Srta Dunn's Sueño Casa

Srta. Dunn es treinta y nueve. Srta. Dunn tienen una niña. Srta. Dunn es mi inglés profesora. Ella colores favoritos son rosa y gris. Srta. Dunn’s transporte es tres bicis y dos carros. Srta. Dunn tienen tres gatos y uno perro. Tres personas vivir en Srta. Dunn’s casa. Srta. Dunn practicar yoga. Srta. Dunn le gusta ver la tele, leer, cocinar, y ir de compras. En Dunn’s casa hay cuatro dormitorios. Srta. Dunn tienen dos baños y media baño. Srta. Dunn dónde prefiere vivir en la ciudad.

Descripción de Casa

  • La casa tiene una mediana yoga cuarto.

  • La casa también tiene dos mediana baños.

  • La casa Situar en Nueva York, NY.

  • La casa ir a estar totalmente Moderna y Mediana.

  • La casa tiene uno gigante, moderna telivisión.

  • La casa ir a contentor hermoso y pequeño Libero.

  • La casa contentor cuatro habitaciones.

  • Hay es Una hermoso sala en la casa.

  • La casa ir a esta cerca el museo y el parque.

  • La casa tiene una pequeño cocina.

  • La casa contentor una gigante, de luja comedor.

  • La casa’s precio es sólo $400,000.

  • La casa’s jardín tiene una piscana y seis sillas.

Images of the House:


El cuarto ( Nina)

Invitado cuarto

Srta Dunn’s cuarto


El jardín

La sala                                                                              La comida y la comedor (abajo)

El oficina.

El baño

El invitado baño

El baño (Srta Dunn’s Cuarto)

Diseñado por Husain

Husain y Ali’s Numero: 654-UNA-CASA

Husain y Ali’s Reflexiones

La Casa Perfecta para Señorita Dunn

Spanish Proyecto

Client:  Stra. Dunn

La casa de Srta. Dunn

Tiene 39 años. Tiene uno niña. Le encanta yoga y leer y ir de compras.  Tambien bailar. La Srta. Dunn es alto y cómica. Ella muy inteligente. Ella colores favorites rosa y gris. Srta Dunn es amable.

La casa es una casa moderna y está en la ciudad de Nueva York. La casa es una casa sofisticada, elegante y es perfecto para pequeña y media tamaño familias. Es cerca de lugares público por ejemplo unos restaurantes, museos y gimnasios. La casa es lejos de las montañas y lugares como el desierto. La casa es súper bien.

At least 10 descriptive sentences (ie. adjectives galore!)

  • La casa es totalmente increíblemente.

  • La casa es elegante y sofisticada.

  • Está en la ciudad.

  • La casa cerca al parque y el museo.

  • Hay grande baños y mucho grande habitaciones.

  • La casa tiene muchos flors en el jardín

  • Hay muy enorme cocina. Tiene mesa y mediano estufa.

  • La casa tiene

  • Hay dos pisos en la casa

  • La casa tiene en garaje

Your contact information (Diseñado por = Designed by)

Diseñado por Logan Smith y Ishmael Brown

Llamar 215-666-6666

La ciudad Nueva york

Un parque


Dos baño

La cocina

Quatro habitaciones

Dos carro

Tres bicicleta

Uno jardin

Casa de Tomás

Casa de Tomás

Jason Greene y Harry Freed, arquitectos

Screenshot 2014-06-03 at 2.17.20 PM.png

Cliente: Tomás Arango

Nuestro cliente se llama Tomás Arango. Es muy listo y feliz. Tiene 15 años. Vive en el Centro de la ciudad. Le encanta skateboarding y jugar videojuegos. Le mucho gusta plantas, y le gusta verde y la playa.

La casa de Tomás es en la playa en Los Angeles. Es cerca de un parque y un supermercado. Es una casa mediana, moderno, sofisticado, y elegante. La casa tiene dos pisos. Es muy bueno para perros y gatos. En la piso primero de la casa, Tomás tiene muchos partidos.

  • La sala de estar tiene dos consolas y una mesa para la tele fantástica.

  • En el dormitorio de Tomas, hay una piscina caliente.

  • El comedor tiene cuatro sillas elegante y una mesa.

  • Hay a baño en el piso primero  y cuatro dormitorios en el piso segunda.

  • Tiene un bidé y un lavamanos en el baño.

  • No hay un sótano en la casa de Tomás.

  • Tiene una nevera frío, una estufa, y una fregadero.

  • Hay muchos videojuegos divertidos.

  • En el piso segunda, hay un baño más, con una ducha.

  • Tiene un invernadero grande, también.


El piso primero y el invernadero:

spanish 1 photo 3.jpg

La fachada (muy narcisista)

spanish 1 photo 1.jpg

Diseñado por Jason Greene y Harry Ford

Nuestro número 215-215-2152

La Futura Casa de Kai



Kai Burton

Nuestra cliente se llama Kai. Ella es muy alto y bonita. Kai tiene 14 años. Ella habla mucho y es muy  sociable. Sus hermano se llama Ian. Le encanta remar, correr y natación. Kai tiene un perro y en el futuro, ella quiere 3 niños. Le gusta cocinar, leer, ir de compras y ver la tele durante su tiempo libre.

La Casa

La casa de Kai es enorme. Tiene cuatro dormitorios y tres baños. La casa esta en la ciudad de San Francisco. La casa tiene dos pisos.

Hay un dormitorio principal por Kai. Tiene:

  • una cama

  • una ventana grande

  • un tele

  • gran visita

El dormitorio principal

Hay un comedor por la familia de Kai. Tiene:

  • diez sillas

  • una vidrio mesa

  • una blanca sofa

el comedor

la casa

Hay tres dormitorios por la familia de Kai. Tiene:

  • las camas

  • los teles

  • las ventanas

los dormitorios

Hay una cocina por la familia de Kai. Tiene:

  • un horno

  • la nevera

  • dos sillas

  • el fregadero

la cocina

Hay un jardín en la casa de Kai. Tiene:

  • muchos piscinas

  • hierba

el jardín

Hay dos baños en la casa de Kai. Tiene:

  • las duchas

  • los lavamanos

  • las ventanas

los baños

En la casa de Kai, hay una sala. Tiene:

  • una tele

  • las sofas

  • dos lamparas

  • una mesa

la sala

Hay un garaje en la casa de Kai. Tiene:

  • una bicicleta

  • una carra

  • tres lamparas

el garaje

Casa por Siawale y Miranda



I shuddered as the brisk november air flew up my skirt knocking me off balance, I yelped out, swinging my arms desperate to find something to steady myself. My heart raced, I looked down. Bad idea.

