Taylor Veasley Food Project



2 medium heads of cauliflower

1 tablespoon of sea salt

5 cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons of Olivio ( Olive Oil based butter substitute)

Seasoning Salt 




1. Set a stockpot of water to boil over high heat.

2. Clean and cut cauliflower into small pieces.

3. Cook the cauliflower with the garlic cloves and sea salt in boiling water for about 6 minutes, or until well done.

4. Drain well

5. Put the cauliflower into a large bowl.

6. Add in the Olivio.

7. Mash until it has the consistency of mashed potatoes.

8. Season to taste



This dish is very healthy. I love it because I love starches, especially potatoes. This gives me an alternative to mashed potatoes, they taste the same but they have much less carbohydrates and is a lighter side. Sometimes when you have mashed potatoes accompanying other foods they can be heavy and overpowering, the mashed cauliflower is nothing like that at all. The Cauliflower I bought was from Produce Junction and I believe that it came from a local farm. I do not know the exact name of the farm but, I know it is from a farm near Philadelphia. The garlic cloves were bought from Produce Junction also but it was not clear where they were from. The workers did not know when I asked so I could not really get a conclusive answer about the origins of the garlic. The Olivio has two ingredients in it that are actually processed, most of its components are natural. The rest of the ingredients were seasonings. This recipe is easy to make and has only a few ingredients within it. The bet part about it though is that you can season it however you like. You can season them just like you season potatoes and they taste just like them. You can even not add anything, if you are trying to watch your salt intake, and just rely on the garlic and sea salt that it was boiled with. There have multiple times when I have eaten it like that and it is actually quite good and not at all bland. The fat content of my meal would be quite low. Overall it is a great recipe and it is good for you.

Politically the food I prepared was wonderful. It was not expensive at all to make and it took no time to put together. The heads of cauliflower cost about $2 each and the whole garlic cloves cost about $2.60 each. In total I only spent about $7.20. This cost so little to make and feeds so many people that I feel like I am saving so much money. The people that made money off of my meal are Produce Junction and the farm that my food comes from. All of the other ingredients I have or are seasoning so the nutritional fact is clear. 

Socially, a lot of things I feel as though my dish is also lovely. This dishes' only social ramification would be the travel. How the ingredients got from one destination to another. That could be a problem depending on how far the vegetables traveled. In my case they did not travel from too far away from Philadelphia. 

Personal Reflection

I have learned a lot in this unit. The most important thing I have learned though, is that I need to begin to pay attention to the kinds of foods that enter my body. Whenever I go grocery shopping I notice all of those "heart healthy" and "organic" etc. labels and I think nothing of them. I never read the ingredients to see how beneficial the food could be be for me. I never even stop to think about it, in a way I am being ignorant. I realized during this unit that my ignorance needs to stop and I need to start treating my body better by eating better. 

When we did the focus on diseases and disorders that were repercussions from being obese I was appalled. A lot of things were brought into perspective and I realized that obesity was serious. The biggest problem I see within our food system is how much of the bad things that we eat. I think as Americans we eat a lot, but we don't eat a lot of salads or vegetables we eat a lot of fatty meats and sugars. This is a problem. We are now the number one on the list of most  obese countries. If we did not eat so much of everything then I believe that we would definitely be healthier. I believe the reason that we do eat so much is because we develop an emotional relationship with food. We no longer eat to live, we live to eat. We associate food with emotions and feelings and we trust in this food. This kind of emotional connection with something that can hurt us should not exist. This section of the unit really taught me a lot and made me realize what my problem is with food and being healthy and America's problem as well. 

As for myself and what choices I will make from here on out to ensure my healthiness is I will just be more cautious about what I put into my body. I will begin to look at ingredients and how food was made and if it is processed. Becoming a healthy person begins with intake, if I am eating crap then I will look like crap because I am what I eat. 

