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Karate In Philadelphia
Elisa Hyder Globalization Q4 BM: Globalization in Philadelphia Photo Essay
In order to go out and collect my images, I made a notepad on my iPhone with just some general ideas and then set out on foot. One afternoon, I essentially walked home. Using my ideas to guide what neighborhoods and streets to walk through, I just took pictures as I saw fit. If I saw something that I could possibly use, I took a picture of it. After I got home, I then walked more through just my neighborhood of Northern Liberties for pictures. I must have gathered at least 90 photos, which I left sifted through and divided into categories. I then used those pictures and showed them to classmates and my teacher to double check their globalization-ness. The top pictures won the chance to be in the actual project. There were two pictures that made the cut that I would call my favorites: the picture of St. Augustine's and the picture of a mural in my neighborhood. Both of these I felt fell more on the original side compared to my other pictures of foreign cars, banks, and restaurants. I attended St. Augustine's church since I was small and even was an alter server for 4 years, yet I never knew the affect the church had on the Filipino community or the affect that community had on the church. I have also been involved in the Mural Arts program since I was young because of my father's job as an artist. I have personally met many of the international artists in the program and watched several murals comes to life. I now see these murals every day in both Northern Liberties and other parts of the city.
Luckily, I was able to come up with enough pictures for my project, but it was a challenge to find pictures that actually showed globalization in Philadelphia. There are countless things I could have taken a picture of and then explained how they related to globalization, but the trick of this project was clearly showing globalization in the pictures themselves. That was indeed hard for topics other than like trade and economy. Philadelphia, just like many big cities in America, have been affected largely by international imports and exports, but finding obvious sources of globalization other than that is hard. New York City may have been less than a challenge since it is has more obvious communities occupied by only certain groups of people than Philadelphia, but I can see a person doing this project in other large cities having similar problems as me.
I definitely learned more about the functions of Philadelphia and what make this city was it is. I never knew all that stuff about the church I always considered to be "my church." I also just never paid attention to the smaller things like the Chinese stores down the street or the Spanish translations on advertisements and such. Globalization is everywhere and affects everyone. This is what this project has taught me.
Trees: Lorax Style
For my project I worked with the building owners of Science Leadership Academy to get permission to submit an application to the Philadelphia Department of Recreation to get trees planted on the 2100 block of Arch St. Before I appealed to the building owners I first took a tree tenders class from the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society to further my knowledge of trees and to provide more credibility for why I wanted these trees planted. After I met with the building manager and convinced him that what I was doing was something good and would not affect him negatively, the trees were planted and now are growing well. For the future I am working with other SLA seniors to incorporate tree caring into an ILP for next year. As of now the city it taking care of the trees but next year it is up to the owners. This process is one that I have really enjoyed and means a lot to me. I wanted to leave SLA a better and greener place and now I have fulfilled my goal!
Simone Greene's Capstone 2012
Daniel Quach - Capstone 2012
Mentor: Andrew Toy
At The Enterprise Center (TEC) in Philadelphia, I learned about the importance of assisting small businesses, the resources TEC provides for those businesses, and how their success positively impacts the community around them. The Enterprise Center, located on 46th and Market, is a community development corporation, minority business development agency, and provider of access to capital and programs for prospective young entrepreneurs. Specifically at the department I interned at, the Retail Resource Network (RRN), we develop long-term sustainability for new, existing businesses to preserve job security, which results in externalized benefits.
One of the projects I helped organize and worked on was Philadelphia's carrotmob, which was held at West Phillie Produce in West Philadelphia. Below was the flyer for the event.
My Capstone
Capstone2012- Tyler Hankinson
Blog #5
Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner
Gustavo and Nestor were two different people that I talked toWhat did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?
From both people I learned that I am able to keep a conversation going and that it is not that hard to be able to talk spanish with multiple people at one time as long as your focused.How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?
I didn't have a specific goal for goal 5 I just wanted to enhance my spanish and I was able to do that by talking to more than one person at a time.What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)
Something that I think that I did well with all the blog post and especially the final blog post since I spoke with two people at a time.
Natalie Sanchez Capstone 2012
Mentor Name: Melanie Manuel
Summary of project: For my project, I ran a school supply drive at school; the proceeds went to a church community in Honduras.
