History Journal #37

​What is colonialism?

Colonialism is a method used to control another civilization by enforcing your ideas and beliefs as well as maintaining a military power. Colonialism is the ability to control the countries, government, laws and economy. It is a strategy to turn the "uncivilized" into the oppressors image. 

I Wish I Could ...

Journal #10

I wish I could live in a world where no one was judged. I know it's cheesy and the line "I wish I could live in a world where ..." is used a lot, but nothing ever seems to change. As much time as we spend trying to act the best we can or try and make the world a better place we are the main ones causing all of the problems. We never treat others how we would like to be treated and we only focus on ourselves. I know I do this all the time, putting others down to make myself feel better or to make my friends like me more. However I also know what it's like to be on the other side of the joke and it's not a good feeling. It's not okay that we live like this and that in our society bullying is somewhat okay. I wish I could change the way we all look at each other and not make it all about beauty. 

Lisa-History Journal #14:

"The only thing more dangerous than an idea is a belief. And by dangerous, I don't mean thought provoking. I mean people might get killed.
-Sarah Vowell

I agree with this quote because having a belief is what we live for and we fell really strongly about it but an idea is a thought. An idea may not turn into killing because we will not feel as strongly about it but if we think that killing is the right path than it will be more likely to turn into that.

English Journal

English Journal 8:
Write a made up story about fall.

We sat outside on the porch. Looked as the rain slowly fell from the sky. I got up walked to the store and I turned around and someone was following me, he walked with two black dogs. He was looking right at me with a creepy smile on his face. He wore all black the dogs growled. I started to run. I could feel him gaining on me and I looked back only to find that he was a few feet away from me. I tired to pick up speed, but I just couldn't. I eventually came to a halt and looked back again, almost positive that the man was there. Behind me was the man and his leaches. I looked down only to see that his two dogs weren't connected to the leashes I turned back around and was tacked to the ground by the dogs. They barked, growled, and bit at me and I lost all my hope. Just as I stopped resisting captain underpants saved me. *Fin*

History Journal #32

Has industrialization led to more harm than good, more good than harm or a lot of each?

I believe that it has brought more than good because it made a lot of of small businesses go out of business and the factories would pollute the rivers so the environment was affected and also the product quality went down for example before a shoe makes would make only like one pair of shoes a day specifically made for one person but now factories made hundreds a day due to a higher population and demand.

English Journal #10

​Finish the following statement!
I wish I could...........

I wish I could start my life over. Starting with beging comfortable with  the way I look and the way I feel about myself. Don't get me wrong I love who I am, there is just something I can not do. I can not walk through a crowed of people with out feeling like some type of weirdo way. I always wonder what people may think when they see me so I lower my head in shame, but when you think about it what am I a shamed of. I don't know why this happens to me, but I really tired of this shit. I need a way to gain my selfasteam. When people come and talk to me first it makes me like oh ok I can maybe be a good freiend or person. 

I wish I could read people minds. So I can see what people think od me. To see weither or not the people who smiles in my face are really there for me. This is why I hate going to a new school and why I hate doing somethings. Because I live in fear that someone is talking mad crap about me and for some real ass reason im sick and tired of it and I wish so bad I wish that people didn't come off so dumb then I wouldn't want to feel this bad way. 


EJ 39 jian zhang

What is freedom? Freedom does not exist. It never did and it never will.
The reasoning is simple, we as humans created this thing called "freedom."
Due to that, freedom have different meanings to different people.
When a word changes base on one's opinions, that word is a mere illusion and thus doesn't exist.

Journal 10/11/12

English Journal Entry 6:
Why do humans often treat each other badly? 10/11/12

I think one of the main reasons people treat each other badly is because they're insecure. When a person is insecure they tend to attack others that have the things that they wish they could have bit know they never will. For example, a girl that doesn't thing she's very pretty, sees a girl who she finds very pretty, instead of saying "Wow she's very pretty." she'd most likely say "Ew look at that girl. She's probably a slut."

Journal Blog Post

Journal #45

" 'The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering it's prison" - Fyodor Dostoevsky'

I agree and disagree with this statement.  I think that the degree of civilization should also be dependent on how many people are imprisoned.  Sure the way convicted felons are treated makes a difference in which countries are more humane, but ultimately what matters in a "civilized" perspective is how many people are incarcerated and how effective the system is at rehabilitating them to be citizens of society.  The most uncivilized countries are the most lackadaisical by throwing people in jail and leaving them in a cycle that only throws them back in jail."

English Journal #6

Why do humans treat each other badly?
Humans treat each other badly because we isolate people and put them into categories. Everyone outside of your group is different and therefore not likable in most cases. The people in all of the groups have babies and raise them to believe in the same things and act the same way. 

What different things change this cycle of negative behavior towards each other?
Rebellion. If more children rebell against their parents they are breaking away from these groups. As you can see, little kids have no care in the world about who they hang out and play with. Things like race, religion, language and all the other barriers that separate us don't mean a thing to them. We could learn a thing or two from them. 

Lisa-History Journal #9:

"If I were personally to define religion, I would say that it is a bandage that man has invented to protect a soul made bloody by circumstances. ~Theodore Dreiser, 1941

Pick one quote about religion. Respond to the quote in depth(agree, disagree, connection...)

