Brenda's Benchmark

​Personal Reflection 
What I have learned during this unit was on one of my favorite topics in the world, Food. Well, what about food you might ask. Hm, well the food industry and their secrets of processing what we consume. From watching a food documentary, it honestly helped me realize a handful of suggestion that I should take responsibility of in my life and others. Watching a food documentary called Food Inc. had brought lots of questions in mind that I want to ask. I was in shocked how livestock were being treated before they entered the slaughterhouse and even how they slaughtered the animals. It was pretty harsh and I got kind of disturbed but still watch anyways because it does not seem realistic to me that they do such torture to animals. The biggest problem I see here is how food industry have no care about consumers health and that what they do in factories can harm everyone. Food system obviously know this but I'm getting bothered that they are ignoring this important fact and rather be selfish for money. Even I did not know what the food industry does before they shipped foods out to supermarkets until this video had been shown. Now, Im the type of person that likes more than one source about an issue but this had shown more that enough for me. Some changes I would want to make to your food choices is to chill out with the greasy foods and just be cautious of what I consume. Now, I don't want to say I'm going to try and eat organic food now because truly that's not in my path. Yeah, I consume organic products from left to right but I truly and honestly believe that I will end up going back to what I like which is unhealthy food due to the taste but be more cautious! Ah, you see where I'm going at with this. I enjoy food but learning so much of what's going on with what I enjoy makes me more cautious and that's all I can really be thankful for. I care about my health and everyone elses, I'll make sure to make this happen. 
Sauteed Chicken & Ginger Dish

This is one of our favorite dishes that I have grown up to enjoy in my family. This is a simple delicious dish that does not contain much ingredients. It’s 5 ingredients or less to fix up an asian dish like this.

-sharp Knife
-cutting board
-sauce pan

-3 whole gingers (unpeeled)
-2lbs of Boneless skinless chicken (serves 8-10 people)
-1 to 2 whole cloves of garlic(freshly chopped)
-1tlsp of Canola oil
-2table spoon of oyster sauce

1. You have the chose to either use your peeler to peel the skin off the ginger or if you are skillful enough, you may use your knife.

Tips: Whole gingers have an odd shape, so what I like to do is cut it in pieces where it’s manageable to hold and peel off the skin.

2. Once the skins are peeled off, face the ginger flat(If needed, slice the bottom to have a flat surface) and cut paper thin slices vertically. Do this to all of your ginger pieces. After cutting your slices, you want to cut them in strips.

Tips: Since you have cut paper thin slices of ginger, to make your process move a little faster, you may place a couple of slices on top of another and cut thin strips. Your ginger strips should be no longer than your pinky finger.

When handling with any type of meat, you want to wash your hands before and after thoroughly.

3. Place your boneless chicken breast on the cutting board. Using your knife, cut not to thick strips of chicken then slice them in either halves. Save as the size of your pinky finger in length.

Tips: Your chicken strips should be thicker than your ginger strips but the same length.

4. Mince your 2 cloves of garlic with a few of the ginger strips.

5. In a sauce pan, place 1tlsp. of Canola oil when it’s at least heated added with 1tsp. of white sugar. Once the sugar is slightly caramelized(Light brown), place the minced ginger and garlic into the pan.

Tips: When you hear sizzling, you’re doing something right! Don’t burn your minced ingredients.

6. Immediately, throw in your meat. Slightly sprinkle salt and black pepper so flavor your meat. Once the chicken is cooked, you add in the 2 table spoon of oyster sauce. You may leave this ingredient out if you chose too. It just provides extra flavoring into the dish.

7. Once this is all marinaded evenly onto the chicken, add in your ginger strips and stir for about 10-15secs.

Tips: You want to add in your ginger strips at the end of your cooking to leave a fresh zesty taste.  If they are soft, you have no texture that would compliment your meat. Serve with white rice.

Extra Recipe:

Ginger roots
liquid lime


Need a clean filter cloth
1 bowl


1. Wash off the ginger roots and cut them up into slices. (Small enough to chop smoothly in a blender).

2. Blend the ginger roots in a blender.

3. Take the blended ginger roots and pour it through the filter into the bowl.

4. Add any amount of water on the ginger while its in the filter. (Squeeze the filter so the ginger juice can come out)

5. Repeat #4 until the ginger has no more juice comes out the filter.

6. Add a half a bottle of lime juice and mix.

7. Add the amount of sugar you want and mix until its at the taste you want.

(Lime and sugar depends on the amount of juice you have.)


I enjoy consuming this dish and how it compliments each other; both the lightly sauteed chicken and the taste of the zesty spicy ginger. It’s savory but being informative of what you use is even more interesting. This meal does contain processed and whole food ingredients. Canola oil and oyster sauce are processed ingredients where oyster sauce brand that I use is from Malaysia and the Canola oil I used is Wesson which is soy-based. Pure Wesson company is profiled in Suffolk, VA. Our other ingredients used in the meal is boneless chicken breast, ginger, and garlic. Tyson boneless chicken breast is what I used and they brand themselves as “100% All Natural Chicken Breasts that are a great option for a tasty yet healthy meal that is minimally processed and contain no artificial ingredients.” There are different types of major garlic and where it originated from. The garlic preferably used in this dish is an Italian garlic PDO(Aglio Bianco Polesano)  which is a heirloom variety from the northwestern part of the US. Ginger is grown worldwide and used in many different ways in other countries. I believed my ginger that I’ve used is imported from Asia because I brought my ginger from an Asian market. In Asian dishes, its used as a savory ingredient for it’s spicy, zesty taste and ginger has many health benefits that can relieve sickness etc. The main ingredients which were the ginger and chicken only came up to under 10$. If you did not process the other ingredients such as Canola oil or Oyster sauce, it would cost you another 10$.

-"Ginger Root Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits." Nutrition Facts in the Food You Eat and the Impact on Your Health. 2009-2011. Web. 09 Nov. 2011. <>.

-This site had provided interesting facts about ginger and the use of it for health benefits. Our main ingredient used in both dishes were fresh ginger.

-"Featured Products." Lee Kum Kee Malaysia. 2011. Web. 09 Nov. 2011. <>.

-This site provides information on the oyster sauce used in this dish. How it was invented and how it’s processed.

-"Wesson | Pure, 100% All Natural Oils - The Four Oils - Canola." Wesson | Pure, 100% All Natural Oils. Web. 09 Nov. 2011. <>.

-This site list facts about Wesson Oils, where it’s from, and nutrition facts about it. What is also good by using this site is what you can use Pure Wesson Canola oil when cooking.

-"Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts." Tyson. 2011. Web. 09 Nov. 2011. <>.

-Tyson is a brand of chicken that I like using due to their minimized process and it’s just a good meat that I like to use.  

-"Garlic Facts Remedies and Health Benefits of Garlic." Disability News, Information and Resources - Disabled World. Web. 09 Nov. 2011. <>.