Abstract: My project consisted of running a school supply drive at SLA. One of my church members had already begun this fundraiser at my church, and I continued it at school to help the cause. This project is extremely important to me because the church that the supplies are going to be shipped to has been affiliated with my church for many years. My process consisted of mapping out my due dates and planning on time, getting some cardboard boxes from my father, placing them in the school hallways, advertising my project via flyers, SLA advisory news, and SLA talk, counting/keeping record of inventory, and finally handing the supplies to my in church mentor/contact. Through the research I conducted regarding Honduras’ education system and economy, I learned how fortunate I am to be a student in the U.S. I also learned how to run a successful fundraiser.
Capstone: Implementing Biological Design of Sharks with Fighter Jet Dynamics
With my desire to learn about the dynamics of fluids, I decided to construct a project that would focus on the mechanics of flight. To execute this idea, I built a wind tunnel that simulates the movement of air over objects. This tunnel is used as a basic method to build automobiles both land and sea as well as aircraft. The project propels smoke through a tube that moves through the tunnel over a series of objects to display the various motions of air depending on its environment.
Shalia's 2012 Blood Drive
Working Up A Sweat
For my senior capstone project I wanted to better myself for the future. I wanted to become a healthier person and learn about different nutrition diets. I had to come up with an exercise method and try to go on a diet. There was a website that I used which helped me keep track of what I ate. I also set up different dates and time that I went to work out. I tried to work out at least 3 times a week and I would switch up my routine in my work out every two-weeks. I switched up my routine because if I was to keep the same workout my body would get used to the work out and I wouldn’t be doing anything to it. I also had to cut back on the fast food, it wasn’t easy but I did very well cutting back on Chinese food, McDonalds, Burger King, and even pizza.
"Are you able to experience culture, simply throughout food?"
The question I had inquired for my
Capstone was “Are you able to experience culture, simply throughout food?’ In
future plans, I want to become a baker therefore making me want to take this
aspect of cooking and add it to my Capstone. I’ve researched the seven
continents looking for recipes that would best fit and it turned out that I had
successfully found cookies/biscuits for each continent that also held history
to each continent as well. With each continent some how, and someway I was able
to finance the supply to make each from scratch. I have learned that you
actually can experience culture throughout food and I’ve been able to do this
just by making cookies/biscuits originated from each of the seven continents.
Capstone 2012
Globalization in Phildalphia: Zayd's 10 Photo Essay Presentation
I had a great time with this project. It was very educational and I really enjoyed going in deep with the different things that are evidence of globalization. The most challenging thing about this project was actually thinking of the different evidence of globalization. It took a while to really think of the different signs of globalization, but after that, it got relatively easy and I just splattered my thoughts into the keynote. The first thing I did for the benchmark was find out the different evidence, write about why they are evidence of globalization in Philadelphia and more, and then finally I went to take the photos of what I had chosen. Most of the pictures were relatively easy to take because they were right in the center city area like the Red Cross and the flags on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. The image that is definitely my favorite is the one with Trade and clothing because it is pretty unique how I took the photo. I literally went and grabbed Daniel Mambu's shirt and took a picture of the tag while he was still wearing it, which gave some great authenticity to it and really showed the true background to how clothing is definitely an example of globalization in not only Philadelphia but all around the world. The evidence of globalization in Philadelphia is very prevalent. Surprisingly enough, most of the evidence is very common and is a clear example of the effects globalization has had on the world. As for Philadelphia in specific, I would say it is more prevalent here compared to other places because of the trends we have and the fashion trends especially. Globalization really has had a surprisingly strong effect. As for the learning aspect of the benchmark, I learned so much. I would never have really realized the true effect of globalization on the world without this benchmark because in today's world that isn't really thought of that often. I also learned that globalization isn't always a good thing, because there are many negative effects globalization has had as well. Overall on the benchmark, I enjoyed it very much and it was a fantastic learning experience.
First I had to
choose a topic that I felt best reflected me as an individual student at SLA
and something that interested me. Next I had to figure out how I could portray
all of it in not only a presentation, but in a way that shows it's importance
to me. I had to also get a mentor and doing plenty of research. One obstacle I ran into was that the show
I helped make the choreography for kept changing. The date kept changing
because the acts that were in the show weren't prepared. Eventually Ashley and
I came up with a schedule that worked for everyone. Another obstacle that I ran into was that I kept changing
how I wanted to portray my project. At first I was going to show a simple slide
show but I knew just having a slide show wouldn't be as appealing to the
audience. I decided to create videos and gather extra footage that would help
the audience members feel more intact with my presentation and more
Shoes for Life
Gonzalez Capstone
By: Gilberto Gonzalez Jr
Mentor: Gilberto Gonzalez Sr
This project is a story written and drawn by Gilberto Gonzalez Jr
Abstract: In this project I wrote and drew a comic book. In the process of making the final product. Some of the things I learned are different drawing techniques, how to write a consistent story. Those are two important factors because my drawing skills at the time I started this capstone weren't on par with my current level of drawing, same could be said with my ability to create an original story.
