Diario #3: Las relaciones académicas

​Usa el vocabulario de la Unidad 1 para describir tus relaciones académicas.

Describe cómo te relacionas con tus compañeros de clase y tus profesores. Es importante explicar por qué y usar el vocabulario (bold the vocab). Por ejemplo:
  • En cuanto mis relaciones académicas (In terms of my academic relationships), mis profesores y yo nos llevamos bien. Me da miedo el Señor Reddy porque soy muy sensible y él tiende ser más autoritario. Es muy amable sin embargo prefiero los profesores más permisivos. La Srta. Manuel me cae bien. Me entiende cuando tengo problemas y cuando necesito su ayuda.

Pipeline Monologue Project

Part 1:
The theme of this quarter was how do we affect the environment. To discuss this better we learned about the Keystone XL pipeline.This proposal by Trans-Canda to bring oil from Canada to the US will create many construction jobs and help the economy. However the oil they plan to bring over is Tar Sand oil which is dirtier than regular oil. It would also be in danger of leaking and spilling into water supplies. 

Part 2:
    It takes three barrels of water to extract one barrel of oil. 95% of the water used is so toxic it must be kept in human made pools called tailing pools. 

Several indigenous communities have been forced off there land for tar sand drilling.

"The probability of spills from this pipeline is high and more threatening than conventional spills, because tar sands oil sinks rather than floats, making clean ups more difficult and costly".

The pipeline will "result in climate-damaging emissions equal to adding more than 5.6 million new cars to U.S. roads".

"The Keystone XL pipeline would traverse six U.S. states and cross major rivers, including the Missouri River, Yellowstone, and Red Rivers, as well as key sources of drinking and agricultural water, such as the Ogallala Aquifer which supplies water to more than one fourth of America’s irrigated land and provides drinking water for two million Americans".
Part 3:

View of the Birds

“Hello, I’m back”. “Yes, I have food. Open your mouths now”. “Don’t all fight theres plenty”. “Now that you're done eating let me tell you a story. A story of those two-legged mammals. As you know they build huge nests as large as this entire forests. Well today I saw them build something new. It was a giant grey tree. It was cold and smooth not like a tree in any way except for it’s shape. However the most strange thing about it was it was hollow. Also it wasn’t going up as most trees go it was lying horizontally. At first I thought they had cut it down but then I saw them adding pieces to it with their spark-makers. I think it might be a giant tree but Ari told me he saw more of the cold grey hollow trees all the way near water far away. He said they were making a path of the grey trees. However no one know why. Obie say it is to get the black water from the earth. He says he saw them do something similar with the grey trees far away. He had to leave his old home because the black water smelled like the beasts the two-legged mammals ride. He said they cut down trees where the grey pipes are. However some mammals sit in the trees so they don’t cut those down until the mammals leave the trees. Obie says that with the trees coming down we will all have to go to a different forest. However the two legged mammals are cutting down so many trees. Ari told me he had once lived in one of the mammal giant nest. It drove him crazy. They kept him in a small nest that he couldn’t get out as grey twigs went all around the nest. He was given food and a tiny amount of water. He says they refilled it everyday from this small sliver thing that had a stream inside it. He eventual escaped when one of the young ones opened a small door in the side and he flew right out. Still I don’t know what I’m going to do. We can’t move to one of there large nests where there stick us in the grey nests with the grey twinges around us. The only thing we can do is stay here and hope we don’t have to move”.

The person in the tree

“Get down from the tree.” “Look this has gone on for two hours just get down so these people can work.” “Of course I care about the environment but this pipeline won’t hurt it at all.” “If it leaks then there just stop the oil and clean it up. They run surveillance on each part of this pipeline you know. But the point is it won’t leak.” “Yeah, well that was it’s first pipeline this one won’t leak.” “It doesn’t matter how corrosive this oil is it won’t leak. Ok can you get down from there now.” “Do you know how much this will help the US. We can get our oil from a nation we trust and create thousands of jobs. It will also lower the price of oil and for the last time the pipeline WILL NOT LEAK. Ok can you get out of the tree now.” “Look I don’t know what to tell you. These people need to work and you're just being annoying. You see those people over there. Those people are getting pepper sprayed. You know why I’m not spraying you.” “Well yeah you would fall out the tree but it’s mostly because I’m a nice guy. Ok, I drive a hybrid I care about the environment. But not so much that I would sit in a tree just to stop some project that this economy need just because it has a small chance it will hurt the environment and then say no to the nice police officer who is trying to get you down.” “Alright look my brother works on this pipeline and he says it’s good it won’t leak and there not damaging the environment. Ok so you can sit there all you want but you're not helping the environment your just hurting the economy.” “Oh yeah well I’ll just go get someone else to get you out. I’m sick and tired of this you don’t get it. All you hear is “may harm the environment” and you go rushing in trying to stop it. You don’t understand and you probably never well. Have fun staying in there all day.”

A Phone Call

“Hello, I was calling to ask you about work.” “Oh that’s good but I don’t know about this pipeline your working on. I saw this show on the TV about it. It doesn’t look very good.” “Well it uses that tar sand oil which Robert Redford says is bad.” “You know he was in “All the Presidents Men” I watched it last night did you see it.” “Oh well it’s a good movie you should watch it. Well anyway I don’t like this tar sand business I don’t think it’s good. It looks like it’s very bad for the planet. I talked to some of the other people about the show and they didn’t like it either. Nobody in my retirement home liked the pipeline. In fact Mrs.Gonzan went to a rally to stand in a line so they block the path of the pipeline. She really did not like that pipeline they are building.” “Oh yes how is your brother. Is he alright. You know he never calls to say hello and I don’t know his number.” “He had to get someone out of a tree. Why were they in a tree?” “Oh it was to stop the pipeline. You know I just watched a show about that on TV. Robert Redford was in it. He said the pipeline was really bad.” “Oh you know about it did you watch it last night.” “Oh I already told you about it. Well it’s very good you should watch it. Now I don’t think it’s a good idea and I don’t want to tell all of my friends that my son is working on the pipeline.” “Oh you have to go. Ok, well you think about it and say hi to your brother for me and tell him to call me.”    “Alright goodbye son.”

Part 4

Pipeline Monologue Project

In this unit we covered the topic about the Keystone XL/Tar Sands Pipeline. We learned about how the building of this pipeline effected people and their surrounding whether it be good or bad. We learned to view people’s perspective on this topic and created monologues to represent what we got from this unit. 

-"The Canadian company TransCanada hopes to begin building the northern section of an oil pipeline that would trek close to 2,000 miles from Alberta, Canada to the Gulf Coast of Texas." (http://www.foe.org/projects/climate-and-energy/tar-sands/keystone-xl-pipeline)

-Giant oil corporations invested in Canada's tar sands are counting on the Keystone XL pipeline to make the expansion of oil extraction operations there profitable: The pipeline would double imports of dirty tar sands oil into the United States and transport it to refineries on the Gulf Coast and ports for international export. (http://www.foe.org/projects/climate-and-energy/tar-sands/keystone-xl-pipeline)

-Besides revising the pipeline's course, Keystone XL would also increase capacity by enlarging the size of pipes' diameter from its current 30 inches to 36 inches. (http://stateimpact.npr.org/texas/tag/keystone-xl-pipeline/)

-“If we are truly concerned about carbon, it seems to me building a state-of the-art pipeline which is the most efficient way to get -- to move oil around is the best approach.” (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/environment/jan-june13/keystone_02-18.html)

-"This pipeline is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy." (http://www.transcanada.com/keystone.html)

No Choice

*walks in and sits at the kitchen table* 

*phone rings, answers*

Ha. You’ve gotta be kidding me right? Out of all things, it would be this huh? Taking away the only stable thing i had. To do what? Build a pipeline? & what is that?... safe and advanced huh? good paying jobs? Like what, the one i just lost? Right, so what does that have to do with the overdue bills? Hungry kids, angry husband? Oh, right. Nothing. Oh 20,000 new jobs? Really? So which one of those 20,000 belong to me? Number 18,142? And what say do i have in this? An unemployed what? Look I’ve never looked at a check that said ‘UNEMPLOYED’ my checks usually say “Hey, thanks for 30 hours this weeks. Here’s you money see you Monday” Do you get where I’m going with this?

*long pause*

 I just don’t understand why this is happening. Listen i don’t even use oil, okay? Well, i use like vegetable oil but I‘m sure this isn’t what all the commotion is about. Yeah, yeah i have oil in my car. Listen it came with that, that isn’t the point! What do you mean what’s the point? The point is there’s gonna be a letter taped to my door in a week if i can’t pay rent. The point is i have 4 screaming and hungry mouths, one including a 43 year old unemployed, angry at the world, man. I’m the only thing keeping this boat floating and now what’s gonna happen? Exactly, you don’t know. Listen i get this is a big project, 830,000 barrels per day. Huge deal, i get it. All I’m saying is, this affects more than me. I’m sure of it. I think this whole thing should like stop. You know? Get your money back or something. This pipeline thing seems like too much trouble to me. Some sections have already been built? Hmm. wonder how much that costed. 7 billion what?! You’ve got all this money to build that and you take away my little salary? Well damn, what’d you do with it? Buy lunch? Listen, to hell with this. I seem to have no other choice so I’ll figure something out. I always do.

A Mother’s Concern

The weather is quite beautiful today, although I do wish Danny was around. *looks down* Hm, i should probably get him to tighten up these screws in this old rocking chair. My favorite chair *chuckles*  I could never get a new one. 

*long pause* 

I heard Danny got a new job today! I’m so happy for him, he’s been looking for so long. He even says this one pays good. 

*phone rings*

Hey Danny! How are you sweetie? Thats good, and hows the new job? Well, what do you do there? .. Building a what? A pipeline? Well, for what? Well sweetie, I’m glad that you have this job, I really am and I’m so proud of you. But I’m not sure this is the right thing for you to be apart of. Yeah well, i know. Thats right. It is creating a lot of jobs and good paying at that. Yes honey, that’s great. But I mean, there are a lot of negative effects that have to do with this pipeline.. You don’t know? Well Dan, people are losing their jobs because of this. It’s not as safe and it could pollute a lot of drinking water. I mean this is an expensive deal, didn’t you say the anticipated cost was $5.3 billion? Exactly, thats a lot of money. What kind of economical growth is that? Well yes honey, i know you have nothing to do with that you just work there i understand. Yes of course I’m still happy for you, you know i just don’t fully agree with the whole pipeline situation but i do know it has some good causes, especially because it brought you a job, so I’m very grateful and happy. Yes, alright. I love you too Danny. Ok, bye bye. 

*puts down phone and sighs*

Well i hope the pipeline does some of us some good. I hope some of us have a voice in this. My dear son is now involved, this better be good..

Through My Eyes

*looking over at the people who are protesting near the fence, pulls out his lunch*

Wow, they’re really a lot of people against this. *squints at one of the signs* 

What does that say? ‘NO TAR SANDS XL PIPELINE’ Wow!

You know, before this whole thing started I didn’t have a dime. Living on corners. Out of shelters, in and out of family homes until they wouldn’t put up with me anymore. I think this is a great thing. You know? I’m stable now. Great income and the job isn’t that bad. Heard its helping a lot of people, well it sure helped me i’ll say. Why are people against this? You know how many people got jobs from that? I can first hand tell you how many, about 750 to 20,000 thats how many. And guess what else? I’m one of those people. Some folks just don’t understand. I mean, i guess i can understand their point of view. The lost of jobs and people getting put out of their home because of the way we’re building it...i know thats not fair but...

*shakes head*

 We’re set to have this thing up and running by 2015! I think thats great, I mean, you know i get why some people don’t like the idea. It is a lot of money being spent and it affects some people in where they live and all of that but you know, its not all negative. I mean if you can have President Obama approve it, it can’t be that bad. Right? Thats the way i look at it. I mean look at it this way, see when we build this thing, American dependency on oil from The Middle East goes down by like 40%. I think thats pretty good for us. The more independency the better, right? I like being independent. Its a great feeling after having to be dependent on so many people for so long. I can relate to that, yeah that wasn’t fun at all. *starts to reminisce about his past* The other day, i heard this lady talking about how bad the pipeline building is and how they should stop it all blah blah blah. And I’m like lady, you know its people like me that wouldn’t be where I am without this thing? She didn’t want to hear it, she’s one of the protesters I bet. They should really see the bright side of things for once. Well, I’ve gotta get back to work now. I just wish they would see it in my eyes and what it’s done for people like me.

Pipeline Monolog Project Shaion and Tomy

Part 1: In this unit we learned about the keystone pipeline. The keystone pipeline is a pipeline that will carry oil through america to the gulf of mexico. It will transport tar sand oil which is dirtier than regular oil. Its been talked about since 2007 and they plan to build it by 2015. 

Part 2:  "$7 billion proposed pipeline" -http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/five-things/the-keystone-xl-pipeline/12200/
" 1,700 miles directly through the United States " -http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/five-things/the-keystone-xl-pipeline/12200/
"$585 million in new taxes for states and communities along the pipeline route.” -http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/five-things/the-keystone-xl-pipeline/12200/
"estimated 20,000 new jobs" -http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/five-things/the-keystone-xl-pipeline/12200/

"1.5 million people that rely on the water supply" -http://www.pbs.org/wnet/need-to-know/five-things/the-keystone-xl-pipeline/12200/



(On the phone with his boss)

Yes, yes, I understand that you need to save money to pay other workers, but I need to provide my family with their needs. I know that it’s not your problem but would you please.... Oh come on, just this time. Don’t make me beg, it’s not pretty when a grown man begs. Boss, I am your best worker, how would you feel if I walked away from this stupid pipeline? There are other important constructions that would love.... Oh you dare me to walk away? I would do it but I have pity for you so, I wont. You don’t need me? (infuriated) We’ll see about that, I quit! (Hangs up the phone) (To himself) No wonder this man is hated, he has no sensitivity whatsoever. All he cares about is that the works gets done. You know what? I’m going to make sure the work doesn’t get done. He says he can get it done without me, I’ll prove him wrong. This pipeline is not getting built. (He gets out his house and goes the the construction site) Hello boss, or should I say ex boss? You weren’t expecting me huh? I know I quitted, I’m just here to stop you from going through with this construction. How will I do that? Oh no, not with violence. I’ll do it the best way possible. I’m not telling you, just watch me. (to his coworkers) Hey my fellow brothers, what are you doing? Do you not know the cruelty of your present actions? We are destroying the environment. No no no, not just USA, the entire world. This pipeline could, no, will devastate ecosystems, pollute water sources and jeopardize public health. In other words by doing this we are putting ourselves in danger. Nature will not be able to protect us anymore, instead, it will turn against us. No boss, I will not “shut up”, I have to speak my mind and let these people know the truth. Did you know that tar sands oil is one of the dirtiest fuels? The pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil into the United States daily, and result in climate-damaging emissions equal to adding more than 5.6 million new cars to U.S. roads. The tar sands oil will even augment rates of cancer. We don’t want to be part of this madness. I too, thought that this pipeline was being built for a good cause under good circumstances, but after finding outa bout these side effects, it’s not worth it. Let’s all stand up and walk away from the pipeline construction. (Proudly) Let’s all go home with a clear conscience.

Marta- (waiting to be introduced she is impatient as she has been waiting all month for this speech. now that the day has come she just wants to get it over with.)

Marta- Hello everyone and a special hello for all of the american citizens visiting canada today. I would like to start off by saying God bless canada and God bless america. Today I’m here to discuss the keystone pipeline with mostly the americans because we  already have canadians who started building this precious pipe that God has forsaken us with. Now lets begin to break down this “bad business”. Jobs- created, gas prices- lowered, tax money- separated between important american industries which means anyone near the pipeline pays less taxes. This pipeline won’t cause any new problems that we as a world haven't already found a solution to. Fracking is the only real issue in play all of the other issues are just rumors. America is in debt of 16.7 trillion dollars. 7 million dollars more won’t affect you especially since it will limit the oil you buy from foreign countries by at least 40%. I believe it was America who came up with the phase “you have to spend money to make money” I would happily spend 7 million dollars in order to save almost 300 billion dollars in the near future. Now how can that sound any better? Oh I know, how about with the fact that the pipeline is being built by the top pipeline construction workers money can buy? These pipeline builders have spent months learning how to build a pipeline, and this is after the years of experience they already had building other pipelines. Once we hired them we forced them to take more classes on pipeline building so in a way we overeducated them to do the work. It’s like sending an American football player to training camp every year. Why does he take time to review things he knows? Well let me tell you: its not for him it’s for his coach. His coach will have the satisfaction of knowing that the player does not forget any of the skills he learned.  The rumor that the water we be flammable is in fact true, but it’s not because of the oil, it’s because of chemicals released in the water. Chemicals that were released by fracking. Tar sands oil will affect america as much as tv does young children. Fracking for fossil fuel is what’s gonna kill you. Think of the children, if you allow yourselves to buy foreign oil for too long your children will get use to it. They along with the rest of these beautiful children are the future of not only america but canada, mexico, brazil, spain, haiti, japan, and one of your nations biggest trading markets, (pause) china. The future of america starts by eliminating the thought of your children having to pay off your debt of 16 trillion or 16 quadrillion or, and god please forbid, 16 quintillion dollars, although it would be a piece of cake for them since there are some really creative children out there who won’t struggle to find ways to increase america's debt. Speaking of struggles it was once said that “If their is no struggle then there can be no progress” -great american activist Frederick Douglas. So lets show children the struggle now and they (pause) (with great pride and enthusiasm) will show us progress. Goodnight and may God bless you all.


(Josh is walking home from school and he’s hearing construction noise. With no idea what’s going on, he stays calm. He then stumbles into a friend of his and they start joking around. After a while, he decides to finally head home and they go separate ways)

What’s going on? Why are people digging around my house? Where’s mom? They have no right to do that, at least I think. Is this a joke? I aint got time to play if this is a prank, someone’s gonna pay like for real yo. (Josh is so surprised that he stands still like for 20 minutes). Wait what am I doing? I gotta start asking these people to leave my house alone. ( He goes and asks what’s going and the workers tell him about the pipeline). Whoa whoa whoa, heck no. They are transporting tar sands oil to America? We shouldn’t even have thought about accepting this offer and yet we accepted it? I don’t care how much we currently need money, we can’t be the energy sacrifice zone, we can’t be the place where most of the carbon-based energy flows and spills anymore. If there’s one thing I learned it’s that our country is way too polluted already, and now we accept to let Canada transport, not regular oil, but tar sands oil. That’s one of the dumbest mistakes that the government has made from what I know of. I don’t really care about all of that, well I care, but that’s not the most important point. This is my house, well it’s my parents house but still I live here. I’m pretty sure you gotta have a permit for that. Well, do you?  (He gets no answer, all the construction workers just ignored him because he’s just a teenager) This is not fair. Oh I get it, they’re ignoring me cause I’m black and I’m just a kid. Everyone needs a voice in this society, I’m pretty sure we live in a democratic country. I don’t get this crap, whatever’s happening in the country shouldn’t affect me and my family all the way in Alabama, that’s one of the reasons why we moved here. I need to find a way to contact the president and let him know how I feel. This transportation cannot go through, I’ll start a revolution if I have to. I’d even use violence, me and my gang don’t play.


(Johnny walks into class late and as punishment his teacher Ms. Anna gives him a different project by mistake)

Johnny: Why do I always get harder projects. Its not fair. She hates me I know she hates me. Why should I have her class anyway. Now I have to waste my whole week on finding out stuff for this stupid pipeline. (Johnny slowly walks into the house so he won’t wake his mom) If my mom finds out I have a project thats worth my whole grade she’ll make me spend all day and night working on it. Hey mom my day was fine I’ll just leave you be, oh and I don’t have any homework so I’m bout to go chill wit Mike. Ugh come on why she always gotta draw. I always do my projects its just I like to get all the thoughts together then do the rest of the work on sunday nights. The project is on the keystone pipeline. She says ( in a sarcastic voice) it may really open your eye’s on life. Man fuck this shit Imma just look at the plans. Okay okay its a pipeline for oil and it looks likes it goes straight down through america. Wait that can’t be legal. Hey mom is it legal to build things on another country and not have their permission. Oh it is as long as they have permission before building okay thanks mom. Okay so they have permission but I don’t see how it affects us as americans. Hey mom we live in Montana right. Cool this pipeline is going to be built not to far from our house then. Mom calm down it’s not that serious. Wait let me show you the plans for it. It’s really cool and this government site says that it will create jobs and other cool things for people who live near it. That means that you could work for them. This says that it will create 20,000 jobs and give back millions of dollars in tax money. Most of the jobs go to the canadians but like 900 of them go to american citizens. It also says about $585 million dollars in tax money. That means we’re gonna be rich… oh the government gets the money. But wait this says the money we be given to people who live near the pipeline and gas will be cheaper. It also says that the country might go in debt by 7 million. Thats okay, we can just use some of the money we make from it to pay them back then boom we’re out of debt. Oh how much are we in debt. BILLIONS!! but millions are the biggest number. (At school the next day working on his project) Oh my god this will be super awesome. Think about it, I can be standing there washing my hands when a robber comes in all I have to do is splash him with water then throw a match at him. Oh my fault I forgot to tell you but this thing I read said that if the keystone pipeline breaks or leaks out any toxic chemicals, once built in our lake, then our water supply would be flammable. Hey miss. Janet didn’t you say your sister Jane was working on this pipeline? Can you tell her that she’s awesome I love everything about it. I hope they go through with it.