-This site provides interesting health benefits when you use garlic and remedies that can be helpful just like the ginger.
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Nailah Adam: Whole Wheat Pasta Salad

Nailah's Whole Wheat Pasta Salad​




2 packs of whole-wheat pasta

3 cups of grape tomatoes

1 cucumber

1 ½ bottles of Balsamic Vinegar

2 cups of Olive Oil



  1. Boil Pasta
  2. Chop cucumbers into dime size triangles
  3. Cut tomatoes into halves
  4. After Pasta is boiled, Drain
  5. Add all Ingredients into a large bowl
  6. Add 1 ½ bottles of Balsamic Vinegar and 2 cups of Olive Oil into mixture
  7. Mix
  8. Refrigerate overnight and Serve!



            Pasta salad is one of the healthiest meals that is entirely organic and a part of the Whole Food category. Pasta salad can be served as a side or a meal. According to the nutritional facts of all the ingredients, two-three cups of pasta salad totals to a minor four hundred calories. Not only is it nutritional, but fulfilling. The carbs, or pasta, in the pasta salad serves as two of our six daily grains/per day needed for our body to function healthily. Carbohydrates provide energy throughout the day and help your metabolism speed up. The vegetables used in the pasta salad are used to fulfill some of your daily servings of vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are needed in a daily diet because it provides cardiovascular health, gastrointestinal health, strong vision, and other life long advantages. However, some health issues that could arise if you ate nothing but pasta salad everyday are hair/skin effects, lack of growth of muscles and blood and hormonal disorders, that are caused by lack of enough proteins in diet.

            My ingredients come from the United States and Italy. The tomatoes and cucumber comes from Florida, while the olive oil, balsamic vinegar and pasta come from Italy. The olive oil, balsamic vinegar and pasta (all organically grown) have traveled the farthest at steep four-thousand-four-hundred-and-thirteen miles.

The cost of all the ingredients was ten dollars, for a serving of twenty. Compared to fast food, the average double cheese burger and French fries cost two dollars and fifty cents.; resulting to a total of fifty dollars for twenty people. Overall, you come out cheaper preparing pasta salad. The Food and Drug Administration regulate the food items used in pasta salad.

There are some social ramifications of preparing pasta salad. The price of a regular bag of pasta can cost about one dollar. However, the price of a whole-wheat organic pasta bag cost about one dollar and thirty-nine cents. While some may not see a big difference, a lot of people are always focusing on the bottom dollar, where that extra thirty-nine cents can go towards other needs. Tracing where the vegetables came from was not hard. The tomatoes and cucumber were harvest on a farm where they grew these crops. The whole-wheat pasta derived from the form of unleavened wheat dough of buckwheat flour. The balsamic dressing and oil came from a reduction of cooked white Trebbiano grape juice and olives. All of my ingredients are organic; therefore, there wasn’t a lot of processing. The ingredients were purchased from my local Supermarket, Brown’s ShopRite. Needless to say, Pasta salad can be categorized as one of the healthiest, tasteful and fulfilling meal.


In this unit, I have learned a massive amount of information about the food industry, food itself and how I am a prime factor in it. What I found most intriguing while learning about the unit, was that I can contribute to the wrong doings of the industry by buying its products. Essentially, I learned that by supporting the non-organic food industry, I am supporting the mistreatment of animals, people's health and my health.

The biggest problem in our food system is the lack of organic food resources in urban areas for cheap prices. I believe the majority of the people who are malnutrition from non-organic food suffer because the lack of organic food resources in urban communities. In order to change the statistics and change the health of suffering citizens, we have to change our unhealthy diet to a healthy diet. In order to change the statistics, we have to change the resources.

A change I can make to my food choices is  taking out the fattening, greasy and sugary foods and replacing them with vegetables, healthy proteins, grains and fruits. The impact of these changes will be a longer, healthier life. I am willing to make these changes if the food industry agrees to cheapen the cost of organic food and increase organic food resources in my area particularly. 

My Food Rules Slide


Science & Society Benchmark 2011

Hot 3 Bean Casserole
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 cup coarsely chopped onion
1 cup of chopped celery
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 can of about 15 ounces of chickpeas
1 can of about 15 ounces of kidney beans
1 cup coarsely chopped tomato
1 can of about 8 ounces of tomato sauce
1 cup of water
1 to 2 jalapeño peppers
1 tablespoon chili powder
2 teaspoons of sugar
1.5 teaspoons ground cumin
1 teaspoon salt
1 dried oregano.25 teaspoon of black pepper
2.5 cups of about 10 ounces of frozen green beans

1. Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add onion, celery and garlic; cook and stir 5 minutes or unit tender. 

2. Add chickpeas, kidney beans, tomato, tomato sauce, water, jalapeño pepper, chili, powder, sugar, cumin, salt, oregano and black pepper. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low;, summer, uncover, 20 minutes. Add green beans; simmer 10 minutes, or until tender
I would say that all of the food is whole food, only because my mother and I primarily shop organic, but if I had to take a guess with the consideration that most of the foods others buy isn't organic, I'd say about 40% of the food is processed. Those things would be things like the beans, and the spices. That doesn't mean these foods were genetically engineered, it just means they were processed in an industrial factory somewhere.

Garbanzo beans (chickpeas)provide an excellent source of molybdenum. They are a very good source of folic acid, fiber,and manganese. They are also a good source of protein, as well as minerals such as iron, copper,zinc, and magnesium. As a good source of fiber, garbanzo beans can help lower cholesterol and improve blood sugar levels. This makes them a great food especially for diabetics and insulin-resistant individuals.When served with high quality grains, garbanzo beans are an extremely-low-fat, complete protein food. Green beans have a lot of antioxidant mineral manganese. Many of these antioxidants reduce the chance of type 2 diabetes. It also improves blood fats and better protection of these fats from oxygen damage, which increase card. Kidney beans can lower cholesterol and can prevent blood sugar levels from rising too high too quickly after finishing a meal, which is great for those with diabetes or resistance to insulin. Other then providing protein, they have a lot of fiber, lower the risk of getting a heart attack, balance blood sugar levels, and can increase your energy by helping to restore iron. 

Off hand, someone who is not used to eating food like this, will have an interesting time used the restroom. Many of the people who've come over my home and have had meals similar always do, it never fails, and that's because these types of foods are not only whole foods, but they are healthy foods without meat. It passes through the body differently then meats, and is also softer and less rough then meats too, allowing digestion to be a lot easier then it would be for meats. If you ate these meals everyday, all of the health benefits would eventually be health risks seeing as though food intake needs to be balanced in all areas of one's health.

Most of the food bought I'd have to say was organic, seeing as though my mom and I every so often shop for cooking food from Trader Joe's and Whole Foods rather then places like Giant and Shop Rite. This way, we can talk to other shoppers and get ideas for dishes and guidance on what foods taste good. Even though Whole Foods and Trader Joe's are somewhat commercial grocery food stores because they're franchised, I'd still consider it organic because it's organically grown. I don't know specifically where the foods I got for the project, but some of the things around my house have come from places like Horsham PA, Jeffersonville PA, and places outside of the country like Guatemala and Mexico.

The meal overall costed around $40 to prepare. Considering that this meal was 12 servings total, it can be counted as $3.34 each serving. Shop Rite and Giant profited from the little things like the peppers, onions, and celery, and Whole Foods and Trader Joe's profited from the actual beans peppers. Because of that, both smaller and larger corporations benefited from this.