There are more pages that will be in the comic but i’d like to save them for the presentation.
Brooke Thompson Senior Capstone
Email Confirmation
Mentorship Program
AmeriHealth Mercy Foundation
The purpose of this program is to provide the student with an opportunity to shadow an implementation team as they create, develop and implement health promotions programs for the low income community.
These programs have been created to address prevelent health issues in communities surrounding the 5 county areas (Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware and Chester Counties). Two programs where we would like student involvement are the Healthy Hoops Program and the Living Well Program.
Living Well Program
The AmeriHealth Mercy Foundation’s Living Well program provides overall health and wellness services to low-income, minority and underserved families across the WDAS (Philadelphia-Metro) listening area. The Living Well Program includes two Wellness Conferences, consisting of nationally known motivational speakers, disease prevention workshops (obesity, diabetes, cardio-vascular, cancer), health screenings, stress management tips, nutritious cooking classes and spa activities.
The Living Well Program offers individual health assessments and screenings (blood pressure, glucose, BMI, height, weight, mammograms and dental screenings), provided by a team of physicians and nurses. Health assessments examine each participant's level of physical activity, diet, and other lifestyle choices. Each participant also receives a healthy living guide, a publication featuring articles written specifically for the Living Well Program by medical experts and health professionals. The guide focuses on prevention, awareness, and education to help participants and their families make informed health decisions.
Healthy Hoops Program
The Healthy Hoops Program is an innovative asthma management program that uses basketball as a platform to teach children with asthma and their families how to manage asthma through proper nutrition, exercise, and appropriate medication use. It also focuses on decreasing childhood obesity and increasing cardiovascular activity. Healthy Hoops was created in 2003 by KMHP, in collaboration with local health organizations (the American Lung Association, the Health Federation, Allies Against Asthma, Asthma Educators, Devmar Home Health Agency) and basketball coaches to reduce the gaps in health care for children with asthma, due to racial disparities. Asthma is the most common chronic disease among American children. It is especially prevalent in low-income, African American and minority populations. Since 2003, more than 10,000 children and their family members have participated in Healthy Hoops programs nationally.
The program features basketball clinics for children taught by local and regional basketball legends, stressing appropriate exercise for children with asthma. The program also includes motivational speeches by well-known basketball, sports, television, and music celebrities. Families are provided education about asthma, stress management and nutrition classes.
Brooke Thompson will work directly with Meg Grant, Director of Community Relations, to engage in planning, preparation and implementation. Two upcoming activities include:
November 5, 2012 Bible Way Baptist Church- Living Well Program, Health Ministry Program
November 10, 2012 Healthy Hoops Mini Program in collaboration with Salvation Army
For any further detyails or information please contact Meg Grant, 215-863-5688.
My HIV Event at SLA
Capstone 2012: "The Good Friends"
For my capstone I worked with 3 of my friends to create a student interactive T.V show called “The Good Friends”. Since I worked with a group, each of us had to focus on one main aspect of the show. So I mainly focused on the film aspect of it. I was in charge of being the producer, so I filmed the different episodes as well as edited each one. Through a collaborative effort we were able to successfully create “The Good Friends”.
Artifact: This is the link to our youtube page, which has all of our episodes on it.
Julia's 10 pic Essay
In doing this project, I feel more connected to Philadelphia. I spent a lot of time thinking about how to convey different topics of globalization in a picture. The most challenging part was finding the best shots. I also had trouble finding relevant articles that fit with the topic and Philadelphia. But the final result is very rewarding. My particular favorite is of the woman waiting for the train. It was on one of the days that I could come in late, the train was pulling up and I just photographed what I saw, it made itself. I was also nervous about how I could connect Public Transportation to globalization, but the picture inspired me to try my hardest.
Globalization in Philly is as prevalent as it is in other big cities. This is becuase big cities are made with the same factors. In the United States, immigrants came from all over to live together. I think that the global community is very linked by globalization, making them similar on a basic level. In this benchmark, I got to apply the topics of globalization to the real-world. It was exciting to understand what I've been learning on a deeper level.