DescriptiveEssay: Average Kid

                                                                        Average Kid

            Today I’m an average American kid who has been very fortunate but years before I was an embarrassed Vietnamese kid who was uncomfortable with my own name, Viet. Now I’m very connected with my culture and everyday I’m learning something new, like different sayings and the different ways of life but also the history of the country, as I go along.

Years ago I used to think about asking my parents to legally change my name to Victor or some other American name that wouldn’t stand out as Viet. When I was in school I was considered an outsider because of my entirely different name. I was different from everyone else because of my name. When I was in kindergarten everyone thought I was Chinese, at that time People stereotyped Asian people as Chinese but there were an abundant amount of different cultures in Asia. I really didn’t care at the time because I was five and I didn’t know that much about anything then and there. My cousin and I were the same age and the same ethnicity but what set us apart were our names and that changed the way people looked at him and looked at me. In the beginning my parents told me to think it over again because I could be giving up something that made me unique from the rest of the kids, my name. They saw my name as something that would separate me from all of the ordinary kids in school and on the streets. They saw it as something special that no other kid could have. At the very least my parents would let me add the American name as my middle name rather than changing my first name. About a month later my parents asked me if I wanted to change my name to something more commonly heard in American like, Victor or John, but I said no. After rethinking it over I accepted my name because it was different from everyone else. I didn’t want to be like the other American kids anymore because I didn’t want to be stereotyped as something I wasn’t.

In the summer of 2011 I went to Vietnam. There I felt at home because I was no different from anyone else there. I fit in, I didn’t feel like an outsider and I felt like that was where I belonged. No one would question me what I was doing because everyone was doing it. It was something natural there rather than something different, where, as most people would just stare at me. In Vietnam it was like being on another planet where I wouldn’t have to worry about someone accepting or someone staring at me. I could connect to everyone else because everyone was the same as me. I wasn’t that other kid who didn’t have an American name. I fit in because I had a name that wasn’t so different from others. Ironically I’ve never visited or seen Vietnam and I’ve never felt more at home when I was there. Even though I’ve lived in and was born in America I never felt the way I did when I was in Vietnam. Although I’ve been raised in America where I assimilated to the way of living here, I still don’t feel exactly where I should be at times. I eat pizza, watch TV, use the Internet, and play games. In Vietnam I sit down and really get to know my family because a lot of things in Vietnam aren’t as updated as they are here in America. I do things that are normal in America. I remember during the course of second grade I had brought coconut as a drink to school for lunch and when I opened my lunch box everyone had seen that there was something I normally didn’t have and they asked what it was. When I answered that it was coconut everyone around me looked at me like I was the craziest and most insane person to drink that. In Vietnam coconuts were extremely fresh or almost any produce for that matter but it would be delightful refreshment. I would be something that was eaten once in awhile and it was enjoyed.

On the way back to Philadelphia I missed Vietnam but I also missed my own house, where I could sleep on my bed comfortably rather than feeling awkward about sleeping in someone else’s room for three weeks. Waking up the next day to visit the family I’ve grown to know all my life. Coming back to see my cousins that I’ve grown up with was nothing like when I came to my aunts house for the first time. When I first walked into the house the majority of my family greeted me on my dad’s side that I was going meet for the rest of this vacation. Only a few other relatives were missing but it felt stuffy in the house. Most of my relatives were there to greet me, it was nice for the first day or two but after awhile it was irritating because I was the center of attention because I was the son of the brother who had the chance to live in America. I was also special because I was the son of the second or third child that was still living. For next three weeks I had become the center of attention. If someone wanted to know something about America they would ask me, instead of asking my completely fluent speaking father. I would always be asked what did I do, what did I have, was there this or that at different times of the day. I realized I should learn more about my culture and language to be able vacation in that paradise of country one day.



Objects to People Connctions

Keith Moody 


 Object to Human Connections

Do people just write-to-write, does that make that person a writer. How can you just write something random like this paper? If people just wrote because they felt like it would everyone get published or would only certain people get published. I believe that to be a writer your story has to be a person not just a story. Which means that your story must have human characteristics. When you give a story those characteristics it allows it to connect to people. The writer must make his/her story have emotion, rules, looks, anything that will connect with the reader bind with the reader. The reason why I say this is because a story without feelings is a story with no problem. Most stories have a problem even though you can’t see it it’s aproblem is what a person sees.

I wonder can I be a writer can I really? I think not. The reason for that is because I don’t have emotion and good grammar in my writing and that's one of the key points in books that are published. To just publish a book must feel wonderful so everyone gets joy and everyone connects.

On the surface there is a bunch of leaves, tree leaves. There is a car above those leaves, red car. It's like a Lamborghini. In the background area there are two trees. That tress is very bushy so it covers most of the background area. The car is like an inch away from both sides of the picture. It's outdoors of course. The front of the car is flat. The leaves are small and mostly brown. The light beaming down on the car coming from the bright and powerful sunlight, striking once again to prove that no other light can be brighter. The oval shapes of these leave made the surrounding feel a lot different then it used to. Where did that car come from? It’s just there out in the wilderness all by itself taking up all the tropical breezes and rain, but still no damage done as if the car cant be touched. It’s rare not something you see everyday a stranded car not need for rescue, but what if the car need that rescue no one would care. When you see a car you knew that 3 ton metal on wheels. People always expect a person to be there. Not today there isn’t there is just a car.

One day I got a present it was very important to me. Red ropes and Black ropes they all were there. That ring they fight the one where all the dirty mess happened hand to hand combat, foot to foot combat. It’s weird how you can lose one of those ropes in just a blink of an eye. It was there i tell you it was there i remember it and up to this day I wonder where it went. I cant believe I lost that rope now all i have a hard mattress for those sweaty men to wrestle on. I looked for that rope forever I couldn’t find it, but i wonder where that rope would've gone. The picture of that ring was not complete without that rope it didn’t make sense to have that piece missing. With all the digging and searching I’ve done for that rope. Boxes and boxes i went through looking. When you can’t find that missing piece the set fells empty the present feels empty.

Did you ever get a present for Christmas? Then it broke that day, how did you feel. Let me tell you about my gift. Wrapped in red and green paper so fragile. First the tape then the wrapper off it went flying, into the air floating to the ground. A bright light shined out of the box. I dug my hands in there and took out that bright light. The light dimmed down and I saw it my present 4 wings custom paint it was there. I wondered what did I do to deserve that gift. I also didn’t want to argue with it. A box with an antenna was used to control as it hovered into the area. Of course I didn’t know how to use it so it hit the hard floor above you. SMACK. My mouth dropped just like my gift in my eyes it fell so slow like a movie when they make a dramatic scene. SWOOSH and that was it. I tried to fix it, tape I thought to fix those four beautiful wings. Once I was finished I felt success. An eager smile went across my face.


Descriptive Essay: Discovering My Own Life

Adventure is defined as an unusual or exciting experience; however, I personally think it's more then that. Experiences change and share people. My life is full of adventure; I love to move through life unplanned and on instinct. It brings me joy to discover new things unintentionally.

Books take me places I thought I would never get to see, especially autobiographies. I recently read, “If You Ask Me (And of Course You Won’t) by Betty White. You’d think there was nothing significant about it, but when I look at it, I see way beyond the plain white background. From the start, I was hooked. It seemed as if every time I turned the page, I was running through doors. The doors would open up to another time, place, event, in her life. When it was over, I would grab the next knob and the process would continue. Through 252 pages, I could vividly picture each moment, each emotion, each breath she took.

