Financing Your College Education!

Hey gang! Have you just gotten accepted to the college of your dreams but find the financial aid package to be lacking and your disposable income unable to fill the demand? Well have I got a list of money-making ventures for you!

For those who want to go into medicine, steal kidneys or other high demand organs!

For the athletes out there, try robbery or joining a mob!

For the aspiring engineers and/ or scientists, create a death ray or medication resistant plague and hold a city for ransom.

For writers, try kidnapping or some other activity in which you need to leave written demands/ clues for law enforcement officials.

Remember gang there is no wrong way to go abut paying for college.
Do anything and everything to ensure you have the most successful life possible.

What is that smell.

This morning coming in school was the worse. It smelled like really bad fish all on the 2nd floor and no one knew where it was coming from. Some people said it smelled like the female monthly cycle and others said that it smelled like buttocks. I didn't understand how that could be possible because to me, it smelled like someone took some old seafood out their locker and put it in the trashcan. If you put in that way, it make you think, how does the locker smell? Did they have clothes inside it? Interesting Morning it was

So a thought occurred to me...

Yesterday at work I was standing at the grill, frying bacon, and the weirdest thought came to me. What if one night you went to sleep and in the next morning you woke up in a hospital bed. You were in a coma, and the life you think you've lived thus far was just a comatose dream...

Or if like you died in this life, just to wake up and find out that it was all a dream, and not the Biggie kind. I mean sometimes when you dream it feels so real, you think it's really happening, so what if this was the dream that feels so real.

You can have some deep thoughts when you're standing around frying bacon...

April 15, 2011

Since early November of 2010, I've been waiting for the day April 15, 2011 to arrive. On April 15, 2011 Wes Craven's Scream 4 will be coming to theaters. The Scream movies have been my favorite movies since I watched part 1 when I was three years old. Since then I was obsessed with the movie. My mom would purchase me VHS tapes of the movies and I would watch 1,2&3 frequently. When I was in 10th grade I bought the trilogy from Walmart for $30, and it was the best $30 I've ever spent. When I learned that another sequel will come to theaters in April of 2011, I was ecstatic. April 15, 2011 is in approximately 2 weeks and words can't explain how excited I am to see Scream 4. 

Goodbye Sis

Ok my sis and her husband has been staying at my house for over three months now and they are finally leaving today. Omg I'm going to miss her but at the same time I'm happy because I've been     spending to much time together. And I wont miss her too much because I'm going to spend an entire month with her this summer.

fart gone wrong.

a bittersweet memory just popped up.

once when my ex-boyfriend and I were at his house, we got into an argument. He was sitting on one end of the bed and I on the other. We weren't talking. I was sitting on his pillow. To silently get revenge for him cursing me out I was going to slip out a silent but deadly one- on his pillow. WRONG. It came out loud and bold. He looked at me. I looked at him.

"Get the fuck out."
"I love you."
"Amira, get out yo"
"I'm sorry Pooohhhhh, it was suppose to be silent!"

(I turn to get up, he tackles me)

"I love your lil stank ass"
"I love you too, gimme kiss"


Brink of Destruction

It's not hard to see that we are on the brink of destruction.
But when something comes of nothing,
What do you expect me to say?

Too much weight on love that could change with a letter,
A note, a kiss "goodbye".

You know how much you really mean to me,
But ask me ten minutes later,
I'll feel differently.

I'll find you chasing after me,
Years gone by.
But if it is meant to be,
I'll be there with open arms.
If not,
Then we still have what once was.

Quarter 3 Benchmark Reflection

Nuestro proyecto es una telenovela representando nuestra opinión de sexismo en países latinoamericanos. El todo es muy dramática y ridículo para presentar los diferentes en la cultura americana y la cultura latinoamericana y sexismo en la sociedad. Queremos presentar nuestro proyecto como una telenovela porque en una parte de este cuarto miramos telenovelas para representan el culturo de sexismo. Entonces es el mejor forma de presentar nuestro conocimiento de este unidad.

En completando este proyecto conocí mucho de sexismo en sociedad y cada vez una cosa es tan sexismo dije, “ESTO ES SEXISMO” entonces tuve un impresión en mi opiniones de sociedad y personas sexismos en nuestro culturo. También los todos ejemplos de sexismo en cultura de pop. Pienso que contribuí buenos opiniones del guión y presenta los características de hombres en el culturo latinoamericano en un forma controvertido.

Si completar este proyecto otra ves voy a escribir un guión menos complicado y hacer mas tiempo con el video y menos con el guión. 


I just got accepted to a school in Florida and I was looking forward to going there but reviews on seem to discourage that. I noticed its at every school that there are many negative reviews that seem to really downgrade the school or any school in that matter. Im confused on trusting what I see and hear or actually experiencing it for myself and making the decision from there.


This is a picture of my final product. I feel as though it could have been better but because I'm still getting use to the shading and the transparency of the vase i tried my best. I like that i added color to it so that people could tell what it was. I think i could have made my drawing more even with the shape of the vase. I did like this assignment because I was tried of drawing people and drawing items they never change verse drawing a person who can shift and change daily.
Overall I like this picture I drew,i think its one of my best.

I'm freaking out.

I got a 67 on my math benchmark.
This is why I curse everyone out in the hallways that bump into me, and get frustrated with all of my work.
This is a disgrace. I can't even tell my parents. I'm going to start crying more than I already am.
I can't breathe.

I hate school. This sucks.
The one thing I actually put time into and I get a 67.
Fuck this.

before i fall asleep :/

everything got gloomy once i walked back in the house
the stares were cold, the answers were bitter
it was almost like for the entire weekend i was dreaming
an ofcourse i wasnt but the freedom was given to me
the laughter came like thunder throughout all 3 days
and i was happy
so happy that when i came back
it felt wrong
it felt like i wasnt supposed to be here
better yet, like it was almost time for me to leave
and find new things

this will always be my home though.