“Ida, can you please be the hell careful! and hurry up! Andrew pulling the car around.” Fey called up from the ground. I took a deep breath in, I can do this. Its only two stories, thats not bad. With one leg already out the window, I swung my left one out and balanced myself on the ledge. One jump, thats all it took, I’d jump from my ledge onto the tree and scale my way down. 

Wiping my sweaty palms onto the black skirt I wore, and pushing my red hair from off of my face, I stood up, putting all my weight into my toes, ready to leap. 

“hurry the fuck up Ida!!” Fey was never the most patient, as much as I wanted to get this over with I wasn’t about to risk my life. 

I closed my eyes and envisioned myself pushing off from the ledge and gracefully flying through the air. I imagined how the tips of my shoes would meet the branches and how smoothly i would climb down the side and land on the ground next to my friend. 

Opening my eyes, and praying one last time I pushed off, the tree came closer it was right in my grasp. My foot landed on the branch the way I envisioned, 

“good.. good, steady” I heard Fey calling from the ground. I was on the tree, I took my foot and attempted phase two. The climb down. I put only a little weight on the next branch to test its strength. It seem sturdy, I brought all my weight down, and cautiously started to bring my right leg to meet it. The branch started to give way, bending a little at the middle. My heart started racing, pounding against my rib cage. Sweat rolled down my brows, I lifted my right foot back up into its original postion. 

“Fey, I can’t do this!” I yelled down “the branch is going to break, I can feel it” I was on the verge of tears, this was a bad idea. It was silent below me, to terrified to look down I called for Fey again. 

“Ida, look down...” 

“No, Fey i will cry, just go get my dad or something. Theres a ladder in the garage” I could feel my right leg cramping because of the awkward position it was lifted in. 

“you are such a drama queen .. “ i heard Fey mumble, hearing her feet rustle against the dead leaves I figured she was making her way towards the garage. 

Something grabbed my shirt, and pulled me downwards, I stumbled, my heart dropped. a hand covered my mouth to muffle the scream that we all knew was coming. 

“Shhhhhh!!” Fey yelled, holding onto my shirt, “you were literally one leap from the ground dumbass” She helped me regain my balance. standing I shock I couldn’t do anything but laugh, looking from her to the tree and the branch I realized I was less than 7 feet up. My face felt hot, I could tell i was still sweating. I waited a moment to collect myself before asking Fey where Andrew was.

“last time i checked he said he was bringing the car around” she checked her phone. “ he’s parked on the corner” she said before locking her iphone and putting it back in her bra. 

We both made our way to the next block over, I couldn’t keep up with Fey’s fast pace stride, 

“keep up” she called. I jogged to catch up with her, heart still racing at the thought of what i just did. I’ve never been this defiant towards my parents, everything they told me to do I obeyed. As i slid into the plush leather seat of Andrews ford explorer, the reality of what I had done sunk in. I felt a rush of adrenaline course through my veins as he sped off down the dark quiet streets of my neighborhood. He turned the radio up a couple clicks as we made the final turn out of residental area and onto the main highway. This was the first time I’d snuck out and I never felt more alive, my mind started to wander at the thought of what would happen if i got caught. I quickly pushed it out of my head and decided to live in the moment and enjoy it now. I rolled down the windows so the sweat of me trying to leap from my second story window could dry. 

“We’re on our way!” Fey screamed out the window, Andrew hit 95 and sped down the open highway. The time on the digital clock read 12:45am, by the speed we were going we’d be there in a half an hour tops. 

“Yo this party is going to be crazy!!” I felt like I was in competition with the radio, over all the noise i felt like nobody could hear me.

“I hope its not corny. I did not just do all this for nothing..” I was relieved when Fey turned around from the front seat and responded. Her face lit with excitement, her brown her hung just below her chin was now blowing wildly in the wind. 

“I don’t think JasonTeary’s parties are ever corny, trust me.  these things are crazy” andrew called from the front seat as he switched into another lane. The entire car jerked as he recklessly switched. Andrew was never the most safe driver, I snugged deeper into my seat. 

“This. is. my. song” Fey reached for the knob and cranked the music all the way up. We all began nodding our heads in sync to the music. This was going to be a good night.


Andrew turned off the highway about 28 minutes later, we cruised down one of back roads for a good 10 minutes before he made a left onto a small cul-de-sac. There were faint sounds of music, I strained my ear so I could hear it, hjeart pounding with each second passing, the bass became louder and the words in the distance became more distinct. We cruised down the street, around the bend i craned my neck and strained my eyes to make out the figure in the distance. A large house sat the the very end of the cul-de-sac. Teenagers swarmed the lawn, the red cups that littered the lawn reflected the lights. Cars were parked on every side of the house including in th streets. Andrew couldn’t make his way completely down to the cul-de-sac.  was able to make out a couple of people I knew. I couldn’t fully believe that I was here. This was completely unlike me, but i was determined to enjoy every minute of it. As andrew parked the car I reapplied my lip gloss and fixed my hair. Checking my unarm pits for sweat stains I took out my perfume and sprayed myself 3 times. 

Emerging from the car, I pulled down my skirt and fixed my shirt so that my breasts sat upright. Fey came around the car and stood next to me, “how do i look?” she said fixing her hair, 

“cute, you guys ready?” i called back to Andrew who was already in the trunk of his car pulling out a package of beers. Nodding he pulled one off of the ring and began guzzling it down.

We walked towards the party, as we approched I started to recognize people that I knew, old friends from middle school, people from my current school and even people from my neighborhood. Half of them too drunk to stand, I wanted to be where they were. I watched yearning for a drink, walking up the steps, Fey was they first one at the door.

“Do we knock?” she asked. Knocking didn’t seem logical, the music was way to loud for anyone to hear.

