Bajirao Mastani-Mako Mori Test

The movie Bajirao Mastani, is a newly released movie from Bollywood. The movie was based on a true life story of Mastani, a princess, a warrior, a court dancer. Mastani in real life, was born 1699, Bundelkhand. Mastani was a princess, but was also a warrior, trying to protect her homeland. She met Mastani, a male warrior in the battleground, and ask of him to help her. She grew to like Bajirao. She then left her home, to go find Bajirao, who had already went back to his homeland, after helping her homeland. She did not follow by the rules, she set her own, venture out after what she wants. It was about her life, and the control she had of it, instead of the typical thought when it come to princesses. It was not about Bajirao, the person she went after, that lead her to a whole new land, but what she believed in, and how she get what she wants.

The movie passed the Mako Mori Test. The Mako Mori test consist of three things.

“ -A film having at least one female character.
  - That character having her own narrative arc.

  • The narrative arc can not be about supporting a man’s story.”

Bajirao Mastani, had more than one female character. Mastani had her own narrative arc, that does not support a man’s story, even though she did fought for the love she had for Bajirao. She did it out of what she want, what she believed in, she went through great measures, that women at that time would not do. She was also a warrior, who actually went to was with Bajirao. It was about her, taking control of her life, as a powerful woman.

My anti-gender bias film test would be…

  • There’s a female with leading role in the movie.

  • Female being able to be independent.

  • Female fight for what they believe in.

  • Female who have her own narrative arc.

The movie Bajirao Mastani and my own test.

The movie would still pass, it pass each and everyone of them. Even though the name of the movie is Bajirao Mastani, Mastani and her lover Bajirao. The main focus is on the power Mastani had, going against all odds. Of going to a new kingdom, having people want her dead left and right Protecting herself and her baby. It was how the character Mastani portrayed as one of the strongest characters in the movie.

U2-#8 (Benjamin Seing)

​​​The video we watched was called "Growing Up Online"

The show was about the online usage and the people behind it. All of the social that the children was using was doing stuff behind their parents back. Some people were doing games and talking gossip on others. Some students were being teased and made fun of, yet some people suppress these issues and some may hurt themselves. 

The most memorable thing that I remembered was the part when the kid in school was made fun of and was thinking of suicide. He was taking with another person online and searching how commit to suicide. He would search how to tie a knot that he hang himself to. After he passed, his father went to his laptop and talked the people he chatted recently and searched his history to find out why he has done such thing. 

What I felt that it is important to watch the video is because the world and generation today is filled with internet and online usage. We needed to see the first hand experience of the problems that the people were facing. These things may help the parents to control the internet and the online social media. 

To keep my future family safe from the dangerous acts, I can always lock Safe search on. For the ones for online social media, keep an eye out for the ones they follow and check their devices casually. 

If our family were not to talk about the safety, then there will be a situation that will linger in the safety. The thought about safety will at least be a magnet when using the internet when they do use it. It will keep the family from separating and have still a physical connection. 

My advice for parents that don't know about these possibilities is to show and explain what consequences their children will face and the fear they might contact to. 

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Él Triángulo De Amor: Doniesha, Imani, Lauren, Hamidou

In this show, you will see that Blanca really likes Pablo and gets distracted by his handsomeness. She likes him so much that she can even speak clearly when he is around. However, Pablo does not like Blanca but he likes her best friend, Liliana. What a change in events! In the end, everyone is friends-- or are they? Tune in next week for the next episode of: Él Triángulo De Amor!!

U2-#8 - Seng, Meymey

What TV show did you watch in class?

The TV show that we watched in class was "Growing Up Online".

What was this show about?

This show was about how technology affects people differently. For example, it may make other people get cyber-bullied, while others feel like being online is like their safe haven. Also, this show tells us about how it affects schools and education. Having laptops for everyone in the school really increased the drop-out rates and the academic rates. Although, the kids could get distracted online. Even with this, adults took the turn to look at it in a positive way, that the kids learning how to multi-task is good. A third thing that this show tells us about is how technology separates kids from their parents.