Jane- (alice has just gotten home and is now laying out the blueprint for the keystone pipeline. When suddenly she finds out that the plans for the pipeline are scheduled to go straight through her family's land)

Jane: OH MY GOD THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT! I’ve gotta change this before we get permission to dig on American soil. This has to be wrong. Let me call the president. Hello, these plans say the pipeline goes through Montana, please tell me that this is either the wrong copy of the blueprint or that I’m looking at the wrong line. Okay are you sure? I’m asking because my family still lives there. Where will they go? I know I know it’s something we have to do but…… ugh okay let me call my family. (hangs up and calls her sister) Hey sis how’s it going, its been a long time since we talked but I called to ask you a quick question, do you and mommy still live at daddy’s old farm? Oh you do, well if you don’t mind me asking, when are ya’ll moving out? Well you remember how I got that job in Canada and I told you we build pipelines? Well long story short I need you to vacate the premises and find a new place to stay because I got a pipeline that needs to be built right where the farm is. Calm down sis you won’t be homeless you all can come live with me because that pipeline is gonna save us millions especially since I’m the vice president of this project. If you move to canada then you won’t be affected by the gas fumes that will spread in the waterline, the $7million debt the U.S will owe to private sector funding, you won’t have to worry about the 830,000 barrels of tar sand oil, which is dirtier than normal oil by the way, and you won’t have to worry about mom getting laid off because the pipeline is basically gonna take jobs from the U.S and give them to  Canadians. Yes I understand that our family has been there for hundreds of years but this pipeline will basically help us bond as a family. Okay Im listening. Yes, 7 million in debt, 830,000 barrels of poisonous oil, jobs employment decrease, water may be flammable and/or cease to exist, and thousands of people getting evicted from their own property. Now that you say it like that It does sound like our family would suffer from it along with other families in that thousand mile radius. I’ll call my boss and see what I can do, okay love you bye. (hangs up and calls her boss) Hey boss I just talked to my sister Janet and she really opened my eyes, we can’t do this to America. No I’m not going to tell you that we need to change the plans we spent years developing but I do know that this project can’t be built if I, the creator of this pipeline quits. Even if you replace me the pipeline can’t be built without the final signature from the original staff so I’m not asking, I’m telling you that we aren’t building that pipeline through america so goodnight and see you at work.

Jane from Denny on Vimeo.

Pipeline Monologue Project

​Part 1)  This project is the culmination of a unit on the Keystone XL Pipeline.  It will be a pipeline that passes from Canada to the midwest, and will be used to transport oil from tar sands in Canada to refineries in the Midwest.  There are many pros and cons to it.  It will reduce U. S. imported oil by 12%, will create over 20,000 jobs, and will generate around $1.8 billion in tax revenue.  However, the proposed pipeline will pass through many lakes and could poison water supplies.  It could also impact the environment in very bad ways.  The process to extract oil from tar sands is also very dirty and polluting.

Part 2) 

1. The Keystone XL Pipeline is an extension of the already existing Keystone Pipeline.
2. The owner of the current Keystone Pipeline and the owner of the future Keystone XL Pipeline is TransCanada, a company that gets oil from tar sands.
3. The pipeline will transport oil from said tar sands to in Canada refineries in the Midwest.
4. The Keystone XL will be 1700 miles long.
5. The final decision on the pipeline will ultimately be from President Obama.

Part 3) Monologues

1)  The Eviction [A farmer is in his house watching TV.  There is a knock on the door.]

What??(irritated)  I mean, who’s there?(more pleasantly).

….TransCanada? Who’s that?  ….Oh that pipeline thing.  ….Yeah, I like it.  More money for Nebraska right?  And lower gas prices.  They’ve been gettin’ damn high recently. We need it.  Those damn Arabs and their ODEC(pronounce phonetically)….or what is it?  OPEC(pronounce same way). Right. ….Yeah you’re just the promotion, I know, I know.  Believe me, I’m all for the pipe.  You got my vote. ….I wouldn’t expect anything less, you better use good builders.  How far away will it be? ….Next town over, ok, good.  Not too close….Is’at your phone? ….Yeah I’ll wait for you. What was that?  Y’boss? ….What happened? ….A change?  What? ….You’re gonna….WHAT?  Oh no….Listen, sir.  My family’s been here since the civil war.  We’ve farmed this here land for 14 generations.  We have gotten everything we need and more from these crops.  I’ve put my life’s work into this here farm, and I plan to put the rest of my life in too.  This farm is my life!  And you gonna put a goddamn 3 foot pipe right through it?  Hell no…. I don’t want no “reimbursement.”   You’re gonna move that goddamn thing or you’re not gonna build it!  [He slams the door in his face.]  He’s evicting me!  He has no right whatsoever to do this!   ….What the hell does he think he’s doing?  [There is a knock on the door again.]  Fine.  [Opens door.]  What’s this?  ….You want me to sign this? No….I already told you, I don’t want money. I refuse….No, you don’t gotta build it here.  What was the plan before?  Use that.  There’s a way you can make everyone happy….Fine.  Sue me.  You and your greedy bosses just want more money.  I was all for the pipe, but once you told me you were evicting people….that ain’t right, man.  Goodbye.  [He closes the door.]  Greedy businesses….

2)  The Speech [Backstage]  Am I up now? …. Ok.  Let’s go.  [Onstage]  Ahem.  Hello, My name is Robert Matthews.  I used to hate the pipeline.  I thought it would damage the rivers and forests of our beautiful nation.  Tar sands are dirty, and I thought this could be the mistake of the century.  We are an example for the world, and if we did it, how many others would?  You see, I had been hearing only the one side.  I hadn’t done any research about it, and got everything I knew from others, my friends, who were all against it also.  We decided to protest at a TransCanada event not unlike this one.  We were all ready with our signs and t-shirts, ready to crash the party.  We were all, especially me, totally sure that the pipeline was bad and should not happen.  The speaker got up there and man, he spoke well.  It hit home.  They actually gave us a demonstration of the workers who would build the pipe, showed us their record of leaking pipes (there were almost none) and told us how much tax revenue it would produce for Nebraska, where I’m from, almost 1.8 billion dollars.  Then they talked about energy independence.  The tar sands production would decrease imported oil by 12%!  Gas prices made higher by OPEC increases will fall and boost the economy.  And most of all, about how respectful TransCanada is of the environment and how they genuinely care about people, not just money,  and about the care they put in when they build things.  I dropped my sign.  I had realized how badly informed I was.  I had only heard the one side, and at that exaggerated, and had based my actions on it.  Then, when the other side was revealed, it was almost a no-brainer.  It became clear to me how I was wrong and what path I should choose. And that, my fellow Americans, is why I support the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Thank you!  

3) The Executive  [A man in a suit is in his office staring at his computer. The telephone rings.  he speaks in a bored voice, as if he’s irritated and trying to hide it.]  Hello?  You’ve reached the TransCanada Headquarters….Hello Senator Kligman. How may I help you? ….Yes I’m the vice president here….Ask away, please….The Keystone XL pipeline will be 1,700 miles long going from Canada to the Midwest.  It will be used to transport oil from tar sands here to refineries in the midwest….Yes, we’ll be very careful about the environment….Yes, there will be very much profit for my wallet, um, I mean, the states the pipeline passes through from taxes and also for, um, the workers who will be building it….Around $1.8 billion for the states from taxes….Yes, we’ll be very careful about the environment I already said that. [More irritated now.] Yes.  Is that all? ….All reports of spills and leaks are false, tar sands are not that dirty as they say….No, no danger of poisoning water or killing fish.  Is that all? …..[Happier now.]  Hey if you vote for the pipeline to pass, we’d be really happy.  We might even give you a favor! ….No problem!….Bye!….[To no one in particular] Why are people so intent on robbing me of my paycheck?  I mean, maybe I’m a bit greedy….no, that’s nonsense I’ve worked hard for this.  I deserve it.  If they pass the pipeline I might be able to get that yacht I saw in Boating Today.  Why won’t they do it already? ….[There is a knock on the door.]  Come in….What’s up, Brian? ….An idea, please do tell….No, we are not going to put some of our profit into caring about the environment….The environment is fine!  I mean, maybe a little extra could go to the environment, I already have a lot….no, that’s ridiculous. The activists exaggerate everything.  Why are they so intent on robbing me of my paycheck?  Can’t a man make an honest living these days?  Ok, maybe not so honest….maybe I should stop….No.  Money is everything in this world.  It’s all about the money….Even so….[Shakes head.]  Thanks Brian. That’s all. [Brian leaves.]

Keystone Pipeline Monologues

Part I:

The Keystone Pipeline is a project in which Trans Canada has been working on for months. The pipeline will carry oil all the way from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and will create many new jobs and boost the economy. It is an idea to make oil more efficient and transportable to places all over the US. Although, there are some problems slowing down production when it comes to actually building the pipeline.

Part II:

-The pipeline runs from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico

-Its proposed for 7 million dollars

-It makes oil more efficient

-It's owned by Trans-Canada

-830,000 barrels of oil per day.

Part III

Monologue #1

(Husband sitting at the dinner table with his wife.) Sweetie pass the mashed potatoes please, thank you. How was your day? Mine was swell I guess. Can I have the salt? Thanks. (Fidgets with salt shaker.) Me? No, no i’m fine. I’m just.. I dunno, I think i’m just a little frustrated. Nothings wrong with me, but I need to tell you somethin’ thats buggin’ me. I was watching the news today.. you know bout the, uhh, what’s it called.. Keystone pipeline thing? Okay, promise now to throw a fit? Because I know you will. Well the pipeline is gonna run through our farm, I just found out today. Why would I be joking? They are making us tear down our shed for the pipeline can run through.. Why the hell is this my fault?! It’s not like I built the damn thing. It’s running from Canada all the way to the Gulf of Mexico, and it’s gonna pass through here. Well what am I supposed to do? Go to the big man and protest like a teenage rebel? Just cause i’m the man of the house doesn’t mean I gotta do everything thats hard by myself in this fricken house. Why don’t you get off your lazy ass and do it yourself. What? I can’t just stand here and do nothing. I don’t do anything?! You know what hun, i’m not feeling very hungry. Yeah, yeah whatever. Don’t expect me to clean up your shit.

Monologue #2

(Keystone Pipeline talking to itself.) Why do I get the feeling like i’m in everybody’s way? I mean, it’s not like I chose to be built, or run through anyone’s property, or cause any sort of damage in that case. Am I for better or for worse? I feel like unnecessary and problematic. Although, i’m getting oil to the right places, and faster too! They’re plenty of good things that will happen when i’m finished being built. But.. wait.. am I killing the environment? No of course not i’m helping it.. I think. If I we’re to just hear what people think about me I would feel a lot better. Although, I can hear them talking about me while they’re building me, some are negative, some are positive, which is why I do not know what I truly am? A burden? Or a gift? Maybe i’m just another issue, another issue that the States have to deal with. Or.. maybe i’m a another gift! A gift to the American people. Man, I dont even know anymore. My

Monologue #3

(Teacher starting class) Hi everyone, how was your guy’s weekends? Thats good, what’d you guys do? I guess thats more than I can say I did (chuckles). Just by a show of hands, how many of you are familiar with the Keystone Pipeline? Everyone make sure you can see the screen i’m going to show you a quick video on the Pipeline. (Video played.) So as you guys can see the Keystone Pipeline is gonna be fairly hazardous to Earth’s environment. Oil adds more pollution. Well yes, we have some extra access to it, nothing more. It’s just another problem we have to deal with. Any show of hands to give their opinion on what we just watched? Yes, Joshua. Umm.. I guess in a way thats correct, but the Pipeline still carries more.. uhh.. bad oil?.. Yeah.. yes? Yes Steve would you like to say something?  I'm not making it look bad (chuckles) Maybe i'll just show this to you tomorrow..

*video is still uploading*

Pipeline Monologue Project

Part I:

In this unit, I have learned about the many advantages and disadvantages of the Keystone Pipeline. The Keystone Pipeline is a proposed seven billion dollar pipeline that is supposed to carry oil from Canada’s tar sands all the way to the Gulf of Mexico. This pipeline seems to be a problem all around the world and has been the topic of discussion for years now. I have been able to read and watch many articles and videos about this pipeline to try to form an opinion on it. Most the videos I watched seemed to be very happy about the coming of the pipeline, (which came off as one sided and biased) while in articles, they were all talking about how bad this would affect our world. After reading and hearing all these opinions and information about the pipeline in this unit, I am feeling really excited to see the outcome of this project.  

Part II:

- “The Keystone XL project is a proposed extension of the Keystone pipeline, which became operational in June 2010.”


- “The Keystone XL Pipeline Project is a proposed 1,179-mile (1,897 km), 36-inch-diameter crude oil pipeline, beginning in Hardisty, Alta., and extending south to Steele City, Neb. This pipeline is a critical infrastructure project for the energy security of the United States and for strengthening the American economy.”


- “If we are truly concerned about carbon, it seems to me building a state-of the-art pipeline which is the most efficient way to get -- to move oil around is the best approach,” (http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/environment/jan-june13/keystone_02-18.html)

-  “The pipeline will have capacity to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day to Gulf Coast and Midwest refineries, reducing American dependence on oil from Venezuela and the Middle East by up to 40 per cent.”


- “Unfortunately, an area the size of Florida is already set for extraction. Before TransCanada can begin construction, however, the company needs a presidential permit from the Obama administration because the pipeline crosses an international border.”


Part III:

Ralph’s Episodes

(Walks into his office, takes off his coat and sits down at his desk to see all of his co-workers long faces and subtle movement) Ugh. I just can’t take it…  the.. the the silence in here is unbearable. Hey…. Hey.. What’s up with you guys? (No one answers and they all look at him with blank faces) HELLLOOO? Can you guys stop acting like complete jerks and talk? We have work to do and you guys are all sitting around doing nothing. WTF?

Th- The Pipeline? What’s wrong with it? Isn’t it great?!

My problem? What do you mean what is my problem? You guys are the fucking crazy ones. (Chuckles) You all don’t agree with it? We- We went over this in a meeting yesterday! You all agreed then!

WOOOOOOO! Big FUCKING whoop! Since when did yall ever care about anyone else not- n having a job after the pipeline? Who the hell cares? You’ll still have you job so just shut your mouths! So what if their families suffer? You still have food… don’t you????? Oh yeah, thats right, you will. And what is this about it’s going to cause the th the production of greenhouse emissions that contribute to climate change. Is this science class, no I don’t think so. That’s quite ridiculous for anyone to be worried about, don’t you think?

Listen here and listen good. The Pipeline is amazing. It’ll improve so much. You all are so worried about facts well here ya go: Canadian oil resources will limit the U- U.S.’s dependence on foreign oil, if there is greater access to oil, that will push down the world's crude prices, and we will generate 1.8 b-b billion dollars in economic activity during construction in Nebraska alone. How’s that for ya? Hu, HUH?

What?! (Snatches off hat & becomes even angrier) Now you’re worried about tar sands?!?!?!?! GOD, just kill me would ya please?! Why do you assholes care about that HUH? If the pipeline wears out that’s where the builders will come in to refuckingbuild it okay idiots? You all are so quick to think you know it all, WHEN YOU DON’T!

An- And you know what? Those tar sands, that’s not even gonna happen. There are so many plus’ to this pipeline and you all are looking for ways to tear it down. (looks around at everyone in the office paying close attention to his answers towards different people in the room) You guys need to seriously get over it. This shit is happening, and it’s happening now. Next meeting is in 20, be prepared to not FUCKING CHANGE YOUR MINDS!

(Grabs his coat and leaves with a disgusted look on his face)

Beatrice’s Distraught

(Hears noises outside, recognizes them & decides to join in today’s protest) (Walks outside and is confused)

What the heck? My lord what is going on?! Why are there people being arrested? (She had never witnessed people getting arrested for protests before)

Wait! Why are these innocent protesters getting arrested?! They are all over the place! Oh my gosh, SUSAN?! AND ANNIE?! God my beautiful neighbors!

(Sees police officer and runs up to him to ask questions)

Wait….. what?! This doesn’t make any sense. How is this illegal? This happens all the time. They are just fighting for what’s right! Why are you all arresting them?!

What do you mean they’re disrupting a neighborhood, disturbing the people in it?! I live in this neighborhood and I am NOT disturbed! I completely agree with them! Do you even know what they are protesting about?

(Looks at the police officer's face and shakes her head after he says no)

They are angry about the Pipeline and how it is going to destroy our world! And do you know how much money is being spent for all this buffoonery?! It is a 7 billion dollar proposed pipeline! That is ridiculous! Do you know what we could be using this money for, i mean, we -----

(the policeman cut her off)

(Her face drops & she is taken back after the police officer interrupts her)

Excuse me! You didn’t have to be rude! I was just helping YOU learn about the pipeline! Okay, I don’t care who you are! Police Officer or not, you are WRONG! I actually came out here to protest and fight for what is right, and if you can’t see that this pipeline is is is… is ABSURD, you’re an idiot!

(Looks up at police offer and stares right into his eyes) I have a right to speak my mind and speak the truth! It is pathetic that the employment rate will go DOWN after this, not up! 40% of people in the U.S. work at gas stations and they get paid minimum wage at that! What will all those people do? Don’t you think they have families to take care of?

So you think people that work to help build the pipeline aren’t gonna have jobs? Yes they will! Just because they are working to build the pipeline doesn’t mean that’s the only job they are assigned to to build! They work on different projects! But it’s different for the workers at gas stations. They can’t just move on to another thing!  It doesn’t make any sense for to be arresting people. Don’t we have freedom of speech? You are just wasting your time in the ferocious heat trying to arrest people when you know you can’t get them all.

(Laughs at herself in her thoughts) Ha… you know what? Why am I here fighting with you when I can be making a difference. (Starts walking back towards her home & starts talking to herself) I don’t think i’ll stop protesting.. but I guess I should benefit myself. I’ll take it to the government. All I have to do is write a letter… and create a petition! hmmm….

(Walks into house & shuts door)

The Undecidable Bob

(Outside, sitting down at his assigned worksite for the pipeline creation eating his lunch)

Hey (whispers to another worker) When did you start working here? 3 years ago?! WOW. Can you just hear me out really quickly? Uhhhhhh,  I just need someone to listen to me. My thoughts about this pipeline have been crazy lately! I need to get this off my chest.

(Smiles at his cobuilder who says he’ll listen)

Okay.. thanks! So ummm, about a year ago I started working to help build this pipeline. At first, boy was I ummm. excited ! I used to take on any task and build anything anyone would ask me to. But uhh now, in all honesty, I hate this job. I have to work out in the sun every single day and I don’t get paid much. But I have to do it for my family.

I mean… I uhh, maybe I would like my job better if it were for a better cause. I mean, I ummm, I understand the point of it, but I don’t necessarily think that this is the best way to approach this situation. On the bad side, people are gonna lose their jobs. But on the good side it is “supposed” to help the economy.  It’s like, I understand it, but I don’t think it is completely right or fair to both sides of people. The ones who agree, and the ones who disagree.  I have to keep working for the money too. If not, I can’t pay rent, or I won’t have gas money. I have a family to raise and I can’t do that with no money.

You do know that the pipeline is supposed to be carrying oil from Canada’s tar sands  and down to U.S. refineries by the Gulf of Mexico, r-r right? (Looks at his cobuilder for reassurance)

I don’t think that all the protesters will be able to open the governments as to see that this pipeline is affecting them and that it is wrong. People don’t have power over the government. I mean maybe some people will change their minds, but they won’t put a stop to it. Especially after all the money proposals and time has gone into it so far. And the poor government, they have to ignore all these people and just go along with it. I bet you some of them don’t even agree as much, like me, but need their job.

(Shakes his head and becomes embarrassed)

You know what, umm, sorry. Uhhh, nevermind. I’ll be fine, Ummm. I don’t know why I’m pouring my feelings out to a stranger, umm. Sorry, s-s-sorry.

(Backs up quickly and removes himself from that very awkward position.)

Part IV:

Pipeline Monologue Project

For the first history project of the year, we studied something that is not at all in our past, but is, in fact, very current. The KeystoneXL Pipeline is a pipeline-extension project proposed by TransCanada, a Canadian Oil company, that has been projected to run through the center of America starting in Alberta, Canada, and traveling down to Southeast Texas, where it will meet with refineries, and be shipped out to other countries.

Being in charge of our own oil, having our own pipeline- one big enough for the country to

access as a whole- is something fresh and new for Americans, something we’ve long awaited. It means lower gas prices to some, more tax revenue to others, and easily accessible oil to many. Not only does it provide these benefits, but it supplies thousands with promising jobs and shines light on an end to whatever "War on Oil" that may be left with unfriendly countries.

