Reconstruction of a Memory- Brendan Hall

Screenshot 2018-12-13 at 7.56.24 PM
Screenshot 2018-12-13 at 7.56.24 PM

I tried to escape from a house to find a home. I kept looking over my shoulder the paranoia was getting to me, suddenly I heard a voice.

“Did you think you could hide forever?” I didn’t but it was worth was a shot.

“I’m your dad and you have to listen to what I tell ya. That’s the way it is. I don’t want you to be a loser like you loser mom’s side of the family. You’re a Jones not a Williams,” The same speech I heard dozens of times before. Of all the places he could be, he was here and found me, just my luck. I do the other thing I’ve ever done my whole life, run. I run because I refuse to be controlled. I refuse to allow someone to be antagonized their whole and put up with it, only to have their abuser wear the victim’s mask. I refuse to allow someone to lie about their former spouse having affair in order to manipulate their family. I refuse to be a Jones.

“Get back here!” he yelled when about ten feet back when I initially bursted into sprint. There’s no turning back. I ran until I didn’t see him anymore, and I kept running after that. I could never be sure I wasn’t just running away from family mistreatment anymore. I was running from the slight part of me that resembles him. I’m running from the man I’m afraid I’ll become. I’m running from the future I fear more than anything. I’m running from a man that’s been running from himself.

“You thought you could outrun me?” He came out of nowhere The anger in his face was enough to start a war itself. He cocked his arm all the way back and right before I’m hit that’s when I awake.

This reoccurring nightmare happened again. Even when he can’t control me I allowed myself to be scarred by him. Although this moment happened years ago I’m only able to remember it on a good day and on a bad day I relive it.

My reconstruction of a memory came from the style of Atwood and the content of Kesey. Atwood’s usage of figurative language influenced me to write phrases such as “I’m running from a man who’s running from himself”. While Chief’s flashback to his family life influenced me to write about the topic I chose. The hallucinations throughout One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest also made me want to have a nightmare to show subscious thoughts.

Reconstruction of Memory- Justin Stewart

Image result for flattened bike tire

I remember the time we tried riding down Rat Road. It was a hot summer day in 2017. I was with my two friend’s Billy Bob and Jake. We were riding our bikes throughout the neighborhood. Billy rode his aunt’s bike since his bike’s tires were flattened by a sharp nail a few months before. We were doing tricks and daring each other to do stunts. But one dare proved to have been to extreme for us.

“Come on Billy we’re going to Rat road.” Jake said.

“Rat road? Doesn’t that street have a bunch of shattered glass on the ground?” I asked

“Yeah, the reason why there is a bunch of glass on the ground is because there was a car accident there like last week.” Jake responded

I remember saying, “I don’t think that we should go there, if cars can’t go down that street, bikes shouldn’t either.”

“We’ll be fine, I’ll go down the street first” I said.

          Rat Road was a really steep hill, cars were banned from going down because it was a safety hazard. Still, I  went down first, he was moving fast but he got to the bottom safely. Jake went next. He wasn’t going as fast as I was but he was still going fast enough for it to be dangerous falling off your bike here would be very bad. But he also got to the end in one piece. Next, Billy Bob went down the hill. I remember seeing him shaking in fear. He said that he wasn’t really afraid of falling because he had on a helmet, elbow guards, and knee guards. But he was more afraid of breaking my aunt’s bike. He stood at the top of the hill for what seemed like five minutes and thought over if he should do this. If he backed out, then we would’ve thought that he wasn’t “man enough.” But if he did go down the hill, He’d have the high risk of destroying his aunt’s bike. He finally decided to go down the hill. He sped down even faster than I did. While he rode down the hill, I heard and seen his tire pop. I looked down and saw there were many shards of glass inside the tire, and he lost control.  The bike and flew off but luckily for him he didn’t have any severe injuries.

Author's Note:

This story is based off of a true story that I experienced. Billy Bob represents me as I was afraid to ride down the hill with my aunt’s that wasn’t called Rat road but that was the nickname we gave it. In reality, it was a steep hill but cars weren’t banned from going up and down the hill they just chose not to. For this story, I chose to use the style of Margaret Atwood as she uses repetition to make the story more believable. I also used some of Ken Kesey’s method by making the story very descriptive so the reader can feel what the Protagonist is feeling.

Reconstruction of Memory

“When I lose something, I always try to think back to the last time I saw it. When I go back to that place, I usually find what I lost.”

The last time I saw my father…

It was clear from the start that this advice wouldn’t be very helpful. The most recent memory Julia had of her father was years ago - only a few days before he went missing. This memory had returned to her only just last night - the first of her personal memories. Perhaps the others would return to her when something happened in the present to trigger it. There was only one way to find out.