Angela Carter once said, “Reading a book is like rewriting it for yourself. You bring to a novel, anything you read, all your experience of the world. You bring your history and you read in in your own terms.” It’s funny to think how much life parallels to reading. Through books, you can discover a whole new world or even look further into a world that you are missing out on. Every book I have ever read took me on its own adventure; however, I was really leading the journey myself.

Adventures are beyond literacy. My life is also full of exciting adventures, especially with family. Every time my cousin Charlie and I spend time together, we always have fun. It all started out like any other rainy Saturday. After greeting each other and spending twenty-minutes driving to the mall, we stepped into the shallow puddles of once upon a time rain. As excited, as I was to see him, I could not help but wonder how fun this empty uninteresting mall would be. Once we walked through the door, we had unspoken agreement to head to the comic book store. After revealing our inner nerds, we head down to the FYE.

        One of the escalators was broken and we could not stop hysterically laughing as our imaginations ran wild about why it was in that condition. Comic books are not the only thing we obsess over; there is always music and movies. Like kids in a candy store, we ran around yelling movie titles and artists to each other. Nothing compares to when we scrolled through posters, making comments on each one. The best part was the fact that we were the only ones who understood our jokes; everyone stared. We honestly did not care.
        The mini adventure in that store ended after Charlie bought our favorite strawberry candies. The mall looked evacuated, like a natural disaster pushed everyone away. Together, we began to move down the row of stores looking for something interesting. Since the building was silent with the lack of people, I could here the roaring thunder; it echoed throughout the bare, plain, white walls. Pressing on down the glimmering tiny tiles, I could hear little pitter-patters. It seemed as if the rain was falling right next to my ears. I started to glance up at the skylights taking note of the splattering tears of a storm and the electrifying light, which shined throughout the second floor.
        I have seen plenty of thunderstorms before, but none like this. It was as if the lighting was coming right for us and the dark, mysterious clouds were only intimidating this mall. It would take much more to scare me, so we kept walking, chatting, and laughing. The next thing we came across was the Halloween store. All we did was turn in silence towards each other and say in sync, “I cannot wait till Halloween!” While we went into detail about my Halloween costume, we came across the bookstore. I recently read Betty White’s book and decided to pick up another autobiography. I searched past different musicians, politicians, and celebrities to come across, “From This Moment On” by Shania Twain. As soon as I looked at the picture of the brunette country legend, I remembered when I grabbed my hairbrush and sang her songs on the glass coffee table for my “audience.”
        With that purchase, we ate and strolled through the mall. Traditionally, we always sit for hours talking about everything. We are not ones to break a routine; we grabbed a bench and relaxed. As we talked about personal issues, feelings, and secrets, I began to imagine this bench turning into a bubble of trust that only we knew the entrance to. This bubble was unbreakable with a million protective shells containing our deepest conversations. While we were getting wrapped up in each other's lives, we almost did not notice the puddles beginning to submerge through the roof in spots around the entire mall. We almost did not even realize the fact that half the building was pitch black and the room seemed emptier then before. Apparently the power went out and the only reason we could see was the lightning peaking in and emergency lights. A dimmer environment did not take us out of our zone. We spent too much time apart and there was only this small opportunity to finally catch up. So even though it started out as a regular rainy Saturday, it turned into a memorable and eventful day that I will cherish forever.

Through that mall experience, I learned more about the bond Charlie and I had. I never took the time to notice how alike we are. We love the same shows, movies, food, and music. Of course, family isn’t the only way to experience life or discover new things. Friends have a way of opening your mind to whole new experiences, leading to tons of new adventures.

It was a Saturday morning and as planned, Karly and I were heading off to the Arden Theatre in Old City. After hours of becoming someone new and immersing in imagination and creativity, we opened the big wooden, glass doors. The exposed sunshine was warm on my face, which added to my happiness. At this point it was about eleven in the morning and Karly and I had an hour to kill. Instead of waiting around forever on the cement steps, we went looking for adventure. And of course, food.

Across the street, I spotted a comic book store; my stomach could wait. Faster then a cheetah, I ran across the street as if I was playing Frogger. I was greeted with a life size Spiderman welcoming me to this new land. Each wall was covered from top to bottom with colorful covers and victorious heroes of all shapes and sizes. There were so many characters throughout the store; they all screamed, “Pick me!” I just wanted to run up and down every isle and scroll through everyone of them. While looking for the perfect one, each one tended to take me on a different kind of adventure.

After being scooted out of the store, we came to Second Street and looked from left to right. Where to go, where to go… From the corner of my right eye I could see Soho Pizza. After pointing it out to Karly, she remembered being there before. We crossed the street on a search for a great slice of pizza. When you walk through the narrow passageway, you can see the small, yet warm environment. My nostrils filed with the smell of pizza sauce and freshly kneaded dough.

While admiring the autumn colors and empty tables, I almost didn’t hear the male behind the counter. “What can I get you?” he asked, looking confused at the fact that I was staring into space. After finally coming back to reality, Karly and I sat and ate. I couldn’t help but notice that the guy behind the counter continued to make excuses to come over to our table; as if he wanted to start a conversation but couldn’t. Let’s just say we made a new friend that day. Together we realized that this would be a regular Saturday routine for us; every week, we’d look forward to the weekend.

It is important for me to remember these times when I sat down with a good book and when I enjoyed the company of others because without these individual mini-scenes of my life, I would not be where I am now. Adventure has really shaped my love for new things such as: language, cultures, places, food, etc. It has also taught me to keep an open mind. For these reasons, I will continue to encourage others to take the time to stop thinking and planning every moment because sometimes while in the midst of all the stress you miss out on a lot. Every day is a new opportunity to learn and get everything out of life.