I think the other impactful section of this unit was on friday when we looked at the one section of a documentary. The section was about chickens, cows, and corn. It had a lot of information in the beginning about chicken farmers and how they are forced to do things that are not good for the chickens because they are so in debt. We also learned about how cows are fed corn when their bodies have evolved to process grass not corn. We learned about how cows are contracting different deadly viruses and then are wading in each other's feces and are spreading these viruses. The the feces is not completely sprayed off the cattle so when they are slaughtered some of the feces gets onto the meat along with the viruses causing the consumers to possibly contract a deadly virus. We then learned about how corn is in just about everything that we eat and use on a daily basis, even gasoline ! A lot of the things that happen within our society are harmful to either our wallets, our bodies, or both. I learned in this unit that if everyone decided to make a difference in what they put into their bodies it could have a large impact on the entire country. Individuals can make a difference and this unit helped me to see this.

Preseason Practices

Here's all the information for pre-season practices for Fall Sports teams! 

Cross Country
 practices begin on Monday, August 15. Please meet at SLA at 8am ready to run and work out. Bring water and wear sunscreen! Email agiknis@scienceleadership.org for more information or questions.

Boys Soccer has begun practice! For the remainder of the week, practices will be on Wednesday 8/17 and Friday 8/19. The location of our practices is at 44th and Haverford and people can email Jorin Gervini at jgerveni@scienceleadership.org if they have any questions about forms, schedules and practices. 

Girls Soccer
 has already begin practice/tryouts! We will be practicing TuesdayWednesday and Thursday, August 23rd-25th at 1pm. Please meet under the train tracks at 31st and Chestnut. Contact Ms. Siswick (zsiswick@scienceleadership.org) or Hanna Dunakin (hdunakin@scienceleadership.org) for more information. 

Boys and Girls Ultimate Frisbee will be practicing at Penn Park on 8/23, 8/24, 8/25 after Summer Institute at 1pm! Bring cleats and a lot of water! Email Eli Block (eblock@scienceleadership.org) or Mr. Lehmann (clehmann@scienceleadership.org) for more information! 

Girls Volleyball tryouts will take place on August 26th from 9:30-2:30 pm at SLA Beeber (5925 Malvern Ave). Make sure to bring a PIAA physical, knee pads, lunch, and plenty of water. Conditioning will continue the entire week of August 29th. Contact Karina Hirschfield (khirschfield@scienceleadership.org) for more information.

Cross Country Practice Begins 8/15

The Cross Country season kicks off next week with morning practices! All interested students should plan to meet at SLA at 8am Monday-Friday beginning August 15. Be ready to run and work out, and don't forget to bring water and wear sunblock!

Email agiknis@scienceleadership.org for more information.

New 2016 Youth Poet Laureate - Otter Jung-Allen

Congratulations Otter!

Philadelphia – Today, the City of Philadelphia announced its 2016 Youth Poet Laureate at a ceremony in the Art Gallery at City Hall. Otter Jung-Allen, who is a sixteen year old from West Philadelphia and rising senior at Science Leadership Academy, will begin their one-year term effective immediately.

“We are proud to have Otter Jung-Allen serve as the City of Philadelphia’s Youth Poet Laureate and to lead by example in demonstrating to young Philadelphians that poetry can be educational tool, a form of expression and a means of connection with people of all ages,” said Mayor Jim Kenney.

Otter was selected by the Poet Laureate Governing Committee and City of Philadelphia’s Poet Laureate Yolanda Wisher to serve as the city’s fourth Youth Poet Laureate, a role that provides an opportunity for an outstanding young poet to give voice to their fellow students and children through the medium of poetry. Otter will be mentored by Poet Laureate Yolanda Wisher, as the Youth Poet Laureate program was created to complement the City’s Poet Laureate program, which is also managed by the Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy. As Youth Poet Laureate, Otter will work with Poet Laureate Yolanda Wisher to promote poetry, literacy, and arts education through community events and visits to Philadelphia schools and libraries across the city.