Personal Reflection
This unit, I really learned more about what it means to eat animal products even as a vegetarian (dairy and eggs) in regard to cancer. I also learned new information about that the food world is trying to, or is currently doing to make the food of America even more fake. I learned just how freaked up this government is and can be, and through my own personal involvement, I learned about many movements against fracking. In terms of food, I will remain to be vegetarian and read the back of just about everything I purchase. I will always recommend healthy food options to my friends and generally all those around me as I've done, and I will support my local and healthy restaurants and food markets. THe largest issue is that food is becoming fake, or genetically engineered specifically for profit and without regard for the people actually eating the food which are the citizens, which in my opinion leads to long term sickness, cancer, deformities and death.
Food Slide
Food Slide

Briana Stroman - Spaghetti w/ Ground Beef (w/ cheese)


- Mantia's Italiano Spaghettii Noodles (2 boxes, 16oz each)

- Robusto! Ragú Sauce (2 bottles, 8oz each)

- Ground Chuck Beef 80/20 (32oz)

- (extra) Coburn Farms Italian Style 6 Cheese Blend (12oz)

- Sea Salt

- Ground Pepper

- Garlic Salt


- Cook ground beef until it turns brown.

- Drain ground beef juice.

- Take a big pot and put 3 quarts of water in it. Wait for water to boil.

- Take both packs on noodles, break noodles up, and put them into the boiled water. Leave in pot for 10-12 mins.

- Drain noodles.

- Put noodles back in pot, put ground beef in pot. Stir around so ground beef can get everywhere. Put two bottles of sauce in pot. Stir around so sauce can get everywhere. Put more salt, pepper, and garlic on spaghetti.

- Heat spaghetti, put cover on top of pot for about 2 mins.

- If you want, put cheese on top and let simmer, then there you go: spaghetti with ground beef and cheese.

Well, to my knowledge pasta came from traditional Italian cuisine. I really don't believe my dish was organically grown. I believe everything was processed. When I say that, I mean the brands that I used. By estimate, my ingredients didn't cost more than $20. Actually, the salt, pepper, and garlic salt I already head. The cheese is not mandatory, but I love pasta with cheese. Coburn Farms products are always dairy.  The ground beef is processed, and approved by the USDA. Ragú sauce has been used in italian meals since 1937. Honestly, there isn't much research on my products, probably because they are all processed foods.

Well, my family makes pasta a lot. So, it is something like our traditional meal. If I could compare the meal being cooked at home, and spaghetti out in restaurants, its about the same price. Honestly, if I were to make a different meal, I would pick a mean BUT I would research my ingredients first before cooking. I probably would have more information to provide for this project.

Personal Reflection

This whole food unit changed the point of view of food from what I’ve had once before. I can say that it’s a shame for me to change Senior year, but it’s never bad. Maybe it’s because before this unit, I was never so worried about details. But now, not only am I aware, but I’ve made my family aware too. Well, my mother has always been aware, but besides class she has talked me into changing my habits. I’ve learned how to grow healthier food, and I’ve learned more about diabetes than I’ve been told before. I was honestly happy to know the information because diabetes runs in my family. I will try my best to not forget what I have learned in this unit once this semester is over. I have a feeling that I might get back into the habit of eating so much junk.

Anyways, I need to learn how to try different things. By taste, I’ll decide of it’s nasty or not. The sad honest truth is, the only fruit I’ll eat is sour grapes, and the only greens I eat is string beans, the French kind. I use to eat corn, carrots, and some others. But as I got older, my eating habits have changed. So, one of my main goals is to get back to that habit of eating healthy.

Food Slide

TFarah Science and Society Q1 BM


·       1 medium onion, chopped fine

·       1 tablespoon vegetable oil

·       1 medium tomato, chopped fine

·       1 green pepper, chopped fine (optional)

·       4-6 eggs


1.     Whisk eggs. Set aside.

2.     Melt oil in a large nonstick skillet. 

3.     Sautée chopped onions over medium heat until translucent. 

4.     Add tomatoes and peppers and cook over medium heat until soft, 8-10 minutes. 

5.     Pour eggs into skillet and cook gently, stirring them lightly and flipping them as they cook. 

6.     Cook to desired doneness. Serve warm with arepas.


            Perico is a Venezuelan dish consisting of eggs, oil, tomatoes, onions, and green peppers.  A single serving would have about 18.5 grams of fat and 222 calories.  It has no sugar (except for a little natural sugar from the vegetables).

            Our dish is nearly 100% whole food.  The only processed ingredient is vegetable oil, of which only a tablespoon is used.  It was also, dollar for calorie, the cheapest ingredient.  A 48-oz bottle cost $2.99.  Eggs were $2.29 a dozen, also relatively cheap.  The pepper was $1.99, the tomato and onion $3.99 each.  One serving of perico costs approximately $3.97, more than a serving of fast food.

            The only ingredients whose origins we were able to find were the eggs and oil.  The eggs came from a small organic farm called Sauder’s Quality Eggs.  The oil was manufactured by Clover Valley, which is owned by Dolgencorp, LLC, a subsidiary of Dollar General.  While we don’t know exactly where the vegetables came from, they probably came at least several hundred miles.  They were from a normal supermarket and therefore are probably from Florida, California, or Mexico.

            The only vegetable oil regulation I could find was a bill that requires animal fats and vegetable oils to be regulated just like non-food oils for manufacturing and transportation.  There are many regulations concerning the production of all eggs, to prevent the spread of salmonella, and more for organic eggs.

            Sauder’s eggs come from hens that eat organic feed with no antibiotics and roam outdoors.  Conventionally produced eggs come from hens given antibiotics and growth hormones.  Since Sauder’s is in Pennsylvania, the eggs also travel less than eggs from a non-local company might.  The tomato wasn’t organic.  While an organic tomato would have been grown without pesticides, the tomato we used was likely sprayed with pesticides to control weeds, pests and disease.

            Initially, I was suspicious that Sauder’s was a friendly face hiding a large corporation, but I looked through their website and it’s clear they are a small family farm.  Meanwhile, the CEO of Dollar General, David A. Perdue, makes $1.94 million a year.  It’s amazing what a far-reaching effect the purchase of a single meal’s ingredients can have.


            This unit in science and society, I’ve learned about the ways in which science is a part of seemingly unscientific issues, like what we eat.  So much of the truth behind what we eat is hidden from us by huge food corporations.  It’s up to consumers to uncover the ugly truths behind modern agriculture.

            Our food system is terribly flawed.  We rely not on traditional farms, but on factories, where workers are mistreated and food is produced in unhealthy, dangerous and environmentally unsound ways.  Because food corporations are so huge and so powerful, they are able to eschew using responsible manufacturing practices in favor of doing whatever they can to make money.  They are even able to silence anyone who speaks out against them.  The biggest problem is that they act irresponsibly because they have no reason not to.  They aren’t punished for the problems they create.  As Michael Pollan described, Monsanto is working to create GMOs that are largely still not understood.  Worse, these products not only have the potential to cause problems in the short run, but once a gene is introduced to nature, it’s there for good.  This is called “genetic pollution,” and there’s no way to fix it.

