Financing Your College Education!
Hey gang! Have you just gotten accepted to the college of your dreams but find the financial aid package to be lacking and your disposable income unable to fill the demand? Well have I got a list of money-making ventures for you!
For those who want to go into medicine, steal kidneys or other high demand organs!
For the athletes out there, try robbery or joining a mob!
For the aspiring engineers and/ or scientists, create a death ray or medication resistant plague and hold a city for ransom.
For writers, try kidnapping or some other activity in which you need to leave written demands/ clues for law enforcement officials.
Remember gang there is no wrong way to go abut paying for college.
Do anything and everything to ensure you have the most successful life possible.
For those who want to go into medicine, steal kidneys or other high demand organs!
For the athletes out there, try robbery or joining a mob!
For the aspiring engineers and/ or scientists, create a death ray or medication resistant plague and hold a city for ransom.
For writers, try kidnapping or some other activity in which you need to leave written demands/ clues for law enforcement officials.
Remember gang there is no wrong way to go abut paying for college.
Do anything and everything to ensure you have the most successful life possible.