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Bad Day
Blog Post #2: Xylophone
I can play the instrument by striking the wood or glass with mallets or something along those lines.
I don't have questions really, just feedback would be great from Ms. Echols.
Musical Instrument Blog #2
For the xylophone, the sound is produced when the plates on the xylophone are hit with the stick being used. The impact causes a vibration between the objects which results in a sound. Of course these sounds, put together melodically, makes music. i think that to change the pitch of the xylophone I would have to change the size of each plate, or pipe, which should result in a different sound.
To create my xylophone, I will use those bronze colored pipes, a piece of wood to attach them to and something to hit them with. To make sure that I have a different pitch for each pipe, I will make then different sizes. The xylophone will be easy to play by using the stick (I haven't decided what I will use), and hopefully easy to make.
Blog Post #1: Xylophone
The instrument that I plan on playing for the benchmark is the Xylophone. The xylophone originated in Asia and Africa. It consists of bars of different lengths that can be struck by plastic, wooden, or rubber to produce sound. Bars of different lengths produce different sound. The xylophone is played by striking the bars with mallets. The bars vibrate producing sound.
The general form/shape that a xylophone is in is a rectangle or sometimes a square. To change the notes that are played on a xylophone, all you have to do is strike a different bar on the xylophone. You can change the sound by altering the density of the specific notes. This makes me think about the density of the notes and if the type of mallet matters. Also it makes me think whether hitting the bars with more force will make the sound louder. I wonder if the material of the xylophone (what its going to made of) will make a difference on the sound. The vibration of the bars when hitting them makes me think about the connection between that and the sound, and how the length matters as well.
Musical Instrument Blog #1
I've always enjoyed the percussion parts of songs. So when thinking about the idea for my instrument I immediately thought about making a drum. Since we couldn't make a drum, the next instrument I was interested in was the xylophone.
I watched a video of someone playing a big xylophone. He uses some wooden sticks with balls on the end to make the music. I'm not sure what the material of the xylophone or the balls on the sticks are. My guess about how tao change a note would be that the thicker the piece of the xylophone is, the deeper or lower the note that it makes will be. The entire xylophone is a rectangle, while each piece is also a rectangle which I guess helps make the sounds.
Musical Instrument Blog #1
I've always enjoyed the percussion parts of songs. So when thinking about the idea for my instrument I immediately thought about making a drum. Since we couldn't make a drum, the next instrument I was interested in was the xylophone.
I watched a video of someone playing a big xylophone. He uses some wooden sticks with balls on the end to make the music. I'm not sure what the material of the xylophone or the balls on the sticks are. My guess about how tao change a note would be that the thicker the piece of the xylophone is, the deeper or lower the note that it makes will be. The entire xylophone is a rectangle, while each piece is also a rectangle which I guess helps make the sounds.
Musical Instrument Blog #1
I've always enjoyed the percussion parts of songs. So when thinking about the idea for my instrument I imediately thought about making a drum. Since we couldn't make a drum, the next instrument I was interested in was the xylophone.
I watched a video of someone playing a big xylophone. He uses some wooden sticks with balls on the end to make the music. I'm not sure what the material of the xylophone or the balls on the sticks are. My guess about how to change a note would be that the thicker the piece of the xylophone is, the deeper or lower the note that it makes will be. The entire xylophone is a rectangle, while each piece is also a rectangle which I guess helps make the sounds.
Blog post 2 - xylophone
Questions: How does the box underneath the bars amplified its volume? And why does longer bar has lower pitch? Please answer this (or show me how to find out the answer) asap, Ms. Écholsawnsome:)
I Feel...
Ms. Hull: "Marchella, I saw your senior picture the other day and it was so pretty!"
Me "Ummmm...Thank you Ms. Hull!"
Random complements when stressed make you feel pretty awesome.
