Home Network - Isabella Torres

1. The devices connected to my home network is my mom's phone, dad's phone, my phone and my little brothers phone. Also are two iPads, my brother's Wii U, Echo Alexa, and my dad's Macbook. 
2. I learned about how my internet gets into my home, which is through a phone wire. Also, I never knew our internet providers were Comcast. 
3. I would tell people that they need to educate themselves on their home networks because their network providers could be changing their speed or even charging them more money without them even knowing. 

Home Network- Lily Bromley

​1.  explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. 

On my local area network for my home, we have 3 cellphones, Mine, my mom's and my dad's (plus my sister when she is home from college). We have 2 televisions, the one in the living room and the one in my parent's room. Along with that we have 4 computers, my mom's laptop, my dad's laptop, my chromebook and a desktop. 

2. reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if not, write about what you learned.

The thing that I learned that really surprised me was when we learned that the cloud wasn't just an abstract thing. I always knew it was real but I never really comprehended the fact that it was a real, physical thing. 

 3. what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

One thing I would tell others about having their own home network is that the internet is a real physical thing, and that everything you see or do is concrete and will really live forever. 

Network - Nuala

a. My family local area network is xfinity. All of my devices connect to this L.A.N.
b. I am really surprised that we don't connect to a wireless "cloud" meaning our networks travels in the air.
c. I would tell them that there is no such thing as an actual cloud because it's important to understand where everything starts from.

Home Network - Ami Doumbia

​1. explain your L.A.N. Local Area Network - all the devices on your internet connection. 
A. There are 12 devices Connected to my L.A.N. There are 7 phones 2 computers and 2 tvs.

2. reflect on what you learned about networks, did you have an OMG moment that you learned something new and interesting? if not, write about what you learned.

B. I learned that to break the rules you must know the rules and that is key.

3 .what would you tell other people that they need to know about having an ISP/Home network?

C. Be safe and be knowledged on what you are buying.

Home Network - Tristan Dini

1.) My L.A.N network consist of 3 phones, 2 computers, a printer, and an Xbox. They are all connected to a modem router combination which runs through an ONT (optical network terminal). Then out of the ONT runs the phone line and fiber optics cable through the window and then to wherever they go next.

2.) I had one big take away from this and that was how complex networks are. That's not only counting the networks themselves but also all the extra thing that ISPs tack on. The way it all comes down to money is not surprising but still a little bit unexpected at the same time. 

3.) The only thing that anyone looking at internet service providers should know is to make sure you know all the little details in the plan you're buying. Don't let yourself get robbed of your money.

Home Network- Hannah Flanagan

I have XFinity Wifi that connects with a coaxial wire. All of the devices in my house are wireless and the wifi provided. I learned a lot while doing this project. I learned how that most, if not all, companies use a different wire and router. Before this I though there was only one kid of wire, and I didn't know it had an actual name. Finally, I would tell other people to know about their network, because the more you know about it, the more you can understand it as a whole.

Homework Network - Tyria Brown-Smith

  1. On my local area network, i have a home phone, the ethernet, the router, my brother's xbox, the front room tv, my phone, my brothers phone, my moms phone, and my dads phone. they are all connected to the wifi except for the home phone, the house phone is just connected to the internet.

  2. Yes, i did have an OMG moment when i found out some important facts about my wireless connection. I found out that Verizon Wireless sells Wi-Fi hotspot devices, and home Internet services includes 4G LTE Broadband Router with Voice that can power a home's wireless network and connect up to 10 devices and a home phone.

  3. An ISP (Internet service provider) is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet and other related services such as web site building. An ISP has the telecommunication line access required to have a special presence on the Internet. The larger ISPs have their own high speed so that they are less dependent on the telecommunication providers and can provide better service to their customers. Among the largest national and regional ISPs are AT&T WorldNet, IBM Global Network, MCI, Netcom, UUNet, and PSINet.