Descriptive Essay: Football Is My Future

“RUNNNNN” that's all I remember coach yelling as I had the ball in my hand. I was nervous at first because it was my first game and all I could do was stand there in shock, but when coach yelled run that’s exactly what I started doing. As I ran I seen a guy coming towards me and in his eyes all I seen was anger as if he wanted to hit me but really hurt me. As he came to me I was thinking about how to get around him and I thought to use a stiff arm so when he got close enough I stuck my arm out and made his head cock back as if he was going to pop a juice. When he hit the ground I started running faster until I seen two other guys and one was high the other low. I thought that they were going to try to chop me down like a tree by hitting me in my mid section and in my legs but instead a blocker from my team hit one of the guys and knocked him to the ground, he was flattened like a pancake. The other guy was going for my legs so I jumped over him as if he were a hurdle in a race, Then as I continued running I seen nothing but the end-zone then I heard my coach yelling RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN and I looked to my side seen nothing then I looked behind me and I seen a guy he looked at me as if he was a cheetah and I was a gazelle. Then I started running for my life and I was running as fast as I could because I needed to score, if I didn’t score I felt as though it could have came back and hurt the team later on in the game and I wanted to have something to be proud of and I wanted to make my family proud. When I got to the ten yard line I was starting to feel gassed so I gave the rest of my energy into the touchdown and when I was 5 yards away I dove 4 the end-zone scored and then I got up and celebrated. But then my team joined in so we got flagged for unsportsmanlike conduct but we all were really hype and coach didn’t care because we won that game and we were kids so we were just having a little fun.  
After the game I was walking around wondering where I could get some food but then one of my friends asked if I wanted to play a quick game of football with him and some of my other friends, so I started playing but then we smelt this horrible odor like a trash truck had just went by us or was just dumping trash in front if us then we realized that one of us had fallen in dog poop. Then we found out that it was my friend and we all started laughing except him, he started crying and we started laughing even more and harder. He didn’t think it was funny because it was embarrassing to him and he really smelled bad like as if he hadn’t showered in his whole life it was the worst. I almost threw up for the smell so ten I went home and looked for some food in the fridge and then my mom said she would cook some chicken and I was happy because I love chicken and I was very happy. After I ate I took a shower and washed all the dirt off of me from the football game and the tub was filthy when I got out it look as if there was the food that pigs are fed at a farm in the tub so then I cleaned it so I wouldn't get in trouble. Then when I got out of the shower I was tired so I went in my room and just fell out on the bed like a lion would if a tranquilizer dart shot it.
In this picture there is a kid and he has a very determined look on his face, he’s on one knee one hand on his knee his other hand tightly grasping a football. His face looks as if he cant wait to get the field and show everybody what he’s got, surrounding him is some dark green grass but some patches as if it was on a baseball field, as of right now his jersey is clean and white as a cloud in the sky and underneath his jersey there is a somewhat tight red shirt to keep him warm so it may be cold outside. Behind him to his right is a tall light pole which is next to a equipment crate and a huge fence like in prison except its without the bared wire, his pants are clean and red as blood when a cut occurs. The helmet in front of him sit there white as a new t-shirt next to his red and white cleats as he awaits to begin to run, his fingers aren’t straight there a little curled as if he seems nervous, he is surround back trees behind him green as spinach the trees stand tall and vary in sizes and color some huge some small some just in the middle some the color of money some the color of spinach and some the color of a lime. The part of the field where he sits on one knee looks as if it was just used for a baseball game and it looks like its has very little grass but the dirtish sand looks like the same color as toast. If you can see closely enough you would realize that at the top of the fence is like a blue strip of paint as if some body was going to start painting the fence. The football is brown as natural sugar with some writing on it like of signatures and who the football is made by while his fingers are in the shape of a sorta L at the tip of the football his thumb rest close to the white laces of the football.
Have you ever been passionate about something that nothing else really matters? Well I have and I’m passionate about football. I loved football ever since I can remember I wanted to be a football player since I was little and my favorite player of all time is Jerry rice because he was the greatest NFL wide receiver in history, but I think he was the greatest NFL player of all time. When I grow up I want to play wide receiver and break all of Jerry rice’s records so then I can go down in history as the greatest NFL player of all time and will always be remembered and I think it would make my family proud because it would show that I'm a dream-chaser because when I was little I wanted to be like my dad until I got older and really understood that I didn’t want to be like him because I don’t want to be like anybody or the next anybody I want to be better then everybody and have other people be called the next me. When I grow up I’m always going to remember to take care of my family and never forget who I am no matter how I am on the field I will always be the same MARTEZ CARD.  As of right now I don’t play football but I study the stats to have a high football IQ and so that when I get into the NFL I know all about the game of football and all of the rules, so I will be able to know if I did something wrong or not. Also I study stats because I like to just know what records I will be able to break and what I will have to do to break these records because I want to be remembered as the greatest NFL player of all time and because I love the game of football and I am dedicated to the game of football, my love, my passion.

Descriptive Essay: The Moments

I was sitting quietly on my couch watching the Phillies against the New York Yankees in the World Series 2009. The Yankees just needed one more game to win. The Yankees were up a run, three to two. My eyes slowly closing, I kept blinking to keep myself awake. I lost hope in the Phillies, knowing that it was over for them. My living room was full of silence. I remember it like it was last year, but the Phillies were two games ahead of the Tampa Bay Rays, three to one. It was the fifth game.
        This is how I remembered it. I hear my brother’s excited voice, “Yo Kenny! Come watch the last inning of the Phillies! They’re about to win!” I heard him running up the wooden stairs, each step making a sound like a wooden knock. I came upstairs and saw my dad and my brother staring at the TV screen like they were hypnotized. My brother was wearing a Phillies hat and my dad was wearing a bright red Phillies shirt. The game was over and the Phillies won the World Series. My dad’s eyes opened up. He stretched his arms all the way up and yelled, “Phillies won!” and then my brother yelled out “Aw yeah!”

Now I’m just sitting here watching all by myself. My dad gave up on watching and went to his laptop. My brother went to play on his computer. The Phillies lost to the New York Yankees. There’s no “woo’s” just a normal regular day. There are no special events happening on these regular days. My parents come home from work, they eat then they sleep. It’s mostly just my brother and I hanging out at home most of the time. I play video games with my brother or we usually just go outside and ride bikes around the block.

Whenever I’m with my family in these small moments, I feel happy. It gives me company when I’m at home. It is a small moment with my family, but all the time with my family together counts. Family is your friend, but they’re always with you and ready to help. They always listen to what you have to say and try to help you with your everyday troubles. These small moments make me remember the even bigger and greater moments I had with my family, like one time we had our whole family reunion.

I was getting ready for a really special occasion happening today. It is the day where my family has a reunion. My family dressed up in tuxedos and dresses for this occasion. I suited up in my black tuxedo; black dressed shoes and gelled my hair. I was ready. We are going to a nice, huge restaurant to have our whole family picture taken and eat lunch together.

        I arrived at the restaurant. “Hey! Kenny’s here everyone!” I hear my little cousins calling my name and it was just awesome to see them having fun. I went to go see my older cousins. We talked and took pictures because we were dressed so nicely. I see tables everywhere with plates and cups; ready to eat. I see my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents smiling with happiness. Everyone was full of red smiles. My little cousins were running around and having a good time. All I hear is my family talking and laughing. The room was filled with happiness and sounds of laughter. It was like we haven’t seen each other in a long time and is excited to see each other.
        It’s time for the photo. The photographer set us up on a stage and placed us according to our age and family member. Male cousins were together on the right side, female on the left side, my grandparents were at the top middle while their sons and daughters were around them from the left and right side. My little cousins that were under 13 were at the bottom of the middle. We all got ready. “Three, two, one! Smile!”  
        “It’s time to get ready and eat! Come sit down.” my grandpa said. Everyone came to the tables and sat down. The kids were with the kids and the adults were with the adults. Fried rice with egg, pork, onions, and shrimp, sautéed lobsters with green onions, sweet glazed, crispy shrimp, and seafood soup were all over everyone’s table. I was ready for this food! It looked so good. As I got ready to devour the food, I heard a ringing sound of glass. I saw my grandpa holding up his glass cup and gently tapping the cup with his spoon. At that moment I knew he was getting ready for a speech. My grandpa was talking about how wonderful it was to have us all here and healthy. He said that we might never get another time like this. When he said that, I thought of our every other week Sunday parties. I told myself “We still have our Sunday parties. We’re still going to see each other.

At the time of the family reunion, it was just another fun day with my family. My family usually has Sunday parties. I thought it was just another Sunday party during the reunion. I didn’t really think of the moment. I just lived it and had fun. As the day went through and the day ended, I started to think how special that reunion was. This was one of my favorite moments with my family. We never ate together at a restaurant with my whole family before. It was really special because all of our family members came from Vietnam, so my grandparents decided it was time to get a family photo and eat together as whole family.

The moments of the Phillies and the family reunion made me think. It made me think that I might never have a moment like this in my life again. When we grow up, we leave our family and work everyday like adults. We don’t get to see much of our family after that. I try to cherish all the time I can spend with my family.