“Maybe its unlocked” I suggested trying the knob, half surprised when I wasn’t locked. this was our first time at a frat house. Nobody knew what to do, Edfer has the craziest parties every year. When he graduated Fern High me and my friends made it a must to go to his next party. This was it, I crossed the thresh hold and immediately a wave of sweat, alcohol and vomit hit me ambushing my nose. I put my hand to my nose and began pushing my way through the crowd looking for a drink. Fey trailed behind me, 

“daaamnn” I heard her mutter under her breath. “this party is crazy.” We contiuned through the crowd of sweaty teenagers. Potheads in one corner rolling and smoking, alcoholics in another corner chugging and doing shots. You had people to drunk to function stumbling and falling everywhere, there was every different groups here yet they all seemed to blend together perfectly. 

Fey and I finally found the drinks, browsing the selection I settled for a cup of Vladimir Vodka mixed with fruit punch. Fey pondered over the selection, did two shots of vodka straight before grabbing a beer. 

“You drink beer?” I said, shouting over the music

“whaaat?” Fey screamed turning her ear to me. I shook my head dismissing the question i already knew the answer too. Fey didn’t drink beer, she was probably just doing it now to get a buzz on. 

I lingered around the drink table filling my cup as it grew low, a couple of people came over to talk to me but for the most part all I had was Fey. We lost Andrew at the door, these were more so his friends if anyones. Around my 5th cup of the same Vlad and Fruit Punch I decided to go dance. Throwing my red cup on the floor I got up, the alcohol hit me instantly almost knocking me back down. I stumbled back using the chair to regain my balance. Laughing at my own clumsiness I started walking towards the yard. Pushing my way through the crowd of intoxicated adolescents I made my way to the sliding double doors. 

The fresh air hit me almost as hard as the alcohol did, knocking me back into the screen door. I stumbled struggling to regain my balance, I felt a hand grab my waist, steadying me. 

“woah, i got you” a voice deep male voice said, I jumped pulling away from the hand and turing to see who it was. he looked alarmed at my sudden movement, 

“Are you okay?” he said moments later, he was a handsome fellow about 5’9 brown hair, piercing blue eyes, he had broad shoulders a muscular frame, and the deepest dimples. His beauty left me breathless, all i could do was nod my head, 

“you don’t look it.” he pressed on, I continued to shake my head, I was fine, “ I didn’t even drink... drink that much. I’m ... I - I am fine.” I began to feel a little lightheaded, shaking me head and rubbing my eyes I looked for a place to sit down.  The stranger moved towards me, putting his arms out as if to help me, I shooed him away. As much as I appreciated a little assistance there was something about him, something off that made me question if excepting his help was a good idea. 

Too tired and dizzy to say anything else I shut down and let him help me, my stomach was in knots, I felt dizzy again, it became harder to breath. He pulled my hair back from my face and leaned me over the railing. I instantly threw up, seeing all the liquor I had consumed inside the party. He rubbed my back and retrieved napkins. All the while I couldn’t help but think who was this guy, I had no clue. Once I had finished thowing up, he went into the house and got me a bottle of water. 

“Drink this” he said, I obeyed and began guzzling the water bottle down, not stopping until the contents were gone. 

“feeling better” he said after I had finished drinking the water, all I could do was nod I still felt a little weak. there was a bench on the far side of his yard, I started to make my way towards it, I was done for the night. The feeling of being drunk, and throwing up was one I never wanted to feel again. I now knew why I had never attended one of these parties before. I suddenly wished I had stayed home. I heard footsteps being me, I knew I was being followed, I turned being me to see blue eyes, I hadn’t bothered to ask for a name so thats the only thing I knew to identify him as.

“Why the hell are you following me” I called to blue eyes behind me, he laughed a little before responding, “thats the way to talk to someone who’s about to save your life.”

about to. Those two words rang in my head, what did he mean by about to. I was tempted to ask him, but decided he was just as drunk as I had been and let it go. I didn’t have time to entertain his stupidity. Ignoring his response I continued on towards the benches. 

“Mind if i join you?” he called once i got there, I sat on the one furthest from the house, the pounding of the bass made my head hurt. 

“I don’t care what you do,” there was no reason for me to be so mean to someone who held my hair as I threw up, yet a part of me didn't trust this stranger. There was something off about him.

“I don’t understand why this time you’re so mean Ida, normally our encounters are pleasant ones” blue eyes said as he took a seat next to time, I scooted over, I didn’t want him that close to me.

“When did I ever tell you my name,” I asked realizing he had just called me Ida. 

“This name you never told me, but i’ve been keeping up with you. I was surprised when Theodore agreed to let Lynette name you Ida, I know he wanted to name you Lisa so bad.” My heart began to race, I was more uncomfortable at the fact that he knew my parents first name than at the fact that he was so close. I didn’t know this kid, never seen him a day in my life, yet he knew what my parents wanted to name me. He knew personal information that I’m pretty sure nobody knew but me and my little sister. 

“How... how -” I couldn’t even get the words out.

“How did I know” blue eyes finished the sentence for me, moving in closer. “I don’t know if you caught this before, you’re a smart girl Ida, I kinda hoped you would. But I said Im about to save your life...” there was a hint of arrogance in blue eyes voice, like he knew he was some sort of super hero. Like he knew I was dependent on him. It made me angry. I wasn’t dependent on anybody, and at this moment he just sounded crazy. I started to get up I wasn’t about to sit here and listen to a drunk mans stories. 

“I noticed. I don’t think you noticed how crazy you sound right now. You don’t know me, you don’t know me at all.” I snapped turning my back to walk away.

“Ida i know everything about you, jeez you were so much nicer in your other lives. I’m just going t get to the point. I’ll Rip the bandaid off fast. We are stuck in a universe that loops. You have been living the same life for 569 years. You’ve been to this party 569 times, we’ve had this conversation 569 times, you’ve thrown up about.. 569 times. Oh and i’ve saved your life 569 time. there is about to be an explosion in that house caused by a dumbass trying to light a blunt on the stove and a whole bunch of open flammable liquor spilling everywhere. Everybody you know, including you little friend will die a sad a tragic death except for who.. -” blue eyes paused and looked at me. I could feel my airway closing, sweat trickled down my forehead. A million thoughts running through my head, I shook the small thought that suggested that he was right. I soon shook all thoughts from my head having to do with this topic. Turning my head and waving my hand I dismissed blue eyes. I had decided he was officially out of his mind.