“The Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy look forward to working with Otter this year to reach Philadelphians in their neighborhoods through poetry,” said Chief Cultural Officer Kelly Lee. “As Youth Poet Laureate, Otter will have the valuable opportunity to not only perform throughout the city but also to educate their fellow Philadelphians of the importance of this living art form.”
Among their recent accolades, Otter is the 2015 Brave New Voices International Champion and the 2015 Liberty Unplugged Champion. Otter also serves as the performance coach of Science Leadership Academy’s Slam League team.

At the ceremony, outgoing Youth Poet Laureate David Jones of Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School was recognized for his year of service along with 2016 Youth Poet Laureate finalists Husnaa Hasim of Mastery Charter School – Shoemaker Campus and Zoe Gray, who is homeschooled.

Rough Cut Film Fest Awards Gala- Mon, 6/20 Suzanne Roberts 7-930pm

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Morning Everyone, 

somehow we made it to the 8th and final day of this action-packed week of films, workshops, panels and socials! Quick reminder that tonight is our Awards Gala, and we have an amazing evening of performances and films to honor.

Students and Teachers are FREE, so talk this up to your streams at Field Day. 

Join us for an evening to celebrate the amazing work of the next generation transforming Philadelphia into a bonafide Arts and Entertainment hub. The Future of Philly is now!

The entire Rough Cut Team hopes to see you tonight!

Suzanne Roberts Theatre
480 S Broad St (at Lombard)
Red Carpet 6pm
Awards Show 7-930pm
After Party 10-? (around corner on South St. at Cambridge & Rex)

Live Performances:
-School of Rock House Band
-PYP (Philly Young Playwrights)
-PYPM (Philly Youth Poetry Movement)

Challenge Week Film Festival Winners!

Congratulations to the three winning teams of SLA's first-ever Challenge Week Film Festival. Students from Gold and Silver Streams were tasked with creating a three-minute documentary film in just three days. Here's the prompt they had to answer:

Tell the truth about your neighborhood.

Special thanks to the media facilitators from the University Community Collaborative at Temple University, who came to train participants at the start of the challenge. We couldn't have done it without you!

First Place: Kensington
Sam Dennis, Hannah Layton, Johnny Saldivar, Charles Velazquez, Taytiana Velazquez-Rivera

Second Place: West Philadelphia
Ajanae Mills, Arielle Moore, Jevon Price, TK Saccoh, Sandra Watson
Third Place: Bella Vista
Jhazzelle Majarucon, Israh Mohammed, Destiny Patton, Sopheary Sok
Audience Choice: Mayfair
Laith Abuhartheith, Ijustice Avery, Conor Meier, Tia Roberts, Alex Torres

4th Annual Rough Cut Photo Exhibition- URBN Annex- Pearstein Gallery, Drexel Univ

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Join us for another amazing FREE exhibition of original photographs, both print and digital display.

All prints are available for purchase (print to order) to sustain and expand our photography program. 

Rough Cut Photolab
"I'm Not The Same Anymore"
URBN Center Gallery, Drexel University
3501 Market St
Phila, PA 19104
Thurs, 6/16


Trilladelphia (True, Real Philadelphia) Mosaic by Red and Orange Streams

This year was SLA’s first annual Challenge Week. Challenge Week is the final, full week of school, in this case, from June 13th through June 16th. All of the freshmen, sophomore, and junior streams collaborated with each other to work on separate service learning projects. Red and Orange Streams collaborated together to work on a mosaic inspired by Isaiah Zagar’s Philly Magic Gardens.

Students were first told about Challenge Week in the beginning of the year. Students were told that Red and Orange Streams will be working together to create a mosaic and we discussed some of the things people could bring in and how we are going to set this up. In May, after all of the students forgot about Challenge Week, our two streams got together again and talked about what the week is going to look like.  

On Monday, Red and Orange streams met early in the morning for the trip to the Magic Gardens. After a tiring walk from school to 10th and South Streets, we entered the Magic Gardens and were amazed by the detail and thought put in by Isaiah Zagar. Zagar had put together a beautiful array of mosaics throughout the building and the surrounding areas. As seen below we were amazed at his story and what he had spent his life doing.