            Though individual consumers may feel powerless, we all have a role in creating and maintaining the larger food system.  As powerful as these huge corporations are, they are totally dependent on consumers to support them.  It’s up to individuals to create change by supporting only companies that use responsible manufacturing practices—companies that sell organic food, don’t use GMOs, and treat their workers and livestock well.  As we saw in Food, Inc., there are some companies that do this, and it is effective.  When consumers demanded organic food from Wal-Mart, they responded.  I’d be more willing to make these changes myself if there were an easier way of knowing which companies do use responsible practices, and I think the same goes for many people.

Food Slide
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Lobbying Post #2 Ryan Francis (Interview with Jannie Blackwell)

The topic I chose to Lobby is the african american incarceration rate, and what officials in the city are doing to change it. I got the chance to go to the 3rd- District WARD meeting last tuesday night and talk to Councilwoman Jannie Blackwell about her involvement in the community and her views on education and keeping teens off of the streets. Attached below is the video of my interview with her: 

Heres a link to her biography:

Jannie Blackwell

Ryan Francis Election Day 2011 (Extra Credit)

Democratic Committee Woman Lynn Hogben 

Ms. Hogben is in charge of making a newsletter to be sent around the neighborhood to the voters, which contains information on each candidate being voted in, their experience, and their qualifications for the position.  

1. How does it feel to know that you have the power to influence who goes into office? Basically how does it feel to know your vote counts?

- To me, voting is a responsibility. I feel as if it's my job to give information, and to pass it on to others, but its also my job to be able to voice my opinion. I feel as if my vote is valuable in a sense. I get to make a decision to be apart of the change that goes in in not only politics, but in Philadelphia as well. Now, my job is also to get voters who don't know their facts or do their research to make the right decision in voting for the right candidates to do their duties to the fullest extent when voted in. So these newsletters go to the houses for promotion towards the campaign, most impotently passing on information.

2. Since you are also in charge of the polling place, what is the process of seeing up the polls and counting the ballots ?

-Ok, so the polls open at 7am and close at 8pm. We as the election board come in at 6:30 to get everything set up and make sure all the machines are working. We usually leave at 9pm after we have meeting and report back on what went right, and what went awry. We used to have a ballot process were we would count the votes, but by 2004 they issued us the machine voting with a computer that basically counts the votes when people go into the booths and make their choices.

3. What is your take on teens going into voting at age 18, and what should they know about voting's "responsibilities"?

Well ,I think they should just prepare themselves to have this responsibility by learning their responsibilities as a young voter. They need prior knowledge on politics, they need a little bit of background knowledge on the candidates and they need to know what changes are being made in the community. As young voters, they need to familiarize themselves with all of these aspects so they can have a say in who they vote into office. Some people just vote to vote, but I feel as if they have potential to influence a great change. Especially as young adults 

Newon Dennis' Q1 Food Benchmark

Calla Recipe

Calla is a traditional Liberian pastry.


Self-Rising Flour - 3-4 cups

Water as a substitute for Milk -2 ½ cups

Olive Oil as a substitute for vegetable oil – 3 cups

Organic Sugar- 1 cup


1.Get out a clean bowl and pour in Aunt Jemina’s Self-Rising Flour until it fills about 1/3 of the bowl. Sprinkle in the desired amount of sugar and 2 and half cups of water. Stir thoroughly to remove lumps in batter. Leave batter to rise for about 5 to 10 minutes. Time can increase if needed.

2.Pour oil into a pot until 2/3 full and set on the stove to heat. When batter is raised, head to the stove to heat up Olive oil and begin dropping blobs of batter into the pot. Depending on pot size, drop in as many blobs as you can so each blob can fry thoroughly.

3.Calla will turn over its self on each side. When both sides are done place the calla into a strainer onto of a paper cover plate. Continue until batter is finish. Let finished Calla cool and serve. ENJOY!


For my meal, I would guestimate about 2% would be processed and the rest would be whole food. I used brown eggs, water, and organic sugar. But I used processed self-rising Flour so I say 2% of my meal would be processed. There are some dark sides from eating my completed meal. I you ate this single meal every day, regardless of the organic substances inside. You could easily get high cholesterol, high-blood sugar, maybe even diabetes from eating this single sugary meal. A lot of my ingredients were hard to grow myself considering I don’t own a chicken for eggs, a sugar cane plantation of a wheat field and grainer for flour. So it’s a little complicated. So it sadly commercial process is the only choice I have but organic productions were more common in this dish. My dish is a simple African pastry that was made into a healthier treat when you change certain ingredients.

Personal Reflection:

I’ve learned that the majority of food I take in isn’t food. And it’s really disgusting to find out that the substances you take in for nurturance is actually causing more bad than good. And the fact that people in the food industry aren’t doing crap it makes my blood boil. The biggest problem about our food system is how it’s produced. Watching the movie Food Inc. and seeing the slaughter house scene was really confusing and hard to watch. Because I was watching harmless animals being killed mercilessly by big businesses who aren’t even giving the animals room to grow and play. They have holes in the side of the bodies, wobbling around on dead carcasses or being randomly crushed to death by giant machines. And it’s sad because they people who work in those kinds of factories and slaughter houses “can’t afford to not work at these abusive meat packaging factories.” Then, to add insult to injury these big meat packaging factories have skanky deals with Immigration offices to take some of their undocumented workers every day.

So if I have to go complete vegetarian, or learn to make a farther trip to find organic store and supermarkets. I’ll do what I have to do refrain from eating crap. Especially, McDonald’s! Now to be honest I’m human and I’m a girl, who will have craving, so I might slip up from time to time, but as long as that food is entering my body every once in a blue moon, I still plan on try to find alternative to the fast but addictive fast food.

Food Rule Slide:


Spanish Rice - Gilberto Gonzalez

Ingredients and Analysis 

1. Get 2 cups of water to boil.

2. Pour rice into pot and stir it with the Seasoning and Sofrioto.

3. Add the boiling water, and let it sit for 20-25 minutes.

4. Mix the rice some more and let it sit, for 5-10 minutes.

Rice, Sofrito, and Goya Seasoning. Rice isn't unhealthy for anyone and vegetarians can eat it. The goya seasoning is just the seasoning that gives the rice the spanish flare also edible by vegetarians, and sofrito is homemade which is spices and vegetables so it is also edible by vegetarians. 

Spanish rice is something eaten quite often within spanish families, it's dinner or lunch almost every day. Its usually not the main dish but a supporter to other dishes such as fish, beef, steak, and anything else. To families that don't have their own recipe they usually use goya products to make the spanish rice or season it.

When I was thinking of what I wanted to make thats all natural I asked my dad. We looked around the house and found rice and the Goya seasoning. The rice we used was from japan because it was bought at the asian market. So the rice traveled quite far and the goya seasoning is usually made in america so the seasoning didn't cost much.

The meal in total cost is cheap depending on the amount of rice, seasoning, and sofrito you use.


In this unit I didn't learn much. This unit just opened up my eyes a bit more to my surroundings. I was aware of how unhealthy, and processed many foods are but I continued to eat them. In this unit I was reminded what happens to the burgers I eat, and all the other food I eat this unit reminded me how they mistreat the food I eat. It makes me somewhat indecisive when it comes to choosing food because I think to myself how much of a terrible life the animals had and what they had to deal with their whole life. An example would be that in the movie we watched the cows had holes in the side of their stomachs to allow the farmers to take out the crap they didn't need that would get stuck in their stomach due to eating corn when they're meant to eat grass. I'd imagine the cows dealt with all sorts of pain.