However, with many things in America, there is a cache of hidden information, because this pipeline is absolutely too terrible to be true. Drilling miles into the ground, uprooting forests, contaminating essential groundwater with toxic tar sands, releasing methane into drinking water so that people can light their faucets on fire in their own homes; the chance that things like these could happen is very, very high. This the face of the KeystoneXL Pipeline. Whether or not the pros outweigh the cons, or vice versa, is for everyone to decide for themselves.

Yet, before delving further into the issue, here are some key pointers on the situation:

  • The pipeline will carry crude oil/ tar sands from Hardisty, Alberta to Steele City, Nebraska. It will then be sent further south to refineries in southeast Texas.(TransCanada)

  • Conspiracy and cover-ups: The ERM (Environmental Resources Management) lobbies for TransCanada on behalf of this very project, and “...the State Department’s favorable report on the Keystone XL was written by a company that works for TransCanada and over a dozen other companies that have stakes in the Alberta tar sands.” (FriendsoftheEarth, Climate&Capitalism)

  • “[This pipeline] will create thousands of American jobs and decrease our dependence on unfriendly nations for energy...like Venezuela and the Middle Eastern dictators by depriving Americans of oil when gas prices are around four dollars...” -Congressman Ted Poe during a KeystoneXL Pipeline Press Conference (Youtube)

  • Because the pipeline crosses an international border, President Obama has the final say on the matter. Legislation has been passed by the House of Representatives that forces him to make up his mind by November 1. (MotherJones)

  • Many scientists have noted that, not only is the pipeline environmentally harmful, it’s nonsensical. (MotherJones)

This brings us to the creative portion of this project, the monologues.

1.) Sacrificing Virtues to Compensate for Vices

Beatriz has just finished a conversation with her son, who works for the ERM. He called to tell her that she needs to move off her farmland to a place where she can do what she loves without the KeystoneXL pipeline adversely affecting it. She protests, feeling nostalgic. She begins explaining the situation and her feelings to her younger sister, Alexis, and her young daughter, Castalia.

I have to irrigate because this farm is so damn big and I can’t get around it all by myself...I used to have Paolo here every day when I was younger and he’d always take samples of the water and make sure it was the best quality for watering whatever we were watering. He’d help around the home, doing what he loved to do. His intelligence got hooked on the money, though. He relished in working with me, making a healthy profit off the land, doing things that will later benefit the earth. I'm afraid he just kills the earth to abide by his company's [wishes]”

Read the entire monologue here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/172897278/Sacrificing-Virtues-for-Vices

2.) Concerned, Not.

Francesca is in a meeting that’s just about to end, advocating on behalf of the benefits of the KeystoneXL Pipeline. She loves her job as he gets to interact with all types of people, especially being from New York and moving up to Canada. She’s never loved interaction with people more than she does now. However, she’s noticing, as she is a marketing director for TransCanada, that with all big companies come corruption. She wants to tell people the truth, but there are two obstacles: her job versus her daughter.

“Ah, we were on questions, yes. Alright, so I guess we’ll have to do things a bit elementary, raising hands is the way to go [chuckling]....don’t all raise your hands at once, now.....Ma’am in the blue button down, what would you like to know? Yes, you in the lovely baby blue top. Your name? Samantha, I’ve got an answer. The pipeline is totally safe, but we must first realize the fact that this is American made with most workers actually from states out here like Nebraska, some as far down as Texas [she names the state as if it were a far off land]. This is a great American feat for brilliant American people [she finishes with a smile worthy of a commercial].”

Read the entire monologue here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/172910933/Concerned-Not

3.) The Genius Behind the Evil

Melissa has just gotten off the phone with her mom to finish working on an article addressing the pros and cons of the Keystone XL Pipeline. She’s discussing the situation with her boyfriend, partner in activism, and classmate, Tim. Working for an online publication aimed towards a younger audience, her mentor often calls on her to produce controversial articles pertinent to current events- and to produce them as unbiasedly as possible. Though she loves her mom, she often bashes her employer, TransCanada,  for their lack of empathy for life in all its splendor, but praises the genius behind the evil and tries to learn from their persuasiveness as a writing tactic of her own.

“....I almost....y’know what..no [she slams her pen down] I do applaud TransCanada for getting this far without someone shutting their entire operation right down. Look on their website, yo. They have two paragraphs about the pipeline. TWO. [laughing] That’s all! The way they’re pulling this together is brilliant. [mumbling information to herself] “....crude oil refineries in the Gulf Coast...” They said nothing about American jobs, nothing about the price, it’s crude oil for Christ’s sake!”

Read the entire monologue here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/172938739/The-Genius-Behind-the-Evil

Pipeline Monologue Project

In the past unit of our study in World History, we were discussing the Keystone Pipeline XL controversy. The suggested plan is to extend the on the already existing parts of the Pipeline andhave it extend from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. The $7 billion pipeline will transport tarsands oil from Alberta, Canada to the oil refineries along the pipeline route. This pipeline is still in the process of being granted access to cross international boarders.I was newly introduced to this problem a few weeks back so I don’t know all the details of the pipeline, but I what I pulled the most form all of the information I’ve examined was that this will create money opportunities for many American workers.

·         The construction of the pipeline will create over 20,000 construction jobs

·         The total amount of new tax dollars that would be generated would be $585 million

·         The leftover money will put into a budget to build a new school

·         Though the oil is purchase from Canada and not foreign countries, the oil is a more corrosive, acidic, and unstable blend of raw bitumen and volatile natural gas liquid condensate

·         There’s  a danger to locals near the pipeline of a poisoned water supply if there were to be any pipe leaks

Mars Monologue

(Pan in to Mars)

(Mars is seen slowly turning in its axis. As the planet continues to turn, you see a mouth, eyes, and eyebrows. You can hear the planet talking, getting louder as he faces front.)

That's what I'm saying. Why can't I have life on me? Is that hard to throw a few bodies on the surface and build a few homes?

(Mars is seen having a conversation with Jupiter about Earth.)

Just because she has life on her, doesn’t make her better than us. [] Oh great, another addition to her many unnecessary tune ups what is it this time? [] Another one? Didn’t she just get one? [] Oh, it’s an extension to the Keystone? Who’s she trying to impress, Neptune? I really don’t get it. She gets all these things done to her that her inhabitants think are great, but she doesn’t really notice the after effects. Like those power plants she get put in so the inhabitants can have energy and water. All that pollution and all of those toxins are going to her atmosphere. It’s depleting it slowly. In a few year, she’ll be all dried out and barren. No one will be able to live there. [] I am not mean. . . or bitter, I’m just saying... I mean it’s true you know. [] I’m just worried she’ll be like the rest of us. I don’t want her to be another Pluto, forgotten. [] No I don’t like her, Well, maybe, I don’t know. She was always something I kept my eye on, nothing more. [] Yeah, I guess I won’t know until I try. But before I even get on that subject with her, I just want to help her. Just to make sure she gets some help before it’s too late. [] Yeah, well it’s just about dark, so I’m going to take it down for the night, see you in a few. []

(Mars is seen slowly turning on his axis, his face disappearing into the darkness.)

Earth Monologue

I just don’t get it. Why is everyone being so hostile her? Can’t we all just get along? [] Hey, hey, watch the attitude, I’m Earth, I will check you in a heartbeat. Ok, so what about a civil agreement between you two? Or maybe you two? Or even better, all of you.[]  What? What do you mean no, I’m Earth, I created you, I own you. [] What do you mean you know what’s best, you can barely keep your nation satisfied? So you want me to trust you, you want me to let you fix this? [] You know what, fine, whatever, I don’t care. [] No, you’re very welcome. Btw that was sarcasm. Ugh, this is not how I thought it would be. I thought being the only planet to have inhabitants would be amazing, but it’s not. The other planets don’t even want to talk to me. The closest thing I have to a friend is Mars and at the rate my inhabitants send stuff to explore him, he’s going to be annoyed at me. I don’t like being mean to my inhabitants , but I also don’t want to lose my friends. It’s all because of this stupid pipeline Why do I need it anyways? Ok, so America wants to use fuel from their own country, you shouldn’t have to be so inconsiderate to the things and people surrounding you. Honestly, I don’t like having all of these extra unnecessary thing put into me. Ugh, it just makes me so angry. This stupid pipeline is ruining my life. I just want it to be how it was before all the inhabitants cared about was money. They’re so ungrateful. So the weather isn’t always the best, I’m sorry, but I have bad days to you know, I have emotions! I’m just, I need, I , I , I don’t care. I can’t do anything to stop, all my attempts are useless. Why not just let them run out of resources and shelter, and food, and then we’ll see who’s big boss. Yeah, that’ll show them real good. That’ll show them really good.
Mars Monologue

Pan in to Mars)

(Mars is seen slowly turning in its axis. As the planet continues to turn, you see a mouth, eyes, and eyebrows. You can hear the planet talking, getting louder as he faces front.)

That's what I'm saying. Why can't I have life on me? Is that hard to throw a few bodies on the surface and build a few homes?

(Mars is seen having a conversation with Jupiter about Earth.)

Just because she has life on her, doesn’t make her better than us. [] Oh great, another addition to her many unnecessary tune ups what is it this time? [] Another one? Didn’t she just get one? [] Oh, it’s an extension to the Keystone? Who’s she trying to impress, Neptune? I really don’t get it. She gets all these things done to her that her inhabitants think are great, but she doesn’t really notice the after effects. Like those power plants she get put in so the inhabitants can have energy and water. All that pollution and all of those toxins are going to her atmosphere. It’s depleting it slowly. In a few year, she’ll be all dried out and barren. No one will be able to live there. [] I am not mean. . . or bitter, I’m just saying... I mean it’s true you know. [] I’m just worried she’ll be like the rest of us. I don’t want her to be another Pluto, forgotten. [] No I don’t like her, Well, maybe, I don’t know. She was always something I kept my eye on, nothing more. [] Yeah, I guess I won’t know until I try. But before I even get on that subject with her, I just want to help her. Just to make sure she gets some help before it’s too late. [] Yeah, well it’s just about dark, so I’m going to take it down for the night, see you in a few. []

(Mars is seen slowly turning on his axis, his face disappearing into the darkness.)

Earth Monologue

I just don’t get it. Why is everyone being so hostile her? Can’t we all just get along? [] Hey, hey, watch the attitude, I’m Earth, I will check you in a heartbeat. Ok, so what about a civil agreement between you two? Or maybe you two? Or even better, all of you.[]  What? What do you mean no, I’m Earth, I created you, I own you. [] What do you mean you know what’s best, you can barely keep your nation satisfied? So you want me to trust you, you want me to let you fix this? [] You know what, fine, whatever, I don’t care. [] No, you’re very welcome. Btw that was sarcasm. Ugh, this is not how I thought it would be. I thought being the only planet to have inhabitants would be amazing, but it’s not. The other planets don’t even want to talk to me. The closest thing I have to a friend is Mars and at the rate my inhabitants send stuff to explore him, he’s going to be annoyed at me. I don’t like being mean to my inhabitants , but I also don’t want to lose my friends. It’s all because of this stupid pipeline Why do I need it anyways? Ok, so America wants to use fuel from their own country, you shouldn’t have to be so inconsiderate to the things and people surrounding you. Honestly, I don’t like having all of these extra unnecessary thing put into me. Ugh, it just makes me so angry. This stupid pipeline is ruining my life. I just want it to be how it was before all the inhabitants cared about was money. They’re so ungrateful. So the weather isn’t always the best, I’m sorry, but I have bad days to you know, I have emotions! I’m just, I need, I , I , I don’t care. I can’t do anything to stop, all my attempts are useless. Why not just let them run out of resources and shelter, and food, and then we’ll see who’s big boss. Yeah, that’ll show them real good. That’ll show them really good.

Person Monologue

(The rays of the light beaming down from the sun flares the shot before showing an open field. It’s the land of what seems to be a farmer who is planting crops at the moment. )

(Zoom in to eye level with the farmer)

Well hello there, surprise seeing you folk around here. Just planting some crops for the spring season. [] You mean that big pipeline that they want to extend through the middle of the state? Oh no, no, no, I would never let them use my land, not even for $1 million. [] Well for starters, they’d have to dig up my land, ruining all my crops. No sir, not for sell. [] I don’t care if it’d make America better, America can’t get any better because of stupid things like this. America can’t afford to keep my in my school with a good education. America can’t stop spending money useless wants and needs. America can’t stop being Americans, nosy and up in everybody's business. [] No, listen, tell me this, why would the government stop buying good because of its foreign location, to buy that corrosive acid you call oil from Canada? Why are you wasting my tax dollars. [] Let me say this once more, why are YOU, as in America and it’s fancy government people, wasting MY tax dollars. I didn’t vote you all into to government to run our nation into the ground, I voted for you all to make it better, and obviously you didn’t. Now get off my property before I get old frank, better know to you has a shot gun. Yeah, don’t let the nice hair fool you, I have 3 kids, a wife, and frank. Now go on and get off my property

(The farmer begins shoving his finger towards the camera in an aggressive manner while shouting in rage)

* The ( [] ) is to fill the gap for the other character (who is not important/needed) in the script


Keystone XL Pipeline Monologue: Project

My Streams first unit  in Mr. Block’s 10th grade WH( World History) class, we were to explore the pros and cons of the Keystone XL pipeline. The Keystone XL pipeline is a pipeline that has been proposed to the U.S by TransCanada to carry about 1,179 miles of tar sands oil from Canada all the way down to the gulf of Mexico. This proposed pipeline has been a big part of the news for a few years now. In this unit we have put ourselves in the place of the people that see this pipeline to have a major effect on their everyday lives.


The $5.3-billion Keystone XL Pipeline Project is the largest infrastructure project currently proposed in the United States. Construction of the 1,179-mile pipeline will require 9,000 skilled American workers. The project will provide jobs for welders, mechanics, electricians, pipefitters, laborers, safety coordinators, heavy equipment operators and other workers who rely on large construction projects for their livelihoods. -  http://keystone-xl.com/about/jobs-and-economic-benefits/

( What if it leaks)

While we must emphasize that a significant spill is unlikely, we must also be prepared for any potential circumstance. It’s important to understand that if a spill does occur, TransCanada is responsible for providing the cleanup expertise, equipment and personnel needed to reclaim a site to its pre-spill condition. - http://keystone-xl.com/safety/emergency-response/

( Who will be responsible)

‘’Canada is the environmentally responsible choice for the United States to meet its energy needs for years to come,” - http://thehill.com/blogs/e2-wire/e2-wire/321089-canadas-keystone-pitch-to-us-work-with-us-on-climate

(Who’s Safest?)

Each day in the U.S. more than 2.5 million miles of pipelines move oil and other energy products safely to where they are needed — that’s enough pipe to circle the Earth 100 times. In fact the U.S. Department of Transportation has stated that pipelines are the safest method of moving oil — safer than tankers, trucks or rail.- http://keystone-xl.com/safety/pipeline-integrity/#sthash.LAgW2N4Z.dpuf

Grocery Stop.

Wife: Hey, umm can you point me to the white bread? ( wife runs) (store alarms go off)

Wife: (Silence)... sir please do not do this… I will give it back…I need to take care of my children… Please sir … Please...( starts to whimper)

( Sirens go off )

( Jail doors close )

Wife: All I do is try.. I try but can never succeed in what I do. Being a stay at home has not been as good as the rich people make it look. My husband can not do this all alone… He is constantly losing his jobs because of his pride.

Wife: no we have six kids 4 girls 2 boys miss.

Wife : And who are you?

Wife: What are you here for?

Wife: Maybe I shouldn't have asked that…Sorry… It's Sam correct?

Wife: Okay no more questions sorry.

Wife: But on with my husband… Do you have a husband… Sorry you don't need to answer that question… My husband though umm he is a great man that tries his hardest to take care of his family, he can get a little aggressive at times but I have to just calm him down a little… maybe a lot but thats not the point. He is a  great man.

Wife: There is this new job opportunity for my husband that I pray to god becomes available to him it could definitely help us get out of debt and feed our kids… I'm afraid that if he does not… He might hurt me and our kids. The plan is for him to work with the Keystone XL Pipeline that is to be built underground to carry oil through the U.S. It will be carrying what I believe is called tar sand oil...Yes its a bad kind oil but his boss promises that it will be watched over and controlled by professionals like my husband 24/7 365 days a year. Should pay very well too.

Wife: Sorry wish I could tell you more but... umm...my bail is here have a BLESSED day & stay out of this place… don't give the government more of a reason to want us blacks off the street.

Work at it's best.

Bill: Miss...Miss!

Police cars pull up

Bill: Drop the items & hands up behind your head where I can see them. ( officer starts to arrest woman)

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind do you wish to speak to me?

( after a long day of work police officer bill rants to his wife Jennifer )

Bill: Jennifer hunny do you know that I love you. You are just so beautiful. I could swear I have the best wife the lord could ever make. Could you… you know give me a little massage here… here...here...maybe a little down there and right here. Mmmmmm yeah... right there yeah you gotta know that yes you are awesome. How was my day? My day was a typical day on the job, giving people the same old same old speech about there right i swear they should have some sort of recording in our badges we could just push while we are in the process of the arrest. I mean look around there is all kinds of technology now a days you can basically do anything… Speaking of technology There was a major protest today that got a little out of hand. Ya heard about it? Yeah... yeah that one about that Keystone pipeline junk. Well today I had to take a lady elsewhere and as I was doing so she was explaining to me how bad of an idea this is and I learned a little something something about the XL crap. Jenn listen hun turns out those Canadians wanna build through our land and offer up over 20,000 construction jobs. Lord knows we need this for our country but why do they wanna do this to us? Why not send the pipeline up into Asia? Help them expand a little. Maybe they have some tricks up their sleeves? What do you think about it jenn? Why should it be good? Whatever I could care less I have a stable job. as long as canada doesn't have some crazy plan to blow up the U.S… I could care less about this stupid 1,700 mile long oil straw. What’s for dinner hun?

Q1 Monologue- Alejandro Bautista-Garcia, Ameer Holmes

Monolouge #1 - Ameer

(Son of a construction worker of the keystone xl)x2

Two children meet up at a construction site and talk about their father’s work

Peauterbread is sitting on an oily pipe

Peauterbread: aww man I soiled my trousers sitting on this stupid pipe!

Peauterbread: ehh... What

*smacks himself in the face softly

Peauterbread: what is peasant mean?

P: I'm not a kid. I'm 6 years old now

*holds up 4 fingers

P: anyways you don't look too old yourself

P: wow a rich amount of money... must be a lot...

P: Well what’s your name dude

P: Uhhh… ok… My names Peaturbread. My daddy works here... He knows a lot about the keystone XL project they're working on

P: My daddy says that it helps out a lot with the green house gasses...

P: The world has too many greenhouse gasses… wha? So… this is actually bad? Hey! my dad's not stupid!

P: well maybe that's not what my dad said but he's not stupid.

P: my dad says jobs help the economy... So it would be a good thing that he's working here, and those

P: How is what I said dumb? It helps the economoly, or the umm... The umm.. Economy

P: What not true!!! And I never called youuu smart at all.

P: Well no... But my daddy sure knows a lot about the pipeline.

P: whhaaaaaat boooring!!! All i know is that its a one way pipeline and its giving my daddy a way to support his family

P: I’m not a child!

P: I don’t want to hear about this stupid pipeline. It’s just a reason for my father to get a little extra money

P: My father is working on the pipeline.

P: My daddy only needs to work here because he takes care of me by himself… so he needs the extra money.

P: What is divorced mean?

P: Well my mom left when I was 2… so I guess thats what you mean?

P: What do you mean my parents only separated because of me?

P: My Parents do love me!... My daddy does all he can to take care of me… and my mommy only left because he was abusive.

P: Shut UP!!!! you act like your family is sooo perfect, Shut  up!

P: See You have problems too. Don’t go around attacking other people you big hypocrite!

P: Do you think it’s all going to be all right? Because you know your father might get poorer and poorer! Don’t think everything is going to be all right.

P: Wait so you don’t actually like this pipeline? All this time...

(Peauterbread slowly walks away…)

P: How sad.

Son  number one:

Who: Son #1 Peauterbread

What:  Talking to a horrible bratty kid

Where: construction one keystone xl

Why: His father works their

How: he is board.. another kid is bored. the other kid walks up for convo… conversation… argument… explain facts about keystone fathers come to pick them up

Monolouge #2- Ameer

Sean walks up

Sean: Peasant!

Sean: peasant. entertain me

Sean: hmf never mind that. What are you doing here? This place isn't for kids.

Sean: I'm 9. and my father is a rich man. He has a lot of money

S: I’m Sean… I don’t really need to know… your name

S: If he knew a lot about the Keystone XL why would he be working here?

S: This world has too many greenhouse gasses, and the Keystone XL emits too much of it. If he thinks that greenhouse gasses help the environment your dad is stupid.

S: He is stupid! He’s definitely not as smart as my father.

S: anyways with those rags you're wearing your family must be working here for the 20,000 jobs it's opening up.

