One Week Nutritional Plan por Dora la Exploradora


Lunes: Un sanwich con lechuga y tomate, una zanahoria, unas fresas, y jugo de naranja.
Martes: Un sanwich con manteca de cacahuete, u
na manzana, y mucho agua.
Miércoles: Un falafel con aguacata, l
as papas fritas, una naranja, y jugo de limón
Jueves: Pan de pita con limón hummus, una balsa de patatas fritas, una banana, y agua.
Viernes: Un plato de pasta con ajo, 
Sabado: Un plato sopa de toma
te con arroz, una toronja, un refresco salud.
Domingo: Un ensalada con fresas, un pan, muchos cerezas, y jugo de manzana.

Amani y Bryanna La Dieta por Nick Jonas

  Nick Jonas who is diabetic

Amani Bey


Bryanna Jones  





juevos, y pan con geletina natural

una copa de agua


Arroz Cafe y Pollo con vegetales

una copa de agua y una copa de jugo de fruta natural


el pescado y ajo con pimienta, sin sal

una copa de agua y una copa de jugo de fruta natural


una ensalada de fruta (con cerezas y manzanas y fresas y  )

una copa de leche


el sanwich con queso y tomate y lechuga

una copa de agua y una copa de jugo de fruta natural


paella vegétale  
y por el postre una copa de cereza


harina de aven

 y plantas,  con una copa de jugo de toronja



Lindsay Lohan's dieta

 el desayuno


Bebidas: Auga

el huevo y la toronja


cereal y la fresa
Bebidas: el jugo de naranja


el sanwich
Bebidas: el café


ensalada de fruta
Bebidas: Agua


las papas fritas y la cereza
Bebidas: el café


el huevo y la banana
Bebidas: agua


cereal y la cerezal
Bebidas: el té

Cena! Donesha Lee y Penelope Deoliveira




Filete,puré de patatas, y la leche
martes Pollo Frito, comida frita de casa, frijoles cocidos
Hamburguesa con tocino, papas fritas, y inca cola
Tres Filete de queso y agua
viernescarne de ternera y Un trozo de pan,
sábado  tres el pescado y el ajo sopa
los mariscos y
los frijoles sopa

By- Penelope Deoliveira and Donesha Lee

Basheer Art Journal

1-Transpose of song from guitar to piano.Recording for guitar,and piano 

2-On is blocked in the school the link will be up first thing once I am home.

3-Opted out to work on music,and present it.

4-I feel that this was the hardest project I've done for myself.Transposing the piano vocal line to guitar was not easy.Also playing piano with the guitar vocal line.Lucky for me I was able to get my hands on some good recording stuff.My work ethic could have been been this quarter I really wanted to do a "KAWS" style art piece,but I gave up mid way thought.I'm not happy with myself on doing that.Overall I'd say I like the song,and am proud of it.

5-Next quarter Ill have to get these songs done much faster,also I would like to go back work on the "kaws" art pieces.

Quarter 3 Art Experience

I called this the experience because it was all something new I had to do this first thing I to do was the self portrait of my face. It was difficult for me to do this because I think I see myself one way but I look a different way. I had to see what I was seeing and I realized is what I have to do is scale it down so that it looks realistic but its not ridiculous. So I started drawing the face drawing by looking in the mirror and that didn't work because I still was making the drawing to big. So I asked my teacher what I could do in order to have it be scaled right and she told me to read this book called Exploring art where I could see the drawing of how to draw a head and make it look right. From there I was good to go I started to sketch and draw what I could, I had to draw the head at least 10 times ad even then I still wasn't sure if I had really grasp the correct way to draw the head. 

My second drawing was of the color wheel. I heard of the color wheel many a times but I never memorized the colors or the colors that mix to make other colors so this was like a refreshing course. I looked into it by going to read another book my teacher had called discovering the art history. I looked into this book and there I found where it was that I could go to find detailed information about the color wheel. So I drew that color wheel on a big piece of paper with pastels. Then we were asked draw a color wheel with only the primary colors so I did that also with some construction paper and pastels.

The last thing I did was the texture draw, this is where we had to draw something that looked like it had texture to it so at first I was going to draw the snake which was in the example but I was having a little trouble drawing that so I decided I would make something else that loked like it could have texture to it but really didn't so I drew some rain drops and some clouds and some puddles to make it look like if you touch then the rain drops look real but are really not.

Overall I am happy with the work that I have gotten done this quarter I was able to do a lot more research then I expected would go into drawing pictures. I am happy with everything and look forward to be challenged more throughout quarter 4.
Photo on 4-13-12 at 2.41 PM
Photo on 4-13-12 at 2.41 PM
Photo on 4-13-12 at 2.42 PM
Photo on 4-13-12 at 2.42 PM
Photo on 4-13-12 at 2.43 PM
Photo on 4-13-12 at 2.43 PM

Physical and Chemical Properties

                                 Physical and Chemical Properties

    Experiments that can be done to discover both chemical and physical properties of elements are actually very simple. For physical it only requires looking in detail at the element for its characteristics such are color, size, smell, freezing point and boiling point as well as many other things. The experiments are quite simple depending on the chemical but simply looking straight at it or using tools to get closer looks at it and then writing down the things that you see. For things such as boiling point or freezing sport all you have to do is heat the chemical until it reaches its boiling point and freeze the element until it reaches its freezing point. For chemical properties the best way to describe them is to quote a site from elmhurst college. “ It is quite difficult to define a chemical property without using the word "change". Eventually you should be able to look at the formula of a compound and state some chemical property. At this time this is very difficult to do and you are not expected to be able to do it.” The only real way to find out a chemical property is to introduce different conditions to a chemical and then discover its change or reaction to that condition.