Descriptive Essay

Robbie McCormac Essay 9/14/11

The accident started on a Saturday Morning around 8 o’clock. My younger brother and I awoke and got out of bed. Sneakily went downstairs trying not to wake up my sleeping parents. As we softly crept downstairs softer then the foot steps of a mouse, we couldn’t help but giggle feeling like spies. I would put my hand in front of my little brother to try to get him to stop laughing. As we arrived down the green rug steps we sat and planned out how we were going to get the soda back upstairs from the kitchen. We wanted those bright red cans of coke all to ourselves. We approached the living room and sneaked through but we heard a noise and jumped behind the couch with lightning speed. We sat there, our hearts beating like we just escaped being chased. We slowly poked are heads out like marines looking over sand bags. We stayed towards the back of the couch slowly crab walking from behind it. We were out in the open crawling through the dinning room now going under chairs and the table. We finally reached the cold grey floor of the kitchen with that beam of bright light in the center of the floor. I stud up and slowly opened the refrigerator trying not to make a sound. I looked up and saw the big red box that said Coke A Cola.

I reached up and grabbed it! I yelled with excitement “we have it!” I tossed a can

to my brother while running through the dinning room. When we were running through the living room I happened to slip and the big red box flew out of my hands landing and breaking a picture on the wall. As the glass broke we heard noise from up satires and got nervous so we tried to clean up as fast as possible. We heard foot steps drugging down the steps. It was my mom looking over her picture. The picture was of two little boys who broke a vase and are just standing there not doing any thing. As my mom looks up she sees me and my little brother standing there not doing anything in front of this broken picture. She gives a little laugh and we all help each other clean up the mess.

It was 3 ball’s and 2 strikes. I looked down at the mat in front of me then look up and see my yard and friends. It was a hot July day the day that makes you sweat until your bone. I could feel the beads of sweat rolling down my forehead. I watched them like rain drops hitting the ground, as they hit the ground they would sink into the ground never to be seen again. I raised my eyes back to the pitcher and gave him a little head shake. It was like slow motion .I watched his arm raise up into the air I could see his veins tighten and his fingers slowly rolling of the ball. The ball was coming at me fast but it seemed like it was taking so slow. I gripped up on the bat like how Homer may choke Bart. The ball arrived but so did my bat they made contact and it sounded like a hurricane. The ball flew right out of my yard. I looked up trying to follow it but the sun was in my eyes. And I heard a loud noise like something broke. My friends and I gave each other an Igor look at one another as we walked over to the tall black fence we see a baseball sized hole in the window next door. I stand there confused on what I should do, Should I go over and tell them what happen or should I go back into my house and act like nothing ever happen. The fence is the only thing that stops me it’s telling me not to go I just stare at the ground with the thousands of pieces of broken glass. As I see my reflection in the pieces I walk away hiding what truly happen. I didn’t own up to my responsibilities. I felt confused it wasn't a serious problem but I felt bad inside.

Responsibility is hard to have and hard to keep once you mess up your trust is ruined like a car that got into an accident. People stop reliving you and they slowly go away and dissolve like pixels when you shut your t.v off. You can ether be honest and not for about your mistakes and tell the truth but that’s not every one, Some people dig graves for them self’s with the amount of lying they do. This is how I fell some times.

This reminds me of how people don’t own up to there mistakes. People do a lot of stupid things but it is important to own up to your mistakes because if they don’t it can cause problems in many different ways lying does not solve problems it only causes more. I have always tried my hardest to tell the truth and own up to my mistakes but it doesn't always work like that. I never really realized what it’s like to harbor secrets because I usually don’t keep any but it it’s you it wants to get out it tries to crawl through your voice box and climb right out of your throat trying to expose it’s self to the world. You can’t hep but wonder if your going to keep it for ever or if your ever going to forget about it. But deep down you know it’s going to be waiting for your moment of weakness.

Descriptive Essay: Wandering in my emotions

I was sitting in this long black couch next to the wall. I was waiting for dinner to be cooked. So I'm sitting there and all of a sudden i feel this shake, this shake of violence. First i feel a  tremble not violently but slightly. I thought it was someone outside working, So i look out the window in the middle of she shaking and i saw no one but cars. So then I turn around very slowly and there goes the television also going into this shake of death.

I was scared i felt as if the world was ending I quickly ran upstairs to my grandmas room in great panic, as she is laying there asleep in silence i thought she was up there shaking the house. So i ask her did she feel the shake she said very sudden and quick “no! i thought it was you”. So i slowly crept down the stairs as the shaking began to stop. As soon as i hit the third step the shaking was stopping, my hands clinched to the railing and wall on my left. When it was over my mind was full of thoughts ranging from being scared to curiosity. I did not know how to carry myself through the house. My body was still shaking and the over all shaking had already stopped.

I can already feel the sweat drops forming on my hands and the hairs standing on my neck because of what just happened. This out standing moment really made me look of myself and find out that side of being actually scared. I never felt that way before because i never felt such a random shake before. The shake actually feels as if you are on a motor boat going fast or in a plane feeling slight turbulence.

I probably actually felt like The president on 9/11 with my emotions and thoughts flying everywhere. Its surprising that your feel can scatter and scramble like that on something like this. I walked down the stairs and got the living room and when I got to the living room I jumped twice to make sure the ground was stable and not moving anymore. So i ran to the kitchen with great joy and panic. I quickly turned the t.v on in the kitchen and turned it to the local news. As soon at I turned to channel 10.

I wasn’t sure what it was just yet but i was confident it was a earthquake. The t.v started to clear up, i picked my head up from pouring the cereal and it said “BREAKING NEWS” a 5.8 magnitude earthquake struck the eastern sea board, I was like “wow” i actually felt an earthquake. My mind wasn’t on the fact that the whole house shook and i was scared. My mind was on the fact that I ACTUALLY FELT AN EARTHQUAKE.

So now i couldn’t move at all, i was just stuck in this trance of wow. As my sister walked thought the door of the kitchen  the wind blew gently against my face and i shook and the hairs stood up on my neck. She yelled “Oh my gosh, Diamond did you feel that earthquake?” i said “yea it was decent”. She replied “i know that was the first time i ever felt something like that.” I said “i know I'm older then you and I have been everywhere you been, so i know if you felt one or not” as i chuckled.

She left the kitchen and I just continued to think to myself “that was incredible”. Then I looked back up at the t.v and it was on commercial and i wanted to know more about the earthquake so i changed the channel to CNN. So I picked up the remote and I changed the channel to channel four CNN and it was also talking about the incredible news. This time though they were talking about the Washington D.C monuments were okay. So i sat down thinking that something was wrong with the Washington Monuments. Only because I been to D.C once and I didn’t get to see all of them. So for some strange reason i start to sweat, this very cool or cold sweat. Then they said that the Washington monument was cracked at the top so I said that’s just a shame. Then i actually noticed what a earthquake could do.

Speaking of an earthquake I remember when my family that lives in Barbados called my house right after they had a earthquake that was 6.7 magnitude earthquake. They were telling me about how the house shook and they walked threw the house while it was happening not know what was happening. Until about 10 seconds past from the start of the earthquake they found out that it was an earthquake because they didn’t know what it was. In my belief i think that they were scared.

It was so much of a magnitude the house shook very violently. And they also said that the road was a virtual gridlock because everyone was on there way to carnival or back so people in cars paused and now that it had started back up and the earthquake was over people started to move then the roads got blocked up. They said that it was tragic. lots of people had died that day.

Descriptive Essay: Take A Chance

Jalisa Smith

            Everything was a haze. Everything felt like a dream as I sat there on my pale carpet, not knowing how to handle what I thought was coming next, looking up at the ceiling, which to me, needed more color. The walls were bright green, some pictures should have been hanging, holding my memories. The carpet should have been white but no one thought an eleven year old could handle white carpet. The wall needed a splash of a more vibrant color; probably some pink, just because it’s pleasing to the eye when mixed with green. There was something about that disgusting colored carpet that made me love it so much in the darkest moments of my life. It was so soft, so comforting, that I could care less if it was a terrible color.

