Fidel castro - Estefan carrillo

Yo me llamo Fidel Castro, y yo era  presidente de Cuba. Mis valores son que yo creo que todo la gente de cuba sea igual y mi política es que soy socialista, la razon porque yo soy socialista es que quiero lo mejor para mi gente y igualdad ademas de verlos sobre salir y que todos sean iguales y tengan aceso a la educación y cuidado medico. Yo pelee con El Che Guevara en la Revolucion Cubana para derocar a el expresidente Batista.  Mi epoca era muy dificil, habia muchos problemas porque a el pais fue llevado a la pobresa, y ademas Estados Unidos estaba contralondo a el pais por medio del alcohol y drogas.


El mural que yo escoji se llama Making a Fresco y fue hecho por Diego Rivera en 1931. Lo que veo en la foto son diferentes personas y de varias clases sociales trabajando. En la foto se ve un hombre que parece ser  de la clase obrera o es un trabajador en las vias del tren.  El mural es muy colorido y tiene colores muy brillantes. Es una pintura que llama mucha la atracion y te penetra en ella.  Los colores mas vibrantes estan en la parte de arriba y en la parte de abajo tiene colores mas tenue.  El la foto todos estan trabajando un diferente oficio y todo se relaciona con la vida diaria. En mi opinion el tema de la obra es felicidad y ayudarse todos para poder tener unidad  por un buen causa y contribuir algo a la comunidad de San Francisco.


Lo que paso en 1973 fue que los Estados Unidos organizo un golpe  de estado, en contra de Salvador Allende (El que era el Presidente de Chile y muy buen amigo mio ) porque el era socialista y buenos amigos con Russia. La razon porque pusieron el golpe de estado, fue que Estados Unidos tenia probleamas con Russia, por eso le dieron derecho a el general Pinochet a atacar y derocar a Allende. Cuando eso paso Allende se quito la vida con un fucil que yo le di. Lo que representan los objectos en el mural, para mi es que las diferntes clases sociales estan uniendose y tratando de poner sus diferencias a un lado y trabajar en un mural tan bonito.  El mensaje es que las clases obreras son Fuertes y tienen que ser reconocidas por todo el mundo.  La razon porque Diego rivera la pinto fue para dar un reconocimiento a los mas pobres y que lo representan la  gente obrera.  Las coneciones conmigo es que yo trabajo duro para que todos seamos iguales y tengamos los mismos derechos.  Y eso es lo que el mural representa el trabajo duro de la vida.  La relacion conmigo es que yo vengo de una clase social trabajadora que lucha por salir adelante y quiere una major vida para mi y mi gente  que son como yo. A mi me hace sentir feliz porque ayudo a la gente y ellos estan tratando de ser mejores y son muy buenos con lo que hacen.





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Macintosh HD:Users:ecarrillo:Desktop:diegorivera_mural-1.jpg


Business Reflection Unit

1.Explain your choice of presentation
Mike and I chose this form of presentation because it was the coolest and best way to do it. We could connect different parts of history. We can show some presidencies, compare and contracts them in cool ways and this style is really easy on the eyes.

2.Two sentences answering your EQ
What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change?
The role of an individual in creating change is huge. As we know, History repeats its self. So, we will need one person to do something bold to make a change for good and have good things repeat and not bad. As, in the great depression one person had changed our business systems with numerous polices and acts that ultimately brought the United States out of a depression.

3. What questions do you still have about business in America?

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Msanders Blog Reflection

1.Explain your choice of presentation

For our choice of presentation we decided to do a lucidchart. (Me and Mohamad) THe reason we choice the lucid chart is because we thought it would be the best in comparing the economic changes in the 3 presidents and how they changed the economic standpoint and made the country better. The chart basically compares what each leader did and each President takes control for the better.

2.Two sentences answering your EQ

What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 

What the individual does in sustaining change is change the bad and twist it around into good. They react to the struggles, reform a new system that would set the countrys standards for log periods of time revolutionize the Predency

3. What questions do you still have about business in America?

Evolution (1)

Ashley's World of 100 Analysis

​Estimated Literacy
Estimated Literacy
Analysis: It appears that I was the closest to the correct answer in the first graph on the left, labeled “Literate Men” than in the other three. I was actually more accurate than the class average. However in the next three graphs, for “Illiterate Men”, “Literate Women” and “Illiterate Women” my estimations were way off. For categories “Illiterate men”, my answer was closer to the correct answer but only because the class average’s estimation was more off than mine. For “Literate Women” my answer fell just under that of the class averages’ and they both fell very short of the correct answer. For “Illiterate Women” my answer was the most incorrect, the correct answer was so much less than that of both the class average and my answer. I found it interesting that our class as a whole thought that there would be much less of a gap between illiterate women and men.

