuarenta y + 9
Cincuenta y + 9

Minus or -
Addotion or +
Dividido por
Divide or /
Multiply or x

¿Que Hora es/son?
What tie is it
¿Es La Una?
Its one o’ clock
¿Son Las ( Numberos ) ?
It is ( Numberos ) o’ clock
Quarter of an hour /  15 Minutes
Half an hour /   30 Minutes
Menos Cuarto
Quarter of  /   45 Minutes

In order to ask the time en Spanish you say ¿Que Hora es? Or ¿Que Hora son?. To tell the time you say ¿Son Las ( Numberos)? Ex: ¿Son Las dos? This means “It is 2 o’ clock.

To say it is 1 o’ clock you say  ¿Es La una?. To say minutes past the hour you say ¿Son Las (numberos) y (numberos)? Ex: To say 2:10 you say ¿Son Las dos y diez?.

Use the word “menos” for minutes to the hour  ( to do this minus the minutes towards the hour and for the hour add one) like this ¿Son Las (numberos) menos (numberos)?  Ex: To say 2:50 you say ¿Son Las tres menos deiz?

To make it more simpler when it is a quarter of an hour you say cuarto and when it is half an hour you say media. That is how you ask and tell time in spanish.

This video shows how to ask what time it is. In this video miguel asks robert what time it is and is late for class.

How To Say The Spanish Alphabet

Say your talking to someone who is español. You tell them your name, but they do not understand it in english so they ask you to spell it out. This will teach you how to say the letters in español.

M-( emeh)
H-( acheh)
Y-( ee griega)
I- (ee)
Ñ-( enyeh)


L- ( eleh)

Here is the video on how to say the Spanish alphabet.

For a better example of using this in a everyday situation, click on the second video below.

How to spell your name in spanish

How to spell your name in español!

What if a spanish speaking person asks your name, and how to spell it, how do you respond?
To ask someone their name, you say "¿Como té llamas?" to respond you can say "mé llamo___ or yo soy___"

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