I think that this quote means that the blood is like our difference and the bandage is covering up our differences and it gives us a sign that we could feel like we are safe. Just like with religion, we could all be different, but religion gives us something to fall back on.
I also think that the bandage represents healing because if we do something wrong we could go to religion because it gives us something to believe in even if we feel hopeless. religion is something that could give us a meaning in life.

Journal 11/5/12

English Journal Entry 1:
Write about a challenge that you are facing. 11/5/12

One of the biggest challenges i've been facing over the past few months is deciding whether or not to continue hanging around some of my friends. They've been in my life for about 3 years and they've probably been the best three years of my life. Although the past few years have been great, I start to think about all of the bad things that came from being with them all the time, and now what i'm wondering is it really worth all the trouble?

English Journal #25

Why do you think professional sports are such a big deal in this country? 

In my opinion sports are such a big deal in this country because the american people don't have anything else to do and it is a way to control the american population, for example they make the american society think that if they don't have a muscular body that they are not appealing to females. I also believe that it is a way to not let the american people voice out there opinion on more important issues. If you combine all the money each sport fan spends on sport it would be around 8 billion dollars.

Why do poeple devote so much time and energy to sports that they watch?

I think that the reason for why people devote so much time and energy into sports they watch is because it is a ways to take there mind off of stuff and it may also help them with some of the problems they are currently going through

History Journal 27

This cartoon shows the perspective of a citizen in the world based on their role/rank in the world. This big fish doesn't have to worry about anyone eating it, so the world is 'just' to him. The middle fish sees 'some justice' in the world because an, but has someone to eat. The little fish is to be eaten by all and never given a chance to prosper and find what is 'just in the world"

English Journal #6

Why do humans so often treat each other badly?

Human treats others badly because of hatred of race, culture, and/or your attitude. Negative attitude tends to lead more negativity treatment towards other people. For race and culture, people may not understand why their "culture" is about. They may look at it strangely and realize that it has nothing to do wit them, so they begin to hate.

What different things change this cycle of negative behavior towards others?

I would say from past experiences. You may experience something bad that had happen to you in your lifetime already. Therefore, you don't want it to happen again. Generally, treat others as you want to be treated.

Journal 18

​He close his eyes and no stories cam to him,
Life to him had became a dark closet to him,
he has became oblivious to his surroundings,
he make the wrong decisions because his decision are blinded by his ego,
he has no hope because he can't seem to let the go and move on,
you need to wake up,
so now close your eyes and let the story come to you.

English Journal #39

How do you define freedom? Provide an explanation for your definition.

I do not feel that I am in a place where I can define freedom. Freedom means different things for each person and cannot be confined by one person's experience. I have yet to decide/ discover what my definition of freedom is but I hope when I find it I do not let it overpower the word and force me to see only my way of thinking.

Lisa-English Journal #36:

What is unique, special or different about graphic novels?

In what ways is a story told through a graphic novel different from a story told in another genre (novels, film, audio, photographs)?

Something unique about graphic novels is that there is mainly dialogues to go with pictures. It does not focus too much on the background and extra detail. It is easy to read along but is able to tell a great story. We could actually see what is happening instead of having to imagine. Graphic novels are told differently from other genres because it uses both the visual aspect and words to tell a story. It gives us a range and it could be similar to movies, photographs and novels.

English Journal # 7

Define religion in your own definition

Religion is a belief that gives people faith to move forward. It helps others define their goals in life and what values they will live by. Religion can help you define what job you have as well as how you treat your family. One thing though that does not define religion is the right to force others to believe what you want to believe. Even if you believe the your reason for forceing the belief is justified. That is my definition of religion. 

History Journal #29: "The Somebodies"

"The Somebodies"
The somebodies
The somebodies are not blind
Blind to the fact that there are nobodies.
Nobodies are powerless
Powerless does not inclue the somebodies.
Somebodies have power
Power is money
Money does not grow everywhere
Everywhere like places in other countries
Countries where countless people are forgotten
Forgotten by the somebodies, everybody
Everybody that is a somebody. 

English Journal #34

How do you define freedom? Why?

I define freedom to be the ability to live without fear, be able to govern yourself and you environment. I define it this way because if you have no choice in the way you live by, if you cannot have an impact on the laws that are in place you do not control yourself, similar to being controlled by a puppeteer. If your actions are being pre-determined how are you free?   

Journal Entry

History Journal #29:

"The Somebodies"

Those who dream of navigation without maps. Those who wish to be like bees. The somebodies that begin their name with a bumble. Everyone dreams of having the sixth sense they possess, but these hopefuls aren't even using all of their 5. They can try and try, forgetting to bring maps. But they'll always end up lost in the end. Perishing, waking up each day like the last, aspiring to be like THEM. The somebodies are falling in numbers. Owners of infinite knowledge. The somebodies; those with everything, seeming like nothing, but still something.
    No way ---> someway.
    No return ---> some paths.
    No hope ---> some to spare.
    No maps ---> no problems.
The somebodies, the Bess, like Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds", knowing always of where they'll land.