S: Those 20,000 jobs it opens up however, don't help the economy. It’d be killing more jobs than it creates… I know I’m smart, don’t thank me. Hah, you made your father sound dumber than you realise, or maybe you're just the dumb one.

S: Do you actually know anything about this pipeline?

S: well this is a 1700 mile pipeline. So this pipeline will cost a looot of money and make my daddy a lot of money-

S: ugh children… I’m trying to explain to you trash… how this works. Maybe it’s because you’re only a six year old child.

S: This line runs from Canada all the way to the gulf . It’s a one way North American Pipeline.

S: Wait… What does your father do here?

S: Oh haha! He’s one of those guys. Doing manual labor.

S: So. wait your parents are divorced or something?

S: Like Separated

S: Your parents only separated because of you..

S: Your Parents don’t love you.

S: Simple... lame... laborer problems

S: My family is perfect. Or… at least it will be again once my dad makes money off of the pipeline...

S: that’s a big word for a little boy like you… hypocrite… wow! My family is only in a temporary financial crisis. My father made a bad business deal is all.

S: No… No I’m not talking to you anymore… I don’t even like this silly pipeline… Your right. This is probably a bad deal

S: If one thing goes wrong with this pipeline it’s all over… I single pipeline traveling 1700 miles… a 7 billion dollar project… If one thing goes on it’s all over…

(Peauterbread slowly walks away… leaving sean to sulk)

Son number two:

Who: Son #2 Sean Paul Smith the second

What:  Talking to a kid who is poor

Where: construction one keystone xl

Why: His father works their

How: he’s bored.. another kid is bored.he walks up for a convo… conversation… argument… explain facts about keystone fathers come to pick them up

Monolouge #3 - Alejandro

News reporter doing a bit on the keystone xl (actual tv)

Who: Bob Robby the Reporter

What: Doing news on the show

Where: In Tar sands reporting

Why: Because he wants to get paid (he hates his job)

How: Gets cued in to report… Goes to jane the weather girl… Finishes report then contemplates quitting his job.

New’s reporter is standing in front of the camera

News reporter: Bob Robby broadcasting here from Canada vancouver ehhh, I am standing

in front of where the horrendous and maybe unstable pipeline is going to be made it will go

from canada Alberta through The United States of America to the Gulf Coast of Texas

eh, several civilians are concerned by the propaganda because it will destroy the earth and

it will also be too wide in distance in order to cover for spills eh, the makers of this project

and some politicians think this is a cheaper and easier way to get oil from our allies Candanias

civilians all around America and Canada our forming big protest against this horrifying project  they are also forming barriers were the trail of this project will be or chaining themselves to bulldozer and trees ehh this project WILL infact destroy and ruin earth by polluting it and ripping

the land apart. Thank you all for listening good bye canada eh.

Monolouge #4 -Alejandro

Protesters in  tar sands

Who: James Mcfarlen

What: Protesting along the construction site

Where: Along the construction site

Why: He is a hippie and cares about nature

How: He camps at tar sands over night then wakes up…Protests... has conversation with another protester… protests again

Hello everyone my name is Matthew Jones and I’m here protesting about this disgusting

horrible pipeline it will destroy our beautiful mother earth, the way this so called friendly

cheap project will work is by getting oily sand from our friends the indigenous people

and taking all this sand through America until it gets to the goal coast of Texas which

from there it will be refined but what they don’t realized is that we are taking peoples

lands like nothing and also it will raised the pollution in the air!! which will also contribute

to the climate change. Now I am proud that all of us got here to stop this irreversible

disaster, I want you all to stay strong and keep protesting in front of the white house

because they will hear our voices, I’M TELLING YOU THEY WILL HEAR US!!!!.


Monoloque #5- Ameer

IM conversation

*Ughh* I  had the hardest day at work/  

This couch is so comfy/


lets see… whats on the tv right now/ oh the news, cool i guess/

This global warming crap again/

Oh my god../

wait what this tar sands crap is amazing.../

Let me hit up my girl… Ellie-o/
*typing* hey ellie im watching the news right now and theirs this thing on about tar sands.../

No not tarzand, tar sands! stupid auto correct./

*Typing* no babe  shumafafumma auto correct  *ughhh*./

Why should she care hugh why shoooould she care/

*typing* because did you know…. that uh… that uh… oh that

*typing* it probs gonna create 20,000 jobs, but its a major threat to the environment/

You dont care! oh, oh she doeesn’t care… *typing* well you should care/

how is it a threat? well I’ll tell you… as soon as the news shows me lol/

*typing* oh well it is harder to get  anddddd, it releases more carbon in than other oils/

It’s not my fault your bored with this conversation/

well what do you want me to do/

I’m done with her/ *texting* you know what I’m done with you/

*texting* Not with the relationship bay/ now your getting into some other stuff/

im just going to go to bed now./ what noooooooowww/ She’s always complaining/

*texting* I’m sorry it’s just… It’s just that since we always text I can’t really convey what I really feel to you... I just can’t handle what going on in the relationship./

She is telling me it’s over oh no!/ Fine fine fine… CHUCK FROM ACCOUNTING IS NO LONGER YOUR MAN!!!

Better sound directions

Why are they having the arguement

missing peices

Who: Chuck Fromacounting

What: Im ing  his gf

Where: Home… at dinner… eating lamb

Why: He sees a news segment on his cable tv

How: Comes home from work… Plops down the couch turns on tv its the news…. texts his gf about news… they break up and he goes to bed sleeping alone.

The Supporter

In our world history class we focused a lot on humans and how we interact with the enviornment. One of the topics we focused a lot on was the XL Pipeline. To understand the pipeline situation more real we looked into both sides, the supporters and the nonsupporters. In order to show we understood this issue we had to create three monologues, with characters on either sides. 


I was walking along the trail of where the XL pipeline would be with the man who’s idea it was to build it. I was interested in working on the pipeline once it was built. Normally I wouldn’t take this job but since the economy isn’t stable and I just lost my job this seemed like a pretty good option to me. As the man talked I zoned out thinking about being employed again,it had seemed like so long.

“Now there are some thing I need to ask and discuss with you before I can allow you to be part of my crew.” he said.

I left my happy space and listened. I was prepared to hear about the side effects of working on the pipeline but surprisingly he asked me simple question like where were you employed before, why did you leave, where do you live, why would you be good for this job. I answered quickly but made sure to make my answers sounded professional.


Dear Mother

I appreciate you keeping me updated about the news through your letters. I found one part of your letter especially intriguing the section on the pipeline. All though I disagree with some of your thoughts. I agree that creating jobs would be a plus since dad needs that but what about the environment and people's safety. Say for example the pipe were to break and oil leaked like the Exxon leak, even though they were able to clean up the mess in the process the environment was still damaged not to mention how much money was invested in this act. Now I know what you would say in this instinct who cares at least they got it cleaned up, but not only is the environment  getting harmed its the people around the spill. People who are working to clean it up can be affected in so many ways from an oil spill for example exposure to toxins, cancer later in life, and respiratory problems. So in actuality your point about it creating jobs is wrong, because these side effects could be a turn off causing less people to want to be working on this pipeline. You would have to be really desperate to want to work on something that would expose you to toxins. I can’t wait to see what president Obama decides to do. We’ll talk more when I get out of prison!

Lots of love,


I could hear the cars overhead of me as I leaned against the wall to keep out of the rain, with my cup for money and sign when I heard many footsteps rounding the corner. I stuck my head out to look and saw what looked like to be a mob of people shouting and holding sign with red slashes through the words they wrote. The curious  side got the best of me so I decided to ask someone what was going on. He was tall, and thin with a black leather jacket. I found out that this mob of people was in support of something called the XL pipeline, they put slashes on their poster to show they did not support the who supported the pipeline, which to me is confusing. From what the man I pulled over was telling me, this pipeline sounds like a pretty good deal. I mean it could create 20,000 jobs maybe I could change my living situation. I have been homeless for over eight years, I feel as though this is a calling from god. I got up and put my worn down hood on my head preparing to go out into the rain and march with the supporters. I felt alive marching for something I believed in for only two minutes. We rounded the corner now standing in front of the white house, the people were protesting with passion. The police soon showed up, but I continued to protest, when people were starting to get arrested that’s when I started to move away from the crowd a little bit


Pipeline project, Tomy and Shaion

Part I: In this unit we learned about the keystone pipeline. The keystone pipeline is a pipeline that will carry oil through america to the gulf of mexico. It will transport tar sand oil which is dirtier than regular oil. Its been talked about since 2007 and they plan to build it by 2015. 

Part II:

"The pipeline would be 1,700 miles directly through the United States"

"The Keystone XL pipeline would traverse six U.S. states and cross major rivers, including the Missouri River, Yellowstone, and Red Rivers, as well as key sources of drinking and agricultural water, such as the Ogallala Aquifer which supplies water to more than one fourth of America’s irrigated land and provides drinking water for two million Americans"                                                                                                                                                                                                                        "The construction of pipeline would add 20,000 jobs to the economy"

"The Keystone XL pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil into the United States daily, and result in climate-damaging emissions equal to adding more than 5.6 million new cars to U.S. roads."

"Along its route from Alberta to Texas, this pipeline could devastate ecosystems, pollute water sources and jeopardize public health."

Part III:


(Johnny walks into class late and as punishment his teacher Ms. Anna gives him a different project by mistake)

Johnny: Why do I always get harder projects. Its not fair. She hates me I know she hates me. Why should I have her class anyway. Now I have to waste my whole week on finding out stuff for this stupid pipeline. (Johnny slowly walks into the house so he won’t wake his mom) If my mom finds out I have a project thats worth my whole grade she’ll make me spend all day and night working on it. Hey mom my day was fine I’ll just leave you be, oh and I don’t have any homework so I’m bout to go chill wit Mike. Ugh come on why she always gotta draw. I always do my projects its just I like to get all the thoughts together then do the rest of the work on sunday nights. The project is on the keystone pipeline. She says ( in a sarcastic voice) it may really open your eye’s on life. Man fuck this shit Imma just look at the plans. Okay okay its a pipeline for oil and it looks likes it goes straight down through america. Wait that can’t be legal. Hey mom is it legal to build things on another country and not have their permission. Oh it is as long as they have permission before building okay thanks mom. Okay so they have permission but I don’t see how it affects us as americans. Hey mom we live in Montana right. Cool this pipeline is going to be built not to far from our house then. Mom calm down it’s not that serious. Wait let me show you the plans for it. It’s really cool and this government site says that it will create jobs and other cool things for people who live near it. That means that you could work for them. This says that it will create 20,000 jobs and give back millions of dollars in tax money. Most of the jobs go to the canadians but like 900 of them go to american citizens. It also says about $585 million dollars in tax money. That means we’re gonna be rich… oh the government gets the money. But wait this says the money we be given to people who live near the pipeline and gas will be cheaper. It also says that the country might go in debt by 7 million. Thats okay, we can just use some of the money we make from it to pay them back then boom we’re out of debt. Oh how much are we in debt. BILLIONS!! but millions are the biggest number. (At school the next day working on his project) Oh my god this will be super awesome. Think about it, I can be standing there washing my hands when a robber comes in all I have to do is splash him with water then throw a match at him. Oh my fault I forgot to tell you but this thing I read said that if the keystone pipeline breaks or leaks out any toxic chemicals, once built in our lake, then our water supply would be flammable. Hey miss. Janet didn’t you say your sister Jane was working on this pipeline? Can you tell her that she’s awesome I love everything about it. I hope they go through with it.


(Josh is walking home from school and he’s hearing construction noise. With no idea what’s going on, he stays calm. He then stumbles into a friend of his and they start joking around. After a while, he decides to finally head home and they go separate ways)

What’s going on? Why are people digging around my house? Where’s mom? They have no right to do that, at least I think. Is this a joke? I aint got time to play if this is a prank, someone’s gonna pay like for real yo. (Josh is so surprised that he stands still like for 20 minutes). Wait what am I doing? I gotta start asking these people to leave my house alone. ( He goes and asks what’s going and the workers tell him about the pipeline). Whoa whoa whoa, heck no. They are transporting tar sands oil to America? We shouldn’t even have thought about accepting this offer and yet we accepted it? I don’t care how much we currently need money, we can’t be the energy sacrifice zone, we can’t be the place where most of the carbon-based energy flows and spills anymore. If there’s one thing I learned it’s that our country is way too polluted already, and now we accept to let Canada transport, not regular oil, but tar sands oil. That’s one of the dumbest mistakes that the government has made from what I know of. I don’t really care about all of that, well I care, but that’s not the most important point. This is my house, well it’s my parents house but still I live here. I’m pretty sure you gotta have a permit for that. Well, do you?  (He gets no answer, all the construction workers just ignored him because he’s just a teenager) This is not fair. Oh I get it, they’re ignoring me cause I’m black and I’m just a kid. Everyone needs a voice in this society, I’m pretty sure we live in a democratic country. I don’t get this crap, whatever’s happening in the country shouldn’t affect me and my family all the way in Alabama, that’s one of the reasons why we moved here. I need to find a way to contact the president and let him know how I feel. This transportation cannot go through, I’ll start a revolution if I have to. I’d even use violence, me and my gang don’t play.

Jane- (alice has just gotten home and is now laying out the blueprint for the keystone pipeline. When suddenly she finds out that the plans for the pipeline are scheduled to go straight through her family's land)

OH MY GOD THIS CAN'T BE RIGHT! I’ve gotta change this before we get permission to dig on American soil. This has to be wrong. Let me call the president. Hello, these plans say the pipeline goes through Montana, please tell me that this is either the wrong copy of the blueprint or that I’m looking at the wrong line. Okay are you sure? I’m asking because my family still lives there. Where will they go? I know I know it’s something we have to do but…… ugh okay let me call my family. (hangs up and calls her sister) Hey sis how’s it going, its been a long time since we talked but I called to ask you a quick question, do you and mommy still live at daddy’s old farm? Oh you do, well if you don’t mind me asking, when are y'all moving out? Well you remember how I got that job in Canada and I told you we build pipelines? Well long story short I need you to vacate the premises and find a new place to stay because I got a pipeline that needs to be built right where the farm is. Calm down sis you won’t be homeless you all can come live with me because that pipeline is gonna save us millions especially since I’m the vice president of this project. If you move to canada then you won’t be affected by the gas fumes that will spread in the waterline, the $7million debt the U.S will owe to private sector funding, you won’t have to worry about the 830,000 barrels of tar sand oil, which is dirtier than normal oil by the way, and you won’t have to worry about mom getting laid off because the pipeline is basically gonna take jobs from the U.S and give them to  Canadians. Yes I understand that our family has been there for hundreds of years but this pipeline will basically help us bond as a family. Okay Im listening. Yes, 7 million in debt, 830,000 barrels of poisonous oil, jobs employment decrease, water may be flammable and/or cease to exist, and thousands of people getting evicted from their own property. Now that you say it like that It does sound like our family would suffer from it along with other families in that thousand mile radius. I’ll call my boss and see what I can do, okay love you bye. (hangs up and calls her boss) Hey boss I just talked to my sister Janet and she really opened my eyes, we can’t do this to America. No I’m not going to tell you that we need to change the plans we spent years developing but I do know that this project can’t be built if I, the creator of this pipeline quits. Even if you replace me the pipeline can’t be built without the final signature from the original staff so I’m not asking, I’m telling you that we aren’t building that pipeline through america so goodnight and see you at work.

Marta- (waiting to be introduced she is impatient as she has been waiting all month for this speech. now that the day has come she just wants to get it over with.)

Marta- Hello everyone and a special hello for all of the american citizens visiting canada today. I would like to start off by saying God bless canada and God bless america. Today I’m here to discuss the keystone pipeline with mostly the americans because we  already have canadians who started building this precious pipe that God has forsaken us with. Now lets begin to break down this “bad business”. Jobs- created, gas prices- lowered, tax money- separated between important american industries which means anyone near the pipeline pays less taxes. This pipeline won’t cause any new problems that we as a world haven't already found a solution to. Fracking is the only real issue in play all of the other issues are just rumors. America is in debt of 16.7 trillion dollars. 7 million dollars more won’t affect you especially since it will limit the oil you buy from foreign countries by at least 40%. I believe it was America who came up with the phase “you have to spend money to make money” I would happily spend 7 million dollars in order to save almost 300 billion dollars in the near future. Now how can that sound any better? Oh I know, how about with the fact that the pipeline is being built by the top pipeline construction workers money can buy? These pipeline builders have spent months learning how to build a pipeline, and this is after the years of experience they already had building other pipelines. Once we hired them we forced them to take more classes on pipeline building so in a way we overeducated them to do the work. It’s like sending an American football player to training camp every year. Why does he take time to review things he knows? Well let me tell you: its not for him it’s for his coach. His coach will have the satisfaction of knowing that the player does not forget any of the skills he learned.  The rumor that the water we be flammable is in fact true, but it’s not because of the oil, it’s because of chemicals released in the water. Chemicals that were released by fracking. Tar sands oil will affect america as much as tv does young children. Fracking for fossil fuel is what’s gonna kill you. Think of the children, if you allow yourselves to buy foreign oil for too long your children will get use to it. They along with the rest of these beautiful children are the future of not only america but canada, mexico, brazil, spain, haiti, japan, and one of your nations biggest trading markets, (pause) china. The future of america starts by eliminating the thought of your children having to pay off your debt of 16 trillion or 16 quadrillion or, and god please forbid, 16 quintillion dollars, although it would be a piece of cake for them since there are some really creative children out there who won’t struggle to find ways to increase america's debt. Speaking of struggles it was once said that “If their is no struggle then there can be no progress” -great american activist Frederick Douglas. So lets show children the struggle now and they (pause) (with great pride and enthusiasm) will show us progress. Goodnight and may God bless you all.


(On the phone with his boss)

Yes, yes, I understand that you need to save money to pay other workers, but I need to provide my family with their needs. I know that it’s not your problem but would you please.... Oh come on, just this time. Don’t make me beg, it’s not pretty when a grown man begs. Boss, I am your best worker, how would you feel if I walked away from this stupid pipeline? There are other important constructions that would love.... Oh you dare me to walk away? I would do it but I have pity for you so, I wont. You don’t need me? (infuriated) We’ll see about that, I quit! (Hangs up the phone) (To himself) No wonder this man is hated, he has no sensitivity whatsoever. All he cares about is that the works gets done. You know what? I’m going to make sure the work doesn’t get done. He says he can get it done without me, I’ll prove him wrong. This pipeline is not getting built. (He gets out his house and goes the the construction site) Hello boss, or should I say ex boss? You weren’t expecting me huh? I know I quitted, I’m just here to stop you from going through with this construction. How will I do that? Oh no, not with violence. I’ll do it the best way possible. I’m not telling you, just watch me. (to his coworkers) Hey my fellow brothers, what are you doing? Do you not know the cruelty of your present actions? We are destroying the environment. No no no, not just USA, the entire world. This pipeline could, no, will devastate ecosystems, pollute water sources and jeopardize public health. In other words by doing this we are putting ourselves in danger. Nature will not be able to protect us anymore, instead, it will turn against us. No boss, I will not “shut up”, I have to speak my mind and let these people know the truth. Did you know that tar sands oil is one of the dirtiest fuels? The pipeline would carry 830,000 barrels of dirty tar sands oil into the United States daily, and result in climate-damaging emissions equal to adding more than 5.6 million new cars to U.S. roads. The tar sands oil will even augment rates of cancer. We don’t want to be part of this madness. I too, thought that this pipeline was being built for a good cause under good circumstances, but after finding outa bout these side effects, it’s not worth it. Let’s all stand up and walk away from the pipeline construction. (Proudly) Let’s all go home with a clear conscience.

Pipeline Monologue Project

In this unit we studied the Keystone XL Pipeline, a proposed project by TransCanada. It would be a 1700 mile pipeline that would transport tar sands oil from Canada to refineries near the Gulf of Mexico in the US. However, many people oppose the pipeline's construction because of concerns regarding the environmental damage it may cause. It has not been decided yet if it will be built, it is awaiting approval from President Obama. It is up to him if it will be passed or not.

To better understand the issue, it is essential that the following is known:

  • The pipeline is international, thus TransCanada needs President Obama's approval to build it (NeedtoKnowPBS).
  • The construction of the pipeline would significantly decrease the US dependence on foreign oil. This has been a goal of the country for a long time. (NeedtoKnowPBS)
  • Movements and protests against the pipeline have sparked all across the US due to the threat it may impose on the environment. Many people are against it. (350.org)
  • It is speculated to create many jobs. However, people believe that it will get rid of more jobs than it creates due to the jobs lack of sustainability (NeedtoKnowPBS)
  • “Prominent scientists have called the Alberta tar sands ‘the most environmentally destructive project on the planet.” -Montana Environmental Information Center

The Monologues:

Addressing the Senate

(Republican congressman John Kligman prepares to address the senate about the issue of the Keystone XL pipeline. He is in his office in Washington, DC, preparing for his address to the senate tomorrow morning)

(Senator Kligman sits down at his desk in his office. He removes his coat)

(to self) “So I’m addressing the senate tomorrow, on the Keystone XL Pipeline, hm? (takes out a $20 pen and a pad and begins to write)

“Fellow senators, colleagues, people of this senate. My name is John Kligman, Republican from Georgia. Today I will be addressing the pivotal issue of the Keystone XL Pipeline that is awaiting President Obama’s approval to be built. 