What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?

The most memorable thing to me from this show was how business meetings are taken place in a 3-D game called "Second Life". The reason behind this is to save money from having to travel into an actual meeting. The concept of this is okay, but I think they take it too far. Second Life is made for gaming and having a business meeting in a game takes out the seriousness. Also, when they say wait a second, they have to change their avatar's outfit for the meeting was a bit too far because they are taking it as if it was real life. Another thing was that they had to move their meeting to another table because it was able to fit everyone in better. I would say that these things are a bit too much because they're treating it like a game.

Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?

I think that it is important to watch shows like these because it allows us to see parents, teachers, and children's point of views about technology. It shows us the bad things that can happen online and it shows us to be careful of the reality that goes on.

How will you keep your future family safe online?

I will keep my future family safe online by setting a time limit for them online and taking their electronic devices when they go to bed. I will also be honest with them and tell them about what can happen online and hope for the best.

Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety

It is important to talk to my family about internet safety because you will NEVER be able to know everything that someone does online. So, there's only so much you can do, and that's telling them the truth about what can happen.

What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?

Some advice that I would give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online is to just talk to their kids and tell them about the things that could happen online. Also, to not to ask them for their personal passwords and stay on them every time their online. If they do this then the child will feel integrated and not want to share with their parents. This is extremely bad because you want your child to be able to talk to you.
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U2#8 - Myah McCoy

​   In class we watch Frontline's Digital Nation. The show points out many different things about the internet. One of them was teens growing up online. Teenagers are coming more and more amune to the internet. It can become addictive. Some teens in the video were addicted to social media others were addicted to video games. The most memorable thing that stood out to me was when one of the teenagers said that "when your're online you can anybody you want". This stood out to me because it's so true. Nobody knows who you really are online, it's a escape from reality. It's important to watch videos like these because it makes you realize hoe much we really do use the internet everyday and to not become addicted to it. It also makes you aware of all the dangers the internet can bring if you're not careful. I will keep my future family safe online by having a family computer in the living. Everyone will have their seprate account on the computer and everyone will have a hourly limit on the computer. I will also talk to them about all the dangers that are on the internet so they can be more aware. The advice that I would give to parents that don't know how to keep their their children safe will be to talk to them about the dangers of the internet. Also to have a hourly limit on how much time they can be online.


Frontline: Growing up online

  1. It was about the internet and what parents think about it and what they think about how teens these days are using it.

  2. The most memorable thing about this show was when a kid was convinced by his friend to kill himself and a website.

  3. It is important to watch shows like these so we can learn about everyone's point of view about the internet and the different ways people decide to use it.

  4. Make sure they don’t talk to people they don’t know and not to post anything stupid.

  5. It is important to talk to your family and friends about internet safety because it can also keep them safe and they can give you good advice.

  6. I would tell not to be too protective but just enough to know that they’re not talking to strangers so they should give their children advice then let them do what they need to do.

Growing Up Online - #8

​1.What TV show did you watch in class? 
Growing Up Online
2.What was this show about?
It was about how high school students and the dangers of them basically growing up in such a technology friendly era.
 3.What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?  
The most memorable thing about this show was when the mother of a high school student informed her kid's friends parents about a video showing the inappropriate behavior of them on a train. The mother received many different reactions from the parents from "thank you for informing me" to "get out of our business. It surprised me because what parent wouldn't want to know any trouble there kid is getting into.
4. Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?
It is important to watch shows like this because it aware you of all the dangers that lurk online from social media to games themselves.

5.How will you keep your future family safe online?
To keep my future family safe online I would establish early on the rules of online to build it into them early so they know their rights for their wrongs. I would also create parental controls to restrict bad things from happening.
6. Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety
It is important to teach your family about internet safety so, again, they can be aware of dangers that lurk online.