“don’t believe me if you want to, but one thing you’re not going to do is walk in that house.” blue eyes voice turned cold, it sent a chill up my spine. I wanted to disobey, and go in the house. I didn’t want to listen to blue eyes. after all if he was telling the truth then I’d just “relive” this day over again. But something about his voice, something about  the way he said it made me want to obey him. “why me!” i snapped “out of everybody here, you pick me to save. I don’t understand. why not just let me die. Find somebody else to save” by the look on blue’s face I could tell he was hurt. He looked as if he wanted to say something but just couldn’t find the words to do so. I stared at him for a couple more minutes waiting for my explaining as to  why I am the damsel he choose to focus all his time and energy into. “hellooooo!” i called when I still got no response. blue continued to ignore me, his gaze distant, I had no clue what he was thinking, a part of me cared for him and wanted to listen to the warning he had given about not going into the house. Another part of me wanted to believe he was delusional. When i got ignored for the second time I decided to go into the house ignoring all warnings blue eyes was giving me. Turning my back on him i started across the wet grass, ignoring the shards that were getting caught in my sandals.

“We were supposed to be married” blue calls after me. I stop dead in my tracks. “we were supposed to be married, married with kids. three of them Josh, Jordan and Jamira.  We lived in a house just outside of new jersey ... you were a wedding planner and I use an accountant..... our life was perfect.” I was frozen in my steps, partially in shock and partially in disbelief. I looked back at blue waiting for more to the explanation, Something to convince me that he was telling the truth. A part of me wanted him to be telling he truth, I never envisioned myself even being alone for this long with a boy let alone marrying one. I couldn’t allow myself to grasp that idea that blue eyes could be telling the truth. 

“A few years back, our future changed.. I don’t know how, I don’t know why. But one morning I woke up and you weren’t there. our kids weren’t there. I’ve spent years jumping through time reliving this day. Reliving this day 569 times trying to convince you to make the right choice. Trying to convince you to not go into that goddamn house Ida... but every single time, you choose to ignore me. You think i’m bullshitting and honestly I’m not trying to give up on us. On the life we have but i’m getting close to it. So i’m standing here, begging you. Not to go into that house. For the sake of our marriage, our kids. Our future.” blue is damn near in tears, his face is red and he is out of breath. I feel for him, I don’t know what to say. I debate in my head if i should listen to him of not, if his words are true. If i stand out here long enough will the house infact blow up. I shake my head ...this isn’t real. I begin making my way towards the house. This time running, I sprinted away from the creepy boy with the blue eyes and headed for the house. Nothing he said was making any sense. None of that was possible, how does one travel through time and relive the same day over and over again.

“IDA!!!!” I heard blue eyes scream, ignoring him I pressed forward, the wind blowing through my hair. The sweat dripping off of my forehead. Stumbling something I struggled to regain my balance. I could hear blue eyes , cries from behind me he begged and pleaded for me to come back. I just wanted to find Fey and leave, we should’ve never come. A rumbling sound stopped me dead in my tracks, several screams came from the house people started filling out onto the porch in hysterics. I gazed up at the house, the kitchen erupted in flames. My heart immediately fell to the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t worried about the fact that blue eyes had been right, I was worried about my friend.

“FEY!!!” I cried for her, unable to move, I wanted to go in the house in search for her, but couldn’t get my legs to obey with what my brain was giving it orders to do. The windows busted out of the kitchen and more people ran out of the house. Some on fire, some badly burned, I could still hear blues cries in the distance. 

“IDAA!” he called, I looked back at the sound of my name. Blue waved his hands motioning me to come back to him. He was saying something but i couldn’t make out what. “A... Aw..AWAY” away? I didn’t understand what he was trying to say

“GET AWAY” I heard it, but it was too late, the house exploded, shards of hot class cut deep inside of me, I could feel the heat from the blast burning my skin, it soon became hard to breathe. I flew through the air, bloodcurdling screams left my mouth and joined the others in a perfect symphony. I hit the ground hard, cracking something in my back, I couldn’t move. I could still hear blue’s cries as closed my eyes and let myself go. 


I shuddered as the brisk november air flew up my skirt knocking me off balance, I yelped out, swinging my arms desperate to find something to steady myself. My heart raced, I looked down. Bad idea.

“Ida, can you please be the hell careful! and hurry up! Andrew pulling the car around.” Fey called up from the ground. I took a deep breath in . . . 

Reflection 6

Reflection 6         Andrew Roberts

Contaminación por carbono afecta particularmente a salud de latinos

Por Andrew Roberts

La cantidad de dióxido de carbono en la atmósfera de la tierra está aumentando. Muchos científicos están preocupados por el futuro del mundo. El gobierno lo sabe y está tratando a ayudar. La Agencia de Protección Ambiental tiene un plan para reducir la cantidad de dióxido de carbono de que los Estados Unidos pone en la atmósfera en un 30%. Este plan va a terminar en 2030. Este plan es apoyado por muchos grupos pero no por los republicanos. Están contra él.

El dióxido de carbono es sólo uno de los contaminantes en la atmósfera. Ozono y metano también son muy peligrosos. La contaminación es especialmente perjudicial para las personas con asma, como muchos afroamericanos y latinos. Este plan ayudará a la gente con asma y todos los demás. Presidente Obama dijo en una llamada telefónica: "La contaminación de las plantas de energía empeora el asma y otros problemas respiratorios, e implementar este plan ayudará a proteger la salud de los estadounidenses más vulnerables, incluidos los niños y los ancianos." Esta llamada fue para explicar el plan de la EPA.

Este plan es bueno. Estados Unidos necesita comenzar a reducir su contaminación, especialmente dióxido de carbono, antes de que sea demasiado tarde.

218 Palabras

La Casa de Sr. Lehmann

​Cliente: Sr. Lehmann


Está casa es perfecto!

En la casa de Senor Lehmann, tiene:

  • Cuatro pisos

  • Tres habatacions para tres personas

  • Dos baños y un irregular bano nuevo con dos duchas

  • Un mediana comedor

  • Un sala grande con un tele

  • Un cocina moderno con un navera  

  • Un garaje grande y espacioso para dos carros y un bici

  • Uno jardín hermoso con precioso flores

  • Un cubierta del techo simple con vistas de un parque, un banco, un supermarcado y mas!

lehmann casa.jpg

Solo cuesta: $3,000.00

Contacto; Vaughn Matthews o Declan Zisser

Teléfono: (215)-235-1211 0 (267)- 353-3021

La Casa de Quinn

A. Cliente: Quinn



Nuestro cliente, Quinn, es catorce años. Le gusta ver la tele, leer, y jugar videojuegos. Quiere dos  habitaciones.Tiene mascota un perro. Prefiere la casa cerca de un parque y el transporte público . Pedidos especiales para su casa tiene un grande biblioteca y un oficina privado.