She thought back to the day when she was young… five or six. She had walked into her father’s… study? Yeah, study, he was a scholar. Is a scholar. Why? She had a nightmare, and was in need of his company. Did she go to her mother first? No, she had no memories of her mother. She never knew her. He held her in his arms with a loving embrace for a long time. She remembered snuggling closer to his chest, feeling the soft fabric of his sweater on her cheek, hearing the beat of his heart, and feeling a wave of comfort wash over her.

Julia started to cry. As she stood there in the field, her own father was being held prisoner somewhere on this land. A prisoner of beings that would not hesitate to kill him if it would benefit them in some way. She had no clue where they were keeping him, or if he was still alive. But even if she would never see him again, at least she had something to remember him by.

Julia’s mind came back to the present. She wiped the tears from her eyes, and she and her companions moved on, even more, determined to find the one who could just be her only surviving parent. She had to save him. He had to see him again. And she will risk it all to do so. Even her own life.

Thank you for taking the time to read my piece. This is actually supposed to be a small part of a larger story, so that’s why it doesn’t feel quite complete or why some details aren’t quite as explained. If you are interested in learning more about the story, feel free to come talk to me. For my audio companion, I decide to use the song Hymn for the Missing by Red. Since the main character has a missing person in her life, it was kind of fitting. I can imagine one of them singing the song to the other.

Shamus Keough Reconstruction of Memory

I remember when the doctor told me I wasn’t going to live. I was an overweight man living in Detroit, living in an average house with my wife and child. While I was overweight, I still tried to get to the gym on weekends, and when ever I had freetime. I wasn’t the best with working out, but I always made sure I ran a few miles on the treadmill. I thought it would be interesting to try out running and see if I could lose some weight as well. The next summer after I started training I had already set up the idea to run a half marathon by some point in my life.

By the second month of training, I was starting to be really proud of myself. I had been doing some long runs, and at that point my farthest run had been nine miles. I was happy, and so was my wife, everything was going great. Until the doctor visit the next week.

I had gone to the doctor after work one day because I felt a little bit like I was starting to get the flu. I got to the doctor’s office and described how I was feeling to the doctor. The doctor said “Well… it might be a cold, but I just want to check if it could be something else. Would you mind taking an mri really quick?” I said sure, and got into the machine. The mri ended a few minutes later, and the doctor came into the room with a sad look on his face.

“I’m so sorry… it’s what I thought it might be. You have blood cancer.”

I later found out that I had only a few more months to live. I didn’t know how exactly to react, all I knew was that I was going to finish that half marathon I promised to my wife. I kept on practicing, every weekend, and any other free time I had. I had been practicing so much, I knew I was going to do his best, and even if I had to, make it the last thing I did in my life.

Author’s Note

The plot of the story is partially based off of my first experience running a half marathon. My first time running a half marathon was pretty difficult, so I tried to have my main character also have a hard time training at first. I had Terry start out training and have some trouble at first, which I can admit I also had some trouble when I first started running. After Terry starts running, I added him being diagnosed with cancer because I wanted to make Terry have some extra struggle with his training. I had the idea of him being diagnosed with cancer because I also had cancer when I was younger.

Elena Smith Monologue

I’m sorry. It wasn’t supposed to be like this, it was supposed to be easy and quick and you weren’t supposed to be in so much pain. You weren’t supposed to look like this, all sad and alone with so many damned tubes coming out of you. You’re family, I didn’t- I don’t want you to suffer. You understand, right? There’s just been so much going on in the family, you know how all our siblings were rushing around, trying to pick and choose which part of the company they wanted, laying down and worshipping Father and trying to get him to name them heir, as if would let anyone run the company except for me. But you probably didn’t notice any of that. Your head is always in the clouds.

It’s funny, right? He’s always been a terrible person and an even worse father but who cares anymore? He was dying and all of us flocked to him before his death just to get more money from him, from his stupid company. I’m supposed to forgive him just because he’s dying  “before his time?” After all he’s done to us- he was never around and when he was it was- it was- well, who cares anymore, right? The idiot is dead, no thanks to you. You were never part of this, you know that? You weren’t supposed to be there, it was just going to be him all alone, already dying. It would’ve been easier that way, no one would’ve suspected it anyway. A dying man dying a little quicker? Everything would’ve been wrapped up neatly with a little bow.

But instead you were there and you saw and you- it’s your fault you’re like this! You were always sneaking into places you shouldn’t’ve been in, always finding new passages and exploring the house. I don’t know why I keep talking as if you’re dead. The doctors said you would be fine, that when you woke up there wouldn’t be any brain damage. That’s why I’m here, actually. That and Mom keeps yelling at me for not visiting you in the hospital. But mainly the first reason. Because if you do wake up, when you do wake up, you’ll remember everything. And if you remember everything it could make things very very complicated, and then I couldn’t rule the company anymore and Mom would be sad and I’d be in jail for the next couple decades. So, now I have to do this. For the future of this company. For the future of this family.

