Hace tanto frio !

If you want to speak to somebody in spanish to show off that you how to say the weather in spanish, you'll need to know these things:

¿Qué tiempo hace? ( what's the weather like ? )

-Hace ( It's )
  -frío. ( cold )
  -calor. ( hot )
  -viento. ( windy )
  -sol. ( sunny )
  -fresco. ( cool )


You also may need to know is the seasons:

-El invierno ( winter )

-La primavera ( spring )

-El verano ( summer )

-El otoño ( fall )

Here is a video of Anna calling Allen to see what she is wearing tomorrow, she aslo wanted to practice her spanish too:

Que tiempo hace?

So you're going to the beautiful highlands of Guatemala for summer vacation, and you need to check the weather, but the only websites with weather information on Santiago, Guatemala are in Spanish and you don't know a word of it! Theres no need to stress, just use these flashcards as a reference tool. Soon you'll be able to give and ask for the weather!

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https://www.scienceleadership.org/users/jzhang <--- Here are Jian's posts.

https://www.scienceleadership.org/users/wabuali <----Here are Warda's posts.

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Colombia (Abazoski y Getz)

La Aventura a Colombia de Malo y Luis.

El lunes nosotros fuimos a un edificio viejo.

El martes nosotros fuimos a la cuidad. Nosotros nos supimos la historia de Colombia.

El miércoles nosotros fuimos a la ciudad Cali en la noche.

El jueves nosotros fuimos parasailing.

El viernes nosotros encontramos muchas personas.

El sabado nosotros fuimos a la playa.

El domingo nosotros estuvimos en un parque de archaeology.

El lunes malo fue a la iglesia y Luis tomós las fotos.

El martes luis estuve en la jungla y malo fue enfermo.

El miércoles nosotros dejaron colobia en un avion.

El Alfabeto en español

There are two things you need to know to learn the alphabet in Spanish:
1. The alphabet in English
2. The pronunciation of the alphabet in Spanish

Introduction of Video

Here's a video of two people asking each other how to spell their names.
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¡Hola, amigo!

There are two things you need to know to ask for someone's phone number:
1.The numbers in Spanish
2. How to ask for someone's phone number

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Introduction to Video

Here's a video of two people meeting up and asking each other for their phone number.​

¡Hola, extraño!

There are 3 things you need to know
1. How to say hello
2. how to say how are you
3. how to say good bye

1. Hello= ¡Hola!
2. Good morning= ¡Buenos días!
3. Good afternoon= ¡Buenas tardes!
4. Good evening= ¡Buenas noches!
5. How are you?= ¿ Cómo estas?
6.Good bye= ¡Adios!

Introduction to Video

Here's a video of two people meeting again, who knew each other from high school.

Spain ( Yarbrough, Ximines)

En el verano nosotros fuímos España. Nosotros dormimos en Hotel Ritz Madrid en Madrid, España  En Madrid fuímos la Royal Palace, es muy bonita. Fuimose Buen Retiro Park, vimos muchos perros. Dispues, fuímos el resturante La Broche. Comimos paella y las ensaladas. En la noche, caminamos la Gran Vía Avenue . Dispues, fuimos en la hotel.


El día próximo, por la manana, comimos revuelto con setas (mmmmmm….) Fuimos la Barcelona, España. Barcelona es muy bonita. Fuímos La Sagrad Familia, es la inglesía. Dispues, fuímos Picasso Museo. Fuimos el comimos pollo y arroz. Dispues comimos, fuímos la Furnte Mágica en la noche .¿ Que hiciste en el verano ?

Courtesy Phrases

Imagine you're in Spain and you're going out to dinner with some friends that you've made on your trip. In Spain, manners are very important. You don't want to be rude! Use these flashcards to help memorize some basic spainish courtesy phrases. ​

https://www.scienceleadership.org/users/jzhang <--- Here are Jian's posts.

https://www.scienceleadership.org/users/wabuali <----Here are Warda's posts.

Numeros in enspanol


Fist knowing how to count to ten. (very basic)
Knowing how to count to and say bigger numbers.
Then counting by 5,10 etc.
Adding and subtracting, multiplying and dividing in spanish

Let's say your little brother os sister is just learning how to say their numbers in spanish for the first time and, and their saying the numbers wrong. you would know how to correct them and help them succeed than fail. 

Uno dos tres cuartro cinco seis siete ocho nueve diez

cinco diez quince viente vientycinco trenta trentaycinco
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What Holiday is Coming Up


Knowing the months and knowing what holiday is coming up according to what month that is.

This lesson will also tie into the other lesson which is about numbers. Then you will be able to say the date and your birthday in spanish.