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Rugeiatu Bah Overview of Assigned Project
This quarter you have studied how to draw a clear object of a glass in a 3D model using art skills. You learned about the different ways you have to draw the picture depending on where you draw the picture from. The angles matters, because it is what you see, not what you think. I drew this picture using black charcal and a white even sides paper. I started of thinking about the clear object that I wanted to draw, the object that could best fits my skills towards art. I shaded the entire paper light with the charcal. However, I shaded the middle darker and rub it with a paper towel to lightly the shade. I first started with a circle, one on top and one at the bottom. I realize that the object wasn't a circle drawing figure therefore it would be hard to translate the image on the paper. After drawing my model, I beings to transform it, from a 2D model to a 3D model. I drew the light reflection. The parts that are light, I took an erase and erase the top and sides and I added shadows of my object and erase some parts of the object it self to show that the object is a clear drawing.
Kimberly Cayamcela, Quarter 1 work.
-Figure Drawing
Quarter One: Artist Journal
Full Length Drawing
Clear Object
This was my first quarter as an art student since freshman year. It was almost a culture shock to me to remember certain things about the class policies and the general feeling you get when you walk into Mrs. Hull's classroom. The first assignment we had to draw a six foot figure, being that I'm only five feet tall it seemed like it would be a huge challenge but it wasn't as hard as I talked myself into thinking it would be. We used pastels and charcoal to create the drawings. I didn't do a clear object drawing because I was working on the logo for my capstone which is shown above.
Glass and Figure Drawing _ Hunt
This was the first figure drawing that I have done personally for the first time in my entire life. There were many things I could have improved on for example making better shoes and making sure that the legs were straight and didn't look like jello. Therefore, being that I was able to grasp many details, I can call it a success even though Jamie didn't look like "Jamie" within my drawing. When people see my artwork I would like them to think "wow, that has a great amount of detail , I wonder who drew it?".
For our second assignment Ms. Hull told us to draw glass object figures. Going about this seemed like it would be difficult, but with different techniques drawing became one step simpler. The materials we used were an eraser and charcoal for this and of course paper.Two techniques that were done throughout this drawing process were the shading and erasing techniques. I shaded in different areas throughout this image to depict the portions were there were shadows and where the light hits the object. My shadow of my image on the table was lighter because that is the way it looked when I drew it. From this drawing one thing that Ms. Hull taught us to do as a class was to draw what you see, which is what I did.
As seen from my second photo below, this glass object figure was on a table/surface and had water inside of it.
SCOTUS Case - Missouri v. Frye (10/31/11)
Transcript :
6th Amendment :
Galin Frye's situation has brought up the question of (from SCOTUSblog):
"Can a criminal defendant who was convicted after a jury trial later argue that his lawyer was inadequate because he failed to tell him that prosecutors had offered a deal to plead guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence? And, if so, what should courts do to correct the lawyer's error?"
Galin Frye was caught felony driving with a revoked license. He entered a plea of guilty and recieved a sentencing of 3 years in prison. However, his lawyer failed to tell him that the prosecutor offered a plea offer to a a misdemeanor charge instead, in which he'd only receive 90 days in prison. The lawyer exemplified "ineffective assistance of counsel". This situation brings up the issue of "fundamental fairness and reliability of criminal process". This issue states that a client's attorney provide him with ALL of the facts, especially a fact as detrimental as this one.
The only piece of the Constitution that is brought up throughout the case was the Sixth Amendement. Which reads:
"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense."
This was brought up because of the last line, "and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense". Frye and his team of lawyers are arguing that his counsel gave ineffective assistance. Frye and his team are looking for some kind of correction to the lawyer's error. The last moment of dialogue of the argument was, "For this and other reasons stated in our briefing, the Missouri versus Court of Appeals should be reversed."
Clear Object Drawing
The glass cup was more complex then what I actually believed it was. The goal I had was to make a clear object appear on a white paper. Although it was challenging, it was done. With shading, darkening spaces, and erasing.
I first started by taking the black charcoal piece that I had and lighting scribbling over my paper. I then drew a outline of what I imagined the cup to look on paper. Heigh wise, the roundness of it... everything. Then by looking at the size of the paper, I realized that the proportions were off. I then made another attempt at the glass cup. I figured it was too dark for what my goal was to be so then I finally got it right and made my master piece.
I made sure that there was lighting and the shape wasn't a black outline because evidently a clear object isn't black, it's clear. Over all the final product that was made, I was very content with.
Life Size Figure Drawing
Artist Statement
I love the color yellow. I began with simple pastel strokes and it went from there. I choose to make an outline of the model on how I saw it at the moment. Her leaning to the side with her hand on her hip is what I needed and wanted to draw out.
I decided to shape the model's body how she can be seen in person. She had on a hoodie and some jeans with her belt sticking out. As the kept going on I decided to add in the small details such as the knee shading and leg stance. I made the weight that she was putting her body on noticeable. I found myself making the head smaller than the body so I tried to adjust that by rounding out the strokes heavier and making the chin and neck thicker. I choose orange for the shirt under the model's hoodie because I believed that that well suited the color orange.