(Pauses and lifts up his pen)

“So far so good”


I was elected to Congress by the state of Georgia solely on the grounds of reducing our massive dependence on foreign oil, and to create more oil stability here on our soil, and create a sound and strong infrastructure. Upon election I promised my fair state that I would do everything in my power as senator to do so. 

(writing ceases momentarily as he gathers his thoughts)

Regarding the controversial Keystone XL Pipeline, I believe we have been pitched a slow, underhand softball to slug out of the park (smirks to self). I believe that the oil stability and financial infrastructure that we desire have been practically handed to us on a silver platter. We are basically being given a freebie: no financial drawbacks with many benefits that stack up and up. Tax revenue, job creation, the list goes on and on. (writing flowing easily) As someone who stands for oil independence from other countries, and represents people who stand for oil independence from other countries, in my mind, no, rephrase that, there is really no question that this is something that should happen.


“That part came easily. But what about the environmental ramifications, hm? How should I prepare to answer those questions, and address that side? It’s obviously there.”

(Continues writing) The only major obstacle standing in the way of the Keystone XL is the environment itself. I, no, like many others I realize the harm it could cause to the environment. I realize that the “tar sands” oil it would be transporting is not quite as clean as other oils.

However, I strongly believe that the financial benefits will weigh this out. With our struggling economy,  (to sef) “growing, no large, no astounding” astounding unemployment rate, and desperate need for oil independence, this pipeline needs to be built.

(pause in the writing)

(smiles to self) And I know a way in which we would have the best of both. I know a way in which we would be able to build the pipeline, and benefit from the economical boosts that it is certain to provide, while keeping in mind the protection and health of the environment. I propose a solution that would consider and satisfy both sides.

(pauses) You see, the pipeline will generate millions of dollars in revenue. What I propose we do is dedicate a large portion of the capital that the pipeline generates towards environmental protection, specifically where the pipeline may cause harm. What I’m proposing is we build the pipeline, then invest a part of what it generates to balance out its faults. It can be the solution to the problems it may create. In this way, it would always be fixing itself with the massive amount of revenue it generates. This is how I propose we address this issue. This is what I, John Kligman, think we should do.

(puts his pen down and looks up.)

(to self) “And the rest will go from there. I guess”

From the Other Side of the World

(Two oil drillers are talking on a rig in Saudi Arabia.)

“Man can you believe that? A 1700 mile pipeline running through the US?”................”What’s the big deal? I’ll tell you what the big deal is man. We might not have a job, that’s the big deal! We could lose our jobs man! Is that something you want?”....................”How do I figure? I’ll tell you how I figure man! Those morons in the US won’t need oil from us anymore! You heard what the boss said.”................”What did he say? Damn you are such a moron man. You were there! You know, 5 minutes ago when he called in everybody who works on this damned rig for an announcement, man, 5 minutes ago!”............”You really don’t remember? Man you’re such a moron.”.............”Hey now don’t call me a moron man! I’m not the one who forgot what the boss said five minutes ago--”.............”Fine SIX minutes ago at the very important announcement that everybody had to hear!”.............”You weren’t there? Why not?”..................”Busy doing what?”...............”None of my damned business? Is too my damned business seeing as I’m the one telling you that you may not have a job!”....................”Oh that’s real mature, man. Go ahead, just leave, see if I care, you moron!”................”Hey wait come back I’ll tell you what he said”..........”......if you tell me what you were doing first!”..............”Me first? Okay man fine. See if I care. He said that there’s this giganto pipeline being built in the US that’s gonna transport oil, like 800 thousand barrels a day, endangering this rig and our jobs! Well, it hasn’t started being built yet, but if it is, then we’re out of work”............”Why? Because we depend on the business of the suckers in the US, that’s why! Them having their own oil means we have no job!”...........”No not just us, everybody at the rig”...........”Yes even the boss.”..........”Because the rig’ll go out of business you moron!”............”Do I really think so? You know man, that’s just what the boss said, I really hope it aint true because I need this job man. You know I got my wife and boys at home, and I know I’m kind of mean sometimes--”........”--yes I know now shut up! Anyway even though I may seem like this stupid tough guy inside I am just a sweetheart and I actually really need this for my wife and boys. I love em so much, and I sure as hell had to work my ass off to get this work.”..........”That’s just what boss said. But for the sake of my life and my family I hope it isn’t true. Now why weren’t you at the announcement again?”

The River

(A small group has gathered along a river that is threatened by the keystone pipeline. Most of them have grown up along the river and depend on it for their living.)

(Talking gently) H-hello. How’s everyone doing today?

(murmurs among the crowd)

Good. (clears throat) M-my name is Jonah Porter, and I, l-like most of us gathered (pauses and looks to crowd) , grew up along this river (looks out to the shiny blue water). (Stammers) M-my earliest memories take place by this water. Th-this water has helped shape who I am today. It’s part of my identity. 

(A short pause to let this sink in)

I remember evenings running along this bank (points outward) with my brother. F-first learning how to fish with my grandpa. My dad hoisting me up high over his head so I could see all the way across to the other side. (daintily) P-precious memories that I hold dear in my heart.

(exhales) Th-this river (points out) has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. It was here I met my beloved wife (smiles timidly) It was here where my two beautiful children were born (wipes a tear). I love you both, (sniff) so much, and am (sniff) so proud of you. (composes himself) Out of respect for this sacred place, I have devoted my career to this river, and have become a fisherman. I de-depend on this river for a living and to support my family.

(crowd murmurs)

(gaining confidence) But now this is all at stake. These sons of bitches at Trans-Canada think they can get away with polluting and endangering our river (slams finger into podium)? (crowd shouts) They think they can get away with threatening our life and lifestyle? (more shouts) They think they can get away with saying to us, “just find another fishing spot because we’re going to harm your river”? Hell no! We will not find another damned fishing spot! We will not move to another river, away from our homes, our families, our histories because some bastards want to build a goddamn pipeline! 

Heh. They say, “our pipelines are the best and they will not leak. It won’t harm the environment”, they say. So that means it won’t be harmful, right? 

Well we have news for them: sending oil near and through this water WILL harm it, and therefore we have a problem! Not only are they not allowed to get away with this stupid and careless idea, but we most certainly will not relocate from generations of tradition so they can build their goddamn pipeline!

(crowd starts to get rallied up)

(smugly) Not so easy! We will not stand for this! We, the people of this river, this river right here, will fight to prevent harm to it, and to us, and we will fight for the common decency of us as a community!

(crowd cheers) (smiles confidently)

Thank you and good night.


Keystone Pipeline Monolouges

For this project I had to write three monologues. For each monologue I came up with a different story for each situation. These monologues still have the same theme which is the Keystone Pipelines. The Keystone pipeline is a system that transports crude oil from the oil sands of Alberta Canada to Northern the United States. People’s opinions vary concerning this project. For example, people might think the project is great because it will create jobs and the U.S. will become less independent on other countries. On the other hand some people think that the pipelines aren’t environmentally safe and will pollute the earth. I did research and tried to determine why different people have formed different opinions. I thought this was great because most people only look at their point of view, but I researched for myself and found examples of both pros & cons.

The Only Option

(Frank and his Wife Carmen are talking inside their shabby apartment.)


Babe I got good news. So I’ve been looking for a job for a long time and I finally found one. It’s with transCanada. Yep the people who are building those pipelines. I know, I know, I know that those pipelines aren’t good. Yep there has been a few leaks already... that’s why I gonna fix them. If I take this job my work can fix and improve this project. And I really don’t understand why you think it’s gonna affect our drinking water. Polar Springs and dasani will find a way to fix it. (Carmen calls the job crappy and shakes her head in disapproval.) Oh it’s a crappy job? It’s a crappy job that’s putting food on the table. And if it’s so crappy why don’t you find a better job.  

Let me calm myself down. (Frank counts to ten then tries to explain himself.) It’s not easy being a man out here. Especially a worthless one. You don’t understand but that’s how I feel. Right now I can’t support you and our baby girl and she deserves better than this. You have to come to your senses.

The pipeline isn’t all that bad. I mean the U.S. is saving a boatload of money with this project, it has created over 20,000 jobs, increased demand for local goods and services, invested in local communities, and created more business opportunities. You're really making seem worse than what it is. Yes. I know that it’s a huge chance that this job is just temporary. In a few day we will temporarily be homeless. Why can’t you just be happy for me? (Frank gets louder with every sentence.) We might be able to find a better place to live. You protest everyday at the white house. You guys do all types of fooliness. Taping yourselves to the equipment and yelling like caged animals. Like do you want me to lose my job? You're wasting you time, and the last thing I want you to do is get arrested. You know your dark skinned. You’ll be the first one to go to jail. And we barely have rent money so you already know I ain't got no bail money.

(Frank sees the fear in his wife’s face and lowers his voice.) Just listen to me babe, the pipelines won’t destroy the earth. It might contaminate some water and ruin some beaches but it’s bearable. Just trust me and we’ll be fine. (Frank hugs Carmen and comforts her.)

Got to Let You Go

(Matthew a farmer is outside taking wit One of his workers Bull) Are you serious? It’s obvious what’s wrong. Can’t you see these pipelines too. They’re ruining my business. (Bill tries to calm Frank down). Why are you telling me to calm down? You should be just as angry as me. It’s your job too man. Our green pastures will soon be filled with crude oil. How are we gonna produce vegetation with crude oil all over the place? And another question, if they’re getting and saving money with this project why can’t they use some that money to make a better pipeline. This pipeline has only been running for just a week and is already screwing up. ( Matthew kicks some dirt). Those pipelines are leaking that nasty crude oil and the temperatures of the pipelines are affecting my crops. It’s making the climate change. And what makes me mad is that they know what they’re doing but, they chose to ignore it. Yes! I think they know exactly what they’re doing.

My family business will be ruined. My sons and grandsons will never get to experience this. I just want my family to be successful. I mean is that too much to ask for?  I want to be able to support my family and guide them.

Man I tell you, people only care about themselves. They could care less about the well being of others. Some people are fooled. They think they’re getting a job that they can depend on, but that job is only gonna last for a year or two if that.  They’re destroying the earth for a dollar.  

Bill I said all this so you can understand why I’m about to do this. What I mean is I gotta let you go. Is not that you're a bad worker because your a hard worker, it’s just because we can’t afford to have you here. We aren’t selling as many crops as we used to. With this pipe we lost over a thousand dollars. (Bill says that Matthew is lying). Don’t say that. I always cared and wanted the best for you. I wish the best and good luck finding another job. ( Bill walks away and says nothing to Matthew).  

Beach Gone Bad

(Jazmine is at home wondering why she can’t go to the beach. She calls her mom Kim to get answers) Mom, Mom, Mommy, Mom, Mama, Ma. Hey mommy. (Jasmine pauses for a few seconds then talks) No, no, no wait I wanted to ask you something. Why can’t me and my friends go to the beach today? (Gina begins to tell her about the Keystone pipelines).  What’s the Keystone Pipeline? What’s crude oil? OKAY! Sorry for asking so many questions but I’m confused and remember, I’m just a little girl. Can you explain it to me with easy stuff? Thanks. (Her mom tries to make it understandable). So they have poorly made pipelines across the U.S. and Canada? So why can’t I go to the beach? I don’t understand. (Jazmine finally catches on). Wait one second Mr. mom. You’re telling me they’re messing up my beach with some nasty crude oil? This is an outrage!

Mommy, it’s summer and I love to go to the beach and play with my friends, and, and, and you talk grown folk talk with Holly’s mom there. There has to be something we can do to fix it. We have to. This is worse than the time I lost my blanket Blankie  when I was five.

Mommy, I wanted to know if we can clean the oil up. (Jasmine’s mom expresses how hard that could be). It can’t be that bad because the beach was fine two weeks ago. I remember like it was yesterday. Me, Holly, and Brianna were building sand castles. (Jasmine goes completely off subject) My castle was the best. I put my ring pop right on top of it for the finishing touches. Then just when I was about to show you, Brianna knocked it over. I don’t like her or her mom. You said her mom was something that started with B and ended with a h. (zmaine’s mom gives her the eye).  Okay Okay mom. Sorry. Now back to what I was saying.

I get it. Cleaning up the pipelines is a little impossible, but there has to be someway our voices can be heard. Right? I know I’m very tiny but that doesn't mean anything. In Sunday school last week, Mrs. Evans told not to let anyone look down on me because I’m young. And mom you said it yourself. You were all like, you can do anything baby and stand up for what you believe in. (Jasmine's mom agrees) We’ll figure out something tomorrow. I need your help.

“Murió poeta colombiano Álvaro Mutis”

Melanie Harrington                                                                                                                        Q1

Don Marcos

“Murió poeta colombiano Álvaro Mutis”

En lunes 23 de septiembre, Álvaro Mutis, un escritor y una poeta, murió. Tenías noventa años. Fue el más grande escritor y poeta de su generación. Él nacido en Bogotá en 1923 y fue un hijo de diplomático. Él comenzaba su labor literaria en “El Espectador”, un diario en el capital colombiana. Mutis escribía las críticas de las poemas en el diario. Él publicó su primer libro de poemas en 1947. En 1956 él fue acusado de abusar de fundos en la petrolera “Esso” y se mudó a México. Él escribió un libro sobre las acusaciones. Mutis tenía muchos buenos amigos y hablaba a los escritores famoso. Él ganó muchos premios también para sus poemas y cuentas. Álvaro Mutis es un escritor talentoso.

Yo escogí este artículo porque yo no sabo muchos escritorios hispánico y yo pensé este artículo fue muy interesante. Yo aprendí mucho sobre la vida de Álvaro Mutis y sus literatura. Yo también aprendí que es posible para las personas a ser exiliado de un país. Me gusta este artículo mucho porque yo penso Álvaro Mutis es un persona interesante, talentoso y inteligente. Cuando yo leí este artículo, yo pensé sobre todas los autores y escritores en el mundo y cuántas personas leen sus literatura. El vocabulario nuevo que aprendí es la petrolera, ganar, el premio, exiliado y comenzar.

Word Count: 221

"Murió poeta colombiano Álvaro Mutis." Ponte Al Día. N.p., 23 Sep 2013. Web. 30 Sep 2013. <http://www.pontealdia.com/america-latina/murio-poeta-colombiano-alvaro-mutis.html>.

Pipeline Monologue Project

Part I

We have studied a lot of different issues this unit. We started off by looking at two websites, one that TransCanada (the company creating the pipeline) created and one that people who were concerned about the environment created called 350.org. We learned that the pipeline is not just a good or bad thing there are many pros and cons. There are economic opportunities but there are also harmful environmental risks. The pipeline is already underway but has been stalled due to lack of decision by the President. 

Part II

1. 830,000 barrels a day of oil will be pumped through the pipeline.
2. The pipeline will be 1,179 miles and run through Nebraska, Montana, South Dakota, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas.
3. Up to 700,000 gallons of oil could leak out before it would be detected by the pipeline's sensors.
4. The pipeline has already leaked 12 times in one year.
5. The pipeline would reduce the amount of oil we import from Venezuela. 
Part III

Monologue #1: Blue Skies

I’ve sat through many a fire and brimstone. For every ring around my trunk I have seen another man turn to hell this Eden we have tried to provide. My limbs kiss ground so heavy with weariness. I’m so tired. I find myself weeping with willows whipped from their roots by teeth of dead machine. Every bipedal sheep I see crunch earth under his feet sickens me. The oxygen I provide puffing up his chest imitating the proud peacock who’s home he slaughtered. How dare they come back to my home and insert metal pipe into my veins. Flushing out the water I depend on for black sludge that leaks and swims through rivers, condenses into clouds, and falls down again acidic to the tongue. I will not be calm this time! I will not be the one the wise tree and see again my leaves curl back blackened as fire flirts with them licking at stems. I will not hear for the millionth time metal grind against gear grind against rock to root strained and pulled up through the dirt where it belongs. You all should pay in blood. Return moisture to the farms where you sucked everything out. 

(wind blows and she shivers)

I’ve been around too long. To much these weary limbs have seen. Perhaps it’s time for me to once again become one with ground. I wish not to admit it but I am frightened. As wind grows cold and I grow so old fear has settled into these branches. What will it feel like. Do you think they will push me over? What will be the feeling of having roots torn from me to snap halved by metal teeth. Or to have a spine break backwards, or to have axe hack into trunk again and again until I fall while they shout, “Timber!” jovially. But then I’ll rest, never again to shade a child or fall an apple to provide a break from hunger. I pray you remember me, once standing tall holding hands with the sun and now the earth beneath your feet. 

Monologue #2: Hotrods

(He takes a break from digging for the pipeline to pull a wrapped sandwich out of his pocket. His friend walks by and calls out his name.)

Stop calling me that man. It’s just Rodney. Hot Rod sounds gay. You been gone all day I started to think you got crushed by a dozer. That’s not even funny man that’s how we lost little Bill. I miss him he brought me a cupcake one time...

How long you been on for? 6 months ain’t too bad. I’ve only been here a month and a half. My only complaint would be the crap lunches. You’d think they could at least give us some decent food. Beats prison food I guess. Yeah man I already told you this story.

(finishes sandwich and continues to dig)

I was, what, a senior in high school and broke as hell just like everybody else. Naw man I wasn’t no sob story. Not like my mom got sick and I had to pay the bills or anything. Actually my dad is loaded. Too bad he says my mom was such a slut he doesn’t know if I’m his. Anyways some dude approached me and was like I hear your good with cars. Long story short I start jackin hot rods. Haha yeah funny. That’s not my name. Everything was chillin for like a year and then I got busted in a ferrari. Got 3 years cause they found out about the other ones too.

(Long pause between them)

Why you look so nervous man?

(Looks over his shoulder to see the boss)

Aw don’t worry he comes around here all the time. Just checkin up on us to make sure we’re workin’.

What do you mean it ain’t like that this time?

They’re what? They can’t be laying people off right now I need this job. I’ll be one of the first ones to go! I was last hired and I have a record. Here he comes, straighten up.

(Boss comes over.)

Hey bossman. I heard there are some financial troubles since the pipeline has been stalled but I just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate-

Naw man stop right there. Don’t say your letting me go. Because I ain’t never said I was trynna leave. Listen this is the only place that would hire a-

Yeah I understand.

(starts walking away)

This is some bullshit. I get that the pipeline may do some environmental harm but it’s helpful. People like me rely on projects like this to get a job. I oughtta go to right up to the White House and tell the President to keep it goin. Man I could make a scene too. I can name at least thirty other dudes who only eat because this pipeline. I hope the oil leaks out all everywhere. Maybe they’ll hire us again to clean it up.

Monologue #3: 7 Billion Dollars

Tim Green works at the White House as somewhat of a “paper pusher” There is no paperwork that goes to the higher ups that doesn’t pass him first.

(Tim is sitting at his desk when his phone rings and he answers)

Sorry I am not at liberty to answer that at the moment, please call again later.

(He hangs up the phone and yells to his assistant)

Jenny. Oh I’m sorry Jennifer. Could you do me a favor and call Brad from across the hall and tell him I need him to sign off on this form so that I can send it off. It’s been sitting on my desk for weeks now. Also is the security outside yet the protestors are getting restless.

(Yells while looking around the office)

And will someone please handle the man that’s been knocking on the door for at least 10 minutes!

(A protestor walks in)

What can I help you with sir? (chuckles) Or should I say dude?

(Cutting him off)

Listen I know why you’re here. It’s the pipeline right? Yes of course the environment. Do you know the exact amount of money the government has funneled into this project? 7 billion dollars is not something we would just spend on anyth-

(The phone rings and Tim answers)

Yes. Yes. Yes it should be on it’s way to your office today we just need one more signature. (Laughs loudly) I’ll sure keep that in mind. Say hello to the kids for me.

(To himself)

Man I love that guy.

(Back to the protestor)

Oh so where was I? Yes. (Waves to a man walking in the hallway)The environment. A very serious matter. I can assure you that we have taken every precaution to ensure that the pipeline is safe. We care just as much if not more than you do.

(The protestor starts yelling at Tim)

Sir! I’d like to kindly ask you to calm down I understand that you are upset but you have no idea the profits this country will make. There could be thousands of dollars in tax revenue not to mention putting good people back to work. Now if you have a problem with that then show yourself out.

(He exits. Tim turns to Jenny and laughs)

That gets them every time. Call Mr. Draper. This pipeline will move forward.