B. Descripción de Casa:

Esta casa está cerca las montanas . Está cerca de un parque y el transporte público. Esta casa es enorme y moderna. Está lejos del centro comercial. Que tiene en jardín. Es muy vibrante y cerca la piscina en la casa. La casa tiene un blanco color.

  • Dos Habitaciones y es muy grande

  • Dos baños moderna con duchas es enormes

  • Dos dormitorios es espectacular y totalmente tiene espejas y camas es grande

  • El jardín es muy grande es cerca la cancha de tenis

  • La piscina es muy elegante y enorme pero está lejos las escaleras

  • La cocina tiene un lavaplatos, un fregadero, y la estufa

  • La biblioteca es cerca de oficina privado

  • la cancha de tenis está lejos de fútbol campo

  • El garaje es cerca de cueva de hombre

  • El jardín tiene un casa de perro     

Diseñado por: Grande Soñar Casa Empresa

Contactar Sianneh:

Contactar Ameena:

¡Gracias usted puedes contactar!


“What class do we have next?” asked Reese.  Reese always forgets his schedule.  He likes to rely on his own thinking instead of “listening to a piece of paper”.

“History.” I replied.

“Oh, you mean naptime?!” replied Neil with a sarcastic tone.  Neil’s sarcasm in very important to our group’s dynamic.  It’s like how a clock’s gears turn; it’s a necessity for us.

“Essentially.” said Sam under a laugh that we all share together.

I enjoy this kind of sarcastic, humorous banter with my friends.  It always drives my mind away from all of worries.  I can always count on them to lift my spirits which is ironic since I’m the happy optimist in our group.  Their presence keep my mind off of what is truly bugging me: my family.

My parents always say to never keep secrets for they can destroy bonds that can never be mended.  Since that is a value in our house, we never lie to each other and always be perfectly honest with each other.  Sometimes, it can lead to hurt feelings and broken hearts but you get used to it after a while.

That is why I love my friends.  They are a second family to me and I can always trust them with anything.  As we walked down the hallway, we came across our mortal enemy and her henchmen acting like idiots; it’s the norm these days.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the lower-class beggars from the slums of Beverly Hills.” said Tina with a great amount of detest.

“Well if isn’t the bitch who thinks she’s entitled to everything.” I replied.  I try not to show emotion towards her comments to show her that she doesn’t get to me.

“Don’t be upset because I can afford it.  Daddy thought I deserved it.”  Even though my family is middle class, Tina thinks everyone who isn’t wealthy is poor.  I can’t imagine her attitude towards homeless people.

“I don’t think you should listen to everything your daddy says.” I replied.

“Like when he tells you you’re pretty!” said Sam with a devious smirk.

Sam’s comeback makes us and a surrounding crowd laugh uncontrollably and Tina walks away with a depressed look.  She knows not to have any interaction with Sam after what happened last year.  Tina was bullying another girl and Sam stepped in because she believes that nobody has the right to tease anyone for what they have or at all.  After she argued with Tina, she declared that she could do anything she pleases and continued to bullying the original girl.  She tried take her bag and Sam lost control.  I heard the words, “I’ll kill you, bitch!” followed by repeated slaps to Tina’s face and screaming. After the beating, Tina’s face was blood red and she had to go to the hospital.  Sam was suspended for a week but she thought it was worth it.  To finally put Tina in her place filled her with joy.  That is why I love Sam; she has spunk and morals unlike some people but what I really liked about her was that she had less compassion than the average girl.

When we get to History, I immediately feel a change in my persona since this is the “nap zone”.  It’s so boring that it makes watching paint dry or the grass grow more exciting.  Seriously, who’s bright idea was it to relive pass moments and compress it into a core requirement to graduation?  Sounds like a placeholder for something else and for my sake it’s something better than learning about people who are dead and don’t know that we exist.

. . .

My friends and I always find ways to be together.  We love being alone together because we understand that we all wish for a non-judgmental atmosphere.  We eat alone together, study together and sit at the same tables during every class, well except for the teachers that like to break us up.  We even all get off at the same stop because we live in a Cul-De-Sac and we all are neighbors.  It’s pretty quiet most of the time but we always try to liven it up even if it means tagging a few houses.  

When I arrive home, my parents’ talking quiets down to a whisper.  I hate it when they do that.  What are they talking about that’s so important? And if it was so important for them to quiet down why can’t they be honest about it?  Isn’t that the core value of our home or have I been living a lie all of these years?  Good thing, it’s Friday because I can go upstairs and take a nap because homework is a Sunday problem.  

I fall down on my bed hard enough to bounce a few inches in the air.  I wrap myself in my sheets like a burrito and fall asleep and when I awake, my phone says 6:23pm.  My mom and dad call me and my two brothers down to the dining room.  My brothers and I are a set of triplets.  River is the oldest of us, while I am the middle child and Tyde is the youngest.  What I don’t understand is why they have names from nature while my name is ordinary: Quinn.  I understand that the myths about middle children are unnoticed are fact now, but seriously?  I didn’t think it would be this bad.

When we all sit down at the table, my parents look worried about something.  Maybe what they’re about t tell us is going to change our lives forever.  I hope not because I am in a happy place right now.  I am about to graduate in a few months and go off to University of Richmond next fall.

“How are you kids?” asked my father with concern.

“I’m ok but I’d be better if River would put the toilet seat down!” I say with a scornful look on my face.

“Why is it my responsibility to make sure that the bathroom is prepped to your liking?!” asked River with slight aggression.

“It’s your responsibility because every time I have gone to the bathroom after you, the toilet seat was up and I have fallen into the toilet!  Do you have any idea how disgusting that is!” I asked with fiery passion.

“Not my fault you have sit down just to pee.” said River.  He says it so quietly that I barely overhear him and slap him in the face.  Surprised that I reacted so violently, he feels his face, feels the sting and heat of the slap and gets angry.  He practically  throws his chair out of the way to lunge at me but Tyde stops him in the nick of time.  Tyde has always been my favorite of the two, he isn’t much of talker but he will always have more maturity and integrity than River.

“What are you doing?!” said Tyde.  I can tell that he was slightly angry by the furrowing of brows and the look he was giving River.