7. What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?
I would tell that to make there children aware of the dangers and for them themselves to learn dangers so they know how to prevent it. 

U2 #8 Reflection Media

In class we watched Frontline's Digital Nation. The show was about a couple of teenagers who viewed online as a their own digital reality. They were able to really be themselves on the internet without any real physical judgement. The most memorable thing that stood out to me was the ending part when "Autumn's" parents begin to accept her for who she is and who she really wants to be. It is very important to watch shows lie these because it is REALITY! It gives you a feel of people's everyday life. It makes you feel for them and basically just lets you know that there are people out there who are struggling with these types of problems. My future family will remain safe online by following rules and regulations that I set for them. (ie. Tell an adult if there is anything that makes you feel uncomfortable) Also, I will be really strict with enforcing those rules. I believe it is important to talk about internet safety with your family even though people don't do it. It is important because at the end of the day you want to keep your family safe and at well-being. Make sure you check in on your child's online activity even if you have to do it on a sneak.
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U2-#8 Amaris Ortiz

In class, we watched Digital Nation, which was a show about the dangers of technology. The most memorable thing to me about this show was that the teachers or principals could see what was on the students’ computer screens. It is important to watch shows like this because it shows kids what to do and what not to do while using the internet. I will keep my future family safe online by making sure that they now about the precautions when using the internet so that they do not run into trouble later on online. I would tell parents who don’t know how to keep their children safe online to make sure they trust that their kids, know what they are doing on the internet, and to not constantly be checking what they are doing.
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U2-#8 Jowon Dorbor

  1. What show did you watch in class? We watched Digital Nation.
  2. What was this show about? This show was about the different outcomes of using the internet in different ways.
  3. What is the most memorable thing to you about this show? This most memorable was the websites that kid have access (How To Have a Successful Suicide ).
  4. Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these? It's important because parents need to know how much of an influence the internet can have on their child.
  5. How will you keep your future family safe online? By making them thing of the outcomes of the action they make.
  6. Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety? It's important because anything can happen from poor usage on the internet.
  7. What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online? Advice is to have rules. What you should/should not do.

U2-#8 Naima DeBrest

1. The film that we watched was called Growing Up Online and it was about growing up in the digital age. 
2. The most memorable thing was that the teachers could look at a live feed of what the student where looking at on there laptops.
3. It is important to show this type of media because it lets kids know about how to be safe online and the consequences of risky behavior. 
4. I will keep my future family safe by knowing when, why, and what they are doing on the internet. 
5. It is important so your family can know how to be safe also because adults also get tricked and act negatively because of the internet. 
6. I would tell them to make sure the know what there child is doing on the internet and how long they will need the internet.  


Digital Nations

  1. The show was about the how children are online and unsupervised too much. It also touched bases on what kids are hiding from their parents online.

  2. The most memorable moment was when the group of girls realized how petty the fight they got into was over something that happened online.

  3. It is important so that children and adults will know what they are getting into in case something bad might happen to them.

  4. I will keep my future family safe by warning them about situations like these and monitoring their internet time.

  5. It is important to talk about these things with your family so you will not have to hide anything and they can help you if you get into some kind of trouble.

  6. If you do not know how to keep your kids safe at least have a talk with them about what can happen and what is already happening.

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U2-#8 - Lauren Matthews

Growing up online

  1. What was this show about?

    1. this show was about a school in NJ where the internet is very popular and is used in different ways. Ways such as for school purposes, music videos, blog post, fights for entertainment . etc.

  2. What is the most memorable thing to you about this show?

    1. The most memorable thing was people regretting for the wrong of what they did.  

  3. Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these?

    1. It is important to watch these shows to understand the dangers of online.

  4. How will you keep your future family safe online?

    1. To keep my family safe online, we will use online sites that all ages can use and  make sure everything website that is used is overlooked by a parent each week.  

