Setser vs United States

Monroe Setser was arrested in Lubbock Texas for drug and firearms related crimes. Both of these crimes in which fall in with Federal and State chargers. 

The questions that were stated were:

1. "Does a district court have authority to order a federal sentence to run consecutively to an anticipated, but not yet imposed, state sentence?”


2. “s it reasonable for a district court to provide inconsistent instructions about how a federal sentence should interact with state sentences?”


There were two issues with this case though. They were:

1.     Whether a district court can impose a federal sentence that runs consecutively to a state sentence even before that sentence is imposed.

2.     Whether it is reasonable for a federal sentence to run consecutively to one state sentence but concurrently to another when those two state sentences run concurrently to each other.


Setser had pleaded guilty in the Unites States District Court for the Northern District of Texas. The Court’s decision in this case will clarify whether district courts may order a federal sentence to run consecutively to a state sentence until and unless the state sentence has been imposed.

Camilla's Dream por Josef Norris

Ubicado en la 5 y la calle Norris

El mural esta echo con pintura y mosaic y representa:
-la cultura Afroamericana
-el baile
-el mar

Objetos encontrados en el mural:
-Camilla, una mujer afroamericana
-una tortuga del mar

Es significado para la comunidad por que:


Ridge on the Rise por Eric Okdeh

El Mural de Ridge on the Rise esta a 2125 Ridge Ave, en Filadelfia. El mural sobre la cultura y la historia con la populación de norte Filadelfia. El mural tiene (izquierda a el derecho) el figura importante en la musical de jazz John Coltrane exterior la Pearl teatro. Además Cecil Moore, y los disturbios cerca de Girard universidad. Moore era una agobiado por los razón de igualdad por todo los razas. Finalmente una afroamericana con los flores. El mural represente las problemas con razas en norte Filadelfia y todos los afroamericanos. Ese tiene una conexión con ahora en la piedra muro de Girard universidad. La mural represente la pelea y Filadelfia ahora represente el cambo.


Art in the Open 2011

This is from last year's Art in the Open with Leah Stein Dance Company in collaboration with both of Mr. Block's sophomore class.

Mar Adentro- La Vida de Ramon Sampredo

I) Sinopsis

        En mil novecientos noventa y ocho , un hombre por el nombre de Ramón Sampedro quitarse la vida. La película Mar Adentro se trata de la vida de Ramón y los controvertidos ideas sobre que La Eutanasia. Cuando Ramón tenía veinte cinco años, el tuvo un accidente. Después de su accidente el se hizo un tetraplegíco, su familia tuvieron apoyar sus. La película es muy profunda y tienen muchas cosas que están problemática en sociedad. Porqué Ramón pensó que su vida era horrible el quiere quitarse la vida. Pero en España (el país de la película) La Eutanasia es ilegal. Ramón cre que todos las personas haciendolo sufrir estaban en contra de sus creencias. Esta película es muy emocíonal y muestra que vida es mucho mas complejo que pensamos. Los seres queridos de Ramón tienen significos partes en la película. La película es magnifica y simbolica para vida, muerte, y lo que hacemos con nuestro tiempo. 

En Mar Adentro las preguntas están sobre que mas que eutanasia, pero una persona derecho a muerte. Si vida es un derecho natural, muerte debes ser también. En este mundo muchas paises pensan que eutanasia es mal para vida, y humanidades. La iglesia tambien piensan que eutanasia es inmoral para vida. Ramón Sampedro dije que el quere terminar su vida con dignidad. Las personas de la iglesia (como el cura en la película) piensan que vida es mas que fisical, y no quieren Ramón quitarse la vida.  No solo en la película pero hay estan muchos situatciones cuando un niño o bebe tienen un condicion de muerte. Si un niño tiene sufrir, La Eutanasia debe legal.  No soló en la película pero hay estan muchos situatciones cuando un niño o bebe tienen un condicion de muerte. Si un niño tiene sufrir, La Eutanasia debe legal. 

Para mi yo pienso que una personsa debe quitarse la vida si ustedes quieren. En nuestro vidas tenemos oportunidades para felicidad. Cuando malas cosas paso en una personas vida (como parálisis, cáncer o otros cosas) ellos deben tener opurtunidad a quitarse la vida. Es solo natural. Muerte es lo mismo a muerte a vida. Para mi tenemos experiencias en vida, en muerte tenemos nada por lo tanto, están igual. La Eutanasia debe legal en todas partes del mundo. Es inhumano que La Eutanasia es no normal en nuestros ojos.