Freshmen ​Bea, Sydney, Leo, and Caroline enjoying a Monday at the Philly Magic Gardens.
The next day, we began working on our own mosaic. Unfortunately, our tile and glue orders never arrived making Ms. Giorgio and Srta. Manuel take a road trip to New Jersey to go buy some themselves. Once they made their way back to Philadelphia in the early afternoon, we were able to start our work. Red and Orange Streams’ students cut the mirrors and smashed the tiles. With the help of Yaara, Zagar’s former right-hand woman we were able to put all the tiles on the wall by the end of the day. Going into our final day, we knew we were on pace to have a successful Challenge Week project.

Bea and Caroline beginning the work on the mural by gluing tiles onto the wall.
Tuesday's finished progress on the wall.
On Wednesday, the students of Red and Orange Streams started the grouting process. We decided on a maroon grout, and the students got to work grouting and making the mosaic come to life. We also split into groups to write speeches, invite people, write articles, and prepare our mural.

Sarah mixing the grout.
Meymey, Alyssa, Ben, Amelia, and Carolina inviting the media, Isaiah Zagar, and many other dignitaries to our presentation.
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The finished grouting.
​On Thursday, we were able to make some finishing touches on the mosaic. Once we were done, we hosted many dignitaries, SLA students, staff, and parents to our ribbon cut ceremony. Christina Santana, Kwan Hopkins, Amado Alfaro-Allah, Avi Cantor, and Darlenny Rodriguez made short speeches and the ribbon was cut.

We would like to thank Isaiah Zagar and everyone else at the Philly Magic Gardens for allowing us to feel inspired by their work. We also want to thank Ms. Giknis, Ms. Giorgio, Srta. Manuel, and Ms. Johnson for buying us the supplies that allowed us to be awesome. A big thank you also goes out to Naima’s mother and Yaara for helping teach us how to cut glass, smash tiles, cement the tiles onto the wall, and grout the tiles. Another great thanks to Santucci’s Pizza for providing us with lunch.

We pulled information and inspiration from our trip to the Magic Gardens to make a mosaic. So what did we learn from all of this? We learned how to collaborate with two streams, make a mosaic and make a mosaic with our values and Isaiah Zagar’s style.

Written by:
Majd Bostani
Autumn Lor
Leo Cassel-Siskind
Becca Snyder
Eli Zimmerman
Shamus Keough

Q4 Art Blog

For our final quarter of art we started by traveling to the Rodin museum and sketching. I chose to sketch the thinker, I positioned myself behind him because I wanted to challenge myself and try to capture the his angles with charcoal. 
For the next weeks I tried to do something different each week, starting with charcoal, then transitioning to paint, then watercolor and lastly with a marker. 


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We received over 250 submissions and will screen nearly 100 films at PFS Roxy, UArts and Drexel.

We're also offering Workshops/Panels led by Industry professionals, showcasing our 4th PhotoLab Exhibition at Drexel, hosting nightly social events AND we're holding a massive Awards Gala at Suzanne Roberts Theatre on Mon, June 20th. We'd love to ensure the SLA community is aware that it is FREE for all high school students. 

Hoping you can all be part of this amazing, action-packed week! O
ur major events are listed below with links to sign up. 

You can direct people to our profiles on social media:
FB- Rough Cut Media
TW- @roughcutmedia

Here are a few of the larger events we'd love for you to be our guest:

Would love for students to be a part of our Workshops & Panels
(professionals are literally flying in from LA to run these)
Workshops- (25pp per workshop- register here)
-Cinematography (almost sold out)
-Sound Design for Film 

Panels- (60pp per panel- register here)
-Inequity in the industry
-Power of Youth Media
-Making an Independent Feature

FILM FESTIVAL KICK OFF (Mon, 6/13 7-930pm)
Planetarium at The Franklin Institute
-select films projected on dome
-live band scoring the films
-original poems by 2014 Philly Poet Laureate- Soledad Alfaro (one of my graduating seniors)
-cash bar
Reserve FREE Tickets Here
ROUGHCUTphotolab EXHIBITION (Thurs, 6/16 730-930pm)
"I am not the same anymore"
URBN Annex Gallery, Drexel University
-hundreds of original photographs, print and digital display
-all prints on display available for purchase (Print to Order basis)
-FREE and open to the public, just come on down!

