Blog Feed
Home Network, Harris
Home Network ,Watson
Home Network Lily Palmer
Home Network, Gonzalez-Ortiz
My Home Network (Siani Davis)
Home Network, Siani Davis
Let me tell you about my home network, it all starts with the internet. My internet server is Verizon Fios. The service travels through a fiber optic cable which is located in my brother’s bedroom. The fiber optic cable also connects to my modem router. The devices that are connected to my network are 4 tablets, 4 cell phones, 1 computer, 3 laptops, my printer and xbox.
Something I learned about home networks in general is that every home network has a different cable. For example, Verizon Fios uses a fiber optic cable while Comcast uses some other cable.
The only thing that is mind blowing to me about the internet is that whatever you decide to post or type is never yours. Even if you delete something, someone can always find it. It is such a bummer that you have to constantly be careful and proof-read what you write or post because it can cause many dangerous issues. It can also possibly create viruses.
Eli Block
My home network is very fast. It works very well but sometimes comcast goes down. I have many things connected to my home network such as 7 computers 2 ipads and 4 iphones. I did not learn much about home networks. I learned that I have a coax cable. If your home network stops working I turn off my motem router then I turn it back on.
My Home Network, Ella Burrows
On my home network, it starts from the “cloud” or further known as the Internet. From there my internet provider is Earthlink, who provides my network with our wifi. We get our wifi from the phone wire that is in our living room. From there, the phone wire is also connected to our modem router. Everything on our network is wireless, which means it does not have to be connected. For instance, our computers, phones, Apple t.v, tablets and desktops are all wireless because they are not connected to our router.
I learned so much from learning about my network. I now know where my wifi comes through, and who provides it. I also learned how expensive wifi can be! I also know that anything you have taken from your computer and downloaded it or put it on the internet will always be there, so that’s why you have to be very careful about what you decide on putting on the internet.
Something I would advise for people who have a home network is to be careful and pay attention to what you decide on doing on your computer, because people could always find what you do and that could be dangerous for your future. I also would say not to download sketchy things onto your computer because that could bring viruses onto your computer.
Eli Block
My home network is very fast. It works very well but sometimes comcast goes down. I have many things connected to my home network such as 7 computers 2 ipads and 4 iphones. I did not learn much about home networks. I learned that I have a coax cable. If your home network stops working I turn off my motem router then I turn it back on.
Home Network, Abuharthieh
Home network, Sell
I have verizon fios which costs 60 dollars a month for a total of 720 dollars a year.
My family has 4-5 laptops, a desktop, multiple phones and a printer connected to our home network. One thing that should be noted is that everything is connected in your home network and oftentimes you can get into one device from another.Home Network, Matthews
Home Network, Cuffey
Home Network, Patton
To be safe and to get network who have fibers in their cables because the internet connection will be better because the fibers make it faster.
home Network, Willis-Carroll
Sample Climate Change Monologue Blog Post
Part II: The monologues! Make sure they are polished and revised. Make sure each monologue has a title and that stage directions are in parenthesis. Make sure the formatting of the whole post is neat.
Part III: The video(s). Post the video to Vimeo. After Vimeo has processed it get the embed code and paste it into the html/embed code section of your blog post. If you do this correctly your video will show up within the blog post itself. (It should not be a link.) Make it clear which monologue is in the video.
Home Network, Barnes
Home Network, Shaw
Home Network, Chen
Home Network, Syeda
Vocab Sentences
World war 2 was assuaged as the war came to an end.
In Jerusalem many jews are pietous.
During one of my brother’s rants I become vapid.
In many stories there is a malevolent character.
The Mbuti are indigenous to Africa
My dog sojourns when I tell him to.
My grandfather expounds his political points.
When I am mad I become erratic.
Sometimes I can be very contentious.
When my mom tells me to take out the trash I begrudgingly agree.
Fishing string is often times discernible.
I love to be auspicious.
I quell quickly after getting mad.
Bees are benign and many people are scared of them.
When someone cries many people tacit each other.
Food is benevolence.
When my friend insulted the teacher I was caught gaping.
Promptness- The promptness of the trolley is very reasuring.
Morbid- Not many people ask morbid questions.
Pulpit- A preacher stands on a pulpit.