Estimated World Language

Estimated Literacy

Analysis: For this graph I noticed that the class average was always pretty off, but we were the most off for the category labeled “Speak other languages” located at the end on the right. My answer was closest to the correct answer for the number of people who would speak Chinese, Hindustani and Bengali. I over shot the majority of the languages; I based my numbers off of the most popular languages that are taught in schools in America today. It turns out that the most popular would be Chinese, Malay-Indonesian and other languages. This category proved to be the one that the class as a whole was the most off, which is also shown on the next graph.

Estimated Secondary Language

Estimated Secondary Education

Analysis: My estimations were pretty dead on, for each section my answer fell either just under or just above the correct answer. The class average stayed around the same number (50) even though the categories changed. For example, Men with Secondary Education, the class average fell just under fifty, and Men without Secondary Education the class average fell right at fifty. I think that it’s interesting that the class average doesn’t change as far as secondary education between women and men.

All categories:

All categories chart

Part 4: My most inaccurate category was Language, I was way off, and my most accurate category was Secondary Education. I’m not quite sure why I was much more accurate for secondary education than the other categories. But Like I said earlier, I have a hunch that the reason that I was so inaccurate for Language was because I used my own general understanding about popular languages. I only used the most popular languages taught in the United States, I didn’t factor in to languages taught in other places in the world. Since these charts would reflect the whole world that probably didn’t help me in the end. The answer that shocked me the most was how many people would speak other languages, the class average and my answer was both estimated that 5%-10% of the world would speak languages that weren’t listed when in actuality 51.8%, that’s half of the world who would speak languages that weren’t listed. I was surprised at how many languages I didn’t know existed/ account for. I showed me how limited my knowledge was about languages, since I would like to become a translator in the future I was really taken back by how inaccurate my numbers turned out being (especially because that was the one section I felt most confident in). Overall my numbers were pretty off I think that happened because I haven’t been paying as much attention to current events that have been happening in the world. I do find the majority of these categories interesting, but I haven’t been paying as much attention as I could be and will do more often.

Business Unit Reflection- Trosario- Earth

Explain your choice of Presentation Format:
I chose power point because it was easier to present and I would have to send a lot of time learning how to use t and could use my time for the actual presentation. 

Two sentences of you answer to the questions:

My answer was that the individual during certain decades had the main say in bills that were passed, but now it takes many other steps to get the idea of change to be considered. 

What questions do you still have about Business in America?

I would like to know what the process of change is like in other countries and why our system of change was ratified. 

Due to issues with uploading a power point I have used the voice overs and images and created a iMovie instead.

María Luisa Infante. El Cargador de Flores

Machuca Project

Ruben Burenstein


Yo soy María Luisa Infante. Tengo 35 años, un esposo, y dos hijos. Ellos se llaman Patricio, Gonzalo, y Isabel. Soy rica, y siempre fue rica, me gusta ser rico porque es una vida mejor que los otros. Quiero el mejor para mis niños, ellos deben ser un educación igual a el dinero que tenemos. No me gusta el presidente Allende porque niños sin mucho dinero pueden tener el educación igual a mis niños, pero tenemos mucho más dinero. Quiero un presidente nuevo, el necesita entiendo que me merezco el mejor, porque el dinero vas a creer un vida más bueno de una vida sin dinero.

El mural que voy a juzgar es el cargador de flores, de Diego Rivera. Son dos personas en el mural, uno quien es en el piso. El tiene muchas flores, y pienso que el es “el cardador de flores” que el titulo significa. El otro persona ayuda el hombre con los flores, porque el no puede caminar. Su espalda está un paina porque los flores son muy fuertes, y el no puede cagar mucho. Hay muchos colores brillantes en el mural. Los colores son importantes porque más personas vas a gustar este mural. Todos los flores son rosa, o morado. Cuando veo a este mural, los colores son muy brillantes, pero no pienso que ellos deben ser brillantes. Los colores deben ser oscuro porque el situación que el hombre está en. El es muy triste porque no puede cargar los flores, y es posible que este es su trabajo.