Finalmente, la película Mar Adentro era muy bien y es mi segundo película favorita de español proximo a Como Agua para Chocolate. Javier Bardem era magnifico, me encanta cómo el habla en español. Sin embargo mi favorita carácter era Rosa (yo pense que ella era muy bonita y cómica). Yo recomiendo este película para alguien quien necesita buscar para el definición de vida. 

mar adentro
mar adentro

Mar Adentro

Nombre: Dylan Long
You have been commissioned to write a review for El País about Alejandro Amenábar’s movie “Mar Adentro.” Your piece has four pa==rts:
I) A synopsis
II) A presentation of the questions raised in the movie.
III) A presentation of your position on those issues
IV) Your opinion of the movie
Use your Mar Adentro and ¿Quién va a sobrevivir? vocabulary to present and defend your position on the polemic issues raised in the movie.

I) Sinopsis: La película "Mar Adentro", se trata de un tetrapléjico llamado Ramón Sampedro, quien ha estado luchando por su derecho a morir durante los últimos 28 años. La decisión de que quiere hacer con el apoyo de sus seres queridos, pero no por la ley. Quitarse la vida en España es un crimen. Ramón pasa su tiempo en su cama, mirando fuera la ventana a la vida que el deseaba tener otra vez. En sus 28 años en cama, hace nuevos amigos y amigas. Sin embargo, cada minuto de cada hora de cada día que estaba en su cama, el se quería quitarse la vida. Pensó que viviendo en el estado que estaba en (tetraplegico) no era digna para nada. Después de arreglar un caso para presentar a los jueces en Barcelona (que era un viaje largo desde Galicia), solo a ser rechazado por los jueces. Ni habló Ramón. Eventualmente, Ramón Sampedro se quitó la vida en una manera que nadie va a ser acusado por asesinato. No murió una muerte pacífica. Era en   el dolor más peor que podría ser en para unos 20 minutes antes que murió. Ese película ha inspirado muchos tetrapléjicos, y muchísimas personas que tienen opiniones sobre la tema.

¿Debe ser la eutanasia/ quitarse la vida legál en España?
¿La vida de un tetrapléjico es digna?
¿La muerte de una tetrapléjico es digna?

La eutanasia y quitandose la vida debe ser legál, pero solo para personas que lo necesítan. Si hay una persona que está triste, eso no es suficiente razón para dejarle quitarse su vida. Debe ser una situacion como lo de Ramón. Eso sería un situación donde dejándole quitarse la vida tendría razón. Yo pienso eso porque si hay alguien que esta viviendo una vida que piensan que no es digna, todos deberían respetar la decisión/el deseo de el/ella. Si la decision es quitarse la vida, que así sea.

Yo pienso que la pelicula era fantástico. La actuación era increíble. Entiendo que es una tema polémico, ademas era controvertido, pero aunque eso tiene razon, era conmovedora. Por un lado, alguien pensaría que era ofensiva y no tenía sentido la pelicula. Por otro lado, alguien pensaría que era conmovedora y que vale o nó vale la pena.

~"Nuevo Fuego" (New Fire),hecho por Cesar-Viveros Herrera~

Localizado en: 223 W. Girard Avenue.

Este mural “Nuevo Fuego” revela tres cosas sobre la communidad y esos son qué este mural representa varias facetas de la cultura Mexicana y la cultura Americana. Adémas representa qué la communidad es muy unida y se esto porque como pueden ver en la foto las personas en el mural se ven simpaticas, communicativas, y al fin observo que son como una familia de sociedad. Finalmente este mural representa qué esta communidad es ambos tranquila y feliz por qué como pueden ver en la foto siempre se estan expressando con sonrisas y mucho cariño. 

Algunas imagenes que hay en el mural es la adolescente aggarando la bandeja de frutas y vegetales. Igualmente, en esta bandeja tiene adentro  agucate,lechosa, mais y tomates. Por otro lado La Virgin de Guadalupe esta en este mural también. Ella representa la imagen catholica para todos los Mexicanos y las Mexicanas.

Una razón que es significativa para esta communidad es la razón de estar junta como un vecindario y no separados como individuales. Personas de esta communidad y vecindario vienen de distintas partes de Mexico y de Filadelphia. Solo por esta razón es que estos seres humanos estan así tan juntos como una sociedad,una vecindad y al fin una communidad. Agreggandole a esto por eso es qué en la foto el mural tiene cosas esenciales y históricas que representa cada cual ciudad. En conclusion esta razón es significativa para esta communidad.