AWARDS GALA (Mon, 6/20 6-930pm)
Suzanne Roberts Theatre
Red Carpet 6-7
Awards Show 7-930
Red Carpet 930-1030

Live Performances

-School of Rock
-PYP- Philly Young Playwrights
-PYPM- Philly Youth Poetry Movement
-Other Special Guests

Reserve Your $15 Tickets Here 
-free drinks included, compliments of Cambridge
After Party (1030-1am)
Cambridge, 1508 South St.

Scott Pilgrim V.S Taming of The Shrew

Scott Pilgrim V.S The World is a romance comedy. This movie focuses on the love life of Scott Pilgrim. A 22yo, man who has been finished high school for a couple of years now. Throughout, the movie Scott is having thoughts and flashbacks from his past relationships. And, they mess with his mind a little bit. The movie started off with Scott dating a High School Asian girl named Knives. About 30min in, Scott goes to a party to a party and meets a girl, who he continues to stalk for a week, until he finally decides to ask her, even though he is still in a relationship with Knives. In, the long run. Scott dumps Knives for this new chick named Ramona. Throughout the time with Ramona, Scott feels that since Ramona and Him are in a relationship, then they have to kiss.  Another thing is that Scott believes that to be with Ramona that he has to defeat all of her ex boyfriends (Who wants to fight him). That shows how his love for Ramona is real.

In, The taming of the shrew there was a guy named Petruchio, and Petruchio had to tame a shrew named Kathrine. He tamed her by not listening to her. He tamed her by making her follow what he said with no talk backs. He showed this throughout many scenes. And, the two things that in both stories they have expectations on relationships. They feel that when they are in these relationships that the female has to go with the ideas. And, to their expectations the females do follow what the expectations are. To conclude, both of my stories are showing the male expectations in a relationship.

Scene Example #1

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In this scene Ramona introduces the concept that in order for them to be together that Scott has to defeat her ex seven boyfriends. Scott’s reaction is shown on his face. At, first Scott questioned the process, but he also thought to himself that, he has to prove his love with her. So, scott decides to go with the “plan.” This proves my thesis that the male expectations of a relationship, in this case Scott’s expectations are that he has fight for Ramona’s love. But, this also proves a point in real life that people think that in order to show someone that you love them, then you have to fight for them.

In the taming of the shrew, my first quote comes from a part in the book when Hortensio, Petruchio, and Katherine were out at night, and Petruchio and Katherine had a little altercation about how the moon is shining bright. You can read the quote down below.

Quote #1

"Petruchio: Good Lord, how bright and goodly shines the moon!

Katherine: The moon? The sun! It is moonlight now.

Petruchio: I say it is the moon that shines so bright.

Katherine: I know it is the sun that shines so bright

Petruchio: Now, by my mother’s son, and that’s myself, It shall be moon, or star, what I list, Or e’er I journey to your father’s house...

Hortensio: Say as he says, or we shall never go

Katherine: Forward, I pray, since we have come so far, And be it moon, or star, or what you please. And if you please to call it a rush candle, Henceforth I vow it shall be for me."

Act 4 /Scene 5 / Lines 3- 7 - 14-15 (Pages 185 & 186)

This quote shows how Petruchio wanted something from Katherine, and at first she wasn’t going for it, but then she coped with it. Petruchio wanted Katherine to agree that the moon was shining bright in the night, but Katherine steadily said that it was the sun shining bright. A Infuriating Petruchio, brought the attention of Hortensio, Hortensio then told Katherine to just agree with him, or they would never leave where they were. Katherine listening to Hortensio; gave into what Petruchio was saying and agreed with him. Also, she then said that whatever you say for here on out, then she would go with it. This example proves my thesis statement showing that the male expectations of a relationship is  that Petruchio’s ideas of the relationship is for his woman (Katherine) to agree with anything he says, no matter what. With no talk back, because he will get stubborn.