My Home Network

My L.A.N is connected to my Dad's computer and printer, also my T.V, PS4, Wii, and mine, my Mom's, and my Dad's iphones. Learning about the network was really weird. I never knew how complicated everything that went into keeping a regular network was. About half the names for the technology required sounded like a foregin language to me. Anyone who has a home network should know what a router is or what their ISP is

Home Network-Sam Friedman

a. What is connected to my L.A.N. is my phone, my mom's phone, my computer, my mom's computer, my ps4, our google home, our wii, and our tv/cable box.

b. I learned that all my devices connect to the internet through a modem/router.

c. I would say be careful because wifi providers will try to scam you based on the cable. They say that it will go faster but it won't.

Home Network - Zoe Kwasnicki

The devices on my home network are my phone and my dad's, our laptops, my mom's Mac, my little brother's chromebook and kindle, my dad's iPad, and our Apple TV which connects to our television. One new thing that I learned about networks is that the cable that connects our network to the internet can vary and depending on the type of cable the internet speed in our household can be vastly affected. Something I would tell other people about having a home network is that they should always research and make sure that they are getting their money's worth when choosing an internet service provider in order to avoid signing an unfair contract and losing money.

(Home Network) David Forgrave

1) My L.A.N is wireless and it connects to all of houses tv`s computers and phone`s. It also has great wifi and and it`s really fast.

2) What i learned about networks is that they can connect to multiple devices.

3)I would tell them that they need to learn about the different ones there are and make sure that they know that it provides a lot of the internet.

Home Network - Justine Koffi

 1. The devices connected to my home network are 5 phones, each belonging to one of my immediate family members. My brother Mawuko, my sister Afi, my dad, my mom, and me. Then there are laptops belonging to my brother, my sister, and I. Those are the wirelessly connected devices. Connected through a cable is my desktop computer. Without the desktop, my wifi won't work and vice-versa.

  2. Overall, I learned that the plan I'm on is terrible and I'll definitely be speaking to my father about this. I learned the different components that make up a plan and how people trick you into getting horrible deals

  3. I encourage people to learn and find out what's going on with their network. It'll never hurt to know, even if you can't change anything. 

My Home Network - Gia Torres

My Local Area Network basically looks like a bunch of electronics connected to my internet connection. We are a family where basically everyone has their own personally items. So, everything is connected to the internet 24/7 which, does slow things down. Plus we all have smart tvs and game consoles that sit there and we don’t really use but they are automatically connected taking space. My network is Comcast which in my opinion is kind of slow. But, It also could be everything that is connected to the network.

I actually learned a lot about networks. Especially when we were creating the chart since I had not realized how much was actually on our network alone so, it made me rethink why our network is slow sometimes. Also learning a lot about how network providers trick you into believing you have fast internet connection when they could actually be slowing it down. I was really shocked about how things actually interfere when you add more and more things onto a network.

I would tell them to look at what you are getting into before you chose your provider. Since a lot of providers could trick you into thinking you are getting the fastest service. Also make sure you chose wisely what you want on your network since everything basically gets saved onto your network creating tracks. This is basically what I want other people to know so they are able to get what they actually need to have good service.

Home Network-Xin Yi Zou

My home network contains of two modems/routers. One is modem/router is under a Verizon plan with FIOS tv cable and the other modem/router doesn’t come with a plan, but the wire we use to receive wifi is coax wire. There are many devices connected to these modems/routers. For example, the modem/router with the Verizon plan a laptop, three phone (two are my dad’s phone and one is mine), and one tablet is connected to that wifi. On the other modem/router the rest of the family’s device is connected to the wifi. For example, my sisters’ phones, my brother laptop, my mom’s phone, and etc. What I learned about the network is that it’s like a tiny universe that many people don’t know that exist and it is a complicated process of using the internet in a fast speed. Everything we do online can never be hidden. One thing that surprised me while learning this is that not a lot of people know what is going on behind the screens and they think that if they delete something, it won’t be found anymore. I would tell other people to be careful when they are using the internet or using social media because everything they do can be refound and will be there forever.