“Mar Adentro”, ¿La Verdadera Historía Pero Y Tu Qué Opinias?

    "Mar Adentro",¿La Verdadera Historía Pero Y Tu Qué opinias?
La película de “Mar Adentro” se trata de un hombre llamado Ramón Sampedro. Ramón Sampedro es el protagonista de la película.El es un tetrapléjico por mas de veinticinco años. La película de Mar Adentro fue filmada en Galicia localizado en España.Después de Ramón pasar el doloroso accidente qué lo dejo en la posición de un tetrapléjco nunca pudo mover partes de su cuerpo. Por eso es qué después de sufrir de este accidente quiere quitarse la vida.

Esta película es muy controvertida porque presenta unas preguntas polémicas, algunas son ¿La eutanasia es legal en España o no? ¿La muerte es digna o no? Quitarse la vida es un crimen después de vivo ¿Alguien se puede enamorar de un tetrapléjco? Para la sociedad estas preguntas abren debates feroces porque tienen varias  respuestas en qué en realmente tienen difícil efectos en personas porque ellos mismos no saben los resultados o los problemas que algunas de estas preguntas pueden causar.
Como yo lo entiendo de la película "Mar Adentro" la eutanasia no es legal en España. La eutanasia es algo que acelera el estado de un enfermo sin mucho daño fisíco. Además ase qué una persona enferma se muera rápidamente. Este es el mismo caso de Ramón Sampedro.En algunos países la eutanasia si se puede considerar legal pero obvio que en España no. En mi perspectiva creo qué la muerte si es digna.Estoy de acuerda con esta opinión por qué la muerte es un tema que merese una cantidad de respeto y honór. Por lo tanto quitarse la vida si es un crimen.Lo mas importante es vivir y disfrutar de su propia vida y no intentar de eliminar su significancia ya que uno esta en este mundo.Desde mi punto de vista algunas personas seguro piensan qué enamorarse de un tetrapléjico es inútil pero están equivocados. Rosa estaba en contra de la decisión de Ramón pero lentamente paso el tiempo y ella comenso a apoyarlo, ambos a el y su decisión. Sin embargo se enamoro de el y por eso se fue lejos para Boira con Ramón para ayudarle cumplir su compelejo deseo.

Por otro lado esta película me fascinó. Alejandro Amenábar iso esta película muy interesante,suspensa, y emocional. La actuación del reparto fue muy bien hecho.En cada escena de la película abían varios eventos en lo que fue la formación de el clímax. La premisa de Mar Adentro en relación con la propocision y conclusión fue muy uniqa.Lo qué Ramón esperaba por tanto años de estar vivo es al fín morir.En conclusion el fallecio.Para mi la premisa fue perfectamente organizada. También la cinematographía le daba mucho sentido a la película.Las mociones de varias fotos y la descripción de ambos los sueños y el accidente de Ramón fueron bastante lucidos y descriptivos.Claro qué "Mar Adentro" se la recomendaria a todos las personas por qué en real esta película te dejara en el bordo de tu asiento.

Philadelphia Schools Need Their Nurses (Blog post # 4)

Because of budget cuts Philadelphia school nurses have been cut. So there for there is less care for students with serious heath needs. A lot of neighborhoods with poor health care insurance really depend on a school nurses to help those children who can’t go to the doctors. These nurses that work in the schools have the same education as a nurse in a hospital. So trying to cut back really didn’t do much for the school district but really harm it more. The district already eliminated 47 school nurses in June, leaving just 230 to address the complex health needs of 161,000 students in both public and private schools. Now the district wants to lay off another 51 nurses (10 percent) of what we have now, by January 1, 2012 , SAD !


Acting Superintendent Leroy Nunery and Chief Financial Officer Michael Masch, also announced a significant reduction in school nursing services. By January 1, 2012 schools will know what has been cut with the new budget cuts. So by them doing the budget cuts they plain to save 10 million dollars but at the same time they are trying to do something that will harm something else. It’s no winning here because if they keep the nurses them they are losing money but if they fire the nurses then they are losing people that are needed in the school the most if something goes wrong. Now its bad enough that we don’t have full time nurses but to get rid of them all together are just going to harm the school district really.


I think that if you really want to make a difference then you need to be at one or more of these meetings that they are having disusing budget cuts on school nurses and teachers and so much more.


District Budget Hearings:


The District is hosting several community meetings for the public to weigh in on its proposed 2011-12 budget.


•            Tuesday, May 3, at 6 p.m., Meredith Elementary, 725 S. Fifth St.