My next example goes back to Scott Pilgrim V.S The World. In, this example Scott feels that when in a relationship, what comes with is is kissing. After, Ramona tells him about defeating the ex boyfriends, the word that stuck to him, is when Ramona said “relationship.” Scott was more worried about that than the seven ex boyfriends. Scott then proceeded to say “Since, we are in a relationship, does that mean we can make out?”. Ramona said “Sure,” then they started to make out on the bus.

Scene #2 Example

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In this scene it supports my thesis statement that the idea of male expectations in a relationship. This, time the expectation was that since they were in a relationship then they had to make out. That was Scott’s expectation. Also, Ramona coped with the idea of Scotts. This relates back to when Katherine coped with Petruchio’s idea of the relationship was that she had to listen to what he said, even if she didn’t agree.

In, both of my examples, they tend to show the male expectations on relationships. They tend to both focus on what they think how the relationship should be ran. The stories focused on being dominate and showing their strong will. Petruchio and Scott both showed their dominance in a few different ways. Petruchio showed his ways by arguing with Katherine, treating her badly, and being stubborn. While, Scott fought for Ramona which showed his will to be with her, and he made out with her, to show his affection. Both, stories in different ways and maybe some similarities, sill prove the male expectations of a relationship.

Q4 Final Art Portfolio by Jesse Shuter

For the final quarter of art we started by exploring the Rodin Art Museum. It was a great experience to see some beautiful statues. I chose to sketch a side view of a unique sculpture that sat in a window and the head of the sculpture was sticking out of the window and facing me from me side angle view. It was, at least to me, a cool drawing.

For the rest of the quarter we were left on our own to produce whatever product we so choose. I created two drawing the first opportunity. One of a memory, the NFL Draft, and the other of my childhood favorite animal a Tree Frog. Then for the following two sessions I took longer but came out with paintings each time. I wanted to focus on animals because to me they are the most interesting things to create in art. It was a great opportunity to branch out on our own.

Art 2 Final Blog

Unfortunately, this is my final blog post of the year and I can truly say that I enjoyed my art class this year. I felt like I saw myself growing with every bit of knowledge I gained about the different types of art and every type of picture we drew and or painted. This quarter, we worked throughout the entire thing without guidance from our art teacher who was away for a surgery and recovery. But although she was away for the quarter I think that I still was able to do good with my last pieces of the year. 

My first one is a sketch of a statue from the Rodin Museum. Before our art teacher went away for surgery, we all took a trip to the Rodin Museum and just sat in the nice weather and sketched things that were in sight. It was a very relaxing assignment and a good start to the quarter. I drew a statue on the outside gate of the museum and I was able to finish in the short amount of time we spent there.

The second drawing marked the beginning of our four hour drawing venture. For the rest of the quarter, our assignment was to do three, four hour drawings and submit them one by one. The second drawing is a drawing of Sasuke from the anime, Naruto. First I drew Sasuke with pencil (which was very difficult being that he’s such a difficult character to free-draw) and then went over my pencil lines with a Sharpie marker. The third drawing was another character from Naruto, Zabuza. This drawing was the hardest for me because even though I was drawing him from scratch, there were multiple times where I had to erase because parts did not look correct to me. I erased so much that there were black spots that got put on the paper. The final drawing is that of a samurai standing in front of a red moon. This one was by far the longest one because of all the detail that I put into it. Not only did I draw out the samurai, (which took so many hours) but I also went over the whole thing with a fine point Sharpie to make it look sharp.

Q4 Art Gallery

This quarter, Mrs. Hull garnished our weekly art assignments with a healthy helping of independence. In the first week, we had to sketch the figures we saw at the Rodin when we took a quick field trip to the museum. In the subsequent weeks, we had to create three independent projects of our own. I let my creative juices flow for each of them, putting in four hours of work into each. In her absence, I tried to make Hull proud before I graduate! We miss and love you and wish you a speedy recovery!