In this unit the main thing I learned was that the organic food cost more than processed food is a myth because of a homework assignment. Most of the prices where similar and the only time processed was cheaper was when it was fast food such as mcdonalds. 

Food Slide
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Voter Interview

Interviewer: NaQuan Harding

Interviewee: Gerald


N.H: So, who motivated you to vote today?


Gerald: Not much really motivates me to vote, but I feel that if we’re going to have a say in who’s gonna run our country, I figured I may as well have a say in it.


N.H: Not many people seem to share that way of thinking. I mean, look at how many people showed up here today.


Gerald: Yeah, but this is only one polling place. I’m sure that there are more voters in other more public places.


N.H: Maybe, but I heard that voter turnout would be pretty low this year. In fact, aren’t you pretty worried that most Americans don’t care who runs the country. Turnout in and election is usually around 50%, and that’s on a good year.


Gerald: People are looking for a president that will solve America’s problems. Obama’s been making promises to fix things, but we’re still in debt, and workers are still out of jobs because of it.


N.H: So, I assume you’re not voting for Obama in the presidential election?


Gerald: Nope.


N.H: Who might it be, then?


Gerald: I don’t know. Maybe Rick Perry. I like that guy.


N.H: Any particular reason?


Gerald: Shouldn’t you be asking other questions, kid?


N.H: Right, sorry. Um, how do you feel about voting on Tuesdays? Do you find it inconvenient?


Gerald: Not really. I usually tell my boss a week before Election Day that I’ll be out voting. He’s pretty okay with it, and since I’m usually on time for work, he can trust that voting is all I’ll do.


N.H: So, your boss doesn’t trust everyone to miss work for voting?


Gerald: Some guys at my job only use voting as an excuse to miss work. They don’t even vote. They just spend the day doing whatever the hell they want.


N.H: Sounds like something I would do. I just have one more question. Where have you encountered the most ad campaigning? Was it on TV, the internet, anywhere?


Gerald: Well, I don’t watch much TV or spend that much time on the internet, but I definitely get my fill on ad campaigning from my neighborhood. I’m telling you, every telephone pole there has like ten different campaigning posters stapled to it. There are so many there, that I just don’t pay attention anymore.


N.H: Yeah, I hear you. Well, thanks for your time.


Gerald: No problem.

Q1 S&S Benchmark Ryan Francis

​Recipe for Arroz con Abichuelas y Plantainos:


Rice (8-10 serving):

You Will Need:

3 cups of rice

3 tablespoons of olive oil

6 cups of water

2 teaspoons of salt

What To Do:

1. Place water in a kettle and put the fire on high until it boils

2. Start with 3 cups of rice

3. Wash the rice then put in pot (no water yet)

4. Take 3 tablespoons of olive oil and place it into the rice

5. Mix that up on low 

6. When water is at a boil, pour 6 cups of water into the rice

7. Add salt and stir

8. Place lid on it and put fire on high

9. When it comes to a boil turn it down low

10. Keep it on low with cover

11. In about 20 minutes check on rice and stir again

12. It should be ready to serve

13. If not let it sit for a couple more minutes and check it again until it is ready

Beans (8-10 serving): 

*90 calories in each Bean can

*20 calories in each tomato sauce can

You Will Need:

3 16oz cans of red Goya Beans

1 can of tomato sauce

adobo seasoning

From personal Garden

Half cup of diced green bell peppers

Half teaspoon of diced Habenero pepper

One tablespoon of ripe diced jalepeno's

Oregano leaves

Basil leaves

What to do:

1. Lightly Cover Pan with Olive oil (thin layer)

2. Heat oil on low until heated

3. Crush 1/2 clove of Garlic, and chop up 1/2 Onion,

4. Place all peppers, garlic, and onion into the olive oil. And stir

5. Sauté vegetables in oil (DO NOT BURN)

6. Add teaspoon of salt to the pan

7. Add 8 oz of the tomato sauce

8. After stirring for a bit add another 8 oz of tomato sauce

9. Add the 3 cans of red beans

10. Stir thoroughly 

11. Then add a quarter cup of water

12. Add a pinch of adobo seasoning

13. Stir again then place lid on beans

14. Put fire on low

15. When beans are tender it is done

Plantains (8-10 serving):

*40 calories in a bottle of olive oil (will be less because you will not use a whole bottle of olive oil)

You Will Need:

4 cups of water

2 cloves of garlic (peeled and crushed)

2 tablespoons of salt

some vegetable oil

a pan

a bowl big enough to soak plantains in

What To Do (Step By Step):

1. Take three green plantains and peel them (if you prefer sweet plantains then you have to get 3 yellow plantains)

2. After you peel them place them in a bowl full of 4 cups of water

3. Add the salt and garlic to the water

4. Let plantains soak for 15 minutes

5. When done drain them well

6. Take the oil and cover the bottom of the pan at least an half of inch thick

7. Place plantains in pan and fry, flipping over when needed

for at least 7 minutes or until crispy and done

8. Place paper towel on plate 

9. Take the plantains that are done and put them on the plate

10. Take a paper towel and place over plantains 

11. Hit the paper toweled covered plantains with palm to flatten them

dip them in the salt water and take out IMMEDIATELY

11. place on plate and enjoy



During this project, Anna and I had to make a dish that was not only healthy, but we had to make a dish with natural foods. Our goal was to prove that food can be healthy and taste good. Anna and I made Plantains, Rice, and Beans with freshly grown peppers. Our dish was more natural than organic, because we had freshly grown peppers, and unprocessed beans. The only thing we used that was organic was the tomato paste hat we mixed in with the beans and peppers. Rice, beans, and plantains are kinds of food that depending on how you make them is how much fat and or calories will be in it. We tried to make them with little processed ingredients as we could. But depending on how someone makes these that is how healthy it will be for you. If they add a lot of fatty ingredients to each then eating it every day would not be good. But if you use a lot of natural ingredients and stuff that you have grown from the garden and such then eating this everyday wouldn't be to much of a problem. Especially if you are spanish, rice and beans and sometimes plantains are eaten everyday so they find a lot of ways to make them better so it doesn't make them sick or too fat. So it all depends on what you add. We read the labels and packaging to see where our foods came from, and we learned the rice was grown in Japan, the beans we're grown in texas, and the plantains were originated in Southern Asia. The food that traveled the furthest was the beans from Southern Asia in the Bangladesh area, which was 8260 Miles away. The second longest was Japan at 6762 miles for the imported rice. The processing of these foods are fresh grown, picked, and sent out. None of them are organic, or have any added chemicals except for the tomato paste which was made from organically grown tomatoes. In a regular restaurant setting, the meal we made would cost roughly between $4.99 - $7.99. Compared to fast food, our dish is actually healthy, because it has no added transfat, it wasn't made in grease or a fryer, and it didn't have any unnatural ingredients. The companies that make money from our dish are the Goya Co. (Making the Plantains, and the beans), and Canilla rice, (which gets their rice from 4 different countries, but most commonly, latin america). When growing rice, they usually plow it to collect it and fertilize it and ship it out to factories so they can bag and distribute to the large grocers who produce and send it out. Next, Beans are grown from seeds, and are harvested, picked out of their pods, and packaged to be sent to the grocers who sell them. Plantains are grown exactly like yellow bananas. They are grown on large tree's or tree-like plants, and picked off to be sent to factories in their cells, grown in groups of 5-6 bananas, which are labeled and sent to supermarkets and grocery stores. Chefs and domestic cooks make or use original recipes that involve some of these products which helps make a lot of mixtures and blends form these basic foods. When it comes to a lot of the ingredients it is better to grow them yourself then buy them because you don't have to worry about any of the pesticides and such. But when you are growing stuff yourself you have to know how like you have to make a lot of the crop depending on what you want since weather, and animals effect how many of the crops actually last until you pick them. So for tomatoes and peppers, which were two ingredients we used, I believe these are better and easy to just grow yourself. Now when it comes to plantains I think they have to be in a certain environment so unless you have some top notch garden shizzle going on than that would most likely be better just to buy.

