3 Important Things in my Life..

My grand mom has been very instrumental in my life. I was I never was really a mommy or daddy’s boy. Instead I loved to spend time with her. As I was younger my grand mom always brags about how she was the first person that I laid eyes on when I was born. What I love the most about her is when she called me to come stay at her house for a period of time. I loved spending time at her house because being there brought a lot of fun times to my childhood. One time my grand mom had set up her own edition “Fear Factor”. I competed against my cousin and little brother as we ate a mix of foods that she created. We were blind folded so we didn’t even get to see what we were eating until after it was over. My cousin won the competition but I didn’t care. I was just excited to be at my grand mom’s house while having fun. Other than my mom, my grand mom has been the person that has influenced me the most in my life. I never felt scared to come to her about anything because she always was that person who would never judge me about what I’m feeling and we understood each other. She has always kept me on the right track and I will always dedicate my success to her.

Basketball has played a big part in my life as well. Besides going to school and having fun all I did when I was play sports as a kid. I played organized basketball and football. Basketball is more of my sport, and I learned that after one season of playing football. Since I was three, I have always had a passion for basketball and to this day until forever, I always will. The first time I picked up a basketball I couldn’t put it down. When I was four or five year old I would always go to Marshall States Park. My uncle would teach me the basics of how to play the game. As I got older and better I would always play him and my friends one on one. I would never forget the times when I would go to the park with my uncle because he taught me everything I know. He pushed me to become better and he would always rough me up. I think that basketball has taught me how to interact with people. I would always go to the court and make friends. I have built a lot of social skills on the basketball court that will for sure follow me through life.

The best experience of my life so far has been my time at my high school, Science Leadership Academy. The first day of school was a day I will just always remember. Nothing really exciting happened, it was a good day and it was just an opportunity to get acquainted with my teachers and my peers that I would be spending the next four years of my life with. I had never looked forward to a new experience as much as I did this one. I remember the first day of my ninth grade year like it was yesterday. I woke up that morning filled with so much energy and anticipation. I showered and dressed quickly, grooming myself as if it was my wedding day. My bus and train ride to school went relatively smoothly. As I got off the trolley and walked to school, I had found myself already making a new friend. He was a 10th grader named Jefferson Cauvin. We talked about the school and what I should expect.

When I stepped into the doors of SLA for the first time, my body took on a rush of excitement. Jeff introduced me to some of his friends and I had already felt as though I was apart of the SLA community. I got acquainted with my teachers and I became friends with many people. Little did I know that this day was the start of my legacy as a person and student. My experience at SLA has been like no other. Even though I am about graduate, I am still learning myself. My school has prepared me to succeed under any circumstances. My life story is just at it's beginning and I believe that I have no ceiling in terms of being successful as long as I stay focused and work hard.

What did I do all weekend? Watch The All Star Festivities!

NBA All Star 2011 was one of the best all star weekends in a while. The weekend included Justin Bieber winning the MVP in the celebrity basketball game, the Atlanta Hawks winning the Haier Shooting Stars competition, Stephen Curry won the Skill Competition, James Jones won the Three Point Shootout, and Blake Griffin won the Slam Dunk contest by dunking over a car. The Western All Stars capped off the weekend by beating the Eastern All stars, 148-143, with Kobe Bryant being acknowledged as the game's MVP after scoring 37 points. It will be hard for next years All Star game to top this past weekend's. But like any all star weekend, I can't wait.

A Fabric Identity

Do you remember what it was like in high school? Every year millions of kids attend Highschool and many the social dramas it brings. While teens are growing they learn about themselves and look for ways to extress it, and inside the Highschool walls they do so while trying to eiter fit in or stand out. In this podcast I interview one of those highschool students and how she crosses a boundary and tries to stand out using her clothes and artistic personality.

Tüby Trio- A Go Go
Django Reinhardt- Limehouse Blues
The Go! Team- Get It Together
Isabella INterview


Keynote of protests in Bahrain, by Jobe, Rashaun, Kyla, Ibrahim
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Leer: La Libertad de Elegir

Los estudiantes en la clase de literatura han elegido novelas escritas en español que les dan la gana de leer como Drácula, Harry Potter, La ciudad de las bestias, Esperanza Renace, El tiempo de las mariposas y otras. 