Darius Purnell Final Art Show 2016

For my final art pieces i wanted to keep it random but I ended but keeping a theme of superheroes when lost for ideas.

The first piece which wasn’t my choice of subject was of a replica of The Thinker in The Rodin Museum Garden. I wanted to make the piece my own so I purposely left out the face, feet and hands. I also tried to limit texture just to add a new look. I changed the hair but adding more to it and making it thicker.

My first 4 hour piece I did a character analysis of a villain from a story I write on the side; The Ghost. I drew a detailed sketch of his helmet, gauntlets, boots and clothing. I also took the time to point out each aspect of the pictures.

Second 4 hour art piece, I drew a ;lesser detailed picture of a hero that would appear later on in the story that my fictional villain is from; The Electron. I took the time to try to draw out his muscle features and I spent a long time playing with different costume detail designs and hairstyles. After I finished, I noticed I forgot the legs so i drew a quick sketch with my last ten minutes as well as a hand showing off his powers.

The last 4 hour art piece, I did a deadpool sketch out of memory. I did many layers. I first did an outline. Then I took another paper and drew his armor and pads. My third piece of paper I drew his under armor. Finally I added everything together on a last piece of paper and sketched a bear on the other side of the piece. I also added my own spin by putting a chimichanga in his hand instead of a gun.

Advanced Art Q4 - Katarina

This time I really wanted to be creative with my art. For the first 4 hour piece I wanted to do eater nature or abstract, so I combined the two concepts. I first drew a sun set, and then I made it look like there is a corner bent, and in abstract colors and shapes I made what it made me feel. For the second I wanted to do designed and poems, but not to use any color. And por the last I did an abstract painting I call "Heaven and Earth". I wanted to plant, so I decided to make it more artistic and use it for my project. Hope you enjoy!

Final Art Show

For the first project we were suppose to choose an area of the park that we liked. I chose the fountain behind the gates but found it very difficult since I couldn't get the best view. I liked this area because it was peaceful and elegant which is what I wanted to portray in my photo. I think that my work could have been cleaner but I wouldn't change the area I chose.
My next photo was inspired by a song that I really liked and my crush.  I also wanted to try something a little different and do block letters. It took me a while to get the letter the way I wanted by I wanted to add more so I wrote all of the lyrics to the song around a heart of the name title. I also included my crush's name in the picture.
My next picture is of a dress and a girl blowing a bubble. I really liked drawing a dress so I wanted to do it again but I wanted a face to go with the dress. I personally like the picture of the girl blowing a bubble because I think it was the best picture of a person I drew 
For my last photo I wanted to reflect over the pictures I drew over the year but I also wanted to try
drawing the letters again so I drew out Art in Art supplies and redrew the art I have created over the year

Q4 A2 Art progression

Through Quarter 3 to Quarter 4, I have been busy working on the continuation of my art collage on a big piece of paper. Everyday I had that class I would work on it. At the end of the week, I would upload my progress of the collage on the slide since I wasn't doing anything different the class was doing. When I finished, I started doing the last objective Ms. Hull never assigned me when she left and that was to sketch for 4 hours. I drew my last masterpiece before turning it in using a pencil. Not much is really said, but I drew a picture of a knight helmet.

See here.

Quarter 4 Artwork

Each and every drawing that was done in this class has had some sort of impact on what i do as an soon to be artist. My first drawing was of my name, I started with just bubble letters and then i started to put a little twist because i didn't want it to be super boring. So I added most of the things that I am really interested in which made a nice twist. I Also done the same with my drawing of my nickname. At the age of 13 I had a dream of starting a company that does a lot of the things i do for people now. which is basically fix phones and computers. Which is also things I enjoyed doing on so many levels. and last was just a drawing of the word Art surround by random objects to make use of the random space that was left on the paper. i was absent Week 1 assignment so i didn't really get a chance to sketch anything for that.