Pipeline Monologue Project

In history class we have recently learned about a proposal of the Keystone XL pipeline. The pipeline is proposed by the company TransCanada starting in 2010 with Phase 1. The pipeline is a 1,179-mile (1,897 km) long pipeline that starts in Canada and travels it's way into the United States and ending in Illinois (This is because of the revised plan the original plan was for it to end in Nebraska). This pipeline transports crude oil and is supposedly a much safer and faster way for the oil to travel. Since there are many convincing bias opinions on the proposal it was very challenging to conduct a personal opinion on the idea of this contraption. Personally, I am against the idea of the pipeline. For example, TransCanada has stated that this will be the best way for us to get energy but I believe that there are alternative ways to get the energy we need without disturbing our environment or how little we have left.

  • "We are also one of the largest providers of natural gas storage and related services, with more than 400 billion cubic feet of capacity. That’s enough to meet the needs of nearly four million homes each year.  See more at:  - Transcanada  
  • “ The total carbon pollution impacts of Keystone XL are the equivalent of putting 9 million cars on the road when considering the total emissions of tar sands and refining processes.” More here

  • “Keystone XL will contribute dramatically to climate change. The State Department confirmed that tar sands fuel is up to 19% more greenhouse gas intensive than conventional fuel, and the tar sands industry admits that Keystone XL will lead to more tar sands production. More here   

  • "The pipeline will have capacity to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day to Gulf Coast and Midwest refineries, reducing American dependence on oil from Venezuela and the Middle East by up to 40 per cent. - More here

  • "The pipeline will cross more than 1,000 water bodies across 3 states and 875 miles threatening drinking water for people, farms, and ranches with a devastating tar sands spill"  More here 

I Hate You

(Pacing in the jail cell writing a letter: frustrated, babbling, angered) (Reading the sentences at a faster pace than normal)

This isn’t my fault… this just isn’t my fault…. it’s that bastard’s fault. (prison guard passes him a pen and paper) (phones aren’t working have to communicate it in an old fashioned way)

Look you idiotic moron, you are the most ridiculous protest leader out there. You my friend have a lot of things coming your way. Once I get out jail FOR THE SECOND TIME NOW, I’m coming for you. Jail changed me man. It changed me, I should not be in here for the ideas you planned for the entire group to sabotage the Keystone Pipeline. YOU. YOU SHOULD BE IN PRISON NOT ME. Yes, I admit that I wasn’t the best person before, ya know doing heroin and closely sending a man to his exile but that’s the past. I finally turned myself around, got help from you to construct my anger and psychotic feelings into something good, like protesting against the pipeline. Remember at the protest? Yeah, when the cops recognized me from 3 years ago, and simple mindedly arrested me for speaking my mind about this mental proposal for a lazy way of transporting oils across North America. YOU my group leader, my “supposedly” best friend deserted and abandoned me,  while rough man hands groped and violated my personal space to force me into a cop car yet once again. Therefore, I thank you, because I realized that I’m going to rot in prison for a while. Keystone XL proposal must be stopped but I do not trust you to be in charge of protesting. You know jack squat about this project and you’re defending it as if it was your own child. Quit the facade and learn the real issues.  People through fucking trash everywhere now a days, and basically we live in a pig house. All I’m saying is that we should care about this environment instead

of digging it up and replacing that land with a metal pipe. You shouldn’t call yourself a protest leader you’re just a creature who has no soul and no regard towards other people except for yourself.

Why Me?

Quinn- Protest leader

(Along the pipeline land with the other protesters reading the letter from Ian)

(Reads last few lines of the letter then starts her rant)

(Pacing just out of earshot of the protest)

Wow I didn’t realize that this would be taken so far... What happened to people just standing up for what they believe in. My parents and grandparents did not have to deal with the cruelty of going to jail for speaking their minds. At least not like this... (Stops pacing) I don’t think... Anyway I don’t know why they didn’t arrest all of us maybe there was someone still on the hunt for him... I mean I understand "The man" just as much, if not less than he does. He could have joined any protest and they might still have taken him. There was an article in the news the other day about the Native Americans blocking the construction workers from getting the supplies to where they need it to build the pipeline correctly. I only did this because I believe in something I thought thats what he believed in too but I am guessing he has have changed his mind because of the tone in his letter. Sometimes things happen to us because we need them to or we need a lesson so maybe instead of blaming me...You know what why the hell am I trying to explain this crap. (Throws letter to the ground) HE KNEW! He knew what he were getting himself into, he knew that there was a chance of getting caught and he OF ALL PEOPLE should know that this THIS would get you back in jail! THEY KNOW HIM FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! If THEY are going to arrest somebody out of anyone here they would most likely go for him! I mean he has been there before. This was his choice not mine protests usually don't go to well when the police get involved but what do I know all I wanted to do was stand up for what I believe in and look where that got him...Maybe he's right... Why would anyone believe in me... I am the kid in the classroom who shares her ideas and questions and they get shot down because they are "stupid" or "immature." Why would all these people come here when I, I of all people... Aaaaaaahhh (Grabs hair like she is going to pull it out), forget it everything is my fault isn’t it everything I do good or bad is always.... Why me.... Why me... I was just trying to do something to change the world for the better that is all I ever wanted was to make something no matter how small better but now I’ve gone and screwed things up again why do I always do this?(Walks back to the protest)

New Perspective

The land surrounding the pipeline

(Resting on the floor of the ground to represent the land around the pipeline)

Humans have done some crazy things but I never knew that it could get crazier. This Keystone, XL program is supposed to destroy 1,179 miles of me. They Are saying that it will only have a 36 inch diameter but if my inhibitions are correct then these humans will just get crazier and either put more of these things here or they will make this one “bigger and better” That’s how humans work i guess, doesn’t make a whole lotta sense to me but you know I’m just the land under their feet i don’t do much but sit here and try to look pretty or as pretty as they will let me  be. It was much easier to be beautiful before the humans went bonkers. Hardisty, Alberta used to be this wondrous, lovely place now it will have a stinkin' pipe starting there. Also if you thought that was bad Nebraska is such a quiet state that most Americans forget about it in the Midwest just minding its own business now it is going to have a pipe ending there. Oh and lets not forget folks about the 181 million metric tons of carbon dioxide being sent up into my friend Air, who by the way I think has had it worse than I with the whole ozone thingy. Anyway I remember when the only thing that was being built on me was a place to sleep for a night or two but now they need to have everything for everyone so they build nonstop there are humans who specialize in this which I think is amazing that they can make a profession out of the simplest of tasks that everyone used to do together back in the day. I remember all the trees that would shade me from the harsh sun in the areas I needed and in the areas that needed the sun there was nothing blocking it I remember when the only thing running along me were my friend Water's gushing rivers and the pitter patter of the feet of animals being chased by humans or other animals. I remember, even when the first rode was built and it was such a new experience that I was excited for what was to come now I am not so excited I don’t think I have been happy or excited in a long time.
This Means the World and More

James- Construction worker

(In bosses office to talk)

Hey uh...boss? I don’t know how to tell you this but... Yeah there are some umm... I’m sorry but uh... There are some uh protesters sir... Yes, they are along they land where we are supposed to build sir... Well, the problem is, sir is that they are blocking us from doing the prep work and... Sir i understand but I would not have come to you if they hadn’t gotten in the way of our work...yes sir I already called the police but when they were here they only arrested one man and the rest were all left here...No sir they said that the land is not private land and there is no other way to get them arrested unless the protesters turn violent or they destroy property which they are not doing they aren’t even a disturbance because they are pretty much silent except when we come around.... I understand sir but... Sir I know but.... Sir...I want to get them out of here just as much as you do sir... Why sir? Because I need to bring home enough money for me and my bed rest wife who is staying home now because her job laid her off once they saw that she would not be able to do the work they ask of her... (Starts to pace because he is rambling) And sir we have been preparing for this baby for forever we had to try for the baby for four years and now that she is carrying I will stop at nothing to make sure she is happy. She was so upset when she found out she couldn't do more to prepare for the baby and I really want her to relax and just enjoy the time she has to spend alone but she doesn't want to unless everything else id perfect so I want, no I need to make sure everything is perfect. I need this job just as much if not more than you need all of us to work the job... I don’t know what I would do without this job right now because it is the only thing that is bringing in the money and things for the baby right now and though that isn’t much it is more than I could ever ask for at the moment so thank you for giving me this job. i know that there are many others that also thank you because this is just an amazing opportunity You don’t know how much this means to me but I will need to be able to work so if you could do something about the protesters that would be great... Thank you sir.

(Leaves office)

Oh lord, these things again. 

The CEO Boss :
 (In His office with employee)

Hey James... You can tell me... Just spit it out James... THE PROTESTERS ARE WHERE???DOING WHAT?????  Well Are you doing your work I mean that is all that matters, that is where the money comes from... Well I understand you wouldn’t be here if there wasn’t a problem but you have to do something, ANYTHING, CALL SECURITY DO SOMETHING BEFORE I BODOSE OVER THEIR TREE HUGGING BODIES MYSELF! (talks to self, squeezes squeeze toy for stress relief) Okay Charles calm down, the freaks will move it’s okay don’t worry (Calls to assistant) ANNA! WHERE ARE MY STRESS PILLS? Any who look James boy I’m going to try my best and get rid of those monsters... You want to get them out just as much as I do, why?... Yes I understand that you need money for your new expected child, unfortunately since the Keystone XL pipeline has YET to be built, I cannot pay any of my workers because I AM nor our company is getting paid. I get that you Need this job but now that these protester are here we need to figure out how to get them out so I can make- I mean we can make the money we need.They’re too busy worrying about their precious environment but I’m going to tell you a little secret. I honestly don’t give a flying fladoodle about any of it, I care about the profits, and the investment into this entire operation. Understood? So I need you to be on my good side and help me extinguish these rebellious human beings. That is unacceptable.  Ya get what I’m sayin’ man. Come back when the protester start to do something else because this is unacceptable. how in the hell did they even get here. There is no way for things to get any worse God!!! Alright... Dismissed. 

Keystone Pipeline monologues


The Keystone Pipeline is a surprisingly unknown current event that is threatening to change the oil industry in the U.S and Canada. This change in industry can be construed in many different lights due to the many different forces that are trying to shift the tides of it’s fate. On the more conservative side you will find people arguing that this oil pipeline will be the necessary boost to job generation that the U.S needs, limiting our dependencies on our oil supply from non allied countries. However, like any project that impacts the environment, there are swathes of citizens (both American and Canadian) who are opposing and appealing this project, trying to hold Obama to his word about trying to find more carbon friendly energy options. This oil pipeline would be transporting crude (unrefined) oil from canadian “tar sands” down through the middle of the United states to the gulf of mexico. Since so much of the project relies on the cooperation of the U.S. the final decision is left to the president, what he chooses to do with this choice is at the forefront of many peoples’ minds as the deadline for this pipeline looms nearer.

Part Two

1. The keystone pipeline will only create temporary unsustainable jobs.

2. The oil the pipeline transports is just has crude as other imported oil.

3. Obama has been chosen to make the final decision about the continuation of the pipeline.

4. The pipeline will cross over hundreds of water sources through the u.s.

5. The pipeline will limit our dependencies on oil from our supposed "enemies" in middle eastern countries.

Part Three

“ok” - august polite

Ok, yeah I have to go now,

yes... Ok this is the end this conversation

Oh my god, goodbye

yeah, ugh,




no, i’m not hungry; I mean, like, I already ate

yeah, I didn’t know when you would be back.

I know you had interviews, it’s ok, are there any new things that have opened up?

yeah, sorry I know

I am gonna go do homework or something...

yeah or something

[music starts playing loudly]



[music volume lowers and gets muffled]

what? No, I’m fine I just hate being patronized by this retarded school

Oh my god, I know! Ok, I don’t mean ‘retarded’ I’m just mad ok; because, I mean look at this, am I in fucking first grade?

Ok, I’m sorry, yeah

Well you look at this, look at this

No I don’t wanna move; all of my friends are here and every other school is terrible

I wish I could go to one of those schools out in the suburbs

I imagine that they actually learn stuff

yeah, ok, ok, ok, ok, I know that dad. Shit is expensive

Well did you find anything new?


I want to know, do you think I deserve to know?

cause I kind of want to know ok? I mean you said we could go on vacation


ok, well I don’t even really care what you do

a month? Really? I doubt that so much, you want me to believe that that thing will be ready to give anyone who lines up a well paying job.

so the freaking canadians are just gonna march down here are set up shop and we will be all set?

forever? you want me to be proud of you for finding this piece of crap ‘opportunity’?

I’m just mad

yeah I’m ok

I’m fine

that doesn’t really sound all that good for the environment

I said that I don’t think it will be good for the environment

and you are the one telling me to turn off the lights every freaking minute

to save like half a watt of power

I don’t know! Well if you get paid I guess it’s better than nothing

well I’m sorry ok?

yeah I’m ok

I’m ok


“cough” - August Polite



Hey dude


hey yeah, what time is it?

damn it’s like midnight why are you even awake?


I don’t know

yo, I asked first!

yeah oh that sucks man

bro I hate to break it to you but your dad is kind of an ass


you’re welcome

but no! You have have to tell him not to work there man

haven’t you been friends with me for like 5 years?

yeah and the pipeline is no freaking worse


dude, guess what


it’s hilarious! my dad is locked up for, like, the next few days

man calm down, it’s no big deal

of course he was at the protest, he is like a huge hippie

no, I’m actually kind of proud of him

he usually just f’s around all day

no she’s probably just passed out upstairs

yeah she got so drunk I doubt she gives a shit


yeah, yeah ditch that guy

come see one these protests though, it’s some pretty inspiring junk


yeah! And it’s happening right here! You’re gonna be missing out!

yeah I nearly got arrested at the last one, it was epic

ah, whatever it’s the same thing dude

you’re such a f-

oh let me have my fun

sorry yeah I’m just tired

ok yeah

but I’m serious, do you even know what this pipeline thing is all about?

it’s some messed up stuff

they are just taking this dirty freaking oil out of the earth

no, but this is different

this is, it’s like, dirtier

than normal



head home if you're so worried about it

I’m just gonna chill here and think about



I don’t know



“yes?” - august polite

wow that’s very interesting


oh yes

well actually I do have a son

yes, we get along quite well

oh wow isn’t that something...

yes 14, it’s a tricky age


well right to business,

ok great,

so as you probably know jobs here have been quite... difficult to come by

and, having the experience that I do, architectural design, some contracting,

I thought that it might be nice if you thought about using some of the past employees

including myself

to work with the canadian company on managing their oil route

through the city


yes, that’s right

well I just thought

since I have the experience and


yes sir


that’s great

well I can assure you that choosing me for this job, if it were to become available, would be the right choice

yes, and to reiterate, I think that my knowledge of the area could benefit th-



so hopefully I will be hearing from you shortly?

well, oh, ok

so maybe I might hear from you over the next few months?


next year?

that ... sounds great

I really appreciate what you are doing -

might do

for us

thanks again


thank you for your time



Pipeline Monologue Project

In Mr. Blocks world history class we were learning about The Keystone XL pipeline. This unit was interesting because before this class I never knew there was supposed to even be an pipeline. The Keystone pipeline is a 1,179 mile pipe that will transfer over 830 million barrels of oil from Canada to oil companies in America. In class we read articles and  watched videos from both sides of the pipeline. The first was about the people who invented the pipeline, they said the pipeline will create more than 20 million new construction jobs.  It will give America independence when it comes to oil transportation. Which meant we wouldn’t have to depend on oil  companies across the sea. Then the counter video was about the protesters who were against the pipeline being built. They said that if this pipe is built it will cause more pollution to be put in the air which can increase greenhouse gasses that causes global warming. Another important reason of why the pipe shouldn’t be built was because if it leaks it can pollute the water sources that are near the pipe and it could kill any living being  who drinks the water. 

Later we had discussions about how we feel about the pipeline. I think it would be a great idea to have the pipeline but in order to get the oil we would have to dig up miles and miles of land to get the oil needed. We are already polluting our land and if we use for resources than can be reproduced eventually we’ll have nothing left and we’ll have to start depending on other companies again. It’s a good idea but America isn’t ready for the responsibility of a pipeline.

Facts from: Texas Observer (news article)



The Lost Fight

(In the Akerman Home in Denton Texas (2012 ) Lilly Akerman is just getting home from work)


(She’s all swole up because she had to go to a valuation hearing about her property)

How am I supposed to tell my family?

(sits in her chair thinking)

What am I supposed to say? Hey guys, guess what; Our house is in the way of that new pipeline. TransCanada now owns our land and there’s nothing we can do about it. But this money

(she looks at the check TransCanada wrote her)

We could get a new home and start fresh. But my kids, Timmy just started high school and poor little Katie Ann she’s just startin’ to walk. It would kill Timmy having to start at a new school again, it’s too much. And my folks! I need to be close to them, Ma’ needs someone to look after her I would have to move her too.

(starts to tear up but her husband walks in)

John I’m glad you’re home. I have to tell you somethin’ we have to move. I was called to court because that new gas company needs our land to build that big pipe of theirs, that’s why. ...No we can’t fight it, it’s happening all over Denton. I heard the Jentsons from down the block tried to fight the company last year  they’re just now getting done the case, they lost the case and a lot of money.

We have the kids to think about. Especially Katie, it’s hard enough that you’re working days and nights. If I try to fight this all she’ll see is Timmy. They did write us a check. It’s $655,332.19 (six hundred fifty-five thousand three hundred and thirty three dollars) it’s about $200,000 (two hundred thousand)less than what our house’s worth. What do you mean $655,332.19 isn’t enough for our land? You know those people are  tighter than bark on a tree . I’m surprised we got that much money. With that money we could find us a nice new house where my folks could live with us and everythang. John they’re taking our house whether you like it or not. It’s hard for me too, doctors are needed everywhere but it’s hard finding a decent job for female accountants.

(Lilly says while holding back her tears)

Come hell or high waters, I’m moving, you can stay here but I’m taking my kids and folks with me. We’re going far away from Texas its pipeline problems. I reckon’ this is it for us. I’ll go back tomorrow and tell them we’ll be tak'n'ta money. I know it’s gon’ be hard but we’ll make it through. For now we gotta get the yougin’s packing and start lookin for a new home. One where our kids will be safe, and Ma’ and Pa’ can stay with us and we’ll have a nice neighborhood, away from that nasty pipe. Now it’s time for me to start cookin’. Timmy should be home any minute now and Katie should be wakin up from her nap. Go on’ now, go get our daughter and Imma start gettin’ fixin’  dinner.


The Protesters Daughter

(In the Brownwood’s home upstairs in Margaret's room)


(Slams the door shut & grabs the picture of her and her dad from her dresser  and sits on her bed)

Ugh dad you went and did it again. But this time you got yourself in a lot of trouble and who knows how long you’ll be this time. I know this pipe means a lot to you, but don’t mom and i  mean something too? You’re always at a protest trying to stop the pipeline from being built. You’re never home anymore and if you are it’s pipeline this, pipeline that.You’d think I’d be used to this. You’ve been protesting against everything since I was 4, but it’s still hard to not having you around. I just want my dad back.

(Knock on the door it’s Margarets mom Margaret puts the frame down)

Yes mom? Yeah I heard about dad, how long is he in for this time? Wait what do you mean 2-3 years? He was just standing outside the gates I was with him the whole time. He did what? Why would he ever do something like that? Daddy would never do anything to hurt someone especially something that dangerous

(sounds a little more angry)

I know it’s dangerous mom, you don’t have to keep telling me. This pipe is slowly killing our environment. Don’t you see all over America, TransCanada is moving people out of their homes?

They are taking their land and all you can say is it’s too dangerous for me to fight for what I believe in?  You’re supposed to support your family not hold them back. Why would I write a letter? What would that even do? It’s not like the president reads it anyway. He has so much to deal with that he sends out computer letters saying thank you for your time writting this letter and other b.s that makes you think he actually cares about you.... Grounded!!! Mom I’m sorry but you can’t ground me ,there’s another protest tomorrow. I need to show up in honor of dad.... Fine then but don’t expect me down for dinner. Ugh she just doesn’t understand. Well I have nothing better to do. Maybe writing the letter won’t kill me

(she grabs her notebook and pen)

Dear Mr.President,

If you do read this, I want you to know that it’s time to make a decision. This pipeline that’s supposed to “help” America is actually tearing us apart. My dad was one of the many protestors who was thrown in jail the other day. He is facing a lot of time for standing up for what he believes in. This pipeline, if made will force a lot of people out their homes My dad was standing up for those people who don’t have a voice. Their voices wouldn’t be heard if it wasn’t for him. I’m just asking for your help, can you just let my dad go please? You knew what it’s like not having a dad around. All I want is mine. I hope you actually read this and help me.


Margaret Brownwood  

(She looks at the letter and places it on her dresser)   



(TransCanada company Calgary, Alberta Canada the room where the pipe is held in)


My name is Steve, Steve Pipeline the 3rd.

All my life I was raised to believe I could change the world. I would be creating over 20,000 new construction jobs. I would be creating $58.6 million in new taxes.  Everything would be great. I would be giving America independence by transferring over 830,000 barrels of oil transferred across 1,179 miles of metal. In 2011 everyone was happy about me, there were award ceremonies, and news announcements life was good.  Every time someone drove by me or walked past I was praised. Everyone was my friend and everyone loved me.

