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Macbeth Trading cards
Macbeth Song, Treyvon Ingram, Max Gilbert, and Eric Casalena
Other names of songs, 1. Double Thane 2. The King 3. The moon was high 4. The Lady 5. Death of Banquo 6. Duncan’s Deed 7. Macduff’s Ending of the king
Macbeth Act 5 Scene 4.5
The Color Purple Podcast #2 // Lenses
The color Purple- Episode 2- Mindy, Aysha, Alan, Autumn, and Sharron
The Purple Table Talk The names of the group members Aysha Siddiquee, Mindy Saw, Autumn, Sharron Norton, and Alan Chen
Episode 2- Purple Table Talk 2
In this episode of Alice Walker’s The Color Purple we were focused on shedding light on Nettie’s journey and the way that comes about and the changes that were made throughout the beginning and how it comes about especially the way that through her journey the different lenses especially the feminist lens. We dived into the Marxist and Historical to discuss the impact of setting on Nettie especially.
A list of the evidence used (with page numbers) for listeners to locate as desired ( Pg. 121, 170, 179 ) - the letters from Nettie to Celie.
179- Shug’s encounters with Albert explained
Water For Elephants Podcast #2
Uptop Books - Naima DeBrest, Kyianna Thomas, Lauren Matthews
Episode 2: Literary Lenses
The book that we are reading is Water for Elephant by Sara Gruen. During this episode, we will be discussing the relationships and correlations between the characters looking through the literary lenses. Each lens talks about things reflecting on the time period of the book in the 1930s and as well as the social classes between characters. For this podcast, we will be talking about pages 81-275.
“August, wait! Where are you going? I’m going to teach her a lesson,” he says without stopping. But August!” I shout after him. Wait! She was good! She came back of her own accord. Besides, you can’t do anything now. The show is still going! He stops so abruptly a cloud of dust temporarily obscures his feet. He stands absolutely still, staring at the ground. After a long while, he speaks. Good. The band will drown out the noise.” I stare after him, my mouth open in horror. -Page 170, Chapter 12
Kurt's Krew #2: A Truthful Lie
On this week’s podcast, we analyze our reading through literary lenses. We discuss the 1960s and its impact on the themes of the book. One of the major themes ends up being religion’s role in the story. We analyze Bokononism and its undenying contradictions, and truths. The Krew goes back and forth in understanding Vonnegut’s critiques of religion vs science through this fake religion of Bokononism. Finally, we discuss Mona, a strong female character who presents some problems for the narrator John.
“And there’s old Karl Marx…….They got practically every enemy that freedom ever had out there.”(230)
The people of San Lorenzo… are interested in only three things: fishing, fornication, and Bokononism”(234)
“Newt was the quickest, he pointed out to me that I had my passport and my billfold and my wristwatch in my hands” (192)
“I love everyone.” & “Love is good, not bad,” -207
“As your husband, I’ll want all your love for myself” (208)
The JSHow
Hello! The JSHow is back! In today’s episode, we will continue discussing the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson. We will analyze chapters 9-19 with various literary lenses, such as the Feminist and Marxist lense.
Evidence: “would not consent to take a fraction more than what was due to her.” (22) “I’ll finish all of them in the island” (60) “Mate, it’s because I thinks gold dust of you-gold dust, and you may lay to that! (75)
Hope you enjoy the podcast and see you all next week!
-Jacobo, Shana, Harlem
Benzini Bros Podcast @
- Performers vs. workers
- relationship between workers and performers
- relationship between workers
- relationship between performers
- Social societies
The Kitty Committee: Marxist Podcast
Polgreen, Lydia. “Entrepreneurs Rise in Ashes of India's Caste System.” The New York Times, The
New York Times, 10 Sept. 2010,
This article provides insight on the way the caste system and its “fall” have affected politics and entrepreneurs in northern and southern India. In the North, outlawing the caste system lead to many lower caste people jumping into politics, using their caste as a way to motivate voters and gain political power. In the South, the lower castes were mobilizing around economic mobility and opportunity before the removal of the system, making it much easier to join and expand the job market after removal. These polarizing approaches have lead to huge entrepreneurial gain for the South with lots of political divisions in the North. The White Tiger follows a character that moves from the North to the South to follow these economic opportunities and to escape the political polarisation of the North where he recalls never actually voting himself because others had done it for him. The article even goes so far as to say that many in the North “don’t cast their vote; they vote their caste.” This shows the priorities of the North vs the South and of the narrator who prioritizes material gain over ideas and politics, following the Marxist definition.