Food Rules Slide by Ryan :)

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Personal Reflection

In this Unit, I've learned things from the food industry to the health issues behind it. We've watched documentaries, read about different health diseases, and learned about how the food we eat everyday is processed. The parts that impacted me the most was the documentary section about how they kill and harvest the animals to prepare them to be cleaned and sent out in packages. I never knew how it was done, I just knew it happened. Another thing I found interesting was how much politics were involved, and how many people we're lobbying against all the animal cruelty, and the production of processed foods. A part that left me skeptical was the corn production, and how they kind of forced the animals to become accustomed to certain foods, that made them grow more rapidly and bigger than they were supposed to be. In the end of all this, I think it's caused me to be more aware of what I eat and how much food intake I eat, because not everything thats advertised is good for you
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Lobbying Blog Post 2: Robert Brady

I did some research and I found that Robert Brady is my district representative of the 1st district. I was very excited at the fact that I found out he was my representative because he,really is a good representative of what Philadelphia needs, he is involved witht the NAACP, the human rights association, he was honored by the National parks association, he goes on the streets of Philadelphia and helps with the homeless shelters and he makes sure that the budget for Philadelphia is as evenly spread out as possible. Lately some of his business ventures have been heavily based upon medicare and things of that nature even though he has his hands in many things at the moment some of the things he,voted against th cut to parents who get WIC, he has voted for womens healthcare and senior medicare. I have not seen anything about how he voted on the sick leave bill that,has been proposed but if I were to guess I would have to say,that,he would vote for it from reading about Robert Brady I get the feeling that he is a for the people by the people kind of guy, and when you think about it who in their right mind would want someone to work when they are sick. He is the type to have the the better for the people and I can comfortabley say he would be on board with the sick leave bill. Media and interview Page urls§iontree=42,96 Video§iontree=42,46 Photos

Chicken Parm - Blase Biello - Q1 BM

Chicken Parmigiana w/ Spaghetti in a Marinara Sauce

Time: About 1 hour                                           Chicken-Parmigiana-420x279

This is a dish that has been in my family for years and years. A truly Italian meal. -Blase

3 eggs
Fresh Romano/Parmesan cheese
Bread Crumbs - Italian Style
Chicken Breasts *
Canola/Vegetable oil (enough to fill pan 1/4 inch)
1 bottle of Pasta Sauce *
1 box of spaghetti *
Slices of mozzarella (or any cheese) *

*These quantities depend on how much you'd like to make. 


1. Defrost the chicken breasts if frozen.

2. Crack 3 eggs into a bowl and stir until eggs are beaten. 

3. Pour a mixture of bread crumbs and romano/parmesan cheese onto another plate, a good amount. You can always pour more bread crumbs. 

4. Put the chicken breast in the egg, fully submerged. Leave it in for a couple seconds.
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5. Put the chicken breast on the bread crumbs and flip until it is covered with bread crumbs. 

6. Set aside and finish all the pieces of chicken. 
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1. Heat 1/4 inch of canola oil in a pan/skillet on Medium-Low heat. 
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2. Before it is at a boil place the breaded chicken breasts in the pan. Not to many though, you don't want over-crowding. 

3. Let the chicken cook for at least 3 minutes on each side. Or until the side is golden brown. 
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4. Place the cooked chicken onto a paper towel and let dry. 
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1. After the chicken 'cutlets' have dried coat them with tomato sauce. 
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2. Place slices of mozzarella cheese on top. 
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1. Preheat oven on 400º F for a couple minutes

2. Put in the pieces of chicken and keep in the oven until the cheese has melted. 
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3. Remove from oven and let cool. 

1. Bring a pot of water to a boil.
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2. Put in fresh/boxed spaghetti and cook until spaghetti is soft - NOT TO SOFT. 
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3. Strain the spaghetti and pour on your sauce. 

4. Enjoy the chicken parmigiana and spaghetti. 
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I made Chicken Parmigiana with Spaghetti in Marinara Sauce, which took a total of 8 ingredients to make. A little over 60% of the meal is fresh whole food. While the other 40% is processed. However, even though the food is processed; it is not meat it is only the bread crumbs, canola oil, and marinara sauce - which are all fairly healthy. For every 2 pieces of chicken parmigiana there is a little over 500 calories and about 18 grams of fat. The body has a slightly difficult time processing any form of meat/poultry, so eat light. I'd definitely say eating chicken parmigiana every day would be very dangerous to someone's health because of the amount of cheese and fat that comes from the cooking process. The eggs that I used were from New Jersey as well as the chicken. The fresh cheese was made in Pennsylvania. The bread crumbs I used were actually from the same city as the eggs, Vineland, NJ - that's where the Progresso Quality Food plant is located. The fresh spaghetti was made in South Philadelphia. The farthese traveling ingredient was the pasta sauce, which was made by Barilla- who's plant is located in Avon, New York. In my opinion, these ingredients barely traveled any distance at all, and I consider this a "home cooked meal". Especially, that you can make the sauce yourself. When I bought all of the ingredients for this meal, it cost be a little over $20. This is more than you would pay for fast food BUT I was able to make 10 pieces of hefty chicken and 2 pounds of spaghetti, clearly showing which was more valuable. Both small and big companies made money off of my ingredient purchases including a small farm in Vineland, and a large company in Vineland, as well as other companies. In my opinion, there are little to no social ramifications of this meal, except maybe the usage of chicken. Most people do not like the way chicken is handled in the US, including myself, but this was not Tyson or any other huge company, it was a small farm in NJ. All of the ingredients of the dish were bought at the supermarket, ACME. With the eggs, simply buying fresh eggs at the store, is more efficient than having your own hens to lay the eggs in your Philadelphia backyard. Buying premade pasta sauce, in my family's eyes is definitely not the way to go. Making the pasta sauce at home, with a plethora of ingredients makes the sauce better and more customizable. Overall, this was a really successful dish, and one of my favorites, and I can definitely consider my chicken parmigiana with spaghetti in marinara sauce an affordable, home cooked meal yielding huge portions. 