In the basking of my bland room, my door was suddenly pushed open. So softly it seemed as though it took forever for me to see the person that was sticking their head through the door. Looking down at me, there was my grandmother. Her wrinkly brown skin seemed to be glowing. Her dark brown eyes looked caramelized as she squinted, smiling, just like my dad. I was surprised, but to some extent, I was happy.

I remember how the room suddenly got brighter. The carpet became white and instead of pictures holding memories, they were floating by. Her wrinkly smile and warm voice made my most challenging problems disappear. The ceiling became the sky, the room started to open up, like a rose that had enough sunlight. She walked over to me, step-by-step, looking down at me as though she was looking for confirmation to enter my room. I just smiled back. When she made it to my eye level, I really didn’t know what to expect, maybe a “How was your summer?” or “How is the family?” Instead, she got closer to me and touched my cheeks. Looking at her, I could tell she was happy yet she seemed somewhat desperate. Maybe desperate for me to notice her.

The room went dark, and I was in my bed, sweating bullets and streaming tears. Hoping that everything that just happened, to some extent, wasn’t just a dream.

Earlier that day, I was taking a walk with my best friend. The sun was beaming down on us and the hill we were walking seemed to get higher and higher. We didn’t know where our destination was, but that was our thing… to simply walk around and find something to do. Our future plan making was put to a halt when I got a phone call saying that my grand-mom was in the hospital.

But I couldn’t visit her. I wanted to but I just couldn’t. She was far away from me, so all I could do was pray that she’d be okay. My best friend walked me home and we said our goodbye’s.

We were all sitting in the room. At that time, the living room was open. Just two red leather couches, a TV and a piece of art on the wall. It all blended together, the couches were a deep red, the painting had various deep colors and the carpet was brown. The room itself never felt lively unless we had guests over. So, now it was dreary.

Every voice echoed and the silence made every ones’ thoughts louder.  It was quite over-bearing. Everyone had their thinking faces on, but no one had the guts to say what was on their mind. All eyes were on my dad as he got up and began pacing around the brown carpet. His footsteps were heavier than the usual. His voice was monotone, sort of scary in some way. His eyes were heavy and red, his head bowed low. He looked vulnerable. He was in his home clothes, the usual khaki shorts and white t-shirt. But the casual living of everyday life just weren’t the same after the moment he spoke. He said, “She’s died.”

In that instance, everything that I never noticed in life became relevant. The fact that I could wake up every morning and say good-morning to my family meant a lot to me. But the fact that I couldn’t spend one last summer with my grandmother or buy a phone card to say hello, made my heart beat seem louder and the tears building in my eyes seem heavier than ever.

That moment in my life changed me. I hadn’t seen my grandmother in 4 years. She was always so caring, so quiet, but so wise. I remember feeling terrible because every time I talked to her she’d ask, “When you comin’ down?”

And I could only say, “Soon. As soon as I can.”

But it took me a while to realize that sometimes in life, decisions can’t be made in time, once you have the opportunity to do something, you should do it instead of putting it off and regretting it in the future.

I know that she loves me, I know that she cares about me and regardless of how I feel now, I know she’s in a better place.

Descriptive Essay: The World.

Danielle Little
September 14, 2011
Descriptive Essay

    “ Why act like the world when you can be apart of the world?” this is all I heard growing up. I would try copy the make up that Tyra Banks had on while walking down the catwalk in the largest fashion show I have ever seen. Other times, it would take me at least 30 minutes to put my hair into a style that was on a commercial for caucasian women. Watching my aunt (who is only a few years older) put on make-up, high heels, straightening her hair silky straight, and even wearing hoop earrings, made me want to rush past life and slow down once I reach 18.
    I always wanted to know what it feels like to be apart of the world. To live a life that I only saw in movies and have everything without struggles. I yearned for all the new trends and styles and a world where I can fit into every crowd. I wanted a perfect life, where everything was served to me on a sliver platter.
    When I think about my middle school life, I realized that not only was it middle school, but it was the huge mile stone for me. I remember looking down the rows of desk admiring everyones shoes, picturing myself with 22 different pairs of shoes. Everyone else was different from me, a different skin color, hair and backgrounds. However, I always thought I was the same as everyone else. This was soon contradicted when I started to use their hair products and my hair started falling out. I found out the hard way that I was different.
    I joined a modeling agency at the age of 5. Modeling taught me both good and bad lessons but the main thing I learned was to always be yourself. I realized that you have to listen to your heart and not other people. Modeling shows you what the world wants and how to not get caught up in the next trend. For an example, America’s Next Top Model is a reality show for everyday people to fulfill their dream of becoming a model. These models work side by side with Tyra Banks. However the stress of being apart of the world for a brief moment in your life changes you in a way where you would do anything just to be apart of the world.
  “When do you go back home?” I asked
“Danielle, I’m just taking a little bit of your perfume, calm down. I’m staying for another 2 weeks.” Iyona said as she sprayed the perfume.
My best friend from California came to visit me in Philadelphia. It was only her first morning here, and I was sick of her using my things. That’s just part of a best friend relationship, almost like sisters.
“Come onn! Were going to be late! You’ve been in here before anyone got up. That like ehh 2hrs.” I yelled.
“Looks are priceless, shawty.” As she said this she turned her head to wink.
This is how every teenage girl takes each morning. With Iyona, well she thinks she walking the cat walk every 22 seconds. I always feel bad when I have to break the news to  her. “Iyona....” I say.
“Yes danni boo” she say even sweeter
“Your not on America’s Next Top Model....” I stated
“Oh everywhere I go theres a camera to record me on the cat walk!” She says breaking the silent.
What have I gotten myself into by telling her that. I was thinking to myself that I just made the biggest mistakes I could have made. Iyona has officially taken over the conversation.
“The cat walk is a place for me to express myself” she went on.
“The way I walk express my mood” she boosted.

    To be apart of the world is very easy to get caught into all the drama from the world around us. Just as easy as everyone wearing the same things in different colors. Performing certain tasks to be apart of certain group just to “fit in”.  Not being apart of the world to me means to be yourself. To not follow anyone and allow yourself to think for yourself. You should not have someone think for you and make your decisions.
Certain years in our lives there special stages we go though, such as making friends, finding best friends and realizing who will always be a friend.  However, being yourself and not following the world is the biggest milestone of all.

Descriptive Essay- Fish


It was a Saturday morning the sun shining bright and vibrantly. i got up early excited for the day that was about to come i put on this plain t.shirt with these jumpers and boots that i got from this bait and tackle shop. around 10 or so my Grandpop began to get ready he asked if i was ready to fish but he could obviously tell by the huge grin on my face that i was more than ready. we hopped in the car and as we were on the road the sky became a dull gray color. The smell of rain aroused my senses. The sound of thunder made me jump out of my seat. This day seemed to be getting worse by the seconds.

Once we arrived to our destination the day came out for the better the sun decided to show its bright exuberant face once again. We opened up the trunk and got out these new shiny and polished fishing poles ready to be casted into the not so clear jagged lake. We got out slimy disgusting bait out the back also waiting to be eating by the deadly catches we planned to get. We took our stand in the cold chilling lake and casted our fishing lines. We waited and waited and waited. I could see this fish passing by my feet and yet none were taking bite to my line..he redness in my face could show my expression.  I began to get bored with the whole waiting idea so i wanted to try to catch with my bare hands. I asked my Grandpop if he had some gloves in his car and he responded with a curious tone in his voice saying yeah. i went to the car got them out and plopped into the water. Grabbing fish was a lot harder than expected at first site. After lunging my hand into the chilling water I caught a fish. The slipperyness of it made it a bit harder to get grip of as it wringled and wrangled out of my hands. After wrestling with this fish for about 1 minute it got away a plopped in the water splashing me as if to say you cant catch me.  

