YATW #2 - Teen Pregnancy - Why It's An Issue

Teen Pregnancy : Why It’s an Issue

In 2011 mainly one-third of male and female high school students are sexually active.  seven out of ten teens have had sexually intercourse by the age of 19. Being sexually active at a young age makes you high risk for sexual transmitted diseases (STD’s) . An sexually transmitted disease is from generally from having sexually intercourse.
One out of four teen girls have sexually transmitted diseases do to either unprotected sex or from someone who is passing the disease. There are many different types of STD’s. The most common would be viral and bacterial.

Bacterial Diseases include the following:
1. Chlamydia
2. Gonorrhea
3. Pelvic Inflammatory
4. Syphilis

Viral Disease include the following:   
1. Genital warts
2. Human papillomavirus
3. Hepatitis B
4. Hepatitis C
5. HIV/AID (Human immunodeficiency virus infection / Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)
6. Genitals herpes

Peer pressure plays a big part in an individuals life. Studies show that boys are more in favor of being pressured to have sex when they are not ready to from other male associates. One in three boy between the age of 15 to 17 admit to have being pressured to have sex. As to the 23% of girls .

Teens now of days think that not just because you use protection you should not have to worry about the consequences. Well they’re wrong! You should not depend on the condom, for it is only a 50 -50 percent chance that it may protect you from getting someone pregnant.

Five Reasons Why A Condom May Fail:
1. The condom was not properly used
2. Breaks during intercourse
3. Not manufactured properly
4. The expiration date has come to pass
5. The condom was damaged after manufacture

The Proper Use of A Condom:
1. Stay away from tearing or breakage when you remove from the concealed package
2. Unroll the condom over the firm penis
3. DO NOT use an oil-based lubricant for this will damage the latex
4. Be sure to always to take off the condom as soon as possible after discharge

You should always expected the unexpected because you never know what may happen if you decide to have sexually inter course at not just a young age but at any age. The younger the age the more risk because you would be in the stages of puberty. Therefore your body is still growing. Waiting to have sex is the right thing to do. There is a time and place for everything you do in life.

Two ways of speaking

Language is different for because how english is written down. I’ve had trouble with English since I could I remember. English is more hard for me to used to because o f the different ways they are spoken I had trouble speaking proper English with my writing everything. I had different kind of english accents and ways of speaking it my whole life.  My way of speaking English is like most people talk, but sometimes I use words that not many people use.  I don’t think I have an accent but some of my family does have an accent like my dad family has the southern accent and sometimes it hard for me to tell what they are saying sometimes but most of the time I can tell what they are saying. Me I still need to speak better english but I got most of english but learning another language is much harder for me because of me having trouble with English in general. In spanish its hard to speak in an accent and writing in spanish is just as hard. Like my language will improve with time but not yet because of the ba thats in front of be not letting me get there. I need to get around that barrier and keep going to my goal but then there are other barriers in my way not letting me and slowing me down, keeping me at bay.

New and Old Me Slide

In technology we are learning about slides. Going into this topic I felt like I was not going to learn anything because I have been using a laptop and making slides for the past five years. I quickly learned that I had no idea how to make a good slide. The first website we looked at as a class, completely changed how I look at slide design. I originally thought that a slide needed to be captivating and have a lot going on as to draw the viewers attention. I now know that a slide needs to be simple and powerful, so that it gets the point across without being confusing.

Before I thought that a slides job was to get the main point across, and be organized. In my first slide I try to display my name brighter than anything else, while organizing the slide so the viewer can take turns looking at each slide. I now know that the slide should be easy for the viewer to look at. I draw attention to the colors of the symbols in my second slide using the colors of my name.
Me Slide-old
Me Slide-New

Slide 2 All About Me

Hello my name is Marcus Cruz and we received an assignment to create a slide that represent me. Well this is my second slide, my first slide (Click here to view) was more of who I am rather than what I am and what what I want for myself. While making my second slide we had to take criticism from our previous slide to improve our slide. All of my pictures I chose matched what I was trying to show the world and didn't throw off my slide. They matched my color scheme. The background was gray because I think it created contrast with my pictures.
Tech Slide 2

All about me

After observing the critiques my classmates received during tech class, I decided to reinvent my slide. I started out by knowing that I wanted to keep the same picture as before, but I wanted the colors to be more eyecatching. So I enhanced the contrast of the slide, bringing out the bright colors. I then deleted the background color of the picture, making it white. After reading the Zen Presentation, I learned that colors such as black and white are good combinations for making something stand out, so I left the background white and since I wanted the text to stand out as well, I made it black. I realized that there was a lot of empty space because of the white, so I used a dark green (matches the plants in the picture) to fill it. This then created a good color combination.
For technology class, Ms. Hull wanted us to create a slide based off of our Coat of Arms from English class. The slide had to send a message, while also being pleasing and not too complicated to the viewer. The image above is the results.

I used a hand balled into a fist, surrounded by beauty because that is what I believe the drawing itself sends a powerful message just by looking at it. Originally, the image's contrast was super high, and because I wanted to give off a relaxed but inspirational feeling to the viewers, I used a cool dark blue tint color. I wanted the color scheme to be in close proximity with one another. I didn't want only the image to send a message, but the quote as well. As as shown, the main colors of this slide are blue, white and navy. The white is the color that stands out the most because it is the lightest in contrast to the others, so I chose to make the text this color in combination with sans serif font which makes the slide easy to read. The images/text are in that certain alignment in a diagonal point of view because that is where I want the viewers eyes to follow. The emptiness in the dark navy blue and supposed to help highlight the main focus of the slide. The size of the font is supposed to help the reader hub on the important parts of the slide. Because we usually read from left to right, it is only natural for the audience to see the picture that way in the beginning. First by seeing my name at the top, followed by a soft, grainy but empowering picture and left with an inspirational quote.

I personally learned a lot from this assignment. It is pretty difficult being a designer that is trying to catch the attention of millions. I also learned why some make the decisions they do and question why they do it. Not to mention it was pretty difficult for me to make a decisions on how I was going to convey my message to the audience.

Blog Post #2: The Story

The second part of my "You and the World" solely focuses on a story. This is the story that inspired me to pick this topic and help others see its importance too. It's my mom's story. She agreed to help me with my project because she knows above all how important it is for other people to hear about HPV, and to do what they have to do to protect themselves.
First I'm sharing research on safety when it comes to catching the virus.

I delved more into the ways you can protect yourself against genital HPV. This type of HPV is one of the more common kinds. Latex condoms are the most recommended form of protection against the infection, but not always effective because genital HPV can be spread through the entire region between your legs. Oral intercourse or skin to skin intercourse will easily transmit the virus and is clearly not the wisest move to make on a person with HPV whether you're male or female. Men can transmit HPV to women and never get affected, or other times it can develop into penal cancer or they can get genital warts. Women who obtain the virus are the one's who receive the most damage; the largest being the possibility of cervical cancer. Condoms are still the most reliable source of protection against catching the virus, but not 100%. 

Interview with my mom: 


All About Me (New Slide)

Hello my name is Nashay Day, in my Technology Class I was assigned to do a slide, after we were done we were critiqued by our peers and our instructor. I was never critiqued, however I did get an understanding of what I though a good slide looks like and hope this resembles it. I kept everything cohesive by using black and white images, with a white background. I also wanted to keep my original concept of of an effortlessly chic look because I feel that my sense of style is so eclectic that black and white was the only way that I could get it across without it looking tasteless and rushed. 
My Slide 2