Little Sisters Podcast James, Kamil, and William
O’Brien invites Winston to his place to review the tenth edition of the Newspeak dictionary (161)
“Do you know that until this moment I believed I had murdered my mother?” (164)
The chapters in Goldstein’s book are titled with the same political propaganda that the party delivers over and over: “Ignorance is strength,” “War is peace,” etc. (188)
“I don’t mean confessing. Confession is not betrayal. What you say or do doesn’t matter; only feelings matter. If they could make me stop loving you—that would be the real betrayal.” (170)
“The whole atmosphere of the huge block of flats, the richness and spaciousness of everything, the unfamiliar smells of good food and good tobacco…” (171)
“The past is whatever the records and memories agree upon. And since the Party is in full control of all records, and in equally full control of the minds of its members, it follows that the past is whatever the Party chooses to make it.” (219)
“It was behind the picture” (227)
“It was my little daughter. She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day.” (240)
Audio Silence Podcast: Episode #2
What the Party did to the act of sex - 67 and 68
“The sexual act, successfully performed, was rebellion.” - 70
“the more men the better” - 128
So It Goes Podcast (Book Club Meeting 2)
Children of the Night Episode 2
Children of the Night Episode 2
Amado, Ethan, Aden, and Shilo
The Women in Dracula
In this episode we focused on the role women play within the novel. We compared the men’s actions to that of the women’s actions within the book. We spoke a lot about Mina’s influences on the books plot and other characters and compared her personality to that of other women’s throughout the book, such as, Lucy. We also speak on the seductive, sexy, and erotic actions of the vampire women and why they are portrayed the way they are.
Pg 253
Pg 40
Pg 41
Pg 201
The Bluest Eye: The Eye Openers Podcast
Ghansah, Rachel Kaadzi. “The Radical Vision of Toni Morrison.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 8 Apr. 2015,
The article was about the author and the book and her radical vision and how she wanted to diversify the writing industry and how she writes about black people. She points out the things they face and how she talks about how she writes to tease her world and to complicate her world. Shown in the book when she writes about different social classes at the time period, Pellocia family who is poor and one example would be Maureen her family has more than they do and you can tell how she is judged by the girls. She writes about the Marxist lens because Pelloca always compares herself to others and wants to be white because they are generally treated better and have a better life in her eyes, she feels if she was white she would not have to deal with issues that she faces that’s part of the reason she wants blue eyes. The article gave me some insight on the author because I now know her purpose for writing and gave me insight on the lens because she writes to point out issues which are showcased in the book like class and comparing to each other.
Hocus Pocus literary lens episode
JAAG Cast 1984 Podcast #2
Podcast 2 - Dracula
Literary Dynamite --- Podcast #2
Mask Off: Episode 2
The Jash Episode 2
In this episode of Jash we will discuss the literary lenses. We connect previous chapters to three type literary lenses. We hope you tune in to next week episode and enjoy.
Chapter 11-20
In the Time of the Butterflies Podcast #2
Illiterate Babies #2: Brendan Hall & Barnes, Sean Johnson, Justin Stewart
1. Marxist lens
2. Old man and the sea
3. “The Politics of Bojack Horseman.” The Political Science Club, 11 Sept. 2017,
4. The article described how the Netflix series, Bojack Horseman, was able to show how wealthy people can struggle with an existential crisis. Their wealth typically plays apart in Bojack's questioning his existance due to having extreme amounts of material possessions and still feeling worthless. This relates to the marxist lens because that point of view questions whether or not humans are worth what they are able to make materialistically. Bojack Horseman's character illustrates how damaging a luxurious lifestyle can be due to his status giving him acess to afford his drug/alcohol addiction. Santiago and the old man are a direct contrast to Bojack's characterization which is why I thought it would be important to discuss. While Bojack has the ability to anything he wants he never feels fully fufilled, which leads to his depression. On the other hand Santiago and the old man are lower class, but more mentally stable due to their shared interest of fishing.