After a few hours of failure I go to the car and moped the whole way home. The dead silence in the car made the ride even more depressing. Once we got home my mom was in the living room Waiting for our arrival her anxiety got the best of her so she opened the big burgundy red door opened for us. She asked where my fi- and then hesitated as she saw the look on my face. That look of failure that look of disappointment.  As I looked behind her I saw it.. a saw the amazing plack. The smoky, tanish-brown oakwood look it had to it. As I go to touch to rugged rough plack it looked so nice but the best part was right below in the center from where the fish was supposed to be placed had this writing in gold that says “Brent and Paul’s. I felt better as it started to glisten as the sun hits it. My mom asked “why such the surprised look on my face?” I responded with “ even though I didn’t catch a fish this plack makes it all the worth while to go try again” Even though throughout that day it was on and off it took patience. Anxiety got the best of me and is most likely
Why I didn’t catch my fish but sobbing over it didn’t make anything better so that plack was a good motivational thing for me and is why I am willing to try again.

Descriptive essay: Grow up!

 I was never good at the growing up stage in life. I would get attached to the silliest things that I got when I was a baby. Some were worse then others. When I finally grew up I realized that it all depended on whom I got it from and when I got it. If it was something recent it wasn’t important, but if it was something I got when I was one then it meant the world to me. I remember the sofa we had my whole life until 3rd grade, which was hard to get rid of.

            Spending my last day with my comfortable, friendly, worn-out, faded brown couch I await for the dump truck men to arrive. I lay on the sofa and question myself as to why my mother would ever want to get rid of such a comfortable sofa. “Will the new one be the  same? Will the new one be as comfortable? Will the new one be as friendly?” Were the questions running through my head non-stop. I hear a faint noise; I run outside and see a retro pick-up truck. I protect my ears from the horrible gargling rumble the engine makes. I take a look at this beautiful couch and realize that this will be the last time I see her in her natural habitat. As my eyes begin to tear my father starts pulling the sofa towards the door. These two men look like they just woke up, they wore stained wife beaters, baggy pants and look like they haven’t shaved in a while. They assist my father with this painful process. I don’t think they deserve to lay a hand on this magnificent creature, but I say nothing. They finally manage to drag her out the door and on to the dirty south Philly sidewalk. “How will I say goodbye?” Is the only think I’m thinking about I run inside and grab a piece of printer paper and write, “I love you” in blue ink with sloppy 3rd grade handwriting. I fold the paper hot dog style and slip it under a cushion. They haul her into the truck and drive away, I take one last look but the smoke from the exhaust covers her. My eyes start to tear again, but I realize this was a good goodbye.

            I got so attached I called it “her”, I got way too attached to this piece of furniture. I wouldn’t just get attached to furniture; I also got attached to toys. It’s worse then it sounds, I wouldn’t give them up (like any other kid) but I would continue playing with them. I remember I had a toy pony that was a life size miniature-rocking pony that I got when I was 3.

            She is beautiful. She is a shiny, light grown plastic pony. Hair light blonde plastic smooth hair shines in the light, she as tall as me (including her springs). Although she is cold, she warms my heart. I could play all day with her. The best thing about her is her name…Peaches. I don’t know how I came up with that name, maybe because I like the fruit, but she had no resemblance of a peach. Anyway, we were in the backyard on a mission to go to the moon. “Aren’t you a tad to old to be playing with her?” My mother snarls at me. “No, she is my best friend and we’re going to grow old together!” I respond in a high-pitched voice, I knew what my mother was thinking. Today is Wednesday and trash night is Thursday, so if I can get her to separate from that thing then we can finally get rid of it. I decide to play with peaches all day long, threw dinner, and right up to bedtime. My mom asks me “When do you think you’ll be ready to say goodbye?” “Never” I respond quickly. At that point in time I realize at some point I’ll have to give her up, I might as well get rid Peaches now before it’s too late. As my father drags my best friend out of the yard and into the alleyway, I think to myself whether I’m ready to give her up. “You ready kid?” My father asks me, unsurely if he should give her to goodwill. “Yeah, I’m a big girl.” I now look back and realize that maybe Peaches was found in goodwill by some other little kid, brought home, and gave that kid a good memory or two. I also realized I had to grow up sometime, not all at once, but this felt like a good start.

            I think that was a good time to grow up. I was eight when I gave up peaches, not too young not too old. She really helped me move on, I realized mature people don’t play with rocking horses. Everyone still has a little bit of kid in them but when I reflect on that, I realize that’s ok. I feel more mature everyday, but my comfy couch and peaches the pony will always be in my heart.

Descriptive Essay: Toms. One for one.

  Drue Boccuti

I love giving back, and giving help to ones in need. I try to do as much as I am able to. I love knowing that what I just did helped out someone, or even just made them smile.  I don’t do really gigantic things like help build houses or anything major like that, but I do as much as I can. For example, my mom’s friend teaches in a school were the kids aren’t as fortunate as I am, so I donate what ever I can to help them and make them smile. Sometimes I don’t always see it his or her reaction but I know someone somewhere is appreciating what I did. Just that feeling is enough.

The last time that I helped someone was sometime near my birthday. What did I do? I bought a pair of Toms shoes. You’re probably wondering what’s so special about that. Well, when purchasing Toms shoes you help a child in need get a pair. I was ecstatic to get the Tom that I’ve been wanting since last January! I remember opening the box like it was yesterday. The first thing I noticed in the box was a bag that serves as a bag or you can hang it up as a flag. Then a small sticker that has the Toms logo and then I finally grabbed the shoes. I slipped them right on my feet, and ran right to my mirror to see how great they looked. Once I stopped looking at my feet, I went out. I didn’t take them off the whole night even when I got home!

The last time that I’ve been this excited for a new pair of shoes had to be Christmas! I had gotten two new pair’s of Uggs that I wore everyday of the winter last year. I love Christmas, spending time with my family and friends. One person that I really love spending time with would have to be my dad. He’s such a caring person who is nice to everyone and he always makes me and everyone else laugh. I think me wanting and liking to help people out comes from both my parents, but more him. My dad is the type of guy who will help an old lady carry grocery bags, or cross the street, help a little kid get a cat out of a tree. Just all around good things to help anyone. I remember this one time he even shocked me.

“Bye thank you for having us” I said hugging my grand parents while dragging my feet out of their house.

“Thank you for coming!” My grandma said to me as she shut the door behind my mom walking out of her house.

“Where did we park at dad?” I asked looking around for our baby blue mini van, like a child looking for a parent in a supermarket.

“Were right on that corner. You look very tired.’’ He said with a smile on his face.

“I am! All I want to do is get to my bed!” I said.

            On the ride home which felt like it was taking much longer then it normally did, I kept my eyes closes and occasionally looked up. Then all of sudden our car had pulled over. I was so excited because I thought we were home. We weren’t, we were only on Broad and Synder.

            “Oh my gosh. What’s going on over there?!” My mom was shouting and she sounded extremely worried.

            “I jumped up and suddenly didn’t feel tired anymore. My dad had remained calm and pulled the car over and jumped out and ran across the street. That was when I laid eyes on the old man.

            “Oh my gosh!!! What happened?” I was freaking out.