“Did you not just see what happened?” said River.  He was confused that Tyde jumped up so quickly to protect me.  I have never had any physical altercations with my siblings but Tyde and River used to fight a lot when they were younger and Tyde would always easily overpower him.

“Dude, chill. When are gonna grow up?”

“Are you serious?!”

“I’m not smiling am I? She’s your sister, do not put your hands on her or I will hurt you. Understand?”


The bleakness and seriousness in Tyde’s tone is normal but it was never like this before.  I thank him for saving me but I’m worried that Tyde will do something that he won’t regret but River will regret.

“Other than that situation, are you guys ok?” asked my father.

“Yeah.” replied River, Tyde and myself.

“Good because we have something very important to tell you.” said my father.

“You guys know we love you right?” said my mother.

“Yeah.” we all replied.

“But we haven’t always been completely honest with you.”

“What do you mean?” asked Tyde.  He usually can keep an emotionless face but the tension in this conversation gives him a look of worry.

“We are a part of a secret race that have special abilities that we are born with because of our genetic makeup.  The name that society use to describe us is “EnerGenes”.” said my father.  We all look at each other with saying anything because we couldn’t believe what we just heard.

“Why is our race secret?” I asked.

“Because, we have tried to make peace with humans but they usually fear things that are new or different and our kind qualifies.” replied my father.

“Are you an EnerGene Dad?” asked Tyde.


“Why did you decide until now to keep it a secret?” asked Tyde.

“Because this is the time of maturity when your powers will start to manifest.” said my mother.

“ basically we’re a bunch of freaks?!” asked River.  I can hear the sarcasm in the pacing of his voice.  His sarcasm in obvious in the highs and lows of his voice and his facial expressions.

“We are not freaks, our kind have been on this world before humans.  How dare you address this this way!” replied my father.  He never shouts but whenever he does, he’s always talking or scolding River only.

“What did you expect?! We’re about to start living our own lives, we’re going to college and beyond and then you tell us about our heritage that could ostracize us from society?! Man, this is some old bullshit!” replied River.  After that, he walks out of the house mad that he now may potentially won’t have a future.

“Ugh. What do we even bother talking to him?” asked my father.

“I stopped ages ago.” replied Tyde.

“Don’t worry Quinn.  You and Tyde haven’t experienced anything out of the ordinary with your bodies have you?”

“Not that we know of, right Tyde?” I asked.

“Negative.” he replied.

“Ok, well since you guys have just been hit with this, why don’t you guys take it easy for the weekend?” asked my mother and my father agrees.

“Fine by me.” I said.  

“I’m cool with that.” said Tyde.

With that, we went into our rooms for the rest of the day.  I’m mad that my parents kept a secret from us because we were raised not to keep any from them.  I thought we were all supposed to live by that principle but I guess I was mistaken.  But what makes even more disgusted is the fact that River is being so selfish.  This is big change for everyone and he is behaving like a baby.  Whereas Tyde, he realizes this and does not want to cause our parents anymore strife because things are already complicated enough.  Supposedly, River is the oldest and Tyde is the youngest but from this scene, maybe their powers accidentally made them switch brains or something.  This needs to be further verified.  But since our powers haven’t manifested yet, maybe River was born to be an immature whiner and Tyde was born to a be a strong leader.  

I don’t know how I will function at school on Monday.  I don’t know if my powers are triggered by emotion, whatever they are, I don’t want to accidentally blast anyone by mistake, well maybe except for Tina.  Mom and Dad never said that I couldn’t tell anyone but even still, I think it was implied in the conversation about the conflict between humans and EnerGenes.  The worst part about the whole thing is that I can’t tell my friends.  My dear, dear friends that I have known since middle school cannot know who I truly am and that makes me sad.  I unintentionally squeeze out tears into my pillow, stifling my sobs.

. . .

It’s been two weeks since my parents revealed their secret to me and my siblings.  I haven’t felt like myself lately.  Knowing that I have had more power than I realized all these years makes me feel uneasy.  I feel like my secret is so obvious that everyone can see it.  It makes me feel like an outsider.  I’ve never felt this way before and it’s definitely not a feeling that I want to get used to.  My friends have noticed that I have been acting differently and consistently try to check up on me.  Since I try to avoid them at school, afraid that I might hurt them without trying, they text me nonstop.  Reese texts me the most which is admirable but I can tell that he has a huge crush on me.

At lunch today, I sit at the table I share with my friends without realizing it.  I try to get up but they sit just in time and I don’t want to look like I abandoned them so I stay seated.

“Quinn, have you been feeling ok lately?” asked Reese.

“Yeah.  What’s makes you say that?” I asked.

“Well for starters, you’re eating your soup with a knife.” said Neil.  He chuckles slightly after but I know he means well.

“No wonder why I’m still hungry and the inside of my mouth is bleeding.” I say and I can’t help but laugh but I know that I can’t get comfortable.  I have to leave but I cannot come up with a legit excuse since we have all of classes together.  Instead, I reach into my pocket while they’re not looking and go to the ringtones menu on my phone and click one to make it seem like my parents were calling.

“Sorry guys but I have to answer this.  I’ll see you later.” I said.  Reese grabs my arm before I can get up from the table fully.

“Quinn, you know we’re here for you if you ever need us, right?” he says.  Sam and Neil nod in agreement.

“Yeah. Thanks.” I reply.  When he lets go, I quickly speed-walk out of the cafeteria.  My bland tone when I responded doesn’t make me sound to keen on the idea of them providing me with some type of closure.  I don’t want them to stop trying to help nor do I want to lose them but I can’t risk them finding out about me being an EnerGene.  I am so confused that I break down in the girls’ bathroom.  I guess I am crying so loud that someone comes in to check on me but luckily, it’s Sam. 

“You are definitely not ok.” she said.

“No I am, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” I reply.

“You know you could never lie to me right?  I’ve known you since the fifth grade.  I know when something is bugging you and by the sound of your crying...something’s bugging you.”

“Listen I’m fine. Let’s just drop it ok?”  Before she can say anything else I leave.  Sam is extremely persistent and I knew that she wouldn’t budge until I finally spilled the beans.  It saddens me that I can’t tell her or any of my friends.  She’s the only girl in our group besides me and we have always been able to talk about anything even if we couldn’t tell Neil and Reese.

. . .