El 11 de Septiembre 1973 fue un día muy Buena. El gobierno socialismo se fue, y un gobierno capitalismo toma poder. Allende fue porque Los Estados Unidos y otros organizaron un golpe de estado contra de Allende. Los Estados Unidos organizaron el golpe de estado porque ellos quieren estar aliado con Chile. Los Estados Unidos no le gustaron los países socialismos o comunismos. Este día fue buena porque un presidencia capitalismo es mejor para mi y mi familia. Somos de la clase alta, y Allende fue muy mal, pero fue bueno para las clases medios o obrero. Recuerdo que fui en mi casa cuando el gobierno derrumbó, recuerdo que fui a un manifestación solo dos días antes de el golpe de estado.

María Luisa Infante
María Luisa Infante
El Cargador de Flores
El Cargador de Flores

Business in America Reflection

They call it your responsibility, an obligation, a calling. They surround you with descriptions and depictions of this dream of red, white and blues failing to mention this alternate dimension, this place , this time where only the lies are fed to you free and living is a business breathing is paid for nothing is what it seems and being on the inside doesn't give any more information than what they provide and with all the power in the world and still they are cowards they hide through loop holes and back door deals. And now its your responsibility, an obligation, a calling to change what you know is wrong and sir they'll call you a bigger hero than hercules strength does not come in hundreds of men and their muscles but instead they're voices being heard. See that is the key to creating sustaining maintaining a beautiful day of new. Just listen for a second and promises were never meant to be broken and a wise man once "Behind the ostensible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people." 

1. I chose a poem format because out of all the things I had learned about Theodore Roosevelt the one thing that stood out to me was how personal he took what he did and although he took the countries problems to heart this unit showed the complete opposite of that. I thought that it would resemble the business unit in the sense that it does in fact contradict business but completely resembles Theodore Roosevelt and all he stood for. To me, it was just a personal touch. However, apart from the sentimental points, I chose to do a poem because it gave me the ability to weave in my sources in a unique way for example, a cartoon of Teddy Roosevelt feeding his cat "Trusty" a bowl of "Protection" inspired the line "only the lies are fed to you free" whereas the more famous cartoon of Teddy Roosevelt as baby Hercules inspired the line "they'll call you a bigger hero than hercules". Although those are the main direct links to my sources the overall poem was inspired by a general overview of the information I had learned and the other sources I collected.

2. If the role of people in a democracy is to appoint a leader for change then the role of that individual is to listen and expand on their voices. To sustain this change not only does this individual need to rise to their role but the democracy as a whole needs to stand as one. 

3.How does the business in America affect those in power?

Business Reflection Unit

I chose to present my reflection through the form of a power point. Using the format of a ppt. presentation I was able to clearly convey a central topic, and historical events that helped support the overall theme of the presentation. For the observer, I wanted them to be able to be drawn directly to F.D.R, as he had great significance in developing change in the United States, during one of the country's most struggling times. The vivid color (green) was used almost as away to display the hope that F.D.R restored in the United States people. The first page encompasses the most important thing that was created by and under F.D.R's presidency, The New Deal. With the central point being a picture  of an old New Deal flyer, with a brief description of it's primary function. After that in both directions, two pictures follow. One of the CCC or Civilian Conservation Corps. And another that is an advertisement for the Social Security Act. Both were pivotal additions to the United States foundation, and helped the country greatly during the time of the Great Depression.