My dad went over to the corner grabbed the old man from under his shoulder and him and 2 other older man began to lift this man off the ground. At first they were struggling but then they finally lifted him off the ground. I thought my dad was going to let him go, but my dad had helped this man all the way back to the senior center.

After seeing that, I believe that made me gain more respect for my dad. No one else that I know would ever do that, yeah they might stop and look but no one else would actually get out and help. I do kind of feel bad because the biggest thing that I had done to help someone out is donate a pair of shoes.

Tuesday September 7th  2011, that was the first day of school as a sophomore for me. I was extremely nervous because it was a new school year, and I have all new teachers. I was more upset then nervous because I didn’t want summer to be over, so I tried to think of something that would make me excited to go back to school and leave the shore. All I could think of was seeing my friends. I didn’t really keep in touch with anyone over the summer except for Lexy, Karly and Goldie. I was excited to see them and everyone else. The first day of school was the prefect time for me to show off my new shoes! I was really excited to wear them to school so I made my outfit match them and everything!

“You’re wearing your toms!” Goldie said all excited.

“Yes! I love them! They’re so comfy and adorable!” I said just as excited. Every time I wear them I think of the time I unwrapped them for my birthday.

Every time I wear my Toms which is almost all the time, or see my flag hanging in my room, I am reminded that I helped out a child who isn’t as lucky to have what I have. Sometimes when I see my moms friend I think about all the things that I gave away so some kids to have a better Christmas and that always makes me feel good.

descriptive essay. The Dark War For The Guild of Light.

This is about a game that becomes real. A story of death and murder. A story of power and love. Video games become real. I think if you play something enough you start to feel like you’re in it. And this a story of war and victory with lose of a friend. You will soon know of his story his name is Ox kin.    

The Game Start. Load character Ox kin. Load guild banner. “O.k. men we need to take this base by force to kill this Dark Lord and save over homeland. Well if you don't know I'm Ox kin raid commander of the guild”. As the ship lands the light that shines out the window is soon replaced by a dark Aura. “O.k. opens the door we need to move do you have the guild banner.” well yelling over the doors gears a man yells yea I got it.

Mission starts the assault on the dark lords frozen dark base. O.k. men charge. As the guild members charge past me I feel a dark feeling whisper into my mind: saying you will die like the weak. Before I can react all the men run into a full wall of undead knights. As I charge into the battle the natural powers swarm arrowed me and I get pulled into the form of a bare. “Men don't stop fighting life is too good to die now.” As I say that a lowed yell comes out of the dark castle you will never defeat me you slime. “Look out here comes more knights.” A dark flash of lightning; black bones and decaying flesh get up. “Kill them before they get out of the ground.”

A lot of the men around me die as a frozen bone dragon fires frozen bolts down at us. I look around for help as an old wizard I didn’t want to bring fires a fire bolt shaped like the guild symbol at the dragon hitting it in the head. singeing a mark on its head showing we took the Court yard of the base.

“Ok men now it’s time to force owe way into this crested place. Watch your step here there could be traps any ware.” As I sad that ten men fall into the dark abuse of death. “Well we came here we knew there would be losses now lets keep going.” As we turn the corner a large bone monster is floating at the bottom of a frozen pillar using a frost to stay in the air. ”Attack it” As we all charged in it yelled bone storm and started to spin like a top ripping throw any in its way luckily the rangers were abele to kill him. As we reformed the team we plunged deeper into the citadel were confronted with more and more challenges. But the worst of all was when we need to get a war gunship up to the ramparts to continue thrown the citadel.

There we are at the gate to Hell lights fall a death knight emerges from the large door shaped like a skull as he yells “ death knight yells: now all of you mortal scum will meet your doom.” while we prepare for battle the dark warrior charges me and him clash in combat as a young paladin walks up and casts a burst of holy light into the death knights chest killing him. Into the next room the hallways were set up so if you went to fast throw them then you would freeze to death. So we get past and there are three ways to go so we start from the left.            

When in there were two big decaying dogs with there masters decaying flesh giants. As we killed them the giants got mad and started to attack with different goo and slime attacks. When we killed them there creator came to play with us. Turning him self into a monster and using chemicals to bother the fight then as we killed him he pozinded the flag carrier making him drop it luckily the paladin name Mustaang grabbed it.

We went to the next room were there dead people were with a vampire above them as she raised them we saw they were linked in a way so I gave the command to kill them. She flew up to her chamber. We quickly followed and as we got there the doors locked us in so when we were fighting she killed the wizard and turned him into a vampire as he began to call all of his arcane magic into one bolt of purple and blue casting it at me and the other warriors. A warrior named Gottoms charge up a wall jumping of it and killed her in mid air.

The next room we go into we have to kill the dark undead. Then we find a dragon but it wasn’t a dead dragon well not yet any way we need to use its power of healing to save it form the waves of undead attack. When we finished healing it in natural holy waves we keep going were we meat the bone dragon queen when we walked in the room with her she froze 10 of the men and killing then as we charge in she fly’s up into the air firing frost bolts down at us as Gottoms and I charge up walls to get on her back while we cut at her she flails around knocking us of. When we finally kill her. her body drops to the ground and freeze all of the people in the ice.

Then on to the Dark Lord Gokuen. When we get there he was waiting for us when we charge agents him he starts to kill all the men we have. Then he froze me in ice. Then attacked gottoms as they fought for a while showing a display of devastating power. As he stabs gottoms in the chest freezing gottoms internal organs when I broke free I charged him and throwing the sharp blade flying like a boomerang at the dark lord as he deflects it I see a flare burst out of it. Then I charging at him as we sit in the middle of the field fitting he cast a dark spell on me I feel a dark shadow looming over me as I cast a bolt as green and blue hitting him to the grown. I pull my sword out putting it to his neck. I sad to him “you aren't event worth killing you will suffer in a world were you can be killed.” as I walked away from him I feel a paralyzing feeling to my back I look back at him. I see him casting a spell with dark Aura swarming around his hands then delivers his final bolt to me as I fall I hear him say “ you were worth killing ha ha ha ha” and that's why I'm here in the after life now. As the game over sign flashes and I get turned back into Sean.

Game start. Dark lord gokuen loaded health low. “Now that I was humiliated by that low class druid now its my tern that stupid blue flag” as he spits a dark flaming bolt on it igniting it in a flash “I know were that Little camp they call a Base I will Bern it to the ground. Arise my undead knights”. With a flash of lighting black bones and decaying flesh gets up.

“Mustaang yells Why should we resurrect him it will make us no different form that slime of a empire gokuen” “guild master commands back yes but if we don’t then we won’t be strong enough to fight back agents his dark forces we don’t need him you insolent boy you don’t know what we need” “Mustaang yells back yes I do Kalazar”. “Kalazar yells Oh and were is that young Mustaang” “Mustaang I’m just saying that we don’t need him” “Kalazar you know nothing boy your gust a kid” “mustaang fine resurrect him I will be going then ill take down the dark lord by my self” “Kalazar you will die and he’ll resurrect you as a mindless slave” “Mustaang then so be it.” “Kalazar Arise champion arise and fight once more for the guild” in a bright yellow flash of holy power Ox kin gets up and proclaimed we need to get this base ready for war.“Ox kin slime of a wrecked you will pay for the lives of that you slain” with a flash of natural light terns into a bear charging him. Kalazar throws Ox kin a guild battle stand. With a flash the screen goes dark and I feel normal once more.

I think if you play a game or something enough. you start to feel like your in it. This is why I think if you play a game enough you feel like you start to live it. But it is a just a game. But its just for fun not to talk your life up.

