For my first quarter benchmark I decide to create a short informational book on how NCLB became a Law. The individual states compares school and even children by races to one another. It’s an Act that helps the children that need that extra one on one attention to get the high academic they thrive for. It was to close the gap between rich and poor student performance and so that low-funding schools can get more funding. School knows if they get funding when they make the AYP (adequate yearly progress).

Here is my book. The link to my book.
 NCLB act 2001
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Trip to Espaa

      This project was to help our friend Noah learn how to speak Spanish. So we came up with a story of our friend going to Spain and how we are teaching him Spanish, that way Noah is able to look at our video and learn for himself.

After watching the video we created, Noah should be able to...
  • hold basic convocations with people about himself and how he is doing
  • order food and say thank you
  • say what he did in the past summer. 
First, we found it very important to be able to talk to people even if it's only very basic. People are going to be the ones helping you with things you need so you should be able to talk to them. Also everyone eats and when you're hungry, there is nothing worse then not being able to get food because you can't say what you want. Also the goal of the project was to teach Noah how to talk about last summer, which is an important thing to him.

In the group we did a really good job on being serious and filming the scenes and making them look good. We really worked well together in that part and was albeit o get it done kind of fast. If we had more time, we wouldn't of waited until the day before/of to film and maybe given ourselves a more spaced out time line.

The question we have for Noah is, did this movie help you?  Do you feel it helped improve your level of Spanish? Why or why not?

past and present tense verbs

The purpose of this video is to help teach Noah how to tell the difference between past and present tense verbs, and to use descriptive words to describe animal, people, locations and characteristics. We will be teaching this through a situation that happened over the summer. In this situation we will be will be watching a girl and her friend experience a miscommunication over a lost dog. these goals are important cause they can help when trying to find something that was lost and on a more basic purpose to make sure that he is able to differentiate between past and present speech so that he isnt in a situation such as kate was in our story.
  • feedback: did the video help at all?
  • was there anything that confused you?

    this link will bring you to our video. i belive you must download it to watch it
    spanish video

Q1 Benchmark

2 Score and 2 Years Ago (42): A song about the Civil Rights Act of 1968.If that does not work, then listen to the song here:Lyrics:

This moment in time was one long lived

With oppression ravaging through the adults and kids.

Whites and blacks not getting along

Black people join hands in the streets singin songs

To over come, just to over come, just to over come, just to overcome.

Historical moments such as

When rosa parks didn’t give up her seat

Or that long march on Washington, I have a dream speech.

All this paved way for something in reach

Somethin they cant take away, cause itll stain like bleach.

 The thing that remained was something important

Jim crow laws had blacks in subordinate

The civil rights act of 1968

Was one in which all Americans can relate

It defined the country for what it is today

I wish the ones that helped had the chance to stay.

(Right above it)

Johnson surrounded by other important men

Signed the bill off makin history again

No need to VETO for  it was for the public

It was shown in appreciation cause they all loved it.

Unfair treatment was not tolerated

The government came through and made everyone elated

 King made it to the mountiantop with that richeous statement

He didn’t go alone because we all made it

During the 50’s and 60’s there were many laws to prevent blacks in the south from doing various things. Owning property, voting, and overall treatment in the public were things that seemed hard for others to grasp at the time. There were many Civil Rights Acts as well as this one that assisted in all Americans receiving the same and equal treatment. This one however, the Civil Rights Act of 1968  prevented discrimination on the basis of sale, renting, and financing of housing. It was passed by the house of Representatives and the Senate, and actually signed into law on april 11, 1968, 7 days after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. whose determination and ambition provided a major influence on the laws made in the decade. Without his non-violent acts and peaceful thinking, none of this could be possible today in the lives of Americans.


"Civil Rights Act of 1968." Civil Rights Act of 1968 Legal Definition. Farlex, 2010. Web. 17 Nov 2010. <>.

Hysell, Patricia. "Civil Rights Act of 1968." Civil Rights Act of 1968., 11 April 2010. Web. 17 Nov 2010. <>.

American Government - 2 Score and 2 Years Ago 2

Fuente de la Juventud

The purpose of this project, is to teach Noah and other viewers how to speak spanish, at least at a spanish one level. We are going to help you and other understand spanish by using a connection type of video, which gives you real life situations that some may relate to. In our lessons you will learn how to conjugate verbs, the alphabet, count, and also how to speak simple words. Our goals were to help you learn how to use spanish words to ask where something is, and basic Spanish one terms. We put our script and our video in a certain form that we and others would understand too. For our final product, I think the group is most proud of the fact that we were able to pull off this project despite that obstacles we encountered. If given the chance to start over, I'd like to get things together ahead of time or at least on task, that way we don't have to rush everything at the end.

Link to our video

Oh Hey, It's Spanishl!

The purpose of this project was to teach Noah different Spanish phrases that would be valuable to know while living in Spain. The goals for this tutorial should teach you how to use verbs in the past and present tense, and how to order something from a restaurant. Another goal for the video was to make it understandable and easy to follow. So that when communicating with someone who speaks Spanish he would be able to break down and understand what they are saying.  We reached our goals by explaining the basic phrases and writing them out so that Noah could have both visual and audio to remember the phrases. Also we performed different scenes and explained what each person said so that he could get a clear understanding of what to say when put on those situations. For example when at a restaurant and he has to order food. In our final product our group is most proud of the amount of information we used in each or explanations on how to say a phrase in Spanish. If we had the chance to do this project over again we would probably just film our scenes in different places.   Some questions that we would have for Noah are if he learned anything from our tutorial and if he is enjoying life in Spain.