You never got it, never understood. You’re too young to understand what happened, what I did and why I had to do it. I was always meant to be his heir, and our siblings laying down at his feet for table scraps did nothing to change that. But he was taking so long to actually die, and he wasn’t of sound mind and his business partners were taking advantage of that, trying to get him to raise their salaries or invest in bad decisions. If anything, I did him a favor, ending him early. A favor to him and to his company. To my company.

Where was I again? Oh yea, I have to figure out what to do about you. About you maybe getting better. But you can’t get better, because even if you think you can keep a secret, kids always run their mouth off and I don’t see why you’ll be any different. It’s gonna be easy and you’re not gonna hurt that much, I promise. I’ve already bribed some doctor to slip you something, something that’ll make sure you won’t feel any pain. Even though I put you here, I still don’t want you to suffer. You’re my little sister, and you’re barely even 10. I practically raised you, since Mom and Dad were always out of the house. I always did what was right for you, and that’s what I’m trying to do now. For what it’s worth, I’ll miss you, Kelly. Everyone will.

Mikey's Dog Died

I am walking home with my mom from school talking about my day` like normal parents, but she told me that she had some bad news. “What is it?” I said to her, (sky gets cloudy and dark)

And then a voice from a distance ¨It looks like it’s going to rain,” (Lightning and thunder) “RUN!!!” I SCREAM on top of my lungs. “We´ve made it home. Phew, that was close”, I said,  

(starts to rain)

When me and my mom got home, I´ve found out that the bad news was that my dog Ben had died. “Awww, RIP. Ben was a good dog. I’ve had him all of my life! Mom, this is the second worst day ever! When Emily died, I never thought that anything bad would ever happen like this again. But it did! I’m just happy that he died peacefully in his sleep, and that he was just old and not sick. But what am I going to tell Jessica, Jenny, Alexis, and Liz? They loved Ben too! I think I want to be alone now! I go to my room. (I slam the door in my room and talked to my self I had remembered those good days with Ben and me) AND… I miss Emily as well as Ben. At least we have an alarm system for burglars so the cops came as soon it has gone off and Emily was in front of the door and that is how she got killed and he did not steal anything in our house and he had gotten arrested for 50 years for  attempting to steal stuff and killing my youngest sister (Emily) If this happens to you, you can do the same thing as me (Mikey) I hate my life but I love my sisters even if they are annoying but, I don’t care. I know how Teenagers are like sometimes.

Give it a second try

Hey sarah, I know you are doing homework right now in class but I need some advice. There is this girl that I like and I don't know if i should ask her out. what should I do because when I asked out Emily she said no, she said she would never like me, she said I am ugly, she told me to kill myself. What should I do? I been thinking to myself about rather if I should ask her out. This new girl every time she looks at me I know she is the one. Every time she hangs out with me I know and she knows that she is the one for me. This girl is always giving me compliments on my looks and how I am so nice and when I meet the right person I will know. This girl is the beautifulest girl I ever meet and I get to see her everyday in class. she always smell good. If she ever leave I would be very sad that I don't get to see her anymore. Maybe she is trying to tell me that, that person is her. I don't know which way to take the information that she has given me. If I ask her out and she says no, Then she says she was talking about someone else and not her it makes me feel like an idiot. But if I don't ask her and she was talking about her I will never know how she feels about me. Maybe I should ask Chris for some advice. Why are you looking at me like that, you should be telling me that someone will love me one day. Or how I should ask this girl out that I been talking about. Can you at least tell me how should I dress or how would you like me to dress. Maybe I shouldn't ask sarah that, she might know I like her I should just stop thinking about love. No one's ever going to like me. even worse, no one is ever going to love me. Maybe I should just take Emily advice and just go kill myself. Or should I just give it one more try maybe there's actually someone out there for me. You know what maybe Emily was right. I'm ugly, I'm stupid, and I'm retarded. I should just go die, no one's going to love me why don't I just stick it in my head, why don't I just go run away and live in the forest where no one can ever see my ugly face again. You know what maybe I should go talk to her maybe I should ask her why did she say all those mean things to me was it because I'm weird or is it because all those things are actually true. Sarah sarah… why are you Ignoring me Maybe she doesn't like me anymore maybe she heard so much of my problems and it finally got to her that she doesn't care. She wants to talk about herself or maybe she's trying to tell me just ask her out. Forget it maybe I should just go home. I think I'm going inside my head I should think outside the box I just ask her out. Artifact forget it Sarah do you want to go out with me, Oh my God she said yes this whole time I was thinking she was going to say no. Where do I start what do I do what do I say. The first thing I'm going to do is take her on a date then We're going to have sex and we're going to have for kids and then the journey will take us from there.