(stops and takes a long breath)

Two years later when I came to America, these so called tree huggers said I was bad for the environment. Can you believe that? Me bad for the environment!! They said if leaked, which is only supposed to leak 2 times every 10 years of my existence which is not bad for me. I give Americas future generation a chance to have clean energy. There’s protests everyday about me taking away land from Texas landowners. I mean 1,000 homes isn’t a lot it’s just right for everything I want to accomplish. One day, people came up and started hitting and scratching me. It was terrifying, why would you ever hit a kid I mean everyone has feelings. The violence  got so bad I had to have body guards everywhere I go. I didn’t want to be in the spotlight but it followed me everywhere. Every single day someone’s at my house throwing rocks or saying the pipeline must go. They don’t even know me or what I was raised to do. But did they bother to learn anything, no they just know that I pollute the world and can cause environmental disasters. I just really want to crawl under a rock and never be seen again. But my family won’t let me stop there. They tell me I must go on no matter how people feel about me. I was raised to do one job and one job only and that’s to transfer 830,000 barrels of oil across 1,179 miles of metal.


Pipeline Monologue Project

Part I: This unit I learned about the Keystone Pipeline XL and the company that plans to extend this pipeline (TransCanada). This project already exists but they hope to extend it from North Dakota and spill out into the Gulf of Mexico. This project is very controversial because of the many good and bad things that come with it. While this project may boost the economy and create many new jobs, there is also a chance that it could leak and ruin out freshwater. Another thing we studied this unit is as to why the world is so unfair.

Part ||:
1) The Keystone Pipeline XL could create 20,00 jobs (http://keystone-xl.com/about/the-project/) {link can be used for numbers 3-5}
2) Only 2,000 jobs will be kept (http://350.org/)
3) Oil comes from Canada (no more "foreign oils")
4) Will carry 830,000 barrels of oil a day
5) Will cost $5.3 billion dollars 

Part III: 
  By the Wind

*On phone with her granddaughter. *

*Sighing* Hmph, I remember when I was young. You know, the good old days, where the hills and rivers were alive? Well maybe YOU don’t, but I do. My best friend was a duck. I know, I know, kind of stupid right? Every morning I would take cereal out of my own breakfast and save it for her. She’d come out of her resting spot and spend the entire day with me. One day, these big guys came knockin’ on our door. They started talking, talking about building houses and tall buildings around our way. Apparently, the entire neighborhood had signed this lease thing, saying they agree to this idea. Well, my father was so angry, I could see the veins in his neck popping out. The man left with his paper unsigned and a frown on his face. Two weeks later, I stood waiting for her, only to find out that those same men destroyed her home. They started building a huge apartment complex. It was then I realized how unfair this world was. Our ancestors were ridiculed and even now in this modern world we are seen as inferior.

Now, enough talk from me, what’s new in your life? A new man, huh? Well, he better be a looker and smart too! You make me proud to call myself your grandmother. You always did take after your mother, she was a good woman. I never had trouble raising her, even when her father was away. Yes I know you miss her, I miss her too.

*Tears swell in her eyes. She looks for a way to change the subject*

Tell me about that job you mentioned last time. You don’t want to talk about it? Why not? Come on, tell me, it can’t be that bad. It isn’t illegal or immoral right?


Then keep on talking. What is the company called again? TransCanada, and they’re building a pipeline that runs from Canada and spills into the Gulf of Mexico? Now, what kind of oil is being used in this project? If the crude oil is to spill into the water don’t they realize they are ruining what little is left of the fresh water we have!?

*Starts to yell with anger*

Don’t ‘freak out’, tell me this Anna, how is this benefiting to the country if we’re ruining the earth while doing it? We get what we give An. This earth is as much alive as you and I, if you were to give me poison I would die. That is what they are doing to the earth.No I am not overreacting. Goodbye Anna, I have to go.

*Hangs up phone and slams phone down in an angry manner*

‘Don’t overreact’. Don’t overreact?! This earth has been abused by us humans so much, yet still, she gives us shelter. Is it worth it? Is destroying a world worth a few years of economic growth?

    This Life

(Talking to wife) Wow, don’t you look tired sweetheart? (Hold her hand and helps her sit down) Waitressing and working at hotel must be draining. Why don’t you sit down and let me take care of that, I don’t need you to strain yourself even more darlin’. Do you want me to warm something up for you? No? You want a massage or something? No? How about--Oh. You don’t need my help?

(Gets up with his fists clenched tight.)

That’s all right, it’s not like anybody ever needs me anymore. No, no, don’t feel bad sweety, I’ll just take a walk or something. You know, clear my mind, might even find me a job.Sit down!  

(Speaks through his teeth)

I said I’m fine!

(Walks to car, turns on radio and sits there. Starts to mutter to himself)

Don’t need my help for anything anymore. Maybe if I had something to do, anything, just something to do. I don’t want my wife to do everything. Providing the money, paying bills. This damn sure ain’t right. I’m the man. I have to be providing for her, not the other way around.

(Man on radio begin talking) What the hell is he talking about? A pipeline is to be built? Now that’s stupid, don’t we already get oil from those foreign countries? What is the point of doing all of this extra work? I mean, those countries already despise us and earn near nothing for all of the fortunes they provide us, but it has to count for something right? Whatever, I don’t need to hear this, doesn’t concern me or my needs. 

(Leans over to change radio station. Starts to talk about jobs)
It could make 20,000 jobs? Well isn’t that something. Maybe, just maybe this isn’t as bad as it seems.

(Exits car and walks back into house. Begins to yell out for his wife)

ALLY! Honey listen up, I think that i’ve found a job. Where is it? Uhm well somewhere around here, it’s a good job honey. What kind if job is it? Uhm well it was to build this pipeline that carries some type of oil, what was it called, uhmm…. Crude oil, yea that’s it. Crude oil. Well how the hell am I supposed to know if it’s good for the environment! Aren’t you glad I found a job?! We can worry about the environment later on. Do I know if it’s definite? What is this, 20 questions? Uh well no I don’t know for sure but it is an opportunity.

(Begins to talk in a mutter with his head hung low) I can finally start making some money. You know, providing for you, being the man I should be.


(Talking with her son on the phone)

Hi sweetheart … how was your day? Were you good in your class,  You promise you were good? You what you get if you were good


Oh, you don't want anything? Now, come one what do you want mommy to get you? You just want to spend time with me? Awww, how about this. I will be home for dinner tonight. Yes I promise i won't be late. you know why I'm always late. I have work to do. No i promise work is not more important than you. I love you more than anything and anyone in the world, Okay do you wanna know what I do at work so you know why I'm always away? Okay so I'm a big producer at this company. You know I'm all the way at the top. At the top of the what? At the top of the company sweetheart. What I do is, i am trying to make sure this pipeline isn't built. What do you mean? What's pipeline? It's this biiiiig pipe that goes underground and carries oil. So you know the president right? President Obama?

(Chuckles slightly)

Yes, I know you helped vote for him. Kay. If I do my job right, and everyone else does their job right, we can stop obama. Well this is what will happen, you know the water we have now? The nice yummy water? In the rivers, the oceans and all those fun creeks we go to? Well, if this project happens, and a small little leak or like a crack happens that oil can ruin the small amount of freshwater we have. Yes I know the earth is 75% or was it 60% of water, hmm, better look that up. So if water gets into it, we only. Okay let me get this straight, sweetheart so you don't get confused and I don't either. The world is mostly salt water and that's the water we can't drink and then there is this tiny tiny amount of water we can drink which is freshwater. So if this oil-this pipeline is built and the oil leaks into that water, that's gonna mean no more water for us. And that means we're gonna have to go aaaalllll the way to get salt water. Do you want salt water sweetheart? No, I thought so because I don't like it either.  Kay? I understand that you're like 'ooooh this is just a pipeline, you don't need to do anything about it' But think about it, you love those fishies right? Yea I know you do because you have one of them in your -- our home. But if this pipeline is built all of the fishies will die. Then who will take you fishing? Yea well not who but what will you do when you go fishing?

(Starts to frown and looks sad. Voice breaks slightly)

I know that sometimes I get a little too carried away at work and that I might spend a little too much time there and don't spend enough time with you, but I promise sweety, I swear that if this project is over. If obama, the president, declines the project. I promise I'll spend more time with you and I'll take you to chuckie cheese, and maybe we can go to the playground and have a little picnic. Yes, I'll even be there for your birthday. I promise I won’t be late for dinner. Yes, I love you too.

(Hangs up phone, with tears in her eyes)

Keystone Pipeline Monologue Project

Keystone Pipeline Monologue Project

Part I

In this unit I have learned about the pros and cons of a proposed pipeline that could could potentially make it or break it for some people.The Keystone Pipeline was developed to carry oil from Canada’s oil sands to the Gulf Coast of Texas. This Pipeline is becoming a new national issue that is causing many issues. After watching very biased videos on both sides, it seems that big businesses and companies are the ones for this pipeline considering all the benefits they could get from it, whereas the surrounding homeowners are completely against this idea due to all of the threats it can cause. 

Part II

.“If we are truly concerned about carbon, it seems to me building a state-of the-art pipeline which is the most efficient way to get -- to move oil around is the best approach,” 


.“These jobs have been a bright spot in a tough economy for three million American families,”


.“The company’s claim that KXL will create 20,000 direct construction and manufacturing jobs in the U.S. is not substantiated” and “KXL will not be a major source of US jobs, nor will it play any substantial role at all in putting Americans back to work.” In fact, the State Department’s own study, which many pipeline opponents felt was tilted pro-industry, suggests that far fewer jobs will be created and most of them will be temporary and non-local. 

(http://blog.nwf.org/2012/09/the-keystone-pipeline-myth-machine-2012-election- edition/

.In Nebraska, TransCanada’s proposed route cuts directly across the aquifer and through fragile ecosystems geologically similar to the Sandhills region, threatening the livelihoods of local farmers and ranchers, wildlife and millions of people who depend upon the Ogallala. Tar sands oil contains high concentrations of benzene and other carcinogens, which raises the potential for widespread water contamination.


.”This pipeline, intended to carry crude oil 1,711 miles from Canada's oil sands through the Great Plains to the Gulf Coast of Texas.”


Part III

Company Owner’s Son-

(Danny, furious and upset, is walking home fast)

“I can’t believe it, I really can’t. Another game, he missed another game! Ughhhh, all I asked is for one time, just one time that he keeps his promise. Of course the day I pitch a perfect game he has another excuse for. I hope that stupid, stupid company of his falls apart once again so then maybe he’ll quit for good!” 

(Danny slams the front door shut behind him and begins to walk up the steps, mumbling his responses.)

“I don’t care dad. … Nothing is wrong I just don’t care. … I don’t care about your stupid job, your stupid company, or that stupid project!”

(Danny slams his bedroom door closed and sits at his computer desk.)

“He really thinks I am going to care about anything he says right now! You missed my like best game this year and you expect me to care about some stupid project that will 

(makes air quotations) 

 save your job? Like how will a dumb pipeline save any business anyway? I don’t even know what it is.”

(turns on his compute and mumbles the word “keystone pipeline” as he types it in)

“Uhhh keystone pipeline, oh here we go. Well, um, that’s interesting. I mean, maybe this could benefit both of us, considering if this pipeline does everything it says it will, that means more jobs at his oil business could develop which would allow my dad to hire more staff, giving him more free time to do something, like um, maybe spending some time with his only son. I mean, we also won’t be so tight on money anymore, with daddy’s business booming I could get that new bat I was talking about. Maybe this really could be a good thing! All of his products could finally get out of here in Canada and make its way to the states! He can finally stop talking about himself all the time. Whoah! Umm well I guess here comes all the bad parts. Wait, is this serious? It does say there is better ways to create jobs and get products out there so maybe this isn’t the only option. No, no, no! This cannot be his only option considering all this will do! Of course once again being the selfish person he is, he’s just been talking about all the great and amazing things this project will do and not anything about how it well, for starters poses a huge threat to the environment. No wonder why he never comes to my environmental group meetings at school. Once again, only parent not there. He’s also talking about all the jobs he could create for his stupid company and nothing about all he will be taking away from these poor farmers, or even worse, what it could potentially do to the people living near this pipeline.”

(Looks quickly at the door)

“Oh, um, hey, how long have you been standing there? … Listen I didn’t really mean that I was just upset. … Well it’s hard when you’re never there for me and you’re always wrapped up in your job. … Yeah, about that project, do your research on it dad. It can really hurt people. … No do it now. … Thanks.” 

(Turns off computer)

Save Grandpa!!!-

(Alexis runs in talking to her parents from being at her grandpa’s house)

“It was so much fun! … Of course he said I can go back next weekend, he nevers says no. … Well he likes me being there. … Ummm Because he tells me he does. … I don’t know, like what would I do if I didn’t go to his house like every weekend? … But that’s where I wanna be. … Um no, what do you mean? ... Like it’s not even a big deal, what do you mean there might come a time when I won’t be able to go there? ... That will never happen. 

(Storms away, but stands around the corner to hear what they say. Begins talking to herself.)

“A pipeline? Why would a pipeline stop me from going to my grandpa’s house? Like what does that have to do with anything? … How is this pipeline going to cause threaten my health and the environment, I’m so confused. … Why would someone build something in Nebraska that could cause this crude oil to leak on my grandpa’s land there? He could get like so hurt from this! … All the farming jobs are put at risk? … Who wants this to happen? ... No, this can’t happen! 

(Walks back around the corner in front of her parents)

“Who is making this happen? … Like grandpa could get so hurt from this! … What are you guys going to do to help him? … Well you can’t just keep me from seeing him and not help him! … Why don’t you care about him!”

(Storms off crying to her room and picks up her phone) 

“Grandpa? … No, I’m not okay. … Well my parents just told me I can’t go to your house anymore if this stupid pipeline happens! … No it’s not for the best! … Well why don’t you come live with us? … Well I know you shouldn’t have to leave your home, but it’s not safe for you or for anyone living there and whoever is doing this doesn’t seem to care. ... Well what can we do to stop it? … Yeah, I would go. … Well when is the protest? … Okay. … Do you really think this could work? … Okay I’ll be there. … Love you too. … Bye. 

(Hangs up phone and run down stairs)

A Family Man with No Other Choice-

(Walks outside to get the mail and throws the bill down on the table when he walks back inside. Sits down on the couch staring at a blank tv.) 

“I can’t believe this. How am I suppose to pay another bill when I still have no job. I’m laid off, my wife has no choice but to stay home, I have four kids for crying out loud. I just don’t see things getting better. If I don’t find a job soon my kids will keep living this difficult life of a stressful household, my wife will probably come to her senses one of these days and just leave me and this small, ugly Nebraska house, and my kids will grow up not knowing me and eventually hating me. I have to do something soon, before I lose everything I love, but I’m afraid of the only choice I have.”

(Looks at the door as his wife walks in)

Hey, honey. … Nothing’s wrong, it’s just that pile of bills is getting bigger and bigger and I’m afraid that the only choice I have to provide for my family goes against all of our morals. … Well for starters, the environmental issues that it is going to cause alone is making me not want to do it. Not to mention the threat it will cause to everyone living near this pipeline, including us. It also could end jobs for other people even though, it creates one for us, but I still don’t want to see someone else be put in the position we are in now. … I mean, this is my only choice though. … It’s not all bad. It does, most importantly, give me a job. It also creates energy security, there are many labor union benefits, it will get new products out there, it will help the economy, and will cause less of a carbon footprint. That’s all important stuff, right? … I mean the oil is going to end up being transported from Canada one way or another anyway so at least this way I get a job. ... Yes, I understand that. The environment and others are very important to me, but you're right, we do have to think of our family first. … Yeah, I guess we can just wait and see.

Part IV

Pipeline project

For this project I learned a lot about the Keystone pipeline that is already trying to be built. I learned that it is for one, one of the biggest political battles currently happening in Washington. It is a proposed extension of the Keystone pipeline, it carries oil to Canada and crosses the border of Canada. It is a $7 billion dollar, 1,179 mile pipeline where they will carry 36 inch crude oil beginning in Hardisty Atlanta. In 2013 Governor Dave Heinman approved TransCanada’s proposed route in Nebraska. It intends to open by 2015 with a capacity to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day, it is the largest infrastructure project currently proposed in the U.S.

5 key points:

* The estimated 20,000 new jobs ( 5 things to know about the keystone pipeline)

*  Crosses the border of Canada (keystone Xl about the project)

* 1,179 mile, 36 inch crude oil (5 things to know about the keystone pipeline)

* Pollutes drinking water (5 things to know about the keystone pipeline)

* Threatens Environment (keystone xl environment responsibility)

Title: Oh no not another project!

(teacher walks into classroom and sits down on seat)

Good morning kids you have a new project to work on….. It’s about the keystone pipeline…. Don’t get an attitude I’m assigning you a project about it! I told you I was going to do that…. Just because I’m 28 does not mean you can disrespect me! You want to know what the keystone pipeline is…. Ok. No problem it’s a $7 billion dollar, 1,179 mile pipeline where they will carry 36 inch crude oil…. It’s dangerous for the the earth so dont get near it because you could get hurt. It pollutes the water very bad so you can get sick if you get too close to it…. Yea its very bad for the earth. If you are a earth conscious person like me then you will know where i’m coming from….. If you can tell i’m against it…. Have you ever heard of the bluegrass pipeline?.... Oh….. no you haven’t heard of it before…. Ok well all you need to know is that the Bluegrass pipeline can transport flammable natural gas…. Yea I understand your faces of being scared. I would be as well…. People fear that the bluegrass pipeline will threaten water supplies…. Oh why do they fear it?.... Well i’m assuming because as I stated before it pollutes drinking water….. No problem. I’m glad to answer any questions….. Oh that’s right I never discussed what your project will be about did I?.... Oh I didn’t i’m sorry. Your assignment is to look up the keystone pipeline and find out the background information of it and how bad it is for the environment and also the good things that is going to happen due to the pipeline, you can start now in class….. Yes you have a question or a statement?...... Oh go ahead…. It says here something good about the pipeline being built is that they estimate 20,000 new jobs to be made for citizens is that true?..... Yes that would be correct…. Why don’t I want it to be built then?.... Because I feel like being personally safe, and having the environment clean is way more important than jobs even though jobs are good as well….  Ok well the project is due next friday that gives you a week to gather the information and be ready to present….. I will give you the project rubric tomorrow. Have a great day!


(school bells ring for class to end)

Title: Work on the car

(Car mechanic walks in to job)

Man let me tell you about this keystone pipeline guys. (drilling of tools onto a car).... Yea this pipeline is gonna be amazing for us yall…. Oh why?..... Let’s just put it this way there are going to be more jobs for car mechanics which means that there will be more than four of us in this job…. I know right its great!..... Oh you want to know more great things about it…. Let’s see…. (thinks for more information about the pipeline).... Oh yea, you don’t have to depend on another country to get your oil, support significant growth of crude oil production in the United States. Is that it?.... Oh you want to know more…. Ok. It will allow American and Canadian more access to the large refining markets found in American midwest and along the U.S Gulf of Mexico. Another good thing about it being built is that Nebraskans will benefit from tax revenues and spending stimulus from the construction stuff and the first 15 years of operation or the keystone xl pipeline. Also, the level of economic growth wouldn’t have been possible without the keystone pipeline running through the norfolk area….. Hell yea im all for it! Why wouldn’t I? The keystone pipeline is amazing especially for us car mechanics….. Why do I like it so much?!?..... Dude, I thought I just explained it to you why I am so hype about it! (looks frustrated) Once again for the 5th time I like it because it is an amazing opportunity for people to get hired for jobs. Also, the gross sales of used taxes increases and most the jobs will be created during pipeline construction…. Oh you want to know more! (sighs) …. Ok well, $10 million economic impact in the norfolk area during the recession…. Thats all you wanna know??..... You sure…. Ok, let’s get back to fixing the car….. (continues drilling on the car)

Title: The gardener

(opens garden and starts planting flowers while talking to another gardener)

Good morning Julie! Isn’t this a lovely day to be planting flowers and talking about the environment?..... Yes, I agree that we should talk about the keystone pipeline. Have you heard about it before?.... I feel as though it has great aspects of it such as they estimate 20,000 new jobs which is great because so many people are unemployed. If they are unemployed that means that they can not really support their family as well as they could if they were employed and if they have a lot of kids, oh please help em. Another good aspect of this is that TransCanada became the third largest employer in a community of nearly 25,000…. I know doesn’t that sound amazing!.... Oh you want to know a few more things of what makes the keystone pipeline a must have?.... Ok well let’s see. (ponders while brush her hair to think of some more reasons) Oh how could I forget, the gross sales of used taxes increases, majority of jobs will be created during pipeline construction….. Oh yea I forgot as I said before there are a lot of things I do not like about it as well….. Oh such as?.... Such as it pollutes drinking water which is terrible because if you even think about drinking that water you could get extremely sick and possibly have to go to the hospital…. Another thing I do not like about it is that it cost $58.6 million in property taxes, $39.1 million in sales taxes, $20.1 million in individual income tax, and 3.3 million in corporate tax. If you add all that up then you are spending billions of dollars just for this pipeline which may not even stay up for very long….. Well it was nice talking to you and seeing you again…. I’ll talk to you soon….Okay bye Julia see you tomorrow.