It’s been days since I had my conversation with Sam.  Things are already awkward between them and me and I don’t want to flare it up anymore.  I’m riding the bus home and my friends are sitting in our usual seats and since we’re the last ones to get off the bus at our stop, it feels weird to look in their direction.  I don’t want to come off as snobbish and rude so I pretend to do something on my phone.

When our stop comes, I quickly rush off of the bus with my friends right behind me.  While I’m walking, I lose sight of them and quietly think about them.  All the things that we’ve been through together was about to be thrown away and all because of my stupid heritage.  Just thinking about it gets me so worked up that I can’t control and a bright light beams from my fingers which causes a transformer to explode.  I stop it and just before anyone could look to see what happened, I run as fast as I can to my house and slam the door behind me.

Tyde greets me at the door but I’m so frantic that he has to drench me with a bucket of water.  He carries me up his room and questions me.

“Quinn, are you with me?” he asked.  Even though Tyde is younger than me he will always be a better older brother than River.

“I couldn’t control it! I didn’t mean to-” I replied but he interrupts me.

“What happened? Are you ok?”

“Yeah but the transformer...I accidentally shot it.”

“Did anyone see it?”

“No. I ran before anyone could see me at the scene.”

“Good.  We have to keep our EnerGene heritage a secret.  Let’s just keep this incident between us ok?”

“Ok. Thanks T.”

“You’re welcome.  I’m glad you at least have one brother you can count on.”

“You and me both.”  It’s a shame to say but it’s true.  I can’t trust River like I can trust Tyde.  And I definitely don’t have that type of relationship with River either.  We just aren’t compatible like me and Tyde are.  With Tyde’s soothing words, I go to my room, start my homework and go to sleep.  I don’t even want dinner and it’s times like these when I want to be by myself.  But something Tyde said doesn’t sit right with me.  Why do we have to keep our powers a secret?  What if we weren’t meant to live in hiding?  Maybe we all can live together in harmony but by the way things looked when I accidentally destroyed the pylon, there’s a very slim chance.

When I awake the next day, I feel like I shouldn’t go outside because of yesterday’s incident.  It’s as if people can point me out as the culprit from a mile away.  But I can’t stay cooped up in this house either so I get out of bed and go to the park.  I am sitting on the bench with my phone in my hands when my friends walk up to me.

“Hey Quinn.” said Reese.

“Hi guys.” I almost forgot that I’m supposed to be avoiding them to stop myself from hurting them by accident.  Before I let the conversation get too long, I’m going to have make up a fake excuse to leave.  I don’t want to but I have to limit their contact with me physically.

“How have you been lately?” asked Neil.  I have never seen nor heard him this serious before.  It’s surprising because he’s the snarky, sarcastic and prankster of our group and his seriousness is messing with our group dynamic.

“I’ve been ok but I gotta go.  My mom wants to take me shoe-shopping so I’ll see you guys later.” I say quickly getting up from the bench but this time Sam grabs me instead of Reese.

“Quinn, we know what happened?” she said.

“What are you talking about?”

“The pylon explosion?  We saw your powers.” said Reese.

“You’re an EnerGene, aren’t you?” asked Neil.

I already have my head down because I can’t bear to look at them.  Then the tears start rolling down my cheeks and my face turns red.  I start sobbing into my hands but Reese presses my face to his muscular chest, using his shirt to wipe the tears away.  I am so close to him, that I soon start smell his cologne.  The scent is familiar which makes me feel safe around him: sweet, fresh and clean.  They all soon start to embrace me and I finally feel the love I once had with them before I found out I was an EnerGene.

“Is that why you’ve been avoiding us?” asked Sam.

“Yeah.  I don’t want to hurt you guys by accident.”  I replied.

“Yeah we saw what happened to the pylon.” said Neil.  We all laugh and I chuckle a little bit.  The sarcastic tone is back and his voice is normal again.  I’m glad this Neil is back but I never knew he had a serious bone in his body.

“If I did, I wouldn’t be able live with myself.”  I replied.  The thought of them being hurt or killed because I can’t control my powers makes me cry again and Reese pulls me to his chest again.

“Are you guys gonna tell everyone about my powers so they can call me a freak or turn me in to the police?” I ask them.

“No, Quinn, you’re our best friend and we’re work through this with you, together.” said Reese as he kisses my forehead.  Neil and Sam nod in agreement sealing our the deal on this agreement.

“I guess this is another adventure for us to embark.” said Sam as she smiled at me.

“Yeah.  We’re never going to leave your side Quinn, no matter how times we get zapped!” said Neil.  That actually makes me laugh uncontrollably, making me forget all of my worries.  I almost forgot how we used to act.  Always laughing, always happy no matter who saw us or said about us.  All we need is each other and we always have a great time together.

“We’re a team now.  Put your hand in if you’re in!” said Sam.  When she stretches her hand out, we all put our hands on top of hers.  We had a pact now and there’s no way it could be broken.

“Do you need some time alone?” asked Reese.

“I’ll catch with you guys later.” I replied with a smile.  Sam and Neil both walk away and Reese kisses me on my lips.  His lips are soft and warm against mine and after he leaves to catch up with Neil and Sam.  My cheeks are fire red and I am literally blushing at what just happened but I didn’t know if it was because my friends are so amazing that they accepted my heritage or that Reese actually kissed me.  I guess it’s both.

La Casa de Holly

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Screenshot 2014-06-08 at 8.54.03 PM

Mi cliente nombre es Holly Dancy y ella es 22 años. Quiere ser un professora. Ella colores favoritos es amarillo y verde. Holly le gusta jugar básquetbol, voleibol, fútbol, y nadar. En su tiempo libre le gusta cocinar, leer, ver la tele y películas, pintar, y hacer arte y poesía. En el futuro, quiere dos niños y un esposo. No quiere un mascota.


La casa esta en Rabat, Morocco. La casa está cerca de la ciudad, muchas tiendas y supermercados. La casa está lejos de Filadelfia. La casa es mediana con uno piso. La casa es conveniente porque hay muchos cosas ella le gusta dentro. La casa es espectacular con un montón de árboles. La cocina es elegante y moderna con mucho ventanas enorme con vistas de piscina. La puerta en la cocina conduce a piscina grande con sillas a relajarse y leer. La comedor es muy simple pero es surprisingly bonito. Hay ventanas y mucho luz del sol. Tu y su familia comen en la sol. La dormitorio #1 es muy magnífica porque hay un baño ir con lo. El baño #1 es todo blanco con luz del sol y una ducha de lujo fuera.  Hay una oficina personal. Usted lata escriben poesía, trabajan, surfear la red, estudian, o ver la tele solo. La casa tiene dos dormitorios extra para niños o invitado. La casa tiene un garaje para carros. Este casa grandísimo es la casa de sus sueños y lo es de venta.

