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Q3 Art Project
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Q3 Art Reflection
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Q3 Art Reflection!!!!!
Q3 Art Reflection
Q3 Art Reflection - Gavin Lane
Q3 Art Reflection
Q3 reflection
a. What do you feel like you accomplished with your final drawing?
I feel as if I accomplished establishing my vanishing point, and establishing my Ceiling, roof, side walls, and floor.
b. What would you change or differently if you could do this project again?
I would get a longer ruler and make everything equivalent and correct. I would also spend more time on smaller details to make the the bigger picture way better.
c. Find a drawing on the wall that you think is successful. Describe it. Why is it successful?
I think that Liv Coppers drawing was really successful because everything was spot on. She had cabinets and everything was very accurate. She did an amazing job . She captured the whole wall, she had many cabinets and amazing desk and chairs.
d. What did you learn about one point perspective?
I learned that it is not only complicated but it makes things very three dimensional.Q3 Art Reflection (T.Harper)
Q3 Reflection
Q3 Art Reflection
I feel like I completed the task. based on the rubric I am confident with my piece. If I could do this again, I wouldn't procrastinate. A sucessful drawing was like, Xaviers. I think it was successful because it shows one point perspective. I learned that one point perspective is very important.
Q3 Reflection (S. Baker)
Q3 Art Reflection
Q3 Art Reflection
- I think I did good on the ceiling, back wall, side wall, and floor. I messed up on the table and chairs because it wasn't one point perspective. I think I did pretty well on the extra details.
- b. I would change my tables and I would make it so that only one side of the paper had work on it so you couldn't see the other stuff on the back.
- c. Gavin's is successful because it is very proportionate and well drawn. The detail was really great, especially the window view. He used the one point perspective really well.
- d. It helps a lot because then you know how to proportion things and it just looks better overall when you use it.