Noahs Spanish Tutorial


For this Spanish project we made an Imovie. First we wanted to show the Spanish alphabet just in case your friend does not know it. The alphabet will become something you automatically will know, and make learning Spanish a little bit easier. Next we will make a tutorial for your friend to understand the AR, IR and ER present and past tense. Then we showed how to order food and after viewing it anyone will be able to do it. We’re also showing how to conjugate some of the words that we were using in the skit. The words are conjugated in the past tense.

In the project we are proud of the finished product. When we first started we didn’t have a clue as to what to write for a script or where to began. Arriving at the goals we set for our selves was hard in the beginning but we pulled together and started of things of ideas and writing our goals down. Every so often we went back to check if we were meeting the goals we set. We are especially proud of our finished project because we know how long it took u to come up with an idea that meet the goals we set. If we were to do this differently if we were giving a chance to start the project over, we would make a different script. The only question we have is why did he go to Spain not knowing one bit of Spanish.

Spanish Q1 Benchmark

The purpose of this project was to teach Noah, a friend of Señorita G, Spanish. We were to design a video that would explain the main topics to discuss, which  were present tense and past tense verbs.  We Our goals Ask others about what they did this summer. Name of game show: Fui en el mejor espectáculo de prueba en el mundo! Talk about what they did this summer Communicate with others The viewers will be able to enjoy speaking español. Most importantly have fun. Our group reflects on our collaboration and realizes that there are a lot of improvements that we need to make for future projects such as, time management and dividing up the work properly in the beginning to have each role run smoothly. One of the things we are proud of is our ability to come up with interesting ideas and thinking out of the box to apply Spanish in a way that would captivate an audience as well as inform effectively. A few questions we would ask Noah are - Did you prepare for your adventure to a foreign country? Why was it so important for you to travel to a country where you didn't speak their language? What complications did you face when transferring cultures and languages? What would YOU have done different if you could start your voyage over?

-Jessica Hinton, Mike Sanders, Cheyenne Pagan, Rebecca Rainis

El Verano Pasasado Q1 BM

Jenn Wright
Abe Mussleman
Taina Rosario
Alex De Lia

These goals define what success means for our project. Because our video teaches about the past verb tense, our viewers should be able to add another dimension to their conversation. Also, our video demonstrates some basic conversation skills that will allow viewers to start a friendly conversation. They should be able to use the past tense for talking about what you did over the summer. One should be able to hold a “small talk” conversation. We made this project to help teach Noah how to use some Spanish. This will teach him the past tense verbs and other familiar words. This project is basically a tutorial so Noah will be able to adjust to life in Spanish culture. We are proud of, firstly how well we worked together. Everyone took a part in producing the video and accompanying parts. The group all kept up with the check points and introduced many creative ideas. If we were to do the project over again we would have liked to have more time to polish over some of the filming in terms of pronunciation and camera quality.

Espaol Benchmark Q1:Gabby,Dan,Malik


Our video is about a boy named Steven. He is moving from Philadelphia to Spain because of his dad's new job. In this video you will learn how to conjugate verbs in the yo form. You will learn to conjugate each form in regular and irregular form. We hope you learn something from the video but also enjoy it!

The purpose of the project is to teach Steven spanish. After watching the video Steven should be able to conjugate verbs in the yo and tú form, and to tell us what he did over the summer. The way we arrived to the goals were using flashcards. This is important to us in the video because these are the cards that taught steven how to speak Spanish. Our final product when we look at it is very good. On the other hand if we were to be given the chance to do something over we would probably add onto our script and rerecord some of the clips. in our group we are proud that we have been cooperating very well and getting everything done on time. Questions we have for Steven are, Did our flashcards help you with learning the Spanish? Was writing your paragraph about Spanish easy or hard? and How do you like España so far?



When Ms. hull told us that our Q1 art benchmark was going to be based around recycling the first thought that came to my mind is all the waste I see along the beaches and how it is affecting our wild life. At First I had no idea what I wanted my base to be and what the purpose of wild life would come across in my art work. Later the thought came to me and I picture my base to be a sea structure with a fish based scenario and how it is affecting and turning them into something they are not. I took recycled bottles to use as the fishes bodies and things that would be trash and can't be recycled to show others how the wild life is affecting the animals bodies and the sea around us.
When it comes to helping out the environment and saving wildlife I take a big part into that. We only have one planet so we should keep it clean not only for us but for the animals. Incorporating my artwork into project was a great idea because our community is very important and with recycling and helping the environment it doesn't just benefit animals it benefits us to a healthier lifestyle and living atmosphere.
 Under the sea recycling

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Vaya Noah Vaya!

The purpose of this project is to teach a non-Spanish speaking person how to speak Spanish so living in a Spanish spanking country can be more comfortable. The goals we set for this project are he/she will know how to ask and answer questions in the pas and present tense. They should understand when and how to use verbs in the past tense. He will understand the difference in the past tense and present tense. The goals are important because the lessons taught can help in everyday situations. Referring to the final project, we are especially proud of our over all Idea and effort the we put into creating our project. If we had a chance to start this project over we would have a better planning system. We would have given ourselves a small window of time to make a rough draft of the entire project and not just have to rush in headfirst. Questions that we have for Noah are why did he go to Spain not knowing how to speak Spanish and how hard was it to understand the lessons in the videos.