Descriptive Essay: Not Just Any Living Room

Jasmin Hussain

Not Just Any Living Room

If you walk into my living room, you’ll see nothing out of the ordinary. Just a cozy little room with two sofas that lay against two of the four walls. The third wall has a TV and VCR case with many pictures and certificates put on display. The fourth wall has a computer table with a little desk on the side. In the middle of the room lies an oval rug with swirly patterns and on top of that lies a small coffee table. This room has everything that any other living room would have in it, but for me it has more than just something normal. In this room are many artifacts that carry memories that belong to me.

On the left side of the TV case, on the second shelf towards the bottom stands my 8th grade graduation diploma. Whenever I look at the certificate with the leather bound cover I remember of when I first received it.

It was almost done. Just ten more minutes. She was almost done calling all the names. Five more to go till my name was called. One down, my hands are sweating like mad, two down, I can feel my heart drumming, three down, I think I’m feeling dizzy, four down, oh crap!

“Jasmin Husain,” called Ms. Knight, our school counselor.  It was time for me to go and take my diploma from Ms. Sydnor. I slowly walked around the empty and barren stairs in front of me until the top of the glossy wooden stairs of the stage. I went down the stairs one by one carefully holding on to the cold steel railing in case I trip on my dress because of these ridiculous heels. After I make it down the stairs I walked two feet over to Ms. Sydnor. She shook my sweaty hand saying the words “Congratulations Jasmin, you’ve come a long way and you have a long way to go.” She handed me the navy blue, leather bound diploma. Caring the thick diploma I started to follow my friend out of the Gymnasium door.

This is one of the most important memories in my life. It was a moment in my life where I made a transition from middle school to high school. I felt accomplished, like a just arrived at a goal that I was waiting to reach my entire life. I feel like my diploma represents that goal that I’ve reached. It shows that I am in a way that I was growing up. Not in inches or centimeters but from feeling completed.

As I look back at the TV case more artifacts start to bring back more memories. On the bottom shelf of the TV case lies an old, dusty, black VCR with two buttons missing. I start to remember how many times in my childhood my family had to replace the VCRs because my little sister and me breaking them. As I observe the broken buttons another memory runs across my mind.

           “AAh NO! Not again Tajnia! Did you really just break all of those buttons out of these holes again? This is like the third time!” Yelled my dad to baby Tajnia’s slobbering, and glowing face.
           “I can’t believe we have to go out and buy another VCR, this one wasn’t even a year old!” Dad continued to complain as we all filed in to the car.

This was the fourth time that we were going out to Wal-Mart to buy a TV since we had come to Philadelphia. The first two times it was my fault. The first time I stuck sugar daddy candies into the new cassette holder. The second time I’d spilled Pepsi. At least now I was a big girl, I was seven years old and I knew how the world worked. I’ve matured over the past two years. I know all the specific things that make dad upset. So I have long ago stopped committing those crimes. Tajnia on the other hand still hasn’t learned the lesson.

       This is another very important memory that also belongs to me. This memory to me stands for family. There are many different definitions of family. But, family to me means a group of people who you can look up to. People who understand you, accept your mistakes, and helps you to become the best person that you can be. In this memory Tajnia looks up to me, hoping that she will one day learn not to make the mistakes that makes dad upset. That she will also mature and learn from her mistakes like I did when I was her age.
            I start to laugh at myself thinking of all of these now old memories. My living room has many if the same ideas as any other living room. But it has memories that are very specific to my family and I. Every small detail in the room has something special to it. From the vase of artificial flowers to the knitted tissue box cover. From the stains on the walls to the spills on the carpet.

Sierra Dinvil Refrain

Soy de ..

Soy de ..

Soy de filadelfia 

que es donde yo vivo

pero yo so Haiti 

que es mi casa 

My refrain is supposed to show that I live in Philadelphia, but my heart is in Haiti.
I'm happy that I have a refrain that flows together.
I think that I would like to make it longer..
It was difficult to find things that flow together and would fit well in a song.

Mi Refrn

Vengo de donde hay las playas
Las granjas y el sol hermoso
Gente amable y deliciosa comida.

- What is your refrán supposed to communicate?

My refrán is supposed to communicate a general description about the people, geography and food of Jamaica.

- What are you especially happy about with your first draft?

I am happy that it flows and the lyrics just go together. All the lines come together to  paint the picture that I want the audience to see.

- What would you like to improve about your refrán?

I want to make my refrán longer and maybe improve the quality of the lyrics.

- What was difficult about writing your refrán?

The only difficult part was coming up with a topic that I wanted to address in the refrán. After I got this, it was pretty easy.


​Hola chico 
Ha estado en la Filipinas?
¿Puedes oír el océano?
¿Puedes sentir el viento?

Bienvenidos a mi madre tierra!

~ On the first stanza of the song, the singer is talking to a kid. She's asking if the kid knows about the Philippines and if the kid can feel the things that the singer feels. 

~ I was happy about my first draft because I already have an idea on what my song is going to be about. I'm planning to have a ballad. Kind of a poem or song, story telling for short. 

~ I wanted to improve some because I'm still thinking on what sounds good for the song. 

~ Matching the words to the rhythm of the song. 

El Refran First Draft_Middlebrooks


De alimento para el alma de sonrisas y risas, yo vengo.

Los árboles de alta en el cielo con los brazos abiertos rama.

Siempre buscando

Basta con buscar

El futuro y el pasado están aún por definir.

The refrain is intended to communicate highlights of where I am from. Those highlights include smiles, laughter, food from the soul, nature, past, and the future. I think that the words flow nicely together and, hopefully, will be easier t put to music. The refrain could be a bit more literal instead of abstract to allow some grounding. Finding words and attempting to make tim flow was the most difficult part of writing the refrain.

Keiasha Lumpkins ( Refran)

yo vengo amo

yo vengo filidelfia

yo vengo me

yo vengo todos por encima 


My refran is just about who I am and what i do. That's could be described where I am from. I am happy that I can write about what I want in my song. I would like to improve by adding more to my refran and make it better. I was difficult because I didn't know what to write about at first.

Refan De Anastsia

Vengo de un lugar tranquillo.

Una casa de amor.

Vengo de la musica

Y bailar.

Its supposed to communicate that I come from a place that is quiet but at the same time some things that go on can be loud.I'm happy that it was extremely hard to write my first draft, it simple but captures what i want to say.As an improvement I think that I might want to make the lines rhyme.

NaQuan's Refran

Es el olor

Es los vistas

Es el sabor

Es las memorias

es la dicha

es filadelfia

  • What is your refrán supposed to communicate? 
My refran is basically just listing the things that I like about Philadelphia.
  • What are you especially happy about with your first draft?
What I like most about this is that it sort of gives me a list to go off of. It gives me things that i can describe in the actual verses to make this an actual song. Also, just looking at the words gives me a basic idea of what the beat may be like.
  • What would you like to improve about your refrán first draft?
I may consider trying to shorten the number of syllables used in each line. Looking at the words, some lines have too many syllables to keep the beat flowing. I may also consider finding lyrics that go a little deeper than what I have now.
  • What was difficult about writing your refrán? 
The difficulty for me came in trying to think of words for the thing. I wasn't too worried about beat, but I was worried about coming up with a chorus that'll effectively describe where I live.


Soy de Filadelfia
de la música árabe
y la cultura francés
Soy de mi familia
Los personas Locas
 de mí

My refran is a summery about my family and culture.
I like the rhythm of my refran
I would mike to add some rhyme to the refran
Making the refran sound catchy was hard.