•            Saturday, May 7, at 10 a.m., Dunbar Elementary, 1750 N. 12th St.

•            Monday, May 9, at 6 p.m., Conwell Middle, 1849 E. Clearfield St.

•            Saturday, May 14, at 10 a.m., Catherine Elementary, 6600 Chester Ave.

•            Monday, May 16, at 6 p.m., Fitzpatrick Elementary, 11061 Knights Rd.

•            Thursday, May 19, at 6 p.m., Ellwood Elementary, 6701 N. 13th St.


Here are more topics that are becoming a big issue because of the cut backs for schools. Please google each one to see what is really going on I bet it will shock you big time the cut back are out of control. 


- More news stories on the topic, compiled by The Notebook

-District: 3,800 positions may be eliminated The Notebook blog

District Chief Financial Officer Michael Masch presented the 2011-12 District budget and outlined likely areas for cuts if the District funding situation doesn’t change.


- What gets cut, what gets spared The Notebook blog

- Phila. schools to see 16 percent layoffs The Inquirer

- Philly schools may cut nearly 1,300 teachers AP via Bloomberg Businessweek

- School District Calls for Big Budget Cuts Roxborough-Manayunk Patch

- Philly School District Plans 3,820 Job Cuts NBC Philadelphia

- DN Editorial: Killing charter reimbursements could be deadly to school district Daily   News

- A token of school cuts’ disaffection: End of free bus rides Daily News

- District budget slashes deep: Nearly 4,000 could lose jobs The Hall Monitor blog

- Phila. schools may cut jobs to close budget gap 6 ABC


web sites used to help with finding all information above:


Five Photoshopped pictures

I spent a while walking around Center City taking photos, especially in Rittenhouse Square.  The Christmas decorations at night make for some great pictures.  The second photo is from Rittenhouse Square, and I didn't edit it as much as the other ones because it already had so much going on.  I just fooled around with things like brightness, contrast and saturation.  The third photo is also from Rittenhouse Square, but it didn't have any lights or anything.  It was so simple and dark and colorless that I wanted to challenge myself to make it bright and full of color.  I used the quick selection tool and the lasso tool to select parts of the tree, and used the paint bucket tool to fill them in.  I think it ended up looking like one of those trees with the knitted covers.  It's more silly and fun than the others.
The first picture is actually of a window display at the Tiffany's on Walnut street.  Since it was the first picture I edited, I ended up mostly playing around with filters and contrast and brightness.  I didn't have a specific goal in mind except hiding the reflection of my camera.
The fourth photo I took while walking along the bike path.  I liked the way the light was sort of "contained" by the leaves.  It reminded me of a galaxy, so I decided to make it a cool color instead of the usual streetlight orange-yellow.
The fifth picture is of a tree in front of someone's house.  They were having a party, so I got some weird looks from arriving guests when I was taking a picture of their tree.  All I could think of when I saw the tree was the star that led the wise men to Jesus on the first christmas (which is weird because I'm atheist, but whatever).  I decided to make the lantern look more like a real star by using the lasso tool to select it and make it brighter.  Then I used the magic wand tool to select everything in the background and make it darker and blurred, so that the lantern stood out more and looked like it was glowing.
This project turned out to be great fun and I'm actually pretty proud of some of these pictures.  I think I'm going to continue to do photography and photo editing, and maybe make a Tumblr to put the pictures on.

Photo 1:  A display window at Tiffany's


AA Q2 Edited Photo 1

Photo 2: Decorated trees in Rittenhouse Square


AA Q2 Edited Photo 2

Photo 3: Undecorated trees in Rittenhouse Square


AA Q2 Edited Photo 3

Photo 4: A streetlamp on the bike path


AA Q2 Edited Photo 4

Photo 5: A tree outside someone's house


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AA Q2 Edited Photo 1
AA Q2 Edited Photo 1
AA Q2 Edited Photo 2
AA Q2 Edited Photo 2
AA Q2 Edited Photo 3
AA Q2 Edited Photo 3
AA Q2 Edited Photo 4
AA Q2 Edited Photo 4
AA Q2 Edited Photo 5
AA Q2 Edited Photo 5

Safe Chemicals Act – Blog Post 4

In order to pursue my issue, I need to convince my senators to back the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011. The main resource I've been using is the Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families website, which is a preexisting group lobbying for the bill. It describes itself as "an nationwide effort to pass smart federal policies that protect us from toxic chemicals." The website has various ways to get involved in the campaign. My first step as a citizen lobbyist was to join the site. Now, I receive their update emails. I also have participated in various ways they are advocating for the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011:

  • They ask people to send an email to their state legislators about the act. Their website has an interface to make the sending of these emails easy. However, the email is not personalized. Instead, it relies on the celebrity status of Jessica Alba, who has become the face of the campaign. I still feel that this effort is a good idea if it attracts high enough numbers. In addition to participating, I am going to ask others to also fill out the form, using Facebook.

