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Just Jump!
"Just jump!" My Jordanian friend Zain said from below.
"No...I'm afraid of heights." I said in panic as I stared down at everyone who fearlessly climb down the narrow mountain path. A couple minutes went pass and at this point I had gave up, until Conner came along. Then before I knew it he had lifted through the path, effortlessly,with me screaming, "NO! You're gonna drop me!"
One day he was driving and he got a text. He was always told by his parents to not be on his phone and drive at the same time, but today he seen there was no cars in front of him on Bigler street so he went for it. Unlocked the code he had on the welcome screen, looked up, made sure everything was good and then looked at the text. Jake took a mere 2 seconds glancing at the screen but they cost him and his car. A pothole unseen from around the side of the street was deep and missed the cone that should had been covering it. He went into it and the tire popped off, as it popped off, he flipped his tiny car over to the side. He suffered a broken arm, leg, fractured skull, a broken phone , and insurance cost him thousands.
The text read: "Where you at?"
Table 5, a deuce, two men, nicely dressed. I go up to give them their waters and they stop me and converse.
What school you go to? Whats your name? Grade? How you like it?
Questions started to pour out that I answered fast and then they stated their positions, head of the school district panel. Nice men, listening to what I had to say and talked to me. Even recognized my dedication to making money and having a job while in school. They were a nice pair, giving a job to a friend at work. One of the waiters who was looking for a job, they offered one in the school district. Its always different every night at a restaurant and you could meet someone that changes your life or makes your night. Its a different atmosphere, one alot of people should experience once in their life time. You never know if it will benefit you.
Saturday's post
B: I cant take all this "trying to kill me" stuff. I didnt do anything to anyone!
P:That is true but no matter what, you were in a relationship with a vampire. Didnt you think that would cause something?
B: He was hot! what would you have done?
P: Well that has nothing to do with this situation, Im an older lady.
B: Right so let me have some fun with hot vampires!
P: I didnt say you couldnt, but dont you think thats why your being hunted by alot of different groups that arent human?
B: I geuss..
Bella starts to ponder about her relationship with a vampire, and stayed. She made this decision off of love and stupidity. She died shortly after making this decision.;
The damage is done, good bye.
Mom dances
An Unwanted Guest
Apparently, an outdoor mouse had been attracted to the scent of my mice and found it's way into my house and into my room. He then squeezed his tiny body into their cage and was confronted by two angry enemies. The mouse was not even half the size of Peanut and was quickly attacked by both of my mice. Oreo and Peanut suffered minor bite wounds to the tails, but the outdoor mouse was nearly killed. I managed to manipulate the outdoor mouse and get him to crawl up into the removal compartment of the cage so that I could safely release him back into the wild. I then cleaned the cage thoroughly.
That night was so shocking but funny at the same time. My mom said that I looked like I had just seen a ghost when I came downstairs to tell her what I saw. Since then, Peanut and Oreo have not had any unwanted visitors, thankfully.
Daily Story: Feb. 21
Death Racing
"Title of Podcast" by Larissa Pahomov
Picture Story: Robots (Saturday)
He decided one day he would be bold and daring and build something! Something unlike anything anyone else had done. He invented the PadOmeter!
What this invention did was flung in a projectile manner sanitation napkins onto lockers. It became a new sport!
He would look at himself in the mirror and tell himself he was a genius.
But one day he took a really close look and discovered he was nothing but a joke!
He walked out of the big door that said, "EXIT" and was never seen again.
Enjoying the Simple Things About Ichat
comfortable1114 cracks the hell up and almost falls out of chair
comfortable1114 then realizes that he made the uptown tweak list making him fancy now
Lenea jumps up in joy and rushes to check the list to see if she, too is fancy
Lenea is also fancy
comfortable1114 rejoices in his friends new found fanciness and throws a "I'm fancy now" debutant ball in celebration of the commemorative event
Lenea wears her freakum dress to the event because ofcourse- fanciness is a privelege not a promise- and must be kept
Lenea encounters Chris Brown at said debutant
comfortable1114 throws chris brown the fuck out because he came in the wrong lambo disgracing the "Lamborghini Truck you ain't even seen it yet charity", thus making Tweakin OFK Lay the new chairman of the board
Lenea celebrates the event by showcasing her new Lamborghini Truck at the "Lambotghini Truck you ain't even seen it yet charity" but P.Diddy hops in and tries to steal it
10:13 PM
comfortable1114 allows the thievery of Tweakin OFK Lays Lamborghini Truck because P. Diddy has his money up fucking with them white folks and there isn't really anything in his power to stop him. In exchange Diddy has to throw Tweakin OFK Lay's video all up on the Muh Effin youtube
Lenea gathers her nephews to search for blues clues but sees a link about a new rap bitch so she clicks it. She thought her computer had a virus but realized that the rappin bitch resembled miley cyrus. She decided to simmer them hips before replyin
A story that a friend and I collaborated on in the beginning of the school year. We were exploring ichat. Please excuse the foul language.
6 Word Sentence #2
Sunday night dinner
#451: Singing "Staying Alive" by the Bee Gees, at the top of our lungs and with stomachs full of pasta and cheese, in the middle of Passyunk Ave. ("Well you can tell by the way I use my walk I'm a woman's man. No time to talk..")
6 Word Story
To Whom It May Concern
And I still miss you.
Though moments fade into weeks and weeks pass by,
Here you lay, within my mind.
My body is unwilling to forget the dancing of our tongues,
My fingers in your hair that you’ve let grow too long,
The touch of your rough fingers pulling me closer, but never close enough.
Two bodies coming together as one in a musical rhythm,
As though we could touch souls if only we were close enough,
If only our two bodies were so entwined with one another that,
We couldn’t find where one body began and the other ended.
My mind refuses to let the memory of you fade,
I’m either actively thinking of your color-changing eyes,
Or I fall unknowingly into a sleep filled with dreams of your sparkling smile,
Never escaping, never able to let go of bittersweet memories,
Heavy on the bitter because each memory brings with it a shadow of agony.
But mostly I hold on to you, keeping you here in my mind,
Because my heart holds on to you,
Never daring to let go of something that took it so completely.
I gave you my heart without intending to do so,
This organ pulsating inside of me, keeping me alive,
It belongs to you and this possession was beyond my control,
Beyond the control of a mortal mind.
And though you refuse to claim this object as yours,
It belongs to you.
You can’t refuse a child that has your blood running through it,
Your genetic make up showing itself in the child’s eyes that look so much like yours.
This piece of me that keeps me going day after day is yours,
It always has been.
And if I never hear your lyrical voice bringing comfort,
Or feel your warm skin against my chilled flesh,
I want you to know that no matter where you hide or for how long,
You will always be mine, as surely as I will always be yours,
And I hope that you keep me in your thoughts,
Because I promise you that I couldn’t lose you if I wanted to,
After all, the most important part of me is the part you hold.
Relationship between power and language 2
My speech improved but I sill struggled. When saying a long sentence I would stumble across words and would have to repeat myself multiple times. It was irritating but I managed, with the exception of one thing; people couldn't take me seriously. Every time I opened my mouth when I was mad, frustrated, or sad people would just crack up. The more I talked the more they would laugh. I was powerless. My voice became my enemy. I could no longer use it to my advantage. I decided to keep my mouth shut and not talk. It was the only sensible thing to do. When I was around people who would constantly laugh at my lisp even after the entertainment weared off, I would just keep quiet. be continued
Youtube for 2.20.11
for 2/19/11
Parkour is my art, its about moving freely, and feeling the flow, youtube it