Para empezar, dedicamos 40 minutos en una clase a la semana para leer; luego, los estudiantes escriben una reflexión aquí en SLATE como una manera de procesar lo que acaban de leer..  Para la tarea, leen 3 reflexiones y responden con comentarios y preguntas.  (Hasta ahora, no hay la opción de hacer commentarios aquí en SLATE así que tenemos que hacerlos en un formato de foro en Moodle.)

Las instrucciones para la primera reflexión:

Después de leer, escribe una reflexión en nuestra página en SLATE sobre el libro.  No importa la cantida sino la calidad. 

Menciona lo suigiente en la reflexión:
  • el título de la novela, el / la autor(a)
  • el género
  • el trama (hasta ahora)
  • predicciones que tienes sobre el trama
  • los personajes (hasta ahora)
  • ¿Te gusta hasta ahora?  ¿Por qué? 
  • ¿El libro se relaciona con algun aspecto de tu vida?  ¿Cómo?  
  • ¿Recomindas el libro?  ¿Para quién?  ¿Por qué?

¡Espero que los alumnos disfruten la experiencia de leer con libertad!

High School Romance. To be or not to be? By Pauline Garcia

High school is where we experience different things about life. First drama, first crush, first boyfriend, first kiss, and first rejection. This is also the time where the hormones of the teens are on their peak. For example would be making out in the hallway and extreme PDA. Does this affect their education and relationship? Are they passing the school policies? To find the answer I, Pauline Garcia, interviewed a teacher and a student to help me understand and find the answer to the questions.
Podcast English

"Not actually Camp Happy" By Jordan McLaughlin

Story about a camp that my grandpa went to, and how it changed his life... The camp was called Camp Happy it was a free camp, prisoners cooked for the campers and the life style while living at this camp was miserable so miserable that my grandpa tried to run away. An example of one of the many things that he needed to go through to get to where he is today. 
Pahomov interview

SPANISH 1 TAREA: Possession 02/23/11

A) "OUR"
Escribe: nuestro, nuestra, nuestros, nuestras
1. . . .  familia es bastante grande
2. . . . profesores son bien simpáticos.
3. . . . novias son muy guapas.
4. . . . clases son demasiado dificiles.
5. . . . director se llama Sr. Lehmann.

B) Escribe en español. 'S NO EXISTE en español.
1. She is Allison's best friend.
2. Baird's class is fun.
3. Allen's computer doesn't work.

Aidan and the

Aidan walked into the wood, wielding only his trusty axe and a thermos of coffee and whiskey. He made sure to step on each of the individual crusty brown leaves lying on the forest floor. He was thinking about his cabin, deeply secluded in the mountain several miles away. He couldn't quite remember if he had covered his logs with the tarp. He wondered if his dog, Bruce Springsteen, was still howling at the oven.

"Fucking dogs," Aidan thought.

If only he didn't have to travel this far everyday. If only Montana hadn't recently passed the Land Protection Act, Aidan wouldn't have to travel several miles by foot every day to avoid cutting down trees in an "environmental preservation zone."

"Fucking treehuggers," Aidan thought.

He finally stopped next to a tall tree with ripe red leaves. He looked up, savoring the view of the sun shining through the beautiful red leaves. For a moment, Aidan remembered. He remembered climbing in these trees as a youngster. Sharing a picnic with his family in this very spot. For a moment, Aidan was not Aidan the lumberjack, but Aidan the human being.

He then swung his axe into the tree until it fell heavily to the ground.

"Fucking nature," Aidan thought.

Is blood thicker than water ?

​What is it like to be a single mom ? Would it be better if the rest of your  family was married ? This podcast is about my mother experience as a single mom is a traditional family. My mother is the interviewee and i am interviewing  her .This is all about her interesting stories of her family i the last 16 years .
Crossing Boundaries _Families Judgement  Podcast

Chris and the Diner

"And don't come back!" she screeched as she threw Chris to the ground. "Ouch," Chris thought, "what a strong woman. She just threw me!"

Chris had just been thrown out of his favourite diner. He had been hitting on the waitress, Carmella, yet again. She told him that he was making her uncomfortable, but he didn't listen. He couldn't. Hard as he tried, he could not manage to stop the steady stream of sexual innuendo and just outright profanity that flowed out of his mouth.

With the help of the handrail against which he fell, Chris pulled himself up, lit a cigarette, and walked away. Like a boss.