  5. Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety

    1. It is important because you want to be aware of what happens on the internet because it is used all over the world.

  6. What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online?

    1. Keep track of what sites your child uses.


Busted Houses and Bullet Holes

Some movies are set in neighborhoods to portray certain hoods like Compton, Queens, the Bronx, Detroit. Some documentaries try to delve into the dynamics of living in the hood, the systems, rivalries, etc. The portrayals and the footage of the busted houses, bullet holes in signs, expensive cars with special suspensions to rock with down the block, thugs giving you side eye. Most of these aren’t the reality in my hood. Southwest Philadelphia isn’t home to any Bloods or Crips, most of the crew's’ names don’t exist. We don’t have cars rolling down the block at 5 m.p.h., bumping to the bass of any N.W.A or Tupac song. We do have busted houses, bullet holes in signs up and down Elmwood Ave, and people throwing out looks that would make you cry. It isn’t all bad though.

My neighborhood affected me in ways I had never realized until this question was posed to me, what is the relationship between the self and a changing world? It raised me, especially the people in my neighborhood. My neighbors may not have always been the most law abiding citizens, they were pretty dangerous. But they are my second family. They helped me with my throwing arm, protected me, teased me like any big brothers and sisters would. More than anything, they taught me about the world and how people work. I learned how to physically and mentally protect myself. They did not have to say anything to me for me to learn. I would watch.

I was a pretty observant child. I would pay attention to all the conversations I wasn’t supposed to, their body language, everything. Just by watching the world around me, I became a very complex person. My neighbors and even my parents were very quiet but loud. I know that sounds kind of stupid. How can you be quiet and loud? They were quiet about relevant details to stories, what was going on with them and their lives. They were loud about things that did not matter, and what made them mad, etc. I never seen any person or adult around me growing up, back down from a fight or a problem. In turn, I was taught how to defend myself with words and my hands. I was taught that my voice and my opinion mattered, and anyone who said differently could get shut up. I was taught to not be a wimp.

Everyone in their life probably has a bullying story, I have a few of my own. My elementary school was very interesting, and I stuck out a lot. I was very intelligent for my age, I was small and thin, basically an easy target. I started to hate myself then. Yet, I never let anyone get away with it. I learned that you never had to put your hands on someone to hurt them. The problems at school got really bad, but I never let anyone see. I never told my parents or my neighbors, or teachers. I would go off, start firing insults back. I can not really remember the things I would say, but I was eight so I doubt any were worth remembering.

I got to middle school and I was the new kid, but I didn’t really care. I had built up this new person I would be, like most new kids do. I became open about anything, but I caused a lot of problems for myself. Everyone is a mess in middle school, no doubt. No one can look back on those years and say, “Wow, those were some fun times.” I got into a lot of arguments. A lot. The new school, new me attitude had a really strong personality. Anytime I felt disrespected, I popped off. I am still really surprised I never got in a fist fight in my life.

I started to be disliked a lot, just because I didn’t take shit from anyone. With losing friends each year, I never lost my love of learning. So I engulfed myself in school even more. Yet, by the end of middle school, I only had two or three close friends. Which was fine with me, because they were loyal and I am still friends with two of them to this day.

If there was anything I learned from growing up in the hood, it was that you only need two or three people to rock with. Telling your business gets complicated and messy, and nobody deserves to know any part of who makes you who you are. If people aren’t worth it, then you cut them off. Of course in southwest people cut other people off in an entirely different way! Even in this paper, I am not opening up in detail about everything. It is permanently etched in my brain to not give a lot of myself or what I go through up.

In turn, everything I went through in middle school tore me up inside. I never showed it, until one mental breakdown in the hallway in 8th grade. After that incident and graduation, that summer became one of the hardest of my life. I had so much going on and a lot of the problems were all inside of my own head. But just as my hood taught me, you do not let people see. So, I breezed through my freshman and sophomore years as smoothly as I could. And I never got to work out so many things about myself.