Contacto Me

Precio: $800,000

Agente: Tianna McNair

Contacto Numero: 215-888-CASA

Llamar ahora para descuento

La Casa de Rifah!

Descripción de Rifah: Nuestro cliente, Rifah Islam, es muy divertida y baja. Le gusta tenis y correr . Tiene 15 anos. Ella vive en New york city. Ella tiene dos ninos. Le gusta escuchar musica y dormir.

Description de CASA:

Esta casa esta en Manhattan de New York. Esta cerca de la parque y centro comercial. Esta casa es media y moderna. Hay un piso en la casa y un jardín. Hay tres dormitorios y cocina grande.Hay balcon y muchos flores. Hay un biblioteca y tele grande.

1. La casa es largo y magnifica!
2. Cinco habitaciones y ventanas muy grande!
3. Un simple garaje y carro de lujo!
4. Un solo piso!
5. Un jardin grande y bonito!
6. La casa es muy sofisticada!
7. La casa es elegante!
8. La casa perfecta para todo el mundo!
9. Hay una biblioteca y cine!
10. Hay un increible balcon.
photo 1 (9)
photo 1 (9)
photo 2 (12)
photo 2 (12)
La Foto #1 
1. La Casa 
2. el habitacion #1 
3. el habitacion #2 
4. el comedor 
5. la cocina 
6.el cine 

La Foto #2
1. la biblioteca 
2. la sala 
3. el habitacion #3
4. la casa 
5. el piso 
6. el bano #1 

Desinado por Nyla Moore y Joaquin Thomas 

La Casa de Sus Sueños por Colin Pierce y Quinn Grzywinsky

Cliente:Owen for Spanish.jpg

Nuestro cliente es Owen Grzywinski. Tiene 18 años. Él es muy sociable y más o menos alto. Le gusta jugar videojuegos, leer libros, y a veces, escribir cuentos y poesías. También, le encanta su perro Zeus. El prefiere casas modernas y elegantes, en las montañas si es posible. Sus deportes favoritos son fútbol, frisbi y golf.

La Casa:

iBienvenidos cliente! La casa diseñamos es muy fabuloso. La casa es cerca de Los Angeles, en Pequeño Tujunga Canyon Carretera. Está cerca de La montaña Baldy.

La casa tiene dos pisos, siete cuartos en todo, y un balcón chévere. La mayoría de los cuartos tiene ventiladores. Primero en el piso uno, tú entrar en la casa a través de la sala. La sala es grande, y tiene una sofá azul, paredes azules, y un madera dura piso.

Los baños son medio, y tienen duchas, y los lavamanos también. El piso

La oficina es medio también, y hay un piano grande y una computadora por escribir. (El hombre llevando verde la ventana no es importa.) La manta es chévere, y la ventana con un agradable vista.

Hay un lavadero, pero cuidado, es muy despiramente. La cocina tiene una mesa con cuatro sillas y una nevera media. También tiene un bol de manzanas gratís.

El cuarto de los niños es largo, y hay juguetes y una litera. También tiene papel pintado

Finalmente, el dormitorio maestro es muy grande, y tiene una cama para dos personas, y una aparador alto de osos.

Teléfono: 1-800-COMPRAR

Diseñado por Colin y Quinn


¡la casa de sus sueños!


Cliente: Brandon

  • Brandon tiene dos perros.

  • El es alto y delgado.

  • Brandon es comico y divertido.

  • El tiene ojo marrones.  

  • El es de Filadelfia, pero viven en las montañas

  • Tú gusta escuchar música


Brandons casa es en las montanas. Brandons casa es cerca de nada.  El quiere vivir lejos de todas las distracciones. La casa es en al campo y esta lejos todo. La casa es moderna y grande. !Es la casa de sus sueños y es de venta!

  • La casa tiene tres dormitorios. Uno es un principal dormitorio con un lujo baño.

  • La casa tiene un super moderna cine con grande sillas.

  • La casa tiene un nueva garaje. La garaje es grande.

  • La casa tiene un cancha de basquetbol.

  • La casa tiene un grande piscina con vistas de la monantas.

  • La casa tiene un bonito sala con acuario para el 20 pescado y dos enorme tele por los videojuegos.

  • La casa tiene un increíble cocina.

  • La casa tiene un elegante comedor con muchos ventanas.

  • La casa tiene azul pintar en muchos rooms.

  • Las guardarropas en las dormitorios es super grande. Nada en la casa es chiquito.
  • Casa con piscina.
  • La casa.jpg
  • El Cine

  • increíble cocina. 

  • Sala con acuario

Diseñado por Dejah y Stephen


Art GS

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i've been trying out new styles, including not using outlines and trying to just draw quickly on the spot without sketching things out first. 

Casa De Soñar

Cliente:Keyaira Doughty


Nuestro cliente se llama Keyaira Doughty. Es muy bonita y inteligente. Tiene 18 años. Se quiere dos hijos. Le encanta natácion y cocinar. Su casa debería todo sueñas de.


-La casa es perfecto por Keyaira, es grande y esta cerca de una playa.

-La casa es en el suburbio en Malibu.

-La cocina es largo con dos neveras y un horno con una estufa y un microonda. Los gabinetes a lo largo de las paredes con un lavaplatos y un fregadero mediana.

-La sala se tiene un sofá grande que tiene la forma de un ‘L’ y es negro. Hay ventanas de las paredes. Un tele mediana en la pared.

-El baño se tiene un jacuzzi bañera mediana y un ducha grande con un puerta de vidrio. El piso se tiene baldosas de mármol. Hay dos lavamanos con encimeras de mármol y un espejo.

-El dormitorio principal es perfecto por Keyaira porque es largo y tiene un bano con un lavamanos, un espejo, un inodoro, y una ducha. El baño es pequeño. Su cuarto tiene un balcón.

-En la casa es dos cuartos de huéspedes.

-Hay un piscina.

-La casa es cerca de un banco, un supermercado, un centro comercial, y restaurantes.

-Hay cerca de un parque tambien.

Fotos De La Casa:

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