In my future drawings of life size figures, I will choose to focus on even more lighting and shading. I also will continue to draw what I see in person.
Clear Figure Drawing
make a lot of decisions in this drawing because it’s hard to figure out what
you plan to do. When I start this I just jump right into it, I don’t take time
to think. Just draw what you see. There is nothing to think about, the whole
thing is shading, I just figure out what looks good.
since I enjoy doing this type of drawing I am going to practice more. I think
that nothing will be perfect if you don’t practice first. This was my first
time doing a clear figure drawing. I believe that I did well but I think that
with practice I could do even better. I was challenging my eyes while doing
thins because I had to transfer what my eyes see onto a piece of paper, coping
as many details as possible.
Figure Drawing
There are a lot of decisions that I’m making on this
drawing. I have to look closely and think about what I want my outcome to look
like. When I am ready to draw I look for everyday shapes like lines and
circles. I plan out where they would belong and outline everything I am going
to draw. When I finish my outline I start to add detail and make it look more
like a person.
When I first start this drawing I mess up. For about
the first thirty to forty-five minutes of drawing it doesn’t look like anything
more than a blob of color. I stress out and am frustrated but then I just keep
working about making everything look how I want.
Q1 Art Portfolio - Clear Object Drawing
Wondering what you’re looking at? Well, this is a still art of a mug that was from my school’s “Starry Night” Prom. When drawing still art you need only three things: charcoal, paper, and a BIG eraser. I started off with a mid tone, which is the back shading of my drawing. Then I started off with the outline of the cup and then realized that there was a lighting coming in from the back window so I added the reflection. Lastly, I added the details of the cup and erased anywhere I saw the light coming in.
My inspiration was to have it look like my aunt’s still art drawing of clay pots she keeps in the basement. I always told my self I would become a good enough artist to draw things like that and here that day is. My teacher Ms. Hull showed us a video about a guy drawing a bowl and then told us to pick something and draw it out.
My favorite tool to use was the eraser even though it would smudge some times when too much of the charcoal got onto the eraser. But when I was using the eraser, you could automatically see the change in dimension when you erase and shade a lighter shade to make the picture look more real.
The best thing I did was showing the thickness of the mug in my drawing. The thing I would like to fix is my mid tone because it’s a little off and one side is darker than the other side.
In all, I think that I did a pretty good job in the two and a half classes I spent on this project. I love getting down and dirty when I am drawing everything or anything.
Q1 Art Portfolio - Figure Drawing
What you're looking at is something I've been waiting to do here at SLA. Making a mess, being covered in pastel, and just plain ‘old messing everything and anything up. Figure drawing isn’t easy. You have to get the right proportions and stop and step back to look at your work. It gets tedious but the out come of your drawing is worth it. I got into this assignment with out even being in Ms. Hull’s Advanced Art class. As a freshman, I would walk by and just stare at all of the upper classmen draw and think: “Wow, I’m going to sign up for this class one day!” And now, finally, I got to draw this and well, my process wasn’t as easy as I thought. I feel as if I did well because I like what I drew and so does the model. My favorite things about this work is that I had this mental mind set from Ms. Hull, my art teacher, gave us from day one: “Make a MESS. I want you to mess up and treat your artwork like it’s not precious. Don’t be afraid to mess up and rip your pages!” With that, I blocked every one out and got down and dirty in the pastel. Little did I know pastel is really hard to get out?
My favorite tool to use is my hand because pastel is messy and can add a lot to your drawing if you know how to use it. SMUDGE EVERYTHING TOGETHER! And I just like getting dirty with my projects in art. That is always the best part of this assignment! Wondering my favorite materials? My favorite material to use was this teal color pastel in the mesh of pastel container.
I bet you’re still wondering what I meant when I said that I thought my piece came out pretty nice and the model liked it. Well, I meant that if I liked it and the model that was staring at me draw it likes it then that’s all that matters. Oh, and I hope Ms. Hull and Emma like it too. I spent like three classes on my drawing so I am very proud of it. Everything from the texture, the light, and everything in between. For the texture, I shaded and made deep lines. For light, I focused her light and thought that it was coming from behind her. For color, I used a variety of colors and pastel pieces.
Now in every reflection or after you hand in, there is always that feeling you get when you’re like: “UGH, I could have done that differently!” and man did I have those feelings! The first one was with my model’s hand. It’s all misshapen and not clear. Also, I would change the proportions of how I drew my model. When I work with pastel, I am reminded that it looks best when smudged.
For my process, I started off with a six foot long brown paper and then I picked a lot of colors like blue, green, yellow, and tan to outline and draw out things at different times. I started off with a lot of blobs. Every time I went over my lines of my model, I would use a different color and go over it. I stared off with the head, then moved onto the shoulders, and then took a step back and drew her arms. I got stuck when I was drawing her hands but I didn’t want to spend too much time on that so I moved on to the waist and her slanted legs. I chose to leave out the models arms and just work with the details on her body.
(Uyen Nguyen) Story of a Bill-BM
The story of Lacey Gallagher
Find out more about Lacey Gallagher through this PREZI about Lacey and The Lacey's Law.