Q4 Art Gallery - Lotus Shareef-Trudeau

Wk 1

For the first piece of art that we had to complete we went to the Rodin museum to draw some inspiration from there. While there I chose to sketch a street lamp that I saw. Though it was daylight, I decided to draw the lamp as if it was dark outside. I tried to portray it as if it was emitting light, to do this I drew moths fluttering around it and attempted at creating shadows.

Wk 2 & 3

The second piece of art that I made was a collage. I took a canvas and painted it a solid orange color. I then cut out a few interesting pictures from magazines that I had and an old picture from home and glued them down to the canvas. After that I recycled some snapple bottle caps that were lying around my room and a broken artificial flower and glued them to the canvas as well. Lastly I draped a string of beads onto the collage using thumbtacks. I really enjoyed making this collage because I found a way to turn a lot of the stray, sort of useless objects all about my room, into something I like to look and and can hang on my wall.

For the third piece of artwork that I made I did another collage on a canvas. The first thing I did was paint it, this time it was not a solid coat but had more variation, I used blue and black paint. I went through much of the same process with this collage as with the last, looking through magazines for pictures that caught my eye and browsing through old photos that would work with the feel I was going for. I used duct tape for the picture and watered down glue to paint onto the backs of my magazine images so that it would produce a more thin and even coat. Lastly for an extra touch I used markers to create a few designs on the canvas and on the images and I cut out clouds to stick onto the image of the man by the train tracks.

Wk 4 & 5

The next piece I made was a painting of a nebula. I used watercolors because they do a good job of expanding on the page in a way that looks natural as opposed to the deliberate strokes of a paint brush that would come out using another type of paint. I restricted my mini nebula to a circle shape so that it is more compact and it looks like its own mini universe contained inside a small space.

After that I used colored pencil to color draw a picture of an alien. It is based off of a picture of my little sister.

The next drawing is based off of a picture that I saw. I really liked the picture because the stripes on her cheek show that she’s a warrior even though it may not look it. I used chalk pastels to color her in.

I based another drawing off of a picture of Jennifer Lawrence. Again I used chalk pastels to color. I used mostly muted colors save for the blue of her eyes because I wanted them to pop more.

Wk 6 & 7

In the 6th and 7th weeks I got really into drawing butterflies. I filled up this page with various drawings of butterflies that I drew throughout the weeks. They’re really beautiful creatures and I tried to capture how delicate they are by applying less pressure to the page when drawing creating a fainter, more subtle line than I normally would.

This next drawing is a depiction of a girl hiding her feelings behind a veil of material things, wearing a mask of indifference. At a time when I was feeling somewhat down on life I began to doodle in my notebook. I tried to channel my feeling through drawing and ended up personifying the feelings that I had at the time. This picture was created with pen.

I drew a picture of a man in a spacesuit and behind him were planets and other planetary objects. I used a combination of pens, markers, and pencils to complete this drawing. I think that space is a beautiful thing and this drawing reflects my desire to learn more about the mysteries of the universe.

Brian's Q4 ArtWorlk

This is definitely going to be my very last assignment ever submitted for Art. I've got to say I had way more fun than I thought I would end up having when I first started this course back in September. But going to this past 4th Quarter, we were basically given freedom to do what we wanted. The first week the class drew a picture from the Rodin Museum, and then the rest of the way we did 4 hour art pieces. I centered my 4 hour art pieces around the sport of baseball. Mainly because my first 4 hour art piece is a painting of the Reigning NL MVP Bryce Harper and my second 4 hour art piece is a picture of the SLA Rockets symbol with the Letters SLA, and a baseball inside the rocket and a baseball bat going through. I did this because I am on the baseball team. I had the most fun with the Bryce Harper painting because of all the detail that went into it, from making sure I illustrated where all the shading was to showing the wrinkles in his jersey. I just had a lot of fun with it. Overall I'm happy with the effort I put into my work. It wasn't the easiest stuff considering art isn't one of my hobbies, but I learned new things and it helped with what I did.