English Portfolio- Reflection
Ninth grade English was definitely not what I suspected. I thought it was going to be a breeze because I have always been an A student when it came to reading and writing. Boy was I wrong, I was challenged form the very first day we came into Ms. Dunn's Class. Regardless of how challenging it got, Ms. Dunn was always there for us-And ms. Findlay too-. I am grateful to have been given the chance to be taught how to become a better writer. My writing now compared to my writing in September is completely different. But different in a good way. My weakness as a writer I would have to say is the fact that my vocabulary isn't broad enough. I work on that everyday by just sitting down and picking up the dictionary every once in a while. One of my strengths would probably be comprehension. I understand text immediately and already have a response to whatever it is I read.
For this project I may have encountered an Issue as far as uploading and putting things onto the blog. But this was mostly because of technical difficulties. Anyways, when I went back through my work, I was proud of the few errors I had, but disappointed in the errors that were made. There were some things where I felt like it shouldn't have been a mistake that I made. I simply had to retouch most of my work however. It felt great to go back through my old work and look at what I have become over the past few months.
So Many Great Capstones...
Blog Post #2
2. I will change the pitch by changing the amount of water inside the glass. The more water there is in the glass, the lower the pitch will be. This is because when there is water inside the glass, some of the energy that would be pushing air molecules is moving water molecules instead. The more water there is in the glass, the more energy is diverted to moving the water instead of the air. This creates a lower pitch.
3. I will be using a set of cheap wine glasses glued to a simple surface like a piece of wood, to keep all the glasses together and safe. I will pour different amounts of water into each glass to achieve different notes. I will play the instrument by tapping different glasses to produce different sounds.
4. How can I precisely measure the amount of water to put in each glass so that I can achieve specific notes? Should I be careful to tap each glass in the same specific place?
Musical Instrument Blog Post #1
You hold the handheld instrument in one or both hands and you blow on the top of each tube to make a specific sound(various pitches). In order to produce sound the pipes has two holes in them and the hole that you must blow in will be at the top and the bottom hole should be covered up by something so that the sound does not just travel straight through the pipe. To change a note, the user must blow on one of the pipes. Each pipe should create a certain pitch based on its size. The instrument is a row of pvc pipes from lowest to highest or vice versa. The instrument can also be made small enough to fit in your hand and also big enough to be played while sitting on a table. It is shaped basically like a set of stairs because of the row of pvc pipe sizes. The working of the instrument makes me think that the various sizes of the pipes are essential factors when it comes to producing the different pitches of sound. In all I believe that the wave of sound is specifically produced in an individual pipe to produce a certain pitch each time. None of the waves are the same because of the different types of sound produced.
Sometimes I Feel Like
He Held 4 Napkins in his Hands
He began to count em out.
"1 million, 2 million, 3 million, the world."
All Day
Eff it; Prom Weekend
"Hey, I'm Lena."
"OH, are you twins?"
Q4 Artwork
- Take 200 photos and edit the ones you wants you want
- Post some that you think you were cool
- Make a sculpture
- Copy a piece by a famous artist
- Draw a bike 3 times
- Draw an observation from outside
Just like last quarter and the ones before, I listened to music to concentrate on doing my work. Unlike the last, I decided to do something that I wasn't used to. I put my pictures up earlier. Usually wait until everything is done and then do. Seeing as that didn't go so well the last time, I tried something different. I decided to changed mostly because of that and because my sister and thrown away my original sculptures. I had made a dress with a bag and roses. Thinking that i had already taken pictures she threw them away. Instead of deciding of using that as an excuse for not doing my work. I choose make one about something else. So I made one of the T.A.R.D.I.S. It stands for Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space. It is from a BBC show called Doctor Who used by a man and his current companion to travel through time and space. For the 200 photos, I took my camera with me everywhere. I took pictures of anything and everything, sometimes even hiding a little ironman figure into the scenery. Sadly none of those were good enough to show. But some that were were of my gecko, Speedy, an etching i found at Penn's Landing and one of Center City. My outside photo was of a moving train. I was actually surprised that it came out so clear. The edited photo is of my nephew at Penn's Landing. I edited it so that Keanu Reeves was in it. The painting from my famous artist is from Bob Kessel. It is his version of Tokyo Girl Utamaro. .
(Pictures are not in order)
Beach and Things to do
Here's my to do list. i need to post here because then I can't lose it
ACT shit
Foreign Film
Math HW
Urban Ecology