I have always known I was a good person, that was never a question. But I had so much to get over. So, I did. A lot of people who have major insecurities and self esteem issues deal with it outwardly and even harm themselves. I never hurt myself, but I took my insecurities out on other people. When I got mad, I was furious, because I had so many emotions going on. I would hone in on something that made me mad other than myself, and feed off of it. It is easier to hurt other people than hurt yourself.

A lot of my neighbors and people I grew up with started to get in trouble. A lot of people who were a big part of my life, got locked up. A lot of my close family friends and family started to die. Not from the streets, but losing them nonetheless. This closed me off even more. I felt as though I did not fit in anywhere. Just as the characters in the novel, “The Yellow Birds,” their worlds were changing everyday, and they felt so closed off from society.

There is this Evergreen tree at the end of my street. If you have ever seen any hood movies, or live in the hood, there are not always a lot of other trees than plain oaks. So an Evergreen is almost impossible to come by. I am mesmerized by it every time I am walking home. It is so out of place. The tree is never bare, but it is magnificent and beautiful. Captivating if you stare for more than a beat. I am that Evergreen. I always have my armour on to protect me from the outside world, I stick out in places, but I am magnificent and beautiful. It may have taken me a long time to grow, but I am not going anywhere anytime soon. I thank my hood for everything it has taught me, my home.

Digital Nation- Reflection: Aysha Siddiquee

1. The tv show that we watched in class was Digital Nation.
2. This show described and gave many examples of how teens and children in Korea were becoming addicted to the internet and how there were institutions created to help them. As well as how laptops are helping students with their education in schools.
3. These shows give you an idea of whats taking place all around the world how other are being affected by the same things we use.
4. I will keep them safe by making sure there is a limit to everything they do online.
5. It's important to talk about internet Safety so they know everything that's out there and how it could affect them so they are aware.
6. To limit the children's internet and as well as occasionally check up on them

Our Counterweight to Discrimination of Muslims in Airports & Planes


We believe that this specific bias needs to end. It is extremely unfair and biased for muslims to be targeted anytime they are in an airport or plane. We should not judge the majority for what the selective few have done. We do not say all Christians are murderers just because the selective have taken multiple lives. Therefore, we neither think nor utter that all muslims are terrorists, for all people have the ability to become a Muslim, therefore implying that if all Muslims are terrorists then all people are terrorists.


We pledge to spread awareness of this important issue by having a notice on the advisory memo and the SLA Media page that supports Muslims and spreads knowledge on this topic. We also want to encourage you to use the hashtag #searcheveryone created by Ijustice Avery on all  social media based on the research of Laith Abuharthieh and Alexander Torres in effort to stop bias against muslims in airports.

Our Counterweight to Asian Bias


With 5 of the 7 of us that regard our parents as “strict”, it is true that the boundaries of strict parents aren’t just residing in that of Asian families. It can occur to every race and/or gender, no matter your background. Usually the term of strict parents comes from the parents childhood as well, as they might have considered their own parents as ”strict”. It’s a big cluster of “strict parents”, and you were possibly born into that lineage. But it’s not something that should overtake every family. They should take ease on their children. Hard work is needed, not just good grades. The parents should take into the account the amount of work the child puts forth to attain a B or below.


We pledge to put forth more effort into our work, and show our parents the hard work, opposed to the good grades. Confronting the parents themselves about the topic could be risky, but it’s nice to resolve with the parents. It’s some understanding between them and you.

Our Counterweight to POC Discrimination in Media

We believe that is important for us as youth to create more content that is POC centric and for directors and casters to cast more POC as leads.

We pledge to watch and spread awareness about media centered around people of color and create more POC inclusive content. 

Orange is the New Black, Being Mary Jane, Quantico and Master of None.
To find these shows click the links below.