Brendan Barnes
1. Your lens for Podcast #2: Marxist Lens
2. Your Novel: The Old Man and the Sea
3. Your selected companion article, in MLA format: Hurst, Alexander. “The Ugly, Illiberal, Anti-Semitic Heart of the Yellow Vest Movement.” The New Republic, 7 Jan. 2019,
4. This article was about the yellow vest movement. It started off by talking about how a comedian named Dieudonné, sold the yellow vest on his website and they had “Chant des Partisans,” on them. Then people then formed groups and they all had the yellow vest,
Sean Johnson
1. Your lens for Podcast #2:
2. Your Novel:
The Old Man and the Sea
3. Your selected companion article, in MLA format:
“Sweden Has a 70% Tax Rate and It's Just Fine.” Jacobin,
4. 100 words explaining what this article was about, and why it provides additional insight into both your novel and the selected literary lens. (Your write-up can include one direct quote from the article.)
This report is just a general idea of what marxism is and how it affects people as well as how they react to this. In this situation the U.S. is attempting to enact a 70% tax for the rich, people with much wealth are reported to be " freaking out". This shows their attachment to their money, though there is evidence in places like Sweden that these taxes are highly beneficial and are not as bad as they may have seemed.
- The Old man and the Sea
- “I Will Always Stand up Against Injustice”
- This article is basically a summary of an interview that a reporter named Franziska Tschinderle and they were interviewing a guy named Max Zirngast who spend 3 months in a turkish prison. He then talks about his experience in prison. He talked about how he was Isolated from the other prisoners and he said when he gets out, he wants to get his life back together. This relates to "The old man and the sea because Santiago once was considered the best fisherman in town until he went 84 days without catching a fish. He wants to get his life back together by catching the biggest fish of them all.
The Fishermen Podcast #2
Carroll, Aaron E. “When Children Lose Siblings, They Face an Increased Risk of Death.” The
New York Times. 31 July, 2017. Web. 7 Jan, 2019. <
This source, an article published to the New York Times, discusses the repercussions of a child losing their sibling to death. After talking about the increased death rate, it goes on to talk about the child’s ability to understand the event and the family’s reaction. The information will be useful for us, and other readers, to comprehend the reactions the different family members will have in, The Fisherman. The narrator, Ben, is a member of the family and is personally affected by this event, this will be apparent in his presentation of his thoughts and the events. The New Historicist lens directly questions the interpretation and presentation of the literature, making a deeper understanding of Ben’s perspective vital to analyse and discuss the book.
Igbokwe, Joe. “June 12 1993: A Historical Necessity For Nigeria.” Sahara Reporters, Sahara
Reporters, Inc., 10 June 2013,
This source serves as an informal opinion piece from a controversial current day Nigerian politician of the All Progressive Congress party. He attempts to embody the Nigerian sentiment on the June 12th 1993 election by bashing its annulment. He digs into the previous military dictatorship with strongly worded remarks, “Bashiru Tofa… has no sense of history, he remembers nothing and hears nothing, but the world knows about June 12 1993 presidential elections... the crisis, the pains, the agonies, the tears, the killings, the deaths, the chains of events that followed the annulments of that election, and the price Nigeria has paid for this mistake for 20 years”. This connects directly to the trauma that the boys suffered in the text during the election uprising and under the dictatorship of the military leader Bashiru Tofa. This also contextualizes Nigeria in the present day where Chigozie Obioma is writing, which is still in turmoil due to these events. Additionally, the source is semi-unreliable and largely opinionated, representing the perpetuation of the political disparity on this issue and emphasizing its impact.
Willens, Michele. “Sibling Rivalry: The Grown-Up Version.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 14 June 2016,
This article covers siblings rivalries and discusses about how they stem from a place of unresolved issues and a lack of discussion between siblings. It discusses what these issues look like within the household. I found that this related to The Fishermen by Chigozie Obioma because the two brothers, Boja and Ikenna, are in a very heated rivalry with each other. Looking through the New Historicist lens, the reader can see that sibling rivalries are found in many cultures and can often stem from favoritism coming from the parents.