Regular Americans do not play a huge role in the larger food system. Actually, in my opinion, they play little to no role at all because bigger corporations within the food system like to do whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want. Behind every piece of food, whether it be a fruit, vegetable, swine, beef, processed food, etc. There’s always a corporation behind it reaping benefits somehow. A lot of the practices that these companies do, goes unnoticed to the everyday American, because a lot of the practices are kept from non-workers’ eyes. Any footage that you’ve come to see from within a slaughterhouse “kill floor” or anything like that is all essentially ‘spy-footage’. These corporations like to keep the door shut to outsiders, leaving Americans to play a very small role in their own larger food system. 

I believe some of the biggest problems with our food system are corruption, ignorance, and sanitation. For example, with corruption, many of the corporations know that what they are doing is no good for people, animals, or the environment but they continue to do it regardless. Also, many of the big food corporations’ Presidents and CEO’s have spots on the FDA and other government positions. Even though, they continue to keep a blind eye to all the unsafe and unsanitary conditions that are present. With ignorance, there is a huge problem here. Many of the Americans have no idea what is in their food or how their food is processed. In fact, I think over half of the Americans would actually take at least one thing out of their diet if they got a look at behind the scenes of America’s food system. Ignorance like this can be combatted through learning through various pieces of media. Including the film we watched in class, Food Inc. Finally, sanitation. After watching Food Inc. I’ve seen some of the nastiest living conditions of our burgers, hotdogs, and chicken wings that I think could ever be possible. Cows and pigs living in their own manure, and chickens living in a dark room - keeling over from their own unhealthy weight. Everything is unsanitary and the FDA needs to do some major regulation. 

There are many changes that I could personally make to my diet to make my overall quality of life substantially higher. My dad is a vegetarian and doesn’t eat any meat. The proteins that you can get from eating meats, he gets through vitamins and other things like peanut butter, fish, etc. However, this is not a step I’d be willing to take. I love meat and I couldn’t imagine not eating it. In fact, I tried to stop eating meat for a week and failed. But, there is a solution. Go organic. The organic companies feed their cows grass and actually let them walk around in a grassy field, making the overall beef from the cows healthier, cleaner, and overall better. The impact of going organic would definitely make me feel better by cutting out unnecessary hormones, preservatives, and random bacteria would substantially make my health better. In fact, I’ve tried a pack of organic hamburgers and their meat is so much better than regular burgers, honestly! 

At the end of the day, I’ve learned so much about America’s food system and the many shady sides to it. Through educational documentaries about the food system and foods, I was able to make myself aware to all the dangers that are out there when eating processed foods and various forms of meats. Converting over to organic meats is definitely one of my main goals because that’s clean meat that wont do nearly as much harm to your body that regular slaughterhouse meat can. I’ve learned the tiny place that we, Americans, have in our food system, and I took the first step to a better lifestyle, which was educating myself and making changes accordingly. 

Food Rules Slide
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In my family, as Italians.. I always had salad after my meal regardless of what we ate. Italians believe that the salad aids in digestion and is refreshing to eat after pasta/meat/etc. It seems wrong to have salad as an appetizer in my family. - calorie info. 

Danny Wirt: Benchmark Reflection

click here to see the video 

  • How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
    The group talked about our strengths and we then decided who should do what in the benchmark. We came to a conclusion without a problem. Then we all talked about what we think is the most effective way to get people to come out and vote, and we all came to an agreement that making voting mandatory would be the best possible option. 
  • 11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 
    The role of an individual in creating a sustaining change is by making themselves heard and enforcing something to change something. 
  • How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
    My understanding about the electoral process has allowed me to see that the US is losing it's right to really be called a democracy. By taking away the ability for people to vote you are keeping out important votes that could make the vote as best it can be. If there are voices unheard, then they can't make a difference. Having voting day on a day in which some people can't make it too and restricting it to one day makes it nearly impossible for some to vote. It is against the rights of a US citizen if you ask me. 
  • How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
    Well, my job was to make a video and advertise mandatory voting. I went about my process by thinking about what people like to see. I made a flashy and cool intro that would grab the attention of anybody watching. Then i showed a graphic that showed how unemployment has changed over the last decade or so. My goal was to have the viewer see that we have gone down the wrong road and the only way to change that is by voting and making a change, and having those unheard voices heard. 

As I Look Back on Q1...

My group sat down the first three days of class and all we did was brainstorm ideas and focus points on the project. We let ourselves be limitless in the possibilities we suggested to each other so that we didn't feel trapped to only certain types of ideas. Once we got all our ideas out in the air we threw out all the ones we all agreed were really not going to work. Then we narrowed it down to the two ideas that we really liked and decided between those two. 

After an overall theme was decided on, we all divided up to do our individual parts. We all had a role to make something that was done well enough to inspire change. As for myself, I was challenged to put together a song and video that would encourage voting in a creative and captivation way.  Doing the song took me out of my comfort zone because I usually don't like to sing for an audience and for projects. (Extremely self conscience about how I sound). Despite the insecurities I got through the song and video pretty okay by my own standards. 

This entire project and its process has really evolved my understanding of democracy in the US and the electoral process. I realized that there are a lot of different opinions on voting and reasons for voting. Many people will argue that people fought hard for voting rights and that we should be more conscience of that. Others will argue that because we have the right to vote by choice, we can chose to not vote and not be persecuted for it. 

Our group decided to make voting mandatory and the way we enforced it, was a gentle forcefulness.  

Dinvil, Sierra BM Reflection

Here is my part of of the project  ​
Here is my overall group project 

How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?

First my group and I brainstormed a list of things that we thought would cause ourselves along with our peers to not vote. We then narrowed our list down to our top 3 topics, and then decided to focus on the Electoral College since no other group in our class chose to do so.

1. 11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 

I believe that in order to create and sustain a change you need to find other people who believe some of the same things you believe in. Once you've done that you can pretty much educate other people which can help persuade them to invest in your cause and hopefully create the change you wished to create.

2. How has your understanding of the electoral process and 
whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
Because of this unit I've learned about ways Americans don't take complete advantage of their freedoms. Their are people who would literally die to be in America and have the privilege to do something as little as vote for who is in charge yet, most Americans don not do so.

How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
I actually have learned a lot about these things during this unit, so I would say that my understanding has drastically increased. Before this unit I had no idea of half the things that has happened, or is happening here and in other places. It feels really good to be informed and aware of whats going on.

4. How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?

As a group we basically decided that it would be best to inform people of all the negative things the Electoral College was causing and how voting would be a lot more fair with out it. We explained how an electoral candidate could have more votes from the United States citizens and still lose the election because of the Electoral College.

Benchmark Reflection

            My group first brainstormed what we thought were good ways to improve voting percentages. We narrowed it down to making more days to vote and mandatory voting, and then we chose one. We chose mandatory voting because countries with mandatory voting have much higher percentages than the United States. We thought that this would be the best way to increase the voting percentage. After this we worked with Jeff to come up with a slogan for our whole benchmark. We focused on how the voting percentages of the United States are so low compared to many other countries.

            I think the role of the individual is to realize that they need to change, and then do it. Change is much better if the individual is the one who realizes that they need to change. Change is much less effective when someone is told to do it, because that is much different than coming to a realization that something is wrong.