U2#8 Gerber

In tech class, we watched a show called Growing Up Online. It was about the first generation of digital natives, and how their lives are different than the generation before them. It talks about the pros and cons of this new technology based lifestyle, and it describes some of the challenges that technology can cause for us in the long run. We learned a lot about how technology can save schools, but how it can also destroy people’s lives. Something that stood out to me is that there are websites that people visit to be encouraged to have an eating disorder. It just seemed like something that people would fight so hard to overcome or that we shouldn’t let happen. I’d hope that more people would visit supportive sites that help with some of the hardships that come with overcoming an eating disorder instead of ones that encourage you to have one.

I think that these shows are semi-important to watch. I think that it is good to know what life was like without technology, how we have grown since its invention, and how it can be abused. Knowing these types of things can influence the ways we live our lives and the decisions we make. That said, this movie was very old, and I’m not sure if it accurately reflects the actions of the younger generations of today. We might not use the internet in the same way people used to. We might be less attached in the ways that others were, but we also might be abusing the web in ways that the movie didn’t show. The internet has grown in big ways since this program was created, and I feel like it would be more impactful if the examples they used were more current and up to date.

Today, problems that come up with internet abuse can be very severe. Hackers can access all of our bank info, personal information, and photos. If someone has this information about you, they can do a lot of damage, both financially and emotionally. Therefore, it’s the parent's’ job to keep their children safe. Parent’s should have a friendly approach to how they monitor their children. Being too overbearing or strict can make the children want to act out even more. A good way to help your kids be safe is to give them your trust. Make sure you tell them that they shouldn’t post anything that could give strangers personal info they could use (exact locations, addresses, credit cards, etc), revealing or inappropriate photos, things that could be seen as bullying, or anything that they would regret when possible employers look them up when they are applying for a job. Hopefully, by giving the children the freedom of making their own good choices, they should think about what they post. If you have a hunch that they aren’t, have a talk about what is appropriate and what isn’t. If that still doesn’t work, maybe consider taking the passwords for certain accounts or keeping an eye out. Different people respond to responsibility in different ways, but for the most part, having the right to make their own decisions will guide your children to make good choices.  

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E1U3: Amigos Son Complicados (Kiah, William, Myah, Sean)

Two friends go to a party, Myah and Kiah. When Kiah sees her most hated person in the world--Sean, her mood changes from happy and festive to dark and gloomy. Friendship matters, but to Kiah, being friends with Sean is not what she wants. You won't believe what happens as a mysterious man helps Sean in his troubles in this crazy installment of a new hit telenovela!

8 Growing Up Online

Kristian Ramos
The Show I watched was called Growing Up Online. It was about Teenagers and Adults, and the affect the internet had on them. The most memorable thing from this show was seeing the treatment for internet addiction. Some kids were sent to camps to help with their addiction. it is important to watch shows like this because they inform you with a lot of information. I will create a set of rules for my future family once I have a family. It always is important to talk with your family, and internet safety is no different. You should touch face with your family and get their perspectives. The advice I would give is to get a grip of what their child is capable of online.

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  • What TV show did you watch in class? Digital nation
  1. What was this show about? Situations that include bullying online and multitasking.
  2. What is the most memorable thing to you about this show? The most memorable was of the boy who got bullied online and committed suicide, it really stuck with me and touched my heart.
  3. Why/Why not -  is it important to watch shows like these? It's important to watch shows because we can learn from their mistakes
  4. How will you keep your future family safe online? I will teach them how to act around the people outside of social media first before giving them any access to computers.
  5. Why is it important to talk with your family about internet safety. To make sure that they don't get into anything shady.
  6. What advice would you give to parents that don't know how to keep their children safe online? To not check up all the time but some times and try not to give them access to technology until much later.
  • Find a copyright-less photo/image to enhance your post

E1 U3 - Naima, Nzinga, Raymond

Two spies in Argentina have caught wind of a bomb going off at a restaurant called: La Brigada. The two spies are women and the bombers are two servers. The spies don't know why the servers want to bomb the restaurant, therefore the spies go to La Brigada. When they get their they are too late, but wait, did you realize the spy and the owner of the restaurant were the same person.