Photos involving Physical Properties and some chemical:
Screen Shot 2012-04-15 at 8.29.32 PM
Screen Shot 2012-04-15 at 8.29.32 PM
Screen Shot 2012-04-15 at 8.29.45 PM
Screen Shot 2012-04-15 at 8.29.45 PM
Photos of Chemical change:
    Chemical and Physical properties are basically just the things that make a chemical what it is. Every chemical has these properties and they all need them to function the way that they do. Chemical properties are just the things that make a chemical tick. The way it reacts to other chemicals and conditions that it is introduced to as well as the reason why it acts that way which is often difficult to discover. Physical is simply the quite literal “Physical” characteristics of the chemical just like a person can be described a certain way so can chemicals.

Example Multiple choice questions:

1. When water Freezes it undergoes?

a. Sublimation
b. Physical change
c. Chemical change
d. The water cycle

2. Which type of process is the evaporation of a chemical?

A. Chemical change
b. Chemical Kinetics
c. Boiling
d. Physical change

3. When rain is made water vapor is turning into rain form. This is an example of...

a. Physical change
b. Chemical change
c. The rock cycle
d. Erosion

A Dieta

 Michael Phelps:




Pollo con arroz. Frutas ensalada.

Bebidas: Mucho agua


Huevo y pescado.
Bebidas: Tee 


Tres leches y halado.
Bebidas: Jugo


Tomate y lechuga y.
Bebidas: Agua


Mc D y chicharones y papas fritos. 
Bebidas: Te de coca


Nachos y tres leches
Bebidas: Vitamin water


Arroz con pescado y huevo.
Bebidas: Leche

La Dieta de Lindsay Lohan

 Lindsay Lohan



La ensalada con francés

Dos hamburguesa con las papas

El helado

El Refresco


La ensalada  con italiano aderezo

Cuarto pollo (frito) y los frijoles

El flan



La ensalada con francés aderezo

La Chuleta con el arroz y los frijoles

El helado

El refresco



La ensalada con italiano  aderezo

Dos sanwichs y dos Enchiladas

El flan

El café


La ensalada con francés aderezo

Tres rebanadas de pizza

El helado

El té


La ensalada con italiano aderezo

los mariscos y las papas fritas

El flan, Agua


La ensalada con francés aderezo

Una hamburguesa y pollo

El helado,

 el refresco




A dieta Jamelia y Melanie

Lindsay Lohan
lunes2 hamburguesas, pollo frito, papas fritas, 1 raman, macarrones con queso
martes  un plato de nachos y dos rebanadas de pizza con una coca-cola
miércoles 9 de pollo a la, la pasta de queso, fresco Sprite, Pringles
juevescarne con queso, papas fritas francés, pepsi
viernesBar BQ pollo, pan de maíz, barbacoa costillas y té helado Arizona
sabadocamarones arroz frito pollo y sésamo Egg Roll
domingoun pequeño tazón de sopa de pollo, dos piezas de pollo frito y un lado de
puré de patatas

La Dieta de Dora la Exploradora



Uno batido proteína de soya

Sanwich de mantequilla de cacahuete

Una Enchiladas de frijoles y arroz

Una botella de cerveza dos exis

Cinco trozos de Piña








Una botella de jugo de naranja

Uno platillo de papas fritas

Una Enchiladas de frijoles y arroz

Una Empandas de fresas

Uno platillo de habichuelas







Uno batido Proteina de soya

Cinco trozos de Piña

Una Enchiladas de frijoles y arroz

Uno platillo de papas fritas

Una copa de café







Una copa de café

Una mitad de aguacate con ajo

Una tasa de té callente

Empandas de fresas

Uno platillo de bróculi










Uno batido Proteina de soya

Una Enchiladas de frijoles y arroz

Una Empandas de fresas

Uno platillo de hongos

Cinco trozos de Piña








Una botella de jugo de naranja

Uno platillo de papas fritas

Empandas de fresas

Uno platillo de bróculi

Uno platillo de habichuelas











Uno batido Proteina de soya

Sanwich de mantequilla de cacahuete

Enchiladas de frijoles y arroz

Una botella de cerveza dos exis

Cinco trozos de Piña



Dora la Exploradora





un sanwich de tomate y lechuga 

 una manzana al horno

el jugo de toronja 



 sopa de papas 

 unas fresas




 el pan frito con mermelada de arándanos

 té de menta



 una ensalada con los frijoles y las zanahorias pequeñas

 una torta de cereza

 agua de limón



 un sanwich de pimiento y calabacín

 un mango

 té de jazmín con azúcar



 vegetales a la parilla con fideos





 pan de centeno con guacamole

 unas naranjas

 un refresco