U.S. & Nicaragua; 1909 - 1933

I anted to focus on U.S. interactions with a South American country. When I did research I found out that the United States had several interaction with Nicaragua. I focused on the years 1909 to 1933 because there was a U.S. military presence in Nicaragua during all those years. The U.S. interacted with Nicaragua because it wanted to help control who was president, and wether the liberal or conservative party was in control of the Nicaraguan Government.

U.S. Involvement in the Korean War

During the years of 1950 through 1953, North and South Korea struggled to agree to a government that can unite the two Koreas together. However, North Korea already joined the Soviet Union and agreed to become a communist nation. Therefore, when North Korea invaded South Korea to take South Korea under control, the U.S. got involved. The U.S. wanted to contain communism. 

I choose this topic to study because I wanted to learn more about what exactly happened during the war. I already knew the general gist of the war, but I wanted to learn more in-depth what U.S. South Korea gained or lost in result of the Korean War.

Laos Infographic - Zoe Schwingel-Sauer

Javier and I chose to study and research the Laotian War because we wanted to investigate an event involving U.S. foreign policy that we hadn't heard about. When researching the Vietnam War, we came across the Laotian Civil War. As we looked more deeply into the subject, we learned that the U.S. had formed an alliance with Laos. They had formed an alliance because Vietnam is right next to Laos, and therefore the U.S. had a military advantage in the Vietnam War. 

Click here for infograph.

U.S. and China Economic Relations

Our topic focusses on the relationship between the U.S. and China. It gives background on the history of trading with them and it covers the current state we are in. Through the years, China has been the owner of more and more debt from the United States. We also connect the growing population to the trillions of dollars of debt the United States owes China. We decided to focus on this topic because we wanted to research the U.S. economy and we knew that the U.S. was thoroughly involved with China so we just put it together!

Iran-U.S. Relations

My infographic covers three major events in the history of Iran-U.S. relations: the coup of Mohammad Mossadegh, the Iran-Contra Affair, and the use of Stuxnet to delay the Iran's development of fully-enriched uranium. The United States has taken many covert actions against Iran in pursuit of our own economic and political interests. The U.S. involvement in all three of the aforementioned events is very interesting and often hard to believe. Learning about Iran-U.S. relations gives a new perspective on what the U.S. is capable of. 

Media Influence- Foreign Policy

My topic is about the influence media has in the world. The United States exports tv shows/films/music etc and they are used to reflect the lives of Americans. Or, they are suppose t. The world is reflecting of these and have not so nice things to say about them. 

Samoan Infographic

This infographic is about American Samoa and their citizens. This infographic focuses on the main issues that America has had a great impact on. The infographic mainly focuses on the money involvement and military of America Samoa. 

Chemical Weapons in Iraq

​The United States troops and the Central Intelligence Agency have worked together to secretly purchase and remove all illegal and dangerous chemical weapons from Iraq. The United Nations began investigating the weapons that Iraq produced for the Gulf War during 1990-1991. When the United States took military action against Iraq, everything seemed normal until troops started coming across old, corroding, and volatile chemical weapons. In 2005 a secret operation (Operation Avarice) began and the CIA and US troops were able to purchase and remove over 400 weapons. Today, we do not know why Operation Avarice was kept secret from regular troops nor do we know many more details of the operation.

US Involvement in Iraq- Deadly Chemical Weapons

​The United States troops and the Central Intelligence Agency have worked together to secretly purchase and remove all illegal and dangerous chemical weapons from Iraq. The United Nations began investigating the weapons that Iraq produced for the Gulf War during 1990-1991. When the United States took military action against Iraq, everything seemed normal until troops started coming across old, corroding, and volatile chemical weapons. In 2005 a secret operation (Operation Avarice) began and the CIA and US troops were able to purchase and remove over 400 weapons. Today, we do not know why Operation Avarice was kept secret from regular troops nor do we know many more details of the operation.

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Infographic)

The Infographic: ​

(Download  it to get a better view)


This infographic spotlights the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, I takes a look at one of the reasons the U.S. dropped the bomb on Japan. It also discusses the bombs themselves and they are compared to show how they both were extremely dangerous. I chose to focus on this topic since it was an extreme case of American intervention (on civilians no less) that ended up killing hundreds of thousands and even after the bombing damaged the land. 

U.S.-AUS Relations

The United States and Australia (AUS) have had diplomatic relations for 75 years. The relationship began in 1940 after AUS left the British Empire. The ANZUS security act, which was signed in 1951, was put into place to create the foundation for the defense and security relationship between the two countries. This act was not enacted upon until 2001 by AUS, after the 9/11 attacks. I decided to focus on this topic because I thought that AUS has an interesting geographical location in the world. Also, in my mind, AUS is often forgotten when it comes to U.S. foreign policy.          

Nkrumah's Ghana vs America

We chose to write about the U.S financial involvement in Ghana because it was different from any other instance of U.S foreign involvement. The U.S used its financial power to influence countries across the ocean and showed once again that it is a super power.

Nkruhmah's Ghana vs America

We decided to do the relationship between Ghana and America. Kwame Nkrumah (president of Ghana) had a bright future planned for Ghana, but the execution was poor. He became blind to the people suffering from his actions and only had his plan in his mind. 

The U.S Involvement during the India-Pakistan Conflict


  The India-Pakistan conflict led to several different conflicts around the world where third parties wanted to intervene to either rescue one of the countries or to prevent a catastrophic event. Fighting over territory was one of the main causes in this on going conflict. With The U.S, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China etc. I chose to do this topic because I was interested to in learning about India's connection to the United States. When I found that India had a conflict with neighboring country Pakistan and the United states and others were also involved in the conflict. I wanted to research more about it. 

Vietnam War

The topic I chose is on the Vietnam War. Mainly the U.S. methods and results of helping South Vietnam. I chose this topic since it seemed interesting and I didn't know much about this war to begin with. 
VietnamWar (1)

US Relations with Cuba Infographic

The major aspect of the relations is how Fidel Castro overthrow the dictator of Cuba back in 1959, which caused fear in the US over his possible plans for socialism. During most of this time the cold war was going on between the US and Russia. When Cuba allied with the Soviet Union it brought more tension to the stand off. Recently tensions have began to settle down and plans are underway to restore diplomatic ties between the groups.
I decided to focus on this topic as it allows me to look at the changes in US relations over the years. Additional the US-Cuba relations is a topic that we need to look back at now that diplomacy is to be renewed between the two countries. 

Viet Cong

My info graphic is about the Vietnam War. More specifically it is about the Viet Cong. The Viet Cong were a group of guerilla soldiers who fought for the North Vietnamese government. The North Vietnamese fought the South Vietnamese to make all of Vietnam Communist

Britain's involvement with America

My infographic is about America's development after succeeding from Great Britain. I wrote mostly about how America compares to Great Britain after the war. I compare things like their countries system, the people who "lead" their system and the people who actually rule the system (a.k.a the government and the parliament). 
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American Samoa Infographic

American Samoa is a very small island in the South Pacific that was taken control of by the US. We decided to work with the American Samoa because it is a place I have never previously focused on in school and we were interested in how the US involvement affected the native people.
Samoan Infographic (2)
Samoan Infographic (2)