Q2 notebook check

Throughout this quarter, my english notebook has helped me with a lot. One of the things that my my english notebook is great for is jotting down good ideas that pop into your mind that you know you will forget. Another thing that the notebooks are great for is keeping track and staying organized with other work you need to do for that class for example, using it to take notes on about a book if you do not have any sticky notes left. One way that I plan to maximise the use of my notebook next quarter is that when a good idea pops into my head so that i have a notebook full of quality ideas. These are some of the things that I like about my notebook and what I plan to do with it.


Q2 Notebook

This quarter I have used my notebook for journals, class and table discussions, activities, notes, and more. Having a notebook has made it easy for me to prepare for POD discussions, other projects and my benchmark. In quarter one I learned different methods of note organization which I have carried into this quarter and plan to keep for quarter three.


Q2 Notebook- JH

This quarter I have used my notebook for journals, class and table discussions, activities, notes, and more. Having a notebook has made it easy for me to prepare for POD discussions, other projects and my benchmark. In quarter one I learned different methods of note organization which I have carried into this quarter and plan to keep for quarter three. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zjnn3CEPNCU4GlXHIAathDWsGMHGzSzH/view?ts=63c9a96b


My notebook has helped me throughout this quarter because I was able to use it and refer back to it when writing my essay. the most helpful part was my note taking on the mechanics of a funny bit/story. I was able to refer back to that when I needed to create different jokes for my story.

[Q2 Notebook] (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oyjobjv20vrbjmLGDphlhLA_irOUD1MD/view?usp=share_link)

The Journey of Eba

Our story portrays the death of all women on earth, except one. The story describes the events leading up to Eba’s suicide. The world, Eba once knew is no longer what it used to be, which causes her to develop an internal conflict. While she struggles with the fact that her body has become a birthing machine, she later considers all the future generations of women she will have to give birth to, and how they will experience the struggle from the time they hit puberty. Which is what pushes Eba over the edge.

Dystopian BM - Colin, Jalop, Luke, and Ahnyah