Pipeline Monologue Project

Part 1: What we've been learning.


In this unit we studied the Keystone XL Pipeline and its impact. We also studied the question of global inequality, and the Millennium Development Goals.  The Keystone XL Pipeline is a proposed extension to the Keystone Pipeline, which runs across America, from Alberta to the Gulf of Mexico, transporting tar sands oil. The Millennium Development Goals are goals that were set by the United Nations in 2000, in order to make for a happier planet as humans and to bring global equality.


Our class studied the Keystone pipelines issues and benefits toward people with different different lifestyles. The pipe itself was already created a was proposed to expand, but was turned down, three years ago the proposal came up again and we have been debating about this ever since. We also looked at the millennium goals which were plans to make the world a better place by 2015. We discussed the success of the issues by discussing with each other. Finally we look at the world equality in general and how in some places we learned the difference in economy around the world and how uneven it is.

Part 2: The Facts


  • Would transport 830,000 barrels of oil a day. (TransCanada Keystone XL)

  • Construction projected for 2015 if passed. (TransCanada Keystone XL)

  • Proposed to run from Alberta to Alaska. (TransCanada Keystone XL)

  • Would generate 20,000 jobs. (TransCanada Keystone XL)

    Caused spikes in rates of rare cancers. (Keystone XL Pipeline foe.org)

    • “The estimated 20,000 new jobs have been a key selling point for Keystone XL”(PBS.org)

    • “protests against Keystone XL in front of the White House, which led to the arrests of more than 1,000 people” (www.nytimes.com/)

    • Would reduce oil use in other countries by 40% (TransCanada)

    • Would carry 830,00 barrels of oil daily (Foe.org)

    • levels of carbon dioxide emissions are three to four times higher than those of conventional oil, due to more energy-intensive extraction and refining processes. (foe.org)

Part 3: The Monologues

Monologue 1: A Dog's View - by Jordan
A homeless man and his dog sit outside the white house begging for money. A crowd of protestors stand in front of them yelling about the pipeline. The crowd shouts to gain the attention of the white house and no one really cares about the man and his pet.

Dog: What are those hippies doing now, they make hard to sleep. (looks to homeless man) Hey buddy,  tell them to shut up (stares at man sitting next to him) You‘re useless. (Lays his head down) What are they even protesting, its like everyday there's something new, (says in mocking voice) we need shelter, we need food, no one cares! (He sees a flyer pass by him from the crowd) What’s this (reads it) Keystone huh,well... WAIT! (Jumps up on all fours) Over 20,000 jobs will be created, this is pure genius, why hasn’t this been built, aside from helping the environment and basically damaging land this is the greatest chance to get people like us from off the street. Why isn’t it happening  (Scowls at crowd) Those idiots, because of them were still on the street. You (looks at homeless man) fix this, go over there and show them what they are doing to us. (growls) Get up, come on, show them what the plundering unemployment rate has done to you.(Waits) You’re useless! These people are denying us the luxury we deserve and you sit here staring aimlessly looking for some to hand you what you want, you have to fight for it. They wouldn’t be protesting if they were kick out onto the street lost and alone... (looks away) Howling at the night sky. Put through the test of time wondering if i’ll make it to the next day drifting like a piece of debris and seen as such-  NO! you’re the reason (points at homeless man) Why did you drag me down with you? What is the point of taking me with you if you are not able to support me?! All I want is a home and a family who loves me. You have no home no money you can’t even provide for your self why did you take me with you?

Monologue 2: A Caring Father - by Adnan

Liam Crossworth is the father of a family that’s living in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta. His mother and grandmother have both died from Breast Cancer, though his mother was only diagnosed with breast cancer after the first part of the Keystone Pipeline was built, and it was being used. They live downstream from a tailing pond, a place where polluted water used in the refinery of Tar Sands oil, is stored. Ever since the tailing pond was put there, there have been increased rates of cancer at his village.

Liam: (Sits down in his chair and uses the remote to turn on the news.) Hm, I wonder if anything interesting is on the news today. Hm… (Turns volume up on remote.) Wait... what? Keystone XL Pipeline?! No. It can’t be. They can’t be deciding to make that monstrous titan of pollution bigger? 830 thousand barrels of oil a day? It will start here, too… this isn’t good. 3 barrels of water used just to extract 1 barrel of oil? What will happen to the tailing pond up the stream? Will it get bigger, become more toxic, or both? They can’t possibly be actually thinking about approving the pipeline. Sara….. no, they can’t. They can’t build this pipeline. Sara would be even more likely to get cancer like mom and dad. I’ve been worried about Sara ever since she was little, I never thought that they would allow the first Keystone Pipeline, but now they’re talking about an extension to the toxic thing?  No, this is really bad. I have to do something about this. If we don’t move or I don’t do something to stop this, and Sara gets Cancer… it’s just unthinkable. I would hate it for Ramona to get Cancer, either. I don’t want any of my family to get Cancer, I don’t know what I would do without them. Also, what will become of the animals in the area? If they all leave because of this huge thing being built in place of their homes, what will I do? What will I research then? Will we become homeless? This is just too much to take in...I have to tell Ramona about this. If this stuff about the pipeline keeps up, we’ll be forced to move. (Footsteps echo off-stage.) Hm, is that her coming now?

(Sara’s mom enters the room, and Liam stands up.)

Hey, have you heard about this Keystone XL Pipeline that they’re talking about on the news? ...No? Basically it’s going to be an extension on the pipeline that they already have now.. yes, tar sands oil. I know, I know, the tailing pond has already contaminated a lot of the drinking water. Yes, we will probably have to move if they approve this. But what will we do with grandpa? These days he can hardly get into another room much less outside. This news would be devastating to him, and it would cost us a fortune to move him out of the house, with all of the medical help he would need. Yeah… okay, I’ll tell him. (Liam exits the stage.)

Jordan:This is a well written description about the pipeline it is well written and can keep a steady flow of information. But, this main character needs to discuss more about why he cares, I understand he does it for his family, but If you could find deeper meaning that would help.

Monologue 3: An Old Soldier - by Adnan

Edward Crossworth is the grandfather in the Crossworth family, and has been living in Fort Chipewyan, Alberta all of his life. Currently, he is 98 years old and he has been paralyzed from the neck down since he was shot in the spine in the Vietnam and has been being taken care of by his family since then. He’s lived in the same house his whole life, and now he’s learning of the Keystone XL Pipeline and the threat it poses.


This darn TV is too loud. (Picks up remote and turns off the TV). Ah, I think I’ll read the good ol’ fashioned newspaper. (Picks up newspaper.) Ah, I can’t quite see. Hmm.. where are my glasses. (Picks up glasses.) Ah, there we go. Now, let’s see… “Keystone XL Pipeline”, hm? What’s this about? Damnit, I’m tired of them always building new things to kill us all off! What’s the matter with young folks these days don’t they have any respect for what’s here and what should stay here? (Takes a deep breath.) Sigh… I have to calm down, if my my blood sugar rises again, it won’t be pretty. (Footsteps echo in the hall=way) Liam! Liam, come back! Did you hear about the Keystone XL Pipeline? On the news, you say…? What!? No, but I can’t move... Yes, I know, the girls... but you know it’s tough for me to get around... How am I supposed to move too? Yes, it is a big problem indeed… No, I haven’t taken my pills yet today… I know, I know. This water is dangerous to drink especially for someone my age. You know this stuff killed off Charlie, right? I’ve known him since we fought alongside on the shores of D-Day, and now nothing is left of him but memories and this house we built together brick by brick. I simply refuse to move to another place, especially since it’s not like I have many days left (Edward coughs in a hacking manner.) Heh, well… I guess my body agrees. (Liam switches the medicine bag in Edward’s IV for a new one.) What are we gonna do? Well I don’t know what you’re going to do, but I’m staying here.. I don’t care if you have to move, you can go if you want. I built this house with Charlie, as a testament to our survival in the war, and I refuse to leave it, not until I’m dead!

Monologue 4: A Worker's Care - by Jordan
Hey have you ever wondered about what we're doing, when we build this pipe or who it will affect (Waits for answer, puts down the hammer and stares at him person it to him) You think that we're helping the America get oil, Ha, you’re so oblivious to the pain and suffering that goes in to each place we pass, pipe is probably going to really hurt America. An example is a group of 1,253 people risked being arrested to stop the pipe from expanding, This thing stretches across three major drinking rivers, the Missouri,Yellowstone and Red River. Imagine, in few years after we finish the pipe a break could happen near the Missouri river which destroys the amount of drinking water in that area.(listens to other worker) I get that transcanada promised to clean any where that the pipe breaks, but they can't undo the damage that is done. Plus it’s tar sands oil that means instead of floating like normal oil it sink to the bottom of the water making it much harder to clean and takes even longer to fix (listens) What do you mean ‘we will make it strong’! If the pipeline is decided to be finished in the 20,000 jobs that will be created 14,000 will no longer exists.(Listens) Well I didn’t chose this job, plus what other jobs could I get, I never graduated college  I took this job to get payed that doesn’t mean I have to like it, why did you take it to? Most likely for the same reasons I did. in fact I think that you now see the impact of this dreadful  pipe. In fact, I know a group of pals who don't want the pipe either, they're planning to attack trans canada through another protest.

Monologue 5: Outsider - by Jordan
Hello can you put Mr. Obama on the phone? (Listens) Ohh I’m sorry “president” Obama, can I speak with him  need to take to him about this so called, oil proposal. Ok I'll wait. (waits) Hey Obama what this I hear about a pipe line passing through the US? This kind of sounds like you're leaving us for another person, but I know you wouldn’t.(Listens) Your area! Really! Well, this is a shocker, why didn’t you stay with us we’ve been partners many years, what do they have that we don’t. (Listens) War? Really as if Canada doesn’t have war, what we do is just a minor disagreement.(Listens) I know there have been rumors about oil money going to the wars and supporting the enemy but are oil at least won't damage your ecosystem. Our oil doesn’t dangle over three major drinking sources, we safely transport. We ship it you pick t up you pay use,  it seems fair to me.(listens) I get that the distance of canada is more efficient, but does efficacy equal a promise you made to your people, remember way back when you said you would work on the environment? Well the type of oil your drilling is not for you if that is the case, I mean it’s tar sand a dangerous unhealthy unclean oil, Unlike the oil we’ll give you which is “clean”. (Listens) You're not just doing this for me your doing for your country. Plus this canadian oil will only last 10 years, the oil we have 56% percent of the world’s oil in our hands, if you stay with us we promise you will not have to worry about one day losing oil for a much longer time. (Listens)So you’ll consider it? That’s great don’t worry I promise that if you do re join us you won’t regret it. (Hangs up Phone) Wow I can’t believe, I got president Obama to see that funding war in a different country, is better than  getting oil from an allied country in the same continent as they are in. I almost feel bad that such a powerful person could be so gullible (laughs to himself) What a tool!!! Of course he still has to agree, but how can he refuse? He been with us for so long that we are almost like family to him unlike transcanada, we can’t be turned down!

Pipeline monologue

​In this unit in history class we have recently learned about a proposal about the Keystone XL pipeline. Essentially, the pipeline is a 1,179-mile (1,897 km) long pipeline that starts in Canada and travels it's way into the United States and ending in Illinois. This pipeline transports crude oil and is supposedly a much safer and faster way for the oil to travel. Since there are many convincing bias opinions on the proposal it was very challenging to conduct a personal opinion on the idea of this contraption. Personally, I am against the idea of the pipeline. For example, Transcanada has stated that 100,000+ jobs are going to be created. They are only temporary jobs, and plus there are many experts saying that the Keystone pipeline can actually kill more jobs than it creates. For instance, there will be many " "job losses will be caused by additional fuel cost in the midwest, pipeline spills, pollution, and the rising cost of climate change." 

Five Quotes: 

1) "We are also one of the largest providers of natural gas storage and related services, with more than 400 billion cubic feet of capacity. That’s enough to meet the needs of nearly four million homes each year. See more at: http://keystone-xl.com/home/transcanada/#sthash.QzpQedZV.dpuf - Transcanada  (For)

2) “
The total carbon pollution impacts of Keystone XL are the equivalent of putting 9 million cars on the road when considering the total emissions of tar sands and refining processes.” http://act.350.org/letter/a_million_strong_against_keystone/ (Against)

3) “Keystone XL will contribute dramatically to climate change. The State Department confirmed that tar sands fuel is up to 19% more greenhouse gas intensive than conventional fuel, and the tar sands industry admits that Keystone XL will lead to more tar sands production.
Link:  (Against)

4) "The pipeline will have capacity to transport 830,000 barrels of oil per day to Gulf Coast and Midwest refineries, reducing American dependence on oil from Venezuela and the Middle East by up to 40 per cent. - See more at: http://keystone-xl.com/about/the-project/#sthash.G57gYy1h.dpuf"  (For) 

5) "The pipeline will cross more than 1,000 water bodies across 3 states and 875 miles threatening drinking water for people, farms, and ranches with a devastating tar sands spill" 
Link: (Against) 

I hate you. (Ian: prisoner)

(Reading the sentences at a faster pace than normal)

This isn’t my fault… this just isn’t my fault…. it’s that bastard’s fault. (prison guard passes him a pen and paper) (phones aren’t working have to communicate it in an old fashioned way)
(Pacing in the jail cell writing a letter: frustrated, babbling, angered) Look you idiotic moron, you are the most ridiculous protest leader out there. You my friend have a lot of things coming your way. Once I get out jail FOR THE SECOND TIME NOW, I’m coming for you. Jail changed me man. It changed me, I should not be in here for the ideas you planned for the entire group to sabotage the Keystone Pipeline. YOU. YOU SHOULD BE IN PRISON NOT ME. Yes, I admit that I wasn’t the best person before, ya know doing heroin and closely sending a man to his exile but that’s the past. I finally turned myself around, got help from you to construct my anger and psychotic feelings into something good, like protesting against the pipeline. Remember at the protest? Yeah, when the cops recognized me from 3 years ago, and simple mindedly arrested me for speaking my mind about this mental proposal for a lazy way of transporting oils across North America. YOU my group leader, my “supposedly” best friend deserted and abandoned me,  while rough man hands groped and violated my personal space to force me into a cop car yet once again. Therefore, I thank you, because I realized that I’m going to rot in prison for a while. Keystone XL proposal must be stopped but I do not trust you to be in charge of protesting. You know jack squat about this project and you’re defending it as if it was your own child. Quit the facade and learn the real issues.  People through fucking trash everywhere now a days, and basically we live in a pig house. All I’m saying is that we should care about this environment instead of digging it up and replacing that land with a metal pipe. You shouldn’t call yourself a protest leader you’re just a creature who has no soul and no regard towards other people except for yourself.

Why Me?

Quinn- Protest leader

(Along the pipeline land with the other protesters reading the letter from Ian)

(Reads last few lines of the letter then starts her rant)

(Pacing just out of earshot of the protest)

Wow I didn’t realize that this would be taken so far... What happened to people just standing up for what they believe in. My parents and grandparents did not have to deal with the cruelty of going to jail for speaking their minds. At least not like this... (Stops pacing) I don’t think... Anyway I don’t know why they didn’t arrest all of us maybe there was someone still on the hunt for him... I mean I understand "The man" just as much, if not less than he does. He could have joined any protest and they might still have taken him. There was an article in the news the other day about the Native Americans blocking the construction workers from getting the supplies to where they need it to build the pipeline correctly. I only did this because I believe in something I thought thats what he believed in too but I am guessing he has have changed his mind because of the tone in his letter. Sometimes things happen to us because we need them to or we need a lesson so maybe instead of blaming me...You know what why the hell am I trying to explain this crap. (Throws letter to the ground) HE KNEW! He knew what he were getting himself into, he knew that there was a chance of getting caught and he OF ALL PEOPLE should know that this THIS would get you back in jail! THEY KNOW HIM FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! If THEY are going to arrest somebody out of anyone here they would most likely go for him! I mean he has been there before. This was his choice not mine protests usually don't go to well when the police get involved but what do I know all I wanted to do was stand up for what I believe in and look where that got him...Maybe he's right... Why would anyone believe in me... I am the kid in the classroom who shares her ideas and questions and they get shot down because they are "stupid" or "immature." Why would all these people come here when I, I of all people... Aaaaaaahhh (Grabs hair like she is going to pull it out), forget it everything is my fault isn’t it everything I do good or bad is always.... Why me.... Why me... I was just trying to do something to change the world for the better that is all I ever wanted was to make something no matter how small better but now I’ve gone and screwed things up again why do I always do this?(Walks back to the protest)

New Perspective

The land surrounding the pipeline

(Resting on the floor of the ground to represent the land around the pipeline)

Humans have done some crazy things but I never knew that it could get crazier. This Keystone, XL program is supposed to destroy 1,179 miles of me. They Are saying that it will only have a 36 inch diameter but if my inhibitions are correct then these humans will just get crazier and either put more of these things here or they will make this one “bigger and better” That’s how humans work i guess, doesn’t make a whole lotta sense to me but you know I’m just the land under their feet i don’t do much but sit here and try to look pretty or as pretty as they will let me  be. It was much easier to be beautiful before the humans went bonkers. Hardisty, Alberta used to be this wondrous, lovely place now it will have a stinkin' pipe starting there. Also if you thought that was bad Nebraska is such a quiet state that most Americans forget about it in the Midwest just minding its own business now it is going to have a pipe ending there. Oh and lets not forget folks about the 181 million metric tons of carbon dioxide being sent up into my friend Air, who by the way I think has had it worse than I with the whole ozone thingy. Anyway I remember when the only thing that was being built on me was a place to sleep for a night or two but now they need to have everything for everyone so they build nonstop there are humans who specialize in this which I think is amazing that they can make a profession out of the simplest of tasks that everyone used to do together back in the day. I remember all the trees that would shade me from the harsh sun in the areas I needed and in the areas that needed the sun there was nothing blocking it I remember when the only thing running along me were my friend Water's gushing rivers and the pitter patter of the feet of animals being chased by humans or other animals. I remember, even when the first rode was built and it was such a new experience that I was excited for what was to come now I am not so excited I don’t think I have been happy or excited in a long time.

This Means the World and More

James- Construction worker

(In bosses office to talk)

Hey uh...boss? I don’t know how to tell you this but... Yeah there are some umm... I’m sorry but uh... There are some uh protesters sir... Yes, they are along they land where we are supposed to build sir... Well, the problem is, sir is that they are blocking us from doing the prep work and... Sir i understand but I would not have come to you if they hadn’t gotten in the way of our work...yes sir I already called the police but when they were here they only arrested one man and the rest were all left here...No sir they said that the land is not private land and there is no other way to get them arrested unless the protesters turn violent or they destroy property which they are not doing they aren’t even a disturbance because they are pretty much silent except when we come around.... I understand sir but... Sir I know but.... Sir...I want to get them out of here just as much as you do sir... Why sir? Because I need to bring home enough money for me and my bed rest wife who is staying home now because her job laid her off once they saw that she would not be able to do the work they ask of her... (Starts to pace because he is rambling) And sir we have been preparing for this baby for forever we had to try for the baby for four years and now that she is carrying I will stop at nothing to make sure she is happy. She was so upset when she found out she couldn't do more to prepare for the baby and I really want her to relax and just enjoy the time she has to spend alone but she doesn't want to unless everything else id perfect so I want, no I need to make sure everything is perfect. I need this job just as much if not more than you need all of us to work the job... I don’t know what I would do without this job right now because it is the only thing that is bringing in the money and things for the baby right now and though that isn’t much it is more than I could ever ask for at the moment so thank you for giving me this job. i know that there are many others that also thank you because this is just an amazing opportunity You don’t know how much this means to me but I will need to be able to work so if you could do something about the protesters that would be great... Thank you sir.

(Leaves office)

The CEO Boss :
Oh lord, these things again.

Hey James... You can tell me... Just spit it out James... THE PROTESTERS ARE WHERE???DOING WHAT????? CALL SECURITY DO SOMETHING BEFORE I BODOSE OVER THEIR TREE HUGGING BODIES MYSELF. <talks to self> <squeezes squeeze toy for stress relief> “okay Charles calm down, the freaks will move it’s okay don’t worry” ANNA! (assistant) WHERE ARE MY STRESS PILLS. Anywho look James boy I’m going to try my best and get rid of those monsters, they’re too busy worrying about their precious environment but I’m going to tell you a little secret. I honestly don’t give a flying fladoodle about any of it, I care about the profits, and the investment into this entire operation. Understood? So I need you to be on my good side and help me extinguish these rebellious human beings. That is unacceptable. Yes I understand that you need money for your new expected child, unfortunately since the Keystone XL pipeline has YET to be built, I cannot pay any of my workers because I AM nor our company is getting paid. Ya get what I’m sayin man. Come back when the workers get off their lazy asses and do something about this pipeline. Dismissed.