            I used to know that voting wasn’t exactly majority, but I didn’t realize how unfair the Electoral College is.  It makes me think that voting should be a majority for it to be a democratic government. It also made me realize that we have the choice to vote, but if we don’t take advantage of that freedom it be a lot worse for the country.

We tried to show that there have been very small voting percentages in the past few years, capping at 61%. We said that with mandatory voting that if a person didn’t vote, then they would be charged a 100$ fine. We capitalized on this point, because a lot of people will choose to go out and take the time to go to the polls, rather than paying the fine. 

To view the whole benchmark click here. To view my portion of the benchmark click here

Political Participation Q1 Benchmark

​For this project my group made a website about letting 16 year olds vote and why or why not it should be part of The Constitution. One can access our website by clicking here. There are four individual parts a position pointing out the best of our idea, a rebuttal paper that points out possible flaws and points of argument. Also two visual portions a campaign add and a video about it. I did the rebuttal paper that can be accessed by clicking here.

My group was Stephen Holts, Tenzin Ngawang, and Sasha Sapp, and myself. We picked our topic by saying the first thing that came to our heads. We did this because we didn't want to spend time arguing over the subject and wanted to get right on to doing the work. I personally decided to do one of the papers because I'm good at writing. This project was in accordance to one of our 11th grade Spanish "What is the role of an individual in creating and sustaining change?". This project to me was about educating the future voters and politicians of America. We did research to understand what changes could be made and why the general public might or might not support. We were making the core of a campaign and if we actually wanted to fight to let 16 year olds vote this is where we would start. My previous idea of how America worked was that they counted every vote that came from every citizen. That idea changed after I learned about the Electoral College and how it works. I think that America is still a Democracy it’s just “The lives of a lot are in the hands of a few” kind of democracy. One thing we did to try to make it more relatable to a general audience is by having a spokesperson or a face of our campaign “Kathleen”. Kathleen is a 16 year old and represents a mature educated portion of 16 year olds that want to vote. Other then that we did all four of the core parts and made a good functioning website.  

Benchmark Q1 Reflection

          History Print AD

How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
  • My group and I  kind of collaborated our ideas, until we all agreed on one topic. This focus seems to be our main focus because I think we could of relate to it. 

  • 11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 
    Everyone was given a responsible to get their part of the project done effectively, and the SLA core values seemed to fit will into the process of our individual work that we all provided into a finished completed project.

  • How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
    My understanding has grown better about the whole electoral process. I have learned many things with this benchmark such as how the process of voting is done and how candidates are elected. 

  • How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
    My message to make to the audience was done through my campaign ad. Through my AD I tried to get the message out with a simple message and with creative colors and pictures to grab the attention of the audience.



  • How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
    Our group focused on several of the points highlighted in the information on voter turnout. We found that several people of lower income and status chose not to vote. Their reasons for choosing not too were unknown but what was known is that voting is extremely important. We saw reports that other countries who had administered compulsory voting had a higher voting percentage then ours. That's why we decided to focus on compulsory voting. 
  • 11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change?  The role of the individual is to create a successful environment which many can agree with and believe in. When creating change it is also important that the person is passionate and believes in their ideal. To sustain change the person must be persisten in their ventures for change. 
  • How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
    It has changed because in my opinion, I feel that America is still a democracy but in a way these restrictions go back to civil rights times in the 60's. The government says that they're trying to prevent vouter fraud but there has been very few cases of voter fraud. It seems to me that they are attempting to keep certain groups from voting.  
  • How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
    We decided it would be best to make our video as interactive as possible and to engage people with our print-ad. We felt that it was best to try and make them as interesting as possible because it is important.

J.Hinton, Q-1 History Benchmark Reflection

Print Ad: 

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How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
We wanted to focus on something serious that would make people get out to vote. An easy way to 
get the voter ratings to increase. So, we came to the conclusion that making voting mandatory, that would drastically increase the percentage of voters. 

11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 

I think that the role of the individual, is to stick to what they believe in. The individual should continue to do what they think/know is right without being influenced by others. They should also have a positive influence on others in their community, and those around them. 

How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a 
democracy evolved during this unit?
When we first started the unit, there was so much to take in. When we started the benchmark, we 
all jumped to the conclusion that mandatory voting would be beneficial to the voting. However, after doing the election day interviews, it made me realize that even though mandatory might help the voting percentage increase, it is against people's constitutional rights, and many aren't comfortable with it. 

How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing 
We wanted it to be straight forward. We also wanted to make sure that we were able to clearly 
get our point across. So, for both of our creative pieces we had bright colors and a big font size. 

Weekend Voting - Gabriel

Rebuttal Paper -

Group Page -

  • How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
    - Well after coming up with a few options (all equally good), we cut the ones we felt were reoccurring around the class, and went with the least popular option. That being extending the voting days to one day during the weekdays, to the weekend. After deciding, everything else went pretty smoothly. 
  • 11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 
    - In regards to the project, we all wanted to change the voting turnout to have more people in the United States. My position in this process was taking a good idea, and finding the flaws within it. Because if I didn't, other people would exploit it during conversations. With proper knowledge about the flaws with voting on the weekend, when someone else tries to find a flaw, we've already found a response for it.
  • How has your understanding of the electoral process and whether or not the US is a democracy evolved during this unit?
    - Absolutely. For my portion of the paper, I had a lot of percentage rates and population counts. And after finding exact numbers for voting turnouts for the past few years, I'm really disappointed with how we've been doing things. Where other countries have 98% turnouts, the United States is still struggling with a measly 29%. And after seeing that only 1/3 of the United States votes, it was pretty shocking.
  • How did you decide to best relay a message to a national audience with your marketing campaign?
    - I'm not necessarily sure if I'm answering this correctly, but within the final project we made it very "cheesy." It's still professional nonetheless, but the cheesy factor is clear. With information easy to understand with a funny little slogan, I have a feeling people would be interested after hearing about what we want changed.

Sasha's Q1BM reflection

​I did the position paper, and here is where you can access it: 

1. We did decision making in our group by trying to find out what interested us all, and figuring out how we could accomplish it. We at first decided if we wanted to make a change based on who it affects: basically, we had first decided upon where we wanted to target our change. At first, we wanted to make a mandatory class that was based upon voting and its importance but than we found out that it was unconstitutional. Then, Ms. Lauf helped us with the idea of voting age instead. We went with changing the voting age to 16 because of the place in society that 16 year olds have.

2. The role if the individual creating and making change is perhaps that most important thing in the world. It is what starts revolutions and inspiration for others to do the same. It is also a symbol of courage and also the role leadership. It takes someone who is strong enough to see their ideas through and tor want to stand up against anyone who opposes them. Also, it is also seeing yourself relative to the world. At times, we may just seem like another number on the demographic, but we have power like if we really try.                     

3. My understanding of these matters have evolved in a way that I now view the US differently. I now see that while the voting process isn't really complicated at all, I see that the way that we decide who votes is a bit skewed. We don't 16 year olds vote even though they pay taxes, and they are punished as adults though they don't get the rights as so.  

4. I decided to market my position paper mainly by using a guilt tactic. I stated every reason as to why 16 years olds should be voting, but reminded the reader that they are not. Also, I used language that was fairly uncomplicated and could be understood by middle school students at least. Using this universal language gets the point across better, and hopefully more effectively.