Going a little deeper than what we learned in class, I believe that F.D.R was/is the greatest example for assessing the role of an individual in creating and sustaining change. If one were to look at F.D.R's case of polio, they could see that the president had to strive to be strong for his people, to give them a hope in themselves. Many things were held into affect even after F.D.R's death, and many presidents should strive to be more like Franklin Delano Roosevelt in the future. His own will and courage propelled F.D.R to lead the U.S through the great depression, becoming one of the most beloved presidents ever known. Not only dead he begin fighting the depression with the New Deal, but he sustained the effects of the New Deal, always putting in hope of the American people.
Winston Wright_F.D.R Change_Water Stream

Business Unit Reflection

Partner with Sabrina Stewart-McDonald

1.Explain your choice of presentation
Our groups choice of presentation utilized both of our strengths. I personally really like the cleverness of political cartoons and thought it would be really fun to think of something equally as witty and clever with the knowledge we've gained from this unit. Also my partner is a really good artist and so the two went hand-in-hand. For the FDR cartoon both Obama and FDR thought it would be better to teach citizens the skills to work and not just hand them money. So we made a connecting thought bubble and a caption changing the meaning of FDR to force driven revolution. This connects to our essential question "what causes systematic and individual change" and that would be getting people to work together, and giving individuals the tools to work with. Our second cartoon is a joke off of Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt and how he passed acts to break up major corporations. This process pulled America together and broke the abuse from major corporations and trusts on the general public. We made Obama say this because it is similar to the issues of the Occupy movement.

2.Two sentences answering your EQ : "What causes systematic and individual change?"
What causes systematic and individual change is the recognition of equality. That one doesn't prosper at the expense of another but to succeed we must bring the lowest part up before moving an entire group.

3. What questions do you still have about business in America?
How the value of the American dolor has changed over the course of history?

Jessica Hinton - Business Project Reflection

Amanda and I chose to make a visual for our project. We started out with a Prezi, but that wasn't working for us. So, we decided to make a collage. We have pictures of President Obama, and President FDR. We have a wordle, that has words that we've learned or used throughout the business unit. We also added some cartoons, that connect to some of the policies, or controversial things that connected to the Presidents. 

The EQ that we used was: What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 

Our collage displayed the different things that the Presidents have done, so achieve "change". The change that these presidents, as individuals have accomplished during their presidency, has shaped the way things are handled in the United States today. The change they created, has sustained throughout time, and continues to exist today.


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World of 100 Analysis

​For a class of at least 32-34 students we had to deiced what the rest of the world would be like if there were only 100 people. The sheet of paper that we had to give our estimations on included a lot of possibilities and diverse features of civilization. So each student wrote down their estimation of how the World of 100 would stack up. After words when the whole class put down their responses they were totaled and averaged. To sum all of it we referred to actual data that represented the World if only 100 people lived. Next was to compare everything from My Average, Class Average, and the Correct Averages. On the paper there were 12 topics from the ratios of Gender, Education, to Religion. I picked 3 of the topics that was most interesting to me even before we looked at the class average or the correct average. So I choose Geography, Age, and Electricity. (results displayed below)

chart_4 (2)


chart_5 (1)


(click for full size)
chart_4 (2)
chart_4 (2)

Business Reflection

Jessica and I choose to do our project by hand because we were inspired to do a sort of colleague. We wanted the piece to visual, thats why the pictures and cartoons are on there. To not have people completely lost we had a word diagram that illustrated the most common words spoken throughout the unit.

 Our EQ was: What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 

 Our piece showed the accomplishments of all the presidents because they are individuals who created change. We were thinking their roles were important in shaping the foundations of America. These presidents were persistant in what they believed in, which helped them sustain change. 


-Clase: Inglis.


Profesor: Señor Kay.


Actividades en la clase: Leemos, hablar, y proyecto.


Responsibilidades: prestart atención y hacer preguntas



Opinión: Me encanta porque es divertida y serio.


Tengo la clase de Inglés todos los días, además de MartesEsa es una de mi clase favoritapero tengo que leer, y no me gusta leer. Es divertidoel prof. kayÉltambién es mi entrenador de baloncestoÉl es mi profesor favoritoÉl me ayuda atratar de mantenerse fuera de problemasEn estos momentos estamos leyendo Kindred.

-Clase: tecnología


Profesor: Sra. Hull


Actividades en la clase: Hablar, ver videos.


Responsibilidades: escuchar y prestar atención


Opinión: Me no gusta es aburrid

Tengo clase de tecnología, pero no sé más. Yo tenía el lunes y jueves. Me divertí mucho, cuando lo tenía. Prof. Cascos, es un buen maestro. Ella me ayudó a tratar de conseguir mi comportamiento en conjunto.

SLA muy bein escuela, usted tiene que trabajar duro para hacer el bien. Me gusta SLA. Es divertido y diferente.