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  • In a similar, and more personal, effort, Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families asked its members to upload a holiday family photo, along with a brief message to senators about why toxic chemical control is important to us. I joined this effort as well, uploading a photo of myself with my little brother and the message "I want my little brother to be safe from harmful chemicals! Please cosponsor the Safe Chemicals Act of 2011. Happy holidays." Although this action is much more personal than the letter, a single person's actions do not mean much. I plan to ask friends to also send in photos.

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I also plan to call my senators about the act, and leave a message asking them to cosponsor the legislation. I will ask my friends to do the same, and have written a sample script to make the process easier. I wrote one of these scripts for a call to Bob Casey, and one for a call to Pat Toomey. I tried to use my previous research into the senators' interests and values to inform the writing of my script.

Generally, I am focusing on getting many people to participate in the emails, holiday cards, and phone calls. Because I cannot vote yet, I doubt that even a strong message coming solely from me would have much impact. However, a large number of people always have more influence than just one.

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The Good Friends: Episode 2

Hey guys! Sorry for the wait but Episode 2 is finally up! Check out our new segment "Friend of the day" and how our interviews went. Also a Good Friend's original MUSIC VIDEO!! Hope you guys like it. Don't forget to check us out on twitter (@TheGoodFriends) and our youtube (TheGoodFriends1). Give us feedback! We love it. Seriously. Do it.

My New Slide

​This is my new slide for our next presentation. The quote on the slide "And thats how it all ended" means how A relationship ends  with a heartbroken at the end of there story with each  other. From my old slide, I learned how to make my slide better and to keep it simple like other slides from the class. This time my slide I decided to keep it simple, so I decided to have a black rose laying down and a quote at the bottom to match my theme of the slide. This time I still have used the same program on keynote so this time I haven't used alpha as much i did before on my old slide. I mostly used the inspector and used the toolbox on the top right corner of the page. I wanted to spread the the quote and make it have space between each letter, so I had used Character in the Inspector of the tool box to make my words stretch and also I wanted to change my font into HeadLineA. Since my quote wasn't hardly showed in my slide I had made my quote pop out so people can read better. :)
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Screen Shot 2011-12-16 at 11.57.37 AM

Media Fluency

​The changes that I have made from my last version was;

- A new font to fit in with the feel of the slide.
- I fixed and added pictures

One of the main things that I learned from presentation zen is that you need to make the slides simple and big to capture peoples attention. Visuals should be big and bold, and to make your presintation participle.

Presintation Tech

Angelina Princess Pingitore Media Fluency.

Below is web site that has a lot of good information to help you make a web page and little blogs. I really liked this site because it was very helpful. I changed things from my first thing but when people told me what to change i took it in and followed what they said. Here is the second one. thanks

I didn't have to change that much because I was told everything was in tack and good. I just had to resize it and make it bigger so when you open it up there will be no while blank box. Why "Difference" is in red is because it is around all the yellow flowers and it stands out it is different. So it is showing 
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Screen Shot 2011-12-16 at 11.36.24 AM

My new slide

I mad the changes i did because the slide before this was boring and wasn't really attractive. even though i was not able to present my other one i was taking things from everyone else's too make my slide better.  

here is a website that i think would be helpful:

final tec stars
tec project

Q2 Media Fluency

   I first changed my slide based on the constructive criticism I received from my fellow classmates. I was suggested to change the color of the font. Instead of red in the phrase "lets rock", I changed it to yellow. That way it can match the background. 

   From what I had researched from the Presentation Zen website, I had to make the words big and easy to read. So I bolded the text and placed very little words. Another thing that I learned was that you should place one picture thats straight to the point. So I made my picture the backround. 

Kaboni Bailey Q2, y2

Click to view all.

 Comment to me which one is better than the others.
The first slide that you will see goes greatly with the backround and i bled out some words because you can figure out what they mean.
My second slide is a playful version that has the "unique" in it. halve of the unique is out and the other half is insde.
My third slide is me looking like i am expressing the words at the top. the "gush & drips" in the backround are